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全球化是一种全球一体化(international integration)的进程。它发端于国际间视角、产品、理念以及其他文化领域的互换。全球化作为一种新的经济和社会发展趋势,给中国带来了机遇,也带来了挑战。一方面,中国正成为世界制造业中心并在国际舞台上发挥着日益重要的作用。另一方面,我们也面临着如何在全球化进程中既要发展经济,又要传承优秀文化传统的问题。


Globalization is the process of international integration. It originated from the exchange of international views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. As a new trend of economic and social development, globalization has presented China with both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, China is becoming the center of the world manufacturing and playing an increasingly important role in the international arena. On the other hand, we are also confronted with the problem of how to inherit our excellent cultural traditions as well as develop our economy in the process of globalization

1.它发端于国际间视角、产品、理念以及其他文化领域的互换:“发端于”可用 originate from表达;“国际间视角”可翻译为international view; “互换”可翻译为 exchange。
2.世界制造业中心:可翻译为the center of the world manufacturing。
3.我们也面临着如何在全球化进程中既要发展经济,又要传承优秀文化传统的问题:“面临”可译为be confronted with;“全球化进程中”可翻译为in the process of globalization;“传承优秀文化传统”可翻译为 inherit our excellent cultural traditions。


展望国内外形势,我们可以说未来的五到十年是一段对我国经济和社会发展来说极为重要的时期。世界新科技革命发展势头迅猛。经济全球化趋势增强。许多周边国家正在加快本国发展。所有这些既对我们提出了严峻的挑战,同时也为我们提供了努力迎头赶上并实现跨越式发展(leap-forward development)的机遇。


Looking ahead at the situation at home and abroad,it can be said that the next five to ten years will be an extremely important period for China’s economic and social development.The world's new scientific and technological revolution is progressing rapidly.The trend of economic globalization strengthened. Many neighboring countries are accelerating their development. All this serves as a severe challenge as well as an opportunity for us to strive to catch up and achieve the leap-forward development.

1.展望:可用look ahead表达。
2.经济全球化趋势增强:“经济全球化趋势”可翻译为the trend of economic globa

3.所有这些既对我们提出了严峻的挑战,同时也为我们提供了努力迎头赶上并实现跨越式发展的机遇:“严峻的挑战”可用severe challenge表达;“努力迎头赶上”可译为strive to catch up;“实现跨越式发展”可译为achieve the leap-forward development。


随着环境保护意识的传播,“低碳(low-carbon)”这个词变得非常流行。在许多领域都出现了这个词,如低碳产品,低碳消费,低碳旅游等。“低碳生活”是一种新型生活方式,旨在尽量减少生活中的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide emisson)排放。例如 ,一些上班族不再以开私家车通勤自豪,而是以骑车或乘坐公共交通工具而骄傲。此外,他们提倡水的循环利用,并尽可能节约能源。


As the consciousness of environmental protection spreads, the word “low- carbon” has been very popular. It can be found in many aspects, such as low-carbon products, low-carbon consumption, low-carbon travel and so on. “Low-carbon life” is a new pattern of lifestyle, aiming to lower the carbon dioxide emission in living as much as possible.For example, some office commuters are not proud of driving private cars any more but pride themselves on cycling or taking public transportation.In addition, they advocate recycling water and saving energy as much as they can.

1.低碳:可用low-carbon表达。如:low-carbon tourism低碳旅游;low-carbon transportation低碳交通;low-carbon holiday低碳假期;low-carbon seal低碳标识。
2.新型生活方式:可翻译为new pattern of lifestyle。
