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I. Explain the following terms (20 points. Each worth 4 points.)

1. Heckscher-Ohlin theorem

2. Market-Oriented Industries

3. Strategic Trade Policy

4. ad valorem tariff

5. Dumping

6. opportunity cost theory

7.Factor-price equalization theorem

8. Intra-industry trade

9. Economic Integration

10.Increasing Returns to Scale

11. Immiserizing growth

124. Export subsidy

13. Optimum tariff

II. Multiple Choice (40 Points. Each worth 2 points.)

1. Strategic trade policy is unsuitable in such fields as ( c ).

A. computers

B. telecommunications

C. cloth

D. industries that are crucial to future growth

2. What is obveriously fallacious argument for protection.( a )

A. scientific tariff

B. to reduce domestic unemployment

C. cure a deficit

D. safe of infant industry

3. In H-O theory, what is supposed not equal. ( c )

A. technology

B. tastes

C. supply of factors

D. income distribution

4. Trade restrictions are justified to counteract ( a ).

A. predatory dumping

B. persistent dumping

C. sporadic dumping

D. dumping

5. What limits imports to the specified level with certainty? ( b )

A. import tariff.

B. import quotas.

C. technical regulations

D. procurement policies

6. ( c ) is expressed as a fixed sum per physical unit the traded commodity .

A. ad valorem tariff

B. compound tariff

C. specific tariff

D. border tariff

7. What is not the base of Ricardo’s comparative advantage ( d )

A. free trade

B. only two nations and two commodities

C. no transportation costs.

D. technical is changed with time.

8. The marginal rate of substitution(MRS) of X for Y in consumption refers to ( a )

A. the amount of Y that a nation could give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curve

B. the amount of X that a nation could give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain on the same indifference curve.

C. the amount of Y that a nation could give up for one extra unit of X and reach on a higher indifference curve

D. the amount of Y that a nation could give up for one extra unit of X and reach on a lower indifference curve

9. What is the basis for beggar-thy-neighbor argument? ( b ).

A. Factor Endowments.

B. Protectionism.

C. Comparative advantage.

D. Strategic trade policy

10.According to nation’s resources, which nation has a highest level of interdependence? ( a )

A. Singapore

B. U.S.A.

C. China.

D. Japan.

11.who can really get protected? ( d )

A. Capital-intensive industries

B. industries that are not highly organized

C. industries that employ a small number of workers.

D. Labor-intensive industries

12.The community indifference curves are ( b ).

A. Negatively sloped and concave to the origin.

B. Negatively sloped and convex from the origin.

C. Positively sloped and concave to the origin.

D. Positively sloped and convex from the origin.

13.The form or market organization where there are many firms selling a differentiated product and entry into or exit from the industry is easy is called ( b )

A. Complete competition.

B. Monopolistic competition

C. Uncomplete competition.

D. Oligopolistic competition.

14.Increase returns to scale refers to that ( a ).

A. If all inputs are doubled, output is more than doubled.

B. If all inputs are doubled, output is than doubled

C. Output grows proportionately less than the increase in inputs

D. Output grows proportionately equal to the increase in inputs

15.The terms of trade ( b ).

A. is the ratio of the price of its import commodity to the price of its export commodity

B. is the ratio of the price of its export commodity to the price of its import commodity

C. should not be given by the ratio of the price index.

D. When a nation’s terms of trade improve, we can conclude that the nation is necessarily better off because of this.

16. Dumping is ( a )

A. Export a commodity at below cost or at least sell a commodity at a lower price abroad than domestically.

B. Trade volume increases greatly.

C. Import does harm to local industry.

D. All the above.

17.A customs union is more likely to lead to trade creation and increased welfare under the following condition: ( a ).

A. The lower are the preunion trade barriers of member countries

B. The higher are the customs union’s barriers on trade with the rest of the world.

C. The greater is the number of countries forming the customs union.

D. The less competitive rather than complementary are the economies of member nations.

18.Which one is not the benefit from the formation of a customs union ( a ).

A. decreased competition

B. economies of scale

C. stimulus to investment

D. better utilization of the economic resources of the entire community

19.Which one is not the attempts at Economic Integration among developing countries ( b )

A. the free trade area of the Americas.


C. the east African economic community

D. the southern common market

20. At what stage does the production is perfected in the innovating country? ( )

A. StageⅠ.

B. StageⅡ.

C. StageⅢ.

D. StageⅣ.

21. Which of the following is not suitable for explaining the theory of i ntra-industry trade ( ).

A. overlapping demands hypothesis

B. factor-endowment theory

C. the theory of economies of scale

D. monopolistic competition

22. The degree of economic integration varies across forms. Of all the forms below, which involves no sacrifice of autonomy in trade policies towards nonmembers ( c ).

A. a common market

B. a customs union

C. a free trade area

D. an economic union

23. Which of the following is not the subject matter of international finance?( c )

A. foreign exchange markets

B. the balance of payments

C. the basis and the gains from trade

D. policies to adjust balance of payments disequilibria

24. The effect that international trade has on the distribution of income within a nation is that international trade will ( d ).

A. cause the real income to rise of factor intensive in the production of import-competing commodities

B. cause the real income to rise of all factors used in the production of import-competing commodities

C.cause the real income to rise of all factors used in the production of export commodities

D. cause the real income to rise of factor intensive in the production of export commodities

25. Which curve reflects the tastes or demand preference in a nation ( b ).

A. the marginal rate of transformation

B. community indifference curve

C. the production frontier

D. the marginal rate of substitution

26. The first economist to bring the law of comparative advantage into the picture is ( c ).

A. Bertil Ohlin

B. Eli Heckscher

C. David Ricardo

D. Adam Smith

27. According to classical economists, comparative advantage was based on ( a ).

A. the difference in the productivity of labor

B. technological difference

C. the difference in the product quality.

D. the difference in the relative commodity price

28. Which of the following circumstances leads to the rejection of the factor-price equalization theorem ( d ).

A. no factor mobility between industries

B. the productivity of factor of production varies in nations

C. all trading nations establish barriers to the free flow of international trade

D. all of above

29. The Mercantilists did not advocated: ( a)

A. free trade

B. stimulating the nation's exports

C. restricting the nations' imports

D. the accumulation of gold by the nation

30. A difference in relative commodity prices between nations can be based on a difference in: ( c )

A. technology

B. factor endowments

C. tastes

D. all of the above

31. According to strategic trade and industrial policy, the following may well be chosen as the targeted industries to the exclusion of ( d ).

A. automobile industry

B. biotechnology

C. clothing & apparel

D. Aeronautics & astronomy

32. Suppose a product sells for $10,000 but has input costs of $5,000 per unit.In this case, its value added is $5,000.The imposition of a 10% ad valorem tariff on the final commodity raises the sales price from $10,000 to $11,000. How much is the effective rate of protection? ( d )

A. 0%

B. 5%

C. 10%

D. 20%

33. Suppose after the formation of the Europe Union, the British switched to the import of cheese from Irish that was a high-cost producer of cheese, rather than purchased from New Zealand where cheese was cheaper. This is, to some extent, a reflection of ( b ).

A. trade creation

B. trade diversion

C. government's intervention in the cheese market

D. common sense

34. Since an import quota involves the distribution of import licenses, the government must have efficiency considerations as the basis for distribution of the import licenses. From the point of view of the economy as a whole, the best way to allocate licenses is through ( b ).

A. arbitrary official judgments

B. the auctioning of licenses to the highest bidder in a competitive market

C. the government’s issuing

D. potential importers' application for licenses

35. Which of the following barriers does not fall under the heading of non-tariff barriers ( d ).

A. voluntary export restraints

B. Technical and administrative regulations

C. import quota

D. import tariff

36. The optimum tariff, which makes sense to a large nation only, is supposed to be ( b ).

A. a zero import tariff

B. somewhere between a zero import tariff and a prohibitive tariff

C. a prohibitive tariff

D. over and above a prohibitive tariff

37. For a small nation, its welfare in static nature ( ) as a result of its imposition of a tariff on its imported commodities.

A. decreases

B. increases

C. remains constant

D. we have no way of knowing for sure.

38. Export subsidies can be regarded as a form of dumping, and as is viewed by the WTO, constitute unfair competition. So there is justification for foreign governments to retaliate by levying ( d ).

A. antidumping duties

B. variable import levies

C. import tariffs

D. countervailing duties

39.International capital flows increase the national income of both the investing and host countries, but the relative share going to capital and labor is different in both the investing and host countries. From the point of view of the investing nation, which of the following statements is true ( c ).

A. The level of employment tends to rise.

B. In the short-run, the balance of payments tends to better off.

C. the relative share going to capital falls and the share to labor rises.

D. the relative share going to capital rises and the share to labor falls.

40. From the point of view of the world as a whole,international labor migration increases the efficiency in the allocation of labor resources internationally and as a result the world output and welfare ( a ).

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains unchanged

D. depends on the relative strength of economic costs against economic benefits of international labor migration

41.If P

W /P


=2/3 in the U.S. and P




=2 in the U.K. We can say that U.S. has a _____in the

production of cloth, and U.K. has a_____ in the production of wheat. ( )

A. comparative advantage , comparative advantage

B. comparative advantage , absolute advantage

C. comparative disadvantage , comparative advantage

D. comparative disadvantage, comparative disadvantage

42.Suppose that the terms of trade of a nation improved from 100 to 120 over a given period of time, by how much did the terms of trade of its partner deteriorate? ( a )





43. What is the basis for beggar-thy-neighbor argument? ( b ).

A. Factor Endowments.

B. Protectionism.

C. Comparative advantage.

D. Strategic trade policy

44. The H-O theorem isolates ( b) among nations as the basic cause of the international trade.

A. the difference in the productivity

B. the difference in the relative factor abundance

C. the pretrade difference in the relative commodity price

D. the difference in the technology

45. The reduction in each firm’s average costs of production as entire industry output expands is called (b) .

A. economies of scale

B. external economies

C. increasing returns to scale

D. overlapping demands

46. According to the specific-factor model, trade will benefit the immobile factors specific to the nation's__________, and harm the immobile factors specific to the nation's________. ( d)

A. export commodities or sectors, export commodities or sectors

B. import-competing commodities or sectors, export commodities or sectors

C. import-competing commodities or sectors, import-competing commodities or sectors.

D. export commodities or sectors, import-competing commodities or sectors.

47. Comparative advantage seems to determine the pattern of ______,while economies of scale in differentiated products give rise to ______. ( a)

A. inter-industry trade, intra-industry trade

B. inter-industry trade, inter-industry trade

C. intra-industry trade, intra-industry trade

D. intra-industry trade, inter-industry trade

48. The continuous tendency of a domestic monopolist to maximize total profits by selling the commodity at a higher price in the domestic market than abroad is called ( a ).

A. Persistent dumping

B. Predatory dumping

C. Sporadic dumping

D. Export subsidies

49. When lower-cost imports from outside the customs union are replaced by higher-cost imports from a customs union member, ( c ) occurs.

A. Trade creation

B. Trade-Creating Customs Union

C. Trade diversion

D. Trade-Diverting Customs Union

50. A(n) ________________ MRS would result in a community indifference curve that is

__________ from the origin. ( b )

A. increasing, convex

B. declining, convex

C. constant, concave

D. declining, concave

51. In nation 1, we need 3K and 12L to produce a unit commodity X, 2K and 2L to produce a unit commodity Y. Which one is right? ( c)

A. Both X and Y are all K-intensive.

B. X is K-intensive while Y is L-intensive.

C. X is L-intensive while Y is K-intensive.

D. Both X and Y are all L-intensive.

52. When a large nation imposes tariff, ( ).

A. It will increase its trade volume and improve nation’s terms of trade.

B. It will reduce its trade volume but improve nation’s terms of trade.

C. It will increase its trade volume and deteriorate nation’s terms of trade.

D. It will reduce its trade volume and deteriorate nation’s terms of trade.

53. With a given import quota, an increase in demand will result in ( a ).

A. Higher domestic price and greater domestic production than with an equivalent import tariff.

B. Higher domestic price and smaller domestic production than with an equivalent import tariff.

C. Lower domestic price and greater domestic production than with an equivalent import tariff.

D. Lower domestic price and smaller domestic production than with an equivalent import tariff.

54. Customs union that leads to both trade creation and trade diversion ( c)

A. increases the welfare of member and nonmember nations

B. reduces the welfare of member and nonmember nations

C. increases the welfare of member nations but reduces that of nonmembers

D. reduces the welfare of nonmembers and may increase or reduce that of members

55. When a nation lower the import tariff on raw materials, the rate of effective protection tend to ( ).

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain unchanged

D. uncertainty

56. Strategic trade policy is unsuitable in such fields as ( c).

A. computers

B. telecommunications

C. cloth

D. industries that are crucial to future growth

57. With increasing costs, even if two nations have identical production possibility frontier, there will still be a basis for mutually beneficial trade if tastes in the two nations differ. The nation with a relatively larger demand for a commodity will have a ( d )in the commodity.

A. comparative advantage

B. comparative disadvantage

C. absolute advantage

D. absolute disadvantage

58. If only the supply of labor increases in a nation, the nation’s production frontier shifts ( a ).

A. only along the axis measuring the L-intensive commodity

B. only along the axis measuring the K-intensive commodity

C. more along the axis measuring the L-intensive commodity

D. in the same proportion along both axis

59. Which one is not the benefit from the formation of a customs union ( a ).

A. decreased competition

B. economies of scale

C. stimulus to investment

D. better utilization of the economic resources of the entire community

60. A customs union is more likely to lead to trade creation and increased welfare under the following condition: ( a ).

A. The lower are the preunion trade barriers of member countries

B. The higher are the customs union’s barriers on trade with the rest of the world.

C. The greater is the number of countries forming the customs union.

D. The less competitive rather than complementary are the economies of member nations.

III. Briefly expound your understanding of the following questions (each is worth 10 points)

1. Please expound the main content of H-O theorem, and explain the theories briefly.

2. What are the static effects of customs union?

3. Please give the explanation of transportation costs

4.Give some samples about nontariff trade barriers during the past two decades.

5 What are the keys and conclusion of Absolute advantage theory?

6. For all the good that multinational corporations (MNCs) bring about, such as increase in the world output and welfare, they can equally create serious problems in the home nation. What are the problems in the home nation?

Calculation (one question, 10 points)

This is the partial equilibrium effect of an export subsidy. At the free trade price of P X =$3.50, the small nation is a net exporter of commodity X. If the government of the small nation now provides a subsidy of $0.50 on each unit of commodity X exported, P X rises to P X =$4 for domestic producers and consumers. You are required to analyze:

1. What are the effects on the production, consumption and trade volume as a result of an export subsidy?

2. What are the static welfare effect ―consumer loss, producer gain, cost of government subsidy, and deadweight loss of the small nation?

Fill in the blanks according the following figure (8 points).

The free trade price is __________, the consumption is____________. The domestic production is __________. The imports are _______________. With 50% ad valorem import tariff the price for the whole nation is ___ _____, the consumption is ________, the

production is _______. The imports are _____________.

Effective rate of protection (12 points)

Suppose that an automobile sells on the world market for $100,000 and the parts out of which that automobile is made sell for $80,000. If 10% ad valorem tariff is collected on the automobile, (a) what is the effective rate of protection? If (b) 10% and (c) 20% ad volorem are collected on the parts, what are the effective rates of protection? (d) What conclusion can we get if 20% tariff is collected on the parts?

Please analysis the effect of Trade-Diverting Customs Union according to the following figure, calculating the gains and losses from trade creation, trade diversion ,and net effect of

Trade-Diverting Customs Union . (10


Give explanations according to the figure (one question, 10 points)

Question: what does this figure illustrate? Offer as much information as possible you can learn from the figure.

Draw figures and answer questions (12 points)

On the left set of axes, sketch a community indifference curve tangent to the fairly flat section of a concave production frontier. On the right set of axes, sketch another (different) community indifferent curve tangent to the fairly steep portion of another (different) concave production frontier. On the graphs, show, for each nation with trade, the direction (by an arrow on the production frontier) of specialization in production and the equilibrium point of production and consumption.

(a) Which is the commodity of comparative advantage for each nation?

(b)Under what (unusual) condition would there be no such thing as comparative advantage or disadvantage between the two nation?

(c) Explain, for each nation with trade, the equilibrium point of production and consumption. (d) How much does each nation gain in consumption compared with its autarky point?




Chapter 10 Externalities TRUE/FALSE 1. Markets sometimes fail to allocate resources efficiently. ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 10-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Market failure MSC: Interpretive 2. When a transaction between a buyer and seller directly affects a third party, the effect is called an externality. ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 10-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Externalities MSC: Definitional 3. Buyers and sellers neglect the external effects of their actions when deciding how much to demand or supply. ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 10-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Externalities MSC: Interpretive 4. In a market characterized by externalities, the market equilibrium fails to maximize the total benefit to society as a whole. ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 10-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Externalities MSC: Definitional 5. In a market with positive externalities, the market equilibrium quantity maximizes the welfare of society as a whole. ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 10-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Externalities MSC: Interpretive 6. Barking dogs cannot be considered an externality because externalities must be associated with some form of market exchange. ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 10-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Externalities MSC: Applicative 7. The social cost of pollution includes the private costs of the producers plus the costs to those bystanders adversely affected by the pollution. ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 10-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Externalities MSC: Definitional 8. Organizers of an outdoor concert in a park surrounded by residential neighborhoods are likely to consider the noise and traffic cost to residential neighborhoods when they assess the financial viability of the concert venture. ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 10-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Negative externalities MSC: Applicative 9. When a driver enters a crowded highway he increases the travel times of all other drivers on the highway. This is an example of a negative externality. ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 10-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Externalities MSC: Interpretive 10. When firms internalize a negative externality, the market supply curve shifts to the left. ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 10-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Negative externalities MSC: Analytical 663


【国际经济学】英文题库 Chapter 1: Introduction Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States? *A. Coffee, tea, cocoa B. steel, copper, aluminum C. petroleum, coal, natural gas D. typewriters, computers, airplanes 2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of: A. the United States *B. Switzerland C. Germany D. England 3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has: *A. grown B. diminished C. remained unchanged D. cannot say 4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by: A. the size of the nations' population B. the percentage of its population to its GDP *C. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDP D. all of the above 5. Economic interdependence is greater for: *A. small nations


三、名词解释 1.生产者剩余 答:生产者剩余是指生产者愿意接受的价格和实际接受的价格之间的差额。 2.罗伯津斯基定理 答:罗伯津斯基定理是指在生产两种产品的情况下,如果商品的国际比价保持不变,一种生产要素增加所导致的密集使用该生产要素的产品产量增 加,会同时减少另外一种产品的产量。 3.产品生命周期 答:产品生命周期是指新产品经历发明、应用、推广到市场饱和、产品衰落,进而被其他产品所替代四个阶段。 4.购买力平价 答:购买力平价是指两种货币之间的汇率决定于它们单位货币购买力之间的比例。 5.市场内部化 答:市场内部化是指企业为减少交易成本,减少生产和投资风险,而将该跨国界的各交易过程变成企业内部的行为。 6.黄金输送点 答:黄金输送点包括黄金输入点和黄金输出点,是黄金输入、输出的价格上限和下限,它限制着一个国家货币对外汇率的波动幅度。 7.要素禀赋 答:要素禀赋,即要素的丰裕程度,是指在不同国家之间,由于要素的稀缺程度不同导致的可利用生产要素价格相对低廉的状况。赫克歇尔-俄林 定理认为,要素禀赋构成一个国家比较优势的基础 8.比较优势 答:比较优势也称为比较成本或比较利益,是由英国古典经济学家大卫李·嘉图提出的。李嘉图通过两个国家两种产品的模型阐明,比较优势是一国 在绝对优势基础上的相对较大的优势,在绝对劣势基础上的相对较小的 劣势,遵循“两利相权取其重,两弊相衡取其轻”的原则。根据各自的 比较优势来来确定国际分工并进行贸易往来,双方便都可以获得比较利 益。 9.人力资本 答:所谓人力资本是资本与劳动力结合而形成的一种新的生产要素,然们通过劳动力进行投资(如进行教育、职业培训、保健等),可以提高原有 劳动力的素质和技能,劳动生产率得到提升,从而对一个国家参加国际 分工的比较优势产生作用与影响。 10.布雷顿森林体系 答:布雷顿森林体系是指从第二次世界大战结束到1971年所实行的金汇兑本位制。这一以美元为中心的固定汇率制度的特征简而言之便是“美元



郑州航空工业管理学院2010—2011学年第一学期 课程考试试卷( A )卷 课程名称:国际经济学考试形式:闭卷 考核对象(专业或班级):贸易经济、经济学、国际经济与贸易、金融 学、保险学 学号:姓名: 说明:所有答案请答在规定的答题纸或答题卡上,答在本试卷册上的无效。 一、单项选择题(本题总计20分,每小题1分) 1.李嘉图的比较优势理论指出,()。 A、贸易导致不完全专业化 B、即使一个国家不具有绝对成本优势,也可以从出口绝对成本劣势相对较小的产品中获益 C、与不具备绝对成本优势的国家相比,具有绝对成本优势的国家可以从贸易中获利更多 D、只有具备比较优势的国家才能获得贸易余额 2.如果一个劳动力丰富的国家与另一资本丰富的国家进行自由贸易,则() A、两国工资水平都会相对资本成本上升 B、两国工资水平都会相对资本成本下降 C、前一国家的工资会相对后一国家上升 D、前一国家的工资会相对后一国家下降 3.如果机会成本是递增而不是固定不变的,国际贸易将导致()。 A、每个国家完全专业化,且生产成本下降 B、每个国家不完全专业化,且出口产品生产成本不变 C、每个国家不完全专业化,且生产出口产品的机会成本上升 D、每个国家不完全专业化,且生产出口产品的机会成本下降 4.()可用于解释发达国家之间的制成品贸易。 A、比较优势学说 B、要素禀赋理论 C、需求重叠理论 D、绝对优势学说 5.可以解释产业内贸易现象的理论是()。 A、比较优势学说 B、要素禀赋理论 C、绝对优势学说 D、规模经济理论


International Economics, 8e (Krugman) Chapter 14 Money, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates 14.1 Money Defined: A Brief Review 1) The exchange rate between currencies depends on A) the interest rate that can be earned on deposits of those currencies. B) the interest rate that can be earned on deposits of those currencies and the expected future exchange rate. C) the expected future exchange rate. D) national output. E) None of the above. Answer: B Question Status: Previous Edition 2) Money serves as A) a medium of exchange. B) a unit of account. C) a store of value. D) All of the above. E) Only A and B. Answer: D Question Status: Previous Edition 3) Money includes A) currency. B) checking deposits held by households and firms. C) deposits in the foreign exchange markets. D) Both A and B. E) A, B, and C. Answer: D Question Status: Previous Edition 4) In the United States at the end of 2006, the total money supply, M1, amounted to approximately A) 10 percent of that year's GNP. B) 20 percent of that year's GNP. C) 30 percent of that year's GNP. D) 40 percent of that year's GNP. E) 50 percent of that year's GNP. Answer: A Question Status: Previous Edition 5) What are the main functions of money? Answer: Money serves in general three important functions: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; and a store of value. As a medium of exchange, money avoids going back to a barter economy, with the enormous search costs connected with it. As a unit of account, the use of money economizes on the number of prices an individual faces. Consider an economy with N goods, then one needs only (N - 1) prices. As a store of value, the use of money in general ensures that you can transfer wealth between periods. Question Status: Previous Edition


试卷 编号: 郑州航空工业管理学院2010—2011学年第一学期 课程考试试卷( A )卷 一、单项选择题(本题总计20分,每小题1分) 1.李嘉图的比较优势理论指出,()。 A、贸易导致不完全专业化 B、即使一个国家不具有绝对成本优势,也可以从出口绝对成本劣势相对较小的产品中获益 C、与不具备绝对成本优势的国家相比,具有绝对成本优势的国家可以从贸易中获利更多 D、只有具备比较优势的国家才能获得贸易余额 2.如果一个劳动力丰富的国家与另一资本丰富的国家进行自由贸易,则() A、两国工资水平都会相对资本成本上升 B、两国工资水平都会相对资本成本下降 C、前一国家的工资会相对后一国家上升 D、前一国家的工资会相对后一国家下降 3.如果机会成本是递增而不是固定不变的,国际贸易将导致()。 A、每个国家完全专业化,且生产成本下降 B、每个国家不完全专业化,且出口产品生产成本不变 C、每个国家不完全专业化,且生产出口产品的机会成本上升 D、每个国家不完全专业化,且生产出口产品的机会成本下降 4.()可用于解释发达国家之间的制成品贸易。 A、比较优势学说 B、要素禀赋理论 C、需求重叠理论 D、绝对优势学说5.可以解释产业内贸易现象的理论是()。 A、比较优势学说 B、要素禀赋理论 C、绝对优势学说 D、规模经济理论6.一种产品的竞争优势并非长期固定在某一个特定的国家,而是从技术发明国转向生产成本较低的国家,描述这一现象的理论是()。 A、产品生命周期理论 B、要素禀赋理论 C、需求重叠理论 D、规模经济理论 7、社会无差异曲线用来表示()。 A、一国公民不愿意与别国进行贸易的百分比 B、能够为社会成员提供相同满意感的商品消费组合 C、为多生产一单位其他产品而必须放弃的本来生产产品的数量 D、一国具有比较优势的产品


国际贸易部分 一、单项选择题 1.重商主义的基本观点是一种( ) A.国际金融的“乘数理论” B.国际贸易的“零和理论” C.国际金融的“杠杆原理” D.国际贸易的“绝对优势理论” 2.比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是( ) A.劳动生产率的差异 B.技术水平的差异 C.产品品质的差异 D.价格的差异 3.不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论有( ) A.重叠需求理论 B.要素比例理论 C.规模经济理论 D.垄断竞争理论 4.能反映规模经济理论本意的是( ) A.规模报酬递减 B.规模报酬递增 C.规模报酬不变 D.规模成本递增 5.一种产品的竞争优势并非长期固定在某一个特定的国家,而是从技术发明国转向生产成本较低的国家,描述这一现象的理论是() A.雁形模式理论 B.产品周期理论 C.示范效应理论 D.大宗产品理论 6.下列不属于保护贸易学说的理论有( ) A.幼稚工业理论 B.贸易条件恶化论 C.国内市场失灵论 D.资源禀赋论 7.最佳关税水平应等于( ) A.零进口关税 B.零进口关税与禁止性关税之间的水平 C.禁止性关税 D.禁止性关税以上 8.最佳关税的长期目标是() A.从外国垄断厂商那里抽取部分垄断租 B.保护和发展本国工业 C.阻止国外商品进口 D.增加本国财政收入 9.从历史发展看,最为成功的国际卡特尔是( ) A.烟草贸易公司 B.铁路运输公司 C.橡胶生产国组织 D.石油输出国组织 10.从国际经济资源流动的难度看,最容易流动的要素是( ) A.商品 B.资本 C.人员 D.技术 11.国际经济学理论体系发展阶段不包括() A.重商主义 B.古典的自由贸易论及其自由贸易的政策 C.现代国际经济理论 D.重农主义 12.从国际贸易对生产要素分配的影响来看,国际贸易有利于() A.生产进口竞争品中密集使用的生产要素收入的增加 B.生产进口竞争品中密集使用的共同生产要素收入的增加 C.生产出口品中密集使用的共同生产要素收入的增加 D.生产出口品中密集使用的生产要素收入的增加 13.一国利用原材料或资源密集型产品的出口增加本国收入,进而提高本国的储蓄和投资水平,带动经济发展。该理论被称为() A.剩余物质出口理论 B.大宗产品贸易理论 C.比较优势理论 D.产品生命周期理论


绪论 一、单项选择题 1.国际经济学产生与发展的客观基础是() A.国际经济活动范围不断扩大B.国际经济关系日益复杂 C.跨越国界的经济活动不断增长D.国与国之间经济联系密切 2.国际经济学的研究对象() A.国际经济活动B.国际经济关系 C.世界范围内的资源配置D.国际经济活动与国际经济关系 3.国际经济学产生的时间() A.20世纪60年代 B.20世纪50年代 C.20世纪40年代 D.20世纪70年代 二、判断改错题 1.国际经济学产生与发展的理论基础是国际贸易理论。() 2.国际经济学是西方经济学的重要组成部分。() 3.国际经济学的微观部分主要讨论世界范围内的资源配置问题。() 4.国际金融理论与政策是站在单个国家角度来研究金融问题的。() 绪论 一、单项选择题 1.C 2.D 3.A 二、判断改错题 1.×。将“国际贸易理论”改为“国际贸易理论与国际金融理论”。 2.×。国际经济学是从西方经济学中独立出来的一门系统科学。 3.√。 4.×。国际金融理论与政策是独立于个别国家之外来研究所有国家参与国际金融市场的问题。 第二章古典国际贸易理论 一、单项选择题 1.主张对外贸易顺差,并将金银视为财富的唯一形式的理论是()A.比较优势理论B.贸易差额理论C.要素禀赋理论D.相互需求理论2.贸易差额论的政策主张中对发展中国家制定贸易政策有借鉴意义的是()A.发展本国工业B.发展本国航运业C.追求贸易顺差 D.对外贸易垄断3.最早对重商主义提出质疑的英国学者是() A.约翰·穆勒 B.亚当·斯密C.大卫·李嘉图D.大卫·休谟

4.甲国使用同样数量资源比乙国能生产更多的X,则乙国在X生产上具有()A.绝对优势B.比较劣势C.绝对劣势D.比较优势 5.甲国生产单位布和小麦分别需要6天和9天,乙国为10天和12天,根据比较优势理论() A.乙国进口小麦B.甲国出口布C.乙国出口布D.甲国出口小麦6.比较优势理论的提出者是() A.约翰·穆勒B.大卫·李嘉图C.亚当·斯密 D.李斯特 7.被称为西方国际贸易理论基石的是() A.贸易差额理论B.绝对优势理论C.比较优势理论 D.相互需求理论8.比较优势理论认为国际贸易产生的主要原因是() A.劳动生产率的相对差异B.技术水平差异 C.需求强度差异D.商品价格差异9.律师打字速度是打字员的两倍却雇佣打字员打字,以下表述错误的是()A.律师在打字上具有绝对优势B.律师在律师咨询上具有比较优势 C.打字员在打字上具有比较优势D.打字员在打字上具有绝对优势 10.按照比较优势理论,大量贸易应发生在() A.发达国家之间 B.发展中国家之间 C.发达国家与发展中国家之间D.需求相似国家之间 二、判断改错题 1.贸易差额论虽然产生时间很早,但并不是严格意义上的国际贸易理论。()2.贸易差额理论的奖出限入政策是针对所有产品而言的。() 3.贸易差额理论是第一个自由贸易理论。() 4.绝对优势理论分析的是国际贸易实践中的一个特例。() 5.具有绝对优势的产品不一定具有比较优势。() 6.根据绝对优势理论,一国两种产品都处于绝对劣势时仍可以参与互利贸易。()7.比较优势理论认为从理论上说所有国家都可以参与互利贸易。() 8.根据比较优势理论,只有当一国生产率达到足够高时,它才能从自由贸易中获益。 () 9.如果贸易发生在一个大国和一个小国之间,贸易后国际市场价格更接近于小国封闭条件下的国内市场价格。() 三、名词解释 1.绝对优势2.比较优势 四、简答题 1.简述绝对优势理论主要内容。 2.简述比较优势理论主要内容。




国际经济学练习题 一、判断题 1、当开放贸易时,所有消费者的境况都会得到改善。 2、根据简单贸易模型,在贸易发生之前,如果各国的某种商品价格相同,这些国家之间就不会有交换该种商品的动机。 3、如果一国中某生产者通过贸易能使自己的境况得到改善,那么,该国中所有的生产者都会通过贸易来改善自己的境况。 4、在两国间均衡贸易价格条件下,一国对某种商品的过度供给必然与另一国对该商品的过度需求相等。 5、不存在free lunch,但却存在free trade。 6、一国即便在某种商品的生产上具有绝对劣势,它也可以在该商品的生产上具有相对优势。 7、根据H—O理论,一国如果比他国拥有更多英亩的土地,该国便是“土地丰富”的国家。 8、在成本递增的条件下,各国并不一定要完全专业化于一种商品的生产。 9、H—O理论假设各国拥有相同的商品偏好。 10、我们或许可以通过更为细分化的生产要素定义而解决Leontief Paradox。 11、Stolper-Samuelson定理认为,贸易将使丰富要素的所有者得到更低的实际收入,同时使稀缺要素的所有者得到更高的实际收入。 12、如果各国的生产技术相同,贸易便不会使生产要素价格均等化。 13、一国的非技术性工人会比技术性工人更加反对贸易自由化。 14、大国可投资发展进口替代产业而不是出口产业,进而改善本国的贸易条件。 15、按照定义,小国的经济增长将不会使贸易条件发生变化。 16、青春期是一个贫困化增长的好例子。 17、一国生产要素的增长总会使该国更加自给自足,进而减少对国际贸易的依赖。 18、一个与外界隔绝的国家一定会降低其公民的生活水平。 19、产业内贸易在充分竞争性产业中更为盛行。 20、根据H—0理论,各国应进行大量的产业内贸易。 21、规模经济是指资源的平衡增长导致平均成本上升。 22、产业内贸易发生的原因包括产品差异化、规模经济以及收入分配效应。 23、如果瑞士旅行鞋的进口增加,英国皮鞋制造商就会受到损失。 24、自由贸易总是一种比征收关税更好的政策。 25、从量关税的优越性之一是其保护价值量与进口商品的价格上涨保持同步。 26、关税对一个国家来说可能是最优的,但对全球来说不会是最优的。 27、关税给消费者带来的损失要大于它给生产者带来的收益。 28、与关税相比,配额给政府官员以更大的管理灵活性。 29、只要进口许可证是被拍卖的,配额的福利效应就与关税相同。 30、如果一国政府的税收收入很少,它就会倾向于采用关税而不是配额。 31、对于进口国来说,自愿出口限制比进口配额效果更差。 32、自愿出口限制实际上很少是自愿的。 33、对症规则(specificity rule)认为,关税通常不是纠正一国经济中扭曲的最佳方法。 34、贸易保护的国防理论和国家荣誉理论基本上是次优的。 35、如果“learning by doing”意味者今天更多的生产会使未来的成本降低,那么最好的政策就是实行保护性关税。


国际经济学考试试题Last revision on 21 December 2020

郑州航空工业管理学院2010—2011学年第一学期 课程考试试卷( A )卷 课程名称:国际经济学考试形式:闭卷 考核对象(专业或班级):贸易经济、经济学、国际经济与贸易、金融 学、保险学 学号:姓名: 说明:所有答案请答在规定的答题纸或答题卡上,答在本试卷册上的无效。 一、单项选择题(本题总计20分,每小题1分) 1.李嘉图的比较优势理论指出,()。 A、贸易导致不完全专业化 B、即使一个国家不具有绝对成本优势,也可以从出口绝对成本劣势相对较小的产品中获益 C、与不具备绝对成本优势的国家相比,具有绝对成本优势的国家可以从贸易中获利更多 D、只有具备比较优势的国家才能获得贸易余额 2.如果一个劳动力丰富的国家与另一资本丰富的国家进行自由贸易,则() A、两国工资水平都会相对资本成本上升 B、两国工资水平都会相对资本成本下降 C、前一国家的工资会相对后一国家上升 D、前一国家的工资会相对后一国家下降 3.如果机会成本是递增而不是固定不变的,国际贸易将导致()。 A、每个国家完全专业化,且生产成本下降 B、每个国家不完全专业化,且出口产品生产成本不变 C、每个国家不完全专业化,且生产出口产品的机会成本上升 D、每个国家不完全专业化,且生产出口产品的机会成本下降 4.()可用于解释发达国家之间的制成品贸易。 A、比较优势学说 B、要素禀赋理论 C、需求重叠理论 D、绝对优势学说 5.可以解释产业内贸易现象的理论是()。 A、比较优势学说 B、要素禀赋理论 C、绝对优势学说 D、规模经济理论


国际经济学作业 一、名词解释 幼稚产业:所谓幼稚产业是指某一产业处于发展初期,基础和竞争力薄弱但经过适度保护能够发展成为具有潜在比较优势的新兴产业。 倾销:是指一国(地区)的生产商或出口商以低于其国内市场价格或低于成本价格将其商品抛售到另一国(地区)市场的行为。 提供曲线:也称相互需求曲线,是由马歇尔和艾奇沃斯提出的,它表明一个国家为了进口一定量的商品,必须向其他国家出口一定量的商品,因此提供曲线即对应某一进口量愿意提供的出口量的轨迹。两个国家的提供曲线的交汇点所决定的价格,就是国际商品交换价格(交换比率)。 国际收支:国际收支分为狭义的国际收支和广义的国际收支。狭义的国际收支指一个国家或地区与世界其他国家或地区之间由于贸易、非贸易和资本往来而引起的国际间资金收支流动的行为。包括两种具体形式:直接的货币收支和以货币表示的资产的转移。反映了以货币为媒介的国际间的债权、债务关系。广义的国际收支为系统记载的、在特定时期内(通常为一年)一个国家或经济体的居民与世界其他地方居民的全部各项经济交易,不仅包括外汇收支的国际借贷关系,还包括一定时期全部经济交易与往来。 二、简答题 试画出出口贫困化增长的图形并作出分析 答:出口贫困化增长,是指某国的传统出口产品的出口规模极大地增长,但结果不仅使该国的贸易条件严重恶化,而且该国的国民福利水平也出现下降,这种现象一般出现在发展中国家。

贸易条件变化前,该国生产均衡点为A,消费点为C;由于该国传统出口产品X 的出口规模极大增长,使得该国贸易条件恶化,此时,生产点变为A’,消费点变为C’。由图中的无差异曲线可以看出,该国贸易条件的变化使得它的福利水平低于增长前。这种情形就成为“出口贫困化增长”。 产生出口贫困化增长的原因主要有:(1)该国在该种出口产品的出口量中占到相当大的比重,这样,当其出口大幅度增加时,会导致世界市场上出现供大于求的情况,导致价格大幅下跌。(2)该种产品的需求国的需求弹性很低,当产品价格降低时,需求是并不会相应大幅增长。(3)该国经济结构十分单一,依赖该种产品的出口来促进经济的发展,因此在贸易条件恶化的时候也不能压缩出口,而是进一步扩大出口量从而保持一定的出口收入。 试说明国际贸易中要素密集度逆转的情况 答:这是解释列昂惕夫反论的观点之一,它认为,某种商品在资本丰富的国家属于资本密集型产品,而在劳动力相对丰富的国家则属于劳动密集型产品,如小麦在非洲是劳动密集生产过程的产品,而在美国则是资本密集型的产品,也就是大机器和高效化肥生产的产品。所以,同一种产品是劳动密集型产品还是资本密集型产品并没有绝对的界限。在国外属于劳动密集型的产品,也有可能在国内属于资本密集型的产品。 即如果两种要素在行业间的替代弹性差异很大,以至于两种等产量曲线相交两次,那么,可能产生生产要素密集度逆转的现象。即一种产品在A国是劳动密集型产品在B国是资本密集型产品。可能就无法根据H-O的模式预测贸易模式了。


全国2007年4月高等教育自学考试 国际经济学试题 课程代码00140 一、单项选择题25小题1分25分 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的 错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.从十五世纪初到十八世纪中叶A A.重商主义 B.重农主义 C.重金主义 D.货币主义 2.采取进口替代战略的国家不倾向使用的政策是D A.对进口关税设置壁垒 B.对非关税设置障碍 C.对外汇实行管制 D.对本国货币低估对外价值 3.相对技术差异论的提出者是B A.斯密 B.李嘉图 C.奥林 D.赫克歇尔 4.关税与贸易总协定进行了多轮多边贸易谈判C A.日内瓦回合 B.东京回合 C.乌拉圭回合 D.安纳西回合 5.世界贸易组织成立于C A.1993年 B.1994年 C.1995年 D.1996年 6.一般而言不属于外汇市场主要参与者的是D A.商业银行 B.中央银行 C.外贸公司 D.居民个人 7.国际收支平衡表中最重要的收支差额是D A.官方结算差额 B.商品贸易差额 C.基本收支差额 D.经常项目差额 8.国际收支调整的重要基础理论是C A.调整论 B.货币论 C.弹性论 D.平衡论 9.从总体上看 产品的需求弹性的绝对值将A A.大于1 B.小于1 C.等于1 D.不确定 10.在开放经济条件下c=0.6s=0.3 考虑政府的财政收入部分C A.10/9 B.5/3 C.5/2 D.10/3 11.下列属于非关税壁垒的措施是D A.反倾销税 B.反补贴税 C.进口附加税 D.国内最低限价 12.最佳关税来源于B A.进口国厂商 B.出口国厂商 C.第三国出口厂商 D.第三国进口厂商


《国际经济学》复习题及参考答案 K135班 一、名词解释 1、国际经济学:是研究经济资源或稀缺资源在世界范围内的最优分配,以及在此过程中发生的经济活动和经济关系的科学。 2、倾销:海外的货物以低于同样货物的销售价格在同一时候在国内市场类似条件下的出售。 3、国际收支(广义):在特定的时期(一般为一年)内,一个经济体与世界其他地方的各项经济交易。 4、提供曲线:就是相互需求曲线,表明一个国家为了进口一定量的商品,必须向其他国家出口一定量的商品的交换比率。 5、关税同盟:它是指两个或两个以上的国家通过签订条约或协定取消区域内关税或其他进口限制,并对非同盟国家实行统一的关税率而缔结的同盟。 6、贸易条件:即商品的国际交换比率。也就是单位出口能够换回的进口,用出口价格指数比进口价格指数。 7、外汇管制:一国政府通过法令对本国对外的国际结算和外汇买卖实行管制,用以实现国际收支平衡与本国货币汇率稳定的一种制度。 8、汇率:又称为汇价。是不同货币在外汇买卖过程中形成的交换比率。 9、开放经济:一个经济与其外部存在着经济往来关系,如对外贸易、资金流动、劳动力流动等对外经济关系。 10、资本国际流动:指资本从一个国家、地区或经济体,转移到另一个国家、地区和经济体的过程。 二、判断题 1、如果小国对进口商征收关税,那么关税造成的消费者损失小于国内生产商收益与政府关税收入之和。× 如果小国对进口商征收关税,那么关税造成的消费者损失大于国内生产商收益与政府关税收入之和。 2、李嘉图的比较优势理论指出,即使其中一个国家在所有产品上郡具有绝对成本优势,各国也可以根据比较优势进行专业化生产,然后通过贸易获益。√ 3、贫穷化增长适用于长期以来人口增长快于国内生产总值增长的国家。× 贫穷化增长适用于经济是典型的单一经济,离开单一产品的的生产和出口,该国就会陷入困境的发展中国家。 4、社会无差异曲线用来表示能够为社会成员提供相同满意感的商品消费组合。√ 5、产品生命周期理论认为,若任何国家首先成功推广了一种新产品,则这种新产品将在该国经历整个生命周期。× 产品生命周期理论认为,若任何国家首先成功推广了一种新产品,则这种新产品不会在该国经历整个生命周期。 6、幼稚产业是指那些处于成长阶段尚未成熟,但具有潜在优势的产业。√ 7、跨国企业是指向六个以上不同国家出口的企业。× 跨国企业是指在数个国家设有生产工厂的企业。 8、在实施布雷顿森林体系时期,美元是关键货币。√ 9、区分发展中国家和发达国家的最常用但并不完善的指标是人均GDP。√ 10、若美国经济增长速度高于英国,美元相对于英磅升值。× 若美国的通货膨胀速度低于英国,则美元相对于英磅升值。 11、斯密的绝对优势理论指出在贸易中两个国家均能通过出口其比另一国劳动生产率更高的产品获益。√ 12、共同市场是经济一体化的最高阶段。× 完全的经济一体化是经济一体化的最高阶段。 13、战略性贸易政策常常用来支持处于竞争激烈产业中的企业。× 战略性贸易政策常常包括对高技术企业的补贴和其他支持。 14、布雷顿森林体系要求成员国采取浮动汇率制度。× 布雷顿森林体系要求成员国采取以美元为中心的固定汇率制度。 15、货币分析法认为,国际收支赤字的根本原因是国内货币供给大于国内货币需求。√ 16、在金本位制下,一国的高利率和资本流入将有助于该国自动调整国际收支赤字。√ 17、一价定律认为关税不能影响进口产品价格。× 一价定律认为关税能影响进口产品价格。 18、如果德国的利率高于美国,则马克将在远期市场上贴水卖出。√ 19、从日本进口汽车应记入美国国际收支经常账户的贷方。× 从日本进口汽车应记入美国国际收支经常账户的借方。 20、若美国通货膨胀高于英国,美元相对于英磅贬值。√ 三、选择题 1、设一年前美元对人民币的汇率是1美元等于8.2345元人民币,假设美国的物价比前一年上升8%,而中国的物价水平上升10%,则美元与人民币之间理论上的汇率为( A ) A.8.3870 B.8.085 C.10.2931 D.6.5876 2、列昂惕夫反论包括以下解释,除了( B )。 A美国对劳动密集型进口产品征收高额关税 B美国实际上比其贸易伙伴拥有更多的劳动力 C美国的出口产品密集使用了熟练劳动力 D美国倾向于出口需要大量科学和工程技术投入的高技术产品 3.根据相对购买力平价理论,如果英国的通货膨胀率为10%,美国为4%,那么( C ) A 美元相对于英镑升值4% B美元相对于英镑贬值4% C美元相对于英镑升值6% D美元相对于英镑贬值6% 4、不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论有( C ) A. 垄断竞争理论 B. 规模经济理论


1.林德重叠需求论的假设条件和主要观点。 重叠需求理论是由瑞典经济学家林德提出,其理论核心是:两国之间贸易关系的密切程度是由两国的需求结构与收入水平决定的。 重叠需求理论有两个假设条件: 1、消费者行为假设:假设在一国之内,需求受消费者的收入水平决定。不同收入阶层的消费者偏好不同,收入越高的消费者就越偏好奢侈品,收入越低的消费者就越偏好必需品,但如果消费者收入水平相同,则其偏好也相同。2、两国需求重叠的假定:厂商根据消费者的收入水平与需求结构来决定其生产方向与内容,而生产的必要条件是对其产品有效需求的存在;如果两国的平均收入水平相近,则两国的需求结构也必定相似。反之,如果两国的收入水平相差很大,则他们的需求结构也必存在显著的差异。 重叠需求理论的基本观点是,重叠需求是国际贸易产生的一个独立条件。两国之间的需求结构若是越接近,则两国之间进行贸易的基础就越雄厚。当两国的人均收入水平越接近时,则重叠需求的范围也就越大,两国重复需要的商品都有可能成为贸易品。如果各国的国民收入不断提高,则由于收入水平的提高,新的重复需要的商品便不断地出现,贸易也相应地不断扩大,贸易中的新品种就会不断地出现。所以,收入水平相似的国家,互相间的贸易关系就可能越密切;反之,如果收入水平相差悬殊,则两国之间重复需要的商品就可能很少,贸易的密切程度也就很小。 2.国际贸易比较优势理论 比较优势可以表述为:在两国之间,劳动生产率的差距并不是在任何产品上都是相等的。每个国家都应集中生产并出口具有比较优势的产品,进口具有比较劣势的产品(即“两优相权取其重,两劣相衡取其轻”),双方均可节省劳动力,获得专业化分工提高劳动生产率的好处。假设条(1)假定贸易中只有两个国家和两种商品(X与Y商品),这一个假设的目的是为了用一个二维的平面图来说明这一理论。(2)两国在生产中使用不同的技术。技术的不同导致劳动生产率的不同进而导致成本的不同。(3)模型只假定在物物交换条件下进行,没有考虑复杂的商品流通,而且假定1个单位的X产品和一个单位的Y产品等价(不过他们的生产成本不等)。(4)在两个国家中,商品与要素市场都是完全竞争的。(5)在一国内要素可以自由流动,但是在国际间不流动。(6)分工前后生产成本不变。(7)不考虑交易费用和运输费用,没有关税或影响国际贸易自由进行的其他壁垒。但是,在贸易存在的条件下,当两国的相对商品价格完全相等时,两国的生产分工才会停止比较优势理论。如果存在运输成本和关税,当两国的相对价格差小于每单位贸易商品的关税和运输成本时,两国的生产分工才会停止。(8)价值规律在市场上得到完全贯彻,自由竞争,自由贸易。(9)假定国际经济处于静态之中,不发生其他影响分工和经济变化。(10)两国资源都得到了充分利用,均不存在未被利用的资源和要素。(11)两国的贸易是平衡的,即总的进口额等于总的出口额。


计算题及答案 1. 在古典贸易模型中,假设A国有120名劳动力,B国有50名劳动力,如果生产棉花的话,A国的人均产量是2吨,B国也是2吨;要是生产大米的话,A国的人均产量是10吨,B国则是16吨。画出两国的生产可能性曲线并分析两国中哪一国拥有生产大米的绝对优势?哪一国拥有生产大米的比较优势? 思路:B国由于每人能生产16吨大米,而A国每人仅生产10吨大米,所以B 国具有生产大米的绝对优势。 从两国生产可能性曲线看出A国生产大米的机会成本为0.2,而B国为0.125,所以B 国生产大米的机会成本或相对成本低于A国,B国生产大米具有比较优势。 2.下表列出了加拿大和中国生产1单位计算机和1单位小麦所需的劳动时间。假定生产计算机和小麦都只用劳动,加拿大的总劳动为600小时,中国总劳动为800小时。 (1)计算不发生贸易时各国生产计算机和小麦的产量。 (2)哪个国家具有生产计算机的比较优势?哪个国家具有生产小麦的比较优势? (3)如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换22单位的小麦,加拿大参与贸易可以从每单位的进口中节省多少劳动时间?中国可以从每单位进口中节省多少劳动时间?如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,加拿大和中国分别可以从进口每单位的货物中节省多少劳动时间? (4)在自由贸易的情况下,各国应生产什么产品,数量是多少?整个世界的福利水平是提高还是降低了?试用图分析。(以效用水平来衡量福利水平)思路: (1)中国生产计算机的机会成本为100/4=25,加拿大为60/3=20 (2)因为加拿大生产计算机的机会成本比中国低,所以加拿大具有生产者计算机的比较优势,中国就具有生产小麦的比较优势。 (3)如果各国按照比较优势生产和出口,加拿大进口小麦出口计算机,中国进口计算机出口小麦。 加拿大进口一单位小麦需要出口1/22单位计算机,折合成劳动时间来算,生产 一单位小麦本国要用3小时,但生产1/22单位计算机本国要用60/22小时劳 动,所以加拿大进口一单位小麦相当于用60/22小时的劳动换回本国3小时生 产的产品,节省了3-60/22=3/11小时的劳动时间。中国进口一单位计算机需 要出口22单位小麦,相当于用22*4=88小时的劳动换回本国需用100小时生产 的产品,节省了100-88=12小时的劳动时间。 如果世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,则相当于用60/24小时的劳动 换回本国3小时生产的产品,节省了3-60/24=1/2小时的劳动时间。中国进口 一单位计算机需要出口24单位小麦,相当于用24*4=96小时的劳动换回本国 需用100小时生产的产品,节省了100-96=4小时的劳动时间。

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