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◆Lover 情人(不是:爱人)◆Sporting house 妓院(不是:体育室)◆Dead president 美钞(不是:死了的总统)◆Service station 加油站(不是:服务站)◆Rest room 厕所(不是:休息室)◆Busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是:公汽售票员)◆Dry goods <美>纺织品<英>谷物(不是:干货)◆Heart man 换心人(不是:有心人)◆Tea shop 茶馆;小吃店(不是:茶叶店)◆Senior citizen 老年人(不是:高级公民)◆Wash one’s hands 上厕所(不是:洗手)◆A busy body 爱管闲事的人(不是:忙人)◆A black sheep 害群之马(不是:一只黑羊)◆Be taken in 受骗,上当(不是:被接纳)◆Pull sb’s leg 开玩笑(不是:拖后腿)◆African American 美国黑人(不是:非洲美国人)◆Eat one’s words 收回前言,改正错话(不是:食言)◆Mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是:发疯的医生)◆Eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是:十一点)◆Personal re mark 人身攻击(并非个人评论)◆Sweet water 淡水(不是:糖水或者甜水)◆Confidence man 骗子(不是:信得过的人)◆Criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是:犯罪的律师)◆Dressing room 化妆室(不是:试衣间或者更衣室)◆Horse sense 常识(不是:马的感觉)◆Capital idea 好主意(不是:资本主义思想)◆Familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是:熟悉的谈话)◆Black tea红茶(不是:黑茶)◆Green hand 新手(不是:绿手)◆Have a fit 勃然大怒(不是:试穿)◆Black art 妖术(不是:黑色艺术)◆White coal (作动力来源用的)水◆Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是:中国龙)◆Red tape 官僚习气(不是:红色带子)◆China policy 对华政策(不是:中华政策)◆White man 忠实可靠的人(不是:皮肤白色的人)◆Black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是:陌生的黑人)◆Eat ones words 收回前言(不是:食言)◆An apple of love 西红柿(不是:爱情之果)◆Handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是:大字报)◆Bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩(不是:推倒房子)◆Blind date(由第三者安排的)男女初次见面(并非盲目的约会或者是瞎约会)◆Roadside business 汽车饭店;汽车旅馆;汽车影院(不是:路边店)◆American Dream

美国的生活方式,美国人的自由民主观念(不是:美国梦)◆Yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封,不是:黄色书籍)◆Blue stockin g 女学者,女才子(不是:蓝色长筒袜)◆American beauty 一种玫瑰,名叫美丽动人(不是:美国美女)◆English disease 软骨病(不是:英国病)◆Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是:印度的夏日)◆Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是:希腊的礼物)◆Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是:西班牙的运动员)◆French chalk 滑石粉(不是:法国粉笔)◆In ones birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是:穿着生日礼服)◆Make ones hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然,恐惧(不是:令人发指,气愤)◆Think a great deal of oneself 高看或者看重自己(不是:为自己想的很多)◆Pull up ones socks 鼓起勇气(不是:提上袜子)◆Have the heart to do 用于否定句,忍心做(不是:有心做或者有意做)◆What a shame 多可惜,真遗憾(不是:多可耻)◆You don’t say 是吗?(不是:你别说)◆You can say that again 说的好(不是:你别说)◆I haven’t slept better 我睡得很好(不是:我从未睡好过)


莎士比亚《Iamafraid》英文原版:“Yousaythatyouloverain,butyouopenyourumbrellawhenitrains. Yousaythatyoulovethesun . butyoufindashadowspotwhenthe sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you closeyour windows when wind blows .This is why I am afraid, when you say thatyou love me too.”普通版:你说你爱雨,但当细雨飘洒时你却撑开了伞;你说你爱太阳,但当日当空时你却往荫处躲;你说你爱风,但当它轻拂时你却紧紧地关上了自己的窗子;所以当你说你也爱我,我却会为此而烦忧。文艺版:你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望;后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香;后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量;后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘;我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。诗经版:子言慕雨,启伞避之。子言好阳,寻荫拒之。子言喜风,阖户离之。子言偕老,吾所畏之。离骚版:君乐雨兮启伞枝,君乐昼兮林蔽日,君乐风兮栏帐起,君乐吾兮吾心噬。七言绝句版:恋雨却怕绣衣湿,喜日偏向树下倚。欲风总把绮窗关,叫奴如何心付伊。吴语版:弄刚欢喜落雨,落雨了搞布洋塞;欢喜塔漾么又谱捏色;欢喜西剥风么又要丫起来;弄刚欢喜唔么,搓色唔霉头。女汉子版:你有本事爱雨天,你有本事别打伞啊!你有本事爱阳光,你有本事别乘凉啊!你有本事爱吹风,你有本事别关窗啊!你有本事说爱我,你有本事捡肥皂啊!七律压轴版:江南三月雨微茫,罗伞叠烟湿幽香。夏日微醺正可人,却傍佳木趁荫凉。霜风清和更初霁,轻蹙蛾眉锁朱窗。怜卿一片相思意,犹恐流年拆鸳鸯。



Slumbering, I know not the spring dawn is peeping,

But everywhere the singing birds are cheeping.

Last night I heard the rain dripping and wind weeping,

How many petals are on the ground sleeping? (吴钧陶译)见与不见扎西拉姆.多多

你见,或者不见我It’s doesn’t matter if you see me or not

我就在那里I am standing right there

不悲不喜With no emotion

你念,或者不念我It’s doesn’t matter if you miss me or not

情就在那里The feeling is right there

不来不去And it isn’t going anywhe re

你爱或者不爱我It’s doesn’t matter if you love me or not

爱就在那里Love is right there

不增不减It is not going to change

你跟,或者不跟我It’s doesn’t matter if you are with me or not

我的手就在你的手里My hand is in your hand

不舍不弃And I am not going to let go

来我怀里Let me embrace you


让我住进你的心里Let me live in your heart to entirely

默然相爱Silence Love

寂静喜欢Calmness Joy



If love between both sides can last for aye,

Why need they stay together night and day?



I look for her in vain.

When all at once I turn my head,

I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.



Deeply I sign for the fallen flowers in vain,

Vaguely I seem to know the swallows come again



For ten long years the living of the dead knows nought

Though to my mind not brought

Could the dead be forgot

Her lonely grave is far, a thousand miles away



Turning my head , i see the dreary beaten track.

Let me go back!

Impervious to ra in or shine, I’ll have my own will.



The Twenty-four Bridges can still be seen,

But the cold moon floating among

The waves would no more sing a song.

For whom should the peonies near

The Bridges grow red from year to year?

Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi,were lacking in literary grace; and Tang Taizong and Song Tai zu,had little poetry in their souls;that proud son of Heaven,Genghis Khan,knew only shootin g eagles, bow outstretched. All are past and gone!For truly great men,look to this age alone." snow"-Mao Zedong


Withered vine and an old tree with a crow at dusk.Tiny bridge and a family aside a flowing r iver.Ancient path and a poor horse in the west wind.A heartbroken man is walking towards t he westering sun to the skyline. "Autumn Thoughts"-Ma Zhiyuan


Oh, how can I gravely bow and scrape to men of high rank and men of high office . Who nev er will suffer being shown an honest-hearted face!


And the sunlight clasps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea;What are all these kissing s worth, if thou kiss not me?


How many loved your moments of glad grace,and loved your beauty with love false or true;b ut one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,and loved the sorrows of your changing face."When You are Old"-William Butler Yeats


To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings a nd arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. 生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。究竟哪样更高贵,去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残还是挺身去反抗那无边的烦恼,把它扫一个干净。

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.Stray Bird-Ranbindr anath Tagore


Heaven has made us talents; we're not made in vain;A thousand gold coins spent, more will t urn up again. -----------Li Bai <>

天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来. --------李白<<将进酒>>

I leave softly, gently, exactly as I came. I wave to the western sky, telling it goodbye softly, ge ntly. "Goodbye Again, Cambridge!"-Xu Zhimo

轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来,我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。《再别康桥》-徐志摩To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour."Auguries of Innocence"-William Blake一


Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies. 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。--《道德经》老子

The farthest distance in the World,is not the space between life and death, but that you don't know I love you while I am standing in front of you. "The Farthest Dstance in the World "-Ranbindranath Tagore


Taking your hand, living to old age together. 执子之手,与子偕老

Do not dare not to say the beautiful oath just because it may change; do not dare not to miss the significant encounter just because you may depart in the future.


Westerly winds withered trees up last night. Climbing up the stairs and being lonely on the l oft, I overlooked the endless distance.


In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with branches inter locked forever.


A Young idler,an old beggar 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

Where, before me, are the ages that have gone? And where, behind me, are the coming gener ations? I think of heaven and earth, without limit, without end, And I am all alone and my te ars fall down.


I would part with you only when mountains had no rocks, rivers had no water, thunders sho cked in winter, snow fell in summer, and distinction disappeared between the sky and the ear th.

我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝! --《上邪》

We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us."Stray Bird"-Ranbindranath Tagore


Within you I lose myself,without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失

If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day? 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。--《鹊桥仙》秦观

We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even thou gh miles apart.


The one who know I, call my heart sorrow, don't know me, calling me beg. 知我者,谓我心忧,不知我者,谓我何求。(诗经·王风·黍离)

The tree would like to be quiet but the wind is blowing while children would like to support but parents can't wait .


A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves; I'll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea, which raves. ----------Li Bai <

>长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海. -----李白<<行路难>>

If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 如果你因错过太阳而流泪,那么你也將错过群星。——泰戈尔

I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today.


? 1. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?

? 2. 上有天堂下有苏杭。

? 3. 山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。


? 1. It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.

? 2. Just as there is a paradise in Heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhouon earth.

? 3. Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal, and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon.

四书(The Four Books)

?The Great Learning 《大学》,

?The Doctrine of the Mean《中庸》,

?The Confucian Analects 《论语》,

?The Analects of Confucius

?(The Works of) Mencius 《孟子》。

五经(The Five Classics)。

?The Book of Poetry/Songs/Odes, or The Classic of Poetry《诗经》,

?The Book of History/Documents,orThe Classic of History 《书经》或《尚书》,

?The Book of Rites or The Record of Rites 《礼记》,

?The Book of Change (s) 《易经》,

?The Spring and Autumn (Annals) 《春秋》。

?《楚辞》(The Verse/Elegies of Chu 或The Songs/Poetry of the South),

?《左传》(Zuo’s Commentary)、

?《战国策》(Strategies/Intrigues of the Warring States;Anecdotes of the Warring States),等等。



1)Three Kingdoms

(Moss Roberts, 罗慕士,外文出版社,1994)

2)San Guo, or Romance of the Three Kingdoms

(C. H. Brewitt-Taylor, 邓罗,Kelly and Walsh Limited, 1925)


1)Journey to the West

(W. J. F. Jenner, 外文出版社,1980)

Havoc in Heaven, Adventures of the Monkey King

2)The Pilgrimage to the West

3)The Monkey King

4)Monkey (Arthur Waley, 1942)


1)Outlaws of the Marsh (Sidney Shapiro)《水泊好汉》外文出版社,1981。沙博理2)The Water Margin (Jackson, 1937)

3)Heroes of the Marshes

4)The Story of 3 Women and 105 Men

5)All Men Are Brothers (Pearl S. Buck,赛珍珠,1933) 《四海之内皆兄弟》


1)A Dream of Red Mansions (杨宪益、戴乃迭,1994)

2)The Story of the Stone (David Hawkes 大卫·霍克斯,1973)


第三章英汉词语比较与翻译对等 第一节翻译对等 Equivalence is the relationship between a source text (ST) and a target text (TT) that allows the TT to be considered as a translation of the ST in the first Place. 对等是翻译理论中的中心概念。 卡特福德认为翻译的中心任务就是确定翻译对等的性质和条件。 奈达提出了“动态对等”与“形式对等”这两个概念。形式对等:原语文本的形式在目的语中被机械地再现,目的是允许原语文本以自己的表达方式说话,而非经过调整来适应目的语文化,实践中,既不分句也不合句并保留标点和分段等形式标示。由于两种语言之间的差异,这类翻译扭曲了目的语的语法和文体风格,从而导致信息歪曲。运用形式对等主要是追求翻译的精确性并尽可能保留原语的形式。形式对等有其局限性,但有时却是最为合适的翻译策略。动态对等就是将原语译成目的语后,目的语读者的反应与原语读者读原语时的反应一致。它通过分析、转移和重建三个过程来实现,进行动态对等翻译包括:运用适合目的语文化的表达法去替代原语中的相应表达法;使原语文本中语言上隐含的信息明显化;为了增进理解增加一定量的冗余表达。例如,奈达将《圣经》中的“Lamb of God”译为“Seal of God”。有时功能对等也被用来代替奈达提出的动态对等。 第二节英汉词语比较与翻译对等 词的意义是它在特定的语言系统中的具体价值或通过在特定语言系统中的运用而具有的个性。 词的意义可分为四种:命题意义(propositional meaning)、表情意义(expressive meaning) 、搭配意义(collocational meaning)和唤起意义(evoked meaning)。 命题意义描述一个词与现实世界或想象世界中所指称或描述的事物之间的关系,是判断话语是真还是假的基础。语言以符号的方式描绘经验世界。 人总是能够说出他们经验当中的任何事物,因为语言符号覆盖了这个经验世界。但是,语言对经验世界的分割表现出若干层次性。词对于世界的分割应表现为不同的层次。 English: skill craft craft guild 汉语:技巧技巧行会行会


商务英语翻译技能等级考试英汉词汇表 (以英语字母顺序排序) 翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5 高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4 助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3 翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2 A 4 权力委托 5 旷工,旷职 2 绝对配额 3 绝对值 5 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 3 吸收游资 5 ; 摘要 2 承兑费 2 不记名承兑 3 承兑信用证 3 抽样认可 4 ; 承兑银行 4 进入市场(的机会) 5 意外事故 3 无法控制的意外事故 3 意外事故保险 4 意外损坏 4 设施;住宿;欠单 3 顺民意;合民情 5 会计帐目 4 账户结金 5 账本(账册、账簿) 3 客户经理(常指广告公司) 5 解释;说明 4 账目编号;账户号码 2 结欠清单 5 账户名称 5 会计工作;会计行业 5 会计 5 会计长 5 会计学 3 会计档案 5 往来帐目 2 账目不清

3 应付账 4 应收账 2 ; ; 应付费用 4 累计资本 3 资本积累 2 累计佣金 5 收购 5 行动计划 2 盘活基础设施存量资产 5 畅销 3 出口加工贸易 5 成交活跃的股票 3 ; 贸易顺差 5 业务类型 3 实际成本 4 实际交货 4 时价;实际价格;实价 4 实际全损 2 ( ) 从价税 3 ; 附加费用 4 额外投资 2 附加保险费 2 追加税 2 ; 防范和化解金融风险2 充分需求 4 核算 3 海损理算书 5 ; 实施,经营,行政 4 行政预算;管理预算 2 行政开支;办公费 4 行政保护 5 预付费用 2 a 预付定金 4 预计货样 5 预付工资 4 预收货款 4 规模经营优势 3 贸易逆差 5 公布;做广告 5 广告业 3 通知行 3 信用证转让通知 3 吁请团,游说团体



摘要:英语和汉语的对比,通过对两这种语言的语法特征、修辞手段、翻译技巧、思维方式等等方面的具体讲解,把语言和文化结合起来,对中西方思维方式的不同加以对比分析讲解,清晰、不显枯燥的同时又具有说服力。众所周知,要想学好外语,对其特点的了解是必须的,而要了解其特点,最好的方法就是与母语加以比较。思维方式是造成语言差异的重要原因。影响思维方式的因素也多种多样。英语学习,尤其是翻译,不是一蹴而就的,它需要不断地理解学习和练习,更多时候,了解英汉语言之间的不同以及中西方文化、思维上的的追根溯源也是必要的,因为学习一门语言语言,在一定程度上也是对其文化和思维方式的学习。Speaking of English and Chinese comparison,the language of the two rhetorical devices, translation skills, thinking mode and so on,they combine language with culture. As we all know, in order to learn a foreign language, it is necessary to understand its characteristics, and to understand its characteristics, the best way is to compare with the mother tongue. There are many factors influencing the way of thinking. Learning English, especially translation, not overnight, it needs to understand the study and practice, more often, understanding between English and Chinese and Western cultures, different thinking on the back is necessary, because learning a foreign language is the way of thinking and learning. 关键词:思维方式语法特征修辞手段翻译技巧逻辑思维抽象思维英语注重形合,且注重环环相扣的逻辑关系,所以汉译英时往往要加入连词和对句子进行扩展和组合,形成复合句或长句;相反,由于汉语句子一般结构较为简化,无拖沓,所以在英译汉时也应当注意,常常需要将英语句子进行分解、拆散和重组。英语文章多为长短句交错使用,了解这一特点对平时汉译英和写作时也大有益处。又如,英语通常为物做主语,而汉语则为人,所以在英汉互译的时候要注意其人称、物称主语的转换。文化上的不同也是需要注意的,如在写作的时候,西方人喜欢引用专家学者,尤其是有科学依据的观点,而中国人则频繁使用领袖和伟人的话。思维方式是造成语言差异的重要原因。影响思维方式的因素也多种多样。其中最为明显的,概括而言是中国人的思维方式受到儒、道和佛三家的影响,形成了中国人的悟性,重人文,轻科学,而西方则讲求逻辑思维,以判断推理为主,提倡理性思辨和科学探索。英语学习,尤其是翻译,不是一蹴而就的,它需要不断地理解学习和练习,更多时候,了解英汉语言之间的不同以及中西方文化、思维上的的追根溯源也是必要的,因为学习一门语言语言,在一定程度上也是对其文化和思维方式的学习。The way of thinking,Performance method, rhetorical device,translation skill,logical thinking,abstract thinking, Pay attention to the logical relationship of interlocking, So the translation often join conjunctions and extension and combination of the sentence on the contrary, the Chinese sentence structure is simplified, without procrastination, so in English Chinese translation should also be noted that the English sentence often needs to be decomposed and detached and reassembled. English articles for the length of sentence interlaced, understanding of the characteristics of the usual translation and writing is also helpful. Cultural differences also need to be noted,


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c510737634.html, 英汉词汇的文化差异及翻译 作者:徐洁 来源:《新一代》2011年第03期 摘要:文化差异是造成翻译困难的重要原因,而词汇作为构成语言的最小单位,它所表 现出来的文化差异对翻译的成功有着重要影响。本文从词汇的指称意义和语用意义来探讨英汉文化的差异以及如何采取灵活的翻译手法,尽可能减少文化亏损,全面传达词汇的文化含义。 关键词:词汇;文化差异;指称意义;语用意义 中图分类号:G640 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2851(2011)03-0185-02 翻译是译者对所认识的事物的再认识和再表达,这种再认识和再表达常常是从不同的角度,按照译语民族的习惯方式进行的,所以说翻译不仅仅是语言的转换过程,同时也是文化的移植过程,文化的差异必定造成翻译的困难。王佐良先生曾经说过:“翻译的最大困难就是两 种文化的不同。”(1989)因此,解决好翻译中的文化差异问题是保证译作成功的关键。本文拟从词汇的指称意义和语用意义来看英汉文化的差异及差异在翻译中的补偿。 一、英汉词汇层上的跨文化差异 (一)指称意义上的文化差异 词的指称意义即语言交际中所表达出来的词语的最基本的意义,也就是词的确切和字面的意思。由于客观事物本身的差异和人们在对客观事物做出反映和概括时,始终都受到本民族文化的影响,这种反映或概括就在不同的语言上表现出差异。 1.原语中的指称对象在译语文化中不存在或不常见。 英语中的一些词汇,如hot dog,hippy,fairplay,等都是汉语文化中没有的词汇,而汉语中的“天干”、“地支”、“楷书”、“赤脚医生”等也无法在英语中找到对应的词。(刘川,段跃萍,1998) 2.原语文化在概念上加以明确区分的实体,译语文化不加区分;或反之。 一种语言用单个词语明确标记的东西,另一种语言却可能兜圈子才能表述。文化重点(cultural load)直接影响着语言词汇的多寡,特化程度和分化程度。 亲属称谓是语言反映文化的一个突出例证。例如,在英语中的brother是“兄”或“弟”,sister是“姐”或“妹”,汉语中没有一个字与brother或sister完全相等。在我们的文化中严格区别


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观 2 中国与日本茶文化的比较 3 网络英语的构词方式 4 翻译中的文化差异 5 从美国梦看美国社会流动机制 6 探析《老人与海》的主题 7 Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter Viewed from the Humanistic Perspective 8 赫尔曼?梅尔维尔《白鲸》中的生态主义解析 9 An Analysis of The Bible’s Influence o n British and American Literature 10 计算机辅助教学在英语教学中的作用 11 An Analysis of Main Characters in Wuthering Heights 12 论《英国病人》中角色的自我认知 13 个体取向与集体取向对中美商务交流的影响 14 汉英姓氏文化差异 15 探析王尔德童话中的死亡主题 16 运用概念整合理论解读英语幽默理解障碍 17 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策 18 19 《等待野蛮人》中的寓言式写作手法 20 On Wisdom of Tao in Tao De Jing and the Subjectivity of Translator--Based upon Translations of Wu(无)and You(有) 21 An Analysis of Translation of Road and Traffic Public Signs 22 象征主义视角下《致海伦》中的意象美 23 A Brief Analysis of Willy Loman’s Tragedy in Death of a Salesman 24 中式英语成因之分析 25 The Use of Symbols in A Farewell to Arms 26 管窥世纪年代以前的朴素社会语言学思想 27 论汉语新词语的英译 28 丁尼生《鹰》与休斯《鹰之栖息》的对比分析 29 A Study on English and Chinese Euphemisms from the Perspective of Cultural Difference 30 寻找真正的自我 31 浅析库尔特?冯尼古特《猫的摇篮》中的黑色幽默 32 广告英语的语言特征 33 On Translation of Symbolism in Pop Songs with a Case Study of Hotel California 34 霍桑的罪恶观在《红字》中的体现 35 面部表情和目视行为的跨文化研究 36 探析《劝导》中安妮的成熟形象 37 工业化进程下人的主体性的追问——梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》 38 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识 39 从《红字》看霍桑对清教主义的批判与妥协 40 A Contrastive Study on Language Features of Chinese and English Proverbs 41 An Analysis of the Transformation of Scarlett’s Personality in Gone with the Wind


英汉翻译中的词汇搭配问题 Collocation in the Translation Between English and Chinese 代绍荣许芳 摘要:在英汉翻译中,词汇搭配问题不容忽视。本文试图通过一些实例说明词汇搭配的规律,并探讨解决词汇搭配问题的办法以及考虑这个问题的角度。 关键词:英汉翻译词汇搭配现象分析解决办法考虑角度 Abstract: Collocation is highly worth special attention in the translation work between English and Chinese. This article attempts to illustrate some general principles for collocation in translation , and proposes solutions to this problem and the seven angles from which to consider this problem. Key words: translation between English and Chinese collocation phenomenon analysis solution consideration angles 在翻译活动中,对原文的正确理解是做好翻译工作的基础,而对原文中词汇的恰当翻译是做好翻译工作的重点。在词汇翻译过程中,我们会不可避免地遇到词汇搭配问题。这个问题不解决好,翻译活动就没法进行下去,或者就不会译出好的作品来。本文拟就英汉翻译活动中经常遇到的各种词汇搭配问题作一分析,并提出解决的办法,以供参考。 一 在英汉两种语言当中,都有一些可以直接对译成目的语的词汇,包括简单的词、短语和习语等。它们的意义比较容易理解和把握,在目的语中有比较明显的对应词汇。这种直译不影响原文的意义和风格,是词汇翻译中最简单的一种,例如: He is a diligent student。 他是个勤奋的学生。 也因为如此,这类翻译中的词汇搭配问题比较容易解决,又例如: I bought a bunch of red roses for my girlfriend. 我买了一束红攻瑰送给女朋友。 这种搭配大多是因为下面的原因: (1)词汇本身意义不复杂,如diligent, bunch等。 (2)两个词汇经常搭配使用,形成惯用法。如:a lucky dog(幸运儿), watch TV(看电视), crude oil (原油) 等。 (3)涉及专用词汇,如in China 等 虽然这种情况下的翻译比较简单,但我们还是要注意弄清原文中每个词汇的含义,选择恰当的目的语词汇来翻译。 二 大多数情况下,词汇的翻译并不是那么容易的,需要我们动一番脑筋。词汇的搭配对所涉及的每个词汇的具体含义起相当大的限制作用。特别是有些词,本身含义比较广泛,词性也比较多,当它们和不同的词搭配时,具有不同的含义,这就需要我们熟读原文,弄清原文的准确含义、文体风格、表现手法,然后在目的语中捕捉最贴切的词汇来翻译。下面举一个例子: free competition 自由竞争free room 空房间 free medical care 公费医疗free goods 免税货物 free bloomer 开花多的植物free state 游离状态 free gait 从容和步伐free wind 顺风


Unit1 Some scientists speculate the reduction in mental function often attributed to getting old may really be a penalty of neglecting to stay physically active, in addition to related factors such as medicines and poor diet. If you venture just a little way into the woods, your menu can become even more varied. The roots of Jerusalem artichokes () are often dug in spring and fall at the edges of woods, where the grounds may once have been tilled or farmed. Under U.S. law all aliens seeking admission are presumed to require an immigrant visa unless they establish that they are entitled to receive a visa in one of the nonimmigrant categories. “I believe that the staging of ‘Turandot’ in Beijing will further demonstrate that the arts, whether opera or film, are the best media for people of different cultures and histories to co mmunicate with each other and to share their feelings and emotions”, said Zhang Yimou, the director of the production. “ I spent three or four hours on two short chapters –– savoring each paragraph, lingering over a sentence, a phrase or even a single word, building a detailed mental picture of the scene. Unit2 After lunch he walked to the Que Hua Bridge, where he hired a small boat and paddled along towards the north. Soon he reached the Li Xia Pavilion, so he stepped ashore and went in, and when he entered the gate he saw a house, the paint of which was practically all worn away. Of all the children, granny loved her second son, my uncle, best. The reason is that he not only resembles her very much, but also represents all her hopes. During those days, with grandpa losing his job first and then becoming bed-ridden with paralysis, our family was living in straitened circumstances. Granny pinned all the hopes of the family on my uncle, who was vivacious by nature and brilliant in his studies ever since his childhood,


这是08年整理的,最近增加了09到14年部分。所以可能大家会发现09年到14年单词很少,原因是大部分单词都在早期08年到94年的单词里出现过。这一点也足以说明真题单词的重复率很大。大家务必背诵,确保记得。一进考场,你就会看到很多熟悉的单词。 最新补充 as作为、随着、当、因为、象; with和、用、装有、具有; in在...中、以...方式; A of B一般翻译为B的A(注意数量词a piece of paper一张纸,不能翻译为“纸的张”); 注意and并列关系,弄清谁与谁并列。 14年 46) articulate 清晰的表达, 47) by all accounts根据、根据报道;by one’s own account根据某人自己所说,let alone更别提, 48) intensity紧张,abruptly突然地,sudden突然,soft柔和的,passage 段落,rarely很少、几乎不,composer作曲家,compose作曲、编写, 49) associate联系, 50) suffer遭受, inevitable不可避免, render转换、使变成; 13年 46) strike打、震撼,for all尽管,style风格,urge需求、督促、鼓励,decoration装饰,

47) sacred神圣的,crude原始、粗糙,as opposed to与相反,shelter 避难所, 48) in effect实际上,urban城市,discernible容易看出的,discern看出、识别, 49) blame批评, 50) implicit隐含的,explicit明确的,reference谈到、提及、参考,synthetic 人造的; 12年 46) impulse冲动,unification统一、一致,generative生产的、生成的,generate产生, 47) constrain力劝、强迫、限制,constraint限制, 48) filter过滤, cognitive认知的, 49) empirical实证的、根据经验得到的, bias偏见, 50) track跟踪; 11年 46) erroneous错误的,error错误, 47) sustain支持、维持,illusion幻觉,conscious有意识的, 48) justification合理,借口,justify证明是公正的,rationalization合理,exploitation剥削、开发, bottom底, 49) circumstance环境, 50) upside积极的、正面的,contain包含,be up to取决于,array展示、陈列、一系列;



Unit 1 lesson 1 1. fellow countrymen 同胞 2. average height 中等身材 3. gleaming eyes 闪光的眼睛 4. in his middle twenties 二十多岁 5. to be seated 招呼坐下 6. stand squarely 端正正地站着 7. more than ten years his junior 比她年轻十几岁 8. revolutionary road 革命道路 9. Chinese communist Party中共 10. full member 正式成员 11. membership 党籍 12. keep a secret 保密 Lesson 2 1. immeasurable contrast 迥然不同 2. to and fro 走来走去 3. upturn face 仰着脸 4. sweet spring 芬芳的春天 5. anger and bitterness 又气愤又苦恼 6. dense fog 大雾 7. tense and anxious 紧张而焦急

8. 五一的下午on the afternoon of May 1st 9. 无言的呼唤wordless cry 10. 探测绳sounding-line Lesson 3 1. 各种流派的different schools 2. 前两天a few days ago 3. 受限制be restricted/be subjected to 4. 传统观念traditional thinking 5. 不合理的制度irrational system 6. 最高境界the highest state 7. 浓妆艳抹heavy make up 8主人公chief character/principal character 9. 花言巧语flowery language 10.社会进步人性发展social progress and human development Unit 2 Lesson 4 1. 工业革命Industrial Revolution 2. 多功能的机器multi-purpose machine 3. 出于自愿和兴趣on one’s own account, out of interest 4. 新兴城市the rising town

英汉对比与翻译期末论文 (2)

英汉对比与翻译——词汇三境 [摘要]:本文将英汉语言中词语分布做了对比,并就词汇翻译提出了“意译”、“义译”、“化境”三个要求,从而得知,词汇翻译的地道性很大程度上取决于语境的还原程度。 关键词: 译意、译义、臻化、词汇、语境 正文:英国语言学家George W.W ilk ins在《语言教学中的语言学》一书中指出:“没有语法,表达甚微;没有词汇,表达为零。”由此可见词汇在英语中所居的重要地位。在翻译时,即使一个译者已经掌握了大量的词汇与句法,还是会遇到总不能够突破的瓶颈,这个障碍往往是由词汇,甚至是简单词汇所引起的。例如:“He is a perfect stranger in the city.”这里对于什么是一个“perfect stranger”的理解与处理会造成译文层次的不同,同时也是考量一个译者的水平。如果仅翻译字面意思,翻译成“完美的陌生人”,译文显得晦涩难懂;当我们进一步理解“perfect”这个词的含义,并进入意义层面, “perfect”就是“完完全全”的意思,那么“perfect stranger”该译为“完完全全的陌生人”,“他是这城市中完完全全的陌生人”意思准确但是和全句契合不够完美,同“in the city”在搭配上略有滞涩;所以,我们将其转化,将“完完全全的陌生人”这一名词词组转化为动词词组,意为“对……完全陌生”,这句话就可译为“他对这城市完全陌生”,这样的搭配显得协调,不但译出了源语言想表达的意思,“疏离”这一

语境也得以完整地保留了。 以上例子就体现了英汉互译中一个很重要的规律,即词性转换。世界上的语言,不管其各有多少词类,名词和动词都占最大的比例;不管有多少句型,都能归纳为静态与动态两类。总的来说,汉语呈动态特征,英文呈静态特征。在词汇的使用上,汉语的动态表现为:汉语的动词丰富,使用频率高;而英语中,名词、介词等非动词性此类的使用频率很高。据周志培(2003:390)统计显示截选如下:(1)“邓小平在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地的谈话要点”及英译 语言总 数名 词 介 词 动 词 助 动 非限 定动 词 代 词 形容 词 副 词 数 词 连 词 量 词 冠 词 汉语词数636 167 11 186 27 41 70 70 39 17 8 % 26% 2% 29% 4% 7% 11% 11% 6% 3% 1% 英语词数907 238 99 105 19 30 98 104 43 28 5 84 % 26% 11% 12% 2% 3% 11% 11% 5% 3% 7% 9% (2)“英国首相撒切尔夫人在中国欢迎宴会上的讲话”及汉译文 语言总 数名词介词动词助动非限定 动词 代词形容 词 副词数 词 连词量词冠 词 汉语词数324 99 9 72 5 36 22 42 15 13 2 % 31% 3% 22% 2% 11% 7% 13% 4% 4% 0.6% 英语词数366 91 49 41 1 9 39 50 22 13 23 28 % 25% 14% 11% 0.2% 2% 10% 14% 6% 4% 6% 8% 上述结果表明,若要在英汉互译中,若要翻译出地道的T arget Text,就应当尽量符合Target Language的表达习惯。这必然包含必 要的词性转换。在进行英译汉时,根据需要将英文中的名词,介词等


英语翻译重点词汇 fellow countrymen 同胞 militarist军阀 Chinese Communist Party 党组织 the Grand Canal (京杭)大运河Industrial Revolution 工业革命dawn to dark从早到晚 especially English 具有英国特征的cottage industry 农村手工业 Indian summer 最后的余辉 stock-raising 畜牧业 Homestead Act 宅地法 wild west 西部荒原 the gold rush 淘金热 basic occupation 基础产业Department of Agriculture 农业部门the Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲coastal erosion 水土流失Mediterranean climate 地中海型气候surveyor general 测量总监sovereign nation 主权国家aggregate output 总产量 coastal area 沿海地区 telephone connections 电话用户economic well-being 生活水平 two way trade 双向贸易 lucrative export market 出口市场foreign exchange 外汇 sum total 总数

per capita 人均 GNP 国民生产总值 joint ventures 合资企业 net income 净收入 world investment system世界投资体系 the stock of foreign investment 外资存量 英语翻译重点词汇(2) major economy 经济大国 the stimulus, the technology and the funding 动力、技术和资金international trade and investment 国际贸易和投资 popular science 科普读物Arctic seas 北冰洋 vegetable oil 植物油 mineral oil煤油 internal combustion engine内燃机 warfare on land and sea 陆战和海战 minute sea creatures and plants 微小的海洋动植物 crude oil 原油 sedimentary rocks 沉积岩 pitch lake 沥青湖 superhighway 高速公路 living organism 生物体 applied entomology 应用昆虫学 environmental Law环保法 wildlife 野生生物 freedom from noise pollution 无噪声污染 Act 法 amendment 修正案 bill 议案


Between..and…在..之间 Country of origin and manufacture生产国别和制造厂商 Time of shipment装运期限 Port of shipment)装运口岸 Port of destination 到货口岸 Be liable for 对…负责 On account of由于 Attribute to 造成 Take measures采取措施 Shipping mark唛头 Gross weight毛重 Net weight净重 Do not stack up side down此端向上 Handle with care小心轻放 Keep away from moisture切勿受潮 Terms of payment付款条件 Payment by L/C信用证付款 Payment by collection信托付款 Payment by M/T信汇付款 In case of在情况下,以某种方式 Freight to collect运费到付 Insurance policy/certificate保险单/证明 War risk兵险 Breakage and leakage破碎渗漏 In the event of在发生情况下if Upon arrival of在到达之时 Invoice of quintuplicate发票5份 Packing list in duplicate装箱单2份 Certificate of quality质量证明 Technical document技术资料 Foundation drawings基础图 Wiring instructions布线说明 Terms of shipment装运条款 Shipping agent装运代理人 In the matter of如有。。if Be free from defects不存在缺陷 For a period of 2 years from the date of purchase自购买之日起两年内Warranty 保修期 Batch number批号 Forwarder 代运人 Shipment date装运日期 Design specification设计规格 Risk assessment风险评估



(期中-期末考试词汇) 商务英语翻译英汉词汇表 (以级别排序) (翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为“(五级)”;高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为(五级)加(四级);助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为(五级)加(四级)加(三级);翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为(五级)加(四级)加(三级)加(二级)。 一、(五级)翻译员 (1-23页) 1 absenteeism 旷工,旷职 2 absorb 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 3 abstract; brief 摘要 4 accident意外事故 5 account 会计帐目 6 account book账本(账册、账簿) 7 account for 解释;说明 8 account title账户名称 9 accountancy 会计工作;会计行业 10 accountant 会计 11 accountant general会计长 12 accounting 会计学 13 accounts 往来帐目 14 acquisition 收购 15 action plan 行动计划 16 active demand 畅销 17 active stock成交活跃的股票 18 activity业务类型 19 administration; implement 实施,经营,行政 20 advance charges预付费用 21 advance wages预付工资 22 advertise 公布;做广告 23 advertising 广告业 24 against order根据订单 25 agenda议事日程 26 agent代理人 27 agent-service代理业务 28 agreement 协定 29 agreement price协议价 30 allotment; appropriation拨款 31 allowance 津贴 32 allowance; benefit 补助金 33 ambition 野心 34 amortization 摊销;摊还;分期偿付


英汉词语对比与翻译 --- 系统、语义及其他 词类在英汉语中使用的频率有差异 1.我成功了。 I was in success. 2. The old man cast impatient glances at the clock. 这位老师不耐烦地看了看钟。 3.他初出茅庐,没有什么经验。 He is a green hand 4. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them together. 一进门,我就想起来了被我摔碎的娃娃。我摸索着走到壁炉跟前,捡起了碎片。 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese --- 英汉语对比研究 人到齐就开会。 The meeting will begin when all are here. 不要人云亦云。 Don’t say what others have said. 帐单撕碎了。 The bill was torn to pieces. 问题解决了。The problem was solved. 你再说一个字,我马上走。 If you should say one more word, I would go at once. 你死了,我去当和尚。 If you should die, I would go and be a monk. 1.人在阵地在。 The position will not be given up so long as we are still living.(Condition 条件) 2.人无远虑,必有近忧。 If one has no long-term considerations, he will find trouble at his doorstep.(Condition 条件) 3.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。 Sickness comes like an avalanche(雪崩) , but goes like reeling silk. (Contrast, Opposition 对照、转折) 4.我来他已去。 He had left when I arrived.(Time Order 时间先后) 5.他人老心不老。 Although he has aged physically, he remains young at heart. (Concession 让步) Look at the sentence structures of the two languages from another perspective: 1.我的小子他很调皮。 My little grandson is very naughty. 2.那所房子你们早该修了。 You should have repaired the house. 3.英语这门语言,学会它可不容易。 It is by no means easy to learn the English language. 4.这里建大桥,我看行不通。 I don’t think it workable to build a bridge here. 1.志同道合,友谊才会持久。 Friendship will last only if it is based on a common goal. Only if friendship is based on a common goal, it will last. 2.天下雨,运动会延期了。 The sports meet was postponed because of rain. Because of rain, the sports meet was postponed. 3.We saw many signs of occupation while strolling along a street past a major concentration of the huts (棚户区)not far away from the Central Avenue.
