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当前位置:文档库 › 08-09学年上学期南京市伯乐中学《第四单元 物质构成的奥秘》单元检测

08-09学年上学期南京市伯乐中学《第四单元 物质构成的奥秘》单元检测

08-09学年上学期南京市伯乐中学《第四单元  物质构成的奥秘》单元检测
08-09学年上学期南京市伯乐中学《第四单元  物质构成的奥秘》单元检测

2H 2

2H 2H + H 2 A B C D

九年级化学《第四单元 物质构成的奥秘》单元测试

班级_______ 学号______ 姓名___________ 评分_______ 可能用到的相对原子量:C :12 H :1 O :16 N :14 Na :23 Fe :56 Cu :64



1.(08·黑龙江大庆)某饮用水标签的部分内容如图所示,这里Na 、K 、

Ca 、Mg 是指 ( )

A .元素

B .分子 C

.原子 D .金属

2.(08·江苏泰州)元素的种类决定于原子的( )

A .最外层电子数

B .中子数

C .相对原子质量

D .质子数

3.下图中的符号表示2个氢原子的是( )

4.(08?福建晋江)物质都是由微粒构成的。下列物质由分子构成的是( )





5.(08?福建福州)掌握化学用语是学好化学的关键。下列化学用语与含义相符的是( )

A .Fe 3O 4 ——四氧化三铁

B .2H ―――2个氢元素

C . O 2―――2个氧原子

D .——钠离子

6.(08·福建三明)下列粒子在化学反应中容易得到电子的是( )


7.(08·广东湛江)为了防止汶川5.12地震灾后疫情的发生,解放军使用了大量的NaClO 来消毒,在该物质中氯元素的化合价为()

A.+1 B.+7 C.-1 D.+2

8.(08·广东揭阳)下列符号:2N、N2、H2O 、2CO、SO2中,数字“2”的意义能用来表示分子个数的有()










B. 氯化钠由氯化钠分子构成


D. 反应中钠原子转移一个电子给氯原子










C. 93



序排列的: ①NH3②N2③NO ④X ⑤N2O5。根据排列规律,X不可能




C. NaNO2

D. NaNO3 14.(08·湖南郴州)2007年10月24日,“嫦娥一号”发射成功。其主要任务之一是探测月球上的氦(He-3),其原子核内的质子数为2,中子数为1,每一百吨氦(He-3)核聚变所释放的能量相当于目前人类一年消耗的能量。下列关于氦(He-3)元素的说法正确的是()



C. 原子结构示意图为

D. 原子结构示意图为







A. 3C2H2

B. C2H2


D. CO2




⑶写出2SO42- 中“2”的含义:,;












2020-2021南京市南京市第一中学 高一数学上期末试题附答案

2020-2021南京市南京市第一中学 高一数学上期末试题附答案 一、选择题 1.已知集合21,01,2A =--{,,},{}|(1)(2)0B x x x =-+<,则A B =I ( ) A .{}1,0- B .{}0,1 C .{}1,0,1- D .{}0,1,2 2.在实数的原有运算法则中,补充定义新运算“⊕”如下:当a b ≥时,a b a ⊕=;当 a b <时,2a b b ⊕=,已知函数()()()[]()1222,2f x x x x x =⊕-⊕∈-,则满足()()13f m f m +≤的实数的取值范围是( ) A .1 ,2??+∞???? B .1,22 ?????? C .12,23 ?????? D .21,3 ??-??? ? 3.酒驾是严重危害交通安全的违法行为.为了保障交通安全,根据国家有关规定:100mL 血液中酒精含量低于20mg 的驾驶员可以驾驶汽车,酒精含量达到20~79mg 的驾驶员即为酒后驾车,80mg 及以上认定为醉酒驾车.假设某驾驶员喝了一定量的酒后,其血液中的酒精含量上升到了1mg /mL .如果在停止喝酒以后,他血液中酒精含量会以每小时30%的速度减少,那么他至少经过几个小时才能驾驶汽车?( )(参考数据:lg 0.2≈﹣0.7,1g 0.3≈﹣0.5,1g 0.7≈﹣0.15,1g 0.8≈﹣0.1) A .1 B .3 C .5 D .7 4.若函数*12*log (1),()3,x x x N f x x N ?+∈? =????,则((0))f f =( ) A .0 B .-1 C . 1 3 D .1 5.已知函数ln ()x f x x =,若(2)a f =,(3)b f =,(5)c f =,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系是( ) A .b c a << B .b a c << C .a c b << D .c a b << 6.函数ln x y x = 的图象大致是( ) A . B . C . D . 7.根据有关资料,围棋状态空间复杂度的上限M 约为3361 ,而可观测宇宙中普通物质的原子总数N 约为1080.则下列各数中与M N 最接近的是 (参考数据:lg3≈0.48) A .1033 B .1053


七年级(上)英语期末试卷 考试时间:110分钟满分:110分 二、单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. -When is Lang Lang'concert? -It's _ three o'c lock __ the after noon of January 18th. A. at; in B. at; on C. on; in D. in; on 17. -Do you know the ___ of the Confucius institutes(孔子学院)around the world ? -More than 300. I guess. A. nu mber B country C item D reas on 18. Tra iners arefor a long walk. A. matchi ng B match C. fit D. fitti ng 19. ---Can you help me t ___ who broke the window? —OK, I will. A. look for B. look at C. find out D. look out 20. ----What can you buy with 15 yuan? ----1 think I can buy __ . A. two kilo of apple B two kilos of apple B. two kilo of apples D two kilos of apples 21. ---- ---------- does your father run every morning? ---- For half an hour A How many B How much C How ofte n D How long 22. I don 'eat chocolate very ofte n. Eatin ___ sweet food is not good for me. A too many B many too C too much D much too 23. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A Please take a look at the menu B She is in a volleyball club C Wish you good luck D We use pumpk ins to make Ian terns 24. Mr. White asks us __ football in the busy street. It' dangerous. A play B to play C don 'play D.not to play 25. ---- The price of an iphone8 is more than 6000yuan. ----- Y es, it_______ t oo much . It'too expe nsive for me to buy one. A. spe nds B. costs C. takes D. pays 26. ----Alice. please don'tplay the piano. I ______ on the phone. ---- Oh, sorry, mum A. talked B. talk C talks D.am talki ng 27. We should stress the ____ syllable(音节)when we read the word

2019届江苏省南京市中华中学等四校高三第一次联考试题 地理(含详细答案)

2019届江苏省南京市中华中学等四校高三第一次联考试题地 理 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(综合题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分) 一、选择题(共60分) (一) 单项选择题:本大题共18小题,每小题2分,共36分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 读世界某区域轮廓图,图中虚线MN为晨昏线。此时乙岛东北部降水量大于西南部。读图完成1~2题。 1.此日,图中A港的日落地方时大约为 A.6时20分B.5时20分 C.17时40分D.16时40分 2.此日,乙岛居民观察到日出时的太阳方位是 A.东北B.东南 C.正北D.西南 下图为某地某一时刻气压场分布与天气系统剖面图(仅考虑大气状况),读图回答3~4题。 3. 关于图示地区,下列说法正确的是 A. 暖气团在此天气系统形成过程中占主导 B. ①处的气压高于②处 C. 此时③处多阴雨天气 D. ④处此时吹偏北风 4. 控制以下天气现象的天气系统与图2可能相似的是 A. 春季华北的沙尘暴天气 B. 夏季浙江的台风 C. 我国北方地区秋高气爽的天气 D. 长江中下游的梅雨天气 下图分别为某区域等高线和地层分布示意图及甲山植被垂直分布示意图,读图回答5~6题。 5. 李家庄位于 A. 背斜山 B. 背斜谷 C. 向斜山 D. 向斜谷 6. 该山最可能为 A. 泰山 B. 天山 C. 武夷山 D. 长白山 右图为我国南方某地等高线地形图。读图完成7~8题。

7. 关于该区域自然地理特征的说法,正确的是() A. 盆地地形为主,南部多低缓丘陵 B. 夏季降水集中,甲地降水量最多 C. 河流水量充足,自西北流向东南 D. 地表起伏较大,以常绿树种为主 8. 某地理兴趣小组在该区域实地考察后,得出的错误结论是 A. 甲聚落与山峰之间的高差为1 000米左右 B. 站在山峰因为有山脊阻挡观察不到丙聚落 C. 四个聚落中,乙聚落受滑坡的潜在危险最大 D. 建坝顶等高的水坝,①比②造成淹没面积大 下图是同一半球亚热带大陆东、西两岸沿海某地年降水量逐月累计曲线图,读图回答9~10题。 9. 下列说法叙述正确的是 A. ①②均位于南半球 B. ①为冬雨型、②为夏雨型 C. ①降水变率比②大 D. ②年降水总量比①大 10. 曲线①②所在地区的典型农产品是 A. 油橄榄 B. 甜菜 C. 甘蔗 D. 柑橘 长江三角洲地区是我国城市化发展水平较高的区域。城市化发展的动力受到多种因素的影响,各因素所起的作用强弱不同。下图分别为长江三角洲部分区域城市化水平示意图和城市化动力强度比较图,读图回答11~12题。 11.图所示地区城市化水平的空间分布特征为 A.南高北低B.南北低,中部高 C.东高西低D.从东南向西北递减 12.目前苏州、南通、杭州、南京城市化的动力差异表现为 A.区位交通条件对苏州城市化发展影响较小 B.南通城市化的主导力量是农村工业化 C.南京市的外资吸引力小与区位交通条件差有关 D.杭州的优惠政策对城市化发展影响不大 三大粮食作物之一玉米,生长周期较短,是喜温、喜光、怕冻、耗水性作物。近年来,河西走廊渐渐从我国商品粮基地名录中淡出。图为我国玉米制种基地分布图。读图回答13~14题。

南京市第三十九中学 (鼓楼区)

南京市第三十九中学(鼓楼区) 南京市第三十九中学 南京市第三十九中学创建于1957年,现有34个教学班,在校师生1900名。学校占地面积15000多平方米,校园绿化成荫,环境整洁优美。中文名南京市第三十九中学外文名Nanjing 39th middle school简称三十九中校训明理求真创办时间1957年类别公立高中现任校长王克定所属地区中国南京主要奖项2000年4月份学校被评为南京市重点中学校风勤学创新文明守纪教风治学严谨 诲人不倦目录1 学校简介2 办学成果3 发展愿景学校简介拥有200米环形跑道的田径场和1600平方米的室外篮球场、排球场,建有现代化教学大楼三幢、办公实验楼二幢、功能完善的室内体育馆一座,拥有设施齐全的现代化计算机教师、语音室、理化生实验室、多功能教室、图书馆、教师阅览室和学生阅览室;还有配套的食堂、餐厅。2000年4月份学校被评为南京市重点中学。学校全面贯彻党的教育方针,以“明理求真”为校训,逐步形成“勤学创新文明守纪”的校风、“治学严谨诲人不倦“的教风和“求学刻苦做人求真“的学风。办学成果 学校德育工作成绩显著,于2000年12月顺利通过南京市德育先进学校的验收;智育工作常抓不懈,初中教学质量一直

稳步提高,体育工作已形成以篮球、排球、田径以及击剑为重点,其他项目全面发展的特色,校篮球队、排球队、田径队多次在市运动会上获得优异成绩;多年来,学校先后向高一级学校输送了一批又一批体育优秀人才。特别是校击剑队,曾荣获省和市多次奖项。高中艺术类教学教育特色鲜明、硕果累累,学校已培养出一大批音乐、美术类大学生。学校连续多年被市、区评为“文明学校”、“先进集体”、“体育传统项 目学校”等。学校不断加强与国外中学的教育教学研究与交流,先后与美国、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的中学建立了友好关系,并经常开展双边交流活动。发展愿景 学校决心再用2-3年时间,创建成高质量、有特色、规范化、现代化的省级重点初中,为培训更多富有竞争力和创造性的人才而努力奋斗。词条标签:组织机构,社会,学校


一、选择题 1.对于二次函数()()2 140y ax a x a =+->,下列说法正确的是( ) ①抛物线与x 轴总有两个不同的交点; ②对于任何满足条件的a ,该二次函数的图象都经过点()4,4和()0,0两点; ③若该函数图象的对称轴为直线0x x =,则必有012x <<; ④当2x ≥时,y 随x 的增大而增大,则102 a <≤ A .①② B .②③ C .①④ D .③④ 2.二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c 的部分图象如图,图象过点A (3,0),对称轴为直线x =1,下列结论:①a ﹣b +c =0;②2a +b =0; ③4ac ﹣b 2>0;④a +b ≥am 2+bm (m 为实数);⑤3a +c >0.则其中正确的结论有( ) A .2个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 3.当0ab >时,2y ax =与y ax b =+的图象大致是( ) A . B . C . D . 4.根据下列表格中的对应值: x 1.98 1.99 2.00 2.01 2y ax bx c =++ -0.06 -0.05 -0.03 0.01 判断方程0ax bx c ++=(,,,为常数)一个根的范围是()A .1.00 1.98x << B .1.98 1.99x << C .1.99 2.00x << D .2.00 2.01x << 5.函数2 21y x x =--的自变量x 的取值范围为全体实数,其中0x ≥部分的图象如图所示,对于此函数有下列结论:

①函数图象关于y 轴对称; ②函数既有最大值,也有最小值; ③当1x <-时,y 随x 的增大而减小; ④当21a -<<-时,关于x 的方程2 21x x a --=有4个实数根. 其中正确的结论个数是( ) A .3 B .2 C .1 D .0 6.一次函数y cx b =-与二次函数2y ax bx c =++在同一平面直角坐标系中的图象可能是( ) A . B . C . D . 7.如图,一抛物线型拱桥,当拱顶到水面的距离为2米时,水面宽度为4米;那么当水位下降1米后,水面的宽度为( ) A .26 B .3 C .6 D .428.把抛物线231y x =+向上平移2个单位,则所得抛物线的表达式为( ) A .233y x =+ B .231y x =- C .()2 321y x =++ D .()2 321y x =-+ 9.二次函数y =ax 2+bx+c (a >0)的图象与x 轴的两个交点A (x 1,0),B (x 2,0),且x 1<x 2,点P (m ,n )是图象上一点,那么下列判断正确的是( ) A .当n <0时,m <0 B .当n >0时,m >x 2 C .当n <0时,x 1<m <x 2 D .当n >0时,m <x 1 10.下列各图象中有可能是函数()2 0y ax a a =+≠的图象( )

江苏南京市第一中学(高中)圆周运动达标检测(Word版 含解析)

一、第六章 圆周运动易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,在水平圆盘上放有质量分别为m 、m 、2m 的可视为质点的三个物体A 、B 、C ,圆盘可绕垂直圆盘的中心轴OO '转动.三个物体与圆盘的动摩擦因数均为0.1μ=,最大静摩擦力认为等于滑动摩擦力.三个物体与轴O 共线且OA =OB =BC =r =0.2 m ,现将三个物体用轻质细线相连,保持细线伸直且恰无张力.若圆盘从静止开始转动,角速度极其缓慢地增大,已知重力加速度为g =10 m/s 2,则对于这个过程,下列说法正确的是( ) A .A 、 B 两个物体同时达到最大静摩擦力 B .B 、 C 两个物体的静摩擦力先增大后不变 C .当5/rad s ω>时整体会发生滑动 D 2/5/rad s rad s ω<<时,在ω增大的过程中B 、C 间的拉力不断增大 【答案】BC 【解析】 ABC 、当圆盘转速增大时,由静摩擦力提供向心力.三个物体的角速度相等,由2F m r ω=可知,因为C 的半径最大,质量最大,故C 所需要的向心力增加最快,最先达到最大静摩擦力,此时 2122C mg m r μω= ,计算得出:11 2.5/20.4 g rad s r μω= = = ,当C 的摩擦力达到最大静摩擦力之后,BC 开始提供拉力,B 的摩擦力增大,达最大静摩擦力后,AB 之间绳开始有力的作用,随着角速度增大,A 的摩擦力将减小到零然后反向增大,当A 与B 的摩擦力也达到最大时,且BC 的拉力大于AB 整体的摩擦力时物体将会出现相对滑动,此时A 与B 还受到绳的拉力,对C 可得:2 2222T mg m r μω+= ,对AB 整体可得:2T mg μ= ,计算得出:2g r μω= 当 1 5/0.2 g rad s r μω> = = 时整体会发生滑动,故A 错误,BC 正确; D 、 2.5rad/s 5rad/s?ω<<时,在ω增大的过程中B 、C 间的拉力逐渐增大,故D 错误; 故选BC 2.两个质量分别为2m 和m 的小木块a 和b (可视为质点)放在水平圆盘上,a 与转轴OO ’的距离为L ,b 与转轴的距离为2L ,a 、b 之间用强度足够大的轻绳相连,木块与圆盘的最大静摩擦力为木块所受重力的k 倍,重力加速度大小为g .若圆盘从静止开始绕转轴缓慢地加速转动,开始时轻绳刚好伸直但无张力,用ω表示圆盘转动的角速度,下列说法正确的是( )


2020-2021年度南京市新城中学七年级上册英语期末试卷一、听力部分(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) 略 二、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16.--- Our winter holiday is coming. It will begin ________ January 29. --- Really? I am looking forward to it. A.in B.on C.at D.to 17.--- Why don’t you like his white shirt, Mike? --- It isn’t the right ________. This white shirt is too big for me. A.price B.size C.colour D.style 18.--- What ________ Lucy ________ ? --- She is kind and helpful. A.is; look like B.does; like C.does; look D.is; like 19.The museum ________ from Monday to Saturday. It ________ at 10:00 a.m. every day. A.opens; is opened B.opens; opens C.is open; opens D.is open; is open 20.--- ________ is the park from here? --- It’s about 20 minutes by bus. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How much time


江苏省南京市中华中学2020-2021学年高一上学期十月阶段 考试英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读选择 Cowboys, Policemen, Princesses and Superheroes are all characters kids choose to be on any given day. Putting on a play can be a fun activity that lets them act out their favorite characters as well as use their artistic (艺术的) ability to create the stage. Best of all, they will be able to use their favorite line (台词) “look at me” as the audience sits down to enjoy the production. Help your kids decide on a play they would like to act out. Use the Internet or library to find scripts (剧本) for older reading kids. For younger kids, you can act out a favorite story or fairy tale. Of course, you could always help them write their own script. Decide how many characters are needed. Invite neighbors and friends to be in your play or let your kids play more than one character. Make sure you teach them to change the way they look, move and speak so the audience can tell the difference. Search for costume and prop (工具) supplies. Find clothes from your closet or attic (阁楼), or go to a garage sale. Help everyone make a mask or put on makeup to represent their character. Get creative. Make tickets, invitations, movie posters and props for your kids’ play. You can even decorate a curtain and hang in front of the stage. Set up chairs for the audience. Invite the audience to sit down and enjoy the play. 1.Which of the following characters may NOT be chosen by kids? A.Policemen B.Princesses. C.Superheroes. D.Beggars. 2.Which of the following tips is given? A.Put on a play to improve kids’ learning ability. B.Choose different scripts for kids of different ages. C.Let a kid act out a single character in the same play. D.Buy unique costumes and props for unique scripts. 3.The best title for the passage is ________. A.How to Help kids to Put on a Play B.How to give Kids useful Advice on Performance

南京市南京市第九中学物理电流和电路易错题(Word版 含答案)

南京市南京市第九中学物理电流和电路易错题(Word版含答案) 一、初三物理电流和电路易错压轴题(难) 1.小敏和小英通过实验探究“并联电路中干路电流与各支路电流的关系”.她们连接的电路如图所示. (1)当小敏用开关“试触”时,发现电流表A1无示数、电流表A2的指针快速右偏,两灯均不发光.由此可知,她们连接的电路发生了________故障;若闭合开关S,可能造成的后果是________. (2)小英只改接了电路中的一根导线,电路便连接正确了,请你在图中画出她的改法.(在错接的导线上画×,然后画出正确的接线) (___________) (3)她们利用改正后的电路进行实验:闭合开关S后,读出两块电流表的示数,得出的初步结论是:________. 【答案】短路电流表A2被烧坏在并联电路中, 干路电流大于支路电流 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 (1)电流表A1无示数、电流表A2的指针快速右偏,两灯均不发光,由此可知电路发生了短路故障,若闭合开关S,由于电路发生短路,电路中电流过大,可能造成的后果是电流表A2被烧坏. (2)改正电路如图: (3)利用改正后的电路进行实验,闭合开关S后,读出两块电流表的示数,得出的初步结论是:在并联电路中,干路电流大于支路电流. 【点睛】

电路中发生短路的危害,可能烧毁电流表或电源,为避免短路发生,可采用试触法. 2.在“探究串联电路中电流的特点”实验中,小明连接了如图所示的电路,闭合开关后,发现两个小灯泡都不发光,电流表没示数,检查发现各连线接触良好. (1)于是小明提出用导线两端依次连接ab、ac、ad两点的设计方案,其中用导线连接哪两点间不合适?答:________ (选填“ab”、“ac”或“ad”). (2)当小明用导线连接ab时,两灯泡不发光;连接ac时,小灯泡1L不发光,小灯泡2L 很亮,然后又熄灭.那么,原电路中的故障是________,小灯泡2L又熄灭的原因可能是 _____________. (3)此时,同组的小红提出用电压表检查电路,你认为小红的方案可行吗?答:________(选填“可行”或“不可行”). 【答案】ad L1断路电路中电流太大,灯丝被烧断可行 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 (1)于是小明提出用导线两端依次连接ab、ac、ad两点的设计方案,连接ab两点可以检查电流表有没有故障,再连接ac两点,就可以检查L1、L2有没有故障,连接ad两点,电路短路,可能会损坏电源,所以连接ad两点不合适; (2)当小明用导线连接ab时,两灯泡不发光,说明电流表完好;连接ac时,小灯泡1L 不发光,小灯泡2L很亮,然后又熄灭.那么,原电路中的故障是L1断路,小灯泡2L又熄灭的原因可能是电路中电流太大,灯丝被烧断. (3)此时,同组的小红提出用电压表检查电路,小红的方案可行,可以分别把电压表接在ab之间、ac之间,看电压表的示数即可. 3.在“测量小电灯的功率”的实验中,电源电压为4.5V,小灯泡额定电压为2.5V、电阻约为10Ω.滑动变阻器标有“30Ω 1A”字样 (1)连接电流表时应选用________________的量程. (2)请你用笔画线代替导线,将图甲中的实物电路连接完整__________. (3)乙同学连完电路并闭合开关后,发现小灯泡不发光且电压表示数为零,电流表示数为0.15A,产生这一现象的原因是 ____________________________________________.


2020-2021学年南京一中(上学期)高一年级周测 II.阅读理解(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Carl Lewis holds the record as the only man to capture the gold in the 100-meter, 200-meter, long jump, and 4*100-meter relay at the same Olympic Games. He has been a member of five Olympic teams, but it wasn’t until the 1984 Games in Los Angeles that he came into his own, winning the 100-meter, 200-meter, long jump, and 4*100-meter relay. He continued to create history at the 1988 Games in Seoul, where he won the 100-meter and the long jump for a second time. In 1992 in Barcelona, Carl won the long jump and 4*100-meter relay again. Carl Lewis finally finished competing in 1996 in Atlanta where he won the long jump. He happens to live right down the street from me, so I decided to interview the greatest Olympian of all time. 1.When you started running, did you realize that you were going to be great? No, I was awful when I started! I was 5’5” until the end of tenth grade, but by the time I graduated I was six feet. I’m sure I would have quit if it hadn’t been for my parents telling me not to give up. 2.What thoughts went through your mind before a race? What did you tell yourself? Leading up to the race, I’d go over my race technique. But once I stepped into the block, I would try to relax and clear my mind so the only thing I could hear was the gun going off. While I was actually running, I had to be aware of what was happening, but I couldn’t let that affect my race. I had to run my own race. 3.What advice would you give athletes? Never give up. I was supposed to give up, but because my mom was the best liar on earth, telling me I would grow and that I was good at running, I continued to run. And you know how people say, “You can be whatever you want to be.” You just have to be a leader, no a follower, choose to make a difference, and you will be whatever you aspire to be. 21. In which of the following did Carl Lewis win gold medals twice? A. 100-meter and the long jump. B. 4 * 100-meter relay and 100-meter. C. The long jump and 200-meter. D. 100-meter and 200-meter. 22. What can be learned about Carl Lewis from the passage? A. He noticed nothing else but his running during the race. B. He has altogether participated in four Olympic Games. C. He was so determined that he never thought of quitting his sports. D. He couldn’t have succeeded without his parents’ encouragement. 23. The underlined word “awful” in the passage is closest in meaning to. A. terrible B. confident C. great D. short B Bullied (受欺凌的) kids face a high risk of mental health problems as teens and as young adults. Indeed, kids troubled by bullying may be worse off than those who had suffered physical abuse (虐待) or neglect, as the study found. Until recently, most studies of child victims focused not on bullying but on maltreatment (虐待), Dieter Wolke says. Maltreatment includes physical or emotional abuse, neglect or other behaviors that can harm a child. Wolke’s team wanted to better understand bullying’s long-term effects compared to those due to maltreatment. They focused on 4,026 children in the United Kingdom and 1,420 more in the United States. Information about bullying and maltreatment was collected for American children to age 13. They collected the same information for British youth up to age 16. The researchers also gathered data on each individual’s mental health as a young adult. Among the Americans, 36 percent of bullied kids had mental problems later. Those problems included anxiety, which is a state of excessive worry. They also included depression. That is a feeling of hopelessness that can last a long time. Among kids who had been maltreated by adults, 17 percent later suffered mental health problems. That was less than half the rate seen in people who had been bullied as school kids. In the U.K. group, the difference was less dramatic. Roughly 25 percent of the bullied kids reported mental health problems later, compared with about 17 percent who had been maltreated. But however you look at it, the findings are disturbing. And that’s why Wolke says schools, health services and other


2018-2019学年江苏省南京市建邺区新城中学本部八年级下学期 期中考试英语试卷 二、单项选择。 16.Look at the picture. The_________from the traffic makes people sick. A.dirty air B.water waste C.noise pollution D.strong light 17.”One Belt, One Road ” will help to_______markets for China as well as other countries along. A.turn up B.look up C.put up D.open up 18.---Have you ever heard of UFO before? ---Yes. But none of us has_______seen one. A.ever B.just C.already D.never 19.---I did too badly in the test today. ----It is no use crying over split milk A.Otherwise B.Anyway C.Moreover D.However 20.----Can I take some biscuit and juice to the reading room? -----No. In our school, it is a rule that students______eat or drink there. A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D. may not 21. Henry used to be a top student, but he has fallen behind_______he lost himself in playing computer games. A.after B.since C.when D.until 22.My sister_______as a volunteer teacher in a village school for two months last summer. A.worked B.has worked C.works D. was working 23. I was very nervous when I began to make the speech. I didn’t even know______to start with. A.how B.when C.why D.what 24. My family moved to this town two years ago and now we_______in a place far from the city centre.

2020-2021学年江苏省南京市中华中学高二上学期期末检测英语试题 解析版

江苏省南京市中华中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末检测 英语试题 一、阅读选择 Greenland is the biggest island in the world. And the ice sheet that sits atop it is massive. “The pile of ice being so thick, it extends more than 10, 000 feet above the ocean. And if all that ice were to melt and go into the ocean, global sea levels would rise by 24 feet everywhere around the world,” said Jason Briner, a geologist at the University at Buffalo. The ice sheet is melting, of course. But just how much, compared to the past? Briner’s team did a com puter simulation(模拟)of the southwest of the Greenland ice sheet, which he says is a good proxy for ice melt across the entire ice sheet. The researchers plugged past climate data into that model to “hindcast”, rather than forecast, the past activity of the ice sheet. They then checked the model’s predictions of the past shape and size of the ice sheet by looking at piles of rocks and dirt on Greenland today, which outline the edges of ancient ice. And the simulation was in good agreement with the actual situation. Using that reconstruction of the ice sheet over time, the team could compare the ice sheet’s historic losses to those happening today under human-caused global warming. And they determined that Greenland is on track to lose more ice this century than during any century in the past 12, 000 years — possibly four times as much. The results appear in the journal Nature. Ultimately it’s up to us how much ice actually melts. “Hu manity has the button — the carbon button — and that button is going to influence the rates of ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet.” If the world goes net carbon zero by 2100, for example, Briner says ice loss could stop, entirely at the end of the centu ry, according to one model. “That was what kept me from being compl etely depressed about our study. ” Dozens of countries have already announced goals to go net carbon zero by the middle of this century — so far the U. S. is not one of them. 1.What does th e underlined word “proxy” in Paragraph 2 refer to? A.Combination. B.Example. C.Recommendation. D.Interpretation. 2.What do we learn from the computer simulation done by Briner’s team? A.It is conducted by predicting the activity of the ice sheet. B.It centers on ice melt throughout the entire ice sheet.

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