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【摘要】[目的]浅析大青龙汤方证原文及方中石膏作用,规范大青龙汤主治病机,扩展其临床应用范围。[方法]遵"以经解经"基本原则,对比《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》中相关原文,综合历代医家对大青龙汤方证相关认识,结合彭江云教授对大青龙汤方证见解,浅析大青龙汤方证;通过对比大青龙汤方证相关原文、论述石膏用量及作用等三个方面,浅析方中石膏之用。[结果]大青龙汤方证第38条病机为风寒两伤营卫,第39条病机为溢饮病或风水病患者复感寒邪,大青龙汤方中石膏并非专为清里热而用。[结论]大青龙汤应用辨证为风寒表实,饮郁肌腠;石膏在本证非专为清里热,而是能助麻黄发汗,辛凉解肌。正确理解大青龙汤方证,才能更好解读《伤寒论》,扩展其临床应用价值,故值得学习探讨。%Objective] To analyze the Da Qinglongtang following the provisions understanding and the role of gypsum. Normalize the attending pathogenesis of Da Qinglongtang, expanding the scope of its clinical application. [Methods] Taking "inter-textuality" as the basic principle, compared Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Synopsis of the Golden Chamber,combined with the insights of professor Peng Jiangyun about Da Qinglongtang, and analysed the understanding of past dynasties doctor about Da Qinglongtang. By comparing the related original of Da Qinglongtang, the dosage and three aspects function of
