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Figures of speech

1 Simile

an overt comparison between two unlike things as though they were similar -- usually with the words "like" or "as".

His strong love stands like a granite rock unmoved by the hurricanes of our inequity.

I've had some long nights in the stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts, time can draw out like a blade. That was the longest night of my life. The first time I read an excellent book, it is as if I had gained a new friend.

2 Metaphor

an implied comparison between two different things which share at least one attribute in common

Life is a journey.

He is a walking dictionary.

Take away love and our world is a tomb.

They are birds of a feather.

Beauty is but flower, which wrinkles will devour.

Hold fast to dreams , for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.

He lives in a palace of a house.

His speech touched off a stormy protest.

He wolfed down his supper.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

3 Personification

Figure which represents abstractions or inanimate objects with human qualities, including physical, emotional, and spiritual; the application of human attributes or abilities to nonhuman entities.

"Such acts are commonly stimulated by forces of hatred and malevolence such as today are eating their way into the bloodstream of American life."

-- USSC Justice Earl Warren, Eulogy for John F. Kennedy

"Once again, the heart of America is heavy. The spirit of America weeps for a tragedy that denies the very meaning of our land.“

-- Lyndon Baines Johnson

4 Hyperbole

deliberate exaggeration of a person, thing, quality, event to emphasize a point external to the object of exaggeration; intentional exaggeration for rhetorical effect

So first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

The chamber is celebrating an important milestone this week: your 70th

anniversary. I remember the day you started.

Henry was 18 when we met and I was queen of France. He came down from the north to Paris with a mind like Aristotle's and a form like mortal sin. We shattered the commandments on the spot.

5 Rhetorical Question

Figure which asks a question, not for the purpose of further discussion, but to assert or deny an answer implicitly; a question whose answer is obvious or implied.

It really is time to ask ourselves, 'How can we allow the rich and powerful, not only to rip off people as consumers, but to continue to rip them off as taxpayers?'

Can anyone look at the record of this Administration and say, "Well done"?

Can anyone compare the state of our economy when the Carter Administration took office with where we are today and say, "Keep up the good work"?

Can anyone look at our reduced standing in the world today and say, "Let's have four more years of this"?

-- Ronald Reagan, 1980 Republican National Convention Acceptance Address

6 Analogy:A kind of extended metaphor or long simile in which an explicit comparison is made between two things (events, ideas, people, etc) for the purpose of furthering a line of reasoning or drawing an inference; a form of reasoning employing comparative or parallel cases.

Don't worry about the future; or worry -- but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.

I look at this as being in the form of a house...and the students are the foundation, and the teachers are the walls, and the roof itself is the school. And we know that if you have a weak foundation, the walls and the roof can't be supported. Therefore, it crumbles.

Wishing for the end to AIDS and extreme poverty in Africa is like wishing that gravity didn't make things so damn heavy. We can wish it, but what the hell can we do about it?

7 Irony:the expression of actual intent in words that carry the opposite meaning. Irony springs from a perception of the absurdity of life.

This hard-working boy seldom reads more than an hour per week.

You are eloquent as an oyster.

I fear I wrong the honorable man whose daggers have stabbed Caesar.

Robbing a widow of her savings was certainly a noble act.

8 Sarcasm: a cruelly humorous statement made with the intention of injuring

the self-respect of the person addressed

He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant, and it is a strong combination.

Bree: Let’s say your boss is always making you work overtime, and he never praises your work. Someone asks you, “What is your boss like?” What do you say?

Jill: Oh, he’s a real sw eetheart!

Bree: That’s it! Like exaggeration and understatement, sarcasm is an indirect way of speaking. To understand it better, look for cues like: rolling eyes; a very serious look, or an exaggeration of features, like a fake-looking smile. In any case, a person using sarcasm seldom speaks in a straightforward natural manner. He may speak in a lowered, serious pitch or raised, mocking pitch; at a slower or faster pace; in a louder or softer volume.

… I do humbly offer it to public consideration that of the hundred and twenty thousand children already computed, twenty thousand may be reserved for breed whereof only one fourth part may be reserved for males, which is more than we allow to sheep, black cattle, or swine… That the remaining hundred thousand may at a year old be offered in sale to the persons of quality and fortune through the kingdom, always advising the mother to let them suck plentiful in the last month, so as to render them plump and fat for a good table…

I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore being proper for landlords, who, as they have already most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children.

---- From Jonathan Swift’s “A modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor people in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for ****** Them Beneficial to the Public”

9 Ridicule: a figure to make fun of or laugh at the person addressed. Ridicule implies purposeful disparagement.

Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence.

Bryan, ageing an d paunchy, was assisted …

Resolutely, he strode to the stand, carrying a palm fan like a sword to repel his enemies.

10 Antithesis:Figure of balance in which two contrasting ideas are intentionally juxtaposed, usually through parallel structure; a contrasting of opposing ideas in adjacent phrases, clauses, or sentences.

The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom,

symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change.

We find ourselves rich in goods but ragged in spirit, reaching with magnificent precision for the moon but falling into raucous discord on earth. We are caught in war, wanting peace. We're torn by division, wanting unity.

...although the surface appears to be...very, very fine-grained as you get close to it. It's almost like a powder...Okay, I'm going to step off the LEM now. That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.

11 Parallelism:Figure of balance identified by a similarity in the syntactical structure of a set of words in successive phrases, clauses, sentences; successive words, phrases, clauses with the same or very similar grammatical structure.

"I've tried to offer leadership to the Democratic Party and the Nation. If, in my high moments, I have done some good, offered some service, shed some light, healed some wounds, rekindled some hope, or stirred someone from apathy and indifference, or in any way along the way helped somebody, then this campaign has not been in vain."

-- Jesse Jackson, 1984 Democratic National Convention Address

"We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers, working past exhaustion. We've seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of blood, the saying of prayers -- in English, Hebrew, and Arabic."

-George W. Bush, 9-20-01 Address to the Nation on Terrorism

"...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

-- Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

12 Synecdoche : Figure of comparison in which a word standing for part of something is used for the whole of that thing or vice versa; any part or portion or quality of a thing used to stand for the whole of the thing or vice versa -- genus to species or species to genus.

And I began a little quiet campaign of persuasion with certain editors, seeking to show the unlimited possibilities for education and amusement. One would have thought that we would find willing ears on the part of the newspapers.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Moscow and Washington will hold talks on the issue.

China won the championship at the tournament.

13 Metonymy

the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. The substituted name may be an attribute of the other thing or be closely related with it. Usually the two things are closely associated.

He must have been spoilt from the cradle.

He is not a person who lets his heart rule his head.

He has a rough tongue. She has a sharp tongue.

A thousand moustaches can live together, but not four breasts.

The coat would be beyond his miserable pocket.

There is a mixture of a tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman. ( FEROCIOUS AND CUNNING)

To read a Shakespeare or a Mark Twain is to eat a food full of protein.

In the least-developed regions in our country, there is far more ignorance (the illiterate) than knowledge (the educated people).

14 Alliteration

Figure of emphasis that occurs through the repetition of initial consonant letters (or sounds) in two or more different words across successive sentences, clauses, or phrases. Two kinds may be distinguished: 1) Immediate juxtaposition occurs when the second consonant sound follows right after the first -- back-to-back. 2) Non-immediate juxtaposition occurs when the consonants occur in nonadjacent words.

I think I need a b igger b ox.

Isn't that what being an international m an of m ystery is all about?

No one standing in this house today can p ass a p uritanical test of p urity that some are demanding that our elected leaders take.

Have you f orgotten you're f acing the single f inest f ighting f orce ever assembled?

15 Onomatopoeia: the use of words that sound like their meanings, or the formation of a word in imitation of the natural sound associated with the object or action involved.-

-The bee buzzes. The bat cracks.

- The hen cackles. The cock crows. The duck quacks.

-The pig grunts. The horse neighs. The bull bellows.

- The hasty eater gulps his food.

-The rain pattered all night.

-A heavy stone crashed through the window, like the crack of a pistol shot.

16 Pun

a figure of speech depending upon a similarity of sound and a disparity of meanings

1. A cannon ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms.

2. Seven days without water make one week.

3. Try our sweet corn, you will smile from ear to ear.

17 Euphemism

Euphemism is a figure of speech which is the substitution of an inoffensive, mild or vague expression for a harsh or unpleasant one. The topics most likely to be substituted are illness, death, old age, toilet habits, poverty and unemployment, menial jobs or professions of low social standing, political and military activities, and so on, e.g.

1.His wife is expecting another child. (His wife is pregnant again.)

2.On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think . He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes, and when we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep, but---forever.

18 Climax

the arrangement of phrases or sentences in an ascending order

1.I honored him, I trusted him, and I loved him.

2. Social position, friends, reputation, life itself, had no longer any attraction for him.

3. His acquaintances, his friends and even his family turned against him, the traitor.

19 Anti-climax

the arrangement of phrases or sentences in an descending order of importance

1. Where shall I find hope, happiness, friends, cigarettes?

2. The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes.

3.There were no heroic deeds to do, no lions to face, no judges to defy, but a few rooms to tidy up.

20 Oxymoron

Figure that binds together two words that are ordinarily contradictory; a two word paradox; two words with contrary or apparently contradictory meanings occurring next to each other, and, which, nonetheless, evoke some measure of truth; the figure conjures a new way of seeing or understanding, a novel meaning.

He was dressed in shabby gentility.

The power of money to make the stupid wise, the ugly beautiful, and in general, black white had been a satiric commonplace since antiquity.

Those bitter-sweet experiences can never be forgotten.

部编语文五年级【阅读理解】训练、体会修辞手法的作用 +阅读理解专项练习及

部编语文五年级【阅读理解】训练、体会修辞手法的作用 +阅读理解题和 答案 第三讲、语修辞手法的作用 小学五年级大部分课文都使用了修辞手法,这些修辞手法的使用,使句子更加生动、具体、形象,使文章更有文采,也使文章的内涵更丰富。那小学有哪些常见的修辞手法?它们的作用是什么呢? 比喻:是用具体浅显、人们比较熟悉的事物去表现抽象、难懂、人们少见的事物的一种修辞手法。一般由本体、比喻词和喻体三部分构成。比喻可使事物生动、形象、具体可感,引发读者的联想和想象,让人留下深刻的印象,使文章更有感染力。如《窃读记》一文中的句子“我像一匹饿狼,贪婪地读着”。这个句子把“我”比作“饿狼”,形象地表现了“我”对书的热爱,以及看书时的如痴如醉。 拟人:就是把物当作人来写,把人的部位、动作、情感和品质等用在物上。拟人手法的使用,可使句子更灵动,既能生动形象地写出某事物的某个特点,又能直观地表达出作者的情感。如《白杨》一课中的句子“不管遇到风沙还是雨雪,不管遇到干旱还是洪水,它总是那么直,那么坚强,不软弱,也不动摇”。这个句子把白杨当作人来写,把人的精神品质“坚强”用在了白杨上,赞美了白杨坚强的品质。 排比:是将三个或三个以上结构相似或意思相关的分句排列在一起组成的句子,它的作用是使句子读起来富有节奏感,朗朗上口,而且能增强语势,提高文章的表达效果。如《白杨》一课的开头“车窗外是茫茫的大戈壁,没有山,没有水,也没有人烟气这三个“没有“构成了一组排比,突出了戈壁的恶劣环境,反衬了白杨顽强的生命力。 夸张:就是为了达到某种表达效果的需要,有意把事物的形象、特征、作用、程度等方面进行扩大或者缩小的修辞方式。夸张的作用是能够形象具体地描述岀事物,能引起读者丰富的想象和强烈的共鸣。有时还能增强文章的幽默感。《桂花雨》一文中的句子“全年,整个村子都浸在桂花的香气里”。这个句子通过夸张的手法表现了家乡桂花的香,像“浸”在里面一样,用词生动而形象。 设问:就是有针对性地提岀问题,然后把答案说出来,即自问自答。设问的作用是提醒注意,引起思考;突出某些内容,使文章起波澜,有变化。 反问:就是用疑问的形式来表达肯定的意思,但语气比陈述句更肯定,感情色彩也更鲜明。句子中往往有“难道”“怎么”“怎能”等词作反问词。反问可以加强语气,发人深思,激发读者的感情,加深读者的印象,增强文中的气势和说服力,为文章奠定一种激昂的感情基调。 高原汽车兵 川藏公路全长两千四百多公里,穿越折多山、雀儿山等十四座大山和金沙江、大渡河等十二条奔腾咆哮的江河。恶劣的气候和复杂的地形,使这里成了可怕的“魔域车每走一步,都面临生与死的考验。 1998年秋的一天,张全林率领的车队刚刚爬上雀儿山半山腰,一场横扫藏东高原的暴雪不期而至。


试论亚里士多德的修辞学总结 总结: 亚里士多德修辞说服逻辑论证技术辩证法 摘要亚里士多德面对现实的修辞实践,对修辞术进行了理论上的概括与分析,标志着古典修辞术的成熟。他将修辞术与逻辑联系起来,试图确立修辞术的技术性地位,但这事实上局限了修辞术的运用。 键词修辞术辩证法技术逻辑 修辞术产生于公元前五世纪的希腊世界,并在古典时代达到繁荣的雅典民主制下盛极一时。无论是在集会、诉讼等公共场合,还是私人的日常交往,修辞技艺都获得了普遍的应用。特别是在权利的获得与城邦的治理中,成功的修辞运用更具有决定性的作用,直接影响到国家的决策与前途。修辞术之普遍受到重视,与长期修辞实践积累的丰富经验,都为修辞学的确立与研究奠定了基础,而这个任务就由亚里士多德历史的完成了。他写了大量的修辞学论著,特别是在《修辞术》中,系统地总结了修辞技艺,阐述了较完整的修辞理论思想。本文即试图对此进行初步的分析与评价。 一 对修辞术的研究早已开始。智者是早期的修辞学家。他们认为"人是万物的尺度",因而放弃了追求真理的自然派哲学传统,将通过说服而能影响和控制人的修辞术奉为最高智慧。智者们以传授修辞学为业,并为此编了很多实用性的修辞手册。这类作品都是从各自的修辞经验出发,虽然总结了一些说服技巧,但具有很大的随意性。柏拉图批判说,它们都没有解决"怎样有效的使用各种方法,怎样才能使一篇文章形成一个整体"等问题。在柏拉图看来,这类作品所讲的技巧缺乏技术的必然性,很难被初学者掌握,不过是一些"修辞学垃圾"。其实,智者的技艺真正遭到柏拉图反对之处,还是在于它不管什么真理,而一味追随大众信念的特点,正是在这个意义上他才将其贬为"奉承"的程序而予以摒弃。不过,简单的予以否定似乎没有意义,修辞术仍以一种巨大的力量在现实中发挥着作用。相比之下,以追求真理自命的哲学的现实作用却总显得微乎其微。诉诸来世的说教太苍白无力,柏拉图不得不正视修辞的价值所在,承认"修辞学却是一项重要的事业",没有其帮助,"即使知道什么是真理也不能使人掌握说服的技艺"。一方面,他坚持对"虚假修辞学"的拒斥,另一方面电子商务资料库335(1;:+.33-**1则试图构造一种"真正的修辞学"。这种修辞学首先要知道事实的真相,还要能根据不同的灵魂本性找到适合的说服方式。他认为,只有这样的修辞术才能"在人力所及的范围内取得成功",即可以被人必然的掌握。其实,柏拉图的改造不过是利用修辞术为哲学服务而已,这种理想的修辞术充其量不过是哲学的修辞学,现实意义并不大。但这至少表明,修辞术已经受到了柏拉图的重视。 亚里士多德正是在柏拉图的学院中主要从事修辞学的研究和教授的。在这里,他写成了他的最早著作,论修辞术的《波卢斯》。后来又写了大量修辞学论著,不过现在可见的主要是《修辞术》这部著作。亚里士多德极为广博的学术研究就是从修辞学开始的。


①Syntactic schemes of Balance Balance in sentence construction is based on the principle that ideas of the same importance should be expressed in the same grammatical form to enhance clarity and coherence, by giving them “equal weight” In a balanced sentence, not only are the forms of the balanced parts similar, but often the parts are also of similar length, with the same number of words. he chief schemes of balance are parallelism ,antithesis, chiasmus , and its variation antimetabole. A "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!" -- Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream. (Antithesis It s the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences. by a strong contrast of skin and character, the speaker emphasis his dream.) B "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose"-- Jim Elliot C "Death destroys a man, but the idea of death saves him." (E. M. Forster, Howard's End) D I came, I saw, I conquer. (Parallelism It’s the deliberate repetition of similar or identical words, phrases or constructions in lines, sentences or paragraphs.) E No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy F In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon you and yours, to the last of your bad race, to answer for them. In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon your brother, the worst of your bad race, to answer for them separately. (repetition is used with parallelism to emphasize the equal importance and weight of his idea.)


《英语修辞学》课程教学大纲 一、说明 适用专业四年制本科英语专业语言文学方向 先修课程高级英语 总学时32 总学分 2 (一)本课程的目的、要求 (1)使学生较系统地了解英语修辞产生的原因及其对提高语言表现力的重要作用认识,增强对英语的理解能力,提高恰当运用英语语言的交际能力。 (2)使学生学会从修辞的观点出发,从英语语言现象入手,对其内涵进行分析,初步掌握对语言进行研究、分析和比较的方法。 (3)使学生掌握各种主要的修辞手段,提高实践中运用英语的能力和理解与欣赏英语文学作品的能力。 (二)内容选取和实施中注意的问题 (1)本课程应坚持理论与实践相结合的原则,适当介绍修辞理论,重点讲述实用性内容,要求学生运用所学理论分析语言实例。 (2)突出重点、兼顾一般。在选取内容上要注意以语音、词汇、句子三级修辞方法为重点,其中又应以喻类辞格为重点。 (3)学生对明喻比较熟悉,可以略而不讲或只作为隐喻的比较对象略谈。 (4)培养学生对语言的观察能力,让学生自己寻找例句并作出说明,以加深对所学内容的理解。 (5)大纲中不带“*”号的内容属于基本内容,带“*”号内容可讲可不讲。(三)教学方法 (1)教师为主导、学生为中心。防止教师一言堂,要在教师指导下,发挥学生的学习主动性。 (2)理论与实践相结合,课堂讲授与学生分析讨论相结合。 (四)考核方式 本课程为考查课程,采用口头与笔头相结合的方式: (1)口头方式主要以课堂提问和课堂讨论表现情况为考核依据。 (2)笔头方式主要以学生平时笔头作业完成情况和课程结束时笔头测验成绩为考核依据。 (3)口头考核成绩占40%,笔头考核成绩占60%。 (五)教学内容与学时分配

汉语修辞学复习题 - 副本 (2)

一、填空题 1、我国修辞学的研究源远流长,早在先秦两汉,古人就已经注意到了修辞现象,提出了自己的见解。 2、西晋陆机的《文赋》是一部对后世有很大影响的文学理论专著。其中对修辞的方法、技巧也有较多的论述。 3、1932年陈望道《修辞学发凡》的出版,标志着中国现代修辞学的建立。 4、语言包括语音、词汇、语法三个要素。修辞和语言的三要素有着密切的关系。 5、语言环境对语言表达具有制约作用。 6、词语锤炼的基本要求是准确朴实、简洁有力、新鲜活泼、生动形象。 7、句子的格式简称句式。 8、散句是指结构不一致,形式参差的句子。 9、严格的对偶上下两联要具备以下条件:意义相关,结构相同,字数相等,词类相当,没有重字,平仄,协调。 10、叠用和一般句子比较有以下修辞特点:整齐一致、集中突出、清晰醒目。 11、反问句的修辞作用,主要表现在比一般句式具有更强烈的语气和感情色彩。 12、先秦两汉在我国修辞学史上可以称作萌芽时期。 13、比喻就是人们平时说的“打比方”。 14、反问句又叫反诘句,它是用问句的形式表示确定的意思。 15、四个音节的语音段落也称“四字格”,它两字一顿,整齐匀称,是人们喜闻乐道的一种语言格式。 16、同样的意思既可以用肯定句也可以用否定句。一般说来,肯定句的语气比较直率明确,否定句的语气比较委婉灵活。 17、顶真就是上文的词语、句子用来作为下文的起头,前后首尾相连,上递下接。南朝文学家沈约称之谓连珠。 18、1951年《人民日报》连载了吕叔湘、朱德熙的名著《语法修辞讲话》。 19、现代汉语中,声调分阴平、阳平、上声、去声四类,阴平、阳平为平声,上声、去声为仄声。 20. 宋代陈骙的《文则》是我国第一部专门论述修辞的著作。 22. 陈望道的《修辞学发凡》创立了我国第一个科学而完备的修辞学体系。 23. 修辞学是研究提高语言表达效果的科学。 24. 语言环境包括社会时代、题旨情景、对象、场合、时间和话语的具体环境。 25. 长句化短的方法主要有:抽出修饰语、运用叠用句、合叙改分述。 26. 修辞主体的修养主要包括思想品德、生活积累和知识素养。 27. “文以辨洁为能,不以繁缛为巧。”出自刘勰的《文心雕龙.议对》。 28. 唐代文学家韩愈提出“ 惟陈言之务去”,即强调词语的新鲜活泼,这是词语锤炼的基本要求之一。 29. 词语锤炼与运用的基本方法有:精心挑选、修饰点染、巧妙配合。 30. 成语具有意义的整体性和结构的凝固性的特点。 31. 借用成语原形,但感情色彩不一样,这种成语活用的方式叫易色。 32. 成语活用的修辞作用有:意蕴深厚、文字精炼、生动具体、风趣诙谐、新鲜别致、。 33. 对偶从意义看,有正对、反对、和串对三种。 34. 现代汉语的主要节奏倾向是双音节化。 35. 诗句“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳”的语音段落是“七音节”式。 36. 四句一组的诗,第一句、第四句一韵,第二句、第三句一韵,中间两句被其他两句所环抱,这种押韵方式叫抱韵。 37. “从前线回来的人说到白求恩,没有一个不佩服,没有一个不为他的精神所感动。”这句运用了双重否定句句式。 38. 大体上说来,平声长而扬,仄声短而抑。 39. 韵文中的韵类似音乐中的再现,同一类的乐音在句中重复,可使语流具有一种回环美;平仄安排得当,声调平衡交替,声音显得错落有致,节奏分明,具有抑扬美。 40. 运用比喻的要求是贴切、新颖、巧妙。 41. 把物当作人来描述的修辞格叫拟人;把人当作物或者把某种物当作其他物来描述的修辞格叫拟物。


亚里士多德的修辞学 总结

试论亚里士多德的修辞学总结 总结: 亚里士多德修辞说服逻辑论证技术辩证法 摘要亚里士多德面对现实的修辞实践,对修辞术进行了理论上的概括与分析,标志着古典修辞术的成熟。他将修辞术与逻辑联系起来,试图确立修辞术的技术性地位,但这事实上局限了修辞术的运用。 键词修辞术辩证法技术逻辑 修辞术产生于公元前五世纪的希腊世界,并在古典时代达到繁荣的雅典民主制下盛极一时。无论是在集会、诉讼等公共场合,还是私人的日常交往,修辞技艺都获得了普遍的应用。特别是在权利的获得与城邦的治理中,成功的修辞运用更具有决定性的作用,直接影响到国家的决策与前途。修辞术之普遍受到重视,与长期修辞实践积累的丰富经验,都为修辞学的确立与研究奠定了基础,而这个任务就由亚里士多德历史的完成了。他写了大量的修辞学论著,特别是在《修辞术》中,系统地总结了修辞技艺,阐述了较完整的修辞理论思想。本文即试图对此进行初步的分析与评价。 一 对修辞术的研究早已开始。智者是早期的修辞学家。他们认为"人是万物的尺度",因而放弃了追求真理的自然派哲学传统,将通过说服而能影响和控制人

的修辞术奉为最高智慧。智者们以传授修辞学为业,并为此编了很多实用性的修辞手册。这类作品都是从各自的修辞经验出发,虽然总结了一些说服技巧,但具有很大的随意性。柏拉图批判说,它们都没有解决"怎样有效的使用各种方法,怎样才能使一篇文章形成一个整体"等问题。在柏拉图看来,这类作品所讲的技巧缺乏技术的必然性,很难被初学者掌握,不过是一些"修辞学垃圾"。其实,智者的技艺真正遭到柏拉图反对之处,还是在于它不管什么真理,而一味追随大众信念的特点,正是在这个意义上他才将其贬为"奉承"的程序而予以摒弃。不过,简单的予以否定似乎没有意义,修辞术仍以一种巨大的力量在现实中发挥着作用。相比之下,以追求真理自命的哲学的现实作用却总显得微乎其微。诉诸来世的说教太苍白无力,柏拉图不得不正视修辞的价值所在,承认"修辞学却是一项重要的事业",没有其帮助,"即使知道什么是真理也不能使人掌握说服的技艺"。一方面,他坚持对"虚假修辞学"的拒斥,另一方面电子商务资料库335(1;:+.33-**1则试图构造一种"真正的修辞学"。这种修辞学首先要知道事实的真相,还要能根据不同的灵魂本性找到适合的说服方式。他认为,只有这样的修辞术才能"在人力所及的范围内取得成功",即可以被人必然的掌握。其实,柏拉图的改造不过是利用修辞术为哲学服务而已,这种理想的修辞术充其量不过是哲学的修辞学,现实意义并不大。但这至少表明,修辞术已经受到了柏拉图的重视。 亚里士多德正是在柏拉图的学院中主要从事修辞学的研究和教授的。在这里,他写成了他的最早著作,论修辞术的《波卢斯》。后来又写了大量修辞学论著,不过现在可见的主要是《修辞术》这部著作。亚里士多德极为广博的学术研究就是从修辞学开始的。


浅析修辞学中的逻辑标准 修辞学作为一门逻辑思维严密而且又深谙人文精神的学科,其对逻辑思维方式的依赖程度可想而知。而从相对浅显的教学指导意义来看,修辞学显然将逻辑思维外化,并结合外在的人类社会的交往方式进行妥善的操作。 逻辑作为修辞学的第一美学标准,其认知意义在于它对提高智商的积极影响。在交际过程中坚持逻辑标准,有利于在写作和演说中运用合乎逻辑的推理方式来劝说听众和读者,其关键在于材料相关,组织恰当,句子连贯,用此恰当。向听众正面摆出事实,举例子,分析事实内在的逻辑道理,既而进行推理,从反面指出危害,向听众权衡利弊,积极地把听众与说服者连接起来,感染听众,让听众也参与修辞推理,再通过一种自我诉说的诉诸发生作用,从内心找到支撑说服者的观点的理由,从而接受劝说,改变原来的观点。在形式逻辑中,常见的逻辑推理方式有演绎和归纳两种。其合理运用可以使讲演者和作者的思维更加完整、清晰,使读者和听众易于理解其内容。 逻辑是修辞学首要的劝说手段,是以形式、惯例、推理模式去打动听众使之信服的感染力。对他人进行说服的过程,其实也就是基于原有的事实进行逻辑推理或者是引用例子,以达到说话者和听众之间的共同立场。亚里士多德认为,修辞推理是修辞学的心脏和灵魂,逻辑是非常重要的有效的劝说方式。这种_ 讲事实、摆道理_ 的劝说推理一般基于听众暂时忽略了一定的客观事实_ 或者没有深入分析事实而做出不够理性的决定或行为_ 只要说服者进行恰当的处理,进行理论性的逻辑的修辞推理和例证分析,是比较容易达到与听众的共同建构的,因而也比较容易达到说服的目的。 参考文献: [1] 陈清,刘永红. 修辞形式与意义的象似性特征分析[J]. 湖南第一师范学报. 2009 (05) [2] 左广明. 从修辞到认知——隐喻研究范式的创新[J]. 乐山师范学院学报. 2009(1 0) [3] 徐育. 浅析“逻辑真”与逻辑规律的关系[J]. 法制与社会. 2009(28)


Alliteration 头韵。Chiasmus 交错搭配asyndeton 连接词省略Assonance 类韵polysyndeton 连词叠用retorical question 修辞问句Consonance 辅音韵simile 明喻metaphor 暗喻metonymy 借代Onomatopoeia 拟声词synecdoche 提喻antonomasia 代称 Aposiopesis 说法中断法personification 拟人parody 对仿synesthesia 通感 Pun 双关transferred epithet 转移修饰语 Anaphora 首语重复法Epiphora 尾句重复法Simploce 首末句重复Anadiplosis 顶真Parallelism 排比Antithesis 对照 Climax 递进Anticlimax 突降法Syllepsis 一语双叙 Zeugma 仄式搭配 Chapter 1 1.What is the relationship between rhetoric and oratory in history? Rhetoric is primarily concerned with oral discourse. Oratory can be considered the foundation of rhetoric, and oratory is more than ordinary speech but a special kind of public speaking. 2.Describe the origin of western rhetoric. Rhetoric derives from the Greek. In ancient times, teaching students rhetoric meant teaching them to became orators. 3.Do you think that rhetoric is a neutral tool in human communication? Yes, as a tool, rhetoric is inherently neither good or bad. Chapter 2 Briefly state the history of western rhetoric. It is generally held that the history of Western rhetoric is divided into six phases:1) classical rhetoric (500 B.C.—400 A.D., including the ancient Greek and Roman rhetoric);2) rhetoric in the Middle Ages(476 A.D.—1416, from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance);3) rhetoric in the Renaissance(15—16th,c.);4) new classical rhetoric(17—18th, c.);5) rhetoric in the 19th century( the low ebb of Western rhetoric);6) contemporary rhetoric. Who contributed most to the Western rhetoric? Briefly introduce his achievement.? The origin of Western rhetoric can be dated back to Aristotle. Not only the theories of Cicero and Quintilian, even the rhetoric in the Middle Ages, rhetoric in the Renaissance, and the new classical rhetoric, to the essence, still maintain the theories of Aristotle. From the essence, the rhetoricians after Aristotle only add something to his original theories. The things studied in Western rhetoric is, basically speaking, nothing more than the following thing Aristotle ruled in


修辞学复习 (一)D efinition 1. Choice of words (1). Denotation and connotation Denotation is the specific, direct, and literal meaning of a word. Connotation is the associative or suggestive meaning of a word. (2). General words and specific words appeal to the imagination, a vivid image, more informative and persuasive (3). Abstract words and concrete words (4). Long words and short words 2. Choice of sentences (1) Simple sentences (2) Compound sentences (3) Complex sentences (4) Compound-complex sentences (5) Loose sentences (6) Periodic sentences (7) Long and short sentences 3. Figures of speech (1) Phonetic figures of speech (choice of sounds) a.Alliteration It is the repetition of initial consonant in a sequence of (一系列的) words. It is good for sound rhyme, musical effect and significant emphasis. It’s a great help to memory. By highlighting the sounds of words, alliteration catches the attention of the audience and makes the idea impressed deeply on the audience and thus easier for them to remember. b. Assonance ['?s(?)n?ns] 半韵,谐音 It is the repetition or resemblance of vowel sounds in the stressed syllables of a sequence of words, preceded and followed by different consonants as in “late and make”. Assonance also refers to the likeness of sound in a series of words, as in “fair and square”. It’s a partial- or half-rhyme. It is often used in poetic language to create a musical rhythm for a particular effect of euphony.['ju?f(?)n?] 悦耳之音 c. Consonance It refers to the repetition of the final and identical consonants whose preceding vowels are different, words like sing—rang, dash—fish. Consonance, like alliteration and assonance, is often employed in poetry. d. Onomatopoeia[,?n?(?)m?t?'pi??] 拟声


浅析《琵琶行》的修辞艺术之美 2011级4班宋慧201102140423 摘要:《琵琶行》原作《琵琶引》,是白居易的经典传世之作,该诗作最显著的特点是用词精巧,通俗易懂,又不失美感,十分符合现当代诗歌作家群体——新月派主张的“三美”理论:音乐美,建筑美和绘画美。诗中大量运用了多种修辞手法,为诗歌之美锦上添花。本文主要分析《琵琶行》的修辞艺术之美。 关键词:借代比喻顶真互文设问映衬类叠错综 古人说:“言之无文,行而不远。”(《左传??襄公二十五年》)其中“文”就是文采、文饰,也就是语言的艺术性。这句话的意思是说,好的内容,如果没有优美的形式来表达,也不容易流传开来。这说明了形式对内容的重要影响。修辞作为表达内容的重要形式之一,它不是为了片面地追求华丽的辞藻,而是力求形式与内容的完美统一。 元和十年,白居易因率先上书请急捕刺杀武元衡凶手,被贬江州司马。元和十一年,送客湓浦口,遇琵琶女,引发“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识”之感,遂作《琵琶行》,留下传世名篇。诗歌用词精巧,通俗易懂,大量运用修辞手法,使诗歌内外兼修,形式与意蕴兼备。下面将逐一例举、分析本文中的修辞艺术。 一、借代 借代是指不直接说某人或某事物的名称,借同它密切相关的名称去代替的修辞手法,借代也叫“换名”。在文中,例如:“举酒欲饮无管弦”“终岁不闻丝竹”两句,作者以“管弦”“丝竹”借代音乐;“妆成每被秋娘妒”,“秋娘”借代歌妓或者美女,“秋月春风等闲度”,“秋月春风”借代良辰美景,“门前冷落车马稀”,“车马”借代豪客等等,不胜枚举。在借代的五种基本类型中,作者多用具体代抽象,如以“管弦”“丝竹”代音乐。作者利用上述客观事物之间的种种关系巧妙地形成一种语言上的艺术换名。这样的换名引人联想,使表达收到了形象突出、特点鲜明、具体生动的效果。 二、比喻 比喻就是打比方,是用本质不同又有相似点的事物描绘事物或说明道理的修辞手法,比喻也叫“譬喻”。以“喻词”联系“本体”和“喻体”。比喻分为明喻、暗喻和借喻三种基本形式。《琵琶行》主要运用了下列三种形式。 1、明喻 明喻是本体、喻体都出现,喻词为:像、如、似、仿佛、犹如等喻意明显的词。例如,“大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语”,将大弦的铿锵有力比作急雨,


我所发现的现实中的修辞 摘要 本文章主要从我对修辞的认识,讲述了修辞学、语言、受众、修辞人格、修辞三段论、修辞权威、调动受众情感、价值观等,修辞的一些基本知识,并介绍我在生活中发现到的运用相关修辞的例子,阐述了我所发现的现实中的修辞。以及我所发现的修辞与心理,还有修辞与人的行为动作的一些联系。一、修辞学是什么? 修辞学是研究修辞的学问,就是研究将语言用以说服人。修辞是加强言辞或文句效果的艺术手法。自语言出现,人类就有修辞的需要。修饰自己的文章、语言,吸引别人的注意力、加深别人的印象和抒情效果。在这里我们强调的是,通过对言语的修饰,吸引人们注意,达到我们说话的目的。[1] 在日常表现中,我们所说的,“谢谢”、“对不起”、“打扰一下”,“请问”等礼貌性的用语,其实就是一种修辞。我们通过礼貌、文明的方式,去向别人问候,此刻你就是在对别人的修辞,“通过说别人想听的话,而满足受众,使受众接受我们想达到的目的”。 你所说的话,要么起+1的作用,要么起-1的作用,不会是0的作用。即语言要么是好的,要么是坏的,不会是中性的。相信这个观念,我们以前并没有好好思考过。我想,现在你就可以好好对这个观念思考一下。 我们在这里所阐述的修辞,就是如何运用好的语言,通过什么样的方式可以使你的语言让人接受。 二、受众 在实际运用中,我们需要讲究“受众中心论”。即要从受众出发去讲授你所要讲的东西。受众有三种:真受众,虚受众,所说。 真受众:就是你讲话的真正对象、真正听你所说的话的人。 虚受众:就是你在讲话时候,和真受众一样在场在听你讲话,但是他们对你讲的根本没有兴趣,他们的注意点并不是你,对你说话说要达到的目的并没有太大影响,他们并不是你讲话的对象。 所说:就是不在你讲话的考虑人群范围中,但是在你说话时,他们因为各种原因在你讲话的时候也在场,但是他们并没听你所讲,他们在场也是在做自己的事情。他们是你可以完全不在乎的听众。 受众是传播的主动者,媒介是被动者。受众并不是消极地“接受”信息,而是积极地寻求信息为自己所用。 举个例子来说,在外面很多超市、大卖场经常在做一些活动的促销,特别是日常用品的促销。之前我曾在南平大剧院外面看到捷龙超市在促销某个牌子的酱油,工作人员在展示摊前卖力地讲着,“这个酱油味道很鲜美、可口”,“XX酱油是用什么材料经过怎样加工制作,这些工序十分精良、安全”...展示摊前很多人在围观,其中包括着在剧院前散步的老太太、老大爷们,还有在超市购物完或正要购物的人,还有马路路过围观的普通民众,包括我们这些放假来这边走走的学生。这些人当中真受众,就是那些拥有购买力、家里需要酱油的,以及真正关注着活动介绍的酱油的人。而像那些想买酱油,而没有购买力的人,以及陪着老婆来,看有购买力,但并不想买这酱油的先生们,则是虚受众。像我们路过凑个热闹的学生以及没拥有购买力的人来说,就只是所说,对于那位工作人员那时所要达到的修辞目的来说,我们是完全可以忽略的一类人。 就刚才所讲到的销售的例子,是日常生活工作中经常要运用到修辞的一类人。他们的修辞目的很明显就是要推销出产品,说服人们购买。但是我们需要注意的是,修辞的意图过于明显,受众就不太会接受。从人类的发展历程以及心理学分析,大部分研究者发现,


《英语修辞学》教学大纲 修订单位: 韩山师范学院外语系 执笔人: 张若兰 一. 课程基本信息 1. 课程中文名称:英语修辞学 2. 课程英文名称:English Rhetoric 3. 课程类别:任选 4. 适应专业:英语(师范类)本科 5. 总学时:36 6. 总学分:2 二.本课程在教学计划中的地位、作用和任务 《英语修辞学》是为英语专业高年级学生开设的一门专业任意选修课。该课程通过系统的讲授,使学生掌握英语修辞的基本原理及其应用,从而达到写作时语言更加贴切,意义更加清晰,表达更加生动;阅读时更加准确地理解作者的写作意图、文体风格和写作技巧,从本质上了解英语,掌握英语,提高阅读能力、写作能力和文学欣赏水平和语言修养。 三.教学内容与教学基本要求 教学内容: Chapter One:Syntactic Devices (句法辞格) (6课时) 本章内容包括: 1.长句和短句(Long and short sentences); 2.简单句(The simple sentence); 3.复合句(The compound sentence); 4.分枝句(Branching sentences); 5.主动和被动句(The active and the passive voiced sentences); 6.平衡句(Syntactic schemes of balance)----排比句(parallelism);对偶句(antithesis);逆转反复句(chiasmus); 7.倒装句(Syntactic scheme of inversion)----省略句(ellipsis);局部省略句(fragmentary elliptical sentence);连词省略/散珠(asyndeton);跳脱(aposiopesis); 8.添加句(Syntactic scheme of addition or insertion)----连词叠用(polysyndeton);修正法/换语(epanorthosis);注释法(exegesis);扩充法(exergasia) ;并列法(apposition) ;插入法(parenthesis); 9.反复句(Syntactic scheme of repetition)---二项式(binomials);三项式(trinomials);多项式(catalogues);首语重复(syntactic anaphora);尾语重复(syntactic epiphorea);首尾语重复(syntactic framing); 10.层进与突降(Syntactic scheme of climax and anticlimax)----(climax);(anticlimax or bathos) 11.修辞问句(Rhetoric question); 12.顿呼(Apostrophe)。 重点:掌握各种句法辞格的概念和应用。 难点:平衡句、倒装句、添加句三类句子的理解。 Chapter Two:Lexical Devices (词法辞格)(8课时) 本章包括两部分:词汇选择和词的反复。 1.词汇选择(Lexical options):长词或短词(short words or long words);普通词或学究词(common words or learned words);正规、非正规或口语词(formal, informal or colloquial


Rhetorical options *1、What is rhetoric?( Definitions of rhetoric) the art or science of communication in words; this art or science practiced or taught as a formal discipline, esp. the doctrine formulated by Aristotle and taught throughout the Middle ages; overornate or ostentatious language. (Longman Modern English Dictionary) 2、What’s the purpose of rhetoric?(两种说法) ①The prevailing view about the purpose of rhetoric is to express oneself well and to communicate effectively in order to secure a desired result by employing rhetorical means efficiently. ②“to enlighten the understanding , to please the imagination, to move the passion ,or to influence the will.” “促进理解、引起想象、调动感情、或者说影响人们的意志” (18世纪苏格兰修辞学家George Campbell) *3、What is discussed in rhetoric?(contents of rhetorical) Rhetoric is composed of theoretical rhetoric and practical rhetoric. Theoretical rhetoric deals with the theoretical problem of rhetoric, while practical rhetoric helps us improve our ability to use the English language effectively. rhetoric covers all the elements of oral and written things, including structure, diction. Rhythm, tone, style, and anything related to the effective use of language. 4、The Highest Principles of Rhetoric the highest principle of rhetoric is to adapt to specific situation, that is, “adaptability”or “appropriateness”. Sentence(syntactic device) 1、What is sentence? A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought. Generally, an effective sentence must possess five essential qualities: correctness, clearness, unity, coherence and emphasis.(正确、清楚、统一、连贯、强调) 2、句子的组成 A sentence must contain a subject and a verb (although one may be implied). ①words ②correct grammar ③meaning


关于读书交流心得体会5篇 关于读书交流心得体会(1) 借此机会我与大家分享《正能量》读后感,谈谈自己的心得体会,感谢党总支对年轻人的关心,为我们订阅了《正能量》这样一本排除负面情绪、传递正向能量的心灵成长之书。工作之余,怀着激动的心情抓紧拜读完这本鲍耶所著,从苏格拉底到乔布斯一直受用的六度空间,心中感慨无限。 阅读这本书,是从疑惑、好奇和心中无限的期待中开始的,还没开卷,便被书名所打动——《正能量》,到底什么是正能量?怎样获得正能量?又怎么样才能运用正能量打造全新的自己?随着阅读的一点点深入,跟随着作者的文字,内心仿佛也变得越来越光明与积极起来。 书中所说的正能量,就是一切予人向上和希望、促使人不断追求,让工作、生活变得圆满幸福的动力和感情。通过种种实验和数据,鲍耶严谨又趣味十足地向我们阐释了伟大的“六度空间”原理,实现能量突破的“六度空间”,从失败中走出,下一站就是成功。运用“六度空间”原理激发出的正能量,可以使我们产生一个新的自我,让我们变得更加自信、充满活力,破除了我们过去秉持的“性格决定命运”、“情绪决定行为”等认知,更好地去指导我们的工作与生活。 工作中,我们需要正能量来不断激励自己。尽管有时辛苦,有时沮丧,但是我们不得不承认,工作是实现自身价值的一个重要方面。而如何在工作中最大限度发挥自我的正能量,实现自身价值,每个人都有自己的体会。就拿自己来说,在后勤服务的岗位上工作一年多时间,感受颇多。 后勤服务工作琐碎且繁杂,集广泛性、服务性、时效性、协调性于一体。需要时刻绷紧神经,花费大量的精力与时间去完成,不能耽误,更不能有差错。压力当然是有,责任也很重大。正因如此,就更需要自己抱着如履薄冰、如临深渊的紧迫感与使命感,不断学习各方面知识,不断总结工作规律,不断向自己提出更高地要求,夙夜在公,勤勉工作。 只有抱着这样的态度,才能促使自己不断地进步。这中间必定会经历痛苦,如
