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SMC 24002.2(24.MP.217 Part 1)

SMC 24002.2(24.MP.217 Part 1)
SMC 24002.2(24.MP.217 Part 1)

SMC 上汽汽车制造有限公司企业标准Enterprise Standard of S AIC Motor Manufacturing Corporation, Limited

SMC 24002.2-2006/MGR ES:24.MP.217 Part 1


标题: 电弧焊– 设计和性能要求

共 8 页,第 1 页 日期:2004-04






附件1 焊接缺陷检查表

备注:本标准必须同MG RES.24.MP.217 part 0一起使用。

















T < 3.15mm 对接焊

T > 3.15mm

标题: 电弧焊– 设计和性能要求

共 8 页,第 2 页 日期:2004-04

W≤ 1.6mm


W=T/2 && W≤1.5mm


W=T/2 && W≤1.5mm T ≤ 6mm


W ≤T/2

T ≤ 2mm


W(直径) ≥ 8mm T ≤3mm


W ≤3T L ≤10T T ≤6mm



标题: 电弧焊– 设计和性能要求

共 8 页,第 3 页 日期:2004-04







1.2 对接焊接

对接焊接的尺寸,也就是有效焊缝的厚度“t”被认为是进行焊接的两块板中最薄板的厚度。(图2)当对于 MGR ES.21.MP.200 系列的低碳钢进行对接焊接的时候,设计的最大啦伸和压缩力为147MN/m2,剪切力为108MN/m2。下表为对应于材料的各种厚度时,设计应力的大小。






N/linear mm weld


N/linear mm

0.80 120 80

0.90 130 100

1.20 175 120

1.60 240 160

3.15 470 350

6.30 950 700

当对于MGR ES.21.MP.230 系列的铝合金进行对接焊接时,设计的最大拉伸和压缩力为38MN/m2,







N/linear mm weld


N/linear mm

标题: 电弧焊 – 设计和性能要求 共 8 页,第 4 页


0.80 32 20

0.90 37 24

1.20 49 29

1.60 65 39

2.00 75




通常除了正确的对应组件之外没有必要进行事先连接。在焊缝的任何地方,缝隙的宽度均不能大于零件厚度的一半(最薄的厚度)而且不大于1.5mm 。



Actual Throat Thickness


Design Throat Thickness


Leg Length 焊角长度


低碳钢角焊中最大允许的设计应力为147MN/m 2,而铝合金为40MN/m 2。



角焊尺寸(焊角长度) mm 设计应力

N/linear mm of weld

0.80 60 0.90 80 1.20 100 1.60 120 3.15 240 6.30 490


标题: 电弧焊– 设计和性能要求

共 8 页,第 5 页 日期:2004-04




N/linear mm of weld

0.80 16

0.90 21

1.20 26

1.60 31

2.00 42

1.4 低碳钢点焊和塞焊剪切应力






点焊0.80 2670

点焊0.90 3340

点焊 1.20 4890

塞焊 1.60 7120

塞焊 2.00 7560

塞焊 3.15 8900 应该避免有可能产生的熔接点焊,如果无法避免,熔接点焊可采用由较薄钢板向厚板料的焊接方式。

塞焊的板料厚度应在1.60mm~2.00mm之间,上表面的孔径应在8mm之内。板材厚度小于1.6mm 并且上表面孔径在8mm的塞焊,其最小的剪切应力应遵从焊接会议上所做的规定。




≥1mm的板料厚度 7mm×12mm孔

1.5 偏差





2.1 任何部门都可对图纸、标准或是工艺计划过程中存在的问题提出质疑,但最终的修改权利在工程部


标题: 电弧焊– 设计和性能要求

共 8 页,第 6 页 日期:2004-04



3.1.1 在正式上生产线之前,操作工应进行适当的焊接设备、机械自动化焊接和原材料的培训。经过培训后,他们应该能生产出符合要求的零件并达到ROVER集团所批准的焊接员训练计划的要求。 3.1.2 为了保证焊接质量的稳定性,在生产流程中焊接工须生产出令人满意的样品,同时装配需要以适当的节奏进行。综合考虑,正确的工作方式可以作为检验标准,并注意那些不符合操作规范的焊接方式。
















附录1 有缺陷的焊接问题汇总图I


标题: 电弧焊– 设计和性能要求

共 8 页,第 7 页 日期:2004-04









标题: 电弧焊– 设计和性能要求

共 8 页,第 8 页 日期:2004-04






新概念英语(青少版)Starter A 测试(Unit1&Unit2) 姓名:__________ 得分::__________ By Nicole 一、选出你所听到的单词或句子 1、( ) A. Good dog B. No fish C. No dog 2、( ) A. a jelly B. an insect C. a kite 《 3、( ) A. a red ball B. a green ball C. a blue ball 4、( ) A. stop B. help C. look 5、( ) A. a hat B. a cat C. a kite 二、写出下列字母对应的大写或小写形式 H _______ g ________ b ________ D _______ I ________ a _______ C _______ e _______ f ________ J ________ K ________ 三、读一读,在括号内填a或者an 1. ( ) apple 2. ( ) ball 3. ( ) cat 4. ( ) dog 5. ( ) fish 6. ( ) girl 7. ( ) hat 8. ( ) egg 9. ( ) kite 10. ( ) insect 11. ( ) jelly 12. ( ) green kite ! 四、判断下列单词是否属于同一类别,同类打√,不同类的打× ( ) 1. ball cat ( ) 2. green red

( ) 3. boy girl ( ) 4. dog cat ( ) 5. jelly insect ( ) 6. kite egg 五、将单词与对应的汉语意思连起来 A)apple 风筝 B ) red 帽子fish 昆虫 egg 红色 jelly 苹果 girl 绿色 insect 果冻 my 女孩 kite 小猫 hat 我的 ¥ cat 小鱼 green 鸡蛋 六、将正确答案的序号填入括号内 ( ) 1. 与人见面打招呼,应该说 A.Hello! B. Goodbye! ( ) 2. 当Flora在课堂上回答对老师的问题时,老师会夸她 A.Good dog! b. Good girl ! ( ) 3. 当你遇到危险时,你会说 A.Stop! b. Help! ( ) 4. 你想让Robert看看你的红皮球,你应该说 A.Look at my green ball. b. Look at my red ball. ( ) 5. 你看到自己喜欢的食物时,会说 A.Yummy! b. Yuk! ( ) 6. 你看到让你讨厌的东西时,应该说 A. Yummy! b. Yuk! ( ) 7. 你想阻止别人时应该说


新概念英语第2册1-24课测试题 一.单项选择 1.The young man and the young woman paid _____ attention to the writer. a. none b. any c. not any d. no 2. Aunt Lucy said, “ Dear me” because she was ______. a. angry b. surprised c. tired d. pleased 3. The waiter let him a book. He _____ a book from the waiter. a. lent b. borrowed c. took d. stole 4.He made a big decision. He ________. a. thought about it b. made up his mind c. changed his mind d. made a wish 5. On the last day he made a big decision. It was the _____day of his holiday. a. final b. end c. latest d. bottom 6. Tim has been in Australia for six months. His brother hasn’t seen him____January. a. for b. since c. from d. by 7. He has sent requests for spare parts. He has ______ spare parts. a. asked b. asked for c. begged d. pleased 8. Everybody knows him. __________ know him. a. They all b. Each c. Every d. All they 9. ______ does he call? Once a month. a. How seldom b. How long c. How soon d. How often 10. The writer doesn’t like hard work. It’s _____ to look after a garden. a. a hard work b. a hard job c. hard job d. hardly a job 11. Did anything happen? No, ______ happened. a. nothing b. anything c. any d. a thing 12. What’s it ______? A clavichord. a. told b. said c. called d. spoken 13. We shall _________. a. say him goodbye b. tell him goodbye c. tell goodbye to him d. say goodbye to him 14. Neither of us spoke. We ________. a. neither spoke b. either spoke c. both didn’t speak d. neither didn’t speak 15. You can’t fail to obey it. You can’t ______to do it. a. refuse b. deny c. resist d. withdraw 16. ________ I was looking for it, the inn-keeper came in. a. Because b. While c. But d. Even if 17. He gave it back to me. He _____to me. a. turned it b. returned it c. turned it back d. turned it round 18. “ This job _________ so quickly,” the man said. a. can’t do b. can’t be done c. can’t be doing d. can do 19. I don’t know how old she is , but she ______be over 40. a. can b. has c. must d. have 20. Shoes like these _______ at all department stores. a. can buy b. can be bought c. can have bought d. can have been bought


这些资料是我从FTP站点下载的,相信有朋友需要。特此分享! 所有书籍为PDF格式,请用Adboe Acrobt软件阅读,有2本书缺2页,具体是哪2本我不记得了,书籍是通过扫描仪扫描的,清晰度一般,对付日常查找资料足够了。贴图 贴的我手酸酸的。 白天我要上班,可能无源,每天晚上19:00准时供源! 机械设计手册单行本出版说明: 在我国机械设计界享有盛名的《机械设计手册》自1969年出版第一版以来,已经修订了四版,累计销售量超过113万套,成为新中国成立以来,在国内影响力最强、销售量最大的机械设计工具书。成为国家级的重点科技图书,《机械设计手册》多次获得国家级和省部级奖励。其中,1978年获全国科技大会科技成果奖,1983年获化工部优秀科技图书奖,1995年获全国优秀科技图书二等奖,1999年或全国化工科技进步二等奖,2002年获石油和化学工业优秀科技图书一等奖,2003年获中国石油和化学工业科技进步二等奖。1986年至2002年,连续被评为全国优秀畅销书。 《机械设计手册》单行本,保留了《机械设计手册》第四卷(5卷本)的优势和特色,从设计工作的实际出发,结合机械设计专业的具体情况,将原来的5卷23篇调整为15分册22篇,分别为:《常用设计资料》《机械制图、极限与配合》《常用工程材料》《联轴与紧固》《轴及其联接》《轴承》《弹簧-起重运输件-五金件》《润滑与密封》《机械传动》《减(变)速器-电机与电器》《机械振动-机架设计》《机构》《液压传动》《液压控制》《气压传动》,原第5卷第23篇中的“中外金属材料、滚动轴承、滚动轴承、液压介质等牌号对照”内容,分别编入《常用工程材料》《轴承》《润滑与密封》《液压传动》《气压传动》等单行本中。 《气压传动》 共5章,第1章为基础理论,主要介绍气动系统基础知识,气动元件(气源设备、气动执行元件、气动控制元件、气动管路元件、真空元件、气动伺服/比例控制元件等)的选型计算,气缸设计计算,气动技术标准等;第2章为气动系统,主要介绍气动基本回路、典型应用回路的类型、原理、特点等,以及气动系统的常用控制方法及设计;第3章为气动系统的维护及故障处理;第4章为国内气动元件产品,主要介绍国内常用气动元件产品结构、技术参数、外形尺寸等;第5章为国外产品,主要介绍国外气动元件产品(FESTO、SMC)的结构、技术参数、外形尺寸等。 《液压控制》 共6章。第1章为控制理论基础,主要介绍控制理论基础知识以及典型控制系统;第2章为液压控制概述,主要介绍液压控制系统与液压传动系统、电液伺服系统与电液比例系统的对比,液压伺服系统的分类、特点、应用等;第3章为液压控制元件、液压动力元件、伺服阀,主要介绍液压控制元件(滑阀、喷嘴挡板阀、射流管阀等)、液压动力元件、伺服阀的类型、特性、设计、应用等;第4章为液压伺服系统的设计计算,主要介绍电液伺服系统、机液伺服系统的设计计算,电液伺服油源的分析与设计,液压伺服系统的污染控制,伺服液压缸设计计算,液压伺服系统设计实例、安装与调试等;第5章为电液比例系统的设计计算,主要介绍电机械转换器、电液比例压力控制阀、电液比例流量控制阀、电液比例方向流量控制阀、伺服比例阀、电控器等结构、性能参数、典型产品等;第6章为伺服阀、比例阀及伺服缸主要产品简介。


新概念英语青少版1A UNIT1、UNIT2测试题一选出划线部分发音不同的词: ()1. A. it B. this C. Hi ( ) 2.A. meet B. green C. deer ( ) 3 A. teacher B. head C. please ( ) 4. A. yes B.dress C. he ( ) 5. A.what B.hat C.bag 二、按要求写句子: 1、This is my bag.(改为否定句) _____________________ 2.That is your mobile.(改为否定句) __________________________. 3.This is your coat.(改为一般疑问句) ____________________________ 4. Is this your pencil?(肯定回答) ___________________________ 5. Is that your ruler?(否定回答) ____________________________ 6.This is Robert’s desk.(对划线部分提问) ______________________________ 7.That is Lucy’s key.(对划线部分提问) ______________________________

8.This is a bird. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________ 9.That is a flower. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________ 10.Karen’s umbrella is red.(对划线部分提问) _______________________________ 11.Lucy’s camera is black. (对划线部分提问) _________________________________ 12.It is my white hat.(用缩写形式改写) _______________________________ 13.That is Robert’s bicycle. (用缩写形式改写) _______________________________ 14.It is not a red umbrella. (用缩写形式改写) _______________________________ 15.What is that? (用缩写形式改写) _____________________________ 16.My name is William. (用缩写形式改写) ______________________________ 17.Paul is Karen’s nephew. (用缩写形式改写) ____________________________ 三写作练习:请用3-5句话描写一下你自己(包括你的名字,年级,爱好,高矮胖瘦等等)

新概念英语第二册 第一单元 测试题.doc

新概念英语第二册第一单元测试题(满分150分) 姓名分数 一、英汉互译(30×1’) 1. private 2. conversation 3. repeat 4. museum 5. decision 6. public 7.distance 8.valuable 9. expect 10. competition 11.beggar 12.performance 13. 聚集14.乐器15.经理 16. 允许17.抱怨18.立刻 19. 场合20. 经历21.扔、抛 22. 打断23.发疯24. 服从 25. 舞台26抓到27. 账单 28匆忙29返回/归还30负担得起 二.单项选择题(20×1. 5’) 1. —— _______ terrible weather it is! —— It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can’t be D. mustn’t be 3. It ______ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been 5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember her before. A. have met B. having met C. to having met D. to meet 7. I’ll go with you to the theater as soon as I my homework. A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finished 8. —Can you deal with the problem? —_____. A. I’m afraid not B. I’m not afraid C. I’m no sure D. I’m sure not 9. —Has your neighbour moved into the new house?

新概念二unit 单元1测试题

新二测试卷Unit1 一、单项选择(15) 1.Bill is a hard worker. He works ____ than Joe. A. harder B. more hard C. more hardly D. hardier 2.Is this a photo of your daughter? She looks ____ in the pink dress! A.lovely B. quietly C. politely D. happily 3.Our clavichord _____ a week ago. A. broke B. was broken C. is broken D. has broken 4.They _____ from Portsmouth in ten days. A. will sail B. sail C. sailed D. have sailed 5.-Must I go and do it now? -No, you ___. We still have two more days. A. shouldn‘t B. can‘t C. needn‘t D. won‘t 6.Don‘t ____ others. Sometimes you make mistakes, too. A.smile at B. knock at C. laugh at D. turn down 7.The detectives ____ when the plane arrived. A.wait B. will wait C. are waiting D. were waiting 8.Tina and her parents _____ to England for sightseeing last summer. A.go B. went C. will go D. have gone 9.Tim‘s brother _____ him since six months ago.. A. didn‘t see B. hasn‘t seen C. doesn‘t see D. hadn‘t seen 10.– Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool. -It ___ be very expensive. I never even dream about it. A. must B. might C. can‘t D. shouldn‘t 11. The secretary told me that the boss ____ me the next day. A. will see B. saw C. would see D. had seen 12. If you park your car in the right place, you ____ receive a ticket. A. will B. wouldn‘t C. don‘t D. won‘t 13. He learnt English by ____ English songs. A. listen B. listen to C. listening D. listening to 14. The performance ______ next Wednesday. A. was on B. will be on C. has been on D. is on 15. You must give up _____. A. fish B. to fish C. fishing D. fished 二、完形填空(20) Florence Nightingale was a famous English nurse. She was born in a rich family. When she was


一、单项选择 1. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach 2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A.tomatoes B.potatos C.vegetables D.meat 3、He until it stopped raining. A.waited B. didn't wait C. didn’t leave D.left 4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. A.is B.will be C.has been D.have been 5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? —— A .It’s none of your business! B.Dear me! C .Take it easy. D.Enjoy yourself. 6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes C. are,go D. is,go 7、If their house not like ours, what it look like? A.is, is B.is, does C.does, does D.does, is 8. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. ------ Hurry up! We have little time! ------ I ____________. A. will come B. come C. shall come D. am coming 10. -------_____________? -------I am Italian. A.What’s your job B. What’s your name C. What nationality are you D.Where do you from 11. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk s. A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some D.some,any 12. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat! A. runs B. is running C. is going to run D.is runing 13. It’s very cold. _______ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on D.Put off 14.The man could not bear it.He could not it. A.carry B.suffer C.stand D.lift 15.Just then,the telephone rang.It rang . A.at once B.immediately C.again D.at that moment 16.On the last day he made a big dicision.It was the day of his holiday. A.final B.end https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c512466968.html,test D.bottom 17.He calls at every house in the street.He everyone. A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits 18.The detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds.


《新概念英语青少版2 A》Unit 1 —Unit 5 英语测试题 Ⅰ从A、B、C三个选项中找出划线部分发音不同的选项(10%) ( ) 1. A. ring B. rink C. bring D. thing ( ) 2. A. exit B. sit C. pick D. arrival ( ) 3. A, next B. he C. medal D. exit ( ) 4. A. luck B. hurry C. laugh D. Sunday ( ) 5. A. come B. pocket C. belong D. top ( ) 6. A. top B. boat C. ride D. meet ( ) 7. A. then B. brother C. tooth D. they ( ) 8. A. throw B. slow C. radio D. town ( ) 9. A. deny B. study C. tidy D. funny ( ) 10. A. visitor B. exhibitor C. reporter D. competitor Ⅱ词汇:将下列单词或词组补充完整。(10%) 1. come ______ 来到附近____飞机场 3. trade _______贸易博览会 4. training _______长跑训练 5. go for _______ 去散步 6. take ________拿下 ______ 扔掉8. web _______网站 9. look _____ 查阅10. come _____ 回家 Ⅲ选择填空(20%) ( )1. A: _____ is John doing? B: He’s reading a book. A. Which B What C. Where D When ( ) 2. A: What is Tina doing there? B: She’s waiting _____ her mother. 姓名_________ A. for B. to C. of D round ( ) 3. A: ______ Sophie having dinner? B: Yes she is. A. Is B. Does C. Has D. Are ( ) 4. A: Where is Tom? B: He’s sitting beside me, and I’m giving ____ my book now. A. you B. me C. him D. his ( ) 5. A: Who _______ the meat in the kitchen now? B: Mum. A. cooks B. cook C. cooking D. is cooking ( )6. A: What do you often do ______ Saturday? B: I often go swimming with my mother. A. on B. at C. in D. for ( ) 7. A: This is your first competition, ______ it? B: Yes, it is. A. is B. isn’t C. does D. doesn’t ( ) 8. A: What ______ those people doing there? B: Talking and laughing . A. is B. are C. does D. do ( ) 9. A: Are you looking forward to ______ London? B: Yes, I am. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. are looking ( ) 10. A: _____ is this note on the desk? B: Oh, it's a “to-do” list. A: Whose B. Who C. Which D What. ( ) 11. A: Whose is this book? B: It’s _________ A. mine B. I C. my D. me ( ) 12 A: Who does this car _________? B: It belongs to Jack A. belong to B. belongs to C. belonging to D. belong ( ) 13. A: Jane works as a cleaner at the college, _______ she? B: Yes, she does A. does B. doesn’t C. is D. isn’t ( ) 14. A: Why_______ is it in my room? B: Sorry, I don’t know. 1


就我公司目前常用的气控元件进行规命名,使用下表所列元器件时必须按本规执行,未列元器件按样本执行 气路辅助元件 名称型号规格示例图片 命名规则命名示例 快速接头1、螺纹–管径 2、管径–管径 注: 1、一端有螺纹时,螺 纹写前面 2、一端有螺纹且为螺 纹时,在名称后面 加“()”注明 3、管径有大小时,大 管径写前面ZG1/2-φ12 φ12 -φ12 φ12-φ10 快速接头()快速接头 快速角接1、螺纹–管径 2、管径–管径ZG1/2-φ12 φ12 - φ12

T型快速三通管径–管径–管径φ12-φ10-φ12 φ12-φ12-φ12 T型快速三通管径–螺纹–管径φ12- ZG1/2-φ12 T型快速三通螺纹–管径–管径ZG1/2 -φ12-φ12 Y型快速三通管径–管径φ12-φ10 φ10-φ10 Y型快速三通螺纹–管径ZG1/2-φ12 快拧接头1、螺纹–管径 2、管径–管径ZG1/2-φ12 φ12 -φ12 快拧接头()

快拧角接1、螺纹–管径 2、管径–管径ZG1/2-φ12 φ12 - φ12 快拧角接 T型快拧三通管径–螺纹–管径φ12- ZG1/2-φ12 T型快拧三通管径–管径–管径φ12-φ10-φ12 φ12-φ12-φ12 堵头螺纹 注: 1、产品材质在PDM “材料”栏注明 2、默认为金属材质 3、六角头堵头需在名 称上注明ZG1/2 六角头堵头

消声器螺纹 注: 1、无品牌样式要求的 为默认按螺纹命名 2、有品牌或者样式材 料要求的按样本命 名ZG1/2 (默认结构)按样本 节流阀按样本 气管管径 注: 1、默认为橙色PU材 质 2、材料写PDM“材 料”栏 3、颜色写PDM“备 注”栏 4、特殊气管按供应商 φ12


NCE 第一单元测试题 Name: ___________ Score: ______________ 一、单项选择题。(25 分 ( 1. The play ___ finish ___ nine last night. A. not, until B. didn ' t, until C. doesn ' t until D. not, until ( 2. Sherry didn ' t know what to do at the beginning; but she made her ___ at last. A. decide B. decides C. deciding D. decision ( 3. Jean spent fifty hours ___ the book. A. reading B. to read C. in read D. read ( 4. What is the ___ between this table and that one? A. different B. differents

C. differences D. difference ( 5. He ______ TV when his father came in. A. was watched B. watching C. was watch D. was watching ( 6. Helen arrived ___ London airport ___ the morning of June 7. A. in, on B. at, on C. at, at D. at, in ( 7. We are not ___ touch that machine. A. allowed B. allowed to C. allow to D. allowing ( 8. Please don ' t call me at 9:30 tomorrow morning; I ____ at that time. A. will be have a meeting B. will be has a meeting C. will have a meet D. will be having a meeting ( 9. I ' ll go with you to the theater as soon as I ______ h_o m eywork.


新概念英语第二册第一单元测试题(满分150 分) 姓名分数 一、英汉互译(30×1’) 1. private 2. conversation 3. repeat 4. museum 5. decision 6. public 7.distance 8.valuable 9. expect 10. competition 11.beggar 12.performance 13. 聚集14.乐器15.经理 16. 允许17.抱怨18.立刻 19. 场合20. 经历21.扔、抛 22. 打断23.发疯24. 服从 25. 舞台26 抓到27. 账单 28 匆忙29 返回/ 归还30 负担得起 二.单项选择题(20× 1. 5’) 1. ——_______ terrible weather it is! ——It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ Lucy ’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can ’t be D. mustn ’t be 3. It ______ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been 5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember her before. A. have met B. having met C. to having met D. to meet 7. I ’ll go with you to the theater as soon as I my homework. A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finished 8. —Can you deal with the problem? —_____. A. I ’m afraid not B. I ’m not afraid C. I ’m no sure D. I ’m sure not 9. —Has your neighbour moved into the new house?

新概念第二册-1-9课测试题 试卷满分

New Concept English BookⅡ 一、单项选择 1. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach 2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many 3、He until it stopped raining. B. didn't wait C. leave 4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. be been been 5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? —— A .It’s none of your business! me! C .Take it easy. yourself. 6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes ? C. are,go D. is,go 7、If their house not like ours, what it look like? , is , does , does , is 8. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. -------_____________? -------I am Italian. A.What’s your job B. What’s your name C. What nationality are yours D. Where do you from 10. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalks. A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some ,any 11. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat! A. runs B. is running C. is going to run runing 12. It’s very cold. _______ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on off man could not bear could not it. the last day he made a big dicision. It was the day of his holiday. calls at every house in the everyone. at out at 二、改写句子 Change the sentences with what or what a(n) 16. It was very hot yesterday ________________ hot day it was yesterday! 17. It is so cold


一.气缸的选购 气缸是气动系统中的执行元件,气缸质量将直接影响所配套的设备的工作性能,因此,我们在选用气缸时应注意以下几个方面: 1.选择厂家知名度较高、质量和服务信誉较好的生产企业。 2.检查企业生产气缸所采用的标准,如是企业标准,应与行业标准进行比较。 3.对气缸的外观、内外泄漏以及空载性能进行考察: a. 外观:气缸缸筒和活塞杆表面应无划伤,端盖处无气孔和沙眼。 b.内、外泄漏:气缸除出杆端外不允许有外泄漏,内泄漏和出杆端的外泄漏应 分别小于(3+0.15D)ml/min和(3+0.15d)ml/min。 c.空载性能:将气缸处于无负载装态,使其处于低速运行时,看其无爬行时的 速度是多少,速度越低越好。 4.注意气缸的安装形式和尺寸,安装尺寸可以在向厂家定货时提出,气缸一般没有现货,尽量采用标准型,这样可以缩短交货时间 二、气缸的选择 1、类型的选择 根据工作要求和条件,正确选择气缸的类型。 a.要求气缸到达行程终端无冲击现象和撞击噪声应选择缓冲气缸; b.要求重量轻,应选轻型缸; c.要求安装空间窄且行程短,可选薄型缸;有横向负载,可选带导杆气缸; d.要求制动精度高,应选锁紧气缸; e.不允许活塞杆旋转,可选具有杆不回转功能气缸; f.高温环境下需选用耐热缸; g.在有腐蚀环境下,需选用耐腐蚀气缸。 h.在有灰尘等恶劣环境下,需要活塞杆伸出端安装防尘罩。 i.要求无污染时需要选用无给油或无油润滑气缸等。 2、安装形式 根据安装位置、使用目的等因素决定。在一般情况下,采用固定式气缸。在需要随工作机构连续回转时(如车床、磨床等),应选用回转气缸。在要求活塞杆除直线运动外,还需作圆弧摆动时,则选用轴销式气缸。有特殊要求时,应选择相应的特殊气缸。 3、作用力的大小 即缸径的选择。根据负载力的大小来确定气缸输出的推力和拉力。一般均按外载荷理论平衡条件所需气缸作用力,根据不同速度选择不同的负载率,使气缸输出力稍有余量。缸径过小,输出力不够,但缸径过大,使设备笨重,成本提高,又增加耗气量,浪费能源。在夹具设计时,应尽量采用扩力机构,以减小气缸的外形尺寸。 4、活塞行程 与使用的场合和机构的行程有关,但一般不选满行程,防止活塞和缸盖相碰。如用于夹紧机构等,应按计算所需的行程增加10~20㎜的余量。
