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熊婷婷Lesson 35 China’s Most Famous “Farmer”

Lesson 35: China’s Most Famous “Farmer”


一、Teaching Aims


Mastery words and expressions: farmer, so that, southwest, research, honour, technology, produce, besides, share, develop, super

Oral words and expressions: peanut, shadow, hybrid, graduate, agriculture, devote to, development, variety, worldwide, benefit, crossword, puzzle

2. Know a great man of China who has made great contribution to the world.

3. Learn the spirit of the successful man.

二、Teaching Important Points:

Grasp the words and expressions about the agriculture.

Learn the development of the rice.

三、Teaching Difficult Points:

The words and expressions in the fields of rice.

四、Teaching methods


五、Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Show students pictures and let them guess their jobs according to the pictures.

Step 2 Learn new words and make sentences

Step 3 Reading and answering

Encourage students to listen to the tape and try to answer the questions. To determine students' level of understanding, ask questions such as:

1.What was his dream?

2.When was he born?

3.What does he do in his spare time?

4.What is he doing now?

Step 4 Finish the chart after reading the passage again.

Step 5 Language points

1. so that 引导目的状语从句“以便,为了”

so…that 引导结果状语从句“如此…以至于…”

eg:The box is so heavy that I can’t move it.

2.graduate from“从-------毕业”

eg: You will graduate from the Middle School next year.

3. come up with “想出,提出(答案、方法等) ”

eg: How did you come up with this idea?

4.devote oneself to(介词)+名词/动名词“献身于…,致力于…”

eg:1. The doctor devoted himself to helping the sick.

5. be honoured with “被誉为…,被授予…,被尊称为...... ”

eg:Fu Mingxia is honoured with “Queen of Diving”

6. because of + n/pron/v-ing“由于……”

because +原因状语从句“因为……”

7.in one’s spare time“在某人的空闲时间”

8.It is said that“据说” +从句

eg:It is said that Bill Gates is one of the richest people in

the world.

Step 6 Guessing game

Who is he?

He was born on September 12th ,1980 .

He plays basketball in Houston Rocket .

He was born in Shanghai China.

He is 2.26 meters tall .

Step 7 Do Exercise

Part 1

1.All the students studied hard _____(以便于)they could pass the exams.

2._______________(在二十世纪七十年代) we couldn’t see the colorful TV.

3.__________(因为) his illness, he didn’t go to school last week.

4.______________(在业余时间), he likes to play basketball.

5.__________(据说)Gong LI isn’t Chinese now.

Part 2

1.The teacher devoted his life_____ teaching.

2.I graduated ____ No. 2 Middle School 16 years ago.

3.Bill Gates was honored ____ The richest Man in the world.

4.Danny came up ______ a good idea.

Part 3


She walked fast ____ ____she could get to school on time.

2.二十世纪六十年代,他提出了杂交水稻的想法。He_____ ____ ____an idea for a hybrid rice in ____ ______.


___ ____ _____that Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China.


He _________ ______Qinghua university last year.

Step 8 Practice(Free Talk)

What do you learn from him?(Ask students to talk about their dreams and how will they to make them come true.)

Step 9 What did you get?

Let students to speak up!

Step 10 Homework

1.Master the language points and make sentences.

2.Finish “PROJECT” of this lesson.


本节课首先以展示多种职业的图片导入新课,复习多种职业的英语名称,同时有趣的导入本科课题——China’s Most Famous “Farmer”。在学习单词的时候尽量鼓励学生自己拼读音标,同时引导学生对新单词进行造句,这个环节非常好,但由于本课共24个新单词,所以时间显得不够宽松。学生的口语和阅读都得到了充分的锻炼,首先让学生带着问题总体感知课文内容,再让学生带着具体的任务阅读课文并进行回答和完成任务,使他们对授课内容有具体的了解,激发他们对本课的求知欲。通过设问、小组讨论、游戏、练习、反馈等活动,促进师生之间、生生之间的交流与合作,培养学生主动探究,寻找问题和答案的学习习惯,贯彻了新课标以人为本的教学理念,训练了学生听、说、读、写的能力。该课以学生为主体,内容上环环相扣,难度上层层递进。把知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观融汇到教学活动中来。在设计的每一个环节上,注重了学生听、说、读、写技能的训练。


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