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Unit 1 Dream homes.

1 Would you like to live in a palace , Eddite.

2 No, I’d like to live next to a restaurant.

3 There are many restaurants in Beijing. Which is your favourtite

4 The biggest one!

Where would you like to live

The Class 1, Grade 7 students at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School are learning about homes in different countries. They are writing about their dream homes for the school newsletter. Main Task: Complete a questionnaire and write an article about your dream home.

Welcome to the unit :

Countries and capitals:

A ? Simon and Amy want to learn about other countries. They collected some pictures. Help them write the names of the countries under the picture.

France Japan Russia Thailand the UK the USA

B ?Simon and Amy want to learn about capital of other countries. Help them complete the sentences below with the correct words from the box.

Bangkok London Moscow Paris Tokyo Washington DC

1 The capital of the USA is ( Washington DC ).

2 The capital

of the UK is (London).

3 The capital of the France is (Paris ).

4 The capital of Japan is ( Tokyo ).

5 The capital of Russia is (Moscow ).

6 The capital of Thailand is (Bangkok ).


A Homes around the world

? Simon and Amy want to learn about homes in different countries. They found the home pages of four foreign students. Here are the four home pages.


Hi! My name is Stephen.

I live in a large house in Long Beach, California, the USA. It has 12 rooms. My favorite place is the balcony. I can play games, read comics and chat with friends there. We love to sit on the floor and look out at the beach and the sea. I have a big bedroom.

I can see the beach from the bedroom windows. My friends think this is cool.


Hello! I’m Madee.

I live in a small town in Thailand. I live with my family in

a wooden house. The house is over a river. I clim

b a ladder to get into my house. We have five rooms. Many people live in my house. They are my grandparents, my parents, my three sisters and my brother. I am the second child of my family. It is very beautiful and quiet here, but it rains a lot.


I live in a small house in a near London. My favourite room in the house is the kitchen. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner. In the evenings, we watch

TV in the sitting room. I have a dog . it’s birthday is on the fifth of June. He sleeps in the garden.


Hello! My name is Anna.

I live in the centre of Moscow. I live with my family in a flat on a busy street. The flat is on the seventh floor. It is not very large but we have a nice sitting room. After dinner, we like to play games and chat there. I share a bedroom with my sister. We often listen to music in our bedroom. Our neighbours are friendly and we are happy here.

B More about homes:

B1 ? Simon and Amy are talking about the homes of the foreign students. Write the correct words under the picture

balcony beach kitchen ladder sea sitting roon

B2 ? Simon is writing down the meaning of some of the words. There are some mistakes in his notes. The underlined words are wrong. Help him write the correct words above the mistakes.

1 You usually eat meals in a (sitting room)/( )

2 Ypu

often sleep in a ( kitchen).

3 A (dining room) is the best place to grow flowers.

4 In most homes, people cook meals in the (bedroom).

5 We usually put the sofa in the (garden).

C Homes in different countries

C1 ?Simon is telling his parents about the foreign homes. Is he telling them the correct information Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false.

1 Stephen lives near the sea. ( )

2 There are more than ten rooms in Stephen’s house. ( )

3 Madee lives in a wooden house in the hills. ( )

4 Madee has a small family. ( )

5 Neil has a T V in the kitchen. ( )

6 Neil’s dog was born on the first of June. ( )

7 Anna’s flat is on the seventh floor and it’s on a quiet street. ( )

8 Anna shares a bedroom with her brother.

C2 ?Amy has drawn some pictures of the foreign students’ homes for Simon . look at the pictures and help Simon complete the sentences.

Anna balcony bedroom kitchen ladder Madee Neil Stephen

1 (Stephen) is chatting with his friends on the (balcony).

2 (Madee) is climbing a (ladder).

3 (Neil) is sitting in the (kitchen).

4 (Anna) is listening to music in her (bedroom).



A ?Here are some picture of Neil’s home in Britain. What do you call these pieces of furniture Write the correct names under the pictures.

armchair; bedside table ; coffee table ; cupboard ; lamp; sofa

B ?Simon is making a table showing the objects in different rooms in Neil’s house, but there are some mistakes. Help him

find the mistakes and circle them.


A Prepositions of place

We use prepositions of place to say where things are.

We love to sit on the floor.

The house is over a river.

Millie sits in front of me. Amy sits between Millie and Simon.

Kitty sits next to Sandy. Sandy sits between Kitty and me. Simon sits in front of kitty. The window is opposite the


The chalk is on the teacher’s desk.

between ; in ; in front of ; inside ; next to ; on ; opposite ; outside ; over ; under ;

Kate’s bedroom

Simon has a photo from his penfriend, Kate. It is a photo of her bedroom. He is describing it to Amy on the phone. Look at the photo below and complete their conversation. Simon: Kate has a computer in her room. It is on her desk. Her printer is beside her computer. There is a lamp on the bedside table.

Amy: Where is the bedside table

Simon: It is between the bed and the armchair.

Amy:Where are Kate’s toys

Simon: They are in a box.

Amy: Does Kate have many books

Simmon:Yes. They are on a shelf. The shelf is above the bed. Amy: Is Kate’s room very tidy

Simon: No! There are lots of things under her bed.

B Cardinal numbers

We use cardinal numbers almost every day. We use them for lots of different things.

0 zero ; 1 one; 2 two; 3three; 4 four; 5 five ; 6 six; 7 seven ; 8 eight; 9 nine; 10 ten; 11 eleven; 12 twelve; 13 thirteen; 14 fourteen; 15 fifteen; 17 seventeen; 18 eighteen; 19 nineteen; 20 twenty; 30 thirty; 40 forty;

50 fifty; 60 sixty; 70sevety; 80 eight; 90ninety; 100 one hundred; 1000 one thousand; 10000 ten thousand; 100000 one hudred thousand; 1000000 one million ;

Tip:When we say thirteen. We stress the second syllable. When we say thirty, we stress the first syllable.

How do we say it

4056=four thousand and fifty-six

23813=twenty-three thousand, eight hundred and thirteen.

567110=five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, one hundred and ten.

6425200=six million, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, two hundred.

Different numbers

B1 ?Shirley is learning how to say large nubers. Help Shirley match the words on the left with the numbers on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.

1 ten thousand, two hundred and six . ( 10206)

2 one hundred and twenty-six. (126)

3 one hundred thousand, two hundred and six. (100260)

4 twelve thousand and twenty-six. (12026)

5one million, two hundred thousand and twenty-six. (1200026)

6 one thousand and twenty-six. ( 1026)

7 one hundred and ten thousand, two hundred and six. (110206) B2 ?Neil asks Simon for some phone numbers of the Class 1, Grade 7 students. Simon does not want to make a mistake. Help

him write out photo numbers in words before he calls Neil. Millie 5553 2901 ( five, five, five, three; two, nine, o, one ) Tip: When there is a zero in a phone number or an address, we usually say ‘0’ instead of ‘zero’ . , we say ‘seven, o, three. Nanjing Road’.

B3 ?The Class 1, Grade 7 students are learning how to write cheques. Work in pairs. Take rutns to read out the numbers to your partner and write the numbers out in words on the cheques.

1 RMB Yuan: five hundred and ninety-eight.

C Ordinal numbers

We can use ordinal nubers to order things and events. We use them to talk about dates, floors, results, etc.

I am the second child of my family.

Its birthday is on the fifth of june.

The flat is on the seveth floor.

How do you write it

C1 ?Millie is testing Amy on numbers. Look at the numbers below

and help Amy write the numbers out in words.

Cardinal numbers : one; two; three; four; five; …

Ordinal numbers: 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 4th; …20th=twentieth; 21st=twenty-first; 22nd; 23rd; 30th ;

C2 ?Neil is going to visit Beijing during the winter holidays. He asks Simon to plan the trip for him. He is now talking to Simon on the phone. Look at the timetable below and complete their conversation.


Sunday 17: Neil arrives. Monday 18: Free day. Tuesday 19: visit the Great Wall. Wednesday 20: Go shopping in Wangfujing. Thurday 21: Visit the Summer Palace. Friday 22: visit the Space Museum. Saturday 23: Visit the Palace Museum. Sunday 24:Go to zhangjiakou. Monday 25: Free day. T uesday 26: Neil leaves. Wednesday 27:

Neil:Hi, Simon. I’m arriving on Sunday, the (seventeenth) of February.

Simon:I can’t wait to see you. Would you like to have a free day on Monday, the (eighteenth) I think you would be tired after


xx 英语第二学期单 词表 Module 1 Natural element Unit 1 自然的;天然的natural 要素element 控制control 伤害injure 香烟cigarette 终点;末端end 研究)项目;专题研究project 问题question 信息information 发生happen 小心的careful 种;类kind 什么样的what kind of 引起cause xxhill 屏幕screen 页page 答案answer

在上面above 有用的useful 有害的harmful 发现discover 野生的;野的wild 煮沸boil 使融化melt 金属metal 形状shape 为了,以便so as to 玻璃glass 花瓶vase 放;安置put 数量amount 破坏;毁坏destroy 每样东西;一切everything 丧失;失去lose 严重的seriously 粗心的careless 欠考虑的;轻率的thoughtless 熄灭;扑灭put out 丢,扔drop 到处everywhere 测验quiz 卡片card 填写fill in 携带;背着carry 呼吸breathe 设备equipment 我自己myself 水龙带hose pipe 梯子ladder 斧头axe 消防演习fire 规则rule

收拾(行李);装(箱)pack 排队queue up 往楼下;顺楼梯而下downstairs 关掉(电灯,收音机等)switch off 风扇fan 楼梯taircase 标题title 句子sentence 别的;其他的else 灭火器extinguisher 警报alarm xxbell 警铃;警钟alarm bell 消防水龙带fire hose 消防firefighting 地面ground 一楼ground floor 走廊corridor 楼梯stairs 主要的main 工艺美术art and craft 音乐music 卫生间;盥洗室toilet 职员;员工staff 有顶的covered 有顶的操场covered playground Unit 2 有风的windy


上海版《牛津英语教材》的教学体会牛津英语教材的编写体系为“building blocks:(模块建筑体系),采用“功能—结构—主题—人物”相结合的途径设计教材。它不同语旧教材的最大特点在于将语言的宣布局限于机械模仿,而是给一个特定的任务,让学生运用所学的知识结构及时进行运用,达到某个教学目标。涉及各种活动让学生树立对英语学习的信心,消除个体的胆怯、挫折感,结合这几年的教学,我认为可以从两个方面谈谈对该教材的教学体会 一、该教材有以下优点: 1. 取材来源于学生的生活 教材内容大多与学生的日常生活密切相关,使学生有亲近感,有利于学生用日常所见的事情,在听、说、读、写的训练中提高和培养语言的综合应用能力。如:家庭成员单元、食物和饮料单元等 2. 倡导任务型的教学途径 让学生用“英语去做事情”,让学生通过群体活动获得信息,体现语言的工具作用,有利于提高学生的兴趣。在教师用书中,每个单元都明确了该单元用完成的任务,如七年级上的第三模块第一单元,有以下任务 单元任务 Controlling fire 学生根据本校在消防演习中可能

发现的情况,找出学校的防火规则,写出报告 学生找出学校的消防用品,并画出楼层平面示意图 3. 教材编排有开放性,注意学科间的渗透 整套教材考虑到题材和体裁的多样性,练习活泼、开放,如;教材的组织形式有单元式、故事式、循环式。让语言在不同时间、不同语景都多次出现。JOBS(工作)刚开始是简单的职业介绍,出现的句型使I want to be a ….等。随着年级的增高,教材组织形式作适当调整,单元式和故事式相结合,同样的内容在七年级增加了许多句型,多种时态。 4. 配套材料丰富 除了学生的课堂用书外,还有教师用书、练习册、语法训练、投影片、录像带等,能使教师全方位运用教材。特别指出的是活页资料成为教师课堂教学的有利帮手,设计了一系列有利于开展合作学习的调查表格、图片游戏,使课堂练习更有实效。 5. 版式设计活泼,形象生动 该教材版面新颖,人物卡通形象生动,,字体变化多样、图表设计和颜色搭配地道,能引起学生的共鸣,激发学习的兴趣。 二、使用中的困惑和创新 在使用新教材中,许多教师也感受到了挑战和压力,有时甚至有些困惑。如:有些教学内容过难或过易,不适合学


上海牛津英语 1、 Travelling in Shanghai Shanghai is in the east of China. It is an international city. It is famous for its night views, local snacks. It is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” because there are a lot of department stores and shopping centres.If you go to Shanghai, you will see P eople’s Square. It is in the centre of Shanghai. If you go to Pudong, you can see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes. At Sheshan you will find a famous church and an observatory. In Yu Garden, you can eat different kinds of local snacks.There are many interesting places in Shanghai. Therefore, it is not surprising that tourists come to visit Shanghai every year! 2、 Welcome to Sheshan Suggested questions: 1. Where is Sheshan in Shanghai? 2. Which places can you visit in Sheshan? 3. How can you go there and what do you think of Sheshan? Sheshan is in the southwest of Shanghai. It’s about 30 kilometres away from the centre of the city.There are many interesting places in Sheshan. You can visit the Forest Parkand there is a famous church at the top of the mountain.If you go there, you can also find an observatory.It’s a beautiful resort. You can go there by bus. I think you will enjoy yourself there. 3、 I have been to Shanghai Shanghai is in the east of China.It is one of the largest cities in the world. It is not only famous for its night views, but also known as a shopping paradise. Every year a number of tourists come to visit Shanghai. I went to Shanghai with my parents last Sunday. We bought many things in Nanjing Road Walk Way.There you can find a lot of department stores and shopping centres. In Yu Garden, we ate different local snacks. They are very tasty. In the afternoon we visited Pudong New District and the international airport. If you go to Pudong, you can see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. There’re many interesting places in Shanghai. I’m proud of the great city -- Shanghai. 4、 Write at least sixty words according to the given situation: Questions: 1.Why did you buy a present for your mother? 2. What did you buy for her? 3. What is it used for? 4. Where did you buy it? 5. How did you get there? 6. Did your mother like it? Why?


七年级英语下册知识点总结 Module 1 Garden City and its neighbors Unit 1 Writing a travel guide Unit 2 Going to see a film Unit 3 A visit to Garden City Unit 4 Let’s go shopping 1. How are you getting on with your travel guide? get on with “进展”; “与……相处 (融洽)” I’m getting on well with the preparation. How are you getting on with your new classmates? 2. be famous for… (以 /由于……出名) be (well) known as…(以 / 作为….被人知晓) Shanghai is famous for its night views. Shanghai is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” because there are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres.上海被誉为“购物天堂”,因为上海有很多百货商店和大型购物中心。 Qingpu is famous for its fish and rice. 3. It is + adj. + that (主语从句), 表示“……太……了” It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre. It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. It is + adj. + to do sth. It is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. =To travel between Pudong and Puxi is convenient. It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant. The food tastes awful. =To have dinner in this restaurant is terrible. 4. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons. 主句用一般将来(或can, may, must),从句用一般现在时。 Firemen will have no water to put out fires if there is no rain. We’ll go on an outing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. If you go there, you can find a famous church. 5. The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes. 磁悬浮列车可以在八分钟之内将你带到国际机场。 take sb. to … “带某人去某地” in + 时间段, 表示 1.“在......之内”;2. “在……之后” My father used to take me to the park nearly every weekend. It takes you about eight minutes to travel to the international airport by Maglev.


教案7B 朱骏颖

Teaching objectives 1.To review direction words and phrases (in dialogues) 2.To learn new words and a phrase: creek, oriental, pearl, botanical, technology, guide, pigeon, reason, sightseeing, take part in (by reading pictures, E-E explanation and multiple choices) 3. to introduce interesting places in Shanghai (in dialogues) Pre-task 1. Make suggestions on traveling in Shanghai While-task 1. Read pictures to learn new words the Suzhou Creek; the Bund, Shanghai Grand Theatre; Shanghai Botanical Gardens; Oriental Pearl TV Tower; Century Park; Shanghai Science and Technology Museum; 2. listen and say 1). listen and answer Kitty and her classmates have just been to Shanghai. They have decided to take part in a competition to see who knows Shanghai best. take part in : *Which places do students suggest to travel in Shanghai? 3. Read sentence by sentence after the audio 4. Read together with the audio 5. Fill in blanks to tell the reasons in WRITE on page 2 6. Review direction expressions 1) review directions 2) ask and answer in pairs to review direction 3) learn new words : sightseeing 7. Make dialogues on page 3 in pairs with the map above Homework: Oral : to give your suggestion on traveling in Shanghai to your friend Written: workbook page 1 ;to copy phrases 1.take part in a competition参加一个竞赛 2.design a travel guide设计一个旅行指南 3.Make some suggestions给出一些建议 4.eat different local snacks 吃不同种类的地方美食 5.In large department stores在大型百货公司 6.Shanghai Grand Theatre上海大剧院 7.Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠电视塔 8.Shanghai Science and Technology Museum上海科技馆 9.Shanghai Wild Animal Park上海野生动物园 10.Suzhou Creek苏州河 11. Where can tourists go for sightseeing in Shanghai?在上海,游客可以去哪


pen 钢笔[pen] n pencil铅笔['pens?l] n pencil-case铅笔盒['penslkeis] n ruler 尺子['ru:l?] n eraser 橡皮[i'reiz?] n crayon 蜡笔['krei?n] n book 书[buk] n bag 书包[[b?ɡ] n sharpener 卷笔刀['?ɑ:p?n?] n school 学校[sku:l] n head 头[hed] n face 脸[feis] n nose鼻子[n?uz] n mouth 嘴[mauθ] n eye 眼睛[ai] n ear 耳朵[i?] n arm胳膊[ɑ:m] n finger 手指['fi?ɡ?] n leg 腿[leɡ] n foot 脚[fut] n body 身体['b?di] n red 红色的[red] n yellow 黄色的['jel?u] n green 绿色的[ɡri:n] n blue 蓝色的[blu:] n purple 紫色的['p?:pl] n white 白色的[hwait] n black 黑色的[bl?k] n orange 橙色的桔子['?:rind?] n pink 粉色的[pi?k] n brown 棕色的[braun] n cat 猫;猫科动物[k?t] n dog 狗[d?g] n monkey 猴子;顽童['m??ki] n panda 熊猫['p?nd?] n rabbit 兔子['r?bit] n duck 鸭子[d?k] n pig 猪[piɡ] n bird 鸟;禽[b?:d] n bear 熊[bε?] n elephant 大象['elif?nt] n mouse 老鼠[maus] n squirrel 松鼠['skw?:r?l] n cake 蛋糕[keik] n bread 面包[bred] n hot dog 热狗 hamburger汉堡包['h?mb?:ɡ?] n chicken 鸡肉['t?ikin] n French fries 榨薯条[frent?fraiz] n Coke 可乐[k?uk] n juice 果汁;汁[d?u:s] n milk 牛奶[milk] n water 水['w?:t?] n tea 茶[ti:] n coffee 咖啡['k?fi] n one一[w?n] n two 二[tu:] n three 三[θri:] n four 四[f?:] n five 五[faiv] n six 六[siks] n seven 七['sev?n] n eight 八[eit] n nine 九[nain] n ten 十[ten] n doll 玩具娃娃[d?l] n balloon 气球[b?'lu:n] n car 小汽车[kɑ:] n plane 飞机[plein] n text 课文;文本[tekst] n self 自己;自我;本质[self] n word 单词;言辞;歌词[w?:d] n type 类型;样式;榜样[taip] n module 单元;组件['m?dju:l] n daily 每日的;日常的['deili] a grammar语法['gr?m?] n content (书刊等的)目录;内容[k?n'tent] n love 爱[l?v] n expression 表达;表现力;表情[iks'pre??n] n wall 墙[w?:l] n project 方案;计划[pr?'d?ekt] n dictionary 字典['dik??neri] n sheet 印刷品;表格[?i:t] n mum 妈妈(口语)[m?m] n vocabulary 词汇;用词范围;词典[v?'k?bjul?ri] n poem (一首)诗['p?uim] n page 页[peid?] n oral 口试['?:r?l] n unit 单元;单位['ju:nit] n 1


英语(牛津上海版)7B知识点 上海教科院豫英实验学校James (200903)

Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 1 Writing a travel guide Unit 2 Going to see a film Unit 3 A visit to Garden City Unit 4 Let’s go shopping 1. How are you getting on with your travel guide? get on with “进展”; “与……相处(融洽)” I’m getting on well with the preparation. How are you getting on with your new classmates? 2. be famous for… (以/由于……出名) be (well) known as…(以/ 作为….被人知晓) Shanghai is famous for its night views. Shanghai is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” becausethere are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres.上海被誉为“购物天堂”,因为上海有 很多百货商店和大型购物中心。 Qingpu is famous for its fish and rice. 3. It is + adj. + that (主语从句), 表示“……太……了” It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre. It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. It is + adj. + to do sth. It is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. =To travel between Pudong and Puxi is convenient. It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant. The food tastes awful. =To have dinner in this restaurant is terrible. 4. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees,

译林牛津英语电子课本 译林牛津英语苏教版八年级上8A单词默写

译林牛津英语电子课本最新译林牛津英语苏教版八年级上8A单词默写 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“最新译林牛津英语苏教版八年级上8A单词默写”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持! Unit 1 1.口渴的adj. 2.诚实的;正直的adj. 3.秘密n. 4.保守秘密(短语) 5.欢乐,高兴;乐趣n. 6.关心,关注,在意vi; vt. 7.关心,关怀(短语) 8.你自己pron. 9.(13至19岁的)青少年n. 10.杂志n. 11.好看的,漂亮的adj. 12.幽默的adj. 13.礼貌的adj. 14.爱整洁的,整洁的adj.. 15.成为;适合linking verb. 16.信任vt. 17.谎言n. 18.玩笑n. 19.确实的;的确adj. 20.慷慨的,大方的adj. 21.

乐意的,愿意的adj. 22.在任何时候(短语)23.嗓音n. 24.歌手n. 25.几乎,差不多adv. 26.圆形的adj. 27.感觉;观念,意识n. 28.幽默(英)n. 29.幽默(美)n. 30.无聊的adj. 31.可容纳,装进vi. 32.碰,撞;把…撞击成vt. 33.到…的上面prep. 34.笔直的adj. 35.可爱的,惹人喜爱的adj. 36.微笑vi. 37.个性n. 38.选择;挑选vt./ vi. 39.更差,更糟,更坏(bad的比较级)adj. 40.最差,最糟,最坏(bad的最高级)adj. 41.高,高度n. 42.重量n. 43.秒n. 44.竞赛,比赛;竞争n. 45.测试,考察n. 46.游泳者n. 47.打算,计划n. 48.社会的adj. 49.社会工作者n. 50.马尾辫n. 51.害羞的adj.


一年级教材分析(M1) 一、单元主题分析 第一单元的主题是Using my five senses,学生可以通过五官感知生活中的各种事物,利用眼睛观察身边的东西,利用耳朵倾听不同的声音,利用鼻和舌感知不同的味道。 Unit 1的内容围绕Look和See开展的,让学生在学习新单词frog, rabbit, bee, bird几种动物的同时,掌握What do you see?这个问句,要求学生能从名称、大小、颜色等特征来介绍所见动物。Unit 2通过动物的叫声突出Listen 和Hear这个主题。由于动物的叫声学生在第一学期已接触过,所以重点就落在了句子What do you hear?上。学生在学习单词sheep, hen, dog, cat的过程中,模仿它们的叫声,引导学生喜爱动物。Unit 3 通过Taste和Smell两个行为让学生了解自己生活中最常见的几种的食物rice, soup, egg, noodles,并通过对话的学习,了解如何进行简单的点菜。 整个单元的内容与学生的生活有着密切的关系:鸟、蜜蜂等在春天随处可见,可以激发学生热爱自然的情怀;猫、狗等是人们的宠物,通过声音的模仿,激发学生热爱动物的热情;米饭、鸡蛋等学生每天都在吃,可以培养学生不挑食的好习惯,因此较容易激发学生学习的兴趣。 二、教材处理 (一)教学目标 Unit 1 Look and see

Unit 2 Listen and hear Unit 3 Taste and smell

(二) (三)划分课时 Unit 1

Unit 2 Unit 3 (四)重点、难点 Unit 1: 重点:单词:frog rabbit bee bird 句子:What do you see? I see… What colour is it? It is… 段:I see a … It’s …(red/yellow…) It’s …(big/ small…) 难点:学生容易在形容词前加“a”, 如:What colour is it? It is (a) red. Unit 2: 重点:单词:sheep hen dog cat 句子:What do you hear? I hear… 难点:象声词的读音:oink, cluck, woof Unit 3:


Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 1 Writing a travel guide 【知识点梳理】 1. guide n. 指南;手册 You’d better buy a travel guide when you are travelling in a foreign country. 当你在外国旅行时,你最好买一本旅游指南。 Design a travel guide. 设计一份旅游指南。 【提示】guide 还可以表示“导游”。如:The guide showed them around Paris. 导游带领他 们参观了巴黎。 【拓展】guide 作动词时,可以表示“为……领路,带领”。如:Jack guided the old man to the information desk. 杰克把老人领到问讯处。 2. tour n. 旅行;旅游 Can you give us some tour suggestions? 你能给我们一些旅行建议吗? 【联想】tourist n. 游客,旅游者 3. take part in 参加(活动) 如:We’ll take part in the sports meeting this Friday. 本周五我们要参加运动会。 They have decided to take part in a competition. 他们决定参加一个竞赛。 【比较】take part in与join 都有“参加”的意思。take part in 表示参加某项活动;join表 示参加或加入某个团体或组织。 如:He joined the Party ten years ago.他十年前入党。 I’ll join the Youth League next month. 下个月我要入团。 【提示】take part in = join in 4. sightseeing n. 观光;游览 Tourists usually go there for sightseeing and fun.游客们通常会去那儿观光游玩。 【记忆】go sightseeing去观光 【联想】go shopping去购物;go swimming去游泳;go fishing去钓鱼;go travelling去旅游; go camping去野营;go cycling去骑车;go boating去划船;go hiking去徒步旅行 go skating去溜冰;go windsurfing去风帆冲浪;go hunting去打猎 【拓展】a sightseeing bus观光旅游车 a sightseeing tour观光旅游 5. in the centre of 位于……的中部 【比较】in the centre of 强调与四周距离相等的中心位置,常用来指空间;in the middle of 强调两端之间的位置,并不强调中心,既可用于指空间,也可用于指时间。 如:There is a beautiful fountain in the centre of People’s Square. 人民广场中央有一个美丽的喷泉。(指中心位置) They usually have noodles in the middle of the day. 他们通常在中午吃面。(指时间) She saw a big dog running in the middle of the street. 她看见有只狗在街道中间跑。(指空间) 6. in the south of 位于……的南部 【联想】类似的表达:in the north of位于……的北部, in the west of位于……的西部, in the east of位于……的东部 【注意】用英语表达方位时,north和south 通常放在east和west之前。 如:northeast东北,northwest西北,southeast东南,southwest西南 【拓展】in the south of 位于……的南部,强调在某一个范围之内;如两地接壤用on the south of;两地不相邻用(to the) south of,如: A is in the south of B. (B包含A) A is on the south of B. (A和B接壤) A is (to the) south of B. (A和B不相邻) 7. on Chongming Island 位于崇明岛上 【注意】表示在岛屿上时,介词要用on 8. get on with 进展

译林牛津英语电子课本 牛津译林版八年级下英语组合训练含答案

译林牛津英语电子课本2016-2017学年牛津译林版八年级下英语组合训练 (2)含答案 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“2016-2017学年牛津译林版八年级下英语组合训练(2)含答案”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持! 2016-2017学年下学期八年级英语组合训练(2) 【完型填空】 .He loves to travel to new places and meet new people.He does not like to travel on a package tour (跟团旅行)he would like to buy a guidebook for the place he is going to and search the Internet for information about the main places of interest. He certainly sees more benefits (益处) in traveling this way. Firstly,Martin doesn’t have to his trip.Package tours because people have to pay for the costs of the travel agency

(旅行社) and the tour guide.photos or buy their souvenirs (纪念品).If he has finished what he wants to do , he can leave and move on to the next place once. wishes that he had other travelers with him.Also,going to a different country on his own can be difficult and at times.Once,Martin was in Africa and he could not speak the language.Someone took away his wallet on the train.Luckily, he wasn’t hurt,but he did not get Martin has had a few problems in the past, 1.A.tired B.sorry C.happy D.interested 2.A.And B.Instead C.So D.But 3.A.anything B.money C.much D.little. 4.A.cost B.pay C.spend D.use 5.A.take B.make C.do D。have 6.A.friends B.problems C.interest D.fun 7.A.1ovely B.1onely C.friendly D.nicely


上海牛津英语7B知识点总结 Contents 目录Key points 主要知识点 Additional points 拓展知识点 Unit 1 1. 词汇与短语 2. Wh---特殊疑问句句型 3. 情态动词can 4. 怎样写旅游指南 If 引导的条件状语从句 Unit 1 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 写作 Unit 2 1. 词汇与短语 2. 介词into,along 3. 怎样用英语问路 So / neither的省略与倒装 Unit 2 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 写作 Unit 3 1. 词汇与短语 2. 介词for,since 3. 现在完成时(基础) 现在完成时(2) Unit 3 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 怎样写工作报告 Unit 4 1. 词汇与短语 2. 介词短语 3. 描述性形容词 4.一般现在时 一般现在时专项 Unit 4 复习与巩固1听力 2.词汇与语法 3.阅读 4写作 Unit 5 1词汇与短语 2.连词although 让步状语从句专项 Unit 5 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 写作 Unit 6 1.词汇与短语 2.描述性形容词 形容词专项

3.start doing Unit 6 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 写作 Unit 7 1词汇与短语 2.一般将来时Will 3.同意或不同意 一般将来时专项 Unit 7 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 写作 Unit 81词汇与短语 2. 情态动词would 3. 指代人的反身代词反身代词专项 Unit 8 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 写作 Unit 9 1.词汇与短语 2.形容词用作比较和描述人 3.结果状语 4.物主代词 结果状语从句 Unit 9 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 写作 Unit 10 1.词汇与短语 2.连词when 3.祈使句 4.介词near,at 祈使句专项 Unit 10 复习与巩固1. 听力 2. 词汇与语法 3. 阅读 4. 写作 期末总复习 1.单项选择强化训练 2.首字母填空 3.完形填空 4.阅读理解


牛津英语第二学期单词表 Module 1 Natural element Unit 1 自然的;天然的natural 要素element 控制control 伤害injure 香烟cigarette 终点;末端end 研究)项目;专题研究project 问题question 信息information 发生happen 小心的careful 种;类kind 什么样的what kind of 引起cause 小山hill 屏幕screen 页page 答案answer 在上面above 有用的useful 有害的harmful 发现discover 野生的;野的wild 煮沸boil 使融化melt 金属metal 形状shape 为了,以便so as to 玻璃glass 花瓶vase 放;安置put 数量amount 破坏;毁坏destroy 每样东西;一切everything 丧失;失去lose 严重的seriously 粗心的careless 欠考虑的;轻率的thoughtless 熄灭;扑灭put out 丢,扔drop 到处everywhere

测验quiz 卡片card 填写fill in 携带;背着carry 呼吸breathe 设备equipment 我自己myself 水龙带hose pipe 梯子ladder 斧头axe 消防演习fire 规则rule 收拾(行李);装(箱)pack 排队queue up 往楼下;顺楼梯而下downstairs 关掉(电灯,收音机等)switch off 风扇fan 楼梯taircase 标题title 句子sentence 别的;其他的else 灭火器extinguisher 警报alarm 铃bell 警铃;警钟alarm bell 消防水龙带fire hose 消防firefighting 地面ground 一楼ground floor 走廊corridor 楼梯stairs 主要的main 工艺美术art and craft 音乐music 卫生间;盥洗室toilet 职员;员工staff 有顶的covered 有顶的操场covered playground Unit 2 有风的windy 陈列;展示display 板board 展览板display 再;又again



译林7B 单词默写 Unit 1 1.皇宫;宫殿n. 2.紧邻;在.........旁边prep. 3.镇,城镇n. 4.加拿大n. 5.法国n. 6.日本n. 7.俄罗斯n. 8.英国n. 9.伦敦n. 10.国家n. 11.首都n. 12.英里n. 13.花园;果园n. 14.公寓,套房n. 15.《英》中心n. 16.《美》中心n. 17.起居室,客厅n. 18.合用;分享vt. 19.与某人合用/分享某物(词组) 20.卧室n. 21.自己的 a. 22.浴室,盥洗室n.

23.阳台n. 24.海滩n. 25.海n. 26.餐厅n. 27.零n. 28.百num. 29.千num. 30.百万num. 31.英尺n. 32.平方的a. 33.《英》米,公尺n. 34.《美》公尺,米n. 35.面积n. 36.超过prep. 37.叉,餐叉n. 38.冰箱n. 39.刀n. 40.灯,台灯n. 41.淋浴器,淋浴n. 42.沙发n. 43.录像;视频n. 44.满是(词组) 45.属于某人自己的(词组) 46.将来有一天,总有一天(词组)

47.可以;也许,可能modal v. 48.消息,音信n. 49.传个话,捎个口信(词组) 50.回电话(词组) 51.双的,双倍的 a. 52.书房n. 53.机器n. 54.洗衣机n. 55.在 ......脚下(词组) 56.地,田n. 57.足球场(词组) 58.邀请vt. 59.停留,逗留vi. Unit 2 1.邻居(英)n. 2.邻居(美)n. 3.哇,呀excl. 4.将,将会modal v. 5.访问者,参观者n. 6.像,类似; .........怎么样prep. 7.(餐馆等的)服务员n. 8.(英)街区,居民区n. 9.(美街区)居民区n. 10.愿意帮忙的,有用的a.

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