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释义「 laughing out loud 」就是我们在网上老打出来的“红红火火恍恍惚惚”,一种难以自控的大笑。


lul, lulz, lolz, lollerskates


You have to see this video of a corgi puppy trying to get down a flight of stairs. I LOLed so hard!


"LOL"最早是一种书面语言,意思是"lots of love"或"lots of luck"。


释义「 laughing my ass off 」笑死本宝宝了.




Horton is wearing drop-crotch leather harem pants. LMAO!



"It ends up with everybody at this long dinner table laughing their asses

off because the great Dane comes in with a bunch of puppies."


1989年,LMTO,即laughing my tush off(笑掉狗牙)就在网络上流传了。一年之后,在网游《龙与地下城》中,它的2.0版——LMAO横空出世。


释义「 rolling on the floor laughing 」笑到呕吐




Horton is wearing leather harem pants again, ROFL. What is it with this




释义「 what the fuck? 」什么鬼?有毒吗




WTF, why does Horton keep wearing leather harem pants?!



释义「 you only live once 」人生苦短,何妨一试?


I downed 15 shots last night and then had to go to the hospital but

whatever, YOLO.



YOLO的现代版缩写源自加拿大说唱歌手德雷克的歌曲《The Motto》。但其实伦家是出身书香门第。18世纪,德国作家歌德在悲剧《克拉维戈》用过类似的表达,翻译成英文是:"one lives but once in the world"。1855年,奥地利作曲家小约翰?施特劳斯作了一首华尔兹舞曲《Man lebt nur einmal!》英文就是《You only live once!》



释义「 oh my God 」我勒个去


OMFG, omgz, zomg


OMG ,did you see Ben down 15 shots last night? Dude is crazy.


相传在1917年,75岁高龄的英国第一海军大臣约翰?阿巴斯诺特?费舍尔,给丘吉尔写了封信,信的结尾写道:"I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis —O.M.G. (Oh! My! God!) — Shower it on the Admiralty!"(我听说政府目前正在审议新的骑士身份——O.M.G.(哦!我的上帝!)——就让它从我们的海军司令部产生吧!)


释义「 fuck my life 」悲催的人生


Today I was finally going to redeem my free frozen yogurt voucher at my favorite FroYo place. Then I found out it was shut down because of a rat infestation. FML.


2005年FML就被网络词典Urban Dictionary收录。而它踏入主流还要归功于贾德?阿帕图导演的喜剧《太坏了》。

2009年有一个叫FMy Life的博客粗线了,大家可以在上面吐槽自己的生活,不过所有的内容都要以"Today, …"开头,"FML"结尾。


释义「 for the win 」棒棒哒


Found a frozen yogurt place a block away, and this one's rat-free. FTW!(我在一条街以外的地方又找到了一家冻酸奶店,这家没有老鼠。棒棒哒!)

FTW能家喻户晓全靠当年的热门游戏真人秀《好莱坞广场》。而它的诞生还要追溯到21世纪初,网络角色扮演游戏《卡米洛的黑暗时代》的玩家在论坛上说了句"Norway FTW!"


释义「 read the fucking manual 」问度娘!




释义:「too long; didn't read」太长不看。



Can someone give me all of 20th century U.S. history in TL;DR format? I have an exam in an hour.(有没有人能给我一本精简版20世纪美国史?我一小时后有考试。)




AEAP - as early as possible 尽早

ASL - age, sex, location 年龄、性别、所在地

ATM - at the moment 此刻,马上

AFAIK - as far as I know 据我所知

BFF - best friends forever 死党,永远的好朋友

BRB - be right back 很快回来

BTW - by the way 顺便问一句

FWIW - for what it's worth 不管有用与否(用在你给朋友提建议前)

G2G - got to go 要走了

IAC - in any case 无论如何

IDK - I don't know 不知道

IIRC - if I remember correctly 如果我没记错的话

ICYMI – in case you missed it万一你错过了。

IMO - in my opinion 在我看来

JK - just kidding 开玩笑,别当真

KOTL - kiss on the lips 亲亲

LMIRL - let's meet in real life 咱们见面吧

LMK - let me know 告诉我

MorF - male or female 男还是女

POS - parents over shoulder 父母在旁监视

RIP - rest in peace 愿逝者安息

RU/18 - Are you over 18? 你成年了吗?

SorG - straight or gay 异性恋还是同性恋

TBC - to be continued 未完待续

TBD - to be determined 有待决定

TMI - too much information 你透露的信息过多了(表示你认为对方不该说这些) TTYL - talk to you later 待会儿聊

TY - thank you 谢谢

WYCM - Will you call me? 你会给我打电话吗?



企业各职位英文缩写: GM(General Manager)总经理 VP(Vice President)副总裁 FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁 AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理 CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。 COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官,类似常务总经理 CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官,类似财务总经理 CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官,主管企业信息的收集和发布CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官类似总工程师 HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监 OD(Operations Director)运营总监 MD(Marketing Director)市场总监 OM(Operations Manager)运作经理 PM(Production Manager)生产经理 (Product Manager)产品经理 其他: CAO: Art 艺术总监 CBO: Business 商务总监 CCO: Content 内容总监 CDO: Development 开发总监 CGO: Gonverment 政府关系 CHO: Human resource 人事总监 CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加一个或多个零使公司市值像火箭般上升的人 CKO: Knowledge 知识总监 CLO: Labour 工会主席 CMO: Marketing 市场总监 CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表CPO: Public relation 公关总监 CQO: Quality control 质控总监 CRO: Research 研究总监 CSO: Sales 销售总监 CUO: User 客户总监 CVO: Valuation 评估总监 CWO: Women 妇联主席 CXO: 什么都可以管的不管部部长 CYO: Yes 什么都点头的老好人 CZO: 现在排最后,等待接班的太子 常用聊天英语缩写


和老外聊天、发邮件常用英语缩写? 邮件里常用的四个英文缩写 CC,FYI,ASAP,RESEND ? 1. CC 抄送? Literal meaning: Carbon Copy. When used in an e-mail, it means to send a copy of the e-mail to someone else. ? Hidden meaning: If you are on the CC list, you may simply read the e-mail. You're not always obligated to reply. But if an e-mail sent to you has your boss' e-mail on the CC list, watch out. When the boss is involved, you'd better take the e-mail more seriously. ? 2. FYI 供你参考? Literal meaning: For your information. ? Hidden meaning: By adding "FYI", the sender indicates that the e-mail contains information that may be valuable to your company or job responsibilities. ? 3. ASAP / urgent 紧急文件? Literal meaning: As soon as possible. ? Hidden meaning: When you see "ASAP" or "urgent" in an e-mail or document, you should quickly carry out the e-mail's orders. ? 4. RESEND! 重传? Literal meaning: Please resend your reply to me. ? Hidden meaning: "I haven't received your reply. I don't have much time. Please hurry." You might get such a message from someone who sent you an e-mail, to which you've yet to reply. ? others: ? 数字:? 2 = to/too ? 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be ? 4 = for ? 4ever = forever ? A:? ASL = Age/Sex/Location ? AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned ? AFAIK = As Far As I Know ? AFK = Away From Keyboard ? AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle ? AISI = As I See It ? AKA = Also Known As ? AMBW = All My Best Wishes ? ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor ? AOTS = All Of The Sudden ? ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ? ASAP = As Soon As Possible ? ATST = At The Same Time ? AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again ? AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again ? AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something ? ? B:? B4 = Before ? B4N = Bye For Now ? BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel ? BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit ? BBIAF = Be Back In A Few ? BBL = Be Back Later ? BBN = Bye Bye Now ? BCNU = Be Seein’ You ? BF = Boyfriend ? BFD = Big Fing Deal ? BFN = Bye For Now ? BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart ? BIF = Basis In Fact ? BITD = Back In The Day ? Biz = Business ? BM = Byte Me ? BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass ? BNF = Big Name Fan ? BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again ? BR = Best regards ? BRB = Be Right Back ? BRT = Be Right There ? BS = Big Smile ? BT = Byte This ? BTDT = Been There Done That ? BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me ? BTW = By The Way ? BTWBO = Be There With Bells On ? BWDIK = But What Do I Know? ? BWO = Black, White or Other ? ? C:? Cam = Web Camera ? CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian) ? CID = Consider It Done ? CIS = CompuServe Information Service ?


网络英语聊天中常用缩写短语(很好很强大!!!)来源:郭年顺的日志 问好 hiho = hola = yo = hi = hey = hellow 你好,大家好 wuz up = sup = S’up What's up?原意:怎么样你?有什么事儿嘛?也可作为问好用(熟人之间候) 再见 cya = cu =see ya see you 再见 laterz = later = cya later = see ya later see you later 再见 gn = gn8 = gnight good night 晚安 nn = nite 晚安 说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。不要问我为什么,约定俗成而已。 惊叹赞扬 OMG oh my god 我的天 OMFG oh my f ucking god = 我的老天;**靠 wtf what the f uck = 怎么会事!?;我日! n1 = nice 1 nice one 漂亮 pwnz = ownz 牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!) rullz 强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!) you rock! 你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。)

lol laughing out loud / laugh out loud 很好笑.因为lol像笑脸,和我们常用的^-^一样 lmao laughing my ass off 笑的屁股尿流 rofl roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了 其他简写 FU fuck you *你;滚 STFU Shut the fuck up! ***给我闭嘴! k=ok=okay=okie 好的,恩 gimme give me 给我 em them 他们的宾格 thx thanks 谢谢 ty thank you 原本用的不多,不过现在又开始兴起来了 happy bday = happy b-day happy birthday! 生日快乐 dunno dont know 不知道 kinda a little bit 有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it d one as soon as possible.) cmon = c'mon come on 加油/别吹了/快点/起来(这个词意思太多了,不赘述了) hax = hack = cheat 作弊,说谎(很地道时尚的词,老外用的比较多)


老外聊天中常用的缩写 asl是Age, sex and location 的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍)lol是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子 ppl=people bbs=be back soon=很快回来 thx=thanks ur=your asap=as soon as possible g2g = got to go ttyl = talk to you later brb = be right back bbl = be back later bio brb=上个厕所就回 afk = away from keyboard (away) u = you plz = please y = why w8 = wait l8er = later cya = see ya (later) nvm = nevermind nm = not much

gl = good luck gf = girlfriend bf = boyfriend luv=love RUOK=are you ok? sp=support cu=see u cul8er= see you later ft=faint ic=i see soho=small office home officer btw=by the way gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安 nn=nite=晚安 说明: 一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。 不要问我为什么,约定俗成而已。 hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=ello你好,大家好 wuz up=sup=what\'s up=(原意:


------------------------------------------- A --------------------------------------------- A/S/L Age/Sex/Location (年龄,性别,,位置) AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned (我所关心的...) AFAIK As Far As I Know (就我所知) AFK Away From Keyboard (离开键盘--意思是离开电脑跟前,暂时不在) AIAMU And I'm A Monkey's Uncle (something that you say when you are very surprised )AISI As I See It (只见) AMBW All My Best Wishes (祝愿) AOTS All Of The Sudden (都是因为意外) ASAFP As Soon As "Friggin" Possible (骂人的F =DAMN 你他妈的快点) ASAP As Soon As Possible (快点,:不带脏的) ATST At The Same Time (同时) AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again (我们要再来次吗?)任务可用 AWGTHTGTTSA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh** Again(带脏的意义同上)AYSOS Are You Stupid Or Something (脏话,你笨蛋还是怎么的?) ------------------------------------------- B --------------------------------------------- B4 Before (之前) B4N Bye For Now (暂时分开---貌似是) BBFBBM Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel (四肢发达头脑简单) BBIAB Be Back In A Bit (一会回来) BBIAF Be Back In A Few (同上) BBL Be Back Later (同上...汗) BBN Bye Bye Now (再见) BBS Be back Soon(马上回来) BCNU Be Seein' You (同上~) BFD Big F***ing Deal (我也不知道,估计是脏话) BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart(放屁) BIF Basis In Fact (基本上~) BITD Back In The Day (1天内回来) BM Byte Me (不知道,谁知道就补起来吧~谢谢了) BMOTA Byte Me On The Ass (跟上面的一样,都是脏话,我也翻不清楚) BNF Big Name Fan (FAN) BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again (委屈一下,**就来) BR Bathroom (浴室,是去浴室是缩写) BRB Be Right Back (就回...这个意思咋这么多啊!?) BRT Be Right There (就在这~) BS Big Smile (:D) BTDT Been There Done That(身在其位,心谋它职----这个不是我翻译的) BTSOOM Beats The Sh** Out Of Me (把这个**给我弄远点) BTW By The Way (顺便提一句) BTWBO Be There With Bells On(就在这里待着) BWDIK But What Do I Know?(可我是怎么能知道的?)


与外国人聊天常用缩略词 刚上线时一般的使用:----------------------------- 1. Hi 嗨 2. Hey 嘿 3. Yo 喂 4. WOW 哇 5. ICQ 我找你. I seek you. 6. TNS 好久不见. Long time no see. 7. VG 很好 Very good. 8. yep 是 <俚> yes. 9. yup 是 <俚> yes. 10. yeah 是 = yes. 11. RYOK 你好吧? Are you ok? 12. YR 对,是的. yeah,right. 中间有事离开一会儿:----------------------------- 13. bbiam 我很快回来 Be back in a minuta. 14. hang on 等一下. 15. bll 过一会儿回来. Be back late. 16. BRB 很快回来. Be right back. 17. RSN 马上 Real soon now. 19. afk 暂时离开(键盘) away from keyboard. 20. bak 回(键盘前)来了. back at keyboard. 21. BBIAB 马上回来. be back in a bit. 告诉对方欲下线:---------------------------- 22. TAFN 到此为止. That's all for now. 23. GTGB 得走了.再见. Got to go,Bye. 24. SRI 对不起. Sorry. 25. Gotta go 我得走了. Gotta go=have to go=I have to go. 告别:---------------------------------------------- 26. Bye 再见. 27. CU 再见. See you. 28. CU2 再见. See you too. 29. CUL 下次再会. See you later. 30. CUA 再会. See you again. 31. HTH 睡觉去了. Hit the hay (hay <俚> 床) 33. See ya. 再见. See ya = See you (ya 表示 you 或 young adult) 34. AMF 再会,我的朋友. Adios my friend.


英语聊天时常用缩写 Sun = Sunday Mon = Monday Tue = Tuesday Wed = Wednesday Thu = Thursday Fri = Friday Sat = Saturday DIY = Do It Yourself C U = See You I C = I See FT = Faint 昏倒、晕厥之意,晕 SP = support

LOL = Laugh out loud ,大笑 lmao = laughing my ass off 笑的屁股尿流 rofl = roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了 笑的程序:hehe < haha < lol < lmao < rofl BTW = by the way BRB = be right back , e.g. :getting some food to eat ,brb bbl = be back later , e.g. :im gonna go out for a while ,bbl bbs = be back soon ttyl = talk to you later ppl = people pls = please R U OK = are you ok ? IOWAN2BWU = I only want to be with you

CUL8R = see you later IMHO = in my humble opinion 愚见asap = as soon as as possible 4 = for 2 = to,too u = you ur = your r = are,our y = why,yes 2gether = together 2night = tonight 2morrow = tomorrow sth = something sb = somebody gf = girlfriend


网络聊天中常见的时髦英语缩写词 默认分类2008-12-30 14:13:01 阅读88 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 现代通讯即时工具工具越来越先进了,网络聊天工具已经成了生活中必不可少的一部分,而现代的一些新新人类更是时髦前卫,在网聊中使用很多“一般人”看不懂的语言,本文就介绍介绍一些网聊的缩写词吧。 言归正传,下面列举一些典型的网络英文潮语。 btw(by the way):这个大多数人都会用,就是“顺便再说一句”的意思。 g2g(got to go):要走了。原句是I've got to go。 ttyl(talk to you later):下次再说。 brb(be right back):很快回来。也就是I'll be right back 或I'm gonna be right back的简写。 jk(just kidding):开玩笑,别当真。 omg(oh my god):我的天啊!有时为了表达更强烈的情感,有人会打:OMGGGGGGG! lol(laugh out loud):大声地笑。这个缩写已经快被用烂了。 Imao(laughing my arse/ass off):笑死我了。遇到真正搞笑的事,可以这么说,不过有点粗俗。 rofl(rolling on the floor laughing):笑到摔到地上。 roflmao(rolling on the floor laughing my ass of):前两个的结合版,也就是超级搞笑的意思。 sth(something):某事某物。 nth(nothing):什么也没有。 plz(please):请。please 字尾是z 音,所以按照读音缩写为plz。 thx(thanks):谢谢。按照发音来看,thanks字尾的ks可以用字母X代替。 idk(I don't know):我不知道。 imho, imo(in my humble opinion, in my opinion):在我看来,常见于论坛。 以上这些网络潮语当然不是叫大家不顾场合,不看对象地乱用。写信给校长,总不能以"Yo! Wassup?" 开头问好吧。运用你的智慧,尽情享用这些最流行的英文潮语吧。 ASAP:As soon as possible尽快


别再抱怨看不懂英文缩写了。超全国际流行缩写!【现在不用也留着,以后会用上的】来源:陳庆馨﹏mUsIC′?的日志 超全国际流行缩写 asl是Age, sex and location 的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍) lol是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子 ppl=people bbs=be back soon=很快回来 thx=thanks ur=your asap=as soon as possible g2g = got to go ttyl = talk to you later brb = be right back bbl = be back later bio brb=上个厕所就回 afk = away from keyboard (away) u = you plz = please y = why w8 = wait l8er = later

cya = see ya (later) nvm = nevermind nm = not much gl = good luck gf = girlfriend bf = boyfriend luv=love RUOK=are you ok? 各位热爱英语,热爱生活的童鞋好~楼主最近参加了一个环保公益活动,暂时在这里拉个票~ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c48558134.html,/corp/csr/delightedimage/environment/greenvolunteer/201 1/team.html?teamid=396 点击网址进入页面就是我们队伍的界面,不需要输入验证码,只需点击投票的红色按钮就可以了。谢了!每人一次可以投5票!!! 如果可以的话请暂时收藏这个网页,5月31日之前只要你重联一次网络就能再次投票。所以,可以的话给我们 \EOS Repick/ 队多一些鼓励吧!我们的目标是30000票!任务有点艰巨!


---问好--- 1,hiho=hola=yo=hellow=你好,大家好 2,wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意: 怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用,回答时有事说事,没事用"nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。 ---再见--- 1,cya=cu=see ya=see you=再见 2,laterz=later=cya later=see ya later=see you later=再见 3,gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安 4,nn=nite=晚安 说明: 一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。 ---惊叹赞扬--- 1,OMG=oh my god=我的天;我靠! 2,OMFG=oh my f ucking god=我的老天;我靠靠; 3,wtf=what the f uck=怎么会事!?;我日!; 4,n1=nice 1=nice one=漂亮 5, pwnz=ownz=牛比!(例句: pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!) 6,rullz=强!(例句:

lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!) 7,you rock!=你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。) ---笑--- 1,lol=laughing out loud /laugh out loud=大笑 2,lmao=laughing my ass off=笑的屁股尿流 3,rofl=roll on floor laughing=笑翻天了 排序: he


英文邮件及聊天常用缩略语 1.邮件 ASAP=as soon as possible 尽快\急件 BCC- Blind Carbon Copy 暗抄送 CC=Carbon copy 抄送 FYI=for your reference 供你参考 FYI=for your information 通知 RESEND! 重传 Attachment 附件 Junk mail 垃圾邮件 Co.= company公司 Corp. =corporation 公司 Inc. =incorporated公司 Ltd.= limited 有限公司 Dept.=department部门 Mfg.= manufacturing 制造公司 Dba=doing business as 职业或公司名称 Govt. =government 政府 Mdse. =merchandise 商品 C.o.d.=cash on delivery 货到付款 I owe you IOC 我欠你 Bldg.=building 大厦 Approx.=approximately 接近 E.g.= exempli gratiea (for example) 例如 No.=numero (number) 号码 Qtr.=quarter 季度 Mo.= month 月 VIP=very important person 重要人物

2.聊天 A: ASL = Age/Sex/Location AFAIC = As Far As I'm Concerned AFAIK = As Far As I Know AMBW = All My Best Wishes AOTS = All Of The Sudden ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible (不礼貌) ASAP = As Soon As Possible ATST = At The Same Time B: B4 = Before B4N = Bye For Now BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit BBIAF = Be Back In A Few BBL = Be Back Later BBN = Bye Bye Now BF = Boy friend BFD = Big Fing Deal BFN = Bye For Now BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart (放屁) BIF = Basis In Fact BITD = Back In The Day Biz = Business BM = Byte Me BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass BNF = Big Name Fan BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again (再来一遍)BOM=bill of material (材料清单) BR = Best regards BRB = Be Right Back BRT = Be Right There BS = Big Smile BT = Byte This BTDT = Been There Done That BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me BTW = By The Way BTWBO = Be There With Bells On BWDIK = But What Do I Know? BWO = Black, White or Other C: Cam = Web Camera


Mail: FYI:For your information~ LMK:LET ME KNOW 数字: 2 = to/too  2B or not 2B = To be or not to be  4 = for  4ever = forever A: ASL = Age/Sex/Location AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned AFAIK = As Far As I Know AFK = Away From Keyboard AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle AISI = As I See It AKA = Also Known As AMBW = All My Best Wishes ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS = All Of The Sudden ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ASAP = As Soon As Possible ATST = At The Same Time AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something B: BRB=be right back  B4 = Before B4N = Bye For Now BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel


数字: 2 = to/too 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be 4 = for 4ever = forever A: ASL = Age/Sex/Location AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned AFAIK = As Far As I Know AFK = Away From Keyboard AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle AISI = As I See It AKA = Also Known As AMBW = All My Best Wishes ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS = All Of The Sudden ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ASAP = As Soon As Possible ATST = At The Same Time AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something B: B4 = Before B4N = Bye For Now BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit BBIAF = Be Back In A Few BBL = Be Back Later BBN = Bye Bye Now BCNU = Be Seein’ You BF = Boyfriend BFD = Big Fing Deal BFN = Bye For Now BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart BIF = Basis In Fact BITD = Back In The Day Biz = Business BM = Byte Me BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass BNF = Big Name Fan



u you ur your yr year thx thanks 4 for 2B or not 2B To Be Or Not To Be 4ever Forever A/S/L Age/Sex/Location AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard AIAMU And I'm A Monkey's Uncle AISI As I See It AKA Also Known As AMBW All My Best Wishes ANFAWFOWS And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS All Of The Sudden ASAFP As Soon As

"Friggin" Possible ASAP As Soon As Possible ATST At The Same Time AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh** AYSOS Are You Stupid Or Something B4 Before B4N Bye For Now BBFBBM Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel BBIAB Be Back In A Bit BBIAF Be Back In A Few BBL Be Back Later BBN Bye Bye Now BCNU Be Seein' You BFD Big F***ing Deal BFN Bye For Now BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart


和老外聊天、发邮件常用英语缩写 时间:2009-01-05 07:00 前次和美国客户发邮件。有个LMK的缩写。想了半天,后天查了网络,才知道是LET ME KNOW 的意思。我没有想的那么正确。所以知道一些简单的缩写是很有必要的,我在网上查了一些。不知道你们之前看过没。 数字: 2 = to/too 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be 4 = for 4ever = forever A: ASL = Age/Sex/Location AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned AFAIK = As Far As I Know AFK = Away From Keyboard AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle AISI = As I See It AKA = Also Known As AMBW = All My Best Wishes ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS = All Of The Sudden ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ASAP = As Soon As Possible ATST = At The Same Time AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something B: B4 = Before B4N = Bye For Now BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit BBIAF = Be Back In A Few BBL = Be Back Later BBN = Bye Bye Now BCNU = Be Seein’ You BF = Boyfriend BFD = Big Fing Deal BFN = Bye For Now BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart BIF = Basis In Fact BITD = Back In The Day Biz = Business BM = Byte Me BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass BNF = Big Name Fan BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again BR = Bathroom BRB = Be Right Back BRT = Be Right There BS = Big Smile BT = Byte This BTDT = Been There Done That BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me BTW = By The Way BTWBO = Be There With Bells On BWDIK = But What Do I Know? BWO = Black, White or Other C: Cam = Web Camera CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian) CID = Consider It Done CIO = Check It Out


1.你的老板转发了一封邮件给你。他唯一写的是"FYI"。你该怎么处理邮件的内容呢? 没什么,他只是想确认你知道了,FYI是for your information的缩写。 2. 你去开会,客户问你他的"R.O.I." 将是什么。他想要知道的是: 他的投资将多快能得到回报,R.O.I.是return of investment的缩写。 3.你的电子邮箱内有一封来自客户的邮件。他希望你"ASAP"的为他办件事。你应该这样处理: 马上处理。不用说ASAP是as soon as posible的缩写。 4. 什么是"cover letter"? 自我介绍及背景介绍信 5. 一家公司的"president" 和"CEO"的区别在哪里呢? CEO的职位更高–他掌管整家公司 6. 你在一家美国公司获得一席职位而"401K" 列在福利之一。什么是"401K"? 退休金 7. 你的公司被收购而你被通知和"H.R. Department"联系。"H.R. department"是做什么的呢? 雇用新职员,处理福利和培训。H.R.是human resources的缩写。 8. 一位熟人遇见你时给了你一张他的名片。他的头衔是"CTO"。那他是做什么的呢? 他负责决定公司所用的技术种类。全称是Chief Technology Officer,要和CEO区分开。 9. 你遇到在"Information Technology"工作的人。他是做什么的? 任何和设计网站,数据库或软件有关的东西。 10. 如果有人说他们要给你发"invoice",那你会得到什么呢? 一张帐单 “CU”:See you 的缩写带音译,再见。例句:CU, 我们今天就到这里吧,我要睡觉了。
