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Numerical Method Terminogy__ translation

Numerical Method Terminogy__ translation
Numerical Method Terminogy__ translation

50th percentile, 326 第50百分位


absolute error, 90 绝对误差

absolute, 90 绝对的

accuracy, 89, 90 准确度

adaptive methods and stiff systems, 588, 615 自适应方法和刚性系统adaptive quadrature, 510,513 自适应积分法adaptive Runge-Kutta methods, 588, 596 自适应隆格库塔方法adaptive step-size control, 589 自适应步长控制alphanumeric information, 31 字母数字信息amplification factor, 559 放大系数

analytical solution, 7,9 解析解

angular frequency, 309, 383 角频率

anonymous function, 74,75 匿名函数approximation of a function, 107 逼近函数archimedes principle, 150 阿基米德原理

areal integral, 466 面积分

array operations, 34 数组操作

array, 28 阵列

arrays, vectors, matrices, 28,29 数组,向量, 矩阵Arrhenius equation, 46 Arrhenius方程

ascent methods, 197 上升的方法

ASCII file, 57 ASCII文件assignment, 26,31 分配

average temperature, 487 平均温度

Avogadros number, 98 Avogadros常数

axis square, 40 坐标轴方块图


back substitution, 237 回代

backslash operator, 220, 266, 370 反斜杠运算

backward difference, 111, 112, 528 后差

backward Euler's method, 603 Euler's后差法banded matrix, 213 带状矩阵

base-10 system, 96 10进位制系统

base-2 system, 96 2进位制系统

base-8 representation, 96 8进位制表示

Bessel function, 427, 457 贝塞尔函数

best-fit line, 336, 344 最佳拟合线

bilinear interpolation, 449,451 双线性插值

binary search, 434, 435 二进制搜索binary system, 96 二进制系统bisect, 139,140 二分法

blank lines, 25 空白行blunders, 119 失误

Boolean variable, 609 布尔变量boundary-value problems, 616,641 边界值问题Boussinesq's equation, 427 Boussinesq方程bracketing methods, 131,143 包围法

Brent's method, 163,168 Brent's方法Brent's root-finding method, 163,168 Brent求根法built-in functions, 642,643 内置函数

built-in, 35,37, 642,643 内置

bungee jumper , 607, 608 蹦极跳投者bungee jumper problem, 271,272 蹦极跳问题Butcher's method, 571 Butcher's方法butterfly curve, 47 蝴蝶曲线butterfly effect, 581 蝴蝶效应

C C calculating the inverse, 268,270 求逆calculator mode, 25 计算器模式calculus, 522 微积分cantilever beam, 202 悬臂梁carrying capacity, 584 承载能力Cartesian vector, 86 笛卡尔向量case sensitivity, 26 区分大小写case studies 案例分析

case study, 17,19 案例研究catenary cable, 179 接触网线centered difference, 111,112, 529 中心差chaotic, 581 混乱character strings, 31 文字串character strings, 31 文字串characteristic polynomial, 305 特征多项式Characteristic values, 304 特征值chemical reactions, 298,300 化学反应Cholesky decomposition, 263 Cholesky分解Cholesky factorization, 263,266 Cholesky分解circuit analysis, 222,225 电路分析clamped end condition, 443 夹紧结束条件clamped spline, 443 夹样条

classical fourth-order RK method, 569,572 经典四阶RK方法coefficient of determination, 342,343 系数的决心coefficient of restitution, 87 系数恢复原状coefficient of variation, 327 变异系数

colon operator, 30 冒号运算符

column vector, 28, 212 列向量

column-sum norm, 274 列和范

command prompt, 25 命令提示符command window, 25 命令窗口companion matrix, 171 伴侣矩阵

complete pivoting, 242 全主元

composite integration formulas, 471 复合积分公式composite Simpson's 1/3 rule, 477,479 复合Simpson1/3公式composite trapezoidal rule, 471,474 复合梯形规则computer algorithm, 93,95 计算机算法computer mathematics, 1 计算机数学computer number representation, 95,101 计算机数字表示concatenation, 29, 31 级联

conditionally stable, 559 条件稳定

conical helix, 46 锥形螺旋conservation laws, 12,13, 14 守恒定律conservation of charge, 14, 222 电荷守恒conservation of energy, 14, 223 能量守恒conservation of mass, 14 质量守恒conservation of momentum, 14 动量守恒

constant of integration, 549 积分常数constitutive laws, 524, 525 本构关系continuity condition, 436 连续条件continuous Fourier series, 387,389 连续傅立叶级数convergence, 153, 155, 157, 159, 176, 287, 288 收敛

corrector equation, 562 修正公式correlation coefficient, 342 相关系数

Cramer's rule, 233, 234 Cramer's法则critical point, 580 临界点

cubic polynomial, 415 三次多项式

cubic spline, 438,443 三次样条curvature, 523 曲率

curve fitting, 321,458 曲线拟合curvilinear interpolation, 322 曲线插补


damped spring-mass system, 585 阻尼弹簧质量系统

Darcy's law, 525 Darcy 定律

data errors, 531,532 数据错误

data uncertainty, 120 数据的不确定性decimal system, 95,96 十进制decomposition, 254n 分解

default value, 63 默认值63

definite integral, 549 定积分

definitions, 459, 463 定义

degrees of freedom, 327 自由度

dependent variable, 5, 547 因变量dependent, 5, 547 依赖性

derivative boundary conditions, 624,626, 导数边界条件derivative mean-value theorem, 108, 109 导数中值定理descent methods, 197 下降法

descriptive statistics, 326,327, 330 描述性统计determinant evaluation, 244,245 行列式计算determinant of the jacobian, 294, 295 雅可比行列式diagonal dominance, 287 对角优势

diagonal matrix, 212 对角矩阵

differential equation, 7, 547 微分方程

direct methods, 197 直接法

Dirichlet boundary condition, 624, 630 Dirichlet边界条件discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 394,399 离散傅立叶变换(DFT)distance versus time, 485 距离与时间的关系distribution coefficient, 252 分配系数divergence, 155 发散

divided difference table, 414, 415 差商表

dot notation, 523n 点符号

double integral, 486, 487 双积分

drag coefficient, 405 风阻系数

drag force, 17,19 阻力

dummy variable, 81 虚拟变量

dynamics problem, 303 动力学问题


earthquakes, 314,316 地震

echo printing, 26 回声打印

edit window, 25 编辑窗口eigenvalues, 303,319 特征值eigenvector, 306 特征向量electroneutrality, 150 电中性

element-by-element operations, 34 逐元运算

elimination of unknowns, 234,235 消除未知数

ellipsis, 31 省略号

embedded RK methods, 589 内置RK方法

end conditions, 443 边端条件

energy balance, 127 能量平衡equilibrium and minimum potential energy, 平衡和最小势能

error amplification, 532 误差放大

error estimates, 600,601 误差估计

Euclid, 187 欧几里德

Euler phase plane plot, 580 欧拉相平面图

Euler's method, 10, 555,561, 572,574 Euler's方法

explicit Euler's method, 603 Euler's显式法exploratory data analysis, 42,44 探索性数据分析exponential equation, 345 指数方程exponential model, 344 指数模型extrapolation, 421,423 外推


factorial, 65 阶乘

factorization 因式分解

false position, 140,143 假位

false-position formula, 140 假位公式

Fanning friction factor, 149 范宁摩擦系数

fast Fourier transform (FFT), 395,396 快速傅立叶变换(FFT)Fehlberg methods, 590 Fehlberg方法

Fick's law, 525 Fick's法

fifth-order RK method, 571 五阶RK方法

file management, 56,57 文件管理

finite difference, 110 有限差分

finite-difference approximation, 10 有限差分近似

finite-difference methods, 628,635 有限差分方法

first divided difference, 414 首阶差商

first finite divided difference, 413 首阶有限差商

first-order approximation, 105 一阶近似

first-order equation, 548 一级方程式

first-order method, 559 一阶方法

first-order spline, 432,433 一阶样条

fit curves to data 拟合曲线于数据

fitting experimental data, 373,375 拟合实验数据

fixed-point iteration, 152,156 定点迭代

floating point representation, 97,100 浮点表示

floating-point operations (flops), 239,241 浮点运算次数(FLOPS)

force balance, 127 力平衡

format commands, 27 格式命令

format compact, 25n 格式化紧凑

format long, 27, 102 长格式

format loose, 25n 宽松格式

format short, 27 短格式

forward difference, 110,111, 113, 527 向前差分

forward elimination, 236,237 推进消元

Fourier analysis, 380,404 傅立叶分析

Fourier integral and transform, 391,394 傅立叶积分和变换

Fourier integral of f(t), 393 f(t) 的傅立叶积分

Fourier integral, 392 傅立叶积分

Fourier series, 393 傅立叶级数

Fourier transform pair, 393 傅立叶变换对

Fourier transform, 393 傅里叶变换

Fourier's law, 452, 525, 619 Fourier's定律

fourth-order RK method, 575 四阶RK方法

free-falling bungee jumper 自由落体蹦极跳frequency domain, 390 频域

friction factor, 173 摩擦系数

function file, 50,52 函数文件

function, see also individual function names 函数。另请参见单独的函数名fundamental frequency, 387 基频

fundamental principles (design problems), 127 基本原则(设计问题)


Gauss elimination, 235,242 高斯消元

Gauss quadrature, 503,510 高斯积分

Gauss-Legendre formulas, 506,509 高斯- 勒让德公式GaussNaive, 239 天真高斯消元GaussPivot, 243,244 高斯主元素消去法

general form, 205 一般的形式

general linear least squares, 367,369 一般线性最小二乘

global optimum, 186 全域最佳

global truncation error, 558 全域截断误差

golden ratio, 187 黄金比例

golden section search, 187,192, 194,195 黄金分割搜索

goodness of fit, 336,344 拟合优度

gradient methods, 197 梯度法

graphical methods, 128,129 图形化方法

graphics window, 25 图形窗口

graphics, 38,40 图形


half-saturation constant, 351 半饱和常数

half-wave rectifier, 403 半波整流器harmonics, 387 谐波

heat balance, 127 热平衡

heat flux, 452 热通量

heat transfer, 452,456 传热

heated rod, 247,250, 620,621 加热棒

helix, 40, 41 螺旋

Hertz (Hz), 309, 383 赫兹(Hz)

Heun's method, 562,566 Heun's方法

high-accuracy differentiation formulas, 525, 528 高精度微分公式higher derivatives, 114 高阶导数

higher-order differential equations, 548 高阶微分方程higher-order lagrange polynomials, 417 高阶拉格朗日多项式hilbert matrix, 275 希尔伯特矩阵histogram, 329, 331 直方图homogeneous, 305 均质

Hooke's law, 197, 209, 359, 525, 554 Hooke's定律hypothesis testing, 322 假设检验


Identity matrix, 212, 215 单位矩阵

IEEE double-precision format, 100 IEEE双精度格式

ill-conditioned 95, 230, 242, 病态

implicit Euler's method, 603 Euler's隐式法imprecision, 89, 90 不精确inaccuracy, 89, 90 不准确

increment function, 555, 567 增量函数increment, 555, 567 增量incremental search, 131,134 渐进式搜索indefinite integral, 549 不定积分independent variable, 5, 547 独立变量independent, 5, 547 独立

infinite loop, 68, 69 无限循环influence value, 427 影响力值

initial guesses, 129,131 最初的猜测

initial-value problems 初值问题

initial-value problems, 553,578 初始值问题

inner product, 33, 103 内积

input-output, 53,57 输入输出

integer representation, 96,97 整数表示

integration formulas 积分公式

integration of functions 函数积分

intermittent fountain, 609 间歇喷泉interpolation 插值

introduction and background, 617,621 介绍和背景

i nverse Fourier transform, 393, 394 傅立叶逆变换

inverse interpolation, 420,421 反插

inverse quadratic interpolation, 164,166 逆二次插值

inverse quadratic interpolation, 164,166 逆二次插值

iterative methods, 91, 284,302 迭代方法


Jacobi iteration, 286, 287 雅可比迭代

Jacobi method, 286, 287 雅可比方法

Jacobian matrix, 296 雅可比矩阵

Joule's law, 514 Joule 定律


knot, 433 结


Lagging phase angle, 383 滞后相位角

Lagrange interpolating polynomial, 417,420 拉格朗日插值多项式Lagrange polynomial, 165 拉格朗日多项式Lagrange, 419 拉格朗日

Laplace equation, 301 拉普拉斯方程

leading phase angle, 383 领先的相位角

least squares, 338 最小二乘

least-squares regression, 322, 336,344, 348 最小二乘回归

left division, 31, 220, 221, 229, 266, 370 左除

length, 37 长度

line spectra, 391 线谱

line width, 39 线宽

linear (linear interpolation), 446 线性(线性插值)linear algebraic equations, 219,220 线性代数方程组

linear convergence, 153 线性收敛

linear interpolation method, 140, 164 线性插值方法

linear Lagrange interpolating polynomial, 417 线性插值拉格朗日多项式linear least-squares regression, 336,344, 348 线性最小二乘回归linear regression, 340,344 线性回归

linear spline, 431,433 线性样条linearization of nonlinear relationships, 344,348 线性化的非线性关系Lobatto quadrature, 512 Lobatto积分

local optimum, 186 局部最优

local truncation error, 557 局部截断误差local variable, 52 局部变量local, 52 本地

logical variable, 609 逻辑变量logistic model, 584 logistic模型loops, 65,69 循环

lower triangular matrix, 213 下三角矩阵lowest detectable frequency, 397 最低可检测频率lu decomposition, 254n lu分解

lu factorization, 254,263 lu分解

lumped drag coefficient, 5, 7, 17 集总阻力系数


machine epsilon, 99 机器误差Maclaurin series expansion, 46, 92, 403 麦克劳林级数展开main diagonal (matrix), 212 主对角线(矩阵)main function, 53 主要功能Manning's equation, 85, 360 Manning's方程mantissa, 97, 99 尾数

marker styles, 39 标志风格

mass balance, 127 质量平衡

mass-spring models, 587 质量弹簧模型mass-spring system, 308 质量弹簧系统MAT-file, 56 MAT文件mathematical background, 305,308 数学背景mathematical modeling, 5 数学建模mathematical operations, 32,35 数学运算MATLAB functions, 590,591, 605 MATLAB 函数MATLAB left division, 266 MATLAB左除MATLAB matrix manipulation, 213,219 MATLAB矩阵操作matrix condition evaluation, 275,276 矩阵条件评估matrix condition number, 274,277 矩阵的条件数matrix division, 215 矩阵相除

matrix form, 219,220 矩阵形式

matrix inverse, 271,272 矩阵求逆

matrix multiplication, 213, 214 矩阵乘法

matrix-matrix multiplication, 34 矩阵相乘maximum likelihood principle, 341 最大似然法的原则measures of spread, 327 扩展尺度median, 329 中位数

method of undetermined coefficients, 504,506 待定系数法midpoint method, 566,567 中点法

mixed partial derivative, 533 混合偏导数

model error, 119,120 模型误差

modified secant method, 162,163 修改割线法modulus of toughness, 519 韧性模量

Monte Carlo simulation, 334 蒙特卡罗模拟multidimensional interpolation, 449,451 多维插值multidimensional optimization, 195,197 多维优化multimodal, 186 多式联运

multiple integrals, 486,488 多重积分

multiple linear regression, 365,367 多重线性回归multistep methods, 597,601 多步法


naive Gauss elimination, 235,242, 255 天真高斯消元natural cubic spline, 442 自然三次样条natural end condition, 443 自然边端条件natural frequency, 315 固有频率

nearest (nearest neighbor interpolation), 446 最近(最近邻插值)Neumann boundary condition, 624, 631 诺伊曼边界条件Newton interpolating polynomial, 409,417 牛顿插值多项式Newton linear-interpolation formula, 409 牛顿线性插值公式Newton-Cotes formulas, 466,468, 481,482, 486 牛顿柯特斯公式Newton-Raphson formula, 156 牛顿迭代公式Newton-Raphson method, 156,161 牛顿迭代法

Newton's law of cooling, 22, 542, 586 Newton冷却定律Newton's laws of motion, 127 Newton's运动定律nonhomogeneous, 305 非齐次

nonlinear regression, 371,372 非线性回归nonlinear systems of equations, 291,298 非线性方程组nonlinear systems, 291,298 非线性系统

non-self-starting Heun method, 597,600 非自启动威享方法norm, 276 范

normal distribution, 329, 541 正态分布

normal equation, 338 普通方程normalization, 97, 99, 237 规范化

n th finite divided difference, 413第n阶有限差商

n th-order Taylor series expansion, 106n阶泰勒级数展开number systems, 95,96 数字系统

numerical differentiation 数值微分

numerical double integral, 486, 487 数值双重积分numerical integration formulas, 462,496 数值积分公式numerical integration formulas, see numerical 数值积分公式。见数值

numerical integration of functions, 497,520 函数数值积分numerical methods 数值方法numerical solution, 10,12 数值解

Nyquist frequency, 395, 397 奈奎斯特频率


octal representation, 96 八进制表示ODE, 607,608 常微分方程

Ohm's law, 223, 426, 514, 525 Ohm 定律

one-dimensional optimization, 185, 186,195 一维优化

one-point iteration, 152 单点迭代

one-step method, 555 一步法

open methods, 486 开放区间法

open root location methods, 151,181 开放区间求根法operating rules, 213,219 运行规则operation counting, 239,242 操作计数ordinary differential equation (ODE), 547,641 常微分方程(ODE)ordinary frequency, 309, 383 普通的频率orthogonal, 308 正交oscillations, 423,425 振荡

outer product, 33 外积overdetermined, 220, 370 超定

overflow error, 98 溢出错误overflow, 98 溢出

Over-relaxation, 288 超松弛

overview of book, 16 本书概述overview, 207,208 概述


pane, 40 窗格中parabola, 411 抛物线parameters, 5 参数

partial derivatives, 532,533 偏导数

partial differential equation (PDE), 548 偏微分方程(PDE)partial pivoting, 242,244 列主元素消去法passing parameters, 78 传递参数pause, 68 暂停pentadiagonal system, 253 五对角系统periodic function, 381 周期函数permutation matrix, 215, 218, 226, 260 置换矩阵

phase angle, 383 相位角

phasor, 389 相量

physical background, 308,310 物理背景

pi, 27 圆周率

piecewise cubic hermite interpolation, 分段三次埃尔米特插值piecewise cubic spline interpolation, 447 分段三次样条插值piecewise function, 86 分段函数

piecewise interpolation, 444,449 分段插值

pipe friction, 173,177 管道摩擦

pivot element, 237 主元素

pivot equation, 237 主元主元

point-slope method, 555 点斜率法

poisson equation, 636, 640 泊松方程

polar, 47 极性

polynomial coefficients, 406 多项式系数polynomial interpolation, 405,428 多项式插值polynomial method, 306,307 多项式法polynomial regression, 361,365, 368,369 多项式回归potential energy, 197 势能

power spectrum, 399,400 功率谱preallocation of memory, 66,67 预分配的内存Preallocation of memory, 66,67 预分配的内存Precision, 89, 90 精密

Predator-prey equation, 591 捕食方程

predator-prey models, 578,583 捕食模型

predictor equation, 562 预测公式

predictor-corrector approach, 563 预估校正的方法primary function, 53 主要功能

principal diagonal (matrix), 212 主对角线(矩阵)principle of mass conservation, 206 质量守恒原理propagated truncation error, 557 传播截断误差


QR factorization, 266n, 370QR分解

quadratic convergence, 157 二次收敛

quadratic interpolation, 411,413 二次插值

quadratic polynomial, 411 二次多项式quadratic spline, 433, 435,438 二次样条

quadratic spline, 435,438 二次样条quadrature, 463 正交


random numbers, 331,336 随机数

rate equation, 547 速率方程Rayleigh, Lord, 17 瑞利勋爵

relational operators, 59 关系运算符

residual, 336, 340, 627 残留

resonant frequency, 315 谐振频率reverse-wrap-around order, 397, 399 反向环绕式顺序Reynolds number, 17, 149, 174, 457 雷诺数Richardson extrapolation, 498,500 理查德森外推RK methods, 567,572, 574,575 RK方法

RK-Fehlberg methods, 590 RK-Fehlberg方法Romberg integration, 500,503 Romberg积分root-locating techniques, 126,181 定根技术

root-mean-square current, 514,517 根均方电流rounding, 36 四舍五入roundoff error, 95,103, 557 舍入误差roundoff, 95,103 舍入

row vector, 28, 211 行向量

row/column, 211 行/列

row-sum norm, 274 行之和范数Runge's function, 423, 444, 445 龙格函数


sampling frequency, 397 采样频率saturation-growth-rate equation, 345 饱和生长速率方程save, 56 保存

sawtooth wave, 403 锯齿波scalars, 26,27 标量

secant methods, 161,163, 164 割线方法second divided difference, 415 二次差商second finite divided difference, 413 二次有限差商second-order equation, 548 二阶方程second-order lagrange interpolating 二阶拉格朗日插值second-order polynomial, 411 二阶多项式second-order RK methods, 568,569 二阶RK方法second-order Taylor series, 105 二阶泰勒级数sensitivity analysis, 78 敏感性分析sequential search, 434 顺序查找shooting method, 621,628 打靶法significand, 97 尾数significant figures, 27 有效位数signum function, 554 正负号函数signum, 554 正负号

simple fixed-point iteration, 152,156 简单定点迭代Simpson's rules, 475,481 Simpson's规则simultaneous nonlinear equations, 291,298 联立非线性方程组

single precision, 121 单精度

singular value decomposition, 370 奇异值分解

singular, 230 奇异

sinusoidal functions, 381,387 正弦函数

sinusoidal functions, 381,387 正弦函数

sort, 36 排序

spectral norm, 274 谱范

spline (piecewise cubic spline interpolation), 447 样条(分段三次样条插值)spline function, 429 样条函数

splines and piecewise interpolation 样条和分段插值

square matrix, 212,213 方阵

standard deviation, 327 标准差

standard error of the estimate, 341 估计的标准误差statistics toolbox, 330n 统计工具箱

statistics, 326,331 统计

steady-state calculation, 12 稳态计算

step halving, 589 步长减半

stiff system, 601 刚性系统

stiffness, 601,607 刚度

stimulus-response computations, 270,271 刺激反应计算

Stokes drag, 17 斯托克斯阻力

stopping criterion, 92 停止准则

strange attractor, 582 奇异吸引子

structured programming, 57,69 结构化编程subfunction, 52 子函数

subplot, 40 子图

subtractive cancellation, 102, 243 减法抵消

successive overrelaxation (sor), 288 持续超松弛(SOR)successive substitution, 152, 292,293 连续代入

sunspots, 401,402 太阳黑子superposition, 271, 272 叠加

systems of equations, 572,578 方程组


table lookup, 434,435 查表

Taylor series, 103,110 泰勒级数

Taylor theorem, 103 泰勒定理

terminal velocity, 9 终端速度terminology, 254n 术语

thermal stratification, 452 热分层

third divided difference, 415 三阶差商

three-point gauss-legendre formulas, 508 三点高斯

time and frequency domains, 390,391 时间和频率域

time domain, 390 时域

time plane, 391 时间平面

time series, 381 时间序列

time-variable computation, 12 时变计算

top-down design, 71 自顶向下的设计Torricelli's law, 608 Torricelli's定律total sample length, 397 总样本的长度tradeoff, 114, 115 折衷

transient computation, 12 瞬态计算transpose (matrix), 215 转(矩阵)transpose, 28, 215 转置

trapezoidal rule, 468,475 梯形规则

trend analysis, 322 趋势分析

trial and error, 123 反复试验triangular wave, 403 三角波

tridiagonal matrix, 213 三对角矩阵tridiagonal system, 245,247 三对角系统truncation error, 109,110 截断误差truncation, 103,114 截断

two mass-three spring system, 308 两质量三弹簧系统two-dimensional interpolation, 449,451 二维内插

two-dimensional optimization, 185 二维优化

two-point gauss-legendre formulas, 506, 508 两点高斯-勒让德公式two-segment trapezoidal rule, 488 两段梯形法则

two-spring system, 198 两弹簧系统


uncertain data, 120 不确定的数据uncertainty, 89 不确定性unconditionally stable, 603 无条件稳定unconfined aquifer, 639 潜水含水层underdetermined system 欠定系统underdetermined, 220 欠定

underflow, 101 下溢underrelaxation, 288 欠松弛

unequal segments, 482,485 不平等段

unequal segments, 482,485 不平等段unequally spaced data, 530,531 不等距的数据unimodal, 188 单峰

unit imaginary number, 27 单位虚数

upper triangular matrix, 212 上三角矩阵


van der Pol equation, 584, 605, 606 范德波尔方程Vandermonde matrix, 281, 408 范德蒙矩阵Vandermonde, 281, 408 范德蒙variable argument list, 63 变量参数列表variance, 327 方差

vector and matrix norms, 273, 274 向量和矩阵规范vector and matrix norms, 273,274 向量和矩阵规范vector-matrix multiplication, 33 向量矩阵乘法visualizing fields, 538,540 可视化领域volume integral, 466 体积积分

von Karman equation, 149 冯·卡门方程W W

water-resources engineering, 358,359 水资源工程


Young's modulus, 200 杨氏模量


zero-order approximation, 104 零阶近似

zero-order taylor series, 108 零阶泰勒级数
