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Book Review

2010210110王楠嵋In the last month I focused on skimming the work of Interculture Communication. Having gotten a fairly good idea of this course, I further consulted 'The cultural conflict and understanding of China and Japan',and read generally skimmed the content to clarify my observations.

Between them, the Intercultural Communication emphasis on culture and communication. Encyclopedia consists of eight chapters. They are Communication and culture、Intercultural Communication、the hidden core of culture、Verbal Communication、Nonverbal Communication、Interpersonal relationship、Social interaction customs and Improving intercultural competence. The eight chapters all are surrounding with "culture 'and' communication ', and closely contact with the core of " Intercultural communication ". From surface to inside, they fully introduce the various types and aspects of communication ,based on different culture background , such as interpersonal relationship, social cultural communication, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, the core of culture , etc.

Compared with the textbook named 'Intercultural communications' ,the book named 'The cultural conflict and understanding of China and Japan' is less comprehensive, but Specific is its advantages in a point. In the more specific terms, the book is based on hierarchical structure .The book is divided into five levels, which are Country and government, Enterprise groups, Interpersonal relationship, Personal behavior and Daily life. In this book, lots of examples are analyzed to let us learn about the differences between the intercultural communication , including the conflict, the understanding and so on.

For example, in the level of interpersonal relationships, the Chinese and the Japanese all like defining themselves in interpersonal relationships , however, there still exist some clear differences. These differences are associated with the different social cultural tradition . The differences can be summarized by the following points.

Chinese's interpersonal communication is strongly affected by his family background. But in Japan, the influence of this relationship network is really smaller.

The Chinese are little self-centered, whose self-expressions are stronger, self assessment are higher than the Japanese, and the Japanese tend to be the characteristics of "other orientation" in the interpersonal relationships.

So, in the cultural communication, naturally, all sorts of problems or conflicts would appear. The book show us all kinds of conditions met in the Chinese and Japanese people 's communication , and its the comprehensive analysis leads our readers have a better understanding of intercultural communication. Besides, the book provides many feasible advice for those who are in similar situation.

If do a comparison of the two books ,the textbook 'Intercultural communication' introduce all aspects of intercultural communication to us more comprehensively and systematically. Specifically, the book focus on the cultural

communication between China and Japan, which is an analyzing books of intercultural communication. As for me, I prefer to the book about the communication between Chinese and Japanese . Because it describes more specifically the real life of , and lets me understand intercultural communication easily. Compared to this book ,the content of the textbook is too general, and a little difficult to understand. I almost have no intercultural communication experience. To read the book 'The cultural conflict and understanding of China and Japan' is my best choice without doubt. In fact,those interesting examples in it appeal to me very much, and widen my sight. I like it very much.Summarized up, I think that this book is very suitable for us to know and study of intercultural communication, which is easy to understand, and especially close to the life.

The following websites are closely contacted with intercultural communication:

1)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c015177875.html,/ The intercultural research center aims at measure interactive cognitive processes to promote development of diversified culture, especially do the conclusion of Chinese culture development experience in one hundred years. According to the current world problems, it try to participate in the global new order and the reconstruction of the new culture.

Beijing Beijing university cross-cultural research center

Postal code: 100871

E-mail: jianglibeida@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c015177875.html, < mail to: jianglibeida@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c015177875.html, >

2)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c015177875.html,/ec-webpage-show/page/courseIntroduction.do In the website,there are several big plates,including Introduction to the course, Course features, Teaching program, Teaching video, Courseware design, Interactive teaching and so on. This website

is a very good platform for understanding and learning intercultural communications.

3) main business is

to do research in intercultural communication area and the trainings in intercultural communication.

4)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c015177875.html,/AFS intercultural program USA. AFS is one of the biggest organizations that are responsible for high school students in international exchange in U.S.,it is based in New York,and has many branches all over the world. In this web site, we can see various kinds of information about the middle school students' communication, such as the middle school students' experiences in foreign countries, how to receive visitors in the home of the foreign students, AFS activity all over the United States etc.

5)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c015177875.html,Intercultural Press is the books Press for publishing those books in Intercultural communication . In the site we can see new books, intercultural communication training's news, the other sites and Press of intercultural communication etc.

Bookreview (2)

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Is it a darkly passionate tale of love? Or should we call it a highly original gothic story? The classic novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is, in my opinion, a unique and gripping blend of these genres. Written in 1847, it is an epic family saga full of desire, hate, revenge and regret, focusing on the main characters of Heathcliff and Catherine. The atmospheric setting of the wild Yorkshire moors cleverly mirrors the violent emotions. When Catherine’s father adopts the starving orphan boy Heathcliff, Catherine’s brother Hindley feels deeply hurt and resentful. She, on the other hand, develops an immensely strong bond with Heathcliff, which becomes an all-consuming love. Upon her father’s death, Hindley becomes the head of the family and forces Heathcliff to assume the position of a servant. Despite loving Heathcliff, Catherine chooses to marry Edgar Linton, who is closer to her class and position in society. It is this decision which leads to heartbreak and tragedy, not only for them but for many others. Heathcliff could be described as an anti-hero with his rough manners and lack of control. Likewise, Catherine displays many flaws, but the reader can still empathize with these characters. In fact, this is the main reason why I believe this novel is so brilliant. It rings with truth. The reader may be horrified at the way that Heathcliff and Catherine behave, and yet, at the same time, the writer ensures that we never hate them because the reasons for their actions are crystal clear. The main part of the book relies on a narrator, Ellen Dean, who is a servant at Wuthering Heights and I think that this is a useful device which holds the complex plot together. However, Wuthering Heights is not what I would call an “easy read”. There is dense description and some of the dialogue is written in dialect, which can be difficult to follow. Nevertheless, I persevered and, all in all, I can highly recommend Wuthering Heights. I challenge you to remain unmoved after reading this exceptional book. From “Oxford Writing Tutor”, in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th ed. Classics Title: Othello Author: William Shakespeare; Marie Macaisa, Series Editor Rating: Must Read! Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc. Web Page: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c015177875.html, Publisher's E-mail: How to use the database of reviews


汇报材料及印制格式 一、正文格式 页边距:上3.7厘米,下3.5厘米,左3厘米,右2.8厘米。 字间距:缩放100%,间距标准0磅,位置标准0。 行间距:设置固定值27磅,段前段后无间距、空行。 标题:二号加粗标宋字(第6行居中)。 汇报单位名称:三号加粗楷体字(标题下一行居中)。 日期:括弧三号加粗楷体字,日期所用的文字全部为中文简体字,“零”必须使用“O”。 正文:日期下空一行,左空2字,回行顶格。数字年份不能回行。字体统一为三号加粗仿宋字。正文的结构层次序数为,第一层为“一、”,第二层为“(一)”,第三层为“1.”,第四层为“(1)”。一般第一层标题用黑体,第二层标题用楷体。 附件标注:正文结尾下空1行左空2字用三号加粗仿宋字标注“附件:××××××××”。如有多个附件,序号采用阿拉伯数字,如“附件:1.××××××××”,排版格式详见“汇报材料样式”。 二、附件格式 左上角顶格标识“附件:”,如有多个附件,则注明附件序列,格式为“附件X:”。附件标识下一行是附件标题(附件标识与附件标题之间不空行),用三号黑体字居中排布。附件正文从附件标题下空一行的位置起始,格式与签报正文格式相同。 三、装订 —1 —

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大国崛起读后感(200字—900字) 导读:本文大国崛起读后感(200字—900字),仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 历史昭示我们,只有世界所有国家紧密团结起来,共同把握机遇、应对挑战,才能为人类社会发展创造光明的未来。下面是为大家整理的:大国崛起读后感(200字—900字),欢迎阅读。相关内容请继续关注读后感栏目 大国崛起读后感200字中国的崛起之路是一个值得深思的问题,这样一个拥有13亿人口的国家、迅速老年化的人口、已经过度开发的资源和恶化的环境、思想观念落后教育程度不高的国民,如何能实现崛起?能否通过对外战争掠夺和殖民?如何应对分离主义势力的威胁?所谓和平崛起是否只是美好的梦想? 很高兴《大国崛起》这本书为我们展现了9个全球性大国崛起和衰落的过程,为我们展现了大国地位变化的内因和外部环境。让我有了直接通过别国历史得出经验分析本国问题的机会。 大国崛起读后感500字看完了《大国崛起》这本书,思绪却难以平息。今天,世界进入全球化时代,以信息技术为代表的新技术革命方兴未艾。我们中国也站在了新的起点,但读懂几百年来几个大国的兴衰起伏,对于中华民族的复兴具有至关重要的作用。这九个大国在过去近两百年间和中国都发生过直面接触,还有一些不堪回首的痛苦记忆。但是历史的潮流毕竟浩荡向前。今天的世界是开放包容

的世界,经济全球化的浪潮滚滚向前。中国要实现民族复兴和大国崛起首当其冲地要融入这个世界。改革开放、制度创新、科学发展、和谐社会等理念都为中国在新世纪的发展注入了鲜活的力量。这些既是中国从既往强国的兴盛中总结的经验,也是从某些强国的衰落中汲取的教训。 聆听历史是一种伟大的智慧,回望大国风云,让历史照亮我们未来的行程。五百多年前,人类通过海洋搭建起真正的世界舞台,大小强弱的国家都在这个舞台上表演了自己的角色。近代以来中国虽受尽了列强的蹂躏和种种磨难,今天中国的崛起却走的是和平发展的道路,中国不称霸也永远不会侵略、威胁别的民族。二十一世纪的世界潮流有一点是可以肯定的:建立永久和平、各国家各民族平等和睦相处、共同繁荣的和谐世界,将是人类共同追求的方向! 大国崛起读后感700字美国从独立到现在成为世界唯一的超级大国,其间运用了各种手段,极力地使自己获得的利益最大化。虽说美国崛起的手段没什么值得赞扬之处,但是其维护主权的坚定、与时俱进的精神是值得我们学习和借鉴的。 从这9个大国的兴衰史中,我们不难发现,他们在崛起的过程中全部奉行扩张政策,而这扩张政策也为他们当中的大多数的衰败埋下了祸根。不论是从这些国家的经验教训来看,还是从现在的国际形势来看,要实现中华民族的伟大复兴,就决不能重蹈列强们的扩张政策的覆辙。中华民族是爱好和平的,中国是拥有悠久文明史的礼仪之邦,是当今世界维护世界和平的一支重要的力量。中国的崛起要不损害世

hamlet book review

Hamlet and Two Heroines Hamlet is one of the most famous play that written by William Shakespeare. It is the tragedy of tragedies. This is a story about revenging ending in perishing together. After reading through the whole play, two heroines, Gertrude and Ophelia, impress me most. In Middle Ages, women were considered as appendages of men, so were Gertrude and Ophelia. They both have close bound with Hamlet, the hero, and love him deeply. However, does Hamlet love them as much as they do? It confuses me a lot. “Are you honest? Are you fair?” In front of Ophelia’s tomb, Hamlet declares that “What is he whose grief Bears such an emphasis? Whose phrase of sorrow Conjures the wand’ ring stars, and makes them stand Like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I, Hamlet the Dane”, and “I loved Ophelia, forty thousand brothers Could not with all their quantity of love Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her?” Those words are aimed at refuting Laertes’s denouncement. It is more of a riposte than expression of love. Leartes imputes Ophelia’s death to Hamlet, exploding his grief with exaggerated tone. As soon as Hamlet hears his denouncement, he steps forward and wants to Prove that his is much more distressed than Leartes. I first recognize Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship from the conversation among Ophelia, her brother and her father. She believes that Hamlet loves her sincerely, but she was satirized by his father, Polonius. Then she follows Polonius’s advice, rejecting Hamlet’s letters and not meeting with him, which makes a breakthrough of their relationship. It seems that Hamlet becomes insane. In order to test his insanity, Ophelia recites what her father tells her, that makes Hamlet crazier. The death of Ophelia is a tragedy. The causes of her death include several reasons. First, Hamlet becomes “insane”and “breaks faith”. What’s worse, her father is killed and the murderer is Hamlet. What kind of affection dose Hamlet hold to Ophelia? Apparently, his love is neither a brain storm nor as much as “forty thousand brothers”. Hamlet cannot consider Ophelia as a companion and he hesitates to trust her. He loves her beauty and purity, but he cannot share his very secret with her and earn her support. What’s worse, the secret told by ghost makes mother’s image ruined. As far as he considers, Ophelia’s present beauty is not a promise to future chastity. What makes him upset is his uncertainty in his inside world. A critic commented Hamlet as “the giant of thoughts, the dwarf of actions”. He has no strong motion disclosure to Ophelia. As Hamlet describes, women are flirtations and weak-minded, which become women’s sin. While, beauty makes women easier to be tempted, so beauty becomes sin. “Frailty, thy name is woman!” When Hamlet is alone, he seldom thinks of Ophelia, but frequently thinks of his mother Gertrude. However, it is not a son’s attachment and love to mother, instead, it represents anger and hate. Certainly, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love his mother at all. It is more like a sense of stigma.


《大国的兴衰》读书笔记 作者:王兴 学院:国际关系学院 专业:国际政治 年级: 2011级 学 指导教师: 日期: 2014年6月10日

《大国的兴衰》是一本以综合视角观察描绘1500年以来世界大国变化兴衰的经典之作。其引人之处不仅在于以一种全新的宏观视野展现大国兴衰的历史,还在于作者保罗·肯尼迪在书中所明示或隐含的若干战略观点思想。这些观点或思想,无论是对于想要了解历史上大国兴衰秘密的人们,还是试图从书中找到现实教益的读者来说,都是具有相当价值的。 一、经济力量:大国实力的基础和来源 在《大国的兴衰》一书中,给人留下最深印象的无疑是作者对于各大国间经济力量的变迁及其对于大国兴衰之深刻影响的表述。似乎在作者看来,一个国家的经济力量的相对兴盛和衰落与该国的总体力量强弱和在国际体系中的地位高低有着大致同步的趋势,简而言之即一国经济力量的多寡乃决定该国兴衰的首要因素。而就对于国家力量的意义而言,经济力量在不同时期有着不同的体现形式。在工业革命之前,一国之经济力量更多地体现为其国家财政能力即筹集资金的能力。无论是舰队、常备军的供养还是雇佣军的花费,都需要大量的金钱,在战争时期尤其如此。对于16-19世纪的欧洲各国君主来说,在长期战争中筹集到足够的金钱似乎总是一件令人头疼的事情。金钱的来源主要有两类:其中一类是国家的财政收入,包括王室领地的直接收入、各种名目的税收,对某些国家来说还包括殖民地运来的金银、公开卖官鬻爵的收入等等;而另一种则是国家的借贷,包括从富商和金融银行家获得的贷款以及后来政府债券的发售。值得一提的是,随着欧洲金融体系的不断发展,在16-19世纪中借贷收入对处于战争中的欧洲各国来说都是一笔不菲的收入来源,舍此便无法从事长时间、大规模的战争。因此,对于这时欧洲各国的统治者来说,发展国内工商业、建立完善高效的税收机制与保持良好的支付记录和可靠的金融信用都是相当关键的。而自工业革命发生之后,信用和财政的重要性大大降低,一国经济实力的重要衡量标准便成为了生产能力尤其是工业生产能力,并且这种生产能力开始日益密切地与科技相联系。国家的经济实力集中体现在其工业化程度和水平及制造业的产量上。 一国经济力量的作用,不仅在于其本身就是一种权力资源,且更在于它还是一国军事力量的基础。从历史上来看,经济力量的转移总是伴随着国家间权势的转移。“两个最好的例证是:16世纪以后世界贸易集中地由地中海逐渐移向大西洋和西北欧,1890年后的几十年中世界工业品集中产地又由西欧慢慢移向其他地区。”1(对于历史上的大国来说,其兴衰无一不伴随着经济上的起落:西班牙的兴起伴随着其殖民地财富的大量涌入,而其衰落则与西班牙工商业和农业的衰败密不可分;英国 1[英]保罗·肯尼迪:《大国的兴衰(上)》,北京:中信出版社,2013年2月,前言第XVIII页。


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Book Review

Book Review: They Say I Say Many College and university students often have trouble performing well in their academic writing, which is a necessary part of higher education. They cannot assert their argument critically and logically, thus making their writing less forceful and convincing. The reasons may be that cannot get helpful instruction form traditional methods which focuses on abstract principles of writing, while they themselves don’t know how to state their argument appropriately, and engage with the thought of others. The book They Say I Say by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein attempts to solve this problem that college and university students are faced with. Different from traditional books, which pay more attention to writing principles rather than practical use of them, They Say I Say offers students useful templates and directly applies them to practical writing. The book is written on the premise that good argumentative writing begins not with an act of assertion but an act of listening, of putting ourselves in the shoes of those who think differently from us (p. xiii). Its goal is to help college and university students become excellent writers and critical, independent thinkers by applying “moves”---steps to perform students’writing activities---to academic writing and offering specific methods and techniques. You mustn’t miss the first two sections of this book. They are worth reading if you want to have a general knowledge of this book. Two prefaces talk authors’intention of writing the book, innovation and improvement and also arguments on it. In introduction section, it’s clearly to know the foci of the book, and the authors

汇报材料 汇报材料格式word版

自从走上工作岗位的第一天起,我就认为,付出越多,得到的回报就越多,我始终把公司的经营理念作为指导自己工作的最高准则。本站为大家整理的相关的汇报材料汇报材料格式,供大家参考选择。 汇报材料汇报材料格式 各位领导: 下午好!我监理部监理的项目主要有:中水八局承建的z1公路、z2公路、z5公路;中水路桥承建的y1公路、y3隧道、y4隧道、y5公路。通过监理部现场巡检,驻场监理工程师进行现场总结,分析存在的问题和不足,明确后期工程的目标,统一思想,确保后期工作圆满完成,现对中水八局、中水路桥质量管理现状中现场存在的主要问题作出以下呈述: 1.项目部组织机构存在的问题: 项目部组织机构人员不足,上报的项目部组织机构中很大一部分人员长期不在工地现场或者完全不能履行岗位职责,导致一名项目部人员身兼数职,如中水路桥刘新卫负责的有:项目部日常文件处理,项目部施工材料计划,测量,计价工作,试验资料整理、现场施工管理、施工过程资料编制等工作,导致现场管理基

本为零;又如中水八局的黄志敏负责的有:试验、质量、现场施工管理等集于一身,工程质量未能满足,监理部多次在周例会上提出并下发监理指令要求:中水路桥、中水八局尽快增加项目各工种专业管理人员。监理控制措施: 加强项目部管理班子的建设,增加技术骨干力量,分工明确,责任到人,分工后尽快开展工作,建立健全质量保证体系,对作业全过程及相关因素实行严格科学的管理,对开挖质量实行过程控制,项目部增加技术人员必须上报监理部,由监理部根据现场技术人员履行职责能力来确定是否此技术员能 否胜任此工作岗位。 2.原材料存在的问题: 原材料进场报验、报检问题:原材料进场后未进行报检,未通知我部试验监理工程师抽检,原材料摆放混乱,未按要求下垫上盖,导致现场原材料锈圬严重,甚至无一根合格钢筋的程度。水泥堆放下层基本硬化;现场原材料标识牌不规范,未标示是否检验合格,由工人随意使用。 监理控制措施: 项目部必须配置专业实验员,请项目部试验员及时与我部试验监理工程师沟通,对原材料进场严格把关,及时检验、报检,对原材料、成品和半成品的摆放


《大国崛起》读书笔记 历史的光环像一阵风,这里吹吹,那里也吹吹,不可能只停 留在一个地方,不可能永远沐浴着某一片土地。近现代以来,大 国的兴衰,此起彼伏,汹涌澎湃,演绎着一曲曲惊心动魄的历史 沧桑之歌。从大国的兴衰之中,我们可以品悟、借鉴到许多知识、经验,用以兴盛我 历史的光环像一阵风,这里吹吹,那里也吹吹,不可能只 停留在一个地方,不可能永远沐浴着某一片土地。近现代以来, 大国的兴衰,此起彼伏,汹涌澎湃,演绎着一曲曲惊心动魄的历 史沧桑之歌。从大国的兴衰之中,我们可以品悟、借鉴到许多知识、经验,用以兴盛我们伟大的祖国,使我们的国家能够跻身于 世界强国之列。历史之风陆续吹遍了西欧一些国家,让它们在历 史的舞台上叱咤风云;而处在清末的东方之国,却将这股风拒之 于窗外,最终被无情的历史之鞭抽打的遍体鳞伤,一边呻吟,一 边在时代的后头慢慢地踱动。 而这种拒人于门外的行动,正是由于人们的极端思想造成的。封 建制度下的自给自足、狂傲自大、小农意识等思想,深刻地影响 着每一代中国人,使他们在落后与先进的泥淖中苦苦挣扎,不知 究竟走向何方。这些守旧的、落后的、腐朽的思想,造成了人们 闭关自守、以土地为中心的非商品意识,从而遏制了资本主义的 萌芽,牵制了政治体制的变革与更新,在文化教育、科技等各方

面均落在了时代的后头。 大国的崛起虽然有各式各样的历程,然而每一个国家的崛起与衰弱,都有着相似的情况。其中,不管是东方的还是西方的国家的 兴盛,思想文化上必须有一个突破,一个较前面历史的新的突破。而无论这种突破是彻底的,还是不彻底的;是以先人的思想为基 础的,还是承接未来的,都可以从思想层面上为一个国家的变革 垫下厚实的基础。 思想文化不仅仅深刻影响着人们的日常生活,而且,对于一个国 家而言,在政治、经济、教育、科技上有着千丝万缕的联系。下 面结合大国兴衰及其对中国的启示具体谈谈这些联系。 一、从某种程度上来说,思想文化促进政治体制的改革。随着时 代的进步,以往的政治体制必然不会适应社会的发展,陈旧的政 治体制日益暴露它的种种弊端,阻碍了历史的前进。此时,新的 顺应历史潮流的思想文化往往会深入人心,促进人们对政治体制 进行改革的勇气与决心。17世纪上半叶,英国专制主义政治体制 已不再适应新生资产阶级的利益要求,阻碍了英国工商业资本主 义的发展。而国王处处限制资产阶级的利益,加强自身的权力集中。但国王忽视的一点是,此时资产阶级思想渐渐深入人们的日 常生活中去了,人们对封建王朝已不再抱有太大的希望,资产阶 级带给人们的利益远远胜于封建王朝的统治。随后,爆发了资产 阶级革命,推翻了以贵族为中心的封建王权政治体制,建立起了 有利用维护资产阶级统治利益的君主立宪制。


2020 商务信函格式文档Document Writing

商务信函格式文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,公务文书,又叫公务文件,简称公文,是法定机关与社会组织在公务活动中为行使职权,实施管理而制定的具有法定效用和规范体式的书面文字材料,是传达和贯彻方针和政策,发布行政法规和规章,实行行政措施,指示答复问题,知道,布置和商洽工作,报告情况,交流经验的重要工具 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 商务信函写作格式,署名即写信人签名,通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置。以单位名义发出的商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。重要的商业信函,为郑重起见,也可加盖公章。英文商务信函的书信格式 1.thetoppartofabusinessletter 日期:date:23decemberXX 地址:mr.jamesgreen salesmanager bbbplc 55-60oldst,londone66hg 称谓:dearmr.green(deargentlemen,dearsir,dearsirs,dearmadam) 2.thebodypartofabusinessletter 标题(可以不要)

正文 3.lookatthetwoendingsofbusinessletterbelow.noticetheusefulp hrasesthatareusedintheseletters. (1)pleaseletmeknowifthisisconvenience. ilookforwardtohearingfromyou. bestwishes yourssincerely, (signature) ms.gillianjanes personnelnanager (2)pleasephoneustoconfirmthedetails. welookforwardtoreceivingyourcomments. yoursfaithfully (signature) forms.gillianjones personnelmanager 中文商务信函的写作格式 如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。 (1)开头 开头写收信人或收信单位的称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称呼后用冒号。 (2)正文

Sample book review (1)

A Review of Once a Mouse by Marcia Brown Baoya Zhang Brown, Marcia. (1961). Once a mouse…a fable cut in wood. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. As is suggested by the title, the 1962 Caldecott Medal winner Once a mouse…a fable cut in wood by Marcia Brown falls into the category of picture story books. The book tells an ancient Indian story in which a mystical hermit, mighty at magic, rescues a wretched little mouse from the beak of a hungry crow, and later transforms it into a stout cat, a big dog, and finally a royal tiger when it is threatened by a cat, a dog, and a tiger. The mouse becomes increasingly vain as it changes into larger and larger creatures and the hermit has to turn it back to its original state when it wants to kill him. This book is what a picture story book can be. As far as the content is concerned, with the subject of the evils of pride, it is appropriate for and appealing to very young children. Textwise, the number of words on each page is kept to a minimum. It is indeed a big theme with few words. The clearly patterned plot makes the story highly predictable so that when being read to, children will actively problem-solve. For all the predictability, suspense is nevertheless abundant due to the way the text is written and arranged on the pages. Consequently children’s interest will be held from the beginning to the very end. What contributes most to the superb quality of this book, however, is the illustrations that are in perfect harmony with the text. The dramatic color woodcuts achieve a fluidity of motion rarely found in the medium. Minimal as the test is, the illustrations create so clear a story line that a preliterate child will find the story easy to follow. The bold clear designs of the principle figure, the animals, and the landscape backgrounds are well created by simple masses so imaginative in concept that the woodcuts alone are a treasure of fine art. In rich jungle colors, the story of the rise and fall of the mouse is completed and extended by the pictures. The yellow green of sun through leaves and of earth, the dark green shadows, and the red that is mixed with other colors, all are compatible to the life in a forest, and help convey the mood well. Also the occasional use of visual metaphor reinforces the drama of the mouse. And even the natural texture of the long-grained plank is preserved to add depth and interesting patterns to the dramatic illustrations and help convey the mood. Other factors that lead to the high quality of the book include its powerfully attractive jacket, a nice appropriate format and a typeface that matches the illustrations. Compared with her soft delicate drawings in curved pen lines and gouache for Cinderella, the strength and rhythm that the beautiful boldly stylized woodcuts for this book possess are just outstanding. This book deserves an honorable place in the treasure house of picture story books. It makes a great read-aloud for very young children who will definitely find great pleasure in the transformations of the mouse into ever more terrifying animals and the wonderful changes of expression on the tiger’s faces as their emotions toward each other change. But for older children, much delight will be derived from both their visual experience of the work and their discovery of the profound meaning embedded in the seemingly simple story.


汇报材料格式 111一林红叶一霜染,一场秋雨一地寒。一栏落霞一处忧~一卷诗情一夕游。 一渡飞瀑半山下~一行白鹤越峰翔。一竿怅惘一蓑远~一船离愁一帆行。 一梦十年一回首~一丝垂纶一苇轻。一枕乡思黄花瘦~一雁独行一弓惊。 乡镇、学校教育工作汇报材料基本格式和要求 一、乡镇人民政府的汇报材料 麻江县**乡(镇)人民政府教育工作情况汇报 (注:标题为方正小标宋简体二号字) **乡,镇,人民政府乡,镇,长 ***(名字为楷体) ,2011年5月28日, 尊敬的各位领导,各位督学: 大家好!今天,我们**热烈欢迎各位领导莅临我乡,镇,检查指导教育工作。首先,我谨代表中共**乡,镇,党委、乡,镇,政府各位领导的到来表示热烈的欢迎。下面,我就**乡,镇,近年来的教育工作情况作简要汇报。如有不妥之处,敬请批评指正。,注:这只是大致意思,不要全部照搬照抄。, 一、基本情况 ,简要概述本乡镇情况,含地理位置、面积、人口、民族构成及省数民族比例,本乡镇国民经济基本情况。中小学、幼儿园教职工数、与任教师数、学生数,学前入园,班,幼儿数;小学和初中入学率、辍学率,学前入园,班,幼儿比例。, 二、工作开展情况与成效 ,本部分主要写乡镇贯彻落实县委政府教育工作部署、履行教辗转异地一衫泪~曾记当年一伞轻。西子湖畔一相逢~断桥一诺金山漫。 111一林红叶一霜染,一场秋雨一地寒。一栏落霞一处忧~一卷诗情一夕游。

一渡飞瀑半山下~一行白鹤越峰翔。一竿怅惘一蓑远~一船离愁一帆行。 一梦十年一回首~一丝垂纶一苇轻。一枕乡思黄花瘦~一雁独行一弓惊。 育工作职责中的做法不成效。要提练概括出几条来分别写。如“狠抓保学控辍工作,“两基”成果得到巩固提高”,然后再分小点一条条的写采取的措施及取得成效。不必将“普及程度、办学条件、师资水平”等结果罗列出来。本版块可参照发给大家的《各乡镇人民政府履行教育工作职责迎接省对县教育考核应留存备查资料的建议》所涉及的内容来组织材料。总之,本乡镇的重大教育工作措施不成效,教育亮点不特色应尽量得以体现。, 三、存在的主要问题与下步工作打算 ,问题要略讲,属于县的问题不讲。写完打算后,最后再简要的写一小段结语,结语内容大致为希望省领导提出宝贵意见和建议,我乡镇将认真抓好整改,同时我乡镇将进一步**,为进一步促进全乡镇教育工作再上一个新的水平**。,二:一一年五月二十八日 ,成文日期处加盖乡镇政府公章, 注: 1.写好初稿后,送乡镇主要领导実定,修改完善后乡镇主要领导签处意见同意后再印装存入本乡镇的资料盒备查。同时,报一份加盖有乡镇政府公章的交督导室存档备查。 2.文字格式,请按县政府要求排布。,各乡镇党政办有, 3.正式材料于5月20前交到督导室。 辗转异地一衫泪~曾记当年一伞轻。西子湖畔一相逢~断桥一诺金山漫。 111一林红叶一霜染,一场秋雨一地寒。一栏落霞一处忧~一卷诗情一夕游。 一渡飞瀑半山下~一行白鹤越峰翔。一竿怅惘一蓑远~一船离愁一帆行。 一梦十年一回首~一丝垂纶一苇轻。一枕乡思黄花瘦~一雁独行一弓惊。
