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1.Amerigo Vespucci---Amerigo Vespucci, a navigator, proved that the land was not India,but a new continent. Therefore, the land was named America after.

2.the Mississippi---the mississippi has been called "father of waters" or "old man river",the mississippi and its tributaries drain one of the richest farm areas in the world.it is the most important river in the world.

3.Hispanics---it stands for the spanish-speaking population of the united states.these people mainly center in new mexico,california and texas.there are three major hispanic groups historically having the great influence on the us.they are chicanos,the puerto ricans and the cuban-americans.

4.WASPS---WASPS are the mainstream americans,refering to the white Anglo-saxon protestants.

5.baby boom--baby boom refers to the higher birth rate between 1946 and 1964.

6.the great lakes---the great lakes are the most important lakes in the united states.they are lake superior,lake michigan,lake huron,lake Eire and lake ontario.

7.Ellis island---Ellis island was an important immigration reception spot in the 1890 and at the turn of the century.

8."the great compromise"---"the great compromise" of july 16,giving each state an equal vote in the Senate but making representation in the House reflect the size of each state's population. " 大妥协 ", 即参议院中各州有相同的选举权 , 而众议院代表应按各洲人口比例产生 .

9.the Emancipation Proclamation---during the civil war,lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to get more support for the union at home and abroad.It granted freedom to all slaves. 解放宣言 , 由林肯颁布 , 为了得到国内外对联邦的支持 . 解放宣言给了所有奴隶以自由 .

10.no taxtation without representation---that is ,without their representatives taking part in decisionmaking,they had no obligation to pay taxes.

11.the Chinese Exclution Act---it was passed by the u.s congress in may1882,it stopped chinese immigration for ten years.
排华法案在 1882 年5月由美国国会通过,它10 年内禁止中国移民入境.

12.Indentured servants---indenture servants refer to some immigrants who has to work for a fixed term for their masters to repay the cross-atlantic fare and debts. 契约佣工,指一些移民必须要在一个限定的时期里为他们的雇主工作来偿还他们横渡大西洋的费用和债务.

13.boston tea party( 考过 )---in 1773,when ships of tea reached boston and the governor was determind to see that tea was legally protected in its distribution,several dozen boston residents dressed as indians boarded the ships at night and threw $75,000 worth of tea into the harbor.this came to be known as the "boston tea party".
波士顿倾茶事件, 1773 年,当满载茶叶的

船只到达波士顿时,总督大人决定看看,以确保茶叶卸载时得到合法保护,晚上,几个波士顿居民化装成印度人来到船上仍掉了价值 75 , 000 的茶叶.这就是著名的波士顿倾茶事件.

14.continental divide---it is an imaginary line that separates streams that flow into the pacific ocean from those that flow into the atlantic.

15.federalists---they were those who demanded a strong national system and who later struggle hard for the ratification of the consititution. 联邦制拥护者就是指那些要求建立坚固的国家体系,之后又为宪法的通过全力奋斗的人.

16.the gettysburg address---it refers to the short speech president lincoln made when he dedicated the national cemetery at gettysburg. He ended the speech with “the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish死亡 from the earth”.葛底斯堡(地址),指林肯在阵亡将士墓落成仪式上发表的一个简短的演说

17.the ku klux klan
the kkk was the first organized in 1866 and then reformed in 1867.the kkk terrorized and attaked not only blacks,but also progressives,labor union organizers communist or socialist party members.三K党,最早成立在1866年,后在1867年重组,他们进行恐怖活动,不仅攻击黑人、而且还迫害进步人士、工会组织者、社会主义和共产主义党派成员。

18.muckrakers---muckrakers were reform-minded journalists who made investigation and exposed the dark sides of the society.
19.intolerant nationalism---that is,not allowing views,oppinions or beliefs different from the main trend of views or beliefs.偏执国家主义,是不允许不同于主流的那些观点和信仰等存在.

20.the red scare---the red scare ,on november 7,1919 and january 2,1920,the justice department lauched two waves of arrests,over 4,000 suspected radicals and communists were arrested. 红色恐惧,在1919年12月7日和1920年1月2日,司法部发动了两次抓捕活动,大约4000名被怀疑是激进分子和共产党的人被逮捕。

21.the progressive movement---the progressive movement refers to the movement demanding the goverment regulation of the economy and social condition.

22.overload---at the first summit ,it was decided that a large-scale attack on the south of france would be lauched in May,1944,which was codenamed overload.霸王行动,在第一次首脑会议上,决定在1944年5月向法国南部发动大面积进攻,代号为霸王行动。

23.The New Deal----In order to deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt put forward the New Deal program. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up many efficient social security systems.

The New Deal helped to save American democracy and the development of American economy.

24.the truman doctrine---that is,the united states would support any country which said it was fighting with communism.

25.the marshall plan---that is,in order to protect western europe from possible soviet expansion,the united states decided to offer western european countries ecomomic aid.

26.the smith act---it was passed by congress,made it unlawful for any group to advocate or teach the violent overthrow of goverment in the united states.

27.the civil rights act of 1964---it outlawed discrimination not only in public housing,but also in employment on the basis of race,colour,religion,sex,or national orgin.

28.the poverty line---it is based on the income that households need to eat adequately without spending more than a third of their income on food.贫困线,是以一家人能够足够吃饱的收入不超过他们在食物三分之一的收入

29.poverty---it is the lack of enough income and resources to live adquately by community standards.贫穷,在社会标准下缺乏足够的收入和来源去生存。

30.monopoly---that is ,one company or a cooperationg group of companies controls the supply of a product or service for which there is no close substitute.垄断,指一个公司或公司合作组织,控制着一个不能被代替的生产和服务的供应。

that is,a small number of companies dominate an industry.in the united states ,the auto mobile and computer industries are oligoplies.

32. checks and balances
0this is a major principle of the american govermental system by which each branch of the goverment exercises a check on the actions of the others.
制衡制度,是 美国政府的一个主要措施,政府的各部门都可以制止和检查其他各部门的行为.

this is to say,the candidate who receives the most votes wins everything.

32. the free enterprise system
the united states economy is based largely on a free enterprise system.in such a system,individuals and companies are free to make their own economic decisions. 自由市场经济 , 美国的经济以自由市场经济为基础 , 在这个系统下 , 个人和公司可以自由行使自己的经济决定权 .

33. the federal system it is a system of goverment in which power is divided by a written constitution between

a central goverment and regional,or subdivisional goverments.
联邦制 , 在中央政府和区政府之间 , 由宪法划分的一种政府制度 .( 翻译不是太准确 )

34.separation of powers
it refers to the principle that the national goverment is split into three branches:legislative,executive and judicial.
分权制 , 指国家的一种制度 , 被划分为三个分支 : 立法 \ 行政、司法 .

35. a private school is a school that is controlled by an individual or by an agency other than a state ,a subdivision of a state or the federal goverment.

36.it is a special district for the provision of local public education for all children in its service area.

37.it refers to the study of complex problems and issues of a world wide nature. 全球教育 , 研究复杂问题和发布世界范围的特性 .( 翻译不太准 )

38. poor richard's almanac
it was wrote by bejamin franklin,it was modeled on the sort of farmers annual calendar widely sold at the time. 穷里查年鉴,它有本杰明福兰克林创作,它收集每年的谚语.

39.transcendentalism it was a movement that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s among american yough intellectuals which emphasized man's potentiality for goodness creativity,and self-development. 超验主义,它强调人的内在价值,创造性和自我发展.

40.jazz is a blend of african musical tradition carried over by black slaves and european classics. 爵士音乐是一种源自非洲音乐并和欧洲的音乐成份相融合的的音乐 .

41. in the early part of the 19th century,new york city was the centre of amercian writing.its writers were called "knickerbockers"and the period from 1810 to 1840 is known as the "knickerbockers era"of american literature. 灯笼裤时代 ,( 纽约人时期 ), 在19 世纪早期 , 纽约城是写作中心 , 它的作家被成为纽约市人 , 从1810 到1840 这个时期被称为纽约市人时期 .

42.father's day falls on the third sunday in June and children honor their fathers in some special way. 父亲节,是六月的第三个周日,是用特殊的方式给予他们的父亲敬意.

43.mother's day falls on the second sunday in may.this is a day on which children honor their mothers,give them gifts,or perhaps take them a restaurant for dinner.

44. congressional medal of honor
this is the highest U.S military decoration,awarded in the name of congress to members of the armed forces for ganllantry and bravery beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy.
荣誉勋章 , 是美国军事最高荣誉 , 授予那些与敌人英勇作战并在战争中战死的战士们 .( 翻译不是太准确 )
45.United nations international children's emergency funds was founded in december ,1946,for the

purpose of providing relief for children in war-torn countries. 联合国国际儿童应急基金 , 在1946 年12 月建立 , 目的给那些国家在战争中的儿童 . 提供的基金 .

46.The Great Canyon
The Great Canyon is an enormous gorge carved by the Colorado River in northwestern Arizona.

47.New England refers to the northeastern six states of the US. They are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. New England is sometimes called the birthplace of America.

48.Hispanic Americans
Hispanic Americans refer to the Spanish-speaking population of the US. The Hispanic Group includes Mexican-Americans, Puerto-Ricans, Cuban-Americans and so on.

49.Chicanos are Mexican-Americans who make up the largest group of the Hispanic Group.

50.Puerto Ricans are the second largest of Hispanic Group in the US.

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