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Useful Expressions

Unit 1

1. 大自然的王国the realms of nature

2. 为社会利益服务serve the interests of society

3. 气候环境climatic conditions

4. 在对……的恐惧之中in fear of

5. 日常必须品daily necessities

6. 打着“文明”的旗号in the name of civilization

7. 关注be concerned with

8. 不可替代的自然资源irreplaceable natural resources

9. 动态平衡dynamic balance

10. 不祥之兆ominous sign

11. 崩溃break down

12. 工业废物industrial waste

13. 人工合成材料synthetic goods

14. 从头到脚from head to foot

15. 自然循环the cycle of natural processes

16. 在于lie in

17. 直到目前as yet

18. 回到我们的主题上return to our theme

19. 自然规律laws of nature

20. 结果是turn out

Unit 2

1. 国内生产总值gross domestic product

2. 预期寿命life expectancy

3. 富裕well off

4. 平均on average

5. 永恒的课题an eternal subject

6. 工业革命Industrial Revolution

7. 突破性研究成果groundbreaking work

8. 人类命运human lot

9. 就……而言when it comes to

10. 普遍现象 a universal phenomenon

11. 彩票中奖者lottery winners

12. 幸福感sense of well-being

13. 起作用的原则principles at work

14. 牢记在心keep in mind

15. 没有影响make no difference

16. 好歹for good or ill

17. 身份资料失窃identity theft

18. 想到come to mind

19. 脆弱的隐私fragile privacy

20. 联网的数据库linked databases

21. 被……缠住be stuck with

22. 医疗技术medical technology

23. 在更深层次上on a deeper level

24. 渴望be hungry for

Unit 3

1. 了解一些情况have some grasp of the situation

2. 积极予以肯定have some positive sense of certainty

3. 调查,研究look into

4. 逃走,溜掉slip away

5. 在某种程度上in a way

6. 把……视为/设想成为picture…as

7. 在…末尾at the end of

8. 换言之in other words

9. 无疑,必定no doubt

10. 在寻求……的过程中in one’s quests for

11. 一个学科 a field of learning

12. 惊讶于be amazed at

13. 有幸获得机会luck into an opportunity

14. 比如说,假设let’s say

15. 而不是rather than

16. 更好把握gain a better grasp of

17. 有自信心be sure of oneself

18. 断绝,封锁,使隔离close…off

19. 开拓,开发,开辟open…up

20. 倒过来,相反地the other way around

21. 将……从……中引导/转移出来lead…away from

22. 将……握在手中hold…in hands

Unit 4

1. 从严格意义上说in the strict sense

2. 谋生earn a living

3. 体力劳动manual job

4. 脑力劳动mental job

5. 与……一致,相符coincide with

6. 心脏病heart attacks

7. 摆脱强制freedom from compulsion

8. 据推测at a guess

9. 劳动分工the division of labour

10. 受雇职业paid occupations

11. 大众社会mass society

12. 爱好,沉迷于go in for

13. 广大民众the masses

14. 吸食毒品drug-taking

15. 进行暴力活动commit acts of violence

16. 埋头做,认真做get one’s teeth into

Unit 5

1. 有一技之长possess a single talent or skill

2. 获得声誉gain some popularity

3. 年复一年year after year

4. 千篇一律的风景或画像similar scenes or portraits,

5. 自己功名的奴隶the slave of one’s s uccess

6. 把短暂的声誉赐予他人give the momentary fame to another

7. 赢得忠实的追捧者的高度关注bring high regard from loyal fans

8. 从他人处获得怜悯bring sympathy from others

9. 降低期望lower one’s expectations

10. 假装不关心失败pretend not to notice the failure

11. 激发某人更加努力motivate sb. to strive even harder

12. 开始某人的职业生涯launch one’s career

13. 被赶出学校be thrown out of school

14. 以失败为动力,奋发有为use the failure to motivate sb. to achieve

15. 成为某人的抨击目标be the target of sb.

16. 将某人置于众人的关注下turn all the lights on sb.

17. 把你变得不像你it takes the you out of you

18. 在某些方面展示才华demonstrate excellence in some field

19. 拼命追求声誉和财富desperately seek fame and fortune

20. 舍命也不要松手hang on for dear life

Unit 6

1. 人生的艺术the art of living

2. 紧紧把握人生hold fast to life

3. 回首往事in backward glance

4. 褪色的美 a beauty that faded

5. 消逝的爱 a love that withered

6. 严重的心脏病 a severe heart attack

7. 重症监护病房intensive care

8. 辅助检查additional tests

9. 沉醉在这金色的阳光中relished the sun’s golden glow

10. 来去匆匆hurry to and fro

11. 视而不见be indifferent to

12. 为琐碎和低俗的顾虑所困扰be preoccupied with petty and mean concerns

13. 从这次经历中所获得的顿悟the insight gleaned from that experience

14. 太掉以轻心be too careless of

15. 把握每一个小时embrace each hour

16. 矛盾体的另一极the opposite pole of paradox

17. 世界在我们的掌握之中the world is ours to command

18. 满腔热情、全力以赴with the full force of our passion

19. 面对现实confront us with realities

20. 在人生的每个阶段at every stage of life

21. 承受损失sustain losses

22. 开始独立的生命begin independent lives

23. 面对不可避免的死亡confront the inevitability of death

24. 心甘情愿地服从于be reconciled to

25. 倾心地去爱give one’s heart in love

26. 破解这个矛盾resolve this paradox

27. 通向永恒的窗户windows that open on eternity

28. 人类对得到拯救的憧憬the vision of humankind redeemed

29. 永远无求无争forever free of need and conflict

Unit 7

1. 只剩下strip down to

2. 失去兴趣lose taste for

3. “自愿简朴”的理念the concept of voluntary simplicity

4. 结果是It turns out that

5. 局限于restrict to

6. 交换trade for

7. 削减开支curtail consumption

8. 融为一体be all of a piece

9. 节能的房子energy-efficient home

10. 太阳能温室solar greenhouse

11. 非处方药over-the-counter drugs

12. 时刻了解keep track of

13. 充满be saturated with

14. 通勤时代commuter age

15. 加工过的食品processed food

16. 首映电影first-run movies

17. 廉价旧货店thrift shops

18. 渴望更多东西的感觉yearning feeling

19. 不理智的行为irrational behavior

20. 旋转木马merry-go-round

Unit 8

1. 患有心脏病be afflicted with a heart trouble

2. 断断续续地说in broken sentences

3. 关于……的消息the intelligence of

4. 相信确有此事assure oneself of

5. 考虑不周的朋友less tender friend

6. 号啕大哭weep with wild abandonment

7. 叫卖cry one’s wares

8. 一片片蔚蓝的天空patches of blue sky

9. 面容白皙而安详with a fair, calm face

10. 在空中蔓延creeping out of the sky

11. 胸脯上下起伏one’s bosom rises and falls

12. 尽力strive to

13. 击退;控制beat back

14. 一双白嫩纤细的手two white slender hands

15. 喃喃地说under one’s breath

16. 茫然的目光vacant stare

17. 恐惧的神情look of terror

18. 心跳加快one’s pulses beat fast

19. 沸腾的热血running blood

20. 张开双臂spread one’s arms out

21. 在未来的岁月里during the coming years

22. 专横的意志powerful will

23. 陶醉于drink in

24. 永葆青春an elixir of life

25. 狂想one’s fan cy was running riot

26. 战栗with a shudder

27. 一副风尘仆仆的样子 a little travel-stained

28. 尖叫 a piercing cry

29. 把某人挡在……的视线之外screen sb. from the view of

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