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Unit 2 Fit for life


1.creative adj.富有创造力的

2.determination n.决心

3.humorous adj.幽默的

4.independent adj.独立的

5.profession n.职业

6.qualification n.资格;学历

7.be honored as被誉为……

8.be active in积极从事于

9.be admitted into a key university考上重点大学

10.think highly/well of对……高度评价




参考词汇:中国中医研究院/所China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine;疟疾malaria


Tu Youyou,a famous female pharmacologist and scientist,was born in Ningbo,Zhejiang Province on December 30th,1930.① In 1951,she was admitted into Beijing University,majoring in making medicine and graduated in 1955.After graduation she was trained in traditional Chinese medicine for two years and a half② and she has been working in China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing.In 1972,

she succeeded in discovering and developing artemisinin out of a Chinese herb to cure those patients of malaria in different places of the world,so that she won many big awards.③To our excitement and delight,she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on October 5th,2015,becoming the first Chinese woman who won the Nobel Prize④ .We are called on to learn from her and devote ourselves to scientific research.



Tu Youyou,who is a famous female pharmacologist and scientist,was born in Ningbo,Zhejiang Province on December 30th,1930.


After she graduated,she was trained in traditional Chinese medicine for two years and a half.

3.将第③句中的so that从句改为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句

In 1972,she succeeded in discovering and developing artemisinin out of a Chinese herb to cure those patients of malaria in different places of the world,for which she won many big awards.


becoming the first Chinese woman to win the Nobel Prize



1.vital (adj.)对……极重要的,必不可少的

2.potential (n.)可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能;(adj.)潜在的;可能的

3.unable (adj.)不能,无法

4.beneficial (adj.)有益的,有用的

benefit (n.)利益,好处;(v.)有助于,受益

5.possess (vt.)拥有,具有

possession (n.)[C,常用复数]所有物;财产;[U]具有,拥有

6.astonish (vt).使十分惊讶,使吃惊

astonishing (adj.)令人十分惊讶的

astonished (adj.)感到十分惊讶的

astonishment (n.)惊讶,惊异

7.application (n.)应用,运用;申请,申请表;涂抹,外敷

apply (vi.)申请;适用;(vt.)应用;涂,敷

applicant (n.)申请人

8.approval (n.)批准,通过;赞成,同意

approve (vt.)批准,同意;(vi.)赞成

9.effective (adj.)有效的;实际的,事实上的;生效的

effect (n.)效果,作用;影响

10.reasonable (adj.)合理的,有理由的;公道的;明智的

unreasonable (adj.)不合理的

reason (n.)理由;(v.)推理

11.arrangement (n.)排列,布置;安排;约定,协议

arrange (v.)安排,筹划;整理,排列,布置

12.applaud (vi.& vt.)鼓掌;称赞,赞许

applause (n.)鼓掌,喝彩

13.sharp (adj.)锋利的;急剧的;灵敏的;尖锐的,严厉的

sharpen (vt.& vi.)(使)变锋利;提高,改善

14.addicted (adj.)上瘾;入迷

addict (n.)吸毒成瘾的人,对……入迷的人;(vt.)使上瘾,使沉迷addiction (n.)瘾,嗜好

addictive (adj.)使上瘾的,使人入迷的

15.phenomenon (n.)现象

phenomena (pl.)

16.accelerate (vt.& vi.)(使)加速,加快

acceleration (n.)加速,加快


17.outcome (n.)结果,后果

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca15682375.html,plex (adj.)复杂的,难懂的;(n.)建筑群;相关联的一组事物;情结

19.theory (n.)理论,学说

20.relate (vt.& vi.)联系,把……联系起来;叙述,讲述

21.best-selling (adj.)畅销的

22.surgeon (n.)外科医师

23.dull (adj.)钝的,不锋利的;迟钝的;枯燥的;灰暗的,昏暗的

24.revolution (n.)巨变,大变革;革命

25.counter (n.)柜台;计数器;反驳;(vt.)反驳;抵制,抵消

26.chew (vt.& vi.)咀嚼,嚼碎;咬,啃

27.tablet (n.)药片;丸;牌,匾,碑

28.symptom (n.)症状;征兆

29.sickness (n.)疾病;恶心,呕吐

sick (adj.)生病的;恶心的,呕吐的

30.bleed (vt.)流血,失血

blood (n.)血

31.chemist (n.)药剂师,药商;化学家

chemical (n.)化学物质;化学制品;(adj.)化学的

chemistry (n.)化学

32.circulate (vi.& vt.)循环;传播,散布;传递,传阅

circulation (n.)循环,流通

33.abnormal (adj.)不正常的,反常的

normal (n.& adj.)正常(的),一般(的)

34.subscribe (vi.)定期订购或订阅

subscriber (n.)订阅者;订购者;捐助者

subscription (n.)订阅,订购;捐助;签字,签署


1.try out测试,试验;参加选拔

2.wear somebody out使筋疲力尽;使厌烦

3.let out放出,发出

4.subscribe to同意,赞成

5.mass production批量生产

6.be cautious about对……小心谨慎

7.manage to do sth.设法做成某件事

8.in...form/in the form of...以……形式

9.be addicted to对……上瘾,痴迷

10.swell up肿胀,膨胀


1.Have you ever seen a doctor?If so,what happened?


2.If you open any medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the world,it is likely that you will find aspirin and penicillin.


3.Both of these medicines have saved millions of people’s lives and have proved beneficial to mankind since they were invented.


4.Will you need to change the information or will you use it as it is?



[应试指导] 短语用法


be possessed of拥有某种品质、能力等


in possession of sth.占有或拥有某物

in the possession of sb.为某人所有

take possession of占有,拥有;占领

(1)He is possessed of health,wealth and good sense.


(2)The result is that we throw away useful possessions to make room for new ones. 结果是,我们扔掉有用的东西,为新的物品腾出空间。(2015·安徽)



①I’m afraid he doesn’t possess a sense of humour.

②She was suddenly possessed by fear.

③He was caught in possession of stolen goods.

④The land is in the possession of the merchant.

(2)The invaders the land of the locals.

A.in possession of

B.took possession of

C.in the possession of

D.took the possession of

答案 B

解析take possession of占有,拥有,在句中作谓语。

(3)These comments came specific questions often asked by local newsmen.(2015·浙江,17)

A.in memory of

B.in response to

C.in touch with

D.in possession of

答案 B

解析考查介词短语辨析。句意为:这些评论是对当地记者经常询问的具体问题的回应。in response to作为对……的回答,作为对……的反应,符合语境。in memory of为了纪念;in touch with与……有联系;in possession of拥有,持有。

2vital adj.对……极重要的;必不可少的

[应试指导] 写作高频词汇

(1)be vital for/to sth.对……极为重要

(2)It is vital that...……是极重要的。从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形”,should可省略。像这样用于该句型的词还有:important,necessary,strange等。

(1)What’s worse,some drivers,cyclists and pedestrians do not think it vital to obey traffic rules.

更糟糕的是,一些司机,骑自行车的人及行人认为遵守交通规则并不重要。(2015·江苏) (2)It is hard work and determination rather than outer conditions that play a vital role in shaping a great mind.


(3)His support is vital for our project.



(1)Interest is as vital to( 同等重要) learning as the ability to understand,even more so.

(2)It is vital that he to the new environment as soon as possible.



C.must adapt


答案 A

解析It is vital that...后面加虚拟语气“should+动词原形”,表示“……是至关重要的”should可以省略。

3potential n.可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能;adj.潜在的,可能的

[应试指导] 写作及完形填空高频词汇

have the potential to do sth.有做某事的潜力



(1)Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to develop to their greatest potential.


(2)Education develops potential abilities.




①He has the potential to become(有成为……的潜能) a world-class musician.

②She believes that working in this way can help to achieve her full potential(有助于充分发挥她的潜力).

③You shoul d believe that the students have great potential for learning English well(有学好英语的巨大潜能).

(2)People are shoppers in China on November 11th,contributing to more than

35 billion online shopping sales.





答案 B


4relate vt.& vi.联系,把……联系起来;叙述,讲述

[应试指导] 写作高频词汇



=be relative to与……有关/联系/血缘关系

(1)In fact,traffic rules are part of the rules and regulations closely related to public order.


(2)It relates artistic values to local conditions.


(3)Supply must be relative to demand.




①You can have genes related to the immune system.

②Apparently relations between husband and wife have not improved.

(2)Experts believe that a large number of cancer cases in the area are directly to the nuclear power station.





答案 D

解析be related to与……有关,符合句意。refer to涉及,参考;devote...to专心于;contribute to有助于。

(3)There is no need for you to go on a diet;you are only slightly overweight your height.

A.in case of

B.in relation to

C.in return for

D.in response to

答案 B

解析in case of万一;in relation to和……相关;in return for作为回报;in response


5try out试用,测试;试验;参加选拔

[应试指导] 短语用法

try sth.out on在……上试验某物

try out for参加……选拔或试演

try on试穿;试用

(1)Try out the new medicine for a year and we’ll see how well it works.


(2)She enjoyed trying her French out on Pierre.


(3)A lot of people wanted me to try out for other positions and I told them no.



(1)用try on,try out填空

①It even provides many instruments with which to try out new things.

②When buying clothes,try on various colors and prints and see which one makes you look best.

(2)—What attracted you to our university?

—You have a great basketball team and I can for it.

A.work out

B.look out

C.carry out

D.try out

答案 D

解析work out解决,产生结果,发展,锻炼;look out向外看,当心,警惕;carry out 抬出去,执行,贯彻;try out试验,选拔;try out for表示“参加……选拔,争取加入……”,符合句意。

6addicted adj.上瘾的;入迷的




Our appetite for new products also contributes to the problem.We are addicted to buying new things.(2015·安徽)

② 孩子越聪明,他越不可能沉迷于电视。

The smarter a child is,the less likely he gets addicted to TV.(2015·广东) (2)Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more to,and more easily troubled by,emotional and relationship problems.





答案 D

解析句意为:和姐姐相比,Jerry对感情以及人际关系的问题更为敏感,更为其所困扰。skeptical 怀疑的;addicted 有瘾的;available 可利用的;sensitive 敏感的。选D。

7wear out 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦;磨损,穿破


(1) after a long walk,Henry called and said he couldn’t come.

A.Having worn out

B.Being worn out

C.To wear out

D.Worn out

答案 D

解析句意为:长途跋涉之后, Henry感到精疲力竭,打电话说他不能来了。wear oneself/sb.out使疲乏,使筋疲力尽,因此主语Henry与wear为被动关系。故用过去分词短语作状语。Worn out after a long walk...相当于状语从句Because Henry was worn out after a long walk...。故选D项。

(2)Mother always complains that children their shoes very quickly.(2013·江西,27)

A.find out

B.wash out

C.wear out

D.set out

答案 C

解析考查动词短语辨析。find out查明,发现;wash out洗净,冲毁;wear out耗尽,用坏,穿破;set out出发,开始。句意为:母亲总是抱怨说孩子们很快就把他们的鞋穿破了。由此可知C项正确。

8subscribe to在……上签署;向……捐款;订阅……;同意,赞成


(1)“People of all walks of life are welcome to the hope project,” said the poster.

A.subscribe to

B.correspond to

C.adjust to

D.relate to

答案 A

解析subscribe to同意,订阅,捐献;correspond to和…一致;adjust to适应;relate to关于。句意为:海报上写着:“欢迎各行各业的人给希望工程捐款。”根据句意选A。

(2)If you this newspaper,you’ll get an extra magazine.

A.correspond to

B.subscribe to

C.take to

D.apply to

答案 B

解析句意为:如果你订阅这份报纸,你可以额外得到一份杂志。correspond to和……一致;subscribe to订阅,同意;take to喜欢;apply to应用。根据句意选B。



牛津译林版七年级上册牛津英语词组 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

U n i t O n e T h i s i s m e! 1.What’syourname 2.Thisis… 3.aninstructionbook 4.lookafter 5.makefriendswith 6.introduceoneselftoeachother 7.aprofileofoneself 8.welcometo+n. 9.atBeijingSunshineSecondarySchool 10.Goodmorning(afternoon,evening,night)! 11.12yearsold=12-year-old 12.livein(aflat) 13.becleverat(begoodat=dowellin) 14.intheschoolbasketballteam 15.intheReadingClub 16.callsb.+name https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca15682375.html,efrom=befrom 18.bebornin(on) 19.atschool(comparewith:attheschool) 20.havehairinaponytail(havehairinbunches)21.likedoingsth.(lovedoing sth,enjoydoingsth.) 22.listento(music,teacher) 23.lookat 24.workhard(comparewith:ha rdwork) 25.wearglasses 26.playcomputergames 27.wanttodosth. 28.makenotesabout 29.knoweachother 30.theClass1,Grade7student s=thestudentsinClass1,Grade 7 31.helpsb.dosth. 32.It’stimeforsth.=It’st imetodosth. 33.PEclass 34.footballboots 35.tennisracket 36.footballfield


阅读强化训练(十六) (建议用时:25分钟) Ⅰ阅读理解 Don Quixote,the classic by Spanish Renaissance writer Cervantes,has inspired literary movements from the 18th-century picaresque novels to the most special works of the 21st-century post-modernism and has pr ovided the power for critical works by everyone from Thackeray to Ortegay Gasset.Shakespeare paid Cervantes(his contemporary) the rare compliment of using Quixote as source material for one of his later plays,Cardenio. The concept of the novel is simple:Alonso Quijano,a landowner from La Mancha,is attracted by the books about knights(骑士).Driven mad by the special plots,characters and philosophy in these 17th-century novels,Quijano decides to bring dignity back to the lost profession of knight under the name Don Quixote.He carries a sword,a suit of armor(盔甲) and a horse,and sets out into Spain. The first few scenes involve Quixote alone against the world,meeting various people,but before a hundred pages Cervantes introduced Sancho Panza,Quixote’s talkative squire(侍从).In the endless discussions,Quixote’s crazy conception of the world is brought crashing to earth by Sanc ho’s practical ideas.The reader faces,at the same moment,an ideal view of the world and the cruel facts of the actual world. Quixote’s insistenc e on his own reality in the face of arguments to the contrary makes him an interesting character because we know that Quixote is just wrong.Yet,despite all of the pain he suffers in pursuit of that wrong,he continues to believe that he’s right.So we read on page after page,waiting to see how much more the man who considers himself a knight is able to take before he gives in. Just as Quixote builds his castles from criminal campfires,we build our understanding of Cervantes’ Spain,which was so cruelly real and so dream-like.We,like Don Quixote,are driven to hallucinate(产生幻觉) by what might be,in the end,just a very good story. 【解题导语】本文主要介绍了西班牙文艺复兴代表作家塞万提斯的著作《堂吉诃德》。 1.We can learn from the first paragraph that Don Quixote ________. A.is not very popular among young people B.changed the writing style of Shakespeare C.wasn’t well recognized at Cervantes’ time


译林版牛津英语七年级上册教案 苏教版牛津英语初中七年级上册精品教案 Topic 3 Unit 1Getting to know you I’m twelve years old Section C Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn the sentences: What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an _____.What are these/those in English? They are ______s.How do you spell it? 2. Learn the following new words and phrases:English, spell, these, those, double,in English, a car, a pencil-box, a pen, a pencil, a book, a bag, a cakean orange, an apple, an eraser, an egg buses, Ⅱ. The main activities本课重点活动

1a and 2a Ⅲ. The difficulties 教学难点 What’s this/that in English? It’s an eraser.What are these/those in English?They are buses.How do you spell it? IV. Teaching aids 教具 1. Practicalities: A oranges, apples, eggs, bags B a pencil-box, a pen, a pencil, an eraser, some books 2.Pictures: a picture of a car, a picture of three buses, a picture of some cakes 3. Multimedia V. Teaching methods教学方法 Teaching with the practicalities Talking and guiding VI. Teaching steps教学步骤 Step 1 Preparing(3 minutes)


M11U1 carpenter 木工,木匠n. suited 合适,适当 a. career 职业,生涯;事业n. actually 实际上,事实上ad. so-called 所谓的;人称……的a. glamorous 有吸引力的,迷人的,非同凡响的 a. cushion 坐垫,靠垫,垫子n. jet 喷气式飞机n. baggage 行李n. suitcase 手提箱n. trunk 旅行箱;树干;象鼻n. waiter (男)服务员n. grocer 食品杂货商n. option 选择;选修课n. lawyer 律师n. well-paid 薪酬丰厚的 a. canyon 峡谷n. zone 地带,区域n. brewery 啤酒厂n. litre 升(容量单位)n. shopkeeper (小商店)店主n. barber(为男士理发、修面的)理发师n. barbershop (男士)理发店n. cleaner 清洁工;吸尘器;清洁剂n. rat 老鼠n. go about 忙于某事;继续做某事 salesgirl 女店员,女售货员n. cucumber 黄瓜n sly 狡猾的,诡诈的 a. fox 狐狸n. cast-iron 坚强的;铸铁制的 a. nerve 神经;勇气n. martial 战争的,军事的 a. martial art 武术(常用复数形式) weed 杂草n. 除草vt. spear 矛;标枪n. magician 魔术师;巫师n. bath 洗澡;浴缸n. bedding 被褥,铺盖n. bandage 绷带n. 用绷带包扎vt. ward 病房;选区n. creative 有创造力的;创造性的 a. self-confident 自信的 a. artistic 艺术的;艺术家的 a. realistic 现实的;可实现的;逼真的 a. greengrocer 果蔬商n. tailor 裁缝n. 专门制作,定做vt. investigative 探究性的,调查研究的 a. pianist 钢琴家,钢琴师n.violinist 小提琴手n. librarian 图书馆管理员n. stewardess 女乘务员,女服务员n. enterprising 有事业心的,有进取心的,有创业精神的 a. take pleasure in 从……中获得乐趣 typist 打字员n. M11U2 Ltd (Limited )有限责任公司engineering 工程(学)n. covering 覆盖物n. covering letter附信(与某物一起寄出)n. gap 间断;裂口;差距n. gap year (中学和大学之间暂停学业的)生活实践年(用于实习或旅行)n. session 一场,一节,一段时间;(法庭)开庭期;(大会)会期n. employer 雇主,老板n. employee 雇工,雇员n. interviewer 面试官;采访者n. off the top of one's head 未多加思考地,脱口而出地 have butterflies in one's stomach心慌,紧张refresh 使恢复精力,使凉爽;刷新,更新vt. yawn 打哈欠vi. 哈欠n. razor 剃刀,剃须刀n. shaver 电动剃须刀n. shave 刮脸,刮胡子n. 剃,刮vt. & vi. haircut 理发n. conservative 保守的;守旧的 a. allowance 津贴;限额n. make allowance (s )for 考虑到roundabout 交通环岛n. 迂回的,曲折的;拐弯抹角n. parking 停车位;停车n. look somebody in the eye (s )直观某人,正视 wag 摆动,摇头或晃动手指(表示不赞成)vt.&vi. follow sth up 采取后继行动,跟进 give sb the edge 使某人略占优势punctuation 标点符号n. as easy as pie 十分容易,轻而易举management 管理,经营;经营者,管理层n. trainee 受训者n. smartly 整洁地;得体地;灵敏地ad. garage 汽车修理厂;车库n. relaxed 放松的;宽松的 a. team player 善于团队合作的成员n.


Unit One This is me! 1.What’s your name? 2.This is… 3.an instruction book 4.look after 5.make friends with 6.introduce oneself to each other 7.a profile of oneself 8.welcome to + n. 9.at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School 10.Good morning (afternoon, evening, night)! 11.12 years old=12-year-old 12.live in (a flat) 13.be clever at (be good at = do well in) 14.in the school basketball team 15.in the Reading Club 16.call sb. + name https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca15682375.html,e from = be from 18.be born in (on) 19.at school (compare with: at the school) 20.have hair in a ponytail (have hair in bunches) 21.like doing sth. (love doing sth, enjoy doing sth.) 22.listen to (music, teacher) 23.look at 24.work hard (compare with: hard work) 25.wear glasses 26.play computer games 27.want to do sth. 28.make notes about 29.know each other 30.the Class 1, Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 7 31.help sb. do sth. 32.It’s time for sth. =It’s time to do sth. 33.PE class 34.football boots 35.tennis racket 36.football field 37.tennis court 38.swimming pool 39.play…with sb. 40.talk to sb. 41.at lunchtime 42.take sb. for a walk 43.after school 你叫什么名字? 这是……(用于介绍人或物) 一本说明书 照料,保管 与……交朋友 相互间进行自我介绍 一份某人自己的档案 欢迎到……来 在北京阳光中学 早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)12岁 住在(公寓里) 在……方面聪明(在……很擅长)在校篮球队 在阅读俱乐部 称某人为…… 来自……,……地方人 出生于…… 在校学习班(在学校里) 将头发扎成马尾辫(扎辫子) 喜欢做某事 听(音乐,老师讲课) 看…… 努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作) 戴眼镜 玩电脑游戏 想要做某事 做有关……的记录 相互了解 七年级一班的学生 帮助某人做某事 是该做某事的时候了。 体育课 足球鞋 网球拍 足球场 网球场 游泳池 和某人一起玩…… 和某人交谈 在午餐时间 带某人去散步 放学后


译林版牛津英语七年级上册期末复习知识点整理 Units1--4重点知识点总结 n.名词 v.动词 vt.及物动词 vi.不及物动词 adj.形容词 adv.副词 prep.介词 pron.代词 conj.连词 1、喜欢 like / love / enjoy / be interested in / be crazy about (痴迷于)/ have fun / have a good time +doing sth. 动词+doing 的还有 Go doing sth. / finish doing sth./Be good at doing sth./ do well in doing sth. How/what about doing sth./practise doing sth. 2、“四大看” read vt.看读物(read books/newspaper/magazines/a map等) look vi. 瞧常用短语look at/ for/around/after/out/over/up see vt.看见,强调结果 I can see you. watch vt.带有欣赏性的观看watch TV/ a film / a football game 3、“五大穿着” Put on 强调“穿上”的动作eg. He ____a coat and goes for a walk. Wear 强调“穿着”的状态;进行时态表示暂时的情况eg. She is wearing a new skirt now. / wear glasses Dress (1) dress sb. (2) dress oneself (3) dress up as (4) get dressed In (穿戴)后接颜色(或衣服),表示状态 look!Lucy is_____a red skirt and a pair of pink shoes. On 后接人指衣服穿在某人身上看出区别来。The red coat looks nice on you. 4、“四大花费” Spend:sb.(人) + spend + 时间/金钱 + on sth. sb.(人) + spend + 时间/金钱+(in) doing sth. pay:sb.(人) +pay + 金钱+for sth. cost:sth.(物) + cost + sb.+金钱 Doing sth.costs + sb.+时间 take:it takes sb. +时间+ to do sth. 5、“三点副词” Home / there /here 前不加任何的介词 welcome home / come here / go there


Unit 1 This is me! Comic strip & Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. know the two cartoon characters, Eddie and Hobo, and the six students at Sunshine Middle School; 2. greet each other properly in English; 3. introduce oneself to others in English. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: master, e-dog, good morning/good afternoon/good evening/good night 2. New structures: What’s your name? My name is , Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. III. Focus o f the lesson and predicted area of difficulty How to introduce each other and greet each other in English. IV. Teaching procedures Comic strip Step 1 Lead-in:Enjoy the video “make friends”. T: Today we’ll learn U nit 1 This is me! Do you like the song in the video? We are now new students at Donglin Middle School, and meet many new classmates. Do you want to make more friends? I’d like you to meet two new friends in our books. Do you want to know them? 【设计意图:由视频再到图片make friends引出不同人物的名字。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn some new words (1) Show some pictures of the two cartoon characters.


阅读文章,了解其大意,然后选择正确选项填空。 You’re (1) _____ vacation. Going places (2) _____ you always wanted to go. (3) _____ of anything unexpected happening are pretty small. But that is before you rent your car from Avis. There’s an Avis Hotline telephone number (4) _____ right in newspaper. We’re (5) _____ to help you out. Even if you just (6) _____ the keys inside your car, you can give us a call. “Avis Cares”. That’s a fact, and it’s also a fact-filled program (7) _____ helpful guides you receive (8) _____ you rent from Avis. Full of information (9) _____ where to find the wiper controls. Can you (10) _____ a right turn on red? What (11) _____ station you turn on for the local weather and driving (12) _____. And because you have got (13) _____ things to think about than your renting a car, we do it for you. With the Avis 49-Step Quality Program, we make (14) _____ that things work the way (15) _____ supposed to. No surprises. So, when we say, “we’re trying harder than (16) _____,” that means a lot more than just our (17) _____ rates. A lot more than free (18) _____ mileage(里程), no matter how (19) _____ you drive. “Trying harder”means being there for you, (20) _____ you go. So call Avis at 1-800-331. Avis We’re trying harder than ever 1. A. on B. for C. with D. during 2. A. which B. that C. where D. to that 3. A. opportunities B. Chances C. Problems D. Dangers 4. A. printed B. reported C. impressed D. published 5. A. prepare B. ready C. will D. anxious 6. A. forgot B. put C. lay D. left 7. A. supplying B. providing C. offering D. suggesting 8. A. when B. before C. after D. unless 9. A. for B. as C. about D. like 10. A. have B. take C. turn D. make 11. A. TV B. radio C. gas D. service 12. A. situation B. speed C. conditions D. skills 13. A. many B. other C. important D. better 14. A. possible B. clear C. certainly D. sure 15. A. they’re B. we’re C. you’re D. it’s 16. A. once B. then C. recently D. ever 17. A. high B. cheap C. low D. dear 18. A. unlimit B. unlimited C. limit D. uncharged 19. A. far B. long C. fast D. carelessly 20. A. whatever B. however C. whenever D. Wherever


七年级译林版上册单词表 中文英文 第一课 哦,啊oh 电子狗e-dog 主人master 年级grade 学生student 阅读reading 同班同学classmate 放学后after school 苗条的slim 擅长于be good at 在那边Over there 教室classroom 跳舞,舞蹈dancing 游泳swimming 年龄age 相貌,容貌looks 可爱的;讨人喜欢的cute 业余爱好hobby 高兴地glad 每人,人人everyone 来自come from 【复】眼镜glasses 第二课 散步,步行Walking 的确,确实really 碗,盆bowl 次,回time 网球tennis 排球volleyball 享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱enjoy 去游泳go swimming 运动员player 成员member 俱乐部club 空闲的free 希望hope 梦想;梦dream 真的,真实的true 变为现实,成为事实come

画画drawing 周末weekend 在周末at/on weekend(s) 当然of course 购物shop 乒乓球table tennis 另外;其他else 许多;大量a lot of=lots of 享乐,乐趣;有趣的事fun 队;组team 谈论talk about/of 比赛,竞赛match 偶像;英雄hero 第三课 哪一个which 最,最好地best 因此,所以so 生物biology 地理geography 历史history 日期date 会议;集会meeting …点钟o’clock 好,对;不错OK 大门gate 如此,这么;非常so 引,带,领show 到处,向各处around 领某人参观Show somebody around. 前面front 在…前面in front of 建筑物,房子,楼房building 地,地面ground 英:底层,一楼=美:firstfloor ground floor 明亮的bright 现代的,新式的modern 礼堂,大厅hall 日记diary 看一看look at 墙wall 让我想想let me see 下课后after class 什么,请再说一遍pardon


Reading--- Give a man a fish 1.In 1985, there was little rainfall led to destroyed harvests and killed in Ethiopia, which cattle.(P2)佃85年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,这导致收成损毁,牛蓄死亡。 1.lead to 1)通向 All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马. 2)导致 Reduc ing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads. lead …to (some place带领…去(某地) The waiter led us to our table. lead …to do =cause … 导致…做 What led you to believe this? 高考链接: 1. ---It took me ten years to build up my bus in ess, and it almost killed me. ---Well, you know what they say. _________________ . A. There is no smoke without fire B. Practice makes perfect C. All roads lead to Rome D. No pains, no gains 2. Once a decision has been made , all of us should _________________ it . A . direct to B . stick to C. lead to D. refer to 答案及解析:1. D. All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。 2. B. stick to 坚持,不放弃 2. cattle 用作为复数的集体名词 It seems the cattle on the sides of the dikes were the only living creatures in these desolate surroundin gs. people,police,cattle、poultry,goods 作主语时,谓语用复数. The people in the city are very frien dly. The police are search ing for the murderer. The cattle are grazing near the river. All the goods have arrived. 2.The concert took place on 13 July 1985 in two locations— in London and in Philadelphia —and included the biggest stars of the time.(P2) 1985 年7 月13 日,音乐会在伦敦和费城两地举行,出席者包括了当时最红的巨星。take place发生,举行 [词义辨析] take place, happen, occur, come about和break out 用法区另U 这些词或短语都有发生”的意思,但用法各不相同,区别如下: (1). take place表示发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的发生”即这种事件的发生 一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如: Great cha nges have take n place in our hometow n duri ng the past ten years. The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.


第一单元评估检测题听力材料及参考答案 听力材料 A. 根据所听的内容,选择正确图片,每段对话读两遍。 1. W: What is your uncle, Jim?M: He is a policeman. 2. W: Look! What are the boys doing there?M: Oh, they are reading books. 3. W: What’s this in English?M: It’s a rubber. 4. M: Are my glasses by the telephone?W: No. Here they are, under the table. B. 根据所听的内容,选择正确答案。听两遍。 5. M: What is Millie doing?W: She is swimming. 6. M: Could you tell me your telephone number?W: Sure, It’s 84561968. 7. M: Hi, Lucy. Is this white blouse yours?W: No, it isn’t. It’s Lily’s. 8. W: How many boys and girls are there in Class One?M: There are 24 boys and 19 girls in it. 9. W: Who in our class has a ruler? M: Tom has a green ruler. Mike has a brown one. David has a yellow one. 10. M: Can I help you, sir?W: I’d like to buy a book. C. 听对话,选择正确答案. 听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 M: Hello, Amy. Are you at home now?W: Yes. I’m staying with my cousin at home. M: What’s he doing?W: He’s playing a new computer game. M: Are you playing the game with him now?W: No. I’m reading a book. 听第一篇短文,回答13-15题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。听两遍。 Miss Wu is only twenty-one. She is tall and thin, and she has brown, long hair. She likes children and her teaching work. From Monday to Friday she stays at school and gives the children classes. She has much work to do , but she often plays games with her students after school . The children like her very much. On Sunday she goes home by bus and stays with her father and mother. Sometimes she goes to see her friends on Sunday. She likes singing and swimming. She’s a nice teacher. 听第二篇短文,选择正确答案,共听两遍。 Jack and John are twins. They are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they are not all the same .Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but John likes drawing pictures. They often help each other. 参考答案 I. 1~5 BCAAA 6~10 BABCB 11~15 ABABC 16~20 ABAAA II. 21~25 CBBCA 26~-30 CBBCC 31~35 DDBDD 36~40 CDBDB III. 41~45 BABBB 46~50 BCABC IV. 51~55 CCBDB 56~60 BBCCA 61~65 CBCAD 66~-70 CAABC 阅读理解A短文:试题分析: 51.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Their father , Mr King , is a teacher .””理解可知,故选C. 52.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Lily can play the guitar .”理解可知,故选C. 53.细节理解题,根据文中语句““Mrs King ,is a teacher ,too .She teaches Chinese .”理解可知,故选B。 54.细节理解题,根据文中语句““Mr and Mrs King are in different schools .”理解可知,故选D. 55.细节理解题,根据文中语句““They are in the same class in the NO.1 Middle School .”理解可知,故选B.


7A Unit1 This is me 1.your name你的名字 2.my master我的主人 3.rend this book读这本书 4.look after照顾,照看 5.good morning/ afternoon/evening早上/下午/晚上好 6.nice to meet you见到你很高兴 7.Class l,Grade 7七年级(1)班 8.12 years old 12岁 9.love reading喜爱阅读 10.my new classmates我的新同学们 11.like sports喜欢体育运动 12.play football 踢足球play with sth 玩耍 13.after school放学后 14.like music喜欢音乐 15.be from= come from 来自be from Nanjing来自南京 16.be good at = do well in + v-ing 擅长 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca15682375.html,e from来自 18.live with sb和某人一起居住 19.wear glasses 戴眼镜 20.an e-dog 一只电子狗 21.master n. 主人,大师v. 掌握 22.welcome to + 地点欢迎来到......(副词home,there和here,to省略) 23.let sb not do sth 让某人(不要)做某事 24.like to do sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 25.This is...... 向别人介绍某人 26.live with sb in ... 和别人住在某地 27.be nice/friendly to sb 对某人友好的 28.all one’s lesson 某人所有的功课all the lessons 所有的功课 Unit2 Let’s play sports 1.play sports做运动;进行体育活动 2.many times a day一-天多次 3.play tennis打网球 4.enjoy listening to music喜爱听音乐 5.go swimming去游泳 6.Huanghe Football Club黄河足球俱乐部 7.the World Cup世界杯 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca15682375.html,e true变为现实;成为事实 9.free time空余时间 10.get up起床 11.on/at weekends( = on/ at the weekend)在周末 12.of course当然 13.table tennis乒乓球 14. a lot of(= lots of)许多;大量 15.talk about/of谈论 16.watch basketball matches观看篮球赛 17.play with和某人一起玩;玩弄 18.once 一次twice两次three times 19.favourite = like...best 最喜欢的 20.what about = how about + v-ing ......怎么样?

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