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专题讲解祈使句及练习Last revision on 21 December 2020





Knock at the door before entering, please!进来时请敲门!(建议)

Look out! There is a train coming.注意!火车来了!(提醒)

Wear strong shoes as we shall do a lot of walking.请穿结实的鞋子,因为我们要走许多的路。(叮嘱)

Put on your coat at once. We must hurry.立刻穿上衣服,我们必须快点(命令)

Give blood if you can and many lives will be saved.如果你能,来献血吧,这会挽救很多人的生命。(号召)




Keep quiet, please!

Open the door, please!

Hurry up!



Let’s go out and play!让我们出去玩吧。

Let’s play a guessing game!我们来玩猜谜游戏吧。

Let me have a look!让我来看一看。

Let me tell you!让我来告诉你。



Let him be here by 10 o’clock.让他十点前来这儿。

Let her do it by herself.让他10点前来这儿。

Let it go.让它去吧。



Tom,____________(do) the homework now.

解题思路:该题句首Tom 后面有个逗号,说明是对Tom说话,后面的说话内容是一个祈使句,应该用动词原形开头,用do,意思是“Tom,现在做作业吧。”但是有的学生会忽略逗号。误以为是现在进行时的句子,填成is doing.



Don’t be nervous!你不要紧张!

Don’t make any noise!都别吵人了!

Never be late again.别再迟到了。

Please don’t forget to take your medicine.请不要忘记吃药。

2.第一人称祈使句的否定结构。是在动词原形前面加not,句型为let me/us/

not do sth. 例如:

Let’s not waste our time arguing about it!咱们别浪费时间争论这事了!

Let’s not say anything about it!这事咱们谁也别说!

Let’s not go back late.


Don’t let him play with the fire.让他不要玩火!

Don’t let anyone come in.就让任何人进来!

Don’t let them play along the river.别让他们在河边玩。

4.“No+名词或动名词”结构表示禁止,一般用于指示、标牌、布告等,例如:No smoking!禁止吸烟! No spitting!不准随地吐痰!

No litter!不准乱扔果皮纸屑! No entry!不许入内!

No thoroughfare!禁止通行! No painting on the wall!墙上不准涂写!

No admittance except on business!非公莫人!



(1)Let’s fly kites now.


解题思路:第一人称祈使句的否定结构,在动词原形前面加not, 句型为Let me/us not do sth.

(2)Let him stay at home alone.


第三人称祈使句的否定结构,是在其句首加don’t. 不要和第一人称祈使句的否定结构混淆起来。


(1)Alice, ___________________ (not be) sad about it.

解题思路:该题句首Alice 后面有个逗号,说明是对Alice 说话,后面的说话内容是个祈使句,括号里“not be”提示为祈使句的否定形式,填don’t be,意思是“Alice,不要为此而难过了。”但是有的学生会忽略逗号,填成isn’t.



, after , read, me


, sit, please.

___________________________________________________________ 003. here, come, and, the, blackboard, clean


, go, and , stand, please


, window, close, please


, me, a yo-yo, buy, please

___________________________________________________________ , listen, me, carefully, please

___________________________________________________________ ,let’s. hide-and-seek

___________________________________________________________ , make, let’s, mistake s, any

___________________________________________________________ ,don’t late, class , for

___________________________________________________________ , me, give, some, cookies, please

___________________________________________________________ ,them, don’t, play, the, along, river

___________________________________________________________ , don’t, let, in, come


, hurry, or, be, you’ll, late

___________________________________________________________ , the, electric, fan, on, please

___________________________________________________________ II.将下列祈使句改成否定句。

, please.

___________________________________________________________ her a hamburger.

___________________________________________________________ your teeth now.

___________________________________________________________ around the house.

___________________________________________________________ the baby laugh.

___________________________________________________________ the bird fly away.

___________________________________________________________ the dog stay in the cage.

___________________________________________________________ ’s get ready for the picnic.

___________________________________________________________ ’s watch TV after supper.

___________________________________________________________ ’s cross the road together.

___________________________________________________________ the bed now.

___________________________________________________________ on your new shoes.

___________________________________________________________ them finish their work now.

___________________________________________________________ him do it by himself.

___________________________________________________________ III.将下列祈使句改成肯定句。

’t go t here with them.

___________________________________________________________ ’t take a sandwich with you.

___________________________________________________________ ’t take him to the funfair with tomorrow.

___________________________________________________________ ’t turn on the TV.

___________________________________________________________ ’t feed the bird.


’t wait for me.

___________________________________________________________ ’t let her o pen the window.

___________________________________________________________ ’t let them eat the sweet.

___________________________________________________________ ’s not talk about the movie.

___________________________________________________________ ’s n ot walk around the tree.

___________________________________________________________ IV.照样子写句子。

例如:Don’t smoking.

’t walking on the grass. _________________________________

’t make noise. _________________________________

’t litter. _________________________________

’t swim here. _________________________________

’t feed the animal. _________________________________

’t touch. _________________________________

’t climb the tree. _________________________________

’t paint on the wall. _________________________________

’t jump off the wall. _________________________________

’t pick flowers. _________________________________

’t take photos. _________________________________

’t eat or drink here. _________________________________

’t shout. _________________________________


is (lay) the table, please.

(give) me some water, please!

(fill)the form, please, and__________ (sign) your name here.

,_______ (do) the washing up, please.

,______________ (not be) worry. I’ll __________(be) fine.

’s _________ (not make) any mistakes.

let the dog_____________ (not follow)me.

061. Let’s ________ (not, chase) the dog. It’s dangerous.

and Lucy, _________ (make) yourselves at home, please.

,______ (help) yourself to some fruit.

, _________ (take) off your coat if you feel hot.

’s ______________(be) friends and _______(keep) in touch.


( )066. _________ me the book, please.

A. Pass

B. Passing C.To pass ( )067. __________ make any noise. They are having an exam.

A. Not

B. No C Don’t

( )068. Let’s __________ camping this weekend.

A. go

B. going C to go

( )069. _______ let him __________ computer games. It’s bad for his eyes.

A. Not, play

B. Don’t, play

C. No, playing ( )070. ________ with fire. It’s dangerous.

A. Don’t play

B. Play

C. Not play

( )071. Jack,______ paper plane for me now.

A. makes

B. make

C. is making ( ) 072. Dad, __________ at home.

A. doesn’t smoke

B. isn’t smoking

C. don’t smoke ( )073. Let’s __________ blow bubbles at home.

A. don’t

B. not C .no

( )074. Please go with us,____________

A. don’t you

B. will you

C. won’t you ( )075. Let me help you,____________

A.won’t you

B. will you

C. will I

( )076. Let ‘s take a walk. _______________

A.shall we

B.will you

C.won’t you

( ) 077. Work hard, ________ you can’t pass the exam.

A. and

B. but

C. or

( ) 078. Go straight ahead,_______ you will see the bank.

A. and

B. but

C. or

( ) 079. Put on your coat, _________ you will catch a cold.

A. so

B. or

C. and

( ) 080. Read more, _____________ you will know a lot.

A. and

B. so

C. or


mustn’t eat or drink in class.

__________________________________________________________________ mustn’t play football in the street.

__________________________________________________________________ must listen to the teacher carefully in class.

__________________________________________________________________ must finish your homework on time every day.

__________________________________________________________________ can’t take photos in the museum.

__________________________________________________________________ can’t climb the trees in the park.

__________________________________________________________________ can’t swim in the lake.

__________________________________________________________________ can’t jump off the wall.

__________________________________________________________________ must keep quiet in the hospital.

__________________________________________________________________ must follow the school rules at school.

__________________________________________________________________ can’t walk on the grass in the park.

__________________________________________________________________ can’t give up learning English.

__________________________________________________________________ VIII.根据中午提示,将下列句子翻译成英文,每空一词。


________ _________ books in the sun. It’s bad for your eyes.


________ _________ too many sweets, it’s bad for you teeth.


________ _________ _________ a day, and you can keep the doctor away. 096.多做点运动,你就可以保持健康。

________ _________ _________ ,and you can keep healthy.


_______ ____________ every day, and you can improve your English.


________ in can do it too!


_______ will be OK.


___________ _________ die.
