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牛津英语高二 M6U4单词讲解 分析

牛津英语高二 M6U4单词讲解 分析

Module 6 Unit 4 The UN—bringing everyone closer together

Words and expressions (1)

Self study

1. lack 缺乏,没有1) n. (a) lack of…→for lack of…因为缺少…

2)vt. lack sth 3) vi. lack for (nothing) 4) lacking adj. be lacking in…be short(adj.) o f…→shortage n.

2. refer to (-red/-ring) 1)谈及/提到2)指称/指的是3)refer to…as…称…为…

4)查阅/参考refer to the dictionary =consult the dictionary =look up sth. in the dictionary reference n. 参考,参照reference book;for reference以供参考;with/in reference to Have you heard of the writer ________________ at the meeting?

Are you __________________ me?

3. ambassador n.大使→Goodwill Ambassador→embassy n. 大使馆

4. description n.描写, 记述, 形容, 种类, 描述describe vt. 描述,形容,描绘

a vivid description生动的描写a person of that description 那类人

give a description of描述beyond description=be lost for words难以描写.难以形容

5. political adj.政治的;政府的politics n.政治political economy政治经济学

6. Sth. be worth doing=Sth. be worthy of being done / to be done

= It is worthwhile to do sth. / doing sth. = Sth. be worth doing值得做……

7. victim n. 受害者victims of war.战争受害者

become the victim of... =fall a victim to...成为...的牺牲品

8. in addition: additionally=besides 也;另外,加之

in addition to: aside from; besides;apart from加于…之上;除…之外又

9.equal 1) adj.平等的/相等的→be equal to2)adj. 胜任的be equal/up to (doing) sth

3) n.同等/媲美的人=match 4)vt.等于5)vt.比得上=match=compare with

equally adv. 平等地,公平地,同样地→equality n.平等,相等

She has no equal/match in English.

No one can equal/match/compare with her in English.

You should treat us two equally.

10.volunteer 1) n.[c] 志愿者(for sth) 2) v. volunteer for sth/to do sth→voluntary adj.

11. draw someone's attention to something 促使某人注意某事

devote one's attention to专心于, 对...注意focus/concentrate one’s attention on

with attention留心地, 注意地

12. contribute to 捐款;贡献;投稿;是……促成因素

13. acquire vt. 够得;获得,得到acquire knowledge of…求得...的知识

We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English.

We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood.

14.expand vi.&vt.扩展,发展;扩大,增强expansion n.

expand one's knowledge of foreign countries扩大个人对外国的知识

The writer expanded his short novel into a long one.

expand in/into….把...扩展[发展, 膨胀]expand on 细说, 阐述

15.under the umbrella of在…的保护/管理下

→under the charge/control/guidance/direction of…

16. urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的an urgent message 急迫的口信an urgent call/problem

be in urgent need of 急需be urgent for sb. (to do)急切地催促某人(做)

be urgent with sb. for to do坚持要求某人(做)

urge v.→urgency n.→urgent adj.

17.die of starvation 饿死starve v. starve to do sth. starve for sth.

18.boil vi.&vt.沸腾,煮沸boiling water boiled water

The idea made me boil.这个主意让我大为激动

19. a carpet of leaves一层厚厚的落叶

20. woolgrower n. 养羊者wool man n. 羊毛商

woollike adj. 羊毛状的, 类似羊的

pull/draw the wool over sb.’s eyes蒙蔽某人, 欺骗某人

21.fetch vt. 售得,卖得(某价);取来,去拿来

fetch=go and bring 去拿/取来→fetch sb sth=fetch sth for sb

22.Export n.&v.&adj.出口产品;出口,输出;出口的, 外销的, 出口品的

invisible exports无形输出(指船舶、保险、国外投资等的收入)

They are engaged in import and export.他们做进出口贸易。

The export of gold is forbidden.禁止黄金出口。

Many raw materials are exported to foreign countries.许多原材料输出到外国。

23.alternative adj.&n. 可供选择的;可供选择的事物

There are several alternatives to your plan.

24. remote adj.1) (空间上)遥远/偏僻的a remote place/village

2) (时间上)遥远的remote ancestor 3)(关系/态度上)淡薄/疏远的

His idea is remote from reality.

be remote(far away,apart) from…remote control遥控

25. charity n.1) [u] 慈悲/宽容show charity to sb

2) [u]&[c] 慈善/施舍/慈善团体ask/beg for charity祈求布施/施舍;

give charity to the poor赈济穷人a charity performance义演;charity collections善款charitable adj.仁慈的,宽容的be charitable to sb.

Self assessment

Fill in the blanks with proper words.

1.It happened in the r_______ past, so no one worries about it any more.

2.She does v_________ work for the Red Cross two days ago.

3.Could you f______ me my glasses from the other roo,.

4.We have to ________ the size of the image.

5.In his speech, he r_________ to a recent trip to Canada.

6.The most ______(紧急的) thing in a fire is to make sure everyone is out of the building.

7.Despite his l______ of experience, he got the job.

8.Police have issued a __________(描述) of the man aged between fifty and sixty.



二年级字母练习题 一根据字母表顺序正确抄写26 个字母并圈出五个元音字母二写出下列字母的左右邻居 1. G 4. Ss 2.Jj 5. T 3. o 6. P 7. k 8. x 9. r 三根据字母表顺序补充下列所缺的字母。 1. Dd 3.P R 2. m n 4. w y 四写出所给字母相应的大小写。(给大写写小写,给小写写大写) D egp YKI CMJ laq

二年级字母练习题 一正确抄写下列字母及单词 b D a f C ef ad BDE boy apple girl small eight 二写出下列字母的左右邻居 1. B 4. D 7. c 2. e 5. C 8. b 3. d 6. E 三根据字母表顺序补充下列所缺的字母。 Aa Dd Gg 四写出所给字母相应的大小写。(给大写写小写,给小写写大写) A c B e f D a BDA de 五根据图片,补全所缺的字母 lephant ag og ive at pple

“” “” At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!


M1U1: green 绿色, yellow 黄色, blue 蓝色, purple 紫色, white 白色, pink 粉红色, orange桔黄色, brown 棕色, black 黑色,red 红色, grey 灰色, what colour 什么颜色, see 看见, beautiful 美丽的,rainbow 彩虹, shine 阳光,照射,shining 闪闪发光的, shiny, 发光的,发亮的, over there 在那边, outside 在外面, inside 在 里面, window 窗, I 我, my 我的, you 你,你们, your 你的,你们的, he 他, his 他的, she 她, her 她的, it 它, its 它的, they 他们, their 他们的, colour 颜色, what colour 什么颜色, pear 梨, rabbit 兔子,butterfly 蝴蝶, butterflies 蝴蝶(复数), bird 鸟, apple 苹果, bag 书包, dog 狗, elephant 大象, five 五, girl 女孩, hand 手, insect 昆虫, jar 罐子, kite 风筝, lion 狮子, mouse 老鼠, net 网, orange 桔子, pig 猪, queen 女皇, rabbit 兔子, soup 汤, table 桌子, umbrella 伞, van 货车, window 窗, box 盒子, yellow 黄色, zebra 斑马, What colour is it ? It's pink. 它是什么颜色?它是粉红色。What colour are they ? They are yellow。它们是什么颜色?它们是黄色。 What can you see ? I can see a butterfly. 你看到了什么?我看到了一只蝴蝶。


二年级(上)单词表 M1U1 早上_________________ 下午_________________ 傍晚______________ 晚上_______________ 好的_________________ 太太_____________ 小姐_______________ 先生________________ 方小姐________________ 王太太________________ 李先生_________________ 你______________ 怎么样_______________ 山姆_________________ 艾迪_____________ 今天_______________ 很,十分_____________ 好________________ 妈妈________________ 爸爸_________________ 你好______________ 爱丽丝_______________ 好_________________ 希望_____________ 苹果_______________ 包_____________ 今天___________________ M1U2 男孩_________________ 女孩___________________ 大的______________ 小的_______________ 高的___________________ 短的________________ 胖的_______________ 瘦的__________________ 我是________________ 你是_______________ 玛丽_________________ 丹尼______________ 凯蒂_______________ 猫_______________ 狗______________ 男孩_________________ 女孩___________________ 大的______________ 小的_______________ 高的___________________ 短的________________


M1U1: green 绿色, yellow 黄色, blue 蓝色, purple 紫色, white 白色, pink 粉红色, orange桔黄色, brown 棕色, black 黑色,red 红色, grey 灰色, what colour 什么颜色, see 瞧见, beautiful 美丽的,rainbow 彩虹, shine 阳光,照射,shining 闪闪发光的, shiny, 发光的,发亮的, over there 在那边, outside 在外面, inside 在里面,window 窗, I 我, my 我的, you 您, 您们, your 您的, 您们的, he 她, his 她的, she 她, her 她的, it 它, its 它的, they 她们, their 她们的, colour 颜色, what colour 什么颜色, pear 梨, rabbit 兔子,butterfly 蝴蝶, butterflies 蝴蝶(复数), bird 鸟, apple 苹果, bag 书包, dog 狗, elephant 大象, five 五, girl 女孩, hand 手, insect 昆虫, jar 罐子, kite 风筝, lion 狮子, mouse 老鼠, net 网, orange 桔子, pig 猪, queen 女皇, rabbit 兔子, soup 汤, table 桌子, umbrella 伞, van 货车, window 窗, box 盒子, yellow 黄色, zebra 斑马, What colour is it ? It’s pink、它就是什么颜色?它就是粉红色。What colour are they ?They are yellow、它们就是什么颜色?它们就是黄色。 What can you see ? I can see a butterfly、您瞧到了什么?我瞧到了一只蝴蝶。 M1U2: watch 手表, bag 书包, soft 软的, hard 硬的, rough 粗糙的, smooth 光滑的, touch 摸, feel 感觉, open 打开, close 关上, tall 高的, short


一年级第一学期 Module1 Getting to know you Unit1 Greetings 词汇: morning 早上,上午afternoon 下午 语法知识: 人称代词I(我,主格),be动词am 重点句子: Hello! Hi! 你好! Good morning. 早上好。 Good afternoon. 下午好 Goodbye. 再见。 Hi! I’m Danny. 你好!我是丹尼。 Unit2 My classmates 词汇: book 书ruler 尺子pencil 铅笔rubber 橡皮 语法知识: 人称代词me(我,宾格),不定冠词a(一个), 祈使句Give me …, please.(请给我……) 重点句子: Give me a ruler, please. 请给我一把尺。 Give me a rubber, please. 请给我一块橡皮。 Here you are. 给你。 Thank you. 谢谢。 Unit3 My face 词汇: eye 眼睛mouth 嘴巴face 脸nose 鼻子ear 耳朵

语法知识: 形容词性物主代词my(我的),your(你的) 指示代词this(这个),be动词is 祈使句Touch …(触摸……)Look! (看!) 重点句子: This is my face. 这是我的脸。 This is my mouth. 这是我的嘴。 Touch your ear. 触摸你的耳朵。 Hi, Alice! It’s you! 嗨,爱丽丝!这是你! Look! This is your eye. 看!这是你的眼睛。 My eye? 我的眼睛? No. It’s not me. 不。这不是我。 Module 2 Me, my family and friends Unit1 My abilities 词汇: dance 跳舞read 阅读sing 唱歌draw 画画 语法知识: 情态动词can 特殊疑问句What can you do? 重点句子: What can you do? 你会做什么? I can dance/ read/ sing/ draw. 我会跳舞/阅读/唱歌/画画。 Unit2 My family 词汇: grandfather 爷爷,外公grandmother奶奶,外婆father 爸爸mother妈妈me 我 语法知识:


单词汇总 动物animal: bear monkey tiger panda lion wolf elephant hippo fox zebra snake giraffe frog rabbit mouse bird ‘fish dog cat pig cow sheep duck chick hen 昆虫insect: bee butterfly fly ladybird 食物food: rice soup egg noodles salad carrot fish meat chicken jelly ice cream biscuit sweet bread cake pizza hamburger pie hotdog 饮料drinks: Cola milk water juice tea 水果fruit: apple pear peach orange banana lemon pineapple grape 玩具toy: ball doll kite bicycle football rope 交通工具: bike bicycle train ship van bus ship plane 动词: See hear taste smell touch drink eat help like dance read sing draw write fold look make come ride play fly skip sit give swim hop run skate cut colour blow fine tie pick climb cry stop go wait put shake make eat love do have drive 名词: Song birthday colour party gift firework firecracker card Flower tree grass house sun monn cloud rain rainbow star Hair face head eye mouth nose ear hand knee Book ruler pencil rubber pen ink pencil-box pencil case bag Morning afternoon evening night silde swing seesaw Plate bowl spoon chopsticks·fork knife dish jar Desk chair table watch umbrella window 人物: Grandmother grandfather father mother brother sister baby Boy girl teacher pupil farmer I my me/ you your you/ they their them/ she her her/ he his him/ It its it / we our us/ 形容词: Red blue yellow green brown orange white black pink purple Nice yummy super good sweet happy fine old new young Fat thin tall short small big bad good beautiful hungry Thirsty tired hard soft rough smooth nice cute naughty


xx版小学二年级英语知识点单词句 子总结 1.Follow me and get in the taxi.跟我上出租车。 2.Follow me and get off the train.跟我下火车。 3.How do you go to the park? We go to the park by bicycle.你们怎样去公园?我们骑自行车去公园。 4.How do you go to school? We go to school by bus.你们怎样去学校?我们乘公共汽车去学校。 5.How do you go to Pudong? We go to Pudong by ferry.你们怎样去浦东?我们乘摆渡船去浦东。 6.How do you go to Shanghai? We go to Shanghai by plane.你们怎样去上海?我们乘飞机去上海。 7.Point to the slide. Go to the slide. Pick up the doll.指向滑梯。去滑梯那。捡起娃娃。 8.Look, many balloons. Red balloon, yellow balloon, blueballoon, green balloon, pink balloon, purple balloon, brownballoon and orange balloon. 看,许多气球。红色的气球,*的气球,蓝色的气球,绿色的气球,粉红色的气球,紫色的气球,棕色的气球和橙色的气球。 Go to the balloons. Pick out the blue balloon. 去气球那。挑选出蓝色的气球。 9.Look, that is a swing. Go to the swing. Wa*e your hand.看,那是一个秋千。去秋千那。挥动你的手。Touch the ball. Pick up the ball. Come and play with me.触摸球。捡起球。来和我一起玩。 Show me your ball. Put it down. 1/ 2


名词: 1.蔬菜: carrot胡萝卜bean扁豆tomato西红柿potato土豆 2.水果: banana香蕉pear梨 peach桃子mango芒果apple苹果 3.动物 cow奶牛 pig猪 cat猫 duck鸭子 dog狗 bee蜜蜂 bird鸟 monkey 猴子tiger 老虎panda 熊猫 bear 熊 lion 狮子 ant 蚂蚁butterfly 蝴蝶wolf 狼 fox 狐狸 4.食物: bread面包 rice米饭 juice果汁 milk牛奶 sweet糖果chocolate巧克力water 水 5.文具 book书;本子bag包 pencil铅笔pencil box铅笔盒 box盒子 pen钢笔 crayon蜡笔 ruler尺 rubber橡皮 6.交通工具 bus公交车 car汽车 taxi出租车 bike自行车 plane 飞机 train 火车 jeep 吉普车 boat 船 7.衣帽 coat外衣 sweater毛衣 T-shirt (T恤衫) skirt短裙 dress连衣裙 jacket 夹克衫 shirt 衬衫 blouse女式衬衣 8.时间 morning早上 afternoon下午 evening晚上 night夜晚 9.职业(身份): teacher老师 doctor医生 nurse护士 worker工人 cook厨师 pupil小学生 10.身体部位: mouth嘴巴 nose鼻子 ear耳朵 eye眼睛 hand手 11.礼物: card贺卡;卡片 doll洋娃娃 red packet红包 gift礼物 bell铃 kite风筝 balloon气球 yo-yo溜溜球 puzzle 拼图 puppet 木偶 toy 玩具 12.人物称呼: dad爸爸mum妈妈 grandpa爷爷grandma奶奶 uncle叔叔aunt阿姨 father爸爸mother妈妈 brother哥哥;弟弟 sister姐姐;妹妹 Mr先生 Miss女士(未婚) 13.家具: sofa沙发 desk课桌 table餐桌 chair椅子 door门 window窗 light电灯 bed 床 TV 电视 14.场所: market市场 park公园 zoo动物园 cinema电影院 farm 农场 school 学校 15. 学科: Chinese 语文 Music 音乐 English 英语 Maths 数学


小学一二年级牛津英语单词分类词汇 1、颜色(colour): red 红色blue蓝色yellow 黄色orange 橙色 green 绿色pink粉红色black 黑色white 白色brown 棕色grey 灰色purple紫色 2、动物(animal) bee蜜蜂bird 鸟butterfly蝴蝶cat猫cow奶牛ox公牛dog狗horse马monkey猴panda熊猫rabbit兔子duck鸭子pig猪frog青蛙mouse 老鼠tiger 老虎 lion 狮子snake蛇hen母鸡chick小鸡rooster公鸡 bear熊elephant大象dragon 龙giraffe长颈鹿 zebra斑马 sheep 绵羊goat山羊lamb小羊donkey驴goose 鹅 3、食物(food): rice米饭meat肉fish鱼soup汤cake蛋糕bread面包 hot-dog热狗 Coke可乐tofu豆腐juice橙汁milk牛奶 water水 tea茶cheese奶酪egg鸡蛋sweets糖果potato土豆tomato西红柿hamburger汉堡包chicken鸡肉French fries炸薯条coffee咖啡noodles面条peanut花生 ice-cream 冰淇淋biscuits 饼干chocolate巧克力pizza匹萨jelly 果冻bean扁豆mooncake月饼 taro芋头

4、水果(fruit): apple苹果banana香蕉pear 梨peach桃orange橙子grape葡萄 strawberry草莓pineapple菠萝watermelon西瓜mango芒果 5、衣服(clothes): clothing衣服T-shirt T恤衫shirt衬衣coat外套tie 领带belt 腰带hat 、cap 帽子sock 袜子sweater 毛衣 skirt 裙子shorts短裤dress衣服shoe鞋子 trousers 裤子sandle凉鞋slipper拖鞋pocket 口袋swimsuit游泳衣jacket夹克 6、人体(body): head头face脸hair头发eye 眼睛nose鼻子 mouth嘴ear耳朵hand手arm胳膊leg腿 foot脚(单数)feet脚(复数) shoulder肩膀knee膝盖 toe脚趾finger手指tooth(teeth)牙齿(复数) 7、数字(number): one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五 six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十eleven 十一twelve十二thirteen 十三fourteen十四 fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十first 首先second 第二third第三 8、文具:


xx 英语二年级下册重点单词大全 2B 知识归类姓名: spring summer autumn winter sun moon star bright 季节:XX宇宙:XX星星月亮明亮的 monkey tiger panda bear lion cat dog duck pig cow bird foxwolf 动物:猴子老虎熊猫熊狮子猫狗鸭子猪奶牛鸟狐狸狼plane train jeep boat bus car taXi bike 交通工具:飞机火车吉普车船公交车小汽车出租车自行车doll puzzle yo-yo puppet kite balloon bell card 玩具:娃娃拼图溜溜球木偶风筝气球铃铛卡片 Chi nese Maths En glish Music Art PE Go Moral and Lif课程:语文数学英语音 乐美术体育围棋品生 zero one two three four fi*e siX se*en eight nine ten ele*entwel*e 数字:零一二三四五六七八九十十一十二 jacket dress shirt blouse coat sweater T-shirt skirt zip服装:夹克连衣裙男衬衫 女衬衫外套毛衣T 恤短裙拉链bottle boX can in on 物品:瓶子盒子罐头介词:在…?里在??…上 go to school go home go to bed 行动:上学回家睡觉 watermelon grape orange pear apple banana 水果:xx葡萄桔子梨苹果香蕉 pen pencil pencil-boX ruler ruadfdser crayon 文具:钢笔铅笔铅笔盒尺子橡皮蜡笔


时间: morning 早上 afternoon 下午evening傍晚night 晚上today 今天 yesterday昨天tomorrow明天week星期 birthday生日 happy快乐 party 晚会year年 spring春 summer夏autumn秋 winter冬(补充:Sunday星期日Monday星期一Tuesday星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday星期四Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 January一月 February二月 March三月April四月 May五月June六月July七月 August八月September九月October十月November十一月 December十二月) 形容词: big 大的 small小的 tall高的short 矮的,短的 long长的 fat 胖的thin 瘦的 young 年轻的 old 年老的,旧的sweet 甜的warm 暖和的 hot 热的cool 凉爽的 cold 冷的 nice 美丽的beautiful 美丽的 kind 好心的 dear 亲爱的naughty 顽皮的 good好well好 fine好 yummy好吃的 数词: one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eig ht 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 十一 twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 much多少many许多 动词: dance 跳舞 sing 唱歌 song歌曲draw 画画 ride 骑 skip 跳绳read 读书 see看 look 看见play 玩 fly 放,飞 touch 摸smell 闻 taste 尝pick 摘,捡run 跑 write 写 swim 游泳jump 跳climb 爬 use 用cut 切 open 打开 close 关上hop 单脚跳 try试一试 point指向eat吃meat肉meet遇到


牛津英语1A 单词 book ruler pencil rubber pen bɑg 书尺子铅笔橡皮钢笔包one two three four five six 一二三四五六 dɑnce reɑd jump drɑw sing write 跳舞阅读跳画画唱写 eye mouth fɑce nose eɑr orɑnge 眼睛嘴脸鼻子耳朵桔子/橙子melon peɑch lemon ɑpple peɑr tɑro 瓜桃子柠檬苹果梨芋头moon beɑn leɑf mooncɑke ɑutumn sister 月亮豆子树叶月饼秋天姐/妹brother fɑther me mother bicycle bɑlloon 兄/弟父亲我母亲自行车气球 doll bɑll slide swing 洋娃娃球滑梯秋千 共46个

牛津英语1B 单词 uncle ɑunt grɑndmother grɑndfɑther bird 叔/舅/姑父婶/姑/姨奶奶/姥姥爷爷/姥爷鸟 rɑbbit butterfly frog bee red blue 兔子蝴蝶青蛙蜜蜂红色蓝色yellow green pink purple brown orɑnge 黄色绿色粉色紫色棕色桔色postmɑn policemɑn driver firemɑn milkmɑn tɑll 邮递员警察司机消防员送奶工高的short doctor nurse cook old young 矮的医生护士厨师年老的年轻的 fɑrmer fishermɑn teɑcher fɑt thin cɑke 农民渔夫教师胖的瘦的蛋糕 ice-creɑm sweet jelly milk Coke meat 冰激凌糖果果冻牛奶可乐肉 fish chicken rice noodles soup 鱼肉鸡肉米饭面条汤 共46个


单词汇总 动物animal: bear monkey tiger panda lion wolf elephant hippo fox zebra snake giraffe frog rabbit mouse bird fish dog cat pig cow sheep duck chick hen 昆虫insect: bee butterfly fly ladybird 食物food: rice soup egg noodles salad carrot fish meat chicken jelly ice cream biscuit sweet bread cake pizza hamburger pie hotdog 饮料drinks: cola milk water juice tea 水果fruit: apple pear peach orange banana lemon pineapple grape 玩具toy: ball doll kite bicycle football rope 交通工具: bike bicycle train ship van bus ship plane 动词: see hear taste smell touch drink eat help like dance read sing draw write fold look make come ride play fly skip sit give swim hop run skate cut colour blow find tie pick climb cry stop go wait put shake make eat love do have drive


牛津英语二年级单词表【共91词】 导读:本文牛津英语二年级单词表【共91词】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 第1课【共24词】 1a[ei,?,?n,?n]art.一(个) 2act[?kt]v.演,扮演 3and[?nd,?nd]conj.和,与 4are[ɑ:,?]v.是(be的第二人称单数现在时) 5bag[b?g]n.书包 6book[buk]n.书 7close[kl?uz]v.关,闭 8down[daun]adv.下面,在下面 9fine[fain]adj.很好,晴朗 10for[f?,f?:]prep.[表示对象]为,供 11good[gud]adj.好的 12I[ai]pron.我 13learn[l?:n]v.学习 14morning['m?:ni?]n.早上 15my[mai]adj.我的 16open['?up?n]v.打开 17stand[st?nd]v.站

18take[teik]v.拿;乘(车,船等) 19talk[t?:k]v.讲话,谈话 20teacher['ti:t??]n.老师 21thank[θ??k]v.感谢,感谢 22to[tu:,tu,t?]prep.到;向;往 23unit['ju:nit]n.(教学)单元 24up[?p]adv.向上 第2课【共12词】 1am[m,?m,?m]v.是(be的第一人称单数现在时) 2five[faiv]num.五 3four[f?:]num.四 4give[giv]v.给,产生 5many['meni]det.很多的 6me[mi:,mi]pron.我(I的宾语) 7number['n?mb?]n.数;号码 8one[w?n]num.一 9this[eis]pron.这 10three[θri:]num.三 11tree[tri:]n.树 12two[tu:]num.二 第3课【共8词】 1ability[?'biliti]n.能力


人物: Boy girl teacher pupil farmer Nice yummy super good sweet Fat thin tall short small big Thirsty tired hard soft rough 单词汇总 动物 animal: wolf elephant frog rabbit mouse bird duck chick hen bee butterfly fly ladybird 食物 food : rice soup egg noodles salad jelly ice cream biscuit sweet cake pizza hamburger pie 饮料 drinks : bear monkey tiger panda lion hippo fox zebra snake giraffe ‘fish dog cat pig cow sheep 昆虫 insect : Cola milk 水 果 fruit : apple pear 玩具 toy : water juice tea carrot fish meat chicken bread hotdog peach orange banana lemon pineapple grape ball doll kite bicycle football rope 交通工 具: See hear taste smell touch drink eat help like dance read sing draw write fold look make come ride play fly skip sit give swim hop run skate cut colour blow fine tie pick climb cry stop go put shake make eat love do have drive 名 : bike bicycle train ship van bus ship 动词: plane wait Song birthday colour party gift firework firecracker card Flower tree grass house sun monn cloud rain Hair face head eye mouth nose ear hand rainbow knee star Book ruler pencil rubber pen ink pencil-box pencil case bag Morning afternoon Plate bowl spoon Desk chair table evening night chopsticks ? fork watch umbrella silde swing knife dish window seesaw jar I my me/ you your him/ It its it / we our us/ 形容词: Red blue yellow green you/ they their them/ she brown orange white black her her/ he his pink purple Grandmother grandfather father mother brother sister baby happy fine old bad good beautiful smooth nice cute new young hungry naughty


小学一年级下英语词汇表Unit 1 see看见 frog 青蛙rabbit 兔子bee蜜蜂bird 鸟 Unit 2 listen 听 hear 听见sheep 纟帛羊hen 母鸡 Unit 3 smell 闻taste 尝rice 米饭soup 汤egg蛋noodles 面条 help帮助 stand up 站起来flower 花 Unit 4 toy 玩具 like喜欢 ball 球 doll玩具娃娃 kite风筝bicycle 自行车toy shop 玩具店super 超级的Unit 5 food食物sweet糖果,甜的jelly果冻ice cream 冰淇淋biscuit 饼干teatime 茶点时间for给 and和 sorry 对不起,抱歉very much 非常Unit 6 drink 饮料water 水juice果汁milk 牛奶birthday 生日party 派对,聚会happy 快乐的song 歌曲 Unit 7 season 季节spring 春天warm 温暖的summer 夏天hot热的outside 在外面

in在....里面new year 新年 cool凉爽的gift礼物 Unit 8 card 贺卡,卡片 how怎么样,如何firecracker 鞭炮,爆竹weather 天气firework 烟花,烟火cloudy 多云的make 做,制作 sunny 阳光美眉的write 写 rainy 有雨的,多雨的fold 折 windy 有风的,多风的shopping 购物 go去Unit 12 to至几去boy男孩 beach 沙滩wolf 狼(复数wolves )Unit 9 farmer 农夫 clothes 衣月服come 来 need 需要where 哪里 new 新的bad坏的 dress 连衣裙poor可怜的,穷的shorts 短裤tell说,告诉 blouse 女式衬衫lie说谎,谎言 Unit 10 run away 逃跑,跑开activity 活动 ride 骑 skip 跳绳 play玩,踢(球) fly放(风筝),飞 playtime 游戏时间 football 足球 rope 纟绳子 Unit 11

小学英语单词表(音标)上海牛津 二年级下

小学英语单词表 牛津上海版二年级下 (分课+总表) 上海××小学

Module 1 Using my five senses Module 2 My favourite things ◇1.What can you see? ◇1.Things I like doing beautiful[?bju:t?ful]adj.美丽的,极好的skate[skeit]vt&vi 滑板,溜冰n.溜冰鞋 rainbow[?reinb?u]n.彩虹skating[?ske?t??]n.溜冰,滑板 shine[?ain]vi.发光vt.照射n.光亮together[t??ɡee?]adv.在一起,同时,连续地shining[??aini?]adj.发光的,光亮的◇2.My favourite food over[??uv?]prep.在…上方adv.全部地salad[?s?l?d]n.色拉,凉拌菜 over there adv.在那里carrot[?k?r?t]n.胡萝卜 white[hwait]adj.白色的,白人n.白色fish[fi?]n.鱼,鱼肉vt.&vi.捕鱼,钓鱼 purple[?p?:pl]adj.紫色的n.紫色chicken[?t?ikin]n.鸡,鸡肉 pink[pi?k]adj.粉红色的n.粉红色eat[i:t]vt.&vi.吃,喝,吃饭 orange [??rin d?] n.桔子,桔黄色adj 橙色的◇3.Animals I like brown[braun]adj.褐色的,棕色的n.褐色giraffe[d???r?f]n.长颈鹿 black[black]adj.黑色的n.黑色,黑人 butterfly[?b?t?flai]n.蝴蝶Module 3 Things around us ◇2.Touch and feel ◇1.The four seasons w atch[w?t?]vt&vi 看n.表cool[ku:l]adj.凉快的vt.&vi.(使)变凉,(使)冷静hard[hɑ:d]adj.硬的,困难的adv.努力地outside[?aut?said]adv.在外面n.外面adj.外面的 rough[r?f]adj.粗糙的adv.粗暴地make[meik]vt.做,制造vi.开始n.制造 guess[ɡes]vt&vi 猜vt.猜中n.猜测snowman[?sn???m?n]n.雪人 peach[pi:t?]n.桃子,桃树◇2.Rules ◇3.What can you hear? rule[ru:l]n.规则,习惯,尺vt.&vi.统治,控制vt.用尺子 train[trein]n.列车,火车vt&vi.训练beside[bi?said]prep.在…旁边 wait[weit]vt&vi.等候 waiting[?weiti?]n.等候 road[r?ud]n.路vt.在…设置障碍划 stop[st?p]vt.&vi.停止,中断vt.堵住n.停止 cross[kr?s] vt.&vi.穿过,交叉vt.反对n.十字架adj.相反的past[pɑ:st] adv.经过adj.以前的,过去的n.过去,往事prep. 在……之后 fast[fɑ:st]adj.快的,紧紧的adv.迅速地,紧紧地 ◇3.My clothes

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