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1 Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors except _____.

A Britain was well placed geographically to participate in European and world trade.

B Britain had many rivers, which were useful for transport.

C British engineers had sound training and the inventors were respected.

D British government was increasingly interested in overseas and colonies after the 17th century.

2 The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The _____ has very little power.

A queen

B monarch

C prime minister

D king

3 Which party has always had strong links with the trade unions and received financial support from them?

A the Labor Party

B the Conservative Party

C the Liberal Party

D the Social Democratic Party

4 On accepting ____, the age of constitutional monarchy, of a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament, began.

A Constitutional Law

B The Declaration of Independence

C Civil Law

D Bill of Rights

5 Females were allowed to vote in national elections until ____.

A 1918

B 1916

C 1920

D 1896

6 The British North America Act of 186

7 established ____ as a domain.

A Australia

B Canada

C New Zealand

D India

7 During World War II, as a war leader, _____ received massive popular support and led his country to final victory in 1945.

A Harold Wilson

B Edward Heath

C Franklin Roosevelt

D Winston Churchill

8 The Falkland Islands war was between Britain and _____.

A France

B New Zealand

C Argentina

D Australia

9 In Britain, a _____ is held when a Member of Parliament dies, retires or resigns.

A civic election

B by-election

C popular election

D general election

10 In the United Kingdom, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of _____.

A the Lord Chancellor

B the Monarch

C the Prime Minister

D the King


1 D, 英国之所以能成为世界上最早开始工业化的国家,原因有很多。但英国是从17世纪以后逐步开始对海外贸易和开拓海外殖民地产生浓厚兴趣的。

2 B, 英国是君主立宪制国家,国王或女王(君主)几乎没什么实质性的权力。

3 A, 保守党和自由党是英国最早成立的两个党派。大致来说,保守党是中上层阶级的党,它得到大公司财政上的支持;而工党,主要得到工会的支持,它的支持者主要是中产阶级和知识分子。

4 D, 《权利法案》的签署,标志着英国进入了君主立宪制时代,一个君主几乎没有什么实质性权力并受制于议会的时代。

5 A, 直到1918年妇女才在全国大选中享有选举权。

6 B, 《1867年英国北美法案》将加拿大纳为它的自治领。

7 D, 在第二次世界大战中,当时的英国首相丘吉尔作为战争统帅受到了英国人民的广泛拥戴,并带领英国人民赢得了战争的最后胜利。

8 C, 福克兰群岛战役是发生在英国和阿根廷着这两个国家之间。位于大西洋南部的福克兰群岛从1892年起就是英国的海外殖民地,1982年阿根廷开始控制这些岛屿,但是英国最终打败了阿根廷,并重新占领了这些岛屿。

9 B, 英国的下院议会成员中有人去世、退休或辞职时,就要进行补缺选举。

10 C, 在英国,部长们是由首相推荐,女王加以任命的。英国概况


1 How many members are there in the House of Commons?

A 650

B 524

C 72

D 651

2 Which of the following people didn’t use to be the British Prime Minister?

A Margaret Thatcher

B Winston Churchill

C Horatio Nelson

D John Major

3 By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed _____ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom.

A Prime Minister

B Member of Parliament

C Lord of appeal

D Speaker of the House

4 The Tories were the forerunners of _____, which still bears this nickname today.

A the Labour Party

B the Conservative Party

C the Liberal Party

D the Social Democratic Party

5 In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the ____ number of seats in the House of Commons becomes the official Opposition.

A largest

B second largest

C third largest

D fourth largest

6 The term “British disease” is now often used to characterize Britain’s _____ decline.

A political

B educational

C military

D economic

7 The 1980s was remembered as the decade of _____.

A globalization

B nationalization

C privatization

D competition

8 Today, in Britain, ______ is called a “sick” industry.

A coal mining

B iron and steel

C textiles

D shipbuilding

9 The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th century, and the Scottish inventor ____ modified and improved the design in 1765. A Abraham Darby B James Watt C John Kay D Richard Arkwrightthe

10 _____ created the industrial working class, the proletariat, and it later led to trade unionism.

A The Chartist Movement

B The Industrial Revolution

C The French Revolution

D The Glorious Revolution


1 D, 下议院共有651名议员。

2 C, 撒切尔夫人,丘吉尔和梅杰都曾经做过英国首相;而纳尔逊(1758-1805),英国海军统帅,因作战负伤,右眼失明,失去右臂。后任地中海舰队司令,在特法尔加角海战中大败西班牙联合舰队,本人受重伤阵亡,号称Viscount Nelson。

3 A, 在英国,按照传统,多数党的领导人由君主任命为首相,首相从本党内部挑选一些领导人担任各部部长职位。

4 B, 托利党是英国保守党的前身。

5 B, 在英国,在下议院中赢得第二席位的政党为反对党,它也有它自己的领导和影子内阁

(shadow cabinet)。

6 D, 现在“英国病”这一术语经常用来指英国经济上的衰退。

7 C, 正如20世纪40年代被看作是国有化的时代一样,20世纪80年代被看作是私有化的时代。包括英国石油、航空、钢铁、电讯在内的几乎40% 的国有公司实现了私有化。

8 A, 英国煤矿业被称为生病工业。英国的煤产量在一战前达到顶点,如今的英国的煤矿业衰退,从而导致矿工的数量、煤矿的总产量大大下降。

9 B, 第一台蒸汽机是Thomas Newcomer 在17世纪末设计的,后来苏格兰发明家瓦特在1765年对原有的设计进行了改进提高,生产出了第一台高效的蒸汽机并应用到纺织和其他机械业中。

10 B, 工业革命产生了工人阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了工会制度。



1 _____ is the key to Industrial Revolution.

A Iron

B Cotton Textile

C Coal mining

D Steam engine

2 _____ became a literary current during the period of the successful Industrial Revolution.

A Criticism

B Modernism

C Romanticism

D Renaissance

3 Modern football game began in _____.

A China

B France

C England

D Germany

4 _____ is the leader of the British government.

A Prime Minister

B Queen

C President

D Governor

5 The second largest city in England, _____ , is a metropolitan district and an industrial and manufacturing city.

A Edinburgh

B Belfast

C Glasgow

D Birmingham

6 _____ introduced Christianity into Britain.

A The Celts

B The Romans

C The Viking Danes

D The French

7 The real power of the British government lies in _____.

A the House of Commons

B the cabinet headed by the Prime Minister

C the Prime Minister

D the Queen

8 In Britain, education is compulsory for children between the ages of _____ to _____.

A 5, 14

B 6, 17

C 5, 16

D 6, 14

9 The longest river in Britain is _____ , and the largest river in the USA is _____.

A the Seven River; the Missouri River

B the Thames River; the Missouri River

C the Severn River; the Mississippi

D the Thames River; the Ohio River

10 The general election in Britain is held every ____ years.

A four

B three

C six

D five


1 B, 纺织业的改革是英国工业革命的主要成就之一。

2 C, 工业革命时期的主要文学流派是浪漫主义。

3 C, 现代的足球运动起源于英国。其正宗的老家在英格兰,19世纪兴起。

4 A, 英国的政体是君主立宪制。国王(女王)是国家元首,但政府的首领为首相。

5 D, 英国的第二大城市伯明翰位于英格兰中部平原,是国际化大都市,也是英国的工业和制造业中心。

6 B, 公元43年,罗马人占领英国,其后统治了400多年。基督徒就是在这一时期由罗马人传入英国的。

7 B, 君主立宪制下,国王的作用更侧重于其象征意义,而实权为内阁所有,内阁由首相率领。

8 C, 英国的教育体系中的义务教育阶段是5-16岁,这是每一位学生在学校学习的最低年限。

9 C, 英国最长的河是塞文河,全长355公里,美国最长的河是密西西比河,长4000公里左右。

10 D, 英国大选每5年举行一次。


1.Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?

A Roman

B Anglo-Saxons

C Jutes

D Celts

2.The Hundred Y ears’ War between Britain and France was fought ____.

A from 1327 to 1453

B from 1337 to 1453

C from 1347 to 1453 C from 1357 to 1453

3.The Republic of Ireland became independent in the year ____

A 1918

B 1920

C 1945

D 1949

4.The English Civil War is also called ____

A the Puritan Revolution

B the second Magna Carta

C the Long Parliament

D the Anglican War

5.Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the ____ and the North Sea in the east,

A east

B south

C west

D north

6.The largest lake in Britain is ____.

A. Loch Lomond B the Lough Neagh C Windermere D Ullswater

7.Where do the majority of people in Scotland live? Bz

A In the Highlands

B In the central Lowlands

C In the Uplands

D In the west of Scotland Bzv

8.In Britain only about ____ of the population are farmers but they manage 70% of the land area.

A 2%

B 3%

C 4%

D 5%

9.The two important crops in Britain are ____

A barley and corn

B wheat and rice

C barley and oats

D wheat and barley

10.In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 ____

A can legally receive partly free education

B can legally receive completely free education

C can not receive free education at all

D can not receive free education if their parents are rich


1.D 凯尔特在公元前700年到英国,罗马人在公元1到5世纪统治英国,5世纪中期盎格鲁撒克逊人侵占英国,因此凯尔特人是最早踏入英国的。

2.B 英法百年战争爆发于1337年到1453年间,中间还发生了黑死病。

3.D 爱尔兰共和国在1949年独立。

4.A 英国内战于1642年到1646年间发生,国王查尔斯与议会发生争执,实际上是国王与清教徒之间的矛盾引起的,结果议会胜利。

5.B 英国南面与法国隔着英吉利海峡。

6.B 英国最大的湖是内伊湖,最长的河流是塞文河。

7.B 苏格兰中低部适合人类生存,是苏格兰工业和人高度集中的地区。

8.A 由于英国农作业时的高度机械化,只需利用全国2%的人口来耕作大面积农地。

9.D 小麦和大麦是英国最重要的庄稼。

10.B 英国的义务教育是从5岁到16岁,所以期间的教育全部免费。


1 Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper?

A The Telegraph

B The Guardian

C The News of the World

D The Times

2 The river Thames is in _____.

A Wales

B Scotland

C England

D Northern Ireland

3 The Industrial Revolution started in _____.

A the Great Britain

B the United States

C Canada

D Austrilia

4 Which of the following is true under Thatcher’s administration?

A The proportion of owner-occupation decreased.

B Public housing became more important.

C Many public houses were sold to people.

D The UK became more European-like in its housing arrangement.

5 Britain has its nuclear naval force since _____.

A it’s one of the developed countries in th e world

B it’s a traditional sea power

C it has an advanced industry

D it’s able to produce submarines

6 Which of the following is the oldest national Sunday newspaper in Britain?

A The Times

B The Guardian

C The Observer

D The Financial Times

7 Big Ben was named after _____.

A Christopher Wren

B Benjamin Hall

C Ben John

D G. Stephenson

8 The Capital of Wales is _____.

A Swansea

B Cardiff

C Rhonda

D Belfast

9 _____ is England’s biggest naval base.

A Portsmouth

B Southampton

C Plymouth

D Dover

10 There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservative party and _____.

A the Liberal Party

B the Democratic Party

C the Labour Party

D the Republican Party


1 D, 英国历史上最悠久的日报是《泰晤士报》。

2 C, 泰晤士河位于英格兰。

3 A, 工业革命最早从英国开始。

4 C, 1979年撒切尔夫人成为英国第一任女首相。她提出的政策称被为“撒切尔主义”。其内容包括国有企业私有化,采用货币主义政策以控制通货膨胀,削弱工会的影响,加强市场因


5 B, 英国拥有其海军核力量与其一贯的霸主地位是密切相关的。

6 C, 《观察家报》创刊于1791年,是英国创刊最早的星期日报纸。

7 B, 据说Big Ben 得名于它在1859年修建时候的建造者Benjamin Hall。

8 B, 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫。

9 A, 英国最大的海军基地是普茨茅斯。

10 C, 英国奉行的是两党制。其两大主要政党是保守党和工党。



1 Which name is NOT related to Britain?

A Northern Ireland

B Scotland

C Wales

D Toronto

2 The news agency Reuters was founded in _____.

A London

B Birmingham

C Liverpool

D Manchester

3 The tower of London, a historical sight, located in the center of London, was built by _____.

A King Harold

B Robin Hood

C Oliver Cromwell

D William the Conqueror

4 Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?

A The Anglo-Saxon

B The Normans

C The Vikings

D The Romans

5 Which is the largest city in Scotland?

A Cardiff

B Edinburgh

C Glasgow

D Manchester

6 In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 _____.

A can legally receive completely free education

B can legally receive partly free education

C cannot receive free education at all

D cannot receive free education of their parents are rich

7 The Industrial Revolution started in _____.

A the Great Britain

B the United States

C Canada

D Australia

8 What is the name of Brit ain’s highest mountain?

A Anne Boleyn

B Ben Nevis

C Snowdonia

D Scafell

9 Which is the correct name to use to refer to Britain in a political way?

A Great Britain

B The British Isles

C The United Kingdom

D England

10 Britain has, for centuries , been slowly tilting with _____.

A the North-West slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking

B the North-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinking

C the South-East slowly rising and the North-west slowly sinking

D the South-West slowly rising and the North-East slowly sinking


1 D, 多伦多属于加拿大,与英国无关。

2 A, 路透社创建于伦敦。

3 D, 伦敦塔是1078年为防止罗马入侵由威廉大帝修建的。

4 A, 英国民族的前身是安格鲁萨克森人。

5 C, 格拉斯格是苏格兰最大的城市和经济中心。

6 A, 英国小孩5—16岁的教育是免费的。

7 A, 工业革命起源于英国。

8 B, 本尼维斯山为英国最高峰。

9 C, 提起英国,很多人会使用名字“Britain”,“England”或“British”,但这往往会惹恼苏格兰人,威尔士人以及北爱尔兰人。从政治角度来讲,“the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”或“the United Kingdom/UK”是英国正确的叫法。“the British Isles”则是地理意义上的名字,包括Great Britain,the whole of Ireland (Northern and Southern),the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man 这些岛屿。

10 A, 英国几个世纪以来地势一直在缓慢地倾斜,表现为西北部在慢慢上升,而东南部在慢慢下沉,所以英国的西北部为高地。

美国文学1.The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ____

A Jack London

B Charles Dickens

C Samuel Coleridge

D Ernest Hemingway

2.In which novel can "Yahoo" be found?

A John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress

B Edmund Spencer's The Faerie Queen

C Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels

D Henry Fielding's Tom Jones

3.The Catcher in the Rye is written by ____

A J.D. Salinger

B Jack London

C Flannery O'Connor

D Saul Bellow

4.The image of the famous "henpecked husband" is created by____

A Washington Irving

B Fennimore Cooper

C Edith Wharton

D William Dean Howells

5.The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to be ____

A O'Neil

B Pound

C Robert Frost DScott Fitzgerald

6.____ is the most important person of the transcendental club.

A Hawthorn

B Whitman

C Emerson

D Hemingway

7. The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following except____

A fridendship

B love and marriage

C life and death

D war and peace

8.Robert Frost is a famous ____

A novelist

B playwright

C poet

D literary critic

9.Dover Beach is written by ____

A Robert Browning

B Alfred Tennyson

C Mathew Arnold

D Dylan Thomas

10.The period from 1865-1914 has been referred to as the ____ in the literary history of the United States.

A Age of Realism

B Age of Clasicalism

C Age of Romanticism

D Age of Renaissance


1.D 《老人与海》是海明威的作品。

2.C Jonathan Swift的Gulliver's Travels(《格列弗游记》)中yahoo暗指人类,集人类丑陋面于一身,服务于动物的一类生物。

3.A The Catcher in the Rye(《麦田里的守望者》)是J.D. Salinger(J.D. 赛琳格)的名著。

4.A henpecked husband 是指“怕老婆的男人”,改典型形象出自Washington Irving 的Rip Van Winkle。

5.D 二十世纪出现Jazz Age,这一代的年轻人物欲膨胀,沉迷酒色。Scott Fitzgerald的Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》根据时代特征,对深深讽刺了所谓的美国梦。

6.C Emerson是超验主义的重要代表,所著Nature《论自然》代表了他的哲学观。

7.D Emily Dickinson(1709-1784),美国女诗人,终生未嫁。主要诗歌包括:I Could Not Sto for Death还有,I'm Nobody. Who Are You?


8.C Robert Frost是十九世纪的美国诗人,后因父亲过世已经英国,在新英格兰享有很高名望。主要作品有:The Road Not Taken,Mending Wall。

9.C Dover Beach(《多弗的海滩》)是Mathew Arnold 的作品。

10.A 1865-1914,也就是美国内战结束之后,第一次世界大战爆发之前。这个时候涌现的作家,比如Mark Twain刻画出美国经济政治发展引发的社会现实问题,包括“Gold Rush”。


1 The two areas in Britain where a lot of immigrants live are _____.

A London and Cambridge

B London and heart of England

C Manchester and Birmingham

D Edinburgh and Nottingham

2 The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of _____ crosses.

A one

B two

C three

D four

3 Which flower is symbol of England?

A Thistle

B Shamrock

C Daffodil

D Rose

4 _____ was the home of the Lake Poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge and Robert Southey of 19th century Britain.

A Lough Neagh

B Windermere

C Lake District

D Coniston Water

5 The first known settlers of Britain were the _____.

A Iberians

B Beaker Folk

C Celts

D Anglo-Saxons

6 Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC?

A Emperor Claudius

B King Alfred

C King Ethelred

D Julius Caesar

7 Which one is not the reason for the very limited influence of Roman to Britain?

A The Romans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class.

B The Romans and Britons never intermarry during the 4 centuries

C The Romans didn’t like the Britons.

D The Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons.

8 The Hundred Years’ war with France ended by the English being driven out of France. By 1453 _____ was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.

A Dover

B Calais

C Southampton

D Portsmouth

9 Which war had little effect on ordinary people but gave a death blow to feudalism?

A The Wars of the Roses

B The Hundred Years’ War

C The English Civil War

D World War I

10 The English Civil War, also called the Puritan Revolution , is generally regarded as the beginning of modern ____ history.

A European

B Scottish

C Welsh

D world


1 B, 现在,英国移民主要集中在伦敦及英格兰心脏地带的一些城市和城镇,诸如Slough, Leicester, Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Luton, Bradford, Coventry, Bedford 和Reading


2 C, 英国国旗为红白蓝三色的米字旗(也叫“Union Jack”),是由三个十字组成。

3 D, A,蓟是苏格兰的象征,用作苏格兰的国徽;B,三叶苜蓿花为爱尔兰的国花;C,黄水仙花是威尔士的国花;D,玫瑰则是英格兰的国花。

4 C, 位于英格兰西北部和威尔士北部的湖区是英国著名的风景区之一,也是英国十九世纪湖畔诗人聚居的地方。

5 A, 最早来英国定居的是伊比利亚人。大约在公元前3000年左右,也就是新石器时代,他们从伊比利亚半岛(即今天的西班牙)来到英国。

6 D, 英国的历史是从罗马人的入侵开始的。恺撒,这位伟大的罗马将军,在公元前55年第一次带兵入侵并征服了英国。

7 C, 尽管罗马人征服了英国,但是罗马文化对英国的影响十分有限。这主要是因为:罗马人一直把英国人看作是社会地位相当于奴隶的被降伏的民族;在长达四个世纪的时间里从来没有罗马人跟英国人通婚;罗马人对英国平民阶层的语言和文化没有任何影响。

8 B, 英法之间的百年战争以英国人被赶出法国而告终。到1453年战争结束时,只有法国北部的加莱港还在英国人手里。

9 A, 尽管玫瑰战争持续了30年,但对老百姓的生活几乎没什么影响,反倒使英国的封建主义受到致命打击,贵族阶层受到了削弱。

10 D, 英国内战也叫“清教徒革命”,这是因为反对国王的人大部分是那些清教徒。英国内战不仅推翻了英国的封建制度,也动摇了欧洲封建统治的基础。所以,从这个角度讲,英国内战通常被看作现代世界史的开端。


1.____is the home of golf.

A England

B Scotland

C Wales

D Ireland

2.Which of the follwing languages is NOT spoken in Scotland?

A English

B Scottish

C Gaelic

D Denish

3.The election of ____ made Margaret Thatcher to power and she became the first woman prime minister.

A 1979

B 1980

C 1982

D 1992

4.To its full sense, the British Parliament consist of ____

A the House Lord and the House of Commons

B the House and the Senate

C the Queen and the Hosue of Lords

D the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons

5.The T ower of London, a historical sight, located in the center of London, was built by ____

A King Harold

B Robin Hood

C Oliver Cromwell

D William the Conqueror

6.There are ____ state churches in Britain.

A two

B three

C four

D five

7.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son____, the regime began immediately to collapse.

A Henry

B Hamilton

C Richard

D Charles

8.____ birthday is a great event in Britain since it marks the beginning of full manhood or


A The twenty-first

B The eighteenth

C The nineteenth

D The twentieth

9.Reuters was founded in ____

A 1715

B 1751

C 1851

D 1815

10. What is (are) the nickname(s) of the U.S.A.?

A Uncle Sam

B Brother Jonathan

C Yankee

D All of the above


1.B 高尔夫是一项古老的贵族的运动,源于十五世纪或更早以前的苏格兰,苏格兰地区山多,气候湿润,多雾,非常适合牧草生长,这里的工业文明以前是连绵不断的牧场。相传当时牧羊人放牧闲暇时,用木板玩游戏,将石子击入兔子窝或洞中。久而久之形成了使用不同的球杆并按一定的规则击球。

2.D Gaelic苏格兰盖尔语是高地苏格兰人的传统语言;更多人使用的语言是英语。一直到15世纪末,盎格鲁人仍然以他们的语言称苏格兰盖尔语为「苏格兰语」(盎格鲁语:Scottish)。

3.A Margaret Thatcher 在1979年成为英国首相,为英国史上第一个女首相。

4.D 具体的说,英国的议会是有元首,上议院和下议院组成。其中,元首没有实权,上议员由大法官(Lord Chancellor)掌权,是由神职议员(the Lord Spiritual)和世俗议员(the Lord Temporal),下议院的成员是通过选举产生的651名议员,以首相为首。

5.D 伦敦塔名为“塔”,实际上是公元11世纪处于罗马统治时期的一座城堡式建筑。

6.A英国有两大国教:在英格兰是英格兰教(Church of England)或者英国圣公会,在苏格莎白的头衔全称为“托上帝宏恩,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合国和她的其他领土和领地的女王、英联邦元首、基督教的保护者伊丽莎白二世”。可见,英/女王是基督教的保护者。

7.C Oliver Cromwell的儿子在父亲过世后继承王权,但是不久后掌控的政体瓦解。1660年,议会扶植流浪法国的前国王儿子Charle二世当国王。

8.A 在英国,21岁生日是个大生日,因为他们认为21岁是大人开始的年龄。

9.C 路透社是世界四大通讯社之一,也是英国创办最早的通讯社。1850年由保罗·朱利叶斯·路透(paul julius reuter)在德国亚琛创办,1851年迁址到伦敦。创办人路透原为德国人,后加入英国籍。1865年,路透把他的私人通讯社扩展成为一家大公司。

10.D “山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam),“乔纳森大哥”和“扬基老”都是美国和美国人的绰号。


1. In area, the United States is the ____ largest country in the world.

A 2nd

B 3rd

C 4th

D 5th

2.The 50th state in America is ____

A Alaska

B Texas

C Hawaii

D Rhode Island

3. Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano, is located in ____

A Hawaii

B Alaska

C Texas

D Perth

4. Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 because of ____.

A the Great Depression

B the Black Power Movement

C the Watergate Scandal

D the

Isolation policy

5.All the following universities are located in New England EXCEPT____

A Yale

B Harvard


D Berkeley

6.The United States has less than 6% of the world’s population; yet it produces about ____ of the total world output.

A 20%

B 25%

C 30%

D 35%

7.What forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States?

A The Rio Grande River

B The southern Rocky Mountains

C The Colorado River

D The Gulf of California

8. The US formally entered the Second World War in ____

A 1937

B 1939 C1941 D 1943

9. The Presidents during the American Civil War was .

A Andrew Jackson

B Abraham Lincoln

C Thomas Jefferson

D George Washington

10 The emblem of the Democratic Party is ____.

A elephant

B d onkey

C bear

D bull


1.C 按领土面积计算:美国是继俄罗斯,加拿大,中国之后的第四名。

2.C 1959年,Alasica和Hawaii分别为第四十九个和第五十个加入美国的州。

3.A Mauna Loa(摩纳罗亚山)是世界上最大的活火山。位于美国Hawaii(夏威夷)。

4.C 尼克松总统辞职是由于轰动一时的丑闻“水门事件”。水门事件指美国共和党政府在1972年总统竞选运动中的非法活动暴露后的政治丑闻。

5.D Berkeley(伯克利),是加利福尼亚大学分院,位于美国加利福尼亚西部。而新英格兰地区包括美国的六个州,由北至南分别为:缅因州、新罕布夏州、佛蒙特州、麻萨诸塞州、罗德岛、康乃狄克州。

6.B 美国人口低于世界人口总值的6%,但是美国经济生产总值占世界25%,是高度工业化国家。

7.A The Rio Grand River(格兰德河)形成了美国与墨西哥的自然分界线。

8.C 1941年的珍珠港事件把美国带入了第二次世界战争,与苏联,英国共同对战法西斯。

9.B Abraham Lincoln是美国第十六届总统,带领美国人走过美国内战,解放奴隶,但是在战争结束不到一周被暗杀。

10.B 19世纪70年代,在美国的《哈泼斯周刊》上,曾先后出现了政治漫画家托马斯·纳斯特的两幅画,分别以长耳朵的驴和长鼻子的象比拟美国民主党和共和党。后来,纳斯特又在一幅画中同时画进了象和驴,比喻当时的两党竞选。自那以后,驴和象就逐渐成为美国两大党的象征,两党也分别以驴、象作为党徽的标记。








4 、翻译包括英译汉和汉译英。首先当然要阅读相关的介绍翻译常识的文章、书籍,掌握一些翻译的基本技巧,但最主要的还是要勤练笔,当然要扩大词汇量是不可缺少的。翻译的文章大多是说理性的。2001年的翻译试题,汉译英出得比较容易,英译汉部分出得较难(涉及很抽象的伦理学)。



英国国家概况及英国文化 、教育简介国名: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland)国旗: 呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。 为“米”字旗,由深蓝底色和红、白色“米”字组成。 旗中带白边的红色正十字代表英格兰守护神圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护神圣安德鲁,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。 此旗产生于1801年,是由原英格兰的白地红色正十旗、苏格兰的蓝地白色交叉十字旗和爱尔兰的白地红色交叉十字旗重叠而成。 国徽: 即英王徽。 中心图案为一枚盾徽,盾面上左上角和右下角为红地上三只金狮,象征英格兰;右上角为金地上半站立的红狮,象征苏格兰;左下角为蓝地上金黄色竖琴,象征爱尔兰。 盾徽两侧各由一只头戴王冠、代表英格兰的狮子和一只代表苏格兰的独角兽支扶着。 盾徽周围用法文写着一句格言,意为“恶有恶报”;下端悬挂着嘉德勋章,饰带上写着“天有上帝,我有权利”。 盾徽上端为镶有珠宝的金银色头盔、帝国王冠和头戴王冠的狮子。

国歌: 《上帝保佑女王》杜摯猠癡?桴?畱敥屮(如在位的是男性君主,国歌改为杜摯猠癡?桴步湩屧)国花: 1 / 10 玫瑰花国鸟: 红胸鸽国石: 钻石科学节: 1831年开始,一年举办一次科学周: 1994年开始,在每年的3月举办自然地理: 24.41万平方公里(包括内陆水域),英格兰地区13.04万平方公里,苏格兰7.88万平方公里,威尔士2.08万平方公里,北爱尔兰1.41万平方公里。 位于欧洲西部的岛国。 由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)、爱尔兰岛东北部和周围一些小岛组成。 隔北海、多佛尔海峡、英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆相望。 它的陆界与爱尔兰共和国接壤。 海岸线总长11450公里。 全境分为四部分: 英格兰东南部平原、中西部山区、苏格兰山区、北爱尔兰高原和山区。主要河流有塞文河(354公里)和泰晤士河(346公里)。


The United Kingdom I. Multiple Choice 1. The was “the greatest progressive revolution that mankind had so far experienced, a time which called for giants and produced giants—giants in power of thought, passion, and character, in universality and learning”(Engels). a. Renaissance b. Industrial Revolution c. Reformation d. Bourgeois Revolution 2. is regarded as the first English Prime Minster. a.D uke of Willington b.William Gladstone c.Benjamin Disraeli d.Sir Robert Walpole 3. The official head of Parliament is . a. the Prime Minister b. the Monarch c. the Speaker d. the Chancellor 4. The present sovereign of Britain is . a. Elizabeth I b. Elizabeth II

c. Elizabeth III d. Edward II 5. is a day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. a. Christmas b. Good Friday c. Easter Monday d. Boxing Day 6. published his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times. a. Adam Smith b. Charles Darwin c. Thomas More d. Francis Bacon 7. The largest section of Great Britain is . a. Scotland b. Wales c. England d. Northern Ireland 8. The Lake District is well known for . a. its wild and beautiful scenery b. its varied lakes c. the Lake Poets


第7章美国文学 7.1 复习笔记 I. A General Introduction II. Fiction III. Poetry IV. Drama I. A General Introduction (简要介绍) 1. The history of American literature is comparatively short, roughly about 200 years. 美国文学的历史很短,大约200年。 2. Many famous writers have earned great fame in the world, such as Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Theodore Dreiser, and Ernest Hemingway. 很多著名作家已赫然立于世界文坛之上。例如惠特曼、马克·吐温、西奥多·德莱赛和欧内斯特·海明威。 II. Fiction (小说) 1. America did not have its fiction until Washington Irving. 美国的小说从华盛顿·欧文开始。

2. American contemporary literature has continued to undergo healthy development in producing new forms and new language. 美国的现代文学继续健康发展,不断涌现出新的形式和新的语言。 3. In 1990s, American literature takes much newer directions and varieties in quality. 20世纪90年代,美国文学呈现出很多新的趋势和种类。 4. There appeared some famous fiction writers in American literature. 美国文学史上出现了很多著名的小说家。 (1) Washington Irving (1783—1859) (华盛顿·欧文) ①Regarded as the “father of American literature”, Washington Irving was the first American to achieve international literary reputation. ②His most famous story “Rip Van Winkle”helps Irving earn great fame in the literary world. ①华盛顿·欧文是第一个在国际上享有盛誉的美国作家,被称为“美国文学之父”。 ②他最著名的故事是“瑞普·凡·温克尔”,使欧文在文学界获得很高的名望。 (2) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804—1864) (纳撒尼尔·霍桑) ①Hawthorne is a famous American writer in romantic fiction and a pioneer in psychological description. ②His most famous novel is The Scarlet Letter. ①霍桑是美国浪漫主义小说的著名作家,也是心理描写方面的先驱。 ②他最著名的小说是《红字》。 (3) Mark Twain(1835—1910) (马克·吐温)


英语专业考研英美概况自测题(一) British Survey Test Part I Geography 1. The total area of the U.K. is _____. A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland 4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 7. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces. A. 13 B. 12 C. 14 8. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____. A. north to south B. south to north C. east to west 10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England. A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. Severn B. Clyde C. Bann 12. London is situated on the River of _____. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey 13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales 14. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short. A. North Sea B. English Channel C. Dee estuary 15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____. A. Scotland B. Wales C. England 16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____. A. Cotswolds B. Oxford Clay C. Pennines 17. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources. A. 50% B. 38% C. 42% 18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____. A. Scotland B. England C. Northern Ireland 19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____. A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 1694


America The Founding of Colonies殖民地的建立 First Inhabitants:American Indians Discovery of the New World: 1492 Christopher Columbus →the discoverer of America (Italian)Spanish Queen’ s support 1501-2 Amerigo Vespucci →the new land was name after him as America. reached the mouth of Amazon River America—the New World Europe—the Old World 13 colonies: New England Colonies: Mid Atlantic Colonies: Southern Colonies: Massachusetts →(2nd colony,1620)New York Maryland New Hampshire Pennsylvania Virginia →(1st colony,1607)Rhode Island Delaware North Carolina Connecticut South Carolina Georgia →(the last colony,1733)New England Region(6个): Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont 建立原因: Virginia, 1607 Virginia Company For foreign expansion as a way of easing religious dispute and economic distress in England 105 men (no women) Jamestown in honor of the king Massachusetts In 1620 102 Puritans (“Pilgrim Fathers”), in Mayflower, from Plymouth in England to America First in Plymouth (today’s Massachusetts); and then Boston Seek religious freedom Mayflower Compact <五月花号公约>:self-government Hardships when arrived the help of the Indians Thanksgiving Day to thank the Indians and the God for protection The next three colonies Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire Reasons: 1. religious disputes and struggles in Massachusetts intensified 2. more immigrants


英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分) 英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分) Chapter 1第一章 Land and People 英国的国土与人民 I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分 1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。 4. Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wale大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。 (2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。它有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地及南部山陵。首府:爱丁堡。 (3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫 (4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast.北爱尔兰是英国第四个区域。首府:贝尔法斯特。 5. The monwealth (of nations) is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was founded in 1931, and has about 50 member countries until 1991. 英联邦是独立的前英国殖民地组成的自由联合体。它成立于1931 年,至1990年止已有约50个成员国。 Chapter 2 第二章 The Origins of a Nation (5000BC-1066)英国的起源(公元前5000年—1066年)


英国国家概况(八)(中英文版) 第八章 Justice and the law 法律与司法机构 There is no single legal system in the United Kingdom. A feature common to all systems of law in the United Kingdom is that there is no complete code. The sources of law include (1) statutes; (2) a large amount of "unwritten" or common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community. Another common feature is the distinction made between criminal law and civil law. 联合王国不实行完全统一的法律制度。联合王国所有法律制度的一个共同特点是没有以部完整的法典。法典来源包括:(1)成文法;(2)大量的"不成文法" 或习惯法;(3)衡平法;(4)欧共体法。另一个共同的特点是刑法和民法之间的区别。 I.Criminal Proceedings 刑事诉讼程序 1. In England and Wales, once the police have charged a person with a criminal offence, the crown Prosecution Service assumes control of the case reviews the evidence to decide whether to prosecute. 在英格兰和威尔士,一旦警察指控某人犯有刑事罪,皇家检察总署就要接管此案,并独立地审核证据以决定是否起诉。 2. In Britain all criminal trial are held in open count because the criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution and the defense get equal treatment. No accused person has to answer the question of the police before trial. He is not compelled to give evidence in count. Every accused person has the right to employ a legal adviser to conduct his defense. If he can not afford to pay, he may be granted aid at public expense. In criminal trial by jury, the judge passes sentence, but the jury decided the issue of guilt or innocence. The jury composed of 12 or ordinary people. If the verdict of the jury can not be unanimous, it must be a majority. 在英国,所有的刑事审判都在法院公开进行。因为刑法认为,在消除合理怀疑证明被告有罪之前,他是无辜的。原告与被告同样平等,审判时被告不必回答警察


American Survey Test 地理 1. The _____ part of America consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Great Cordillera Range. A. eastern B. western C. northeastern 2. In eastern _____ lies Death Valley, 85 metres below sea level. A. California B. Utah C. Arizona 3. In the west of the _____ lie the Colorado Plateaus and the Columbia Plateaus. A. Rocky Mountain B. Coast Range C. Cascades Mountains 4. The _____ lies between the Colorado Plateaus and Columbia Plateaus A. Great Basin B. Colorado Valley C. Great Plains 5. The famous Yellowstone National Park is situated in northwestern part of _____. A. California B. Arizona C. Wyoming 6. The world-known Colorado Valley lies in northern _____, which is cut by the Colorado River. A. Arizona B. Utah C. Montana 7. Among the five Great Lakes, only _____ is wholly within the United States. A. Erie B. Superior C. Michigan 8. Only the climate in the southern part of _____ is tropical. A. Florida B. Georgia C. Virginia 9. Washington, the capital of the US, is on the _____ river. A. Potomac B. Delaware C. St. Laurence 10. The width of the Niagara Fall is about _____ metres and the drop average _____ metres. A. 1650, 50 B. 1240, 49 C. 1540, 49 11. _____ part is the most densely populated region in America. A. The southern B. The northeastern C. The western 12. The Great Salt Lake lies in northern _____. A. Idaho B. Arizona C. Nevada D. Utah 13. _____ has been called the “cradle of American Liberty”. A. Philadelphia B. Plymouth C. Boston 14. About _____ of the world’s annual agricultural products come from the United States. A. half B. one third C. two thirds 15. The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount _____. A. Appalachian B. Mekinley C. Rocky 16. Mount Mekinley lies in the _____ Range. A. Sierra Nevada B. Cascades C. Alaska 17. The two largest Chinatowns are located in the following cities except _____. A. New York B. San Francisco C. Miami 18. The world’s largest freshwater lake is Lake _____. A. Superior B. Ontario C. Victoria 19. The world-famous Niagara Falls lie between lakes of _____. A. Erie and Michigan B. Erie and Ontario C. Superior and Haron 20. _____ of the America’s territory is covered with forests. A. 1/4 B. 1/5 C. 1/3


《英美概况》习题集——张奎武版 英国部分 Part I Geography I. Multiple Choice 1. The total area of the U.K. is _____. A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland 4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 7. Psysiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces. A. 13 B. 12 C. 14 8. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____. A. north to south B. south to north C. east to west 10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England. A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. Severn B. Clyde


Chapter 1 History Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1._________ In 43 A.D. Roman Emperor Julius Caesar invaded England. 答案:F 2.________ The month “July”, in fact, is named after Julius Caesar himself. 答案:T 3.________The best-known English legend, King Arthur, derives from the Anglo-Saxons’ time. 答案:T 4.________ Robin Hood is a story about the Viking invasion of England. 答案:F 5.________ In the early stage of the Hundred Years’War, the English won great victories. 答案:T 6.________The ruling Normans regarded England as their home after the Hundred Years’ War. 答案:T 7.________ Henry VII ended the Wars of the Roses and founded the Tudor Monarchy. 答案:F 8.________ English drama flourished during Elizabeth I era. 答案:T 9.________ Oliver Cromwell believed in the old theory “Divine right of Kings”. 答案:F 10.________After World War II, the British economy became the 2nd largest power in the world. 答案:F 11. ________ American Indians came from India 25,000 years ago. 答案:F 12. ________ American Indians developed the brilliant culture of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas. 答案:T 13. ________ Columbus was the first European to set foot in what was to be called America. 答案:T 14.________ America was named after the great discoverer Amerigo Vespucci. 答案:T 15. ________ The first permanent English colony was founded in 1607 in Boston. 答案:F 16. ________ Thanksgiving Day came from Britain. 答案:F 17. ________ By the early 1760s, the English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.


Exercises of Chapter One I. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, D, choose the best one to complete the statement. 1. The national flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of _____ crosses. A. one B. two C. three D. four 2. Which flower is the symbol of England/Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland? A. Thistle B. Shamrock C. Daffodil D. Rose 3. The highest mountain peak in Britain is in ________. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 4. The largest lake in Britain is ______. A. Loch Lomond B. the Lough Neagh C. Windermere D. Ullswater 5. The largest lake in Britain is located in ________. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 6. The Lake District is well-known for________. A. its wild and beautiful scenery B. its varied lakes C. the lake Poets D. all of the above three 7. The British Isles are made up of______. A. two large islands and hundreds of small ones B. two large islands and Northern Ireland C. three large islands and hundreds of small ones D. three large islands and Northern Ireland 8. Which is the largest city in Scotland? A. Cardiff B. Edinburgh C. Glasgow D. Manchester 9. There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain. A. one B. two C. three D. four 10. Among the four political divisions of Britain, __________ is the most densely populated. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 11. The capital of Scotland is __________. A. Belfast B. Cardiff C. Edinburgh D. Dublin 12. Britain’s climate is influenced by ______that sweeps up from the equator and flows past the British Isles. A. the Atlantic Gulf Stream B. the Brazil Current C. the Labrador Current D. the Falkland current II. Read the following statements carefully and decide if each of them is True or False. 1. To the west of Great Britain is the second largest island known as Scotland. 2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are England,Scotland and Wales. 3. The Pennines are known as the “Backbone of England”. 4. London, the capital of the UK, is situated on the Severn River near its mouth. 5. The official name of UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 6. The longest river in Britain is River Thames. 7. On the island of Great Britain, there are four political divisions—England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. 8. God Save the Queen is a national anthem used only in Britain. 9. The highest point of the Pennines is Cross Fell which is 893 meters high.


1 《英美概况》I. Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices: 1. The highest mountain in Britain is ____. A. Scafell B. Ben Nevis C. the Cotswolds D. the Forth 2. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. the Clyde B. the Mersey C. the Severn D. the Thames 3. The largest lake in Britain is _____. A. the Lough Neage B. Windermere Water C. Coniston Water D. the Lake District 4. Which part of Britain is always fighting? A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northem Ireland 5. The immigrants coming to Britain are mainly from _____. A. Europe B. the United States C. Africa D. the West Indies, 6. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____. A. the Normans B. the Celts C. the Iberians D. the Anglo-Saxons 7. British Recorded history began with _____. A. Roman invasion B. the Norman Conquest C. the Viking and Danish invasion D. the Anglo-Saxons invasion 8. In 829, _____ actually became the overlord of all the English. A. John B. James I C. Egbert D. Henry I 9. Christmas Day ____, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey. A. 1056 B. 1066 C. 1006 D. 1060 10. Henry II was the first king of the _____ dynasty. A. Windsor B. Tudor C. Malcolm D. Plantagenet 11. In 1265 ____ summoned the Great Council, which has been seen as the earliest parliament. A. Henry III B. the Pope C. Barons D. Simon de Montfort 40 美国概况练习题: 1 The world-famous Havard University is in _____. A Massachusetts B New York C Washington D.C. D Maine 2 Which of the following statements about American education is wrong? A Elementary and secondary education in America is free and compulsory B Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private organizations or individuals. C There are more public colleges and universities than the private ones D Credits taken at community colleges are normally applicable to requirement for a four-year bachelor’s degree. 3 _____ is a symbol of American theatre and world-class entertainment. A Broadway B Wall Street C The Fifth Avenue D Times Square 4 ____ is not a tourist attraction in the United States. A Yellowstone National Park B Grand Canyon C St. Patrick’s Cathedral D Stonehenge 5 ____ was an actor before he became the President. 41 A Ronald Reagan B Abraham Lincoln C Herbert Hoover D Jimmy Carter 6 New Englanders were originally known as _____, which come to stand for all Americans. A Hippies B Yankees C Uncle Sam D Brother Jonathan 7 On the 30th of April 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in _____, which housed the government then. A New York B Washington D.C. C Philadelphia D Boston 8 Which of the following people was not an American President? A John Hancock B John Adams C John Q. Adams D Jimmy Carter 9 Henry Fond was the first man to _____. A design a plane B fly an aeroplane C mass-produciton D design and make a car 10 “That government of the people, by the people, for the people, …”were the words by _____. A Thomas Jefferson B Abraham Lincoln C Andrew Johnson D Theodore Roosevelt 练习题答案及题解: 1 A, 哈佛大学位于马萨诸塞州的剑桥(Cambridge)镇。 2 C, 在美国,私立高等教育机构要多于公立的。象麻省理工,耶鲁大学,哈佛大学都是私立的。 3 A, 百老汇是一条由南向北贯穿曼哈顿全岛的大道,其中心地带是在第42借“时代广场”附近,周围云集了几十家剧院,上演被称为现代歌舞剧的剧目。4 D, Stonehenge 在英国,是古代城池的遗迹。 5 A, 里根从政前曾经在好莱坞闯荡20多年,参与演出了50多部电影。 6 B, Yankees 一词具有丰富的含义。现在用于

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