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China communist party in people’heart

——The earthquake of Qinghai Yushu

On April 14 this year is bound to make people remember the day. In the afternoon, occurred in Qinghai major 7.1 magnitude earthquake, the energy equivalent of 400 Hiroshima atomic bomb, countless lives will always live under the sun into the dark world area, and spread to Southeast Asia and half of China. As at 4:54 p.m. on the 13th, Qinghai earthquake 11 921 people were killed and 60,000 people are still the epicenter region have no news, current earthquake communications, transportation is still suspended. Disaster beyond geographical and time, disaster is our common pain, unable to resist in the face of nature, and only love is us to the eternal power of love is the only counter the natural disaster of our common great power!

Under this pressure, the Chinese people's strong test our strength of character; in time of crisis, will show us a close unity of flesh and blood of Chinese people. 'A difficult one, Plus support', we should, regardless of geography, regardless of nationality, concerns the situation and express love. To do this, as in our initiative Huaxue Zi: positive for disaster area people, out of the hands of enthusiastic, gave us love, Many hands make light, capacity, big or small, regardless of the number of donations, charity or late, the small power is also a support. For earthquake relief, reconstruction assistance to help compatriots in the disaster areas. We

firmly believe that 'the earthquake ruthless, people love'. Sent to disaster areas from our greetings, and whatever financial contributions. Wenchuan earthquake set, China Care. Let the world see a strong China! The unity of China!


If you are a ray of sunshine, you light up a dark? If you are a drop of water, you moisten the inch of land? If you are a food, you feed a useful life? If you are a minimum The 'screw', do you ever stick to their posts? "

Lei Feng is the ray of sunshine, this drop of water, which a grain, Fengyun the smallest screw, although his life was short, but his spirit will linger.

Some say: "into the nineties now, and how everyone thought for themselves, who will carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng to help others?" Then enter the nineties today, we still do not learn from Lei Feng Lei Feng Spirit really obsolete? !

When you fall in the street trail, it was to the side laughing at you, when you did not help;

When your wallet is stolen by thieves, others dare not say a word to see the time;

When you need people to help a person, no one is willing to help you now.

All of you, you would wish? It would have been sour, bitter and astringent. May at this time, a man held out his hand, Qufu you, to help

you, you are ordered him away, and that this spirit out of date, or grateful to accept the help it! The answer is obvious.

When some people turn up their noses when Lei Feng Lei Feng and quietly go abroad, we are shocked and feel very proud to. Lei Feng common as our people's army soldiers, but were higher world, respected by people in the world.

When I was young, Lei Feng's story is deeply imprinted in my mind, we pick up scrap metal with a pair of hands to participate in volunteer work, quietly doing a good deed, unnamed, the spirit of Lei Feng as the spring rain shower, in order to potentially enormous power of nourishing the growth of our generation.

Lei Feng's name has been strange for some people, the spirit of Lei Feng have been inconceivable to some people, but move into the new era of time, living on the same planet's people need a higher spiritual realm, need to develop rich, enterprising and creative courage and our society more urgent need to Lei Feng spirit does not it!

Not even the children with a red scarf Lei Feng you are looking for?

Not even the crowded bus in old age and memory of Lei Feng in you!

Not please everyone all want more social atmosphere!

Not wish to market economy after the people are still honest bully and harmony it?

I firmly believe in the Lei Feng spirit carry forward in the new

generation, shine even more brilliant shine!


篇一:地震演讲稿 尊敬的吴老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好! 您还记得吗? 2008年5月12日下午14点28分。 您还记得吗?中国——四川——汶川县。 您还记得吗?2013年4月20日早晨8点02分您还记得嘛?——四川——雅安 看着这些熟悉的数字我的心是如此的沉重和苦涩 2013年4月20日早晨8点02分,当我们还在熟睡之际,梦想人生之时,雅安却发生了大地震,我们被这残酷的灾难所震醒,心被这残酷的灾难所震颤,在这天灾发生的一刻,我想到了那次汶川地震。它就像噩梦一样留在我们心中永远挥之不去。 那一次,四川汶川县发生了里氏八点零级地震,全国大半地区都有明显震感。它给人们和国家造成了严重的生命和财产损失。说它是大地震,是因为它比我们都知道的唐山地震还要严重,余震异常频繁,是新中国成立以来,一次史无前例的大灾难! 然而,在这如此恐怖的灾难面前,我们的中国子民没有退缩,我们一起手挽手去挑战地震----这个张牙舞爪的恶魔。 “一方有难,八方支援。众志成城,抗震救灾。”不错,当大地震发生后,全国乃至全世界都举行了捐款捐物捐衣捐水活动,各国人民也纷纷解囊相助,用爱心来为灾区人民营造幸福乐园。 两次地震给四川人民带来流离失所的悲痛,同时也体现了众多人们伟大的人格,在灾难降临的时候,四川人民没有退缩,中国人民没有退缩,他们抛弃了个人的一切,甚至写下遗书奔赴抗震救灾第一线。国家领导人不惜一切代价抢救灾情,为灾区人民送去温暖和希望。温家宝总理李克强总理在第一时间赶到了抗灾第一线,向灾区人民嘘寒问暖,表达了党中央对他们的爱护及关心。总理们在抗震前线吃的是馒头榨菜,每时每刻都往返在各个救灾帐篷之间?? 社会的各界仁人志士同样也为抗震救灾做出了很大贡献。他们有的是从全国各地赶来的志愿者,有的是没有遇难的本地人,有的则是来四川探亲的??他们也许失去了亲人,也许没有了家园,但是他们没有时间去过多悲痛,而是化悲伤为力量,为了灾区人民夜以继日地奔波着忙碌着。还有那些最可爱的官兵战士们,为了多救出一个灾民,为了早一分钟让灾民脱离危险,他们置自己的生死于不顾,和时间赛跑,和余震斗争,多么可爱的人啊,我们向他们致敬!在这块被灾难和阴霾笼罩的土地上,每一分每一秒都在回荡着一组组爱的交响乐! 用我们的爱心和行动,谱写出我们众志成城的一个好日子。阳光会灿烂,月亮会微笑,孩子的眼睛会被水灵灵的希望擦亮。我们手牵手,用一种不屈的精神一起去迎接美好的明天!我们手牵手,用一种伟岸的气魄一起去迎接美好的明天!篇二:地震演讲稿.doc 地震演讲稿-国旗下讲话:让我们唱响同一首歌 清风徐来,红日升起,雄壮激越的国歌旋律在校园的高空飘扬的时候,同学们,你有没有感受到这是多么幸福安宁的生活?你有没有为此对这份幸福充满感恩?这些日子,我是如此强烈地感受到了这些,但是我还想到了同一蓝天下却承受着巨大的痛苦的我们的四川同胞们,他们遭遇到毁灭性的人生浩劫,正经受着的家破人亡的悲伤,正面临着大片大片废墟的茫然无措。。。 真相是如此残酷,了解真相更是令人痛苦。但是,哪一个黑头发黄皮肤的的中国人不突然放下手头的工作泪眼婆娑地盯着新闻里一个又一个关于同胞们受灾的镜头,哪一个流着中国血喝着黄河水的中国人不倾耳收听抗震救灾的行动? 下面,我想就我所了解的四川地震的有关情况为大家作个具体的介绍。 北京时间5月12日14时28分,在四川汶川县(北纬31度,东经103.4度)发生7.8级地震。包括北京在内的近半个中国都有震感。此次四川地震震级高,又属浅源性地震,释放能量剧


篇一:感恩祖国演讲稿范文 祖国是我们的根,父母是我们的源。纵使我们参天蔽日,汇成江河都离不开根的滋养,源的补给。落叶归根,饮水思源,我们当永怀一颗感恩祖国、感恩父母的大心。 ——题记 落叶在清空翻飞,谱写一曲感恩的乐章,那是大树对滋养它的大地的感恩;白云在蔚蓝的天空飘荡,绘画了一幅幅动人的画面,那是白云对哺育它的蓝天的感恩;小草在灿漫的阳光下飘摇,舞出了一段段感人的风姿,那是小草对生养它的原野的感恩。 感恩,让我们懂得了生命的真谛。 岁月无痕,蓦然回首,翻阅自己的心灵,总有一段段记忆留在生命的深处不可磨消。每当想起,心力总会情不自禁地涌动起久违的感动。 汶川大地震,震垮了房屋万万千千,震碎了人心千千万万。震动了祖国,震惊了世界,却震不跨祖国人民坚强的信念!众志成城,美好的家园,我们一起重建。 当曾经以为可望而不可及的动人的奥运姑娘嫁到了祖国,十三万万双眼睛热泪盈眶;当圣火热烈地在这片古老的土地上空燃烧,十三万万颗心澎湃不已;当英雄的健儿们为祖国争得了骄人的佳绩,十三万万个中国人沸腾了。我们让世界知道了:于世界之旅上的祖国又嵌入了一方坚实的足迹。 祖国枝繁叶茂的身躯庇护着我们,让我们享受舒适的生活,我们是幸福的。因此,幸福着的我们不能忘记感恩祖国。 祖国有秀丽的风姿,悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,让我们感动不已,祖国的爱是最伟大的。而在我们的生命旅程中也有许多曾给过我们帮助,给过我们关爱,值得我们用尽一生去回忆和留恋,值得我们终生感谢的人。其中,父母的爱是人世间最无私的。 从我们睁开眼睛看这个世界,就沐浴着爱的阳光成长,是父母的爱伴我们度过人生的艰难时刻;也是父母的爱伴我们走过了人生不如意的春天;更是父母的爱让我们到达了成功的彼岸。 现在,只想静静地、静静地聆听那一首歌——《感恩的心》。“我来自偶然,像一粒尘土,……苍天知道我不认输,感恩的心,感谢命运,花开花落我一样珍惜。”歌罢泪眼朦胧。哀哀父母,生我劬劳,念念祖国,育我艰辛。生我者,父母,育我者,祖国。回馈的信念,鞭笞着我持之以恒地努力,永不停息地奋斗。 “祖国、父母;父母、祖国”反复地念着,是您点燃了我们心中的希望,鼓起了我们远航 的风帆,悄悄地滋润着哺育着我们。总让我们饱含热泪,念念不忘。 生活中,我们需要感恩。心存感恩,才会知足惜福,才能滋润生命。我们心中应当永远充满感恩,唯其如此,我们才会快乐一生,我们的生命才会甘美!这就是生命的真谛。朋友,祖国是我们的根,父母是我们的源。让我们铭记,落叶归根,饮水思源,让我们永怀一颗感恩的大心,感恩祖


高中英语作文范文:为地震灾区人民募捐 假设你是学校的学生会主席,你校计划下周举行一次为四川汶川地震灾区人民献爱心捐衣捐款和义卖活动,请你代表学生会向全体同学简单介绍汶川地震灾情,并倡议同学们踊跃捐款,参加义卖活动。 1. 地震灾情:四川省汶川县于5月12日下午2:28分发生八级强烈地震;截止5月22日,已导致68109人遇难,364552人受伤,许多房屋和学校被毁,500多万人无家可归,生活十分困难。 2. 学生需要帮助,学校需要重建;全世界人民都在努力帮助灾区人民,我们也不例外。 3. 号召学生捐衣服,捐零花钱,义卖(bring-and-buy sale)旧书籍、Mp3等。所有物资和捐款将尽快送往灾区。 4. 你的感想。 【参考范文】 Teachers and fellow students, As we all know, an 8.0 earthquake broke out at 2:28pm on May 12th in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. It's reported that the earthquake was so strong that it has caused 68,109 deaths and 364,552 people were hurt. Many houses and schools were destroyed and as a consequence, more than five million people are living a hard life now. Just imagine how the students there need help and that schools should be built so that students can return to classes soon. People all over the world are trying their best to help them, not excepting us. Here Students' Union calls on everyone to give away your old clothes and pocket money and bring your used books, mp3s or something else to sell in the bring-and-buy sale. All the materials and the money to be collected will be sent to the earthquake stricken areas as soon as possible. My fellow friends, "blood is thicker than water"(血浓于水). Please donate your love and give out your hands without hesitation. We believe miracles can be created, a great many lives will be saved and the harmonious society is sure to be achieved. That's all. Thank you!


英语爱国演讲稿——我是一个中国人ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, i am chinese. i am proud of being a chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. i’ve learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. i’ve learned about the great wall and the yangtze river. i’ve learned about zhang heng and i’ve learned about zheng he.who says the yellow river civilization has vanished?i know that my ancestors have made miracles on this fertile land and we’re still making miracles. who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into space, and that our gnp ranks no. 7 in the world? we have experienced the plunders by other nations, and we have experienced the war. yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----china, unyielding and unconquerable! i once came across an american tourist. she said, “china has a history of five thousand years, but the us only has a history of 200 years. five thousand years ago, china took the lead in the world, and now it is the us that is leading.” my heart was deeply touched by these s. it is true that we’re still a developing nation, but it doesn’t mean that we can d(请您继续关注好)espise ourselves. we have such a long-standing history, we have such abundant resources, we have such intelligent and diligent people, and we have enough to be proud of. we have reasons to say proudly:we 第1 页共1 页




地震感人故事演讲稿 让我们焚起九柱心香,深深地为遇难同胞祈祷。让我们铭记那些危难时刻挺身而出的平凡英雄,铭记那些 ___的忠诚卫士、白衣天使,铭记所有为抗震救灾奉献力量的人们。下面是为大家收集关于地震感恩演讲稿范文,希望能帮到你。 尊敬的各位老师、同学: 大家好。 今天是20xx年5月12日,九年前的今天,也就是20xx年5月12日,注定要使我们用九生去铭记。 浩荡宇宙,悠悠华夏。然而汶川地底的九次震动,震动了中国,震动了世界。无数的同胞转瞬而逝,无数的房屋顷刻瓦砾。汶川成为了川之伤,成为了国之殇!九年过去了,我们希望逝者已达天国,更希望生者业已新生。回首看看这九年,给我们留下了深刻的记忆,眼泪可以重流,悲伤可以再述,震后这九年我们共同祭奠。 还记得在那段哀痛的日子里,全国人民心手相连,共度灾难,九幅幅画面让我们感慨万千,九个个身影让我们肃然起敬,九份份感动让我们记忆犹新。面对无数生命被掩埋在废墟中,失去亲人的人

们对着废墟呼唤。山悲水泣天垂泪,星暗云浓地含愁。汽笛为故去生灵而哀鸣,国旗为百姓而垂降。 然而,伟大的中国人并没有因此而被打倒。我们在挫折中奋斗,在逆境中淬炼,在悲痛中崛起,在废墟上前行。怀着对生命的敬畏,全国人民联合起来,不分昼夜,无私奉献,打响拯救生命的接力战。无数的同胞被救出,神州大地上出现了九个又九个感人的图画。 然而,还是有很多同胞离我们远去,他们走得毫无声息,他们的离去更让我们看到了生命的可贵。逝者已逝,生者更应承逝者之遗志,奋然而前行!所以伟大的中国人民抖去了满身的尘土,揩干伤口的血迹,鼓足生活的勇气和力量,踏上了恢复生产的艰辛征程。 经历了悲痛、镇定、坚强、抗争之后,伟大的抗震救灾精神让中华民族更加团结,更加奋进,更加成熟。精神的力量让我们九次次动容,九次次得到洗礼,让我们看到了生命的可贵,让我们看到了在和平环境下成长的年轻九代的责任感,让我们看到了民族未来的希望。 在汶川地震九周年到来之际,让我们焚起九柱心香,深深地为遇难同胞祈祷。让我们铭记那些危难时刻挺身而出的平凡英雄,铭记


预防地震的英语作文范文预防地震的英语作文预防地震的英语作文 As we all know,the earthquake is inevitable,but we can take some methods to reduce it.First,when the earthquake happen we should hide under the furniture which are very solid(坚固的).Second,we should keep calm,and don't worry about it.Third,we should make sure that the door is open so as to escape.Besides,we should prepare something which we must carry when the earthquake happe.The things which we should carry is that enough water and food,a flashlight,a blanket and so on.TH most important point is that we must learn something about earthquake. Today, there are ways to protect and prepare possible sites of earthquakes from severe damage, through the following processes: earthquake engineering, earthquake preparedness, household seismic safety, seismic retrofit (including special fasteners, materials, and techniques), seismic hazard, mitigation of seismic motion, and earthquake prediction. Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more


英语演讲稿:地震 sinceweenterthe21stcentury,thespiritofcooperationhasbecomem oreandmoreimportant.win-winisapopularword.inthisway,oneplus oneisactuallybiggerthanratherthanjustequaltotwo. inthishighlydevelopedsociety,theprogressofscienceandtechnol ogyistheresultofcooperation.thehumangenomeprojectisagoodexa mple.morethan1000topscientistsfromdifferentcountrieshavepar ticipatedinthegreatproject.everyscientistmaybea’one’,buto neplusone,thefinalresultismuchgreaterthan’two’. thethemeofoursocietyisnotcompetition,butcooperation.everyst ageofpracticeshowsthatpeoplewithspiritofcooperationorteamwo rkwillwinsuccessmuchmoreeasilythanthosewithoutthespirit,and acountryorregionwilldevelopfasterandbetterifcooperatingwith theoutsideworldinsteadofself-enclosed.wecanbenefitfromeacho herifwecreatevaluetogether.wemustcorrectlyhandletherelation shipbetweencooperationandcompetition,andlearntocooperatewit hother.weneedtomakeoneandonebiggerthantwo. theterribledisastercausedmorethen40075inhabitantsdeathsandc


关于预防地震的演讲稿 各位老师,各位同学:早上好! 2008年5月12日的汶川地震、2019年4月20日的雅安地震给我们的同胞带来了巨大的生命和财产损失。今天利用国旗下的讲话,给大家介绍一些简单的预防地震灾害的小常识。 1.地震知识 地震是一种自然现象,当前人力尚不能阻止地震的发生。但是,我们能够采取有效措施,限度地减轻地震灾害。 因为地球持续运动,逐渐积累了巨大能量,在地壳某些脆弱地带造成岩层突然发生破裂或错动,这就是地震。 地震前兆指地震发生前出现的异常现象,如地震活动、地表的明显变化以及地磁、地电、重力等地球物理异常,地下水位、水化学、动物的异常行为等。 2.发生有感地震应急行动 有感地震是指发生的地震级别较低,有明显震感,没有造成破坏和重大破坏的地震。 应急要点: ○发生有感地震后,室内人员在震发瞬间不知道地震强弱的情况下,应迅速按预先选定的较安全的室内避震点分头躲避。 ○震后快速撤到室外,注意收听、收看电视台、电台播发的相关新闻,做好防震准备。 ○了解震情趋势,不听信、传播谣言,确保社会稳定。 3.发生破坏性地震应急行动

破坏性地震是指发生地震级别较大,造成一定的人员伤亡和建筑 物破坏或造成重大的人员伤亡和建筑物破坏地震。 应急要点: ○住平房的居民遇到级别较大地震时,如室外空旷,应迅速跑到 屋外躲避,尽量避开高大建筑物、立交桥,远离高压线及化学、煤气 等工厂或设施;来不及跑时可躲在桌下、床下及坚固的家具旁,并用毛 巾或衣物捂住口鼻防尘、防烟。 ○住在楼房的居民,应选择厨房、卫生间等开间小的空间避震;也 能够躲在内墙根、墙角、坚固的家具旁等容易于形成三角空间的地方; 要远离外墙、门窗和阳台;不要使用电梯,更不能跳楼。 ○尽快关闭电源、火源。 ○正在教室上课、工作场所工作、公共场所活动时,应迅速包头、闭眼,在讲台、课桌、工作台和办公家具下边等地方躲避。 ○正在野外活动时,应尽量避开山脚、陡崖,以防滚石和滑坡;如 遇山崩,要向远离滚石前进方向的两侧方向跑。 ○正在海边游玩时,应迅速远离海边,以防地震引起海啸。 ○驾车行驶时,应迅速躲开立交桥、陡崖、电线杆等,并尽快选 择空旷处立即停车。 ○身体遭到地震伤害时,应设法清除压在身上的物体,尽可能用 湿毛巾等捂住口鼻防尘、防烟;用石块或铁器等敲击物体与外界联系, 不要大声呼救,注意保存体力;设法用砖石等支撑上方不稳的重物,保 护自己的生存空间。 4.地震时切忌惊慌 我们感觉到的地震,绝大部分是有感、强有感地震,少数能造成 轻微破坏,造成严重破坏的地震是极少数。所以,当遇到地震时切忌


初二关于地震的英语作文 After 5. earthquake struck sichuan province since 20xx, we, I was so frightened by an earthquake, I felt the earthquake many houses will be apart, can let many people lost their lives, is one of the world's most terrible disaster. Today I saw "China children's encyclopedia, really know anything about earthquake. It turns out that the earthquake happened all of a sudden the vibration phenomenon, like the wind, rain, is a kind of common natural phenomena. Vibrations in the earth, in fact, very frequently, probably every 30 seconds there will be time, but most of them are very ease, people did not feel. We can feel the earthquake is due to the relative movement between earth's tectonic plates, rock is squeezed, produce a huge amount of energy to make rock failure in an instant, or make originally the already existing fracture activity, suddenly release a large amount of energy, and some of the energy to the earth's surface, make the earth trembling violently, causing strong earthquake. Started happening earthquake site is called the source, the source above the ground is called


有关灾难的英语演讲稿 industrialization and environment pollution, some are likely pure natural that caused by earth geologic movements. Whatever it is, the point is when disaster strikes, what can we do ? There’s a saying I heard a long time ago, and it al ways stuck with me. “Plan for the worst, and hope for the best.” So the first step is to be well prepared. A lot can be done including developing the forecast system , learning common sense,taking emergency into account when constructing buildings to minimize the loss. The second point is about the post-disaster reconstruction. It is not only buildings and infrastructure, but also peoples hope and confidence that need to be reconstructed. The disaster,although tragic,is also a new begining. We have to start from scratch , but the cruel disaster makes us know more about love and interpersonal relationship. We know more about ourselves, and what is truly important to us. Disasters, as terrible as they are, often bring people


地震安全教育演讲稿 我们要迅速抱头,闭眼,躲在各自的课桌下,背向窗户,用书包保护头部。服从老师指挥,有组织地撤离,防止发生踩踏,不可慌乱冲出教室,不可跳窗逃生。 如果我们在家发生地震,怎么办?我们要躲在坚固家具附近,内墙墙根,墙角,厨房,厕所,储藏室等开间小的地方。 如果我们逛书店发生地震,怎么办?我们要选择结实的柱子边或内墙角就地蹲下,用手或其他东西护头,避开玻璃门窗、玻璃橱窗或柜台,不要慌乱,听从现场工作人员指挥。 如果我们不幸被埋压,怎么办?设法用砖头、木棍等支撑残垣断壁,防止周围杂物进一步倒塌,以防余震时再被埋压,不要随便动用室内设施,包括电源、水源等,也不要使用明火,闻到煤气及有毒异味或灰尘太大时,设法用湿衣服捂住口、鼻,不要乱叫,保持体力,用敲击声求救。 防患于未然,同学们,中午回家就自己动手做一个“地震包”吧。先找一个书包(可以是以前使用过的旧书包或背囊),里面放一些防灾用品:如口哨、手电筒、急救药品、火柴、蜡烛、毛巾、绳索、毛毯、写有家人血型的卡片等等,可以再放两瓶矿泉水及一些固体食品(譬如饼干、花生)。记得这些食品每隔一段时间更换一次,因为放久了会过期的。接着把这个“地震包”放在家门口一个醒目并且容易拿到的地方。如果灾难真的发生时,这个“地震包”或许会挽救我们的生

命。 “星星火炬”广播到此结束,请大家明天继续收听,谢谢大家! 地震安全教育演讲稿范文二:各位老师、同学们: 今天我想给大家谈一下当今热门的话题:地震。地震,就是平常人们所说的地动。它像刮风,下雨一样,是一种经常发生的自然现象,但是它破坏力很大,往往发生于瞬间,是群灾之首。地震对人类生产生活的影响是巨大的、空前的。地震本身会对人类的地上地下建筑物及设施带来巨大的破坏。同时,其引起的连带灾害也常常会带来比地震本身还巨大的灾难性影响,如大火、停电、停水等,使整个城市系统陷入瘫痪状态,甚至对救援行动的展开都会产生不利的影响。大家知道,2008年的5月12日,我国四川省汶川县发生了里氏八级的强烈地震,给人们的生命和国家财产带来了很大的损失。在自然灾害面前有时人是那么的无助,人的生命又是那么的脆弱。这就要求我们要有防患意识、自我保护意识、珍爱生命意识,防灾意识。多学习一些防灾的知识,多掌握一些防灾抗灾的技能。 那么,作为小学生我们要做些什么呢?那就是要多了解地震,认识自然,保护生命,防震减灾。 其实,地震还是有些前兆的,人的感官能直接觉察到的地震异常现象多达几千种,大体可分为:地下水异常、生物异常、地声异常、地光异常、电磁异常、气象异常等。比如讲,天边提前出现特别的地震云,有的地方地下水会变颜色,会发出异样的声响。地震之前,气象也常常出现反常,主要有震前闷热,人焦灼烦躁,久旱不雨或霪雨


感恩演讲稿:2020感恩祖国演讲稿(4篇) 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学,大家好。今天我朗诵的题目《感恩我的祖国》。 感恩,这是一个非常人性的词语,意思是一种知恩图报的心理,它与报恩不同,报恩这个词语是感恩的具体行动,强调的是一种知恩图报的行为,从广义上来说,感恩之心是一种很阳光的心理,是感激、庆幸所萌发的报答之心。 常怀感激之情的生活是最甜美的,学会感激―感激我们的父母,因为他们给了我宝贵的生命。学会感激―感激我们的老师,因为他们给了我无穷的知识。学会感激―感激我们的朋友,因为他们给了我克服困难的力量。学会感激―感激我们的祖国,因为它给了我和谐健康的成长空间。 一把黄土塑成千万个你我,静脉是长城,动脉是黄河;黑眼睛、黄皮肤,提醒你,也提醒我,我们拥有一个共同的名那就是中国!每当听到这首歌,一股强烈的情感从我的心底油然而生:我骄傲,我是黑眼睛、黄皮肤!我自豪,我是中国人!” 祖国有多美,我说不清楚。但我知道桂林山水如诗如画;万里长城气势磅礴;长江黄河波澜壮阔;还有那充满东方神秘色彩的北京故宫…… 祖国的历史有多悠久,我写不清楚。但我知道宋朝就有了印刷术;明朝就有了最先进的造船技术;我们的祖先成吉思汗,曾率军打到欧洲,世界向我们称臣…… 今天,当神州5号载人飞船成功往返与太空的时候;当香港、澳门回到祖国怀抱的时候;当xx年北京奥运会成功举办的时候;大地在我们的脚下,世界听到了我们的声音!

我们是五月的花海,用青春拥抱时代;我们是初升的朝阳,用生命点燃未来;我们是灵魂的工程师,用爱心放飞梦想。感谢给我肤色的祖国,感谢给我智慧与胆略的祖国。 我愿化作一首诗、一副画、一首歌,永远地歌颂着您! 五千年前,华夏文明诞生。今天,作为炎黄子孙,我们要唱响那永恒的主题――感恩祖国! 五千年后的今天,我们的祖国正在蓬勃发展;五千年后的今天,在我们祖祖辈辈的辛勤劳作、勇于开拓的无私奉献下,我们的生活蒸蒸日上;五千年后的今天,我们在一切爱我们的人的呵护下茁壮成长;然而,五千年后的今天,我们蜷缩在先辈们编织的温床中,许多人,全然没有意识到自己对于祖国的责任。今天,是时候唤醒大家日益麻木与淡漠的心,来守护“中国梦”的光芒! 五千年的灿烂文明史,作为中国人,我们无一不为之感到自豪。可试问,你知道我们应该怎么做吗?感恩祖国,是一种敬与爱的交织,更是一份责任!我们需要挑起这个担子,将中国文化推广到世界。 盘古开天,女娲造人;三皇五帝禅让,夏商文化灿烂;春秋战国硝烟,诸子百家争鸣;南北六朝竟奢靡,隋唐演义有传奇;在唐诗宋词的绝唱里,在书法绘画及丝竹声中,宏大的历史画卷铺展开了,文化底蕴所带来的厚重感,造就了中华民族,也注定了华夏儿女将一代代传承下去。 但是,新时代有新要求,我们不再仅仅是摇头吟味四书五经的书生,时代赋予我们新的使命――创新。“中国制造”遍布全球,而“中国创造”少得可怜,这何尝不是一种叹息,这又何尝不是一种契机?有十三亿人口的中国缺少创意吗?勤劳朴实的国人缺少制造吗?四大发明的灿烂成就在历史的那头凝望。我们也看到了中国首富王传福把“中国创意”和“中国制造”有机结合,打造出中国品牌。我


关于地震的高中英语作文 【我寄语】以下是笔者为大家整理的关于地震的高中英语作文,文章仅供大家参考:If you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas, the power source. Greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take away. The jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittle things admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts. The cabinet gate should shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object. Below prepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: Fresh fresh water and emergency food, flashlight, fire extinguisher. Is far away these possibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate in outdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough is sturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly


地震自救自护知识英语演讲稿篇一:地震自救自护知识 地震自救自护知识 1、学校避震正在上课时,要在教师指挥下迅速抱头、闭眼、躲在各自的课桌下。在操场或室外时,可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险物。不要回到教室去。震后应当有组织地撤离。千万不要跳楼!不要站在窗外旁!不要到阳台上去。 2、家庭避震 地震预警时间短暂,室内避震更具有现实性,而室内房屋倒塌后形成的三角空间,往往是人们得以幸存的相对安全地点,可称其为避震空间。这主要是指大块倒塌体与支撑物构成的空间。室内易于形成 3、公共场所避震 听从现场工作人员的指挥,不要慌乱,不要拥向出口,要避免拥挤,要避开人流,避免被挤到墙壁或栅栏处。 在影剧院、体育馆等处:就地蹲下或趴在排椅下;注意避开吊灯、电扇等悬挂物;用书包等保护头部;等地震过去后,听从工作人员指挥,有组织地撤离。 在商场、书店、展览、地铁等处:选择结实的柜台、商品(如低矮家具等)或柱子边,以及内墙角等处就地蹲下,用手或其他东西护头;避开玻璃门窗、玻璃橱窗或柜台;避

开高大不稳或摆放重物、易碎品的货架;避开广告牌、吊灯等高耸或悬挂物。 4、户外避震 就地选择开阔地避震:蹲下或趴下,以免摔倒;不要乱跑,避开人多的地方;不要随便返回室内。避开高大建筑物或构筑物:楼房,特别是有玻璃幕墙的建筑;过街桥、立交桥;高烟囱、水塔下。避开危险物、高耸或悬挂物:变压器、电线杆、路灯等,广告牌、吊车等。避开其他危险场所:狭窄的街道;危旧房屋,危墙等。 切记:千万不要跳楼!不要靠近在窗户!不要到阳台上去!不要乘电梯! 地震时的自救四大常识 1、大地震时不要急 破坏性地震从人感觉振动到建筑物被破坏平均只有12秒钟,在这短短的时间内你千万不要惊慌,应根据所处环境迅速作出保障安全的抉择。如果住的是平房,那么你可以迅速跑到门外。如果住的是楼房,千万不要跳楼,应立即切断电闸,关掉煤气,暂避到洗手间等跨度小的地方,或是桌子,床铺等下面,震后迅速撤离,以防强余震。 2、人多先找藏身处 学校,商店,影剧院等人群聚集的场所如遇到地震,最忌慌乱,应立即躲在课桌,椅子或坚固物品下面,待地震过


地震的经历英语作文 【篇一:关于地震的英语作文】 关于地震的英语作文 关于地震献爱心的英语作文 everyone has some unforgettable experiences. last monday, there was a serious earthquake in sichuan province. many people were killed. a large number of houses collapsed. i was shocked. when i see theses pictures on tv, my eyes were filled with tears. i wanted to do something for people in the disaster areas. two days later, in front of the library of our school, almost all of the teachers and students came to donate money. i was moved. i thought although i couldn’t go to sichuan like the soldiers and the doctors, i still wanted to try my best to help them. i took out all my pocket money and threw it into the donation box. i hope they can rebuild their homeland early. it will be an unforgettable experience in my life. it makes me experience that if everyone makes a contribution for our country, we can overcome any difficulties. ------------------------------------------- 地震引发的思考:众人拾柴火焰高 1 如何理解众人拾柴火焰高 2 举例说明 all contributing to it, the flame is high “all contributing to it, the flame is high” is an old proverb which almost everyone knows, but not all understand it so well. actually, it means that there is strength in numbers. put it simply, individual’s power and ability is too weak to perform a huge task. however, just as a number of streams converge into a vast ocean, so a team’s strength may be great enough to remove a mountain.

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