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第三十三讲 阅读精析(三) 记叙文(2)

第三十三讲 阅读精析(三) 记叙文(2)
第三十三讲 阅读精析(三) 记叙文(2)


Passage Four

On the 22nd June, 1941, the sky was covered by Nazi bombers. They dropped bombs, and sprayed a dark liquid, which caused the panic flight among the civilians. During the early hours of the morning, a number of hits were scored by the bombers on transport, and the railway lines, which crossed the town at the end of main streets. Among the casualties were a large number of Russian officers.

The managers of the factories and large plants, where the workers had recently got call-up papers, received notices that the workers were immediately to report for recruitment with the Russian forces. At the time, I was working at the printing press, where I received my call-up papers. The paymaster paid me my last salary and I went home in a hurry. The fires, which had started in our neighborhood, were still burning fiercely. On entering my house, I was greeted by my mother, who, panic stricken, rushed towards me. I read my call-up notice to my mother, and then proceeded to pack my things. Suddenly, a terrific explosion rocked the house, and darkness descended. Without any warning, a flame burst out of the ground and almost swallowed the whole area around the house.

Being mainly concerned about my mother, I hurried her out of the house. My brother-in-law assisted me in gathering some of our belongings possible to reach for. The fire spread rapidly. We escaped with great difficulty from my home, carried parcels, and hurried to the place where we had arranged to meet my mother and sister.

I bid a hasty farewell to my dear family, as I was obliged to report to the recruiting center. Failure to report for recruitment was punishable by death. The moment of separation was difficult and bitter. I hurried to reach the recruiting camp, which was on the outskirts of the town. Not knowing what to do or where to go, people ran around aimlessly, I suddenly realized that the Germans were approaching the town and the Soviet authorities rushed to the other side of the former Soviet-Polish border to organize a stand against the Germans. People in the town were panic stricken. Bundles of personal effects were cast aside. The cries seemed to have no end. The whole town was turned to ashes and ruins. The air was full of smoke from the persistent fires. In the streets there were still Russian tanks, trucks, and soldiers who did not know where to turn. The endless firing was to be heard. The Russian army sought ways to escape, in order to avoid falling into the hands of the Germans. The roads were jammed with retreating Russian soldiers. By the side of the road lay the dead bodies. Abandoned tanks and vehicles scattered. The vehicles were packed with women and children, and they were taken to any destination they desired. Jews, Poles, and Russian started to flee from the town to nearby villages, to anyone who was a friend or a relative. Others started the long process of endless fleeing.

Until 27th June 1941, fierce battles took place around the town. Each day saw considerable casualties among the civilian population, with the numbers of the wounded constantly increasing. On the afternoon of that day, German tanks entered the town. On their heels followed large numbers of army into the center of the town totally burnt and destroyed. Immediately upon their arrival, Jews caught in the town were taken to the main square. There the murderers picked out lawyers, engineers, teachers, and other persons of free professions and doomed them to death. The remaining Jews were sent to concentration camps for forced labor.

1. In the early morning, Nazi bombers ___________.

A. hovered overhead, pinpointing their targets

B. began their gunfire, killing a large number of civilians

C. succeeded in destroying the main means of conveyance

D. circled in the sky to locate Russian officers and soldiers

2. When a war broke out, the author went home hurriedly to __________.

A. make sure that his mother was in good condition

B. comfort her mother who was panic stricken

C. read his call-up notice to his mother

D. get everything ready in an attempt to join Russian forces

3. Nazi Germans approaching the town, _________.

A. the main Russian forces were stationed in the town to launch a heavy attack

B. Russian soldiers tried to find their way out to retreat

C. tanks and vehicles scattered, expecting the order to fire

D. vehicles packed with ladies were sent to the front to support Russian forces

4. Upon German soldiers’ arrival, ___________.

A. they killed all, leaving nobody alive

B. they leveled the whole town, dooming the ladies to death

C. they started their slaughter, forcing some to labor in camps

D. they tried to catch Jews, giving a capital sentence to all in labor camps

Passage Five

Staying married has its benefits, especially financial, as a new U.S.-wide study shows the wealth of a married person is almost double that of somebody who is single. Divorce among U.S. baby boomers reduced personal wealth by about 77 percent compared to that of a single person, while the financial standing among those who remained married almost doubled, according to a nationwide study released this week.

"If you really want to increase your wealth, get married and stay married. On the other hand, divorce can devastate your wealth," said Jay Zagorsky, author of the study and a research scientist at Ohio Sate University's Center for Human Resource Research.

Married people will see an increase in wealth that is more than just adding the assets of two single people, according to the study that was published in the Journal of Sociology. Those who remained together saw a 93 percent gain in wealth compared to that of a single person, while individuals facing divorce saw their financial situation deteriorate long before the decree became final, according to Zagorsky. The study used data from surveys taken over a 15-year period involving 9,055 Americans who were between 21 and 28 years old in 1985. Those respondents who remained single had a steady, but slow growth in wealth, from less than $2,000 at the start of the surveys up to an average of about $11,000 after 15 years. However, those who married and stayed that way showed a sharp increase in wealth accumulation after marriage, growing to an average $43,000 by the 10th year of marriage or by about 16 percent a year.

For people who married and then divorced, there was a slow build-up of wealth during the early years of marriage and then a steady decline about four years prior to divorce. "Many of these people may have separated before the divorce became official, which would help explain why wealth starts falling so early," Zagorsky said. "Divorce is often a long and messy process, and you can see this in the four-year decline in wealth." The study also cast doubt on a common assumption that divorce is much harder financially on women than on men. In fact, it showed that women suffered financially only slightly more than men.

1. What kinds of persons do you think fall into a baby booming category in Chinese history?

We think that those who were born during the period of “_____”.

A. the Great Cultural Revolution

B. the Great Leap Forward

C. the Open-door Policy

D. the May 4th Movement

2. The reason why the divorced couples meet with financial problems is most probably that _________.

A. they are big spenders on clothes or daily necessities

B. they share the same opinion in the financial standing

C. divorce is so complicated that it will cause a slow decline in wealth

D. marriage is the grave where no wealth can be accumulated

3. The underlined word decree(Line 4, Para. 3)simply means _________.

A. court decision

B. marriage settlement

C. argument between couples

D. intention of divorce

4. An appropriate title for this passage would be __________.

A. Loyal to Marriage and a Gain in Wealth

B. Women Financially Inferior to Men

C. Money Lost Dignity Maintained

D. Wealth Gained on the Basis of Marriage


(一)槐树下槐花飘 刘会然 “槐树下,槐花飘;槐花飘,槐花落,老歪就要回来啰……” 每到槐花飘飞的时节,在村口的槐树底下,爷爷总会叫我哼 这曲在村里流传了许久的儿歌。爷爷告诉我,补铁匠老歪最后一 次来我们村还是10年前,那还是一个槐花飘飞的季节。老歪说他 会在槐花落的时候就回来呢,可10年过去了,老歪还是没有回来过。 爷爷和村里的老人在每个槐花飘,槐花落的时节眼窝总是蓄 满了期待。 那年我9岁,不知道老歪是个怎样的人,但从爷爷和老人们 叙述中,我隐隐约约的感知到补铁匠一定是个走街窜户以补铁为 生的乡间老匠人。 如今在乡村补铁匠也销声匿迹了,我真的不知道补铁匠是啥 摸样。爷爷和老人们谈论补铁匠老歪的时候我怅然,我要不就和 小伙伴去槐树下荡秋千,要不就伏在爷爷的大腿上打瞌睡。 谁愿意去听他们讲那些陈谷子烂棉袄的往事?说什么王家奶 奶一个锅坏了,数天无法生火做饭,病中的老歪硬撑着身子过来 为她补好了;什么村西口李爷爷无儿无女,家里穷得丁当响,补 铁匠每次都免费为他补锅…… 现在新农村建设不都用上液化气了吗,谁还用容易生锈的生 铁锅?不锈钢锅到处可见,再说,一个铁锅值多少钱?坏了就扔,扔了再买就是了。我每说到这个,爷爷总会用皲裂的手掌抚摸我 的额头,说,孩子,你不懂,你不懂那个年代啊!边说,爷爷的 眼角仿佛有浑浊泪花溅落在我粉嘟嘟的小脸上。 时不时的,老歪的故事总会在从槐树底下传来。真的,我听 腻了,听得槐树都数次花开又花落了,他老歪是何许人也?我忽 然恨起那个该死的老歪了,我甚至想,如果能碰到他,我定会用 小石子扔他。爷爷和老人们要不是为了温习他的“英雄般”的事迹,他们肯定能给我讲更多动人的故事。 机会还真给我逮到了。


(一)阅读是获得更综合、更复杂、更精确信息的必要手段,考生在做阅读理解时,不仅要看懂文章的字面意思,还需要针对不同题材和体裁的篇目运用不同的方法作出正确的选择。一般来说,词汇、阅读速度和理解能力是阅读理解中三个最重要且有相互联系的因素。 阅读的方法可以使用以下几种: 1.跳读:就是快速的一步阅读法。实际上是有选择阅读,找关键词。用这种阅读方法回答who、what、when、where之类的问题最为有效。 2.略读:指比跳读慢些的二步阅读法。即泛泛地、粗略地快速阅读,目的是了解大意,对文章有个总的概念。此种阅读方法能回答why、how之类的问题。 3.精读:即最细致、最慢的深层阅读方法,目的是求得对所读文章的全部意义的理解与掌握。 在使用阅读技巧时尽量做到以下几点: 1.带着问题阅读短文。 2.找出主题句、确定中心思想。 3.推断单词、句子和文章的含义。 4.尽快选择答案。 (二)不同体裁文章的特点及解题技巧 1.记叙文 记叙文又可分传记类和故事类。传记类文章在阅读中时间是全文的关键,根据时间我们可以找到相关的事件,抓住文章的主要内容。故事类文章情节性较强,阅读时要注意故事中的时间、地点、人物和发生的事件,这些都是文章中的主要内容和信息,对于准确理解文章十分重要。 2.说明文 说明文是对事物的形状、性质、特征、成果或功用等进行介绍,解释或阐述的文章。把握所说明事物的特征和本质是理解说明文的关键。说明事物特征的方法很多,主要有定义法、解释法、比较法、比喻法、数字法、图表法、引用法和举例法等。 ●数字说明文 在阅读数字说明文时要特别注意文中数字的含义,从这些数字中可以找到文章的主要内容。 ●解释说明文


阅读理解记叙文专项练习经典 一、英语阅读理解记叙文(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Your English teacher has introduced a play to your class. Read the play. Characters: Benny, student, 14 years old Peter, students, 15 years old Susie, student, 14 years old Grace, student, 14 years old Time: One Sunday afternoon in autumn Place: Sunny Park (The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up.) Benny: Wow! That was a great picnic. I'm so full that I can hardly move. Grace: That's no excuse for not tidying up, Benny. Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food. Peter, can you put out the fire, please? And clean up the plate. Peter: (Speaking unhappily to himself) How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs? It's not fair. (Peter throws a bit of water on the fire. Then he picks up the ashes (灰烬) with an old newspaper and wants to throw them into the long grass.) Susie: (Sounding surprised)What are you doing, Peter? That's d… Peter: Whoops…the newspaper has caught fire. Susie: And the grass… Benny, Grace, help! Help! (Benny and Grace come over quickly. They help put out the fire completely.) Peter: Oh, no. What have I done? Grace: You know that we should do everything carefully, don't you? Peter: (With his head in his hands) Yes. What have I done? What have I done? (1)How does Peter feel about his job? A. Clean an easy B. Dirty and difficult C. Great and interesting D. Noisy and harmful (2)What word do you think Susie would s ay in the sentence "That's d…"? A. dirty B. difficult C. delicious D. dangerous (3)Which of the following sentences is true? A. There are five people in the play. B. Peter's carelessness causes the fire. C. They have a picnic in the morning. D. Benny refuses to help others tidy up. 【答案】(1)B (2)D (3)B 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文以角色对话的形式展示了文章的内容。主要是关于四个学生野餐后,需要清理场地。而由于Peter的粗心意外地引起了一场小火灾。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中Peter的第一句话How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs?我怎么能总是得到肮脏和困难的工作?可知,Peter认为自己的工作又脏又难(dirty and difficult)。故选B。


记叙文阅读答题技巧及套路(一) 语段阅读题答题总原则: (1)、先读题后读文。读题时注意从题干中找出“题眼”(即答题关键点),带着问题读文,使阅读具有明确的目标。 (2)、读文时,要注意整体把握文章的主要内容和中心意思。 (3)、准备答题时,必须再次细读题目,找准“题眼”。 (4)、答题时,具体题目涉及到相关段落,要对这些段落反复研读;如涉及全篇,则要再读全文。 记叙文的有关考点和技巧 一、在题目上设题: 1.问题目的含义:从表层义、深层义、蕴含的情感、主题等几个角度考虑。 2.问题目的作用:除了上述的几个角度外,再从结构上考虑是否是线索。 二、在情节上设题 1.概括事件:找准主要人物,主要事件。按照“他(她)做了什么事,结果如何”的模式进行概括。 2.概括部分情节 概括故事开端、发展、高潮、结局,或概括故事的起因、经过、结果。 思路:先划分出情节的各个阶段,再进行概括。防止出现误将高潮当作结局,或把经过当作结果的情况。 3. 概括情节的变化: 这类题大致有三种情况:(1)有提示性填空(2)只给几个空,不做其他提示(3)空也不给,不做任何的提示 思路:全局考虑,分析结构,划分情节发展的阶段,筛选出文中的关键词语或自己概括来填空。 三、在人物形象上设题 1.概括人物形象 人物形象是指人物的性格特征,精神品质,而不是指外表特征。 思路:从具体的写人方法(外貌、语言、动作、心理描写;正面、侧面描写;细节描写;对比、衬托手法等)入手,抓住抒情和议论语句,用赞扬(或批判)的情感,用积极向上(或贬斥)的语言概括出人物身上的优秀(或低俗)的品质或性格。 2.辨识塑造人物的手法及其作用 思路:这句话运用了……(外貌、语言、动作、心理描写;正面、侧面描写;细节描写;对比、衬托手法等)的描写手法(或写法),写出了人物……的性格特征(或精神品质)。突出了文章……的中心。3.评价人物形象 这类题常有两种类型:有模板;没有限制。 思路:(有模板,可以模仿模板的句式、语言风格)先写出人物的优秀品质,再加以赞美。语言要简洁,优美,富有激情。 4.补写人物心理 思路:先要明确人物此时所处的情境和此时应有的、合理的心理内容。语言表述时要注意人称,很多


中考记叙文阅读专题 一、阅读下面选文,完成1~5题。(17分) 与芦苇相遇 四平 ①与芦苇多次相遇,我总感受到一种无法遏止的精神大美。芦苇是生命的一部分。 ②与芦苇再次相遇,是5月在新疆阿尔泰山腹地的鸭泽湖。鸭泽湖里的芦苇,在纯净的阳光中快速拔节,生长出一片明 润的嫩绿,在高天大地之间展露出悦目的生命表情。清明的 晨光中,飘逸的晨雾里,这片清静无忧的芦苇,不仅呈现出“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜”的意象,也使人觉得它们就是山水 间那一往情深的“伊人”了。 ③芦苇实在是平凡的禾草植物,它们既可以扎根在沼泽、 滩涂、湿地,又能够丛生于野塘、湖泊、河沟,无论水色清浊,不管水味酸咸,都可以平静适应而蓬勃向上。

④与芦苇初次相遇,是三年前一个春天,洪泽湖畔。清嫩 的芦苇摇曳在晨风里,摇醒了苇丛中水鸟的梦。从睡梦中醒来的水鸟们,用欢快的呼叫声开始新一天的生活。。 那些茂盛的芦苇,白天是水鸟们表演的幕布和道具,夜晚就成了它们的纱帐与梦床。到了恋爱、成家或生儿育女的时候,芦苇丛便是它们的浪漫花园、温馨婚房或舒适的产房。无数水鸟的生活和爱情故事,就在芦苇的庇护和见证下,一代代地延续着。 ⑤在漫长的岁月里,芦苇营造出一片片生命的家园。 ⑥陪着湿地专家来到黑龙江扎龙湿地保护区,与芦苇第三次相遇。这里是丹顶鹤的故乡。每当游人散去,喧闹过后,丹顶鹤便会在黄昏之际,尽兴地在安谧的家园戏耍欢歌,享受着一天里最安逸、最温情的时光。在它们的生命深处,芦苇不仅仅是嬉戏的乐园、安宁的梦乡,更是生存的依靠。 ⑦生长在草海岸边的一些芦苇,竟然可以长到五六米高,

像竹子一样挺拔、坚劲。这些芦苇在高原灿烂的阳光下,释 放出难以遏制的活力,也在高原冷峭的风里,抖擞着一身的 豪气,不断舒展着坚韧、持久的生命旗帜。 ⑧在很多地方,因为有了芦苇的存在,让人们收获到如同 他乡遇故知一般的踏实和喜悦。西北巴丹吉林沙漠北缘的居延海,同样自然生长着大量的芦苇,大概因为有了它们,这个大漠深处才有了一个安顿心灵的所在。 ⑨与芦苇最近一次相遇,是在一个傍晚,来到颐和园,走 到昆明湖东南角,落日时分,西边的太阳正向绵延的群山滑落,夕阳落在湖面上,一湖碧水变得像一片融金,随着微风 的不停吹拂,闪耀出无数金针般明灭变幻的光线。突然瞥见 靠近湖岸的一丛丛芦苇,还有一束束蓬松的芦花。置身于古 典建筑之间、原本就充满了沧桑感的它们,在被夕阳勾勒出 形态有致的轮廓的同时,又被湖面泛动的光影所晕染..,悄 然营造出一片温暖而质朴的意境。这些芦苇,在这个布局精


阅读理解知识点梳理及经典练习(超详细) 一、小升初语文阅读理解训练 1. 儿子的鱼 我环顾周围的钓鱼者,一对父子引起了我的注意。 他们在自己的水城一声不响的钓鱼。父亲钓到、接着又放走了两条足以让我们欢呼雀跃的大鱼。儿子12岁左右,穿着高筒橡胶防水靴站在寒冷的河水里。两次有鱼咬钩,但又都挣扎着逃脱了。突然,男孩的钓竿猛地一沉,差一点儿把他整个人拖倒,卷线轴飞快地转动,一瞬间渔线被拉出很远。 看到那鱼跳出水面时,我吃惊得合不拢嘴。 “他钓到了一条王鮭,个头不小。”伙伴保罗悄声对我说,“相当罕见的品种。” 男孩冷静地和鱼进行着拉锯战,但是强大的水流加上大鱼有力地挣扎,孩子渐渐被拉到布满漩涡的下游深水区的边缘。我知道,一旦鮭鱼到达深水区就可以轻而易举地逃脱了。孩子的父亲虽然早把自己的钓竿插在一旁,但一言不发,只是站在原地关注着儿子的一举一动。 一次、两次、三次……男孩试着收线,但每次都不成功。鮭鱼猛地向下游蹿去,显然在尽全力向深水区靠拢。五分钟过去了,十分钟过去了,……孩子开始支持不住了,即使站在远处,我也可以看到他发抖的双臂正使出最后的力气奋力抓紧钓竿。冰冷的河水马上就要漫过高简防水靴的边缘。王鮭离深水区越来越近了,钓竿不停地左右扭动。突然,孩子不见了! 一秒钟后,男孩从河里冒出头来,冻得发柴的双手仍然紧紧抓住钓竿不放。他用力甩掉脸上的水,一声不吭,又开始收线。保罗抓起渔网向男孩走去。 “不要!”男孩的父亲对保罗说,“不要帮他,如果他需要我们的帮助,他会要求的。” 河对岸是一片茂密的灌木丛,树丛的一半没在水中。这时候鮭鱼突然改变方向,径直蹿人那片灌木丛里。我们都预备着听到渔线崩断时刺耳的响声。然而,说时迟那时快,男孩往新一扑,紧追着鮭鱼钻进了茂密的灌木丛。 我们都呆住了。男孩的父亲高声叫着儿子的名字,但他的声音被淹没在河水的怒吼声中。保罗涉水到达对岸,示意我们生蛙被逮住了。他把枯树枝拨向一边,男孩紧抱着来之不易的生鱼从树丛里倒退着出来,努力保持着平衡。 他瘦小的身体由于寒冷和兴奋而战栗不已,双臂和前胸之间紧紧地夹着一条大约14千克重的王鮭。他走几步停一下,掌握平衡后再走几步。就这样走走停停,孩子终于缓慢但安全地回到岸边。 孩子的父亲递给儿子一截绳子,等他把鱼绑结实后,弯腰把儿子抱上岸。男孩躺在泥地上大口喘着粗气,但目光一刻也没有离开自己的战利品。保罗随身带着便携秤,出于好奇,他问孩子的父亲是否可以让他称称鮭鱼到底有多重。男孩的父亲毫不犹豫地说:“请问我儿子吧,这是他的鱼!” 1.本文采用了第一人称手法,叙述了“儿子”捕鱼的过程,细读全文,在下面横线上将“儿子”


记叙文阅读 第一讲理解文章题目 *考点解读: (一)考点概要 1、理解文章题目的含义。 2、探究文章题目的作用。 (二)常考题型 主观表述题,常见提问方式有: 1、请你说说文章的标题有什么含义? 2、文章以“××××”为题有什么作用? 3、文章为什么用这个题目? 4、文章的这个题目好不好?好在哪里? 5、请你为文章拟写一个标题。 *名师指津 (一)知识清单 1、标题的含义:文章的标题一般有表层含义和深层含义的区别。表层含义,指标题的字面含义和在文章中的含义。深层含义,指标题的、比喻义和象征义等。如《爸爸的花儿落了》一文的标题“爸爸的花儿落了”的表层含义是指爸爸最喜欢的花儿(夹竹桃)凋了,深层含义是指爸爸去世了。 2、标题的作用 (1)点明文章的线索或暗示文章的写作思路。(2)概括文章的主要容,突出文章的主旨。(3)设置悬念,激发读者的阅读兴趣,富有哲理,引发思考。 (4)确定文章的描写对象、感情基调。(5)交代故事发生的环境,关联主要情节。 (二)典例精析(2012·)点燃一个冬天游睿 *模拟考场零下三十度的温暖包利民 (三)应考指南 1、分析题目含义的解题方法 分析题目的含义,必须联系文章的中心来回答。一般都要答出题目的表层含义及深层含义,有时会用到一语双关的思路。答题模式为:表面上是指……,实际上是指……(或象征了……)。 2、分析题目作用的方法 分析题目作用,要把握文章中心,联系主要容,考虑题目的来源、拟题的依据,题目的涵、深层意义,考虑题目所用的修辞手法,分析题目的比喻意义、引申意义、象征意义等,还要考虑题目的句式结构。综合各种信息,分析具体情况,再做出全面的表述。 答题模式为:以×××为题,交代了文章的写作线索(提示了文章的文眼;概括了文章的主要容;揭示了文章的中心;设置悬念,激发读者的阅读兴趣……) 3、拟写标题的方法 要给文章拟写一个合适的标题,可以从标题的作用入手。可以以贯穿全文的线索为题;可以以文章的写作对象(关键的人或物)为题;也可以以文章的主旨、主要情节为题等等。在拟题时一定要注意标题的特点,要紧扣文本,言简意赅。 第二讲把握容 *考点解读 (一)考点概要 1、概括文章容、主旨及中心思想。 2、找出文章的线索。 3、理清文章的写作思路,划分结构层次。 4、弄清文章的记叙要素,弄清文章的记叙顺序。


高考英语阅读理解试题经典及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 When times get tough, we all look for ways to cut back. When we're hungry, we eat at home instead of going out. We take buses instead of taxis. And we wear our old designer jeans just a few months longer. With college expenses at all-time highs, high school students are eager to do anything to cut the cost of a university education. One cost-cutting proposal is to allow college students to get a bachelor's degree in three years instead of four. Educational institutions have been actively exploring ways to make the learning process more efficient. But there's a question: Would the quality of undergraduate education suffer? Few US universities have formally approved a "three-year degree" model. I doubt that mainstream North American colleges will carry out a three-year curriculum any time soon. For one thing, most universities already allow highly qualified students to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits. In addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenly "throw out" one quarter of the required credits. Professors will resist "diluting (稀释)" the quality of the education they offer. In my opinion, a quality four-year education is always superior to a quality three-year education. A college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do coursework in fields outside their major. It is not a good idea to water down education, any more than it's not a good idea to water down medicine. If we want to help students find their way through university, we should help them understand early on what knowledge and skills they need to have upon graduation. We should allow students to test out of as many courses as possible. We should give them a chance to earn money as interns (实习生) in meaningful part-time jobs that relate to their university studies, such as the five-year co-op program at Northeastern University. (1)Which of the following can best sum up the main idea? A.It's time to shorten the learning process. B.Best learning takes place over time. C.University education should be watered down. D.College education calls for reform. (2)We can learn from the passage that ________. A.most American universities are against the "three-year degree" model B.many famous US universities are considering adopting the "three-year degree" model C.professors are willing to accept the "three-year degree" model D.The "three-year degree" model can make college learning more efficient (3)In most US universities, ________. A.college students are offered the co-op program B.electives' credits make up one quarter of the required credits C.all students are required to finish four-year education before graduation D.some excellent students can graduate ahead of time


中考记叙文阅读精讲精练之记叙顺序 一篇记叙文应该先写什么、后写什么,应该按怎样的次序来安排文中的材料——这就是我们所说的记叙顺序。 常见的记叙顺序有三种:顺叙、倒叙、插叙。 一、顺叙。顺叙就是按人物的经历或事件发生、发展的先后顺序进行的叙述,是最常见、最基本的记叙顺序。要判断一篇文章是否采用了顺叙的记叙顺序,有两种方法:一看文章是否按时间先后顺序来叙述,二看文章是否以空间顺序来叙述。 二、倒叙。倒叙顾名思义就是倒过来叙述,即把事件的结局或某个最突出的片断提到前边,然后再从事件的开头按原来的发展顺序进行叙述。倒叙还有一种形式:先写眼前的事物。再由眼前的事物引出对往事的回忆,结尾又回到眼前的事物。恰当运用倒叙,能突出结果,造成悬念,使文章产生引人人胜的艺术魅力。 我们阅读倒叙的文章要留意文中的“呼应” :一是开头的结局和回忆部分的结局前后呼应:二是开头写眼前事物,回忆结束后又回到眼前事物,形成首尾呼应;三是开头写的事件中某个最突出的片段。与回忆部分写到的这个片段前后呼应。我们还要留意文中由现实到回忆、由回忆到现实的过渡句(段),以此来把握文章的结构。 三、插叙。插叙就是在叙述中心事件的过程中。暂时中断叙述的线索,插人与主要情 节相关的内容,然后再接着叙述原来的内容。插叙有以下两种常见的形式: 1,插入对有关事件、人物的回忆。 2,插入对人物、事物的介绍或某种情况的解释。 插叙的方法有多种:可以由作者直接插进来叙述、介绍;可以由文中人物的回忆、思

念、 想象等心理活动完成;也可以通过文中人物的对话、独自来进行。插叙的内容主要对中心内容起补充、解释或衬托作用,恰当地运用插叙的方法,可以使文章内容丰富充实,结构曲折有致。阅读插叙的文章,同样需要我们通过寻找过渡句(段)的方法来弄清插叙的起止位 置。 倒叙与插叙有什么区别?首先,倒叙的内容是中心事件的一个组成部分,而插叙的内容只与中心事件相关。其次,倒叙文章中的回忆部分就是文章的中心事件,占据文章的主要篇幅,而插叙的内容只是在顺叙中途插入的为中心事件服务的一个片段。 温暖一生的假糖 余华 ①下岗后,我开了一家糖果店。 ②一天,一个花白头发的老太太来到我的店门前。我一眼认出,她是我上小学的班主任刘老师,于是赶紧低下头,不想让她发现?? ③那是三十年前的事了,那时,文化大革命已接近尾声。一天早上,我很早就来到学校。在教室外面的拐角处。被划为“黑五类”的刘老师正蹲在地上,用手把窗下一堆被毛孩子们砸碎的玻璃片一块一块地往簸箕里捡。 ④看到这里,我内心不由一阵辛酸。突然间,我想到了一颗糖,那是前一天下午,小伙伴军军送给我的一颗糖一“奶油太妃” 。


记叙文阅读试题(二) 有一个地方叫北溪 戴冠青 ①有一个地方叫北溪。 ②北溪是中国的魅力乡村。 ③北溪因溪而得名,一条溪从山上直挂下来,蜿蜒曲折,穿村而过,使小山村显得分外灵动。我们去的时候恰逢冬季枯水期,溪里几乎没有水,干涸的溪床上裸露着一块块粗砺的溪石。但是我发现有几股涓涓的细流在乱石间顽强地流着,它们小心翼翼地寻找着石缝,柔柔地穿梭着,柔柔地流淌着。没有拍岸的涛声,也没有叮咚的泉响,只有悄悄的身影,只有默默地穿行,但它们流得苗条飘逸,流得婀娜多姿,流得清澈纯净,把溪底的鹅卵石也洗涤得历历在目,抒情而写意。我第一次发现,原来干涸的溪床和涓细的水流居然能构成这么一幅富有韵味的意境,它沧桑得让我深邃,又柔美得让我心疼。 ④北溪的花也让我感动。虽是冬季,但漫山遍野各种各样的花儿随处可见,山坡下悄悄怒放的红杜鹃,乱石中横逸嚣张的小红豆,小路旁蓬勃灿烂的迎春花,还有那像星星一般密布在小溪两岸墨绿色的草丛中叫不出名儿的小黄花。北溪人说,在春暖花开季节,北溪最动人的风景之一是成片的油菜花,我们现在看不到。但我依然能够想象,阳春三月,一层层的梯田上盛开着一片片黄澄澄的油菜花,衬托着绿色的油菜叶,在阳光的映照下,闪烁着金子般的光彩,灿烂着人们的笑脸,也辉煌了整个山村。那种充满野性的张扬和蓬勃,我想,在任何一个城市的公园里都无法铺排! ⑤尽管如此,最打动我的却是溪岸的桂花。那是我们刚踏进北溪土地的第一天,太阳早就落山了,暮色苍茫。北溪人招待我们到溪对岸的农家去吃饭。沿着溪岸,踏着暮色,感受着清新的山野气息,我们缓缓地朝不远处那一盏光亮走去。突然,一缕迷人的香味钻进了我的鼻子,若隐若现,飘飘忽忽,像天边的仙乐,遥远而神秘;但又分明缭绕在你的周围,让你心酥神定,疲惫全消。是什么香那么诱人?我开始回头寻找香味的来源。原来是桂花,是溪岸那一列桂花树的花香,就在我的身旁!在夜幕的笼罩下,灰黑的桂花树像一株株剪影,乍一看你根本没法发现那树上有花,何况桂花是那么小。但只要你仔细一瞧,你就会发现在这黑黢黢的叶片间,分明有一小串小米粒一般细小的白色花朵,它们把自己隐藏得很深,不招摇不卖弄,不显山不露水,却毫不吝惜自己的香气,散发给每一个经过的客人,让客人心旷神怡,反复回味。突然想起我在武汉大学读书时就住在桂园,每到秋天,园里到处可见一穗穗乳白色的桂花在轰轰烈烈地盛开,花香扑鼻而来,浓郁而华丽,不像北溪的桂花如此谦虚而含蓄。而且,北溪的桂花居然冬天也开花吐香,不,北溪人说,这里的桂花一年四季都开花。这就是北溪的桂花,淳朴、蕴藉、坚韧、大度,难道这就是这个美丽乡村的魅力所在? ⑥北溪人招待我们的是地道的农家菜。北溪人热情地介绍说,稻米、芋头、花生、青菜都是自己种的,猪、白鸭是自己养的,竹笋、草菇是山上采的,一律是绿色健康食品。不仅原料纯粹,厨艺也绝对传统,煎煮炖炒原汁原味,不添加那些花里胡哨的色素佐料,让人觉得特别清爽可口,忍不住狼吞虎咽,即使已经吃得肚子滚圆还舍不得放下筷子。是啊,想一想回到城里,哪里还吃得到这么纯粹的农家饭菜? ⑦主人大嫂一看来了这么多人,一大早就把全家人发动起来,忙得不亦乐乎。洗菜的大妈额上挂着汗珠,脸上却乐呵呵的,看得出她心里很高兴,仿佛家里来了嘉宾贵客。她看我要去山上走走,亲切地交代说,路上小心点,山路不好走,早点回来吃饭,菜凉了可就不好吃了。我不禁心里一热,仿佛听到母亲的叮咛。再看大妈手脚麻利,步伐矫健,脸上也没有什么皱纹,就说,您还这么年轻,孙子孙女都这么大了!她有些不好意思,不年轻了,都奔70了。哦,这个数字倒是我没想到的。她还说,男人们都进城打工去了,只留着女人在守望自己的家园。前些年儿子就叫她到城里去住,她不去,觉得还是山村里的老家好,住着习惯舒心。


中考记叙文阅读练习题 妈妈是我心中的一团火 ①当我刚呱呱出生时,护士就不让妈妈见到我,悄悄地把我抱到哺婴室去。医生们告诉她,我的左肘以下没有手。 ②有一天,7岁的我走出厨房嘀咕道:“妈妈,我不会削土豆皮,我只有一只手。”妈妈在做针线活,她头也不抬地说:“你回厨房去削土豆皮,今后再也不许用这个借口拒绝干活了。”我当然能削土豆皮,用我的右手持刀削皮,左上臂帮着托一下 就行了。妈妈知道办法总会有的,她常说:“只要你尽最大的努力,就没有你不会做的事。” ③在我读小学二年级时,一天,老师要求我们从猴架这边荡到那边去。轮到我时,我摇头示意不会荡。有些孩子在背后笑我,我哭着回家。当晚,我告诉了妈妈。她拥抱我一下,并做出“让我想想办法”的表情。第二天下午她下班后,把我带回到学校去。她教我先用右手抓住杠棒,用力引体向上,再用左上臂夹住杠棒。当我费力地照她说的做时,她始终站在一边鼓励我。以后每天她都带我去练习。我永远不会忘记老师第二次把我们全体同学带到猴架处的情景。我在猴架上熟练地荡来荡去,曾经取笑过我的孩子们都目瞪口呆。 ④这就是妈妈对待我的办法:她不代替我做什么,不宽容我,而是坚决认为我能找到办法自己干。有一次我参加一个舞会,没有一个男同学来邀请我跳舞。我回家后哭了,妈妈久久不发一言,然后说:“喔!亲爱的,总有一天那些男孩子和你跳舞时会跟不上你的拍子的,你会看到的。”她声音虚弱嘶哑,我撕开蒙着头部的被子kuī见她在流泪。于是我懂得妈妈为我忍受了多少痛苦。她从来不让我看到她哭泣,因为她不愿我感到内疚呀。 ⑤如今当我有不顺心的事时,总感到妈妈仍在我身旁,仍在对我说:勇敢地面对困难,没有解决不了的事。 1. 根据拼音写出汉字(第④段)。 kuī()见 2. 在第①段的横线里填上一个意为“温和而曲折地(表达意思)”的词,这个词应是:______ 3. 比较一下第②段妈妈让“我”削土豆皮的事和第③段妈妈教“我”荡猴架两件事,说说母亲的表现有什么不同?为什么有所不同? 4. 当“我”在猴架上熟练地荡来荡去,曾经取笑过我的孩子们都目瞪口呆。这是一种侧面描写,它写出了______。成语“目瞪口呆”在文中的意思是:______ 5. 这篇文章的主旨是:________________________ 6. 读完这篇文章,你有何感想?请写出来(不少于50字)。 同情的眼神 ①很多年以前的一个寒夜,在弗吉尼亚州北部,一个老人等在渡口准备乘船过河,寒冷的冬季的霜雪已使他的胡子像上了一层釉。看来他的等待似乎是徒劳的。寒冷的北风使他的身体冻得麻木和僵硬了。 ②突然,他听到沿着冰冻的羊肠小道上传来了有节奏的由远而近的马蹄声,怀着焦急的心情,他打量着几个骑马的人依次从他身边过去了。待最后一个骑手经过他时,老人站在雪中僵直得像一尊雕像,就在将要擦身而过的一瞬间,老人突然看着那人的眼睛说:“先生,您能否让一个老人和您乘一匹马共行?您知道,单凭用脚走,人是很难通过这一段路的。” ③骑者勒住了自己的马,回答:“确实是这样,上来吧!”看见老人根本无法移动他那冻得半僵的身体,骑手跳下马来帮助老人上了马,骑手不仅把老人驮过河,而且送他到他要去的地方,那里有数英里远。 ④当他们走近一座小而舒适的村舍时,骑手的好奇心促使他问道:“先生,我注意到你让其他几个人过去而没有请求帮助,而当我经过时你却留住我借用我的马,我很奇怪这是为什么,在如此一个寒冷的冬夜,您却等待在这里并截住最后一个骑手,如果我拒绝您的要求并把您留在那里,结果会是什么?”


一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Huawei Technologies Co. displayed its much-anticipated in-house operating system Harmony OS on Friday, marking what some call the Chinese tech giant's biggest push yet to build its own software ecosystem for the era of the internet of things. The move is also expected to weaken the influence of the United States government's restrictions on Huawei using Google's Android operating system in smartphones, analysts said. Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business group, speaking in Dongguan, Guangdong province, said it is difficult to deliver a smooth experience across different devices with the huge amount of codes involved in the Android and Linux operating systems. Linux is an open-source operating system widely used in personal computers and other hardware. "Harmony is a next-generation operating system designed to address the challenge," Yu said, adding that it will be able to support a wide range of application situations, including smart TVs, automobiles and wearables. The internet of things refers to a network of devices and other objects that can connect with each other and exchange data. Yu said the US government's restrictions have accelerated the company's marketing of the system, which now has about 4,000 employees working on it. The senior executive said Harmony can be used in its smartphones. But Android is still Huawei's preferred choice for handsets if the company is allowed to use it. "But when Android is not available, Harmony can be applied immediately to smartphones. Harmony is ready," Yu added. Jia Mo, an analyst at market research company Canalys, said even if Huawei does not use Harmony in its smartphones in the short term, its smartwatches and smart TVs can be equipped with Harmony to widen its use and accumulate more experience in building an ecosystem. "Also, more importantly, Huawei chose to build Harmony into an open-source operating system and allow it to be compatible with Android. Thus Harmony will be more accepted by current Android users. This will prevent Huawei from repeating the fate of Microsoft in promoting smartphone systems," Jia said. Microsoft failed to popularize the use of its Windows system in smartphones years ago. (1)What is the significance of the Harmony OS? A. It symbolizes Huawei has finished its own software ecosystem. B. It may reduce the threat from US government's restrictions. C. It will accumulate more experience in building an ecosystem. D. It successfully borrows from Microsoft's Windows system. (2)Which of the following may take the place of the underlined word "compatible" in the last paragraph? A. Used harmoniously. B. Operated quickly. C. Resisted fiercely. D. Monitored closely.(3)Where may we find this article? A. Fashion magazines. B. TV interviews. C. Historic documents. D. News websites.

初三语文记叙文阅读理解知识精讲 人教版

初三语文记叙文阅读理解知识精讲人教版 【同步教育信息】 一. 本周教学内容: 记叙文阅读理解 1. 考查角度:对文章的整体感知和理解,结合语境理解词语和句子的含义,结合文体特点考查相关知识的运用及其作用,对文章的观点、看法、艺术手法的欣赏等。 2. 记叙文六要素及顺序、人称 3. 记叙的线索和结构 4. 记叙的中心、材料及详略 5. 记叙文的表达方式和人物形象 6. 记叙文的词、句辨析及语言特点 两条珍贵的白鱼 这件事发生在我刚刚走出校门不久,那时我费了好大的劲儿才找到一份工作。 老板出差,临走除了交代日常必要的工作以外,特别叮嘱我照顾好他的两条白鱼。 老板是香港人,来内地投资办公司的时候带来了两条白鱼。开业的时候,这座29英寸电视大小的鱼缸放在大厅里最显眼的地方,里面水草丰茂,奇石嶙峋,一对白鱼浑身似雪,两只眼睛漆黑晶莹,游动的姿态极其傲慢但又极其优雅。老板对人们说:这对白鱼是公司的吉祥物,曾给他频频带来好运。 我精心护理着白鱼,心想,自己初出道,一定要做好老板交代的任务。一次换水时,我想把假山搬出来洗一洗,谁知假山被水浸过以后长了一层滑滑的东西,就在快搬出鱼缸的一瞬间,从我手中滑脱,随着“哗啦”一声巨响,玻璃碎片同水和鱼一起应声落地。两条柔软而富有弹性的白鱼在地上拼命跳跃……同事小晴从电脑室里跑出来,帮我取来塑料桶。待打来水救起白鱼时,我发现地上有雪白的鳞片,小晴说,白鱼恐怕活不成了。我的眼泪立时不争气地涌了出来。 第二天,我花了半个月的工资买了鱼缸,把白鱼放进去,希望它们能活下去。然而,白鱼太娇嫩了,第三天一早,这对很贵族气的白鱼,肚皮已翻了上来。怎么办?怎么办?跑吧!我对自己说:三十六计,走为上策。但是,从小的家庭教育和学校教育让我打消了这个念头。 双休日,我跑遍了全市的宠物市场,最后终于发现了这种鱼。一问:1100元一条!我吓呆了。可是,我拼命镇定自己,叮嘱好货主后,我回去凑钱。 我把所有的积蓄拿出来,还差400多元,离下月发薪水还有十几天,我只好找小晴借了500元并求她保密。 就在我把白鱼放在鱼缸里的当天下午,老板回来了。带着旅途风尘的老板踏进公司的第一件事,就是在大厅的鱼缸前驻足,我的心突然狂跳起来,老板端详了两分钟之后,回办公室去了。我长长地吐了一口气,好险! 不觉一个月过去了,发奖金那天,我听到小晴在老板的办公室里哭,好象在申诉什么,有几句话清晰地传到我的耳朵里:“为什么扣我的奖金?有人把鱼缸打碎,白鱼死掉,她都没事,我不就说错几句话吗?……” 一会儿,老板让我到他的办公室去。我感到身体发僵,惴惴地走了进去 “你把鱼缸打了,白鱼死了?” “是。” “你自己买的鱼缸和白鱼?” “是。”

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