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The Differences of Table manners between Chinese and United States







On the Mechanism of Metaphor


Xinke College of Henan Institute of Science and Technology

May, 2011

Contents Acknowledgments (i)

Abstract (ii)

摘要 (ⅲ)

I. Introduction (1)

II. .Differences of table manners (1)

2.1 Arrangement of seat (2)

2.1.1Arrangement of seat in Chinese way (2)

2.1.2Arrangement of seat in American way (3)

2.1.3The reason of seat arrangement (3)

2.2 Tablewars (5)

2.2.1 how to use and where to put Chinese tableware (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6)

2.2.2 How to use and where to put American table ware (7) and fork (8) (8) right order to use tableware (8)

2.2.3Reasons that cause the differences between table wares (9)

2.3The right order of dish up (9)

2.3.1Chinese order (9)

2.3.2American order (10)

2.3.3Different value that reflected by those order (10)

2.4Different atmosphere at table (10)

2.5 The way to finish eating (11)

3. Conclusion (11)

Bibliography (12)


Four years of study life in this season drew to an end, but in my life is only a comma, again, I will face the beginning of the journey. Four years of academic careers in the support from the teachers and friends, go hard but harvest full capsule, in a forthcoming paper, mind, and I'm ripping mad. Great celebrity worship for me, but I have more eagerly to my respect and praise for an ordinary person, my mentor. I am not your best student, and you are my most respected teacher Your rigor, knowledgeable, thoughtful, view holds that build a good mental atmosphere for me To teach fishing is better than teach them to fish, in which, narrative, osmosis, made me not only to accept new ideas, set up the magnificent academic goals, grasp the basic way of thinking, from paper topics chosen to essay writing guide, by your loving hands, after thinking again understanding, often let me have all have no way, scenes and village. Thanks to my mom and dad, how much breakwater grass, tree back, gratefulness, repay you, you always healthy and happy is my biggest wish .In the paper the completed, my heart can't calm, from began to enter the subject thesis is completed, how many respectable teachers Friends gave me speechless help, here please accept my sincere appreciation. At the same time also thank college graduation design for I provide a good environment.


This essay is aseptically talk about the differences of table manners between Chinese and the United States. In the modern society ,they have a lot of cross between Chinese and America in table manners. It has influenced Chinese people and America people in their normal life which involves a lot of aspects in table manners. About this essay ,we will talk about more different between Chinese and America, for example ,the different ways people sit for meal ,the different dining culture and different table wares and so on . At the same time, it can make us understand the situation. From this way ,we can know that the culture background of America ,and it is also can help Chinese people to built harmonious relationship with America people.

Key words : table manners, table culture ,difference ,Chinese and America ,culture background




I. Introduction

With the development of global economy , it is more frequent for Chinese to communicate with America and very easy to know the difference between Chinese and America . one of the most important things is that it is easy for you to learn the difference of table manners.

It is very normal for people to have dinner of life. On the opposite ,to eat dinner is an important part of people’s life.“John Loke ,a well-known British philosopher once said ,the purpose of playing a ceremonial role is to change the original stubborn to gentle ,so that people’s temper can get more moderate and let people learn to respect for others and get along with each others .”(Duan ,Chen ,2008)It is no reason that some people who don’t know each other begin to know. Those acquaintances can get well understand of others’to say love to each other. The reason that why table manners is so fantastic is that it give us a kind of way to acquiring more information ,there is no doubt that table manners are really important in people’s normal life. There have lots of differences between Chinese and America in food cultures, and this differences will make different table manners.

China is a country who with five thousand civilizations in the world. Chinese nation is the civilization that is only with the inheritance millennium ,but the United States of America have experienced the darkness of Middle Ages and to the Renaissance ,it had divided the capitalism and modern civilization. Nowadays, globalization has developed a lot ,on the one side, Chinese has become more and more stronger than before. There a lot of foreign people come to China ,and we may be invited by America’s friends. This essay is mainly talk about the differences of table manners between Chinese and America. It aims to approach to make the communication more successfully.

II. Differences of table manners

“Social customs differ greatly from one country to another . it is therefore impossible to give guidelines that are universally applicable. To be honest ,you should

act naturally ,always remaining friendly ,courteous, and dignified.”( Qian,2006).

It is ideology for Chinese to have the collective consciousness when American is individualism. For this reason while American people are invited to join the dinner or party ,they will have their own plan to have what kind meal and drink their own wine ,avoiding to push others people to accept their ideas not on their own will. On the other hand ,Chinese people would think this kind of doing is ridiculous . the reason why they think so is that Chinese culture, individual should have the consciousness. China has important harmonization, and there goes to say that Harmony is most precious. So that Chinese people like to come together and eat together.

2.1Arrangement of seat

2.1.1Arrangement of seat in Chinese way

As for the seat to eat meals in China, Chinese people always choose round tables when they eat together. It has lots of rules for people to eat in China, such as, where to out the round table, which seat is for the important guest and so on.

In the old time, Chinese people use the number of table to stop the kind of banquet. It has two little tables, both on the right and left. As for the larger banquet, will be four or five tables ,with more complicated rules for people to obey. The top table always on the right hand and farthest to portal . What’s more, the distance to the top table is also very important . To be honest ,the seat which is very close to the top seat is consider precedence. For example ,when you take part in wedding ,all the numbers of your family who is the leader of the bride must be arranged the table that which is very close to the top table. And hosts should arrange the guest on this way by relationship .There has a very import thing is that the host sit after all the guest have the seat.

2.1.2Arrangement of seat in American way

American people are more like long table rather than round table while having meal with friends. The host and the hostess are sit at both top of this long table ,and the guest sit at the other seat. Man and woman are should be arranged to seat alternately. The most important guest will have a seat at the toper right side of the

host .American gentleman is very focus on about lady first, they are always hospitable to ladies. But in China, left is honor and the left is secondary ;of course in the front of right and the left is slant. While in American, right is honor and left is secondary.

The right way to take the seat in American is sit by the left hand, elbow can not put onto the table and your hands are not allow to touch feet. It is good for you not to walk around before the meal is finished(unless you really have some thing to do immediately ) .When at diner ,it do you well to sit straightly.

2.1.3The reason of seat arrangement

The main idea of Chinese seat arrangement is that Chinese culture , Chinese culture is a kind of group with consciousness, and the people confirm that individual should obey the group consciousness, so that Chinese people use the round table for friends to get together for meal. The different table manners of China and the United States culture is an important part of national cultural differences of China and the United States. Traditional western culture is a farming culture and Marine culture, and China's farming culture and land culture, two different cultures reflect the differences in lifestyle, including table manners cultural differences is the typical one aspect, each country, each region of the people are consciously or unconsciously revealed in the diet with its profound cultural background. The Chinese comparison pay attention to taste, so tend to be more careful when cook, every detail to do very well. Sometimes a dish may need a long time to prepare food in advance, in order to achieve the desired taste, when doing the cooking for a long time. Thus improve the taste of Chinese food, now more and more foreigners like Chinese food. Chinese dishes in color, flavor or above the top of the other, are delicate, even above the order of the material is very special.


In the United States table habits and China have in common, Is there much of a difference in, For instance, Americans go in on the left side of the table is also from the seat, Also can't literally of dishes on the table, Their elbows can't in the above table. In a formal banquet, The guest to wait for the host put his napkin on his knees, To put his napkin, Due to western men have the custom of the gentleman poise, Men to help women move seats, This and the Chinese culture and etiquette is a little

difference, Because China has experienced the baptism of thousands of years of feudal ideas, So led to a woman in no man of high social status. But as the accelerating exchanges between Chinese and western culture, China is also slowly moving closer to the west. Chinese woman now is becoming more and more respected is not far from the dinner. About the dinner, the two sides also has the very big difference, Chinese meal of the time like to use chopsticks, Drink the soup with a spoon. When dishes, First led by the guest, to eat, Can't make a sound when you eat, You should use a spoon slowly drink soup, Can not directly use bowl to drink. When the dish, May be they are far away, We eat less as far as possible, Eat don't flush when you eat ,It is necessary to the appropriate pay attention to the people around you, Don't gobble big eat, To timely take time to talk to people around a few funny words, So we can properly adjust the mood, But his mouth should not eat anything with speak to others.

2.2.1 how to use and where to put Chinese tablewares

It is usually use chopsticks and small dish, bowl and glass in Chinese table when they meet together. It is very important to put the chopsticks and the small dish ,bowl and glass in right way. At usually time ,we always put the plate on the right hand, and the wineglass on the right hand. Chopsticks and spoon are always put on the left hand . And this can be divide into the flowing parts .

It is really necessary for Chinese people to use chopsticks in the table to eat meal.

Spoon is used to scooping food. And it also be used to divide big size food. But ,you’d better not use spoon to scoop too much food at one time .It is implate to scoop a full spoon food each time. Because it may go out to make your clothes dirty. It is correct for you to wait a few seconds while you scoop food .And you’d better to put the spoon on your left hand if it is not needed, and it is good for you to use your plate to eat food not by spoon.

The plate in smaller size is small dish, which is used to put food, just like bowl. Plates on the table should not move or pile up. The main function of small dish is to

store food that picked from the public plates temporarily. When using small dishes, you should not put too much food together at one time. It is very impolite and might affect the tastes of food. The dreg of food or bones should put at the edge of the plate. You can not spit them from mouth directly to the plate or table or to the ground. You should use chopsticks to bring them to the plate. If the small dish is full, you can ask the waiter or waitress to shift one.

Glasses are used to store soft drink ,some water, fruit juice. It is not use glass to drink water. You can not spit out drink back to the glass. It is impolite and make guests fell sick.

In China, if you eat in restaurants, waiters will offer you a wet warm towel to make your hand clean before meal. Then you can eat by yourself. Sometime at big banquets, waiter may give you another towel to wash hands. It is a little different to give the guest the towel, and you can ask for another one can to clean mouth, this is different for clean face .

2.2.2 How to use and where to put American table ware

In western culture, people use knife, fork, spoon and so on. and fork

The basic way of using the knife and fork. Right hand knife and fork in the left hand, is a generic method, of course, if you are left-handed, or you are just like the left hand knife, nor can not accommodating. Request right hand knife is not international standard, but the right hand with a knife cut food more convenient. Hold the fork take method for the index finger straight back. The knife method also differ with situation. It is not be cut food after, again with the right hand fork to send food to the mouth. If a party or casual atmosphere in the family store, of course it does not matter. Food on the table after the basic action, that is, his right hand knife cut it, and then left the food with a fork, fork down food left, fixed, along the side of the fork knife cut about the size of a mouthful of food, food into his mouth fork can be directly.

2) the correct position and the right Angle

There is no way to get your food cut open, and the first thing to start from the position correction. On both sides of the elbow is too high can make the knife and fork Angle is too large, and in vertical state; If the elbow is too low, will make his knife and fork is fallen state, so there is no way to cut will arrange. Correct position is: shoulder and wrist relax on the body, two arms knife with the Angle of the plate at about 15degrees. Such not only can easily cut the food, but also pose looks more elegant.

The movement of the knife there is also a main point, the first to push on the left hand fork, and then gently move a knife, the knife back when not hard, but when go down hard, like this can cut cleanly through the food. Note: the table knife and fork put are fixed, the left-handed when use fork and knife position can be interchangeable, but after the meal, still need to use the tableware according to the normal position, so just to avoid the service personnel.

3) how to put a knife and fork

Dinner for eight

A knife and fork in addition to the function of the food to the mouth, there is about another very important function.Of knives and forks put way conveys "meal" or some "signals" the dinner. The waiter is to judge the guests dining according to the signal, a so as to decide whether to clean tableware and prepare the next service. Note: on one side of the blade must be facing you, the blade for others is a sign of hostility. There is are two by the end of the meal After the meal, the fork can be positive upward, and a alateral to gether with fork and knife blade of parallel on the plate. The display mode is divided into English and French, either way can be, but the most commonly used is French.Will handle into the meal (as far as possible, so that you can avoid falling by touch, the waiter also relatively easy to pick up. right order to use tableware

Although there are so many tablewares at western dinner, the rule for using tablewares is simple. The right order to use tablewares is to pick from outside to inside. There is an exception that when salad is sent together with entrée, the knife and fork that closest to the plate are salad knife and fork. The salad plate is on the left

of the dinner knife and fork. If there is no salad plate, salad knife and fork will send together with salad. The other exception is that oyster fork is on the right hand of dinner plate, which is on the outmost side of tablewares. Spoons are on the right hand of forks. Napkins are also important in western dinner.

2.2.3Reasons that cause the differences between table wares

It is so different for Chinese people and American people to use chopsticks ,knife and fork on the table manners. Why is it so different ? Because China has different nature environment and social environment with American. Chopsticks are made by bamboo .But knife and fork is used to be American normal customs. They use them to cut meat and eat by forks. For eating gesture ,American start to use knife in 16th century.

2.3The right order of dish up

2.3.1Chinese order

A Chinese food out of order An appetizer Usually four large platter of cold dishes. Sometimes types can be up to 10. The most representative is the cold sea sting skin, preserved eggs, etc.

The main course Immediately after the appetizer, also known as the big, big, than actual appropriate table. As indicated on the menu "eight pieces", said a total of eight main dishes. The way of the main course is usually four, six, eight even, because the Chinese believe that number is an even number. On the luxurious meal, main course and sometimes up to 16 or 32, but it is common in six to twelve. These dishes are using different materials, cooperate with sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, five tastes, with Fried, steamed, boiled, Fried, roasted, Fried, etc all kinds of cuisine is tie-in. It out with a light and heavy greasy food order interaction is tie-in, or dry, soup as mating principle. The last is usually ends with the soup.

Dim sum Refers to the dessert after the main course have to offer, such as pies, cakes, steamed stuffed bun, almond, etc. The last is a fruit

2.3.2American order

1) the head plate. The first course in a western food is the first dish, also known as an appetizer. The content of the appetizer usually have cold appetizers and hot

appetizers, common varieties are caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail cup chicken, cream cake box, bake snail, etc. Because is appetizing, appetizer usually have characteristic flavor, taste is given priority to with salty and sour, and less quantity, the quality is higher.

2) the soup. And Chinese food, western food is the second course of soup. Western food soup can be roughly divided into clear soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup 4 class. Varieties have oxtail soup, cream soup, seafood soup, American clam soup, Italian vegetable soup, Russian borscht, baked French onion soup. Variety of cold soup is less, a German type cold soup, cold soup, etc.

3) deputy food. The third dish of fish food generally as western-style food, also known as deputy food. Include all kinds of light, sea fish, shellfish and molluscs. Usually fish dishes with eggs, bread, cake box of deputy food dishes are called. Because fish dishes, such as meat fresh, easy to digest, so on the front of the meat dishes, as a main course and meat dishes also difference. Western food pay attention to use the special sauce, fish dishes varieties have tartar sauce, juice of the Netherlands, hotels, archbishop of white cream sauce, juice, American sailor juice and fish sauce, etc.

4) the main course. The fourth dish of meat, poultry dishes is western food, also known as the main course. Meat dishes of raw materials from cattle, sheep, pigs, small parts, such as meat, cowboy is one of the most representative beef or steak. Steak can be divided by its parts and also sirloin steak, Phillip steak, "T" type bone thin steak, steak, etc. The cooking method commonly used roasted, Fried, grilled, etc. Meat dishes with juice sauce mainly include Spain, thick teriyaki sauce, mushroom sauce, white nice juice, etc.

5) vegetable dishes. Can be arranged after the meat dishes, vegetables dishes with meat dishes on the table at the same time, so can be regarded as a course, or a side dish. Vegetable dishes called salad in the western food. Salad and main courses and services, called raw vegetables salad, usually made with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, etc. The main salad oil have vinegar sauce juice, juice of France, dry island, cheese salad sauce, etc.

In addition to vegetables, salad and one kind is made with fish, meat, eggs, this kind of salad generally do not add flavor juice, can be used as appetizers on dining order. There are some vegetables are cooked, such as broccoli, cooked spinach, potato chips. Cooked vegetables and usually the main course of meat dishes in eat dish in the table is put together, referred to as a side dish.

6) desserts. Western dessert after the main course to eat, can exactly is sixth dish. In real sense, it includes all the food after the main course, puddings, pancakes, ice cream, cheese, fruit, etc.

7) coffee, tea. The final is in western-style food drinks, coffee or tea. Drink coffee usually to add sugar and whipping cream. Generally speaking, tea is much sweet peach slices and sugar.

2.3.3Different value that reflected by those order

In America, people are pay more attention on individualism , they want to be free and control everything by themselves. Of course , they believe that each of them have their own value ,and this can be a great influence in their personal abilities.

On the contrary, in China people think that value loyal and piety. They think it is important to respect the older and love the younger. This can be proved on the eating table. This is the reason why China has different order with American.

2.4Different atmosphere at table

It is implate to speak loudly and make to much noisy both in American and Chinese eating table. But in some places of China, people like to speak loudly ,they like to do this ,because they think this can show their feeling. On the contrary, American people like to be quiet .

“But in the West, it emphasizes individual rights and privacy. They will prepare course according to the number of guests, and they will not do more than necessary, in order to avoid wasting a lot of food. They also do not urge others drinking and picking up food to others. Western meal is dull but pays more attention to the nutrition and balanced diet.”(Luo, 2007)

The Chinese people think that it is very happy thing to eat .They start to talking with each other when they sit together. And they also like to help other people with food and water in the time of the dinner .They do this to show their respect and

their happiness. They are enjoy the happy atmosphere. It can influence people’s thinking if it is very noisy during the dinner table.

2.5 The way to finish eating

After finish eating ,Chinese people always put the chopsticks on the right hand near the bowl. While guest leave ,the host should clean all the chopsticks by himself.

American people have two ways to end the eating. Firstly, they put the knife and the fork parallel. And the second way is leave the knives and forks from outside to inside .That is to say you are full, don’t eat any longer. This ways show your imp late . V. Conclusion

All of the above , there can come into a conclusion, Chinese people put special In sum, Chinese table culture pays particular attention to the order among people. This kind of culture is based on Chinese ethical rule and gives prominence to interpersonal idea; western table culture pays particular attention more on harmoniously use of tools and fuse “man”and “tools”together. Every culture in the world is equal, with no one being unique . We shall not only using our own culture but also to learn foreign culture. We should treat foreign culture objectively and comprehendly. At the same time, we should hold on our own culture and avoid to follow foreign culture blindly. Through comparing the table manners of China and countries and American country, this keeping pace with the changing world can be more meaningful to all people in the world .


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摘要:中西两家因为深受不同的社会文化、历史文化和各种社会背景的影响,从而导致两 种不同文化的产生,餐桌礼仪文化业因此应运而生,餐桌礼仪文化是饮食文化的一部分,中西饮食文化的不同是中西民族文化差异的重要组成部分。每个国家、每个地区的每种民族都在饮食中自觉不自觉的透露着自己深刻的文化背景。本文着重论述中西方在餐桌礼仪文化上的差异,剖析中西方餐桌礼仪文化差异的具体表现和渊源。关键词:餐桌礼仪文化差异中西餐桌 摘要:中西两家因为深受不同的社会文化、历史文化和各种社会背景的影响,从而导致两种不同文化的产生,餐桌礼仪文化业因此应运而生,餐桌礼仪文化是饮食文化的一部分,中西饮食文化的不同是中西民族文化差异的重要组成部分。每个国家、每个地区的每种民族都在饮食中自觉不自觉的透露着自己深刻的文化背景。本文着重论述中西方在餐桌礼仪文化上的差异,剖析中西方餐桌礼仪文化差异的具体表现和渊源。 关键词:餐桌礼仪文化差异 中西餐桌礼仪的差异,深受中西哲学思想及各种社会因素的影响,使两种文化的距离相差甚远。在中国,任何一个宴会,不管是什么目的,都会有一种形式。就是大家团团围坐,共享一席;宴席要用圆桌,这就从形式上造成了一种团结、礼貌共趣的气势。美味佳肴放在一桌人的中心,它既是一桌人欣赏品尝的对象,又是一桌人感情交流的媒介物。人与人相互敬酒相互让菜劝菜,再美好的事物面前,体现了人与人之间相互尊重争让的美德。反映了中国古典哲学中“和”这个范畴对后代思想的影响,便于集体的情感交流,因而至今难以改革 而西方这个主要以面食为主的群体,餐桌礼仪的细节就显得更加繁琐而有条不紊。他们所用的餐则是分餐制,个人自扫盘中菜,不管他人碗里汤,互不相扰。西方人喝酒也听凭自愿,白兰地,威士忌,鸡尾酒,喜欢什么喝什么,想喝多少喝多少,所尊重的是个人意志,体现出的饮食思想观念要合理的多。 综上,中西礼仪千万种,以下是我对餐桌礼仪的一些浅析方法。 一.出席时间的差异,中国人是多样化时间观念的人,西方人是单一时间观念的人。要求做任何事情都要严格遵守日程安排,该干什么就干什么,因此,在参加宴请时,这一差异显得较为突出,一般说来,时间多样化模式的中国人更倾向于…迟到?。往往在规定的时间半小时之后到达,主人似乎也早有思想准备,通常会在这段…等待?的时间里安排些其他节目,如打牌,喝喝茶,聊聊天等,让一些…先到?的客人们消磨时间。对于这种…迟到?现象主客双方都习以为常,并不将之视为对主人邀请的一种轻视或者不礼貌的行为。在西方国家各种活动都按预定的时间开始,迟到是很不礼貌的,正式的宴会要求准时到达,十分钟后不到者,将会被视为不合礼仪,是对主人及其他客人的不尊重。 二.座次安排的差异。中国的宴会中座位通常是以面向南为上,面向北为下,形成了…南尊北卑?的传统观念,…南?在中国人心目中是一种至高无尚德象征,代表了权利,地位和身份。因此,常常见到一些食客在宴会上推推让让,面红耳赤,原来只是为了谦让座位次序的缘故,在中国的大多数宴会上,为高权重者或年长者首先入座并坐首席,这是因为中国人将长幼有


论“诚实守信” 系、部、院:美术与设计学院专业:国画三班 年级:2012级 姓名:王波 学号:2012101108

论“诚实守信” 王波 诚信是什么?诚信是成功人生的灯塔,诚信是人生的重要美德,诚信是人的立足之本,而且诚信更是一种高尚人格的体现,是人类社会和谐发展,人与人友好共处的基础,也是当代大学生的“必修课”,古人云:“君子立其诚”。“诚信明礼,以信为美”,而且在这个竞争激烈的社会,诚信越来越成为,我们当代大学生在以后的生活中精诚合作的开始,而且我也是这样认为,共有以下几点: 一.大学生诚信的现状和问题 首先大学时期是大学生立志成才的关键时期,是大学生完善自我的时期。但是在当前时期的高等院校的诚信建设却出现了许多新的问题,如大学生考试作弊现象;求职履历“掺水”或造假;不履行还贷义务,故意拖欠助学贷款;个别毕业生还在就业合同中出现毁约现象,但总的归结起来都是大学生本人的诚信教育有着息息相关。而我经过网上查询得出大学生的诚信状况有: 1.大学生的现状大致有以下几个特点: a、从认识层面来讲,多数学生把诚信作为一种重要品质来看待。 b、大学生将诚信划分为理想认识与现实操作两个层面 c.从对别人要求的角度,大学生对于别人的诚信品质要求普遍较高,而作为自己的道德要求却不高,并且自身实践诚信较差。 d、有相当一部分学生对于什么是“诚信”认识不清。 e、大学生选择诚信同时考虑自身的经济利益,有强烈的功利倾向 2.大学生在诚信方面存在的突出问题有: a、日常言行缺乏诚信,背信违约。 b、信贷诚信:恶意拖欠贷款、学费,银行高校处境为难。 c、考试诚信:考试作弊,屡禁不止。 d、就业诚信:求职履历,弄虚作假;就业签约,无故悔约 e、学术诚信:抄袭成风,瞒天过海 二.诚信问题产生的主要原因 大学生活其实就是一个小社会,因为大学实际上是社会、家庭、学校的一个缩影。所以我针对大学生出现的诚信危机,我不能简单地归结为大学生道德品质


摘要:从比较中西餐桌礼仪的餐具使用差异、座次安捧差异、就餐氛围差异、及餐桌话语差异四个方面来看跨文化交际中的文化差异,旨在说明坚持自己的 优秀文化传统的同时,要采用一个客观、宽容、尊重的心态对待异国文化以便能在跨文化交际中能恰当地、得体地进行交际. 关键词:餐桌;礼仪;文化 易中天先生曾经在《餐桌上的文化》里对中西文化进行了精妙阐释中国文化的思想内核是“群体意识”,西方文化的思想内核则是“个体意识”.所以西方人即使请客吃饭,也是各点各的菜、各喝各的酒.以免把自己的意志强加于人。中国文化则认为个人的意志,必须服从群体的共同意志。其目的既然意在人情.意在血缘,则其方式礼仪,自然也就以和为贵了。因此中国人爱聚餐、喜共食、讲和合。笔者认为在跨文化交际中.面对陌生文化,因思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式不同.交往过程中难免发生文化冲突。笔者从如下四个方面对中西餐桌礼仪进行简单的比较,以便在跨文化交际中能恰当地、得体地进行交际。 一、从餐具使用上看中西文化差异 筷子刀义是中西餐桌礼仪最基本差异。浙江大学游修龄教授认为:东西方出现进食工具筷子和刀叉的不同.和环境有关系。筷子要发源于有竹子的地方。我国北方多木,南方多竹.祖先就地取材,竹木均成为我国最原始的筷箸原料。刀叉的出现比筷子要晚很多。据游修龄教授的研究,刀叉的最初起源和欧洲古代游牧民族的生活习惯有关,他们马上生活随身带刀,往往将肉烧熟,割下来就吃。大约15世纪前后.为了改进进餐的姿势,欧洲人才使用了双尖的叉。到18世纪才有了四个叉尖的叉子。刀叉和筷子.不仅带来了进食习惯的差异,还影响了东西方人生活观念。游修龄教授认为,刀叉必然带来分食制,而筷子肯定与家庭成员围坐桌边共同进餐相配。西方一开始就分吃.由此衍生出西方人讲究独立,子女长大后就独立闯世界的想法和习惯。而筷子带来的合餐制,突出了老老少少坐一起的家庭单元,从而让东方人拥有了比较牢固的家庭观念.笔者提醒在使用餐具时中西均有不同的规范。如中餐进餐时不可玩弄筷子(把它们当鼓槌是非常失礼的做法).更不可以用筷子向人指指点点或打手势示意。当然.绝对不可吸吮筷子或把筷子插在米饭中,这是大忌(这好像葬礼上的香烛,被认为是不吉利的)。在使用刀叉时也有一些禁忌。如手里拿着刀叉时切勿指手画脚。发言或交谈时,应将刀叉放在盘上才合乎礼仪。忌用自己的餐具为别人夹菜.餐具掉落不要弯腰拾捡。餐品不要一次性切好,尤其带汤汁的餐品,要一小块的逐一切食等等。 二、从餐次安排上餐中西文化差异 中西都讲究止式的宴请活动的座次安捧。中国人请客传统上用八仙桌。对门为上。两边为偏座。请客时,年长者、主宾或地位高的人坐上座.男女主人或陪客者坐下座,其余客人按顺序坐偏座。西方人请客用长桌,男女主人分坐两端,然后按男女主宾和一般客人的次序安排座位,叩男女穿插安捧,以女主人的座位为准,主宾坐在女主人的右上方,主宾夫人坐在男主人的右上方,讲究。女士优先”的西方绅士,都会表现出对女士的殷勤。在中国,左为尊,右为次;上为尊,下为次;中为尊,偏为次.而在西方.右为尊.左为次. 笔者特别提示西餐入座礼仪:最得体的入座方式是从左侧入座。手肘不要放在桌面上,不可跷足。不可在进餐时中途退席(如有事确需离开应向左右的客人小声打招呼)。用餐时,坐姿端正,背挺直,脖子伸长。上臂和背部要靠到椅背,腹部和桌子保持约一个拳头的距离。记得要抬头挺胸着吃,在把面前的食物送进口中时.要以食物就口。而非弯下腰以口去就食物。 三、从就餐氛围上看中西文化差异 中国人餐桌上的阁与西方餐桌上的静是中西餐桌礼仪最根本差异。餐桌气氛上的差异,中国餐桌上动.西方餐桌上静。中国人以食为人生之至乐.排场之大,气氛之热闹常常令人叹为观止。中国人一坐上餐桌,便滔滔不绝,相互让菜,劝酒,尽情的享受山珍海味.美味佳肴。这样的宴客方式才能体现主人的热情和诚恳,餐桌上的热闹反映了食客发自内心的欢快。这


中西方餐桌礼仪文化差异有哪些 中国餐桌礼仪 一入座的礼仪.先请客人入座上席.在请长者入座客人旁依次入座,入座时要从椅子左边进入.入座后不要动筷子.更不要弄出什么响声来.也不要起身走动.如果有什么事要向主人打招呼. 二进餐时.先请客人.长着动筷子.夹菜时每次少一些.离自己远的菜就少吃一些.吃饭时不要出声音.喝汤时也不要出声响,喝汤用汤匙 一小口一小口地喝.不宜把碗端到嘴边喝,汤太热时凉了以后再喝.不 要一边吹一边喝.有的人吃饭喜欢用咀嚼食物.特别是使劲咀嚼脆食物,发出很清晰的声音来.这种做法是不合礼仪要求的.特别是和众人 一起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种现象. 三进餐时不要打嗝,也不要出现其他声音,如果出现打喷嚏,肠鸣 等不由自主的声响时,就要说一声"真不好意思".;对不起;."请原凉".之内的话.以示歉意. 四如果要给客人或长辈布菜.最好用公筷.也可以把离客人或长辈远的菜肴送到他们跟前,按我们中华民族的习惯.菜是一个一个往上 端的.如果同桌有领导,老人,客人的话.每当上来一个新菜时就请他 们先动筷子.或着轮流请他们先动筷子.以表示对他们的重视. 五吃到鱼头,鱼刺,骨头等物时,不要往外面吐,也不要往地上仍. 要慢慢用手拿到自己的碟子里,或放在紧靠自己餐桌边或放在事先准 备好的纸上 六要适时地抽空和左右的人聊几句风趣的话,以调和气氛.不要光着头吃饭,不管别人,也不要狼吞虎咽地大吃一顿,更不要贪杯. 七最好不要在餐桌上剔牙.如果要剔牙时,就要用餐巾或手挡住自己的嘴巴.

八要明确此次进餐的主要任务.要明确以谈生意为主.还是以联络感情为主.或是以吃饭为主.如果是前着,在安排座位时就要注意.把 主要谈判人的座位相互靠近便于交谈或疏通情感.如果是后着.只需 要注意一下常识性的礼节就行了,把重点放在欣赏菜肴上, 九最后离席时.必须向主人表示感谢.或者就此时邀请主人以后到自己家做客,以示回谢。 英国餐桌礼仪 恭维。不要夸赞食物(因为菜是厨子而不是女主人做的);也不要 夸赞女主人的穿着(因为一般默认女主人打扮得很得体)和家居摆设(如果您表现得似乎不适应良好的室内环境,那等于自降身段)。 轮换原则。为了不冷落任何一位客人,您应当和您身旁的男士交谈。之后,女主人会轻咳一声,这时您要转向身侧另一位男士。这 就是所谓的“轮换原则”(turningthetable)。 坐姿。背部永远不要接触椅背。身体应坐直并将食物送至嘴边。即便吃容易掉渣儿的点心,也不要俯身去够。喝汤是唯一的例外——您可以稍微颔首。 餐巾的尺寸。不同场合使用的餐巾尺寸有别。午餐用17-20英寸,下午茶12英寸,晚餐26英寸,鸡尾酒会6-9英寸。 用餐进度。很遗憾,一般不设卫生间的间歇哦。通常用餐会持续 2小时左右,因此,应注意适量饮用酒水,避免去卫生间。 厅时间。如果您是女主人,在用餐过后,您应当把女士们带到客厅里,享用咖啡或酒。这样,男士们便可以畅谈20分钟政治,他们 随后也会到客厅去。 此甜点非彼甜点。主菜后上的甜点称为pudding,而dessert只 是一道果盘,通常在pudding之后上,享用时仍使用刀叉。香蕉不 能举着吃,那样吃像猩猩噢。 早餐原则。依照规矩,如果您已婚,那么您应在床上用早餐,因为人们通常认为您已不必再为寻觅良偶而社交了。对于在餐桌用早


摘要:随着中国对外开放程度的逐渐深入,西方社会的文化越来越多地映入了我们的眼帘。由于我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家, 思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过 程中不可避免的会出现文化冲突的现象,严重影响了交往的顺利进行。 餐桌礼仪在交际当中已经占据了重要的地位,学习和运用正确的餐桌礼 仪,已不仅仅是自身形象的需要,更是提高双效益、提升竞争力的需要。 因此我们很有必要找出其深层次的原因,并提出一定的措施来培养跨文 化交际的能力,避免文化冲突。笔者着重分析了中国与英美等西方国家 在餐具使用差异、座次安排差异、就餐氛围差异、及餐桌话语差异四个 方面来看跨文化交际中的文化差异,揭示了导致饮食文化差异的深层次 的原因,并阐明了随着跨文化交际的发展,中西饮食文化的交流能够在跨 文化交际中恰当地、得体地进行交际。 关键词:文化差异餐桌礼仪跨文化 一、中方式文化中餐桌文化礼仪及应注意的问题 餐桌礼仪在中国人的完整生活秩序中占有一个非常重要的地位,他们认为,用餐不单是满足基本生理需要的方法——也是头等重要的社交经验。为此,掌握某些中式餐饮规则的知识便显得特别重要了,无论你是主人,抑或只是一位客人,都必须掌握一些规则。在中国圆形餐桌颇受欢迎,不但可以坐更多人,而且大家可以面对面坐,一家之主的身份并不像西方长形餐桌上很清楚地通过他的座位而辨认。客人应等主人邀请才可坐下,主人必须注意不可让客人坐在靠近上菜的座位,此为一大忌。必须等到所有人到齐才可以开始任何形式的进餐活动———即使有人迟到也要等。一旦大家就位,主人家便可以做开场白了。进餐期间,主人必须承担一个主动积极的角色———敦促客人尽情吃喝是完全合理的。[ 6 ]一张典型中式餐桌看上去相当空,在西方人眼中尤甚。每张座位前可见放在盘上的一只碗;右面是一组筷子与汤匙,分别放在各自的座上。在正式场合上,会出现餐巾,主要放在膝上。在正式宴席上,菜式的吃法很像放映的幻灯片,每一次一道菜。令人惊讶的是,米饭不是与菜式同上,不过可以选择同吃。由于菜式各有特色,应该个别品尝,而且一次只从碗中吃一种,不是混合品尝。不可用盘子吃,只能用碗。如骨头和壳类放在个别盘中。不干净的盘子必须经常用清洁盘子替换。


浅谈中西方社交礼仪文化差异 礼仪,是整个社会文明的基础,是人与人之间交流的规则,是一种语言,也是一种工具,是社会文明最直接最全面的表现方式。由于形成礼仪的重要根源――宗教信仰――的不同,使得世界上信仰不同宗教的人们遵守着各不相同的礼仪。中国是四大文明古国之一,中华民族是唯一传承千年的文明和民族。中国的礼仪,始于夏商周,盛于唐宋,经过不断地发展变化,逐渐形成体系中国被称为文明古国,礼仪之邦,礼仪在中国历史上源远流长。古语有云:人无礼则不立,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。 西方社会则是几大古代文明的继承者,经过中世纪的黑暗,最终迎来了文艺复兴,并孕育了资本主义和现代文明,产生了现代科技和文化。当在近200多年,随着西方国家的崛起,西方主导着世界。现今国际通行的礼仪基本上是西方礼仪。这种现象的原因并不仅仅是西方的实力强大,深层的原因在于西方人价值观的统一,在于西方人对自身文化的高度认同和深刻觉悟。 随着我国改革开放的步伐日益加快,跨国交际日益增多,中西方礼仪文化的差异更是越发显露,这种差异带来的影响也是不容忽视,在中西礼仪没有得到完美融合之前,我们有必要了解这些礼仪的差异。 从不同的方面看中西方礼节的具体差异: 一、在称谓和称呼方面,西方人的称呼通常是比较笼统的,通常一个称呼可以涵盖中国的很多个称呼。例如西方人称呼男的为先生,称呼女的为女士或者小姐。而“先生”一词在我国各类词典中的第一解释就是“教师”,是对教师最古老、最悠久的称谓,已经流传了几千年。我们在建国后熟人称呼经常在其姓名后面加上“同志”一词,比如,开会的时候,某某领导讲话,“向XX同志学习”等诸如此类的言语就不必细说了。但是,在当今生活中,随着改革开放,现在“先生”成为社会上最流行的尊称口语, 二、在见面交往礼节方面,中国人通常是见面喜欢点点头,握握手或行拱手礼,或者微微欠身然后握手,而西方人觉得欠身似乎显得自卑。在西方,特别在欧美国家,拥抱礼却是十分常见的见面礼与道别礼,亲吻礼和吻手礼也是常见的西方见面礼。握手礼来源于西方人类半野蛮半文明时期。这种习惯逐渐演变成


中西方餐桌礼仪差异 中西方餐桌礼仪差异 1. 中西方餐桌气氛上的差异 总的来说是西方餐桌上静, 中国餐桌上动。西方人平日好动, 但一坐到餐桌上便专心致志地去静静切割自家的盘中餐。中国人平日好静, 一坐上餐桌, 便滔滔不绝, 相互让菜, 劝酒。中国人餐桌上的闹与西方餐桌上的静反映出了中西饮食文化上的根本差异。 2.中方餐桌举止 在中国文化传统中, 人们在出席各种正式的会餐时也是比较讲究的, 但是在现代风俗变迁和发展中, 有进步的一面, 也有落后的一面, 有对传统的观看来, 这种超负荷的饮食不仅造成浪费, 而且危害人体。尽管中国人讲究食疗、食养, 重视以饮食来养生滋补, 但我们的烹调却以追求美味为第一要求, 致使许多营养成分损失破坏, 因此营养问题也许是中国饮食的最大弱点。 3. 西方烹调遵循的是规范与科学 西方人强调科学与营养, 因此烹调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。菜谱的使用就是一个极好的证明。西方人总是拿着菜谱去买菜, 制作菜肴,但相比起来, 还是一个非常机械的东西, 而这导致了西餐的一个弊端) ) ) 缺乏特色。当人们身处异地想品尝当地美食时, 肯定是不会有人选择肯德基或麦当劳之类食品

的。另外, 规范化的烹调甚至要求配料的准确, 调料的添加精确到克, 烹调时间精确到秒。由于西方菜肴制作的规范化, 使其毫无创造性。令西方人不能理解的是, 中国烹调不仅不追求精确的规范化, 反而推崇随意性。翻开中国的菜谱, 常常发现原料的准备量、调料的添加量都是模糊的概念。而且中国烹调中, 不仅讲究各大菜系要有各自的风味与特色, 即使是同一菜系的同一个菜, 所用的配菜与各种调料的匹配, 也会依厨师的个人爱好特点有变化。同样是一道/麻婆豆腐,为四川客人烹制和为苏州客人烹制, 所用的调料肯定是不同的。而在西方, 一道菜在不同的地区不同的季节面对不同的食者, 都毫无变化。 4. 崇尚自由的西方人重分别与个性 在中西饮食文化之中也明显体现出这种文化特征。西菜中除少数汤菜,正菜中各种原料互不相干, 鱼就是鱼, 牛排就是牛排, 纵然有搭配, 那也是在盘中进行的, 这体现了继承, 也有对传统文化习俗的违背。比如就餐时的衣着, 要远比过去随意多了, 可着中山装、夹克或西服等, 这也正体现了传统文化的变迁和发展, 这正是中西方文化融汇, 相互发生正迁移作用最好的。 当今许多西方人, 尤其是美国人不喜欢吸烟或喝酒, 许多人也不喜欢别人在他们的住处吸烟喝酒。而在当今的中国, 许多人既吸烟又喝酒, 有一种社会怪现象似乎是/ 不吸烟不喝酒0 就无以社交。所以在中国的餐桌上依旧存在吞云吐雾、烂醉如泥的/ 陋习0, 尽管他们知道这有伤风范, 但依旧不能禁绝之。想必这就是文化迁移和发展的不完全性、不彻底性的表现, 我们有必要在正确理解和认识文化现象的基础上, 不断推动人文文化的发展, 提


若云軒 论文英文题目: Comparative Analysis on the Culture of Table Manners between China and America 论文中文题目:中国和美国餐桌礼仪文化的对比分析

本科毕业论文(设计)目录 Abstract-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I . Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 II. Characteristics of Chinese and American Table Manners ----------------------4 1. Characteristics of Chinese table manners 2. Characteristics of American table manners III . Different Table Manners between China and America---------------------------6 1. Different arrangement of seat 2. Different table wares 3. Different atmosphere of the table 4. Different ways of drinking IV . Analysis of the Cause on Table Manners between China and America------10 1. Geography Environment 2. Traditional culture 3. Customs V . Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Bibliography-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13


由于各国的历史与文化底蕴不同,各国人民在进行礼尚交往时的习惯也有不少差异。特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差别很大,若不了解,就容易引起不必要的误会和损失。例如,在中国近代史上,由于中国闭关自守,对西方不了解,在一次希特勒举行的宴会上,一位中国使节按照在中国的习惯用餐巾去揩拭刀叉,殊不知这种做法在国外是极不礼貌的,仿佛是在责备刀叉不干净。希特勒一见之下,立即命令侍者将全体客人的餐具一律重新换过,使那位中国使节窘迫难堪。再例如,李鸿章曾应俾斯麦之邀前往赴宴,由于不懂西餐礼仪,把一碗吃水果后洗手的水喝了。当时俾斯麦不了解中国的虚实,为了不使李鸿章丢丑,他也将洗手水一饮而尽,见此情景,其他文武百官只能忍笑奉陪。在文化方面就美国来讲,中国人赞赏推崇的愚公移山,令全拿搬家不当回事的美国人大惑不解,他们会用智叟的语调发问:“他为什么不搬家?”中国人以谦虚为美德,而美国人对中国人“水平不高,能力有限”的自谦并不以为然,相反地他会认为你缺乏自信,不知有多少留学生在美国因为“谦虚”而推掉了饭碗。如此相反的结论,如此巨大的反差,是东西方存在的文化差异的显现。 造成这种差异的根本原因,是因为西方人和我们有着完全不同的世界观和价值取向。当然西方人也有许多地方是值得我们学习的。例如,中国游客在美旅游后准备买票回国,凭主观想象买票是肯定要排队的,但当他们进入售票大厅时,见窗口只有一个人在办理手续,另有几个人静静地坐在大厅的边上。我国的游客马上拥至窗口抢购机票,售票员在给中国游客办好机票后,微笑着对他们说:“下次买票请自觉排队,并用手指了指边上的人,当中国人回头看时,他们报微笑,使几个中国人真是无地自容。在现代的社会再犯这样的错误是不应该的,以自己的国情来看待别国才会出“洋相”,这有待于提高自己的文化素质,因此,了解中西方礼尚交往之间的习惯差异是很有必要的。若一无所知,就容易在与外国人交往时处于不利的形势。无论是在政治上,还是在经济贸易中,了解对方国家的礼仪习惯,是对对方的尊重,容易给对方留下一个好印象,以便交往的顺利进行。 首先要明确,东方文明和西方文明都是在一定的社会历史条件下产生和发展的,存在都是合理的,没有孰优孰劣的问题。就美国来说,它的历史只有短短200年,而它的人民是从各个地方移民而来的,可以说美国是一个“大熔炉”,它合众为一,众多不同民族和种族都融合在一起,很多人被同化了,不管什么肤色,不管讲何种语言,都自豪地称自己是美国人。他们的宗旨是永远向前看,遥望目力所及的前方,并且迈开双脚前进;自强自立,追求幸福,永不满足。这是他们良好的品质和素质,而他们信奉的誓言是:“只要我们能够梦想的我们就一定能够实现!”这是美国精神,是在英雄主义和献身精神的基础上建立起来的,以它短短200年的历史,创造了人类史上的灿烂文明,它所创造的生产力,比过去一切世代创造的全部生产力还要多,还要大,这就是美国的魅力。我们不能因为中国是拥有五千年传统文化的,就盲目自大,而应尊重别人,尊重他人的人格与习惯,这样交往才能顺利进行。所以了解、研究别国的礼仪就显得很有必要了。 下面,我们对美国的礼仪文化作点研究: 美国成立时间不长,国内各类移民又不计其数,因此美国的礼仪文化可以说是多种文化的汇合,有不少都与中国人的习惯截然相反。


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结 2 中美餐桌文化差异比较研究 3 呼啸山庄之人性的泯灭 4 论商业广告中的翻译对等原则 5 An Analytical Research on the Errors in Junior High Students’ English Writing( ) 6 学生写作中中式英语的表现形式及其改进方式 7 从《紫色》中的意象看黑人女性身份的自我重塑 8 《劝导》中安妮?艾略特的道德判断 9 男女二元等级对立的颠覆--《奥兰多》之女性主义解读 10 汉英习语翻译中文化因素的处理 11 中美价值观的比较--以《老友记》为例 12 探讨美容化妆品翻译技巧--以安利雅姿产品为例 13 Study on the Basic Principles of Legal English Translation 14 从电影《美丽人生》看完美男人形象 15 解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识 16 浅谈《圣经》故事与英语学习 17 电影《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》中女主人公性格浅析 18 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿?考菲尔德的成长经历 19 英语委婉语在英语教学中的应用 20 试论《最蓝的眼睛》中黑人理想家庭的破灭 21 从功能对等角度分析英文电影片名汉译 22 《红字》中的基督教因素初探 23 浅析《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的人文主义思想 24 论福斯塔夫的性格 25 简爱和林黛玉不同命运的文化透析 26 论修辞在英语广告中的应用 27 《动物农庄》中的象征意义研究 28 钱钟书翻译研究 29 高低语境交流模式对国际商务谈判模式的影响 30 从弗洛伊德的精神分析法分析《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿?考尔菲德的成长 31 英汉颜色词语象征意义的对比 32 《失乐园》中撒旦的艺术形象解读 33 中英禁忌语的异同性分析 34 A Tentative Comparative Study between Chinese Wine Culture and Western Wine Culture 35 A New Woman’s Journey in To the Lighthouse 36 英语环境公示语翻译中的问题以及解决方法 37 绝望而不言败的抗争——塞林格的《麦田守望者》 38 初中生英语自主学习现状调查与分析 39 The Reflection of Virgin ia Woolf’s Androgyny in Orlando 40 浅析《伟大的盖茨比》中的爱情观 41 从好莱坞电影中的中国元素看美国对中国意识观念的转变 42 广告中的视觉隐喻及其解读


从餐桌礼仪看中西方文化差异 2011届会计与审计(4)班谢宇晴学号:2011030271024 摘要:文化包括了我们生活中的方方面面。而餐饮文化就是我们每个人接触这种不同的切入点之一。东方与西方作为两个古老文化的存在体,自然而然的在餐饮之上也有其差异之处。正是由于中西方文化传统的差异从而也导致了中西方饮食文化在观念、对象、方式、归属与性质方面产生了其独特之处。本文将研究了中西方饮食文化的特色及两者间的差异作为比较,并发表个人观点关于对此的看法。 关键词:中国文化,西方文化,差异,评价 (一)中国餐饮文化 在中国传统文化教育中的阴阳五行哲学思想、儒家伦理道德观念、中医营养摄生学说,还有文化艺术成就、饮食审美风尚、民族性格特征诸多因素的影响下,创造出彪炳史册的中国烹饪技艺,形成博大精深的中国饮食文化。 从沿革看,中国饮食文化绵延170多万年,分为生食、熟食、自然烹饪、科学烹饪4个发展阶段,推出6万多种传统菜点、2万多种工业食品、五光十色的筵宴和流光溢彩的风味流派,获得“烹饪王国”的美誉。 从内涵上看,中国饮食文化涉及到食源的开发与利用、食具的运用与创新、食品的生产与消费、餐饮的服务与接待、餐饮业与食品业的经营与管理,以及饮食与国泰民安、饮食与文学艺术、饮食与人生境界的关系等,深厚广博。 从外延看,中国饮食文化可以从时代与技法、地域与经济、民族与宗教、食品与食具、消费与层次、民俗与功能等多种角度进行分类,展示出不同的文化品味,体现出不同的使用价值,异彩纷呈。 从特质看,中国饮食文化突出养助益充的营卫论(素食为主,重视药膳和进补),并且讲究“色、香、味”俱全。五味调和的境界说(风味鲜明,适口者珍,有“舌头菜”之誉),奇正互变的烹调法(厨规为本,灵活变通),畅神怡情的美食观(文质彬彬,寓教于食)等4大属性,有着不同于海外各国饮食文化的天生丽质。中国的饮食文化除了讲究菜肴的色彩搭配要明媚如画外,还要搭配用餐的氛围产生的一种情趣,它是中华民族的个性与传统,更是中华民族传统礼仪的凸现方式。 从影响看,中国饮食文化直接影响到日本、蒙古、朝鲜、韩国、泰国、新加坡等国家,是东方饮食文化圈的轴心;与此同时,它还间接影响到欧洲、美洲、非洲和大洋洲,像中国的素食文化、茶文化、酱醋、面食、药膳、陶瓷餐具和大豆等,都惠及全世界数十亿人。


浅谈中西方礼仪差异 摘要:礼仪,是整个社会文明的基础,是社会文明最直接最全面的表现方式。中国是礼仪之邦,有着灿烂的五千年文化华夏文明,在世界上影响深远。但在近200多年,随着西方国家的崛起,西方主导着世界,现今国际通行的礼仪基本上是西方礼仪。随着改革开放的推进,跨国交际日益增多,因中西方礼仪有着较大的差异,在交际中有可能会因不同的文化背景、生活方式而产生各种问题,怎样才能尽量避免这些中外交际的隔阂呢?我们就得学习、解读中西方不同的礼仪,才能顺利地进行中外交流。中西方礼仪的差异归根结底是中西方文化的差异。中西方礼仪的差异表现与交际语言不同、交往的方式不同、餐桌礼仪的不同与服装礼仪的不同。 关键词:中西方差异礼仪文化交际语言服装 引言: 随着我国改革开放的步伐日益加快,跨国交际日益增多,中西方礼仪文化的差异更是越发显露,我们有必要了解这些礼仪的差异。由于各国的历史与文化底蕴不同,各国的礼仪也有不少差异。特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差别很大,因为不了解这些差异而引起的误会和笑话并不少见。近代有一则比较有名的故事,就是因为不熟知中西文化的差异而闹出了笑话。李鸿章曾应俾斯麦之邀前往赴宴,由于不懂西餐礼仪,把一碗吃水果后洗手的水喝了。当时俾斯麦不了解中国的虚实,为了不使李鸿章丢丑,他也将洗手水一饮而尽,见此情景,其

他文武百官只能忍笑奉陪。由此可见,了解中西礼仪差异是很有必要的。往大处来说,一个国家无论是在政治上,还是在经济贸易中,了解对方国家的礼仪习惯,将有利于各国之间的交往。从小处来讲,一个人了解对方的礼仪民间习惯,是对对方的尊重,容易给对方留下一个好印象,以便交往的顺利进行。 一.礼仪差异的原因——文化差异 1.中西方礼仪差异的背景 西方的历史只有短短200年,而它的人民是从各个地方移民而来的,众多不同民族和种族都融合在一起。他们信奉的誓言是:“只要我们能够梦想的我们就一定能够实现!”这是西方精神,是在英雄主义和献身精神的基础上建立起来的,以它短短200年的历史,创造了人类史上的灿烂文明,它所创造的生产力,比过去一切世代创造的全部生产力还要多,这就是西方的魅力。造成中西方礼仪差异的根本原因,是中西方文化环境的不同,使得各国的人民有着完全不同的道德标准体系和价值观。 2.中西方观念的差异 东方文化崇尚集体和团体精神,人们的倚赖性较强。而西方文化崇尚独立和个性自由。比如,中国人讲究修身,齐家,治国,平天下,人品是至关重要的,而这种人品是建立在关心国家,热爱集体,家庭和睦,人际关系和谐的基础之上。如果只考虑个人的利益,你的人品则大大的折扣。而在西方人们法制观念较强。在此前提下,他们崇尚个人自


河南科技学院 2011届本科毕业论文 The Differences of Table manners between Chinese and United States 中美餐桌礼仪文化对比 学生姓名:王玲慧 所在系别:____外国语言文学系 所学专业:英语 导师姓名:苏继秋 完成时间: 2015年5月

On the Mechanism of Metaphor Wanglinghui Xinke College of Henan Institute of Science and Technology May, 2011

Contents Acknowledgments (i) Abstract (ii) 摘要 (ⅲ) I. Introduction (1) II. .Differences of table manners (1) Arrangement of seat (2) of seat in Chinese way (2) of seat in American way (3) reason of seat arrangement (3) Tablewars (5)

how to use and where to put Chinese tableware (5) Chopsticks..................................................... . (5) Spoon.......................................................... . (5) Plate.................................................... (5) Glass (6) Napkin (6) How to use and where to put American table ware (7) Knife and fork........................................................... (8) Spoon.......................................................... .. (8)


中西方礼仪文化有哪些差异 一、餐饮礼仪的差异 在餐饮氛围方面,中国人在吃饭的时候都喜欢热闹,很多人围在一起吃吃喝喝,说说笑笑,大家在一起营造一种热闹温暖的用餐氛围。除非是在很正式的宴会上,中国人在餐桌上并没有什么很特别 的礼仪。而西方人在用餐时,都喜欢幽雅、安静的环境,他们认为 在餐桌上的时候一定要注意自己的礼仪,不可以失去礼节,比如在 进餐时不能发出很难听的声音。 二、交际语言的差异 日常打招呼,中国人大多使用“吃了吗?”“上哪呢?”等等,这体现了人与人之间的一种亲切感。可对西方人来说,这种打招呼的 方式会令对方感到突然、尴尬,甚至不快,因为西方人会把这种问 话理解成为一种“盘问”,感到对方在询问他们的私生活。在西方,日常打招呼他们只说一声“Hello”或按时间来分,说声“早上 好!”“下午好!”“晚上好!”就可以了。而英国人见面会说:“今 天天气不错啊!” 称谓方面,在汉语里,一般只有彼此熟悉亲密的人之间才可以“直呼其名”。但在西方,“直呼其名”比在汉语里的范围要广得多。在西方,常用“先生”和“夫人”来称呼不知其名的陌生人, 对十几或二十几岁的女子可称呼“小姐”,结婚了的女性可称“女士”或“夫人”等。在家庭成员之间,不分长幼尊卑,一般可互称 姓名或昵称。在家里,可以直接叫爸爸、妈妈的名字。对所有的男 性长辈都可以称“叔叔”,对所有的女性长辈都可以称“阿姨”。 这在我们中国是不行的,必须要分清楚辈分、老幼等关系,否则就 会被认为不懂礼貌。 中西语言中有多种不同的告别语。如在和病人告别时,中国人常说“多喝点开水”、“多穿点衣服”、“早点休息”之类的话,表

示对病人的关怀。但西方人绝不会说“多喝水”之类的话,因为这 样说会被认为有指手画脚之嫌。比如他们会说“多保重”或“希望 你早日康复”等等。 三、服饰礼仪的差异 西方男士在正式社交场合通常穿保守式样的西装,内穿白衬衫,打领带。他们喜欢黑色,因此一般穿黑色的皮鞋。西方女士在正式 场合要穿礼服套装。另外女士外出有戴耳环的习俗。西方国家,尤 其是在美国,平时人们喜欢穿着休闲装,如T恤加牛仔服。 中西方礼仪文化的融合,在我们今日中国,更多的还是借鉴西方。但无论是借鉴西方的礼仪,或者是我们是自创一套自己的礼仪系统,这在形式上都不难。难的是我们也能有一个完整的价值体系,有对 自身文化的高度认同和深刻觉悟。我们借鉴西方礼仪,不仅仅是要 借鉴它的形式,更应当借鉴其内在灵魂,只有这样我们才能建立起 自己的自信和优越感,才能确立我们的感染力。民族的复兴不仅是 实力的复兴,更是一种文化的复兴。只有别人也认同我们的文化, 才能真正使我们的礼仪行于世界。 人无礼则不立,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。一个礼仪缺乏的社会,往往是不成熟的社会。而一个礼仪标准不太统一甚至互相矛 盾的社会,往往是一个不和谐的社会。礼仪,是整个社会文明的基础,是社会文明最直接最全面的表现方式。创建和谐社会,必须先 从礼仪开始。中国今天面临前所未有的挑战,无论是物质,精神, 文化各个方面,都急迫的需要一套完整而合理的价值观进行统一。 而礼仪文化无疑是这种统一的“先行军”,只有认清中西礼仪文化 的差异,将二者合理有效的融合,方能建立适合中国当代社会的礼 仪文化体系,达到和谐社会的理想。


摘要:不同的民族和国家存在着各具特色的饮食文化,具有浓郁的民族性和多样性的特点。饮食文化及餐桌礼仪的差异也是跨文化交际中影响交际结果的因素。从跨文化的角度揭示中西方饮食文化及餐桌礼仪的差异与不同,可以使人们理解其深刻的文化内涵,探究其文化底蕴,提高跨文化意识。 关键词:跨文化交际;饮食文化;餐桌礼仪;文化差异 进入2l世纪以来,跨文化交际已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的内容。由于地区差异,不同的民族、国家形成了不同的文化。饮食文化及餐桌礼仪也是跨文化交际中非语言文化的重要组成部分。了解中西方饮食文化及餐桌礼仪方面的差异及其渊源,对于外语学习者来讲,不仅能增加对所学语言文化的理鹪,更能提高跨文化交际的成功率,避免因为不恰当的方式或行为造成误解和交际障碍。 一、中西方饮食文化的差异 1.理性的西方人更多关注的是营养与生存 中西饮食文化最大的差异是关注的重点不同,即“营养”和“美味”两者孰轻孰重的问题。在西方国家,饮食大多仅仅作为一种生存的必要手段和交际方式。西方饮食是一种理性观念,不论食物的色、香、味、形如何,营养一定要得到保证,西方烹调讲究营养而忽视味道。他们拒绝使用味精,认为其是既不营养又有副作用的化学产品;生吃的蔬菜,不仅包括西红柿、生菜,甚至是洋白菜、西兰花。因而他们的“色拉” 有如一盘饲料,使我们难以下咽。虽然现在的中国人也讲究营养保健,也知道蔬菜爆炒加热后会丢失一部分维生素,生吃则避免丢失,可还是宁愿选择前者,因为习惯使然,更是因为味道确实好多了。 2.感性的中国人追求的是美味和享受 在中国,民间有旬俗话:“民以食为天,食以味为先”,味道是烹调的最高准则。在中国人的眼里,“吃”远不单纯是为了饱,也不是为了营养,有时吃饱了,还要吃,这是因为受不了“美味”的诱惑而尽情进行味觉享受。但在西方的理性饮食观看来,这种超负荷的饮食不仅造成浪费,而且危害人体。尽管中国人讲究食疗、食养,重视以饮食来养生滋补,但我们的烹调却以追求美昧为第一要求,致使许多营养成分损失破坏,因此营养问题也许是中国饮食的最大弱点。 3.西方烹调遵循的是规范与科学 西方人强调科学与营养,因此烹调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。菜谱的使用就是一个极好的证明。西方人总是拿着菜谱去买菜,制作菜肴,但相比起来,还是一个非常机械的东西,而这导致了西餐的一个弊端——缺乏特色。当人们身处异地想品尝当地美食时,肯定是不会有人选择肯德基或麦当劳之类食品的。另外,规范化的烹调甚至要求配料的准确,调料的添加精确到克,烹调时间精确到秒。由于西方菜肴制作的规范化,使其毫无创造性。令西方人不能理解的是,中国烹调不仅不追求精确的规范化,反而推崇随意性。翻开中国的菜谱,常常发现原料的准备量、调料的添加量都是模糊的概念。而且中国烹调中,不仅讲究各大菜系要有各自的风味与特色,即使是同一菜系的同一个菜,所用的配菜与各种调料的匹配,也会依厨师的个人爱好特点有变化。同样是一道“麻婆豆腐”,为四川客人烹制和为苏州客人烹制,所用的调料肯定是不同的。而在西方,一道菜在不同的地区不同的季节面对不同的食者,都毫无变化。 4.崇尚自由的西方人重分别与个性 在中西饮食文化之中也明显体现出这种“和合”与“分别”的文化特征。西菜中除少数汤菜,正菜中各种原料互不相干,鱼就是鱼,牛排就是牛排,纵然有搭配,那也是在盘中进行的,这体现了“西方重分别” 的社会文化。这种重分别的社会文化同样体现在用餐方式上。西方人奉行的是分餐制,人对个性、对自我的尊重。西方流行的自助餐形式更是各吃各的,缺少中国人聊欢共乐的情调。


从餐桌礼仪看中西方文化差异 摘要 餐桌礼仪是中西方文化中非常重要的组成部分,在漫长的历史中,中西方都积淀形成了具有各自特色的餐桌礼仪。无论是日常的民间交往还是较为正式的官方外交,中西方餐桌礼仪的冲撞成为越来越多的商务人士、公务人员必须面对的问题。本文立足于此,通过梳理餐桌礼仪的差异,透视其背后隐含的中西方文化差异,并为跨文化交流提供有益的启示。 本文分为三部分,第一部分是引言,主要介绍本研究的背景、价值、思路与方法,并对已有文献进行述评,第二部分从多个角度具体剖析中西方餐桌礼仪的差异,并透视其背后的文化差异,第三部分则提供了跨文化交流的一些启示。 关键字:餐桌礼仪文化差异跨文化交流 Abstract Table manners is an important part in Chinese and Western culture. In the long history, both China and the West have formed their respective table manners. A large number of business people and civil servants must confront the differences between Chinese and Western table manners in both daily non-governmental exchanges and formal official diplomacy. Based on this, by comparing the differences of table manners, this paper analyses its hidden differences in the Chinese and Western culture, and provides beneficial enlightenment for cross-cultural communication. This article is divided into three parts, the first part is an introduction, mainly introducing this study’s background, value, idea and method, and reviewing the existing literature. In the second part, I analyze the differences between Chinese and Western table manners from multiple perspective, and find its hidden differences in the Chinese and Western culture. The third part provides some revelations of the cross-cultural communication. Keywords: table manners;cultural differences;cross-cultural communication

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