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Unit One Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. It is ____________(显然)he is wrong.

2. I __________ (浏览) the newspaper while I was waiting for the train.

3. She usually _____________ (征求)advice from her father when young.

4. He was ____________ (残疾)in the war.

5. Don’t be too _____________(好打听得) about things you are not supposed to know.

6. These two signatures are very s_____________; can you tell them apart?

7. He is lucky to escape being p____________.

8. G___________ is the force which attracts objects towards the center of the earth.

9. His d___________ of visiting Beijing has come true.

10. This subject was hotly d_____________..

Unit Two Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1..Of all your classmates, who do you think is ____________(可靠)?

2..They try to solve some __________(社会) problems and help those who suffer from them.

3.He is a t______________ journalist, who can tell us more about news and newspapers.

4.He is a heavy smoker, that is, he is a___________ to smoking.

5.. Michel was a teacher before she r____________(退休).

6.. It will be two years before the new teaching building is c_____________(竣工).

7.. I won’t t_________________(容忍) such bad behavior.

8.. We were very d________________ at the result of the experiment.

9. Their actions clearly r___________ their thoughts.

10. It’s too dark in this room; s___________ the electric light on.

Unit Three Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. John likes the wood and stone _____________ (建筑风格) of the ancient times.

2. If it is quite c__________ to you I will be with you next Wednesday.

3. You will see the bus station on your right about three b_________ down there.

4. In winter most of the r_________ of houses are covered with snow in my hometown.

5. Your proposals are too f__________ to be accepted.

6. The football game will be played at the capital s___________ .

7. --- Have you moved into the new apartment?

--- Not yet. I’ll have to have it ___________________(装修) first.

8. Our school is under _____________(建设).New teaching buildings are being built.

9. What ___________(留下印象) me most was the sunset of the beautiful seaside.

10. --- What color shall we paint our living room?

--- At your _______________.(喜好). It makes no difference to me.

Unit 4 Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. Though they are in love for a long time, I doubt whether he has any i_________

of marrying her.

2. They are trying to open a ___________ (对话)with the opposing party.

3. G____________ is the skeleton of a language.

4. Those who died bravely in battle earned everlasting _______ ______ (荣誉).

5. The president is holding a peace talk with the foreign minister of another nation.

The a___________ of the meeting is very warm and friendly.

6. “To be hard up” is an English i__________ meaning to lack money.

7. He c____________ an article to the Washington Post every week.

8. Liu Xiang’s ______________(惊人的) performance in the Olympic Games

surprised the world.

9. The boy tried his best to explain his a___________ from school .

10. Night Thoughts by Li Bai is one of his most famous poems. It’s about the ____________ (孤独)

of someone who is far away from home.

Unit 5 Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. The street is not wide, but n .

2. Mary has a great (各种各样) of interest. She likes sports, travel, painting and photography.

3. This is a (令人迷惑的) word because it has two meanings.

4.. He decided to give up smoking, so he threw his remaining _________(香烟) away.

5. ________(判断) from previous experience, he will be late.

6. You should write your name on each s of paper.

7.. The boy a ________ the birds quietly and watch

8. Television has many i on people.

9. She’s got the job because she has the a over others of knowing many languages.

10. More (证据) are needed to say he is guilty (有罪).

Unit 6 Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. What life will be like in the future is difficult to __________ (预见).

2. To __________ (保证) safety, the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.

3. Many companies have already begun ___________ (改革) the way they do business.

4. To pay for their _________ (购物), people will use smart cards, which contain a tiny computer, instead

of cash.

5. He __________ (表示) his willingness with a nod of his head.

6. She is ready to help others, so people in g__________ like her.

7. My furniture was in s__________ while I was abroad.

8. My parents are both laid-off workers. We have no r_________ income.

9. All their dreams have changed into r__________.

10. We both practice medicine and he is better known as a p_________.

Unit 7 Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. We should solve the problem in a _________ (恰当的) way.

2. Mr. Black, who is a heart ___________ (专家), gave us a wonderful lecture yesterday.

3. He gave her a _________ (意味身长的) look.

4. Can you _________ (确认) your umbrella among this lot?

5. _________ (预防) is better than cure.

6. The plan had to be given up for l_________ of money.

7. I’d met Anna be fore, but her friend was a complete s__________ to me.

8. The patient is under t________.

9. The wound was i________ with germs (细菌).

10. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the c________, I think it’s rather beautiful.

Unit 8 Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. Tom _________ (目击) an accident after school.

2. If we know how to ___________ (反应), we can save lives.

3. The driver was ___________ (流血) and screaming.

4. The old man was _____________ (清醒) to the last.

5. He almost ___________ (噎着) to death on a fish bone.

6. Is the person’s blood c__________?

7. He worked so hard that e__________ he made himself ill.

8. If you are b___________ by an animal, wash the wound under cold water.

9. The s___________ change of the plan made us shocked.

10. I’m a stranger here. Can you r___________ me a good hotel?

Unit 9 Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. Can you __________ (总结) the main idea of the text?” asked the English teacher.

2. He was ___________ (满足) to live alone in the quiet town all his life.

3. Has the head of the factory received the __________ (代表) of the workers?

4. The head teacher _________ (强调) the need of getting up early once and again.

5. What he had said _________ (影响) the little children greatly.

6. I a__________ him to start early but he did n’t listen to me.

7. When the dog came toward me, I picked up a stick to d__________ myself.

8. The only means of a___________ to the building is a muddy track.

9. These experiments began a few months ago, and some p_____ has already been made.

10. Now tha t you’re 18, you should have more sense of r____________.

Unit 10 Class___Name________No____ Mark_____

1. He carried out his _______ (威胁)to make my secret public.

2. The characteristic of the information age is not that manufacturing industries are ___________ (稳步)


3. That less paper will be used for making paper cards contributes to the environment ____________ (保


4. They’ll be here soon. __________ (同时) let’s have coffee.

5. Though it sounds ___________ (难以置信), a rain of fish did actually occur in 1817, at Appin.


6. The Great Wall of China is a world famous scenic s___________.

7. His bright clothes were hardly a___________ for such a solemn (严肃的) occasion.

8. With whip(鞭子)and spur (马刺)he u__________ his horse onward.

9. No enemy surrounded by the PLA men could f__________ the valley.

10. Needless to say, this “shower of blood” was not taken lightly by the f____________ inhabitants.


1. obvious

2. scanned

3. sought

4. disabled

5. curious

6. similar

7. punished

8. Gravity

9. dream 10. debated


1. reliable 2。social 3 talented 4。Addicted 5.retired https://www.wendangku.net/doc/cc15142356.html,pleted

7. tolerate 8.disappointed 9. reflect 10. switch


1.architecture 2 convenient 3 blocks 4 roofs 5fantastic 6 stadium 7. decorated 8. construction 9 impressed 10. preference


1..intention 2 dialogue 3grammar 4glory 5 atmosphere 6idiom 7contributes 8extraordinary

9. absence 10. loneliness


narrow diversity confusing cigarettes Judging

sheet approached influences advantages proofs


1. predict

2. ensure

3. reforming

4. purchases

5. indicated

6. general

7. store

8. regular

9. realities 10. physician


1. proper

2. specialist

3. meaningful

4. identify

5. Prevention

6. lack

7. stranger

8. treatment

9. infected 10. contrary


1. witnessed

2. respond

3. bleeding

4. conscious

5. chocked

6. circulating

7. eventually

8. bitten

9. sudden 10. recommend


1. summarise

2. content

3. representative(s)

4. stressed

5. affected

6. advised

7. defend

8. access

9. progress 10. responsibility


1. threat

2. steadily

3. protection

4. Meanwhile

5. unbelievable

6. spot

7. appropriate

8. urged

9. flee 10. frightened


UNIT1 Albert Einstein 阿伯特·爱因斯坦(20世纪杰出的科学家) genius n.天才;创造力 inspiration n.灵感; 鼓舞人心的人(或事物) perspiration n.汗水;出汗 Alfred North Whitehead 艾尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特黑德(英国数学家) undertake vt.&vi.(undertook, undertaken) 着手做;从事;承担analysis n. ([复]analyses)分析;分解 obvious adj.显然的;明显的 within prep. 在……里面; 在……范围之内 quote n.引语;引文; (常用复数)引号 agriculture n.农学;农业 gravity n.重力;引力;地心吸力 radioactivity n.放射性;放射现象;放射线 curious adj.好奇的;好求知的; 爱打听隐私的 branch n.(学科)分科;树枝;支流; 支线;分支机构 debate n.辩论;争论vt.与……辩论;争论vi.辩论;争论;参加辩论biologist n.生物学家 scan vt.浏览;细看;反复察看 Stephen Hawking 斯蒂芬·霍金(英国科学家) PhD 哲学博士学位;博士学位 Doctor of Philosophy 哲学博士学位;博士学位 boundary n.分界线;边界;界限 promising adj.有前途的;有希望的 graduate n.大学毕业生;毕业生 incurable adj.(人或病)医不好的; 不可救药的;无法补救的 work on 继续工作 go by 过去;走过 engage vt. 使订婚;约定;雇用;使从事 be engaged to sb 与某人订婚 get engaged to sb 与某人订婚 Jane Wilde 简·怀尔德(女子名) go on with 继续某种行为 research n.探索;调查;研究vt.&vi.调查;研究 dream of 梦想;梦到 exploration n.探究;考察;勘探 wheelchair n.(病人等用的)轮椅 disable vt.使丧失能力 theory n. 理论;原理;学说;推测 Roger Penrose 罗杰·彭罗斯(美国数学家和物理学家) seek vt.&vi.(sought,sought) 寻找;探索;追求 misunderstand vt.(misunderstood, misunderstood)误解;误会


1.I don’t think you’ve quite grasp the _________(严重性) of the situation. 2. A (私人) car gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. 3.The heart is one of the body’s vital (器官). 4.The old man entered the room (搀扶) by his grandson. 5.When you pick up some bad _________(习惯), it is hard for you the throw them away.. 6.The government announced (正式地) that they would build a new highway to the mountain. 7.As we are often told, (失败)is the mother of success. 8.I recommend that you choose a travel (机构)to make a plan for your tour. 9.No one is born (完美的).You just need to be practical and self-confident. 10.Man is fighting a b against pollution. 11.Are you alone or with a (同伴). 12.We teachers should have noble (信仰). 13.Don’t envy him. His wealth comes by hard (劳动). 14.Mr Baker will set off on a (航行) to South Africa in three days. 15.She accepted his invitation without (犹豫). 16.Science 小说is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future. 17.Many people were killed in the 碰撞between the bus and the car. 18.She is a very 温和的person, who never loses her temper. 19.The disaster has become 永久的pain in people’s heart. 20.A bad cold kept me a 罪犯to my room. 21.There has been a (有特殊意义的) improvement in the company’s safety record. 22.According to the American constitution,presidential ________(选举) are held every four years. 23.The books are (安排) on the shelves in alphabetical order. 24.Everyone was silent when he (宣布) the winner of the competition. 25.The house stands on a hill and can be seen from a d of two miles. 26.The ship was on a 航海across the Atlantic. 27.The plane is taking off in ten minutes and it’s time to go 登机. 28.He likes to observe the 现象of nature. 29.This time you did your homework (相对) better. 30.The patient’s condition is (稳定的). 31.She was trembling with excitement but her voice was (平稳的). 32.My favourite (消遣) is chess. 33.There is a lot of rubbish (漂浮) on the river. 34.The eyes of a cat are (敏感的) to light. 35.Do you know when the French (革命) happened. 36.He is connected with the Wangs by (婚姻). 37.You look (可笑的) in those tight jeans. 38.The (隔离) of infectious patients from other patients prevented the virus from spreading.


必修4单词拼写训练 unit 1 1. With her great efforts,she has a__________ everything she wanted to do. 2. Our school is trying its best to improve our studying and working c__________. 3. Her research shows the c__________ between human beings and chimps. 4. Have you taken part in either of my last two c_________?The officer asked the soldier. 5. If you want to help the poor,you can join the o_________,which usually has some such activities. 6. He is an agricultural s_________, who d_________ all his life to the research into agriculture. 7. The little boy’s bad b_________ at the party made his parents upset. 8. It is w__________ to spend the whole day in the forest,o_________ how the chimps live. 9. He is such a great man that all of us show our r__________ to him. 10. The couple living next door always a_________with each other about some family problems. 11. I_________by the teacher’s words, he is d__________ to study harder than before. 12. He has to work hard to earn more money, because he has a large family to s_________. 13. Last night when I got home,the clock was s_________ ten. 14. In our school,every teach is asked to write one or two a_________about teaching every year. 15. You’d better e_________ to the teacher the reason for your being late, otherwise, the teacher will be angry with you. 16. The teachers in our school will have a m__________ examination once every year. 17. Everything taken into c___________,he has done a good job this time. 18. The famous doctor has d__________ hundreds of babies during her life. 19. It is c__________ of you not to make any noise while the others are having a rest. Unit 2 1.In the old days,many children suffered from h__________ because of no food. 2. If you keep staying in the sun for a long time, you’ll get s__________. 3. Though he is young, he is s__________ to support a large family. 4. As is known to all,when heated,things will e____________. 5. He wants to c__________ his knowledge all over the world. 6. Each classroom in our school is e_________ with a computer,which is helpful to our study. 7. Every year, we will e_________ much oil from the other countries. 8. In my opinion, he is quite s__________ for this job. 8. You’d better finish your homework without r__________ to your notes. 9. The twins are so alike that I always c__________ them with each other. 10. The method of r__________ the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.


高二英语上学期教学工作计划 一、所教班级基本情况 我们升入高二年级分了文理班,我所任教的是高二(3)班和高二(4)班,均为理科班。通过高一阶段的学习,同学们大都掌握了拼读单词,背单词的积极性越来越高,有了一定的阅读量,写作能力逐步提高,但总体来说,学生的基础还是比较差主要表现在没有自主学习的意识,语法内容似懂非懂,听说方面也很薄弱,要提高成绩,还需要我们很大的努力。 二、教学指导思想 认真钻研新课标,树立新观念,探索新教法,在学校教学计划指导下进行工作。在高一已经做了一些尝试的基础上,更加重注发展学生自主学习和合作学习的能力;形成有效的英语学习策略;培养学生的综合运用语言的能力;特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。继续拓宽学生的知识面,全面培养听、说、读、写四会能力,理解、分析和阅读的能力,让学生尽量贴近高考。 三、教材分析 按照新课程改革,本学期开设普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修(5)和选修(6)。(人教版)共10个单元内容。 具体安排:对于10个单元,每一单元用10课时,课本的学习可以这样进行:上新课8个课时,单元复习检测2个课时。 四、教学内容 本学期主要学习必修五和选修六。要求学生重点掌握每个单元中的黑体词语以及出现的重要句型;语法主要为:过去分词;倒装;省略;虚拟语气。其中过去分词和现在分词的区分使用和倒装的用法是本学期教学的重点也是学生学习的难点 五、主要措施 (一)教学方面: 1、为了使学生打牢基础,提高听说读写的技能。 2、在听力方面,进一步提高学生的听力水平,从高一就开始就对学生进行了听力训练(用的是教材上的听力部分)。本学期订了《当代中学生学习报》,利用上面的听力材料每周专门拿一节课来上听力。除了利用课堂上的时间外,还坚持利用课余时间给学生放带中英文字幕的经典电影,让学生融入一个说英语的英语环境。 3、在词汇方面,单词一直是学记忆生的难点、薄弱点,直接影响学生综合能力的提 高,在教学中要重视词汇教学,狠抓单词的记忆与巩固以及对词汇的意义与用法的掌握。


高中英语选修8 单词表Unit 1 △California 加利福尼亚(州) △Californian 加利福尼亚(州)人 △illustrate vt. 说明;阐明 distinct adj. 清晰的;明显的;明确的 distinction n. 差别;区分;卓著 △immigrant n. (从外国移入的)移民 live on 继续存在;继续生存 strait n. 海峡 △Bering 白令海峡 Arctic adj. 北极的;北极区的 the Arctic 北极 means n. 手段;方法 by means of… 用……办法;借助…… △prehistoric adj. 史前的 majority n. 大多数;大半 ministry n. (政府的)部;(全体)牧师;牧师的职责 Catholic adj. 天主教的n.天主教徒 △Alaska n. 阿拉斯加(州) △San Francisco n. 圣弗朗西斯科(也称旧金山) △adventurer n. 冒险家 make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 △despite prep. 尽管;不管 hardship n. 苦难;困苦 elect vt. 选择;决定做某事;选举某人 federal adj. 联邦制的;联邦政府的 rail n. 铁路;扶手;(护栏的)横条 percentage n. 百分比;百分率 △Los Angeles n. 洛杉矶 Italy n. 意大利 Italian n. 意大利人;意大利语adj.意大利人的;意大利语的 Denmark n. 丹麦(北欧国家) keep up 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等) △Hollywood n. 好莱坞;美国电影业 boom n. (人口、贸易的)繁荣 vi. 处于经济迅速发展时期 aircraft n. 飞行器;航空器;飞机 △Cambodian n. 柬埔寨人;柬埔寨语 Korea n. 韩国;朝鲜 Korean n. 韩国/朝鲜人;朝鲜/韩语adj.韩国(人/语)的;朝鲜(人/语)的Pakistan n. 巴基斯坦 Pakistani adj. 巴基斯坦(人)的n.巴基斯坦人 △immigrate vi. 移入(外国定居) immigration n. 移民;移居入境 racial adj. 人种的;种族的 crossing n. 横渡;横越;十字路口;人行横道 vice n. & adj. 代理;副职 nephew n. 侄子;外甥 pole n. 地极;电极;磁极 applicant n. 申请人 customs n. 海关;关税;进口税 socialist n. 社会主义者;社会党人adj.社会主义者的 socialism n. 社会主义 occur vi. 发生;出现


高考英语单词拼写精练50题 1、I can’t wait so you had better give me an (立刻)reply. 2、“Sorry, I must be off now,” he said and then left out(勿忙). 3、I could not get a satisfactory (解释). 4、Do come please. I will wait for you at the (入口处). 5、The notice reads: “Don’t come in without(允许). 6、I (劝告)him to accept our advice, and he did so. 7、The police asked him for imformation on the (事故). 8、The (政府)should do something to reduce the price of food. 9、Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great (成就). 10、“How often does he write to his parents?” “Oh,(经常).” 11、The box is full of glasses objects . Please put it down with (小心) 12、Oh, you have made a wrong (选择). You’d better think it over again. 13、We went to the Summer Palace last year. All of us were deeply touched by its (美丽). 14、The matter is not of much (重要)to us. 15、The underground carries a lot of (乘客). 16、Suez canal (分开)Asia from Africa. 17、The boys and girls will be ( 分开) into four groups to play the game. 18、This problem needs (解决)at once. 19、The policeman brought the little boy to (安全的地方). 20、(鼓励)by his teacher, Tom made up his mind to study well. 21、He looks old, yet (实际上)he is only twenty-five. 22、Thank you for your (邀请)which reached me just now. 23、Mike said he would be more (注意)in class from then on. 24、They have made great progress since the (开始)of this term. 25、The sleeves of the coat are too long for me, and so I want them to be (短). 26、Which of the following (陈述)is not mentioned in the reading material? 27、Without any (犹豫), she took up the red flag and rushed out. 28、His English is (吃惊)wonderful. 29、The students are busy making (准备)for the examination. 30、She was (感到震惊)to hear what had happened. 31、These new book on computer are favourably (受欢迎). 32、I’ll go there again, if(需要). 33、He is a famous teacher with forty years’(经验). 34、I (宣布)that Milliams had been elected. 35、The July 7th (事变)took place in 1937. 36、I want to go to the (医学)college. 37、The Chinese people are working hard to (使现代化)their country. 38、I wonder if this medicine is (有效)enough to get rid of his fever. 39、Thank you for giving me the valuable (信息). 40、Good (节目)on TV have good effects on children. 41、She keeps a (日记)in German. 42、I borrowed the (杂志)from the library. 43、This Minister is in charge of the foreign (事务)of that small country. 44、We have set up an (协会)for the blind. 45、I wish you a pleasant (旅途). 46、Go to see a doctor, you are (显然)ill. 47、They had fought against their enemy for eight years before they won the final (胜利). 48、As I came late, he looked at me kindly without (责备).


1. Young people always have more e_________ than the old. 2. Don’t give me meat any more. I am on a d_________. 3. If you are thirsty, I have some ________(矿) spring water for you. 4. This drink is a m_________ of three different sorts. 5. Doctor, I think I have got a headache. Can you _________(检查) me? 6. We must do what we can do to keep the ________(平衡) of nature. 7. Doctors advise us not to eat fruit which is not r_________. 8. The car doesn’t f_________well; I think you’d better have it repaired. 9. Porridge ________(消化) easily. 10. When I was home, mother had already prepared t________ food for me. Unit14 Word spelling Class_______Name_______ 1. The soldier is ________(敬礼) to every officer who goes into the room. 2. Is there a ________(代) gap between you and your parents? 3. What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival? 4. Oh, I never thought you would bring me so many birthday g________. Thanks! 5. Students should r________ their teachers and their parents. 6. Have you got an ________(请柬) to her wedding party? 7. He went to town with the p_______ of buying a new television. 8.They had a wonderful party to c________ Mother's silver wedding. 9.The cave was completely dark, so he l________ a candle and went inside. 10.Queen Mary could trace her________(祖先)back to about 900 years ago. Unit15 Word spelling Class_______Name_______ 1. We don’t understand the meaning of the sentences. So my teacher has e__________ them to us again and again. 2. ——Do you know the a________ of “Hamlet”? ——Yes, it’s written by Shakespeare. 3. Mother bought me a beautiful _________(钻石) n_________ as my birthday present. 4.——Who had taken the book? ——It was a m_________ 5. He drew the _________(轮廓) of a house on the paper. 6. M___________(蚊子) often bite people in the evening. 7.How can you consider that I can’t pay off the d______? I am quite able to pay back what I have borrowed from you. 8.When she r________ her mother's voice on the phone, she jumped with joy. 9.. ——Where are you going? ——Oh, there goes the bell. I am going to listen to the l_______ given by Dr. Li.


高二英语单词高频词汇归纳1characteristic特征;特性n. 2radium镭n. 3painter画家n. 4put forward提出 5scientific科学的adj. 6conclude结束;推断出vt.&vi. 7conclusion结论;结束n. 8draw a conclusion得出结论 9analyse分析vt. 10infect传染;感染vt. 11infectious传染的adj. 12cholera霍乱n. 13defeat打败;受挫;使战胜vt.失败n. 14expert熟练的;经验或知识丰富的adj.专家;行家n. 15attend照顾;护理;出席;参加vt. 16physician医生;内科医师n. 17expose暴露;揭露;使曝光vt. 18expose…to使显露;暴露vt. 19deadly致命的adj. 20cure治愈;痊愈n.治愈;治疗vt.

21outbreak爆发;发作n. 22challenge挑战n.向……挑战vt. 23victim受害者n. 24absorb吸收;吸引;使专心vt. 25suspect怀疑vt.被怀疑者;嫌疑犯n. 26enquiry询问n. 27neighborhood附近;邻近n. 28severe严重的;剧烈的;严厉的adj. 29clue线索;提示n. 30pump泵;抽水机n.(用泵)抽(水)vt. 31Cambridge street剑桥大街 32foresee遇见,预知vt. 33investigate调查vt.&vi. 34investigation调查n. 35blame责备;谴责vt.过失;责备n. 36pollute污染;弄脏vt. 37handle柄;把手n.处理;操纵vt. 38germ微生物;细菌n. 39link连接;联系n. 40link...to...将……和……联系或连接起来41announce宣布;通告vt.


高一英语单词拼写练习 必修1 Unit 1 1. It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______ myself down. 2. Parents are always c_______ much about their children. 3. True friends always s______ their sadness and happiness with each other. 4. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________. 5. Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l______ snow. 6. A_______ to the law, t_______ are not allowed to smoke or drink. 7. The old man went t_______ many wars and s_____ a lot from them. 8. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e________. 9. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_________. 10. By internet, we can c_________ with people all over the world c_________. 11. By now, he has formed the h______ of doing some reading before going to bed. 12. The r_____ he gave for his c_____ in the exam was simple. Unit 2 1.Many students attended the lecture, i_________ our monitor. 2. Though he is a n________ English speaker, he can speak English very fluently. 3. Nowadays, many tall buildings have e_______ for people to go up and down. 4. He thought I had known the fact. But a_______, I knew nothing about it. 5. After the war, a new g________ was set up for that country. 6. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I cou ld r__________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd. 7. The people p______ at the meeting were all for the suggestion. 8. If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r_______. 9. Luckily, after the earthquake, the people have got a lot of i_________ help. 10. The ball went in the d________ of the man sitting in a boat on the river.


Unit 1 disability n. 伤残;无力;无能 disabled adj.伤残的 hearing n. 听力;听觉 eyesight n. 视力 △syndrome n. 综合病征;综合症状 △infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹 △Rosalyn n. 罗莎琳(女名) lap n. 跑道的一圈;重叠部分;(人坐着时)大腿的上方 ambition n. 雄心;野心 ambitious adj. 有雄心的;有野心的 dictation n. 口授;听写(的文字) △Sally n. 萨利(女名) noisy n. 吵闹的;嘈杂的 suitable adj. 适合的;适宜的 entry n. 项目;进入;入口 beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的 △Marty 马蒂?菲尔丁 in other words 换句话说 clumsy adj. 笨拙的 △bump vi. 碰撞;撞击

outgoing adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的; 离开的 adapt vt. 使适应;改编 adapt to 适合 bench n. 长凳 cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事)microscope n. 显微镜 out of breath 上气不接下气 absence n. 缺席;不在某处 fellow adj. 同伴的;同类的 n.同伴;同志;伙伴 annoy vt. 使……不悦;惹恼 annoyed adj. 颇为生气的 △annoyance n. 烦恼 all in all 总而言之 firm n. 公司 adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的software n. 软件 sit around 闲坐着 as well as 和;也 parrot n. 鹦鹉 tank n. (盛液体、气体的)大容器;缸;


高中英语单词拼写训练 1.No word was exchanged, and they set off in (沉默) down the road. 2.What (失望) him was that the results were contrary to what he had expected. 3.I found shop where this kind of camera was sold after passing through (街区). 4.Jerry cleaned all of the desks, which were very __ ___(灰尘). 5.Put your ______(香烟) out —you mustn’t smoke in the gas station. 6.(远程) education makes it possible to study anytime, anywhere. 7.After the race, I really didn’t have the __ ___(力气) to help you carry it. 8.The old man entered the room, ____ _(搀扶) by his grandson. 9.I missed the smell of my mum’s cooking ____ _(漂浮) out from the kitchen. 10.He is __ __(遭受) from a guilty feeling because he hasn’t told his mother 11.The ______(平均) age of the students in the class is only fourteen. 12.He waved his cap to ______(吸引) the rescue workers, but in vain. 13.Press the red ______(按纽) in case you have any emergency. 14.Don’t be so ______(贪心); leave some food for the rest of us. 15.He publically ______(挑战) traditional beliefs and certainly met with wide disapproval. 16.One of the ______(打字员) was to blame for the serious mistake. 17.He devoted himself to helping ______(智力地) disabled children in their education. 18.His voice sounds strange. There is something wrong with his ______(喉咙). 19.______(扫视) at the title, and you can guess what the passage is about. 20.Our company aims at quality rather than ______(数量) 21.Her name is Alex, _______ _______ (缩写) Alexandra. 22.He gave the speech _______ _______ _______ (不看)his notes. 23.I’m afraid you’re not _______ _______ _______ (取得很大进步) in your study. 24.Many people went to countryside at weekends to ____ ___ ___ (逃避摆脱) the city noise. 25.She was _______ _______ _______ _______ (盼望看到) the grandchildren again. 26.He bothered me with _______ _______ _______ (许多) questions. 27.The dresses on sale in this department store are _______ _______ _______ (过时的) . 28.They try to avoid _______ _______ (修建) the new school buildings next to the highway. 29.As soon as his head hit the pillow, he _______ _______ (睡着了). 30.After World WarⅡ, Germany _______ _______ _______ (被分成) two separate countries. 31.We should e_______ new ways to solve the problems that we are facing. 32.I meant it to be a(n) i______(非正式的) discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I mentioned 33.Playing basketball is one form of p_______(身体的) exercise. 34.He caused his parents a great deal of s_____(痛苦). 35.That black suitcase on the floor b_________ to me.. 36.She looks very __ ___(熟悉的),but I can’t remember where I met her. 37.She refused to answer questions about her personal f_____(财力)。 38.There are a lot of c__ __ relics in our country. 39.S_ ___ this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by everyone. 40.The a____ (外观) of the old house completely changed. 41.The laptop on the teacher’s desk is not yours. It b_____ to Harry.

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