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柏拉图-客观唯心主义奠基人 中英对照

大师之路【柏拉图-客观唯心主义奠基人】Plato (Greek Π λ ? τ ω ν, English Platon) is not only the ancient Greek philosophy, is also all western philosophy and even the entire western culture's greatest philosophers and one of the thinker.苏格拉底的学生,亚里士多德的老师。Socrates' students, Aristotle's teacher.他建立了以理念论为核心的客观唯心主义体系。He set up with the theory of idea as the core objective idealism system.认为理念是事物的永恒不变的“范型”,是独立于个别事物和人类意识之外的实体。Think of the things is the idea of constant "paradigm", is independent of individual things and human consciousness of the outside entity.感性的具体事物是不真实的,它是完善的理念的不完善的“影子”或“摹本”。Perceptual specific things is not true, it is the perfect idea of the imperfect "shadow" or "copy".理念有等级之分,最高的理念是“善的理念”。Idea has grades, the highest principle is "good idea".认识只是一种回忆,是不朽的灵魂对理念世界的回忆,感觉是以个别事物为其对象,因而不可能是真实的知识的源泉。Know just a memory, are immortal soul concept of world of memory, the feeling is based on individual things for its object, and therefore can't be real source of knowledge.他认为辩证法是最高级的认识,第一次将辩证法提到哲学高度。He thought of dialectics is the highest know, first mentioned the dialectic philosophy height.他的伦理学和美学建立在理念论的基础上,认为善的理念是道德的唯一根源,美的事物是相对的、变幻的,美的理念却是绝对的、不变的。His ethics and aesthetic built on the basis of the theory of idea, think the idea of the good morality is the only source, beautiful things is relative, the irregular change, the idea is absolute, constant.前者是后者的摹本,艺术的本质就是模仿,是“摹本的摹本”。The former is a copy of the latter, the essence of art is the imitation, is "a copy of a copy."在政治观上,他设计了一整套“理想国”方案,主张“哲学王”来治理国家,把“哲学王”看作天主的统治者、立法者,他的政治思想带有空想的性质。In the political vision, he designed a set of "dream land" scheme that "philosophy king" to govern the country, "philosophy king" as god's rulers, lawmakers, his political thought has the nature of the dream.著有《理想国》、《法律篇》、《巴门尼德篇》、《会饮篇》、《智者篇》、《斐多篇》、《泰阿泰德篇》、《蒂迈欧篇》等。In his book "dream land", "law article", "the door's, and the article", "symposium article", "the wise article", "which more than paper", "tai o ted article", "Wendy Wallace the article", etc.


腊语中,Platus一词是“平坦、宽阔”等意思)。His name was the more than rhys sophocles Aristokles, because of strong body and after broad forehead, and was renamed the Plato (in ancient Greek, Platus a word is "flat, wide" mean, etc).家中排行老四。Family old four.柏拉图是其体育老师给他起的绰号。Plato is the sports teacher gave him the nickname.

他出生于雅典,父母为名门望族之后,从小受到了完备的教育。He was born in Athens, parents for noble family later, by the complete education since childhood.他早年喜爱文学,写过诗歌和悲剧,并且对政治感兴趣,20岁左右同苏格拉底交往后,醉心于哲学研究。In his early years, like literature, writing poetry and tragedy, and interest in politics, about the age of 20, with Socrates association after, bent on the philosophy.公元前399年,苏格拉底受审并被判死刑,使他对现存的政体完全失望,于是离开雅典到埃及、西西里等地游历,时间长达十多年。In 399 BC, Socrates tried and sentenced to death, to the existing government fully disappointed, and he left Athens to Egypt, Sicily, travel, time for more than ten years.

公元前387年柏拉图回到雅典,在城外西北角??立了自己的学校(学园、或称“阿卡得米”,Academy)。387 BC Plato back to Athens, in the northwest of the town was school (garden, or say "akkadian rice", Academy).学园的校址所在地与希腊的传奇英雄阿卡得摩斯(Academus)有关,因而以此命名。The school garden located with Greek legendary hero akkadian moss (Academus) about, so named after it.这是西方最早的高等学府,后世的高等学术机构(Academy)也因此而得名,它是中世纪时在西方发展起来的大学的前身。This is the earliest western institutions of higher, higher academic institutions of later generations (Academy) and hence the name, it is in the middle ages in the western developed the predecessor of the university.学园存在了900多年,直到公元529年被查士丁尼大帝关闭为止。Existing garden for more than 900 years, until the 529 emperor Justinian so far off.学园受到毕达哥拉斯的影响较大,课程设置类似于毕达哥拉斯学派的传统课题,包括了算术、几何学、天文学以及声学。By the influence of the Pythagorean e-learning is larger, curriculum setting similar to traditional subject of the Pythagorean school, including the arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and acoustics.

公元前367年,柏拉图再度出游,此时学园已经创立二十多年了。In 367 BC, Plato travel again, this time the garden has founded more than 20 years.他两次赴西西里岛企图实现政治抱负,并

将自己的理念付诸实施,但是却遭到强行放逐,于公元前360年回到雅典,继续在学园讲学、写作。He twice to Sicily attempt to achieve political ambition, and his ideas into practice, but were forced exile, in 360 BC, returned to Athens, continue to give lectures, writing in the garden.直到公元前347年,柏拉图以80高龄去世。Until 347 BC, Plato, died at the age of 80.

柏拉图认为任何一种哲学要能具有普遍性,必须包括一个关于自然和宇宙的学说在内。Plato argued that any kind of philosophy to universal, and must include a about nature and the universe, the theory.柏拉图试图掌握有关个人和大自然永恒不变的真理,因此发展一种适合并从属于他的政治见解和神学见解的自然哲学。Plato tried to control the individuals and nature eternal truth, so a suitable for development and belong to his political opinions from the natural philosophy and theology opinions.

柏拉图认为,自然界中有形的东西是流动的,但是构成这些有形物质的“形式”或“理念”却是永恒不变的。Plato's thought, the nature is tangible things flow, but the tangible form of material "form" or "idea" is eternal.柏拉图指出,当我们说到“马”时,我们没有指任何一匹马,而是称任何一种马。Plato pointed out that when we say "horses", we do not have refers to any a horse, but says any kind of a horse.而“马”的含义本身独立于各种马(“有形的”),它不存在于空间和时间中,因此是永恒的。"Horse" meaning itself independent in all kinds of horse (" tangible "), it does not exist in space and time, therefore is eternal.但是某一匹特定的、有形的、存在于感官世界的马,却是“流动”的,会死亡,会腐烂。But a horse specific, tangible, existing in the world of the senses horse, is "flow", die, will rot.这可以作为柏拉图的“理念论”的一个初步的解说。This can be as Plato's "concept theory" of the a preliminary explanation.

柏拉图认为,我们对那些变换的、流动的事物不可能有真正的认识,我们对它们只有意见或看法,我们唯一能够真正了解的,只有那些我们能够运用我们的理智来了解的“形式”或者“理念”。Plato's thought, we for those who transform the flow of things, there can't be a real understanding, we are only opinions or views, the only thing we can really understand, only those who we can use our reason to know "form" or "idea".因此柏拉图认为,知识是固定的和肯定的,不可能有错误的知识。So Plato's thought, knowledge is fixed and sure, there may not be wrong knowledge.但是意见是有可能错误的。But opinion might be wrong.

在柏拉图的《理想国》(The Republic)中,有这么一个著名的洞穴比喻来解释理念论:有一群囚犯在一个洞穴中,他们手脚都被捆绑,身体也无法转身,只能背对着洞口。In Plato's "dream land" (The Republic), to have such a famous cave to explain The theory of idea: a group of prisoners in a cave, and they were bound, The body cannot turn around, can only from The mouth of The cave.他们面前有一堵白墙,他们身后燃烧着一堆火。Before they have a white wall wall behind them, a fire burning.在那面白墙上他们看到了自己以及身后到火堆之间事物的影子,由于他们看不到任何其他东西,这群囚犯会以为影子就是真实的东西。In that side white wall they see themselves and the fires of things behind between shadow, because they don't see any other things, this group of prisoners will think that shadow is the real thing.最后,一个人挣脱了枷锁,并且摸索出了洞口。Finally, a man free from the chains, and explored the mouth of the cave.他第一次看到了真实的事物。The first time he saw the real thing.他返回洞穴并试图向其他人解释,那些影子其实只是虚幻的事物,并向他们指明光明的道路。He returned to the cave and trying to explain to others, the shadow actually only unrealistic things, and to specify the way of the light.但是对于那些囚犯来说,那个人似乎比他逃出去之前更加愚蠢,并向他宣称,除了墙上的影子之外,世界上没有其他东西了。But for the prisoners for, that people seem to get out more than he before stupid, and to him that, besides the wall outside the shadow, no other things in the world.

柏拉图利用这个故事来告诉我们,“形式”其实就是那阳光照耀下的实物,而我们的感官世界所能感受到的不过是那白墙上的影子而已。Plato's use of this story to tell us, "form" in fact is that the sunshine of the physical, and our sensory world can feel but is the white wall shadow just.我们的大自然比起鲜明的理性世界来说,是黑暗而单调的。Our nature of rational world than bright, it is dark and drab.不懂哲学的人能看到的只是那些影子,而哲学家则在真理的阳光下看到外部事物。Don't know who can see the philosophy is the shadow, and philosophers in truth sunshine see things outside.

柏拉图的《理想国》还向我们描绘出了一幅理想的乌托邦的画面,柏拉图认为,国家应当由哲学家来统治。Plato's "dream land" also to our portrays an ideal utopia of the screen, Plato's thought, the country should be made by the philosopher to rule.柏拉图的理想国中的公民划分为

卫国者、士兵和普通人民三个阶级。Plato's ideal of the kingdom of citizens is divided into WeiGuoZhe, soldiers and ordinary people's three class.卫国者是少部分管理国家的精英。WeiGuoZhe is part of the elite management of state.他们可以被继承,但是其他阶级的优秀儿童也可以被培养成卫国者,而卫国者中的后代也有可能被降到普通人民的阶级。They can be inherited, but other class good children's can also be trained WeiGuoZhe, and the offspring WeiGuoZhe could be down to ordinary people's class.卫国者的任务是监督法典的制定和执行情况。WeiGuoZhe task is to supervise the formulation and implementation of code.为达到该目的柏拉图有一整套完整的理论。To achieve this objective Plato has a set of complete theory.他的理想国要求每一个人在社会上都有其特殊功能,以满足社会的整体需要。His ideal ask everyone in the society has its special features, to meet the needs of society as a whole.但是在这个国家中,女人和男人有着同样的权利,存在着完全的性平等。But in this country, women and men have the same rights, there are completely sexual equality.政府可以在为了公众利益时撒谎。The government can be in the public interest to when telling a lie.每一个人应该去做自己份内的事而不应该打扰到别人。Every one should to do their part and should not disturb others.在今天看来,柏拉图描绘的理想国是一个可怕的极权主义国家。In today's opinion, Plato described the kingdom is an ideal a terrible totalitarian state.但是“理想国其实是用正确的方式管理国家的科学家的观点”,柏拉图本人并没有试图实现理想国中的国家机器。But "dream land is actually use the right way over the nation of scientists view", Plato himself not trying to realize the ideal of the kingdom of the national machine.

柏拉图在《律法》(The Laws)则指出,“宪法国家”是仅次于理想国的最好的国家。Plato is on The law "(The Laws), said The" constitution "country is second only to The ideal of The best country.他在该书中同样指出,妇女和男人应该得到同样的尊重和训练。In this work, he also pointed out that women and men should get the same respect and training.

柏拉图企图使天文学成为数学的一个部门。Plato's attempt to make astronomy as a department of mathematics.他认为:“天文学和几何学一样,可以靠提出问题和解决问题来研究,而不去管天上的星界。”He think: "astronomy and geometry, can rely on questions and solve the problem to study, and it doesn't matter the stars of heaven world."柏拉图认为宇宙开头是没有??别的一片混沌。Plato argued that the universe is no different from the beginning of a piece of chaos.这片

混沌的开辟是一个超自然的神的活动的结果。The void is the opening of a supernatural god of the activities of the results.依照柏拉图的说法,宇宙由混沌变得秩序井然,其最重要的特征就是造物主为世界制定了一个理性方案;In accordance with that of Plato, the universe by the chaos become orderly, its most important feature is the creator of the world to make a rational solution;关于这个方案付诸实施的机械过程,则是一种想当然的自然事件。About the plan into practice mechanical process, is a kind of natural event take it for granted.

柏拉图的宇宙观基本上是一种数学的宇宙观。Plato's view of the universe is basically a mathematical way of understanding the universe.他设想宇宙开头有两种直角三角形,一种是正方形的一半,另一种是等边三角形的一半。He imagined the universe beginning has two kinds of a right triangle, one kind is a square of the half, the other is half the equilateral triangle.从这些三角形就合理地产生出四种正多面体,这就组成四种元素的微粒。From these triangle is reasonable property gives birth to four regular polyhedron, this form of the four elements of particles.火微粒是正四面体,气微粒是正八面体,水微粒是正二十面体,土微粒是立方体。Fire particles are are tetrahedron, air particles are are octahedron, water particles are are icosahedron, soil particles are cube.第五种正多面体是由正五边形形成的十二面体,这是组成天上物质的第五种元素,叫做以太。The fifth kind of regular polyhedron is formed by the pentagon is twelve face body, and this is the matter of heaven element, called the ether.整个宇宙是一个圆球,因为圆球是对称和完善的,球面上的任何一点都是一样。The whole universe is a ball, because the ball is a symmetric and perfect, the sphere of any point is the same.宇宙也是活的,运动的,有一个灵魂充溢全部空间。The universe is live, sports, there's a whole space filled with the soul.宇宙的运动是一种环行运动,因为圆周运动是最完善的,不需要手或脚来推动。The movement of the universe is a kind of circular movement, because a circle is the most perfect, do not need to hand or foot to promote.四大元素中每一种元素在宇宙内的数量是这样的:火对气的比例等于气对水的比例和水对土的比例。The four elements of each element in the universe is the number of such within: fire on the proportion of gas is equal to the ratio of water gas and water on the proportion of soil.万物都可以用一个数目来定名,这个数目就是表现它们所含元素的比例。All things can use a number to name, this number is they contain elements of the performance ratio.
