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Introduction to D.C Machines

A D.C machines is made up of two basic components:

-The stator which is the stationary part of the machine. It consists of the following elements: a yoke inside a frame; excitation poles and winding; commutating poles (composes) and winding; end shield with ball or sliding bearings; brushes and brush holders; the terminal box.

-The rotor which is the moving part of the machine. It is made up of a core mounted on the machine shaft. This core has uniformly spaced slots into which the armature winding is fitted. A commutator, and often a fan, is also located on the machine shaft.

The frame is fixed to the floor by means of a bedplate and bolts. On low power machines the frame and yoke are one and the same components, through which the magnetic flux produced by the excitation poles closes. The frame and yoke are built of cast iron or cast steel or sometimes from welded steel plates.

In low-power and controlled rectifier-supplied machines the yoke is built up of thin (0.5~1mm) laminated iron sheets. The yoke is usually mounted inside a non-ferromagnetic frame (usually made of aluminum alloys, to keep down the weight). To either side of the frame there are bolted two end shields, which contain the ball or sliding bearings.

The (main)excitation poles are built from 0.5~1mm iron sheets held together by riveted bolts. The poles are fixed into the frame by means of bolts. They support the windings carrying the excitation current.

On the rotor side, at the end of the pole core is the so-called pole-shoe that is meant to facilitate a given distribution of the magnetic flux through the air gap. The winding is placed inside an insulated frame mounted on the core, and secured by the pole-shoe.

The excitation windings are made of insulated round or rectangular conductors, and are connected either in series or in parallel. The windings are liked in such a way that the magnetic flux of one pole crossing the air gap is directed from the pole-shoe towards the armature (North Pole), which the flux of the next pole is directed from the armature to the pole-shoe (South Pole).

The commutating poles, like the main poles, consist of a core ending in the pole-shoe and a winding wound round the core. They are located on the symmetry (neutral) axis between two main poles, and bolted on the yoke. Commutating poles are built either of cast-iron or iron sheets.

The windings of the commutating poles are also made from insulated round or rectangular conductors. They are connected either in series or in parallel and carry the machine's main current.

The rotor core is built of 0.5~1mm silicon-alloy sheets. The sheets are insulated from one another by a thin film of varnish or by an oxide coating. Both some 0.03~0.05mm thick. The purpose is to ensure a reduction of the eddy currents that arise in the core when it rotates inside the magnetic field. These currents cause energy losses that turn into heat. In solid cores, these losses could become very high, reducing machine efficiency and producing intense heating.

The rotor core consists of a few packets of metal sheet. Redial or axial cooling ducts (8~10mm inside) are inserted between the packets to give better cooling. Pressure is exerted to both side of the core by pressing devices foxed on to the shaft. The length of the rotor usually exceeds that of the poles by 2~5mm on either side-the effect being to minimize the variations in magnetic permeability caused by axial armature displacement. The periphery of the rotor is provided with teeth and slots into which the armature winding is inserted.

The rotor winding consists either of coils wound directly in the rotor slots by means of specially designed machines or coils already formed. The winding is carefully insulated, and it secured within the slots by means of wedges made of wood or other insulating material.

The winding overcharge are bent over and tied to one another with steel wire in order to resist the deformation that could be caused by the centrifugal force.

The coil-junctions of the rotor winding are connected to the commutator mounted on the armature shaft. The commutator is cylinder made of small copper. Segments insulated from one another, and also from the clamping elements by a layer of minacity. The ends of the rotor coil are soldered to each segment.

On low-power machines, the commutator segments form a single unit, insulated from one another by means of a synthetic resin such as Bakelite.

To link the armature winding to fixed machine terminals, a set of carbon brushes slide on the commutator surface by means of brush holders. The brushes contact the commutator segments with a constant pressure ensured by a spring and lever. Clamps mounted on the end shields support the brush holders.

The brushes are connected electrically-with the odd-numbered brushes connected to one terminal of the machine and the even-numbered brushes to the other. The brushes are equally spaced round the periphery of the commutator-the number of rows of brushes being equal to the number of excitation poles.











中等分辨率制备分离的 快速色谱技术 W. Clark Still,* Michael K a h n , and Abhijit Mitra Departm(7nt o/ Chemistry, Columbia Uniuersity,1Veu York, Neu; York 10027 ReceiLied January 26, 1978 我们希望找到一种简单的吸附色谱技术用于有机化合物的常规净化。这种技术是适于传统的有机物大规模制备分离,该技术需使用长柱色谱法。尽管这种技术得到的效果非常好,但是其需要消耗大量的时间,并且由于频带拖尾经常出现低复原率。当分离的样本剂量大于1或者2g时,这些问题显得更加突出。近年来,几种制备系统已经进行了改进,能将分离时间减少到1-3h,并允许各成分的分辨率ΔR f≥(使用薄层色谱分析进行分析)。在这些方法中,在我们的实验室中,媒介压力色谱法1和短柱色谱法2是最成功的。最近,我们发现一种可以将分离速度大幅度提升的技术,可用于反应产物的常规提纯,我们将这种技术称为急骤色谱法。虽然这种技术的分辨率只是中等(ΔR f≥),而且构建这个系统花费非常低,并且能在10-15min内分离重量在的样本。4 急骤色谱法是以空气压力驱动的混合介质压力以及短柱色谱法为基础,专门针对快速分离,介质压力以及短柱色谱已经进行了优化。优化实验是在一组标准条件5下进行的,优化实验使用苯甲醇作为样本,放在一个20mm*5in.的硅胶柱60内,使用Tracor 970紫外检测器监测圆柱的输出。分辨率通过持续时间(r)和峰宽(w,w/2)的比率进行测定的(Figure 1),结果如图2-4所示,图2-4分别放映分辨率随着硅胶颗粒大小、洗脱液流速和样本大小的变化。


《穿井得一人、杞人忧天》习题及答案【部编版七上第24课】 班级:姓名: 题型:【选择题】【文言现象:通假字、古今异义、词类活用、一词多义、文言句式】【重点句子翻译】 一、选择题: 1、下列句中“若”的用法和意义不同的一项是() A.求闻之若此 B.不若无闻也 C.若屈伸呼吸 D.未若柳絮因风起 2、下列句中“闻”的用法和意义不同的一项是() A.不若无闻也 B.有闻而传之者 C.闻之于宋君 D.闻之,欣然规往 3、下列句中“之”的用法和意义不同的一项是() A.宋之丁氏 B.国人道之 C.闻之于宋君 D.宋君令人问之于丁氏 4、下列各句中与其他选项句式特点不同的一项是() A.至于负者歌于途 B.宋君令人问之于丁氏 C.非得一人于井中也 D.闻之于宋君 5、下列各句中不含通假字的一项是() A.尊君在不 B.身亡所寄 C.其人舍然大喜 D.因往晓之。 6、下列各句中“之”的用法不同的一项是() A.宋之丁氏 B.又数刀毙之。 C.禽兽之变诈几何哉 D.得一人之使 7、下列加点词语不属于古今异义的一项是() A.可以 ..讲论文义 ..为师矣 B. 与儿女

C.其人舍然大喜 .. .. D.亦不能有所中伤 8、下列加点词解释错误的一项是() A.身亡.所寄,废寝食者。(亡:同“无”,没有) B.奈何 ..忧崩坠乎?(奈何:为何,为什么) C.若.屈伸呼吸(若:假如) D.只使坠,亦不能有所中伤 ..。(中伤:伤害) 9、下列加点词词意思用法相同的一项是() A.其人舍.然大喜太丘舍.去 B.日.月星宿吾日.三省吾身 C.终日在天中行止.止.增笑耳 D.因往晓之.求闻之.若此 10、下列各句中句式特点不同的一项是() A.即公大兄无奕女,左将军王凝之妻也。 B.地,积块耳 C.日中不至,则是无信。 D. 宋君令人问之于丁氏 11、对《穿井得一人》的寓意说法有误的一项是() A、不要轻信流言蜚语。 B、一家之言,经再三转述,往往会丧失原义。 C、对于别人的话,要注意实地调查,掌握第一手材料。 D、要勇于揭穿别人的谎言。 12、下面句子中“杞人忧天”这一成语使用错误的一项是() A.许多科幻书对地球的前景都抱着一种悲观的态度,这并非杞人忧天,如果我们不注意保护环境,科幻书中所描绘的情景就会成为可怕的现实。 B.只因为被拉黑的人数少,就觉得制裁不文明旅游者没有除恶务尽,那是一种典型的杞人忧天。 C.日本政府于2001年制定了“今后50年内诞生30名左右诺贝尔奖得主”的目标,针对此事韩国媒体用了杞人忧天来形容。


New technique of the computer network Abstract The 21 century is an ages of the information economy, being the computer network technique of representative techniques this ages, will be at very fast speed develop soon in continuously creatively, and will go deep into the people's work, life and study. Therefore, control this technique and then seem to be more to deliver the importance. Now I mainly introduce the new technique of a few networks in actuality live of application. keywords Internet Network System Digital Certificates Grid Storage 1. Foreword Internet turns 36, still a work in progress Thirty-six years after computer scientists at UCLA linked two bulky computers using a 15-foot gray cable, testing a new way for exchanging data over networks, what would ultimately become the Internet remains a work in progress. University researchers are experimenting with ways to increase its capacity and speed. Programmers are trying to imbue Web pages with intelligence. And work is underway to re-engineer the network to reduce Spam (junk mail) and security troubles. All the while threats loom: Critics warn that commercial, legal and political pressures could hinder the types of innovations that made the Internet what it is today. Stephen Crocker and Vinton Cerf were among the graduate students who joined UCLA professor Len Klein rock in an engineering lab on Sept. 2, 1969, as bits of meaningless test data flowed silently between the two computers. By January, three other "nodes" joined the fledgling network.


部编版语文七上《寓言四则》第四则《杞人忧天》标准翻译及课文理解 杞人忧天 《列子》 杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡(wú)所寄,废寝食者。 又有忧彼之所忧者,因往晓之,曰:“天,积气耳,亡处亡气。若屈伸呼吸,终日在天中行止,奈何忧崩坠乎?” 其人曰:“天果积气,日月星宿(xiù),不当坠耶?” 晓之者曰:“日月星宿,亦积气中之有光耀者,只使坠,亦不能有所中(zhòng)伤。” 其人曰:“奈地坏何?” 晓之者曰:“地,积块耳,充塞四虚,亡处亡块。若躇(chú)步跐(cǐ)蹈,终日在地上行止,奈何忧其坏?” 其人舍(shì)然大喜,晓之者亦舍然大喜。 崩坠:崩塌陷落。亡:无,没有。 寄:依靠,依附。晓:告知,开导。 积气:聚积的气体。若:你。 行止:行动,活动。奈何:为何,为什么。 果:如果。星宿:星辰,天上的星星。 只使:纵使,即使。中伤:伤害。 积块:聚积的土块。四虚:四方。 躇步跐蹈:这四个字都是踩、踏的意思。 舍然:消除疑虑的样子。舍,通“释”,解除、消除。

杞国有个人担忧天会崩塌地会陷落,自己无处容身,以至于整天睡不好觉,吃不下饭。 另外又有个人为这个杞国人的担心而担心,就去开导他,说:“天,不过是积聚的气体罢了,没有一个地方没有气的。你一举一动,一呼一吸,整天都在天空里活动,怎么还担心天会塌下来呢?” 那个人说:“天如果真的是积聚的气体,那日月星辰不就会掉下来吗?” 开导他的人说:“日月星辰也是气积聚的东西中那些能发光的,即使掉下来,也不会有什么伤害。” 那个人又说:“地陷下去怎么办?” 开导他的人说:“地不过是堆积的土块罢了,填满了各方的虚空之处,没有一个地方是没有土块的。你踏步行走,整天都在地上活动,怎么还担心地会陷下去呢?” 那个杞国人放心了,非常高兴;开导他的人也放心了,非常高兴。 评价(现实意义) 在人类还没有完全认识自然界之前,一个人提出任何疑问,其勤学好问、勇于探索的精神本身无所谓错误。可是杞人成天为这个问题烦恼忧愁,而影响到自己的现实身心生活就不对了。未来有很多会发生和不会发生的事情,我们成天只是担忧有什么用?关键是多学知识,了解自然,做好防范。 “世上本无事,庸人自扰之。”现代社会是一个竞争激烈的社会,具有良好的心态和健康的心理状况对于一个人的发展是极其重要的。我们平时要注意分析


哈尔滨工业大学毕业设计(论文) 英文原文(原文也可以直接将PDF版打印) ASSESSING CREDIT OR DETERMINING QUANTITY? THE EVOLVING ROLE OF RATING AGENCIES Lynnette D. Purda* This version: April 21, 2011 Abstract Over the past ten years, credit rating agencies have come under intense criticism from both practitioners and academics, first for their failure to identify problems resulting in bankruptcies at Enron and Worldcom and second for providing overly optimistic ratings for structured finance products. While many investors question the value of rating agencies in light of these criticisms, they have proven remarkably resilient. This paper provides a brief background on how rating agencies secured competitive advantages in evaluating credit quality. It then reviews the empirical evidence on the information content of ratings given these advantages. I argue that the information content of ratings stems from two intertwined sources: 1) information related to credit quality and 2) information related to the firm’s ability to access debt. Based on this evidence, I suggest that the dominant role for ratings today is as a benchmark for financial contracting. In this way, ratings remain influential in establishing the supply and demand of debt securities. 译文 评级机构的发展的作用评估信用还是决定数量? 本文:2011.4.21 摘要 在过去的十年,信用评级机构一直处于来自实践者和学者的激烈的批评中,首先他们未能发现问题,导致安然和世通破产;其次对结构性金融产品提供过于乐观的评级。虽然许多投资者因为这些批评对评级机构的价值提出了质疑,但他们仍然被证明是相当有活力的。这篇文章首先在评估机构如何在信用评级质量中获得竞争优势提供一个简单地背景介绍,然后考虑到这些优势回顾了一些信息内容方面的评级经验证据。个人认为信息内容的评级来自两种交织在一起(错综复杂)的来源:1)和信贷质量相关的信息;2)和公司获取债务资本能力相关的信息。以此为据,我建议当前评级的主导作用是作为基准的金融收缩。以这种方式,在建立债券的供应和需求方面评级仍然是有效的。 - -1


《归去来兮辞》原文翻译及讲析 小序: 余家贫,耕植不足以自给。幼稚盈室,瓶无储粟,生生所资,未见其术。亲故多劝余为长吏,脱然有怀,求之靡途。会有四方之事,诸侯以惠爱为德,家叔以余贫苦,遂见用于小邑。于时风波未静,心惮远役。彭泽去家百里,公田之利,足以为酒,故便求之。及少日,眷然有归欤之情。何则?质性自然,非矫厉所得;饥冻虽切,违己交病。尝从人事,皆口腹自役;于是怅然慷慨,深愧平生之志。犹望一稔,当敛裳宵逝。寻程氏妹丧于武昌,情在骏奔,自免去职。仲秋至冬,在官八十余日。因事顺心,命篇曰《归去来兮》。乙巳岁十一月也。 译文: 我家境贫困,耕种田地不够用来供给自己(生活)。孩子生了一屋子,米缸里没有储存的粮食,维持生活所需要的东西,(我也)没有得到它的办法。亲戚朋友经常劝我出去做个小官,我自己也产生了这种念头,(但)求官又没有门路。刚巧碰上有出使到外地去的事情,各地州郡长官都以爱惜人才为美德,我的叔父因为(看到)我贫困艰苦(就加以推荐),于是就被任命为小城的官吏。在那时,战乱还没有平息,心里害怕远地的差使。彭泽县距离家乡只有一百里路程,公田收获的粮食足够酿酒之用,因此就请命要了下来。(但)没几天,思念田园,就产生了归乡的念头。为什么呢?(因为我的)本性坦率自然,不是勉强做作所能够改变的;饥冻虽然是切肤之痛,但违背自己本心(更会)使我受到双重的痛苦。我曾经做过一些事情,(但)都是为了口腹的需求而勉强驱使自己;于是烦恼得愤懑不已,感到自己非常有愧于平生的志愿。但还是想等到秋收以后,就收拾行装连夜离去。(可是)不久,嫁到程家的妹妹在武昌去世,我心情悲痛,希望立刻就去奔丧,于是就自己弃官离职了。从秋八月到冬季,在官位上做了八十多天。趁着这件事情来抒发自己心里的情意,写了篇文章命名为《归去来兮》。时在乙巳年十一月。 正文:


英文翻译 A comprehensive overview of substations Along with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system. Because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. Whether Design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. In a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. The substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the Transmission and the Distribution. It obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical. As an important part of power’s transport and control, the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modern electric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life. Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic development to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power, and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level. As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。Therefore, power transmission and distribution is critical. Substation is to enable superior power plant power plants or power after adjustments to the lower load of books is an important part of power transmission. Operation of its functions, the capacity of a direct impact on the size of the lower load power, thereby affecting the industrial production and power consumption.Substation system if a link failure, the system will protect the part of action. May result in power outages and so on, to the production and living a great disadvantage. Therefore, the substation in the electric power system for the protection of electricity reliability,



杞人忧天 《列子》 杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡(wú)所寄,废寝食者。 又有忧彼之所忧者,因往晓之,曰:“天,积气耳,亡处亡气。若屈伸呼吸,终日在天中行止,奈何忧崩坠乎?” 其人曰:“天果积气,日月星宿(xiù),不当坠耶?” 晓之者曰:“日月星宿,亦积气中之有光耀者,只使坠,亦不能有所中(zhòng)伤。” 其人曰:“奈地坏何?” 晓之者曰:“地,积块耳,充塞四虚,亡处亡块。若躇(chú)步跐(cǐ)蹈,终日在地上行止,奈何忧其坏?” 其人舍(shì)然大喜,晓之者亦舍然大喜。 崩坠:崩塌陷落。亡:无,没有。 寄:依靠,依附。晓:告知,开导。 积气:聚积的气体。若:你。 行止:行动,活动。奈何:为何,为什么。 果:如果。星宿:星辰,天上的星星。 只使:纵使,即使。中伤:伤害。 积块:聚积的土块。四虚:四方。 躇步跐蹈:这四个字都是踩、踏的意思。 舍然:消除疑虑的样子。舍,通“释”,解除、消除。 杞国有个人担忧天会崩塌地会陷落,自己无处容身,以至于整天睡不好觉,吃不下饭。 另外又有个人为这个杞国人的担心而担心,就去开导他,说:“天,不过是积聚的气体罢了,没有一个地方没有气的。你一举一动,一呼一吸,整天都在天空里活动,怎么还担心天会塌下来呢?” 那个人说:“天如果真的是积聚的气体,那日月星辰不就会掉下来吗?” 开导他的人说:“日月星辰也是气积聚的东西中那些能发光的,即使掉下来,也不会有什么伤害。” 那个人又说:“地陷下去怎么办?” 开导他的人说:“地不过是堆积的土块罢了,填满了各方的虚空之处,没有一个地方是没有土块的。你踏步行走,整天都在地上活动,怎么还担心地会陷下去呢?” 那个杞国人放心了,非常高兴;开导他的人也放心了,非常高兴。 评价(现实意义)

《归去来兮辞 》原文及翻译

《归去来兮辞》 陶渊明 归去来兮,田园将芜胡不归!既目以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲?悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追。实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非。舟遥遥以轻飏,风飘飘而吹衣。问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。 乃瞻衡宇,载欣载奔。僮仆欢迎,稚子候门。三径就荒,松菊犹存。携幼入室,有酒盈樽。引壶觞以自酌,眄庭柯以怡颜。倚南窗以寄傲,审容膝之易安。园日涉以成趣,门虽设而常关。策扶老以流憩,时矫首而遐观。云无心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还。景翳翳以将入,抚孤松而盘桓。 归去来兮,请息交以绝游。世与我而相违,复驾言兮焉求?悦亲戚之情话,乐琴书以消忧。农人告余以春及,将有事于西畴。或命巾车,或棹孤舟。既窈窕以寻壑,亦崎岖而经邱。木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流。善万物之得时,感吾生之行休。 已矣乎!寓形宇内复几时!曷不委心任去留?胡为乎遑遑欲何之?富贵非吾愿,帝乡不可期。怀良辰以孤往,或植杖而耘耔。登东皋以舒啸,临清流而赋诗。聊乘化以归尽,乐天天命复奚疑! 参考译文 回家去吧!田园快要荒芜了,为什么不回去呢?既然自己的心灵为形体所役使,为什么如此失意而独自伤悲?我悔悟过去的错误不可挽救,但坚信未来的岁月中可以补追。实际上我入迷途还不算远,已觉悟到回家为是而做官为非。 船在水上轻轻飘荡,微风吹拂着衣裳。向行人打听前面的路,只恨晨光朦胧天不亮。终于看到自己简陋的家门,我高兴地向前飞奔。家僮欢快地迎接,幼儿们守候在门庭。院里的小路长满了荒草,松和菊还是原样;带着幼儿们进了屋,美酒已经满觞。我端起酒壶酒杯自斟自饮,观赏着庭树使我开颜;倚着南窗寄托我的傲世之情,(更)觉得这狭小之地容易使我心安。小园的门经常地关闭着,每天(独自)在园中散步兴味无穷;拄着拐杖走走歇歇,时时抬头望着远方(的天空)。白云自然而然地从山穴里飘浮而出,倦飞的小鸟也知道飞回巢中;日光暗淡,即将落山,我流连不忍离去,手抚着孤松。 回来呀!我要跟世俗之人断绝交游。他们的一切都跟我的志趣不合,再驾车出去又有何求?跟乡里故人谈心何等可乐,弹琴读书来将愁颜破;农夫告诉我春天到了,将要去西边的田地耕作。有时驾着巾车,有时划着孤舟,既要探寻那幽深的沟壑,又要走过那高低不平的山丘。树木欣欣向荣,泉水缓缓流动,我羡慕万物各得其时,感叹自己的一生行将告终。 算了吧!寄身世上还有多少时光,为什么不按照自己心意或去或留?为什么心神不定还想去什么地方?富贵不是我所求,升人仙界也没有希望。爱惜那良辰美景我独自去欣赏,要不就扶杖除草助苗长;登上东边山坡我放声长啸,傍着清清的溪流把诗歌吟唱;姑且顺应造化了结一生,以天命为乐,还有什么犹豫彷徨?

博物馆 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

第一篇: 航空博物馆与航空展示公园 巴特罗米耶杰·基谢列夫斯基 飞翔的概念、场所的精神、老机场的建筑---克拉科夫新航空博物馆理性地吸取了这些元素,并将它们整合到一座建筑当中。Rakowice-Czyzyny机场之前的旧飞机修理库为新建筑的平面和高度设定了模数比例。在此基本形态上进一步发展,如同裁切和折叠一架纸飞机,生成了一座巨大的建筑。其三角形机翼是由混凝土制成,却如同风动螺旋桨一样轻盈。这个机翼宽大通透,向各个方向开敞。它们的形态与组织都是依据内部功能来设计的。机翼部分为3个不平衡的平面,使内外景观在不断变化中形成空间的延续性,并且联系了建筑内的视觉焦点和室外的展览区。 新航空展示公园的设计连接了博物馆的8栋建筑和户外展览区,并与历史体验建立联系。从前的视觉轴线与通道得到尊重,旧的道路得到了完善,朝向飞机场和跑道的空间被限定出来。每栋建筑展示了一个主题或是一段飞行史。建筑周围伸展出巨大的平台,为特殊主题的室外展览提供了空间。博物馆容纳了超过150架飞机、引擎、飞行复制品、成套的技术档案和历史图片。这里的特色收藏是飞机起源开始的各种飞行器,如Jatho1903、Grade1909、莱特兄弟1909年的飞机模型和1911年的鸽式单翼机。 The first passage: Museum for aviation and aviation exhibition park Bartiomiej Kislelewski The idea of flying, the spirit of place, the structure of the historic airfield – the new Museum of Aviation in Krakow takes up these references intellectually and synthesizes them into a building. The old hangars of the former airport Rakowice Czyzyny set the modular scale for the footprint and the height of the new building. Developed from this basic shape, as if cut out and folded like a paper airplane, a large structure has been generated, with triangular wings made of concrete and yet as light as a wind-vane propeller. The wings are generously glazed and open in all directions. Their form and arrangement depend on the interior uses. In the floor plans of the wings, the three offset


陶渊明《归去来兮辞》原文和翻译 《归去来兮辞》是东晋著名诗人陶渊明 的一篇散文 ,该作代表了山水田园诗派的最高成就。 陶渊明(约 365—427),一名潜;字元亮,一字渊明。自号五柳先生,世 称靖节先生,晚年更名潜,卒后亲友私谥靖节。浔阳柴桑人(今九江市)人,东 晋末期南朝宋初期诗人、辞赋家、散文家。《归去来兮辞》选自《陶渊明集》。 序文 余家贫,耕植不足以自给(1)。幼稚盈室,瓶无储粟(2),生生所资,未见其 术(3)。 亲故多劝余为长吏(4), 脱然有怀(5), 求之靡途(6)。 会有四方之事(7), 诸侯(8)以惠爱为德,家叔以(9)余贫苦,遂见(10)用于小邑。于时风波(11) 未静,心惮远役(12),彭泽(13)去家百里,公田之利,足以为酒。故便求之。 及少日,眷然有归欤之情(14)。何则(15)?质性自然,非矫厉所得(15)。 饥冻虽切, 违己交病 (17) 。 尝从人事 (18) , 皆口腹自役 (19) 。 于是怅然 (20) 慷慨, 深愧平生之志。 犹望一稔(21), 当敛裳宵逝 (22) 。 寻程氏妹丧于武昌 (23) , 情在骏奔(24),自免去职。仲秋(25)至冬,在官八十余日。因事顺心(26), 命篇曰《归去来兮》。乙巳岁(27)十一月也 。 正文 归去来兮! 田园将芜胡不归?既自以心为形役, 奚惆怅而独悲?悟已往之不 谏,知来者之可追;实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非。舟遥遥以轻飏,风飘飘而吹 衣。问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。 乃瞻衡宇,载欣载奔。僮仆欢迎,稚子候门。三径就荒,松菊犹存。携幼入 室,有酒盈樽。引壶觞以自酌,眄庭柯以怡颜。倚南窗以寄傲,审容膝之易安。 园日涉以成趣,门虽设而常关。策扶老以流憩,时矫首而遐观。云无心以出岫, 鸟倦飞而知还。景翳翳以将入,抚孤松而盘桓。 归去来兮!请息交以绝游。世与我而相违,复驾言兮焉求?悦亲戚之情话, 乐琴书以消忧。农人告余以春及,将有事于西畴。或命巾车,或棹孤舟。既窈窕 以寻壑,亦崎岖而经丘。木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流。善万物之得时,感吾生 之行休。 已矣乎! 寓形宇内复几时, 曷不委心任去留?胡为乎遑遑欲何之?富贵非吾


外文翻译 外文资料: Robots First, I explain the background robots, robot technology development. It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results, for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology. It attributed the development of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the country's economic development. But they also demand the development of the productive forces the inevitable result of human development itself is the inevitable result then with the development of humanity, people constantly discuss the natural process, in understanding and reconstructing the natural process, people need to be able to liberate a slave. So this is the slave people to be able to replace the complex and engaged in heavy manual labor, People do not realize right up to the world's understanding and transformation of this technology as well as people in the development process of an objective need. Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustomed to regarding robots are divided into three categories. is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is through a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then issued a directive so the robot can repeat according to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement again, For example, the car spot welding robots, only to put this spot welding process, after teaching, and it is always a repeat of a work It has the external environment is no perception that the force manipulation of the size of the work piece there does not exist, welding 0S It does not know, then this fact from the first generation robot, it will exist this shortcoming, it in the 20th century, the late 1970s, people started to study the second-generation robot, called Robot with the feeling that This feeling with the robot is similar in function of a certain feeling, for


杞人忧天 《列子》 杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡(wú)所寄,废寝食者。 又有忧彼之所忧者,因往晓之,曰:“天,积气耳,亡处亡气。若屈伸呼吸,终日在天中行止,奈何忧崩坠乎” 其人曰:“天果积气,日月星宿(xiù),不当坠耶” 晓之者曰:“日月星宿,亦积气中之有光耀者,只使坠,亦不能有所中(zhòng)伤。” 其人曰:“奈地坏何” 晓之者曰:“地,积块耳,充塞四虚,亡处亡块。若躇(chú)步跐(cǐ)蹈,终日在地上行止,奈何忧其坏” 其人舍(shì)然大喜,晓之者亦舍然大喜。 崩坠:崩塌陷落。亡:无,没有。 寄:依靠,依附。晓:告知,开导。 积气:聚积的气体。若:你。 行止:行动,活动。奈何:为何,为什么。 果:如果。星宿:星辰,天上的星星。 只使:纵使,即使。中伤:伤害。 积块:聚积的土块。四虚:四方。 躇步跐蹈:这四个字都是踩、踏的意思。 舍然:消除疑虑的样子。舍,通“释”,解除、消除。 杞国有个人担忧天会崩塌地会陷落,自己无处容身,以至于整天睡不好觉,吃不下饭。 另外又有个人为这个杞国人的担心而担心,就去开导他,说:“天,不过是积聚的气体罢了,没有一个地方没有气的。你一举一动,一呼一吸,整天都在天空里活动,怎么还担心天会塌下来呢” 那个人说:“天如果真的是积聚的气体,那日月星辰不就会掉下来吗” 开导他的人说:“日月星辰也是气积聚的东西中那些能发光的,即使掉下来,也不会有什么伤害。” 那个人又说:“地陷下去怎么办” 开导他的人说:“地不过是堆积的土块罢了,填满了各方的虚空之处,没有一个地方是没有土块的。你踏步行走,整天都在地上活动,怎么还担心地会陷下去呢” 那个杞国人放心了,非常高兴;开导他的人也放心了,非常高兴。


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每一插图和表格应有明确简短的图表名,图名置于图之下,表名置于表之上,图表号与图表名之间空一格。插图和表格应安排在正文中第一次提及该图表的文字的下方。当插图或表格不能安排在该页时,应安排在该页的下一页。 图表居中放置,表尽量采用三线表。每个表应尽量放在一页内,如有困难,要加“续表X.X”字样,并有标题栏。 图、表中若有附注时,附注各项的序号一律用阿拉伯数字加圆括号顺序排,如:注①。附注写在图、表的下方。 文中公式的编号用圆括号括起写在右边行末顶格,其间不加虚线。 8、文中所用的物理量和单位及符号一律采用国家标准,可参见国家标准《量和单位》(GB3100~3102-93)。 9、文中章节编号可参照《中华人民共和国国家标准文献著录总则》。


陶渊明《归去来兮辞》原文及翻译 陶渊明 《归去来兮辞》序 余家贫,耕植不足以自给。幼稚盈室〔1〕,瓶无储粟〔2〕,生生所资〔3〕, 未见其术〔4〕。亲故多劝余为长吏〔5〕,脱然有怀〔6〕,求之靡途〔7〕。会 有四方之事〔8〕,诸侯以惠爱为德〔9〕,家叔以余贫苦〔10〕,遂见用于小邑。 于时风波未静〔11〕,心惮远役。彭泽去家百里〔12〕,公田之利,足以为酒, 故便求之。及少日,眷然有归欤之情〔13〕。何则?质性自然〔14〕,非矫厉所 得;饥冻虽切,违己交病〔15〕。尝从人事〔16〕,皆口腹自役〔17〕;于是怅 然慷慨,深愧平生之志。犹望一稔〔18〕,当敛裳宵逝〔19〕。寻程氏妹丧于武 昌〔20〕,情在骏奔〔21〕,自免去职。仲秋至冬〔22〕,在官八十余日。因事 顺心,命篇曰《归去来兮》。乙巳岁十一月也〔23〕。 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》正文 归去来兮, 田园将芜胡不归 〔24〕 ! 既自以心为形役 〔25〕 , 奚惆怅而独悲? 悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追〔26〕。实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非。 舟遥遥以轻飏〔27〕,风飘飘而吹衣。问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。 乃瞻衡宇〔28〕,载欣载奔〔29〕。僮仆欢迎,稚子候门。三径就荒〔30〕, 松菊犹存。携幼入室,有酒盈樽。引壶觞以自酌,眄庭柯以怡颜〔31〕。倚南窗 以寄傲〔32〕,审容膝之易安〔33〕。园日涉以成趣,门虽设而常关。策扶老以 流憩〔34〕,时矫首而遐观〔35〕。云无心以出岫〔36〕,鸟倦飞而知还。景翳 翳以将入〔37〕,抚孤松而盘桓。 归去来兮,请息交以绝游。世与我而相违,复驾言兮焉求〔38〕?悦亲戚之 情话,乐琴书以消忧。农人告余以春及,将有事于西畴〔39〕。或命巾车〔40〕, 或棹孤舟。 既窈窕以寻壑 〔41〕 , 亦崎岖而经丘。 木欣欣以向荣, 泉涓涓而始流。 善万物之得时〔42〕,感吾生之行休〔43〕。 已矣乎〔44〕!寓形宇内复几时〔45〕,曷不委心任去留〔46〕?胡为乎遑 遑欲何之〔47〕?富贵非吾愿,帝乡不可期〔48〕。怀良辰以孤往,或植杖而耘 耔〔49〕。登东皋以舒啸〔50〕,临清流而赋诗。聊乘化以归尽〔51〕,乐夫天 命复奚疑! 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》译文
