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现代起亚,起亚协合媒体S&S Media(上海广告公司媒介) 张天阳Peter 男报纸媒体的buyer

现代起亚,起亚协合媒体S&S Media 宋瑶Karen 女杂志buyer购买副经理

伊莱克斯Electrolux 协合媒体S&S Media 杨华男总经理

协合媒体S&S Media 蔡恒起亚汽车的plan

三菱汽车传立媒体Mindshare 有兴趣,但是三菱做家居杂志还是谨慎的。曹伯乐Bonny 媒介策划经理

三菱汽车传立媒体Mindshare 曹伯乐team 吴蕾Grace 媒介策划助理


DTC 传立媒体Mindshare 师康男媒介策划经理DTC 传立媒体Mindshare 陈丽Lili 女助理媒介策划H2O 传立媒体Mindshare 唐宇锓Ken 男媒介策划主管

世界铂金协会Pt/吉列/博朗小家电传立媒体Mindshare 何TEAM 褚悦悦Edda 女媒介策划

世界铂金协会Pt/吉列/博朗小家电传立媒体Mindshare 书比较西化现代premier.安家不错老式的介绍也很漂亮.封面感觉不太好.新刊的问题数据\价格非常规,因为都是预计给客户的特殊优惠/与别人比较的卖点要清晰\吉列与健康之友合作\告诉客户适合这本杂志在哪里,牙刷是电动的B1偏女性,D17中性.不是每个月做广告有节日前.\内容编辑安排有数后结合产品卖点策划. 何斌Frank 男媒介策划经理

oral-b,金霸王传立媒体Mindshare 何TEAM 钱群科Tina 女媒介策划助理

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联合利华Uniliver 红茶绿茶传立媒体Mindshare

联合利华金纺立顿茶传立媒体Mindshare 客户喜欢自己见媒体的宣枫女策划副总监

客户叫Julian Dai62370788*8342 Judy 女策划执行联合利华Uniliver旁士传立媒体Mindshare 李超Nina 男媒介策划

传立媒体Mindshare 姚蓉Rachel 女购买(BJ,HK)媒介购买主任

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灵立逸云矿泉水传立媒体Mindshare 魏君男媒介购买(SH)

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的生活质量这个软文,彩色告诉你怎么搭配怎样生活而不是用一个颜色.多乐士有自己的图片库可以用的.帮客户和宣明去找老家英国版的ELLE DECO上面的DULUX的创意软和硬.扫描图片给他们大家.客户叫Alice Y uan021-*********216 ICI 宣明

DULUX多乐士油漆Maximize 与宣明一个team.到中国两年美丽一家的主题广告。高档比立邦。今年要提升premier的品牌形象。下半年推金装五合一漂亮的桶(第三代)硬广告和软文与编辑主题搭。调色服务也做,主推色彩专家,与杂志容易结合。7、8月是销售旺季。下半年报价。合作形式可以灵活,册子夹送的费用。做比较大的proposal,要知道全年的编辑主题。客户我们要见么?因为创刊我们也想让他们有一个详细的了解!PRO给文字多的!胡亮Frank 男媒介策划经理

大众V olkswagen Maximize 斯甜Sara 女媒介策划总监

大众Volkswagen Maximize 钟运芳Fanny 女媒介策划副总监

大众V olkswagen Maximize 董思佳Jessie 女媒介策划主管

大众V olkswagen Maximize 陈海渝Hazel 女策划

大众V olkswagen Maximize 董依萍女媒介购买

杜邦DuPont Teflon可立耐传立媒体Mindshare 负责特富龙锅和可立耐材料,安睡宝是客户自己做。下周有时间方静Hattie 女助理媒介策划

西门子全部浩腾OMD HA白色家电洗衣机冰箱热水器,客户在南京,最近推时尚新冰箱,等资料想软文创意,想要一个长期的计划倪惠玲Cherrie Ngai 女助理策划总监

西门子全部浩腾OMD 卢穗钧女

Siemens冰箱浩腾OMD 高智

羽西Yu-Sai 浩腾OMD 高立Leo 男助理策划总监浩腾OMD 沃继敏Raymond 男

浩腾OMD 霍依Carrie 女

露华浓Revlon 浩腾OMD 佘敏Roxanne 女媒介策划经理

露华浓Revlon 浩腾OMD 宣迪Ivy 女高级媒介策划Lacoste 浩腾OMD 陈家晋女媒介策划经理

Lacoste 浩腾OMD 毛娟娟Grace 女媒介策划浩腾OMD 罗慕玲Joanne

西门子手机,Exelibri 浩腾OMD 离职了荣蓉Roseline 女助理策划总监

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港龙航空浩腾OMD 李永东Echo 女高级媒介购买

露华浓Revlon, Lacoste 浩腾OMD 王慰Rosanna 女媒介购买助理

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实力Zenithmedia 徐益明David 平面购买副总监

实力Zenithmedia 平面谈判。上面还有一位副总监徐燕燕Jessica 女媒介购买经理

实力Zenithmedia 是张以的领导,负责报纸杂志。报纸有Amy负责杨奇Henry 男平面购买副经理

实力Zenithmedia 负责杂志,是单和钱的领导。本周内约做presentation,去前把价格搞清楚。把资料准备好价格数据。问sony彩电是谁负责?约所有的planning一起张以Rikki 女平面购买副经理

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去谈判组了实力Zenithmedia 负责家居类和财经类杂志。资料全了再电话约时间见面。问手上有什么客户有预算6月如车子\家电\家具\居家用品?给价格发行量和读者分析数据,请帮我们在内部发个消息准备电子文档的消息给她上午发给她.试刊名片已寄,电话问有没有收到?分别给他们的两个客户递了8本杂志钱蓉Freda 女平面购买执行


实力Zenithmedia 负责LVMH的购买,是刘婷的领导。一期一期做的话折扣怎么算。版位的offer,7月我们可以做什么吗?李斌Connie 女平面购买主管

实力Zenithmedia 负责LVMH 刘婷Yvonne 女平面购买执行

实力Zenithmedia 宋华Lydia 女平面购买主管LVMH sony 实力Zenithmedia 欧润生Tommy 男策划群总监

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全负责LVMH台湾人实力Zenithmedia 总监见。带法刊Tommy 策划组总监

见不到Winne Lee

Ferragamo 实力Zenithmedia 王欣Michelle 女策划经理

通用实力Zenithmedia 庄谊Sally 女策划副总监

通用,凯悦实力Zenithmedia Michelle

SGM, GM 实力Zenithmedia 邓晓峰Pierce 男策划KADILAKE 实力Zenithmedia 张颖策划经理SGM, GM 实力Zenithmedia 问客户联系人周崐Alex 男策划主管

惠氏-百宫制药有限公司/善存Centrum 实力Zenithmedia 黎艳萍Grace 女策划副经理

惠氏-百宫制药有限公司/善存Centrum 实力Zenithmedia 金晓琼Sindy 女策划执行

上海光明乳业股份公司Bright Milk 实力Zenithmedia 路晓

晨Michelle 女策划副经理

SONY 实力Zenithmedia 李美仪女策划总监SONY电视实力Zenithmedia 孙宇静Tina 女策划副经理

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SONY PS2/BUICK 实力Zenithmedia 已经递4本杂志韩琦男购买

LANCOME 实力Zenithmedia 周一带试刊给她看,讲是一本很偏女性的杂志,以后会给你寄请关注。你要不要装修房子?赵纯宇男

百安居协助张楠实力Zenithmedia 江晨男购买

阿尔卡特Alcatel 实力Zenithmedia https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce15396240.html, zenithsh 8个6百安居的物料Jason Sun Jason 男策划主管

Nivea, Gucci, BMW,MNG 凯络Carat 给宝马做pro,下半年有计划的正在做!喜欢跨页孙长虹Cici 女平面购买经理

每期要给两本杂志,要回我的泰国版Nivea, Gucci, BMW,MNG 凯络Carat 补寄杂志! 王慧Vivian 女媒介购买助理-非电视

PHILIP小家电凯络Carat 下半年有预算,可以争取第一期.9月做熨斗是注重design,非功能.计划已经把大方向给了客户7月会细化计划跟紧.还有吸尘器剔须刀.时尚家居软文操作,家居主张也是.喜欢报道多.但是告诉她可以怎么操作,还是要找客户! 虞建芬Elvira 女策划经理

PHILIP大家电凯络Carat 电器手机7月计划要看客户情况.等离子电视机.客户这边要去找胥一悦Connie 女策划经理

林凡Sandy 策划

Ferreo Roche 凯络Carat 王源芳Tina 女媒介策划经理Ferreo Roche 凯络Carat 刘欢Bronie 女媒介策划经理妮维亚,古驰Nivea,Gucci 凯络Carat 卢穗钧Sky 女资深策划

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先锋音响旭通ADK 邱华蓉QQ 女媒介购买部副主任

先锋音响旭通ADK 邱华蓉QQ 女媒介购买部副主任

奔驰,索爱,日航Benz 尚扬媒介宜家伊笑虹Rita 女媒介策划总监

尚扬媒介陈霄远Patrick 男媒介策划助理

奔驰,索爱,日航Benz 尚扬媒介buying在传立王剑Jim 男媒介策划副经理

索爱尚扬媒介宜家刘佳Carrie 女媒介策划助理宜家孙昀Sunny 媒介策划助理

杜邦DuPont Teflon 尚扬媒介离开朱晨

东Winter 男媒介策划助理

杜邦DuPont Teflon 尚扬媒介离开徐晋Jacky 男策划副经理

麦肯光明Mccann 黄真晟Jack 男CMB平面经理

麦肯光明Mccann 李峰Brian 男高级媒介购买

麦肯光明Mccann 王琛豪Evelyn 女助理媒介购买

麦肯光明Mccann 王欢Judy 女策划总监

欧莱亚L'oreal Paris 麦肯光明Mccann 孙玲Lindy 女策划督导

欧莱亚L'oreal Paris 麦肯光明Mccann 田哲Eric 男策划经理

欧莱亚(彩妆)L'oreal Paris (Make-up) 麦肯光明Mccann 戈海吟Jenny 女助理策划主任

欧莱亚(护肤)L'oreal Paris (Skin Care) 麦肯光明Mccann 高瑜青Phoebe 女媒介策划

薇姿L'oreal, Vichy 麦肯光明Mccann 汪翎Linda 女策划经理

生活类的报52478 问计划姓名分机麦肯光明Mccann 蒋君Sarah 女购买

强生(中国)有限公司Johnson & Johnson 麦肯光明Mccann 柳晓倩Tanya 女策划经理

熊猫, 亚顿Panda,Elizabeth Arden 灵狮Lintas 陈怡Echo 女媒介策划

灵狮Lintas 林晨女媒介购买经理-平面

杭州乐金LG cosmetics 上海乾琨广告有限公司谢志华Peter 男董事总经理

杭州乐金LG cosmetics 上海乾琨广告有限公司陈依群Pony 男市场公关部总监

杭州乐金LG cosmetics 上海乾琨广告有限公司潘颖Bobo 女业务执行

香港贸易发展局TDC 上海凌速广告有限公司王熙梅女


电通她发布PRESEN消息,周三上午去. 苏静Susu 女媒介购买二部主任

电通徐莹Cissy 女媒介购买高级经理




电通做PRESENTATION约周一许敏buyer TOTO 电通非常重要的见面!问日立\PANASONIC\CARRIE\夏新都谁负责?上海购买么? 李文宁客户部门

厦新手机TOTO 电通没有名片,其他情况只有通过他知道孙振义媒介购买二部


Toshiba 博报堂问客户?上海买么? 陈小清购买digital产品博报堂懂媒体陈立敏计划

大金空调。KONIK、JVC、美能达相机panasonic按摩椅大广贸促DAIKO CCPIT MEDIAKIT出来后马上给。拿东西来砸琉璃项链。找日刊的大金空调说服。对新刊比较谨慎除非有很好的理由,想办法传达我们的理由PROPOSAL EMAIL。去年大金投了6期时尚家居。问JVC的客户是什么适合么?/找日刊发PRO电话说与客户的PRO就是少15%国际惯例,帮我们推一下,但信没发林文静女媒介部总监大金空调planning

Sharp、dupond万室佳东派广告dentsu 除个人原因外,杂志看数据,看编辑风格和服务。万室家去年9-2月200万投6本杂志。报纸晚报和21世纪经济报道。太白粉添加剂,原定4、5月份上的但是耽搁下来了,说服的理由要有说服力发信说服。SHARP黑电投财经家居男性杂志液晶电视37寸4万利润高,3月中大板提案了,在日本是第一的电视技术很好。上海白电长江三角洲地区所以杂志广告不多。软文帮忙,有钱利润厚。可以问NISSAN有希望么?战略是什么?富士是什么牌子投杂志么因为我们会有很多生活化的产品?三洋媒介?罗氏医疗。统一红茶咖啡、方便面传立、南孚电池实力媒介。沈茂华Samuel 男媒介高级经理

Sumsung 上海三星广告赵铮

SV A 中视新思维赵佩俞策划


星传Alvin 购买

星传peter 购买





CARAT CONNIE 林凡虞建芬叶雯杨磊


金融房产每林开童颖NONA 女购买


牛津英语4A期末复习题 一,按要求改写单词 (一)写出下列单词的同类词 1. doctor _______ 2. where _______ 3. brown ________ 4. head ______ 5. your ________ 6. horse ______ 7. she _______ 8. ride ______ (二)写出下列单词的对应词或者反义词 1. waiter ______ 2.policeman ________ 3. this _______ 4. here ______ 5. happy _______ 6. full _______ 7. big ______ 8. long ______ 9. brave ______ 10. on ________ 11.close_________ 12. little ________ 13.afraid _______ 14. old ________ 15. tall_________ (三)写出下列单词的复数形式 1. waitress ________ 2. fireman ________ 3. she ________ 4.it ______ 5. I _______ 6. ladybird _________ 7. foot ________ 8. root ________ 9. knee ________ 10. branch _________ 11.mouse _______ 12.aviary________ 13. sheep ________ 14. fly _________ 15. leaf ________ 16. question _____ 17. moth ________ 18. this _______ (四)把下列动词变为单数(即:改为第三人称单数形式) 1. do _____ 2. have _______ 3.like _______ 4.read _________ (五)写出下列单词的同音词 1. no _______ 2. hear _______ 3. their ________ 4. right ______ 5. pear _______ 6. sea _______ 7. flower ________ 8. eye _______ (六)按具体要求改写单词 1. she(物主代词)________ 2. they(物主代词)________ 3. I(所有格)_________ 4. he(物主代词)__________


牛津英语4A期中试卷 Listening Part(听力部分)30% 一、Listen and choose (听音,选出你所听到的选项)10% ()1)A.this B.that C.his ()2)A.dive B. driver C.draw ()3)A.here B. hair C.dear ()4)A.read B. write C.ride ()5)A. postman B. policeman C.fireman ()6)A. my B.me C.I ()7)A. ears B.mouth C.eyes ()8)A. angry B. afraid C. hungry ()9)A. waiter B. water C.waitress ()10)A.paint B. play C.plant 二、Listen and choose (听音,选出你所听到的句子)5% ()1)A.How are you? B. How old are you? C. What does he do? ()2)A.You can call my Alice. B. You can call me Alice. C. You can call her Alice. ()3)A.Here’s your cake. B.Here you are. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce15396240.html,e here,please. ()4)A. His name’s Sam. B. Her name’s Sally. C.My name’s Sally. ()5)A.Are you hungry? B. Are you angry? C. Are you thirsty? 三、Listen and choose (听音,选出适当的应答句)10% ()1)A.I’m fine. B. I’m five. C. I’m sorry. ()2)A.I can swim. B. I can’t dive. C.I like paint. ()3)A.She’s nine. B. I’m nine. C.He’s nine. ()4)A.Thank you. B. That’s all right. C. Happy birthday to you! ()5)A.Yes,it isn’t my pencil. B. Yes,it’s my pencil. C.No,it’s my pencil. ()6)A.That’s my father. B.He’s a doctor. C.She’s a doctor. ()7)A.Yes, I’m a fireman. B. Yes, I’m a policeman. C. No, I’m a fireman. ()8)A. That’s Kitty’s block. B. It’s Kitty’s block. C. That’s Kitty’s car. ()9)A.Yes, I can’t. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I can. ()10)A.She’s a dentist. B.It’s a bag. C. He’s an ambulance man. 四、.Listen and number (听音,写编号)5% ()You can call her Miss Fang. ()Can you ride your bicycle,Peter? ()Whose bicycle is that? ()Come here,please. ()That’s my teacher’s bicycle. Writing Part(笔试部分)70% 五、.Copy (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号)5%


M4U1 A visit to a farm 1.单词 visit参观;拜访,hay干草,grass草,corn谷物,meat肉, litter乱扔(垃圾),walk走,pick摘;捡,throw扔,stone石头, don’t不要,rubbish垃圾(不可数),bin垃圾箱 2.句型 1).On his farm he has three sheep.在他的农场上有三只绵羊。 2). Don’t litter. 不要乱扔垃圾。 3). Don’t walk on the grass. 不要在草地上走。 4).Don’t pick flowers.不要摘花。 5). Don’t throw stones.不要扔石头。 6). Please put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.请把垃圾放在垃圾箱里。 7). Now let’s visit the farm.现在让我们参观农场。 8). What do they eat? 它们吃什么? 9). They eat hay.它们吃干草。 10). He feeds the pig with the corn.他用谷物喂养猪。 11). The pig lives in a pen.猪住在围栏里。 12). It is angry.它生气了。 3.语法: 1).单复数:sheep---sheep(单复同形); horse----horses; child---children this---these; that---those 2).hay, grass, corn, meat, rubbish(垃圾),都是不可数名词。 3). feed the animals喂养动物;grow the plants种植植物 4). Don’t litter. (换一种说法) >>> You can’t litter. Don’t walk on the grass. (换一种说法) >>> You can’t walk on the grass. 5). let’s = let us让我们,后面跟动词原形: Let’s go. Let’s play. Let’s sing and dance. 6). take a visit to + 地点,一次去…的参观 Let’s visit the farm. = Let’s take a visit to the farm. M4U2 At Century Park 1.单词 sketchbook素描本,cap帽子, camera-cameras相机, an aviary -aviaries 鸟舍, fountain喷泉, photo-photos照片, pond池塘, lovely =cute可爱的,far way远的road道路,take乘坐、拍照


4A M1U1 Meeting new people 单词:number eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen 数字11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty thirty-two forty forty-three fifty sixty seventy 19 20 21 30 32 40 43 50 60 70 eighty ninety hundred Sally Tracy Paul Jill Martin Joe Rose people year 80 90 百莎莉特雷西保罗吉尔马丁乔罗斯人们年mask class morning afternoon classmate schoolmate roommate home basketball 面具班级早晨下午同班同学同学室友家篮球grandma student name friend age meet (meat) know(no) skip laugh 奶奶学生名字朋友年龄遇见(肉)知道(不)跳(绳)大笑 ride walk live ask every well about funny near 骑走居住问每天好关于有趣的附近 词组:get to see you go to the park go to school ride a bicycle skip a rope 到达再见去公园上学骑自行车跳绳 your new classmate student number one year old twelve years old sit here 你的新同班同学学号一岁十二岁坐在这儿near our school every day walk to school play basketball what about sit at his desk 在我校附近每天走着去上学打篮球怎么样坐在桌边 a funny mask put on the mask Grandma Li two hundred 一副滑稽的面具戴上面具李奶奶二百 句子:Nice to meet you, Jill. Nice to meet you too. This is my sister. 见到你很高兴,吉尔。见到你也很高兴。这是我的姐姐。 I’m Peter’s classmate. Her name’s Sally. We are going to the park. 我是皮特的同班同学。她的名字是莎莉。我们正要去公园。 He can ride a bicycle. She likes reading, and she can play basketball well. 他能骑自行车。她喜欢阅读,而且她篮球打得特好。 M1U2 Abilities 单词:pony fish brother sister picture dolphin guest bird rabbit monkey wasp 小马鱼弟弟姐姐图片海豚客人鸟兔子猴子黄蜂crisp climb hop count paint write jump Supergirl Superdog fast dream 薯片爬跳跃数绘画写跳超级女孩超级狗快梦 interview welcome high today everyone both little away time September 采访欢迎高今天每个人都小离开时间九月 词组:climb a tree count to three paint a picture run fast swim very well 爬树数到三画一张图跑得快游得很好 like swimming very much a dream interview welcome to Shanghai fly high 非常喜欢游泳一次梦中采访欢迎到上海飞得高 super time go away play on my crisps 快乐时光走开在我的薯片上玩 句子:You’re welcome. She can swim very well. Can Supergirl paint a picture? 别客气。她能游得很好。超级女孩能画一张图片吗?Supergirl is coming. This is our guest, Supergirl. You’re both super! 超级女孩来了。这是我们的客人,超级女孩。你们都很棒。


一:正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 this is my friend his names danny hes eleven _______________________________________________________________________________二:用所给词的适当形式填空 1:I can _______(draw)three _____________(flower). 2:I like ____________(jump) in the playground. 3 Jack can ______________(swim),he likes ____________(swim). 4:This is ben, that’s ____________(ben) cat. 5:That is danny. ____________(he) hat is big. 6:My class teacher ___________(live) in Shanghai. 7: I like ____________(like) lions. My brother ____________(like) tigers. 8: My bag _________(be) big. My books ________(be) in my bag. 9:This is my sister. ___________(she) name is Jill. 10:His friend _________(have) a bicycle . it _________(be) red. 11:Jack can __________(swim),. He likes _________(swim). 12:That is danny. _________(he ) hat is big. 13:This is ben. That is _________(ben) cat. 14:My teacher ________(live) in shanghai. 15: I like _____________(lion).My brother _______(like) tigers. 16:My bag _______(be) big. My books ______(be) in my bag. 三:选择最佳答案 1:How many ____________ A: coat, B:coats C:two coats 2: Here ____ some milk for little lucy. She is vevy thirsty. A: is B: are C: does 四:按要求改写句子。 1: He can swim well.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) __________he ______________well __________, he __________ 2:He has two bags.(将he改为i,其余做相应变化) __________ __________ two bags. 3:I am tired,(对划线部分提问) _________ ________ you ___________ 4:I have two uncles.(改为一般疑问句) ________you __________ two __________ 5:I have got two uncles.(改为一般疑问句) _______ you _______ two _________ 6:She is a nurse,(对划线部分提问) ________ __________ she _________ 7:Is that thin girl your sister(改为肯定句) 8 Miss to every walks Fang day school (连词成句子)


Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Meeting new people Look and say His/Her name is … ①Good morning, Peter. Good morning, Kitty. ②This is my name is ’s twelve. And this is my brother. His name is Paul. He’s only six. ③( ④Hi, Sally. Hi, Paul. My name is Kitty. I’m Peter’s classmate. Hi,Kitty. ⑤We are going to the park. Goodbye,Kitty. See you. Look and learn 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen Ask and answer : Show a photo of your friend. Then talk about him/her. This is my friend. His name’s Danny. He’s nine. He can ride a bicycle. This is my friend. Her name’s Tracy. She’s thirteen. She can skip. S: This is my…His /Her name’s… He’s/ She’s…(age)

He/She can… Say and act A new classmate | ①Good morning, class. Good morning, Miss Fang. ②This is your new classmate. Her name’s Jill. She’s ten years old. Her student number is sixteen. Hi, I’m Jill. ③You can sit here, Jill. OK. Thank you. Miss Fang. ④Nice to meet you, Jill. My name’s Kitty. I’m nine. My student number is fifteen. Hi, Kitty. Nice to meet you,too. — Look and read Jill ①We have a new classmate, Jill. She’s ten years old. ②She lives near our school. She walks to school every day. ③She likes reading, and she can play basketball well. ④She can dance too. She likes dancing. True or false ( ) is a new student. )


上海牛津英语4A词汇整理 Module1 Unit 1 Words: 1.eleven十一 2.twelve 十二 3.thirteen 十三 4.fourteen十四 5.fifteen十五 6.sixteen 十六 7.meet遇见 8.people人 9.sister姐妹 10.brother兄弟https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce15396240.html,名字 12.only仅仅 13.class班级 14.classmate同学 15.friend朋友16.photo照片 17.age年龄 18.year年龄 19.student学生 20.number数字21.live居住 22.walk走路 23.basketball篮球 24.football足球 25.school学校 26.desk课桌 27.mask面具 28.funny有趣的 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce15396240.html,ugh大笑Phrases: 1.my big sister 我的大姐姐 2.her name 她的名字 3.his brother 他的兄弟 4.Peter’s classmate Peter的同班同学 5.go to the park 去公园 6.a photo of your friend你朋友的照片 7.ride a bicycle 骑自行车 8.skip a rope 跳绳 9.twelve years old 十二岁 10.one year old 一岁 11.student number 学号 12.sit here 坐这儿 13.every day 每天 14.near our school 在我们学校附近 15.play basketball打篮球 16.a new student 一位新学生 17.sit at his desk坐在他的课桌旁 18.a funny mask 一个有趣面具Sentences: 1. Her name is Sally. = Her name’s Sally. 她的名字叫Sally。 2. I’m Peter’s classmate. 我是Peter的同班同学。


Module1 Unit 1 Words: 十一十二十三十四十五 十六遇见人姐妹兄弟 名字仅仅班级同学朋友 照片年龄年龄学生数字 居住走路篮球足球 学校课桌面具有趣的大笑 Phrases: big sister 我的大姐姐 name 她的名字 brother 他的兄弟’s classmate Peter的同班同学 to the park 去公园 photo of your friend你朋友的照片 a bicycle 骑自行车 a rope 跳绳 years old 十二岁 year old 一岁 number 学号 here 坐这儿 day 每天 our school 在我们学校附近 basketball打篮球 new student 一位新学生 at his desk坐在他的课桌旁 funny mask 一个有趣面具Sentences:

1. Her name is Sally. = Her name’s Sally. 她的名字叫Sally。 2. I’m Peter’s classmate. 我是Peter的同班同学。 3. He is only six years old. 他只有六岁。 4. Her student number is sixteen. 她的学号是十六号。 5. We have a new classmate. 我们有一位新同学。 6. She lives near our school. 她住在学校附近。 7. She walks to school every day. 她每天走出学校。 8. Jill likes reading, and she can play basketball well. Jill 喜欢阅读,而且她很会打篮球。 一、主格,所有格和宾格 主格I you he she it we you they 所有格my your his her its our your their 宾格me you him her it us you them 二、数字


1. 一词多义:fly, cook, paint, glass, have, 2. 反义词:hungry/ , sad/ ,afraid/ this---that;; ask—answer, here(这里)---there(那里); win/ lose(失败) little(小的,年幼的)---big/old; good---bad;these---those come in---go out; sit down---stand up large—small 3. 同音词:dear/ deer, flour/flower; pair—pear;write/right,here/hear; their—there; our-hour, know(认识)---no; meet(遇见,相识)----meat; hi---high(高的) ,buy/ by ; I-eye; 4. 易混: dive/ drive/driver,cut/cat, ride/read 5. 复数:waitress/ , branch/ , foot/ , tooth/ . policeman/ mouse/ moth/ leaf/ glass/ sandwich/ child/ 6.单复数同形:sheep-- people-- 7. an 后:eye, ear, arm, ambulance man, aviary, ice-cream. 8. 同类词:注意词性、名词单复数以及是否可数,总体与部分(概

括与举例) 9. 动词第三人称单数形式:have/ , like/ , eat/ , do/ go/ . 10. 物主代词:my, his, ... 11. 宾格:me/ him/ her... You can call me... 宾格:(1)I---me, you---you, he---him, she---her, it---it, we---us, they---them (2)宾格放在动词或介词的后面: Look at me. 看着我。I like them. 我喜欢他们。 You can call him Ben. 你能叫他Ben。 12. 否定:can/ do/ is/ are/ does/ have/ has/ 12. this is:这个,近处的;that is 那个,远处的 13. How are you?/ How old are you? What can you do?/ What do you do? 14. look at 看put out扑灭,play with玩…/和…一起玩,be


M3U1 In our school 1.单词:place地点,canteen食堂,computerlab计算机房,lab实验室, office办公室,gym体育馆,classroom教室,music room 音乐教室, art room美术教室,library图书馆,hall礼堂;大厅,playground 操场, classroombuilding教学楼,teachers’office教师办公 室,post office邮局 behind在…后面,in front of 在…前面 2. 词组: studywith和…一起学习, alot of=lots of =many=much许多, havelunch吃午餐,have computer lessons上计算机课,have a try试一试? 3. 句型 1). Thisis the teachers’ office.这是教师办公室。?2). Miss Fangis busy now.方老师正在忙。?3). Therearealot ofbooksinit.里面有许多的书。?4). We have lunchhere.我们在这里吃午餐。 5). It’sbehind the classroombuilding.它在教学楼的后面。 7). We have com 6).What’s on this floor? 这层楼是什么?? puter lessonsin it. 我们在里面上计算机课。?8).There is a cupboard and abookshelf init. 在里面有一个柜子和书架。 9). Your classroom is clean and tidy.你们的教室真干净整洁。 10). Thank you so much. 太感谢你们了。?11).You’re welcome. 不客气。 4.语法:?1). There be 句型: ?(1)“就近原则” (2)There be 句型一般和地点状语连用?There is a book and s ome pens on the desk.?There aresome pensand a boo konthedesk.?Thereis a playground behind the classroom building. ?(3) 否定形式:Thereis some water. >>> Thereisn’t any water. Thereare somebooks.>>>Therearen’tanybooks. (4)一般疑问句和回答:Is there anywater? Yes, there is./No,there isn’t. ?Are thereanybooks? Yes,there are. /No, therearen’t. ?(5) 用what’s划线提问: There isabookinthebag.>>>What’s in the bag? ?Thereare many books in the bag.>>>Wh at’s in the bag? (6)How many提问一般用there be句型回答: ?How many books are there on thedesk?There are ten booksonthe desk.How many girls? There are eleven. 2). 复数:library---libraries, bookshelf书架---bookshelves

上海牛津英语4A 各个单元练习题

M3U3 In the shop I. Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks ( 选择正确的词填空) in front of on in next to near 1. Kitty is my deskmate. She is ______ me. 2. There is a big supermarket ______ my school. 3. Tom is short. He is sitting ______ me. 4. Nanjing Road is ______ the centre of Shanghai. 5. There aren’t any clothes shops ______ the street. II. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms (用所给单词适当形式填空) 1. There isn’t ______ ( many ) orange jam in the bo wl. 2. Those ______ ( girl ) ropes are long. 3. How many ______ ( sandwich ) are there in the bag? There’s one. 4. Please give ______ ( I ) a pair of ______ ( glass ). 5. What ______ ( shape ) are the cookies? They’re stars. 6. Please bring ______ ( he ) brother some bread. 7. Can we have ______ ( some ) juice? O. K. 8. ______ ( who ) bicycles are those? They’re ______ ( they ) bicycles. III. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms ( 用所给动词适当形式填空) 1. ______ ( there be ) any little dunks in the pond? 2. What ______ their uncle ______ ( do )? He’s a police officer. 3. How ______ Sam ______ ( feel )? He’s tired.


上海牛津英语4a知识点汇总 M1U1 Meeting new people 1.词汇:classmate 同学schoolmate 校友deskmate 同桌friend朋友meet 遇见 people人们eleven 十一twelve十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty二十student number 学号sit 坐skip跳绳live居住near在……附近year年well好mask 面具 2.词组:my classmate 我的同学go to the park 去公园ride a bicycle骑自行车skip a rope 跳绳live near the school住在学校附近walk to school走路去学校play basketball 打篮球like reading喜欢阅读years old 岁 —Nice to meet you!很高兴遇到你! —Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴遇到你! See you!再见! 3.语法:形容词性物主代词his,her,your,my,its,their,our 形容词性物主代词(所有格)后必须加名词。 my new classmate her dress our classroom his mother His/Her name is…… This is my sister.Her name’s Sally.(向别人介绍某个人) Can 句型can后的动词必须是原形 He can swim very fast. He can’t sing. Can he climb a tree? 主语是第一人称I、we,第二人称you和第三人称复数they、his parents等的时候,句中动词用原形; 主语是第三人称单数时,动词要相应变化(加s) She lives near our school. She walks to school every day. My friend has a nice dress。 变否定句和疑问句时要添加助动词doesn’t和does,动词要变回原形。 My brother doesn’t like his toy car. Does Kitty walk to school every day? like后面加名词复数We like balls. 动词ing形式We like playing basketball. to do We like to play basketball. do-doing的规则:直接加ing singing,playing,painting,jumping 去末尾的e,加ing writing,dancing,coming 双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing swimming,skipping running M1U2 Abilities 词汇:climb 爬draw 画画paint 用颜料画画swim 游泳read读write 写 Jump 跳hop单脚跳picture画,图dream梦interview 采访guest嘉宾everyone大家,每个人fast 快high高very 很,非常welcome欢迎both(两个)都dolphin海豚wasp 黄蜂crisp薯片 词组:paint a picture画一幅画climb a tree爬树count to three数到very much非常read a book看书swim in the river在河里游泳 fly very high飞得很高swim very fast游得很快very well很好 both super都很棒our guest我们的嘉宾welcome to 欢迎来到……


4A M1U1 知识点整理 ◆单词 Eleven , twelve , thirteen , fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, I-my, you-your , he----his . she- her. It-----its, we----our, they---their, Sally----Sally’s ◆词组 good morning , my sister, he name, my brother , only six , Peter’s classmate, go to the park , a photo of your friend, photo---photos , ride a bicycle, skip the rope, class- classes, student number, ten years old , sit here ------stand there , live near our school , walk to school , every day , like dancing , play basketball well , sit at his desk , make a funny mask, ask- answer, put on the mask,- take off the mask, laugh, ◆基本句型 1 This is my sister. Her name is Sally. 2 This is my brother. His name is Paul. 3 Goodbye. See you. 4 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. 5 She walks to school every day .=She goes to school on foot every day. 4A M1U2 知识点整理 ◆词组 Sing a song , climb a tree , count to three, paint pictures, draw a house, read a book , write a letter, swim well , jump high , run fast , hop high , skip a rope, pony- ponies, like swimming very much ,good evening, welcome to today’s Super Time, our guest , everyone= everybody, both super, a little wasp , go away , a lovely dolphin, ◆基本句型 1 Can Supergirl paint a picture? No, she can’t, but she can run fast. 2 Can he swim? Yes, he can run fast . He likes swimming very much . 4A M1U3 知识点整理 ◆单词 Happy---sad,hungry---full,hard---soft,smooth---rough,sweet---bitter,afraid---brave,small----big,sharp ---blunt ,dangerous---afe , large ---little,short (短的)---long,short(矮的)---tall ,angry,thirsty,tired,thin--- fat ◆词组 Look at my bicycle have some biscuits ==eat some biscuits have some water== drink some water, come in -----go out , sit down-----stand up , each other, a thirsty crow, so thirsty , too long and thin ,. Some pebbles, have an idea, put some pebbles in the bottle. a cake with cream and berries , a large bottle of lemonade , a piece of toast , near the lamp post , postman –postmen, in the post office eat---eating , hi----high(同音字)


Test of Module 1-2, Oxford English 4A (满分:100分完卷时间:40分) Part 1 Listening 听力部分 I. Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的句子) 8% ( ) 1. A. Do you have cousins? Yes, I do. B. Do you have cousins? No, I don't. C. Do you have aunts? Yes, I do. ( ) 2. A. Who’s that lady? She’s my aunt, Alice. B. Who’s that man? He’s my uncle, Mike. C. Who’s this man? He’s my uncle, Tom. ( ) 3. A. What does your father do? He’s a police officer. B. What does your uncle do? He’s a firefighter. C. What does your uncle do? He’s a police officer. ( ) 4. A. Danny has a shirt. It’s white and blue. B. Kitty has a skirt. It’s white and red. C. Kitty has a shirt. It’s white and red. ( ) 5. A. The girl in the short black dress is my cousin. B. The boy in the long blue sweater is my new classmate. C. The girl in the long black skirt is my sister. ( ) 6. A. Jill and her parents visit her grandparents. B. Jill and her grandparents visit her parents. C. Jill visits her grandparents and parents. ( ) 7. A. I have twelve cousins, but I don’t have sisters. B. I have thirteen cousins, but I don’t have brothers. C. I have twelve cousins, but I don’t have brothers.

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