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( ) 1. How many countries will the World Cup in 2014

A. join

B. take part in

C. join in

D. take part

( ) 2. The government has a programme called Project Hope to help poor children with education.

A. build

B. built

C. set

D. set up

( ) 3. Why a report on how to prevent disease

A. don’t we write

B. not writing

C. not to write

D. not we write

( ) 4. I can’t h ear you because there is noise here.

A. too many

B. too much

C. much too

D. many too

( ) 5. —You have been in Neijiang very long —Yeah. my parents came here.

A. For

B. As

C. When

D. Since

( ) 6. home, I bought some chocolate.

A. On the way

B. In the way

C. By the way

D. In a way

( ) 7. You should if you want to be fitter.

A. take more exercises

B. do exercises

C. get some exercises

D. take more exercise ( ) 8. Kevin doesn’t always go to school by bike. He wa lks.

A. from time to time

B. at a time

C. for a time

D. on time ( ) 9. There is a car our house. The driver is sitting it.

A. in front of; in front of

B. in the front of; in the front of

C. in front of; in the front of

D. in the front of; in front of

( ) 10.—Look at these stamps. I them for five years. —Wow, they are wonderful.

A. kept

B. have kept

C. have bought


Mary was ill yesterday. She went to see the doctor.

“Doctor. I’m not feeling1at the moment, ”she said. “Every time I do my homework at night, I feel 2. If I walk to school every day, I have to sit down and3for ten minutes. ”

The doctor looked4Mary carefully. At last he said, “5serious, but I’m afraid you are6too much. ”

“I don’t understand, what do you mean” asked Mary. “I mean you eat too much7, ”said the doctor.

“Oh! You mean I’m too8. That’s a problem, ”said Mary. “What should I do if I don’t want to be heavy”

“The answer is easy, ”said the doctor. “If you want to be thinn er and healthier, you9eat a lot of food and you also should take more10. ”

( ) 1. A. good B. bad C. well D. terrible

( ) 2. A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired D. relaxed

( ) 3. A. rest B. lie down C. stand D. look

( ) 4. A. after B. over C. like D. for

( ) 5. A. Too B. Not C. Nothing D. Very

( ) 6. A. drinking B. sleeping C. working D. eating

( ) 7. A. ice cream B. fruit C. food D. chicken

( ) 8. A. fat B. healthy C. stressed out D. thin

( ) 9. A. can B. can’t C. should D. shouldn’t

( ) 10. A. homework B. sports C. exercise D. housework


Healthy eating doesn’t just mean what you eat, but how you eat. Here is some advice on healthy eating.

Eat with others. It can help you to see others’ healthy eating habits. If you usually eat with your parents, you will find that the food you eat is more delicious.

Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. Have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty—sometimes you are just thirsty, you need no food. Stop eating before you feel full.

Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After you don’t eat for the past ten hours, your body needs food to get you going. You will be smarter after eating breakfast.

Eat healthy snacks like fruits, yogurt or cheese. We all need snacks sometimes. In fact, it’s a good idea to eat two healthy snacks between your three meals. This doesn’t mean that you can eat a bag of chips instead of a meal.

Don’t eat dinner late. With our busy life, we always put off eating dinner until the last minute. Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. This will give your body a chance to digest most of the food before you rest for the next 8—10 hours.

( ) 1. The writer gives us pieces of advice on healthy eating.

A. 4.

B. 5.

C. 6.

D. 7.

( ) 2. Which snack is Not mentioned in the passage

A. Fruits.

B. Yogurt.

C. Chips.

D. Ice cream.

( ) 3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage

A. Snacks are bad for our health.

B. We should keep eating until we are full.

C. Dinner is the most important meal of the day.

D. We should have dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed.

( ) 4. The underlined(画线)word “digest” means“”in Chinese.

A. 消化

B. 享用

C. 储存

D. 循环

( ) 5. The passage mainly tells us.

A. where to eat

B. how to eat

C. why to eat

D. when to eat


1. Sam usually has a (胃痛)after supper.

2. I’d like to go to bed. I’m too (困的).

3. (或许; 可能)you left your e-dictionary at home.

4. If you(咳嗽)badly, what should you do

5. Fresh air and exercise are good for the(健康).


1. (day) practice is a way of learning the foreign language.

2. Because of his(ill), John had to stay in hospital.

3. Fruit juice can be(harm)to children’s teeth.

4. Mrs. Brown is very(act)in the party.

5. The book is too difficult for me(read).


1. 乔成了我们学校电影俱乐部的成员。Jo became________ ________ ________our school’s movie club.

2. 请穿上暖和衣服, 不然你会感冒。

Please put on your warm clothes, or you will________ ________ ________.

3. 我外出时, 请你照看一下我的宠物鸟, 可以吗

Will you please________ ________ ________ my pet bird when I’m out

4. 从太空返回, 宇航员的健康状况很好。

Returning from space, the astronauts were________ ________ ________.

5. 王叔叔去过许多国家, 如美国、英国、法国等。

Uncle Wang has been to many countries, ________ ________ America, England and France.


Every one of us1 a headache. But do you know about headaches What may cause them And what should we do2we have a headache When should we go to3 a doctor

A headache is not a disease(疾病), but it may show that4in your body is wrong. We may have5

than one headache each month.

Usually a fever or some other6may cause headaches. You may get a headache when you work too hard. You may get a headache when you can’t get enough7. You may get a headache when you exercise on an empty8.

What should you do if you have a headache

You should9down and have a good rest. You should get enough sleep.

If you have headaches often, you10to see a doctor.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


假如你是刘红的老师, 刘红今天因病没来上学。请你根据提示和要求给刘红发一封e-mail, 以示关心。

提示: 词数80个左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。

1. 不要着急, 遵照医嘱休息、吃药;

2. 以后多锻炼、必须吃早餐、少吃零食、饮食平衡(have a balanced diet)才会健康。

Dear Liu Hong,

Are you feeling better now


Mr. Wang


Module 1 Feelings and impressions

1.有…的气味;闻;气味v. & n.

2.软的;柔软的 adj.













15.果酱 n.



18.耳朵 n.

19.眼镜 n.


21.情绪不安的;紧张的 adj.






27.电子邮件;口信;信息n. 28.某人等不及了词组




32.分数 n.

33.(用于信尾)爱你的 n.

Module 2 Experiences

1. 曾经;从来;在任何时候adv.

2. (使)参加;(使)报名v.

3. 比赛;竞争n.

4. 奖品;奖项n.

5. 一等奖词组

6. 梦;梦想;做梦(v.);梦到n.& v.

7. 买得起;付得起v.

8. 编写;写作词组

9. 编写;创作词组

10. 邀请v.

11. 搬家;改变…的位置v.

12. 派遣去;命令 (v)

13. 德国n.

14. 法国n.

15. 塔n.

16. 古老的;古代的adj.

17. 国王;君王 n.

18. 女王;王后 n.

19. 阿拉伯语n.

20. 方面n.

21. 相混合;融合v.

22. 惦念;怀念;想念v.

23. 数;清点v.

24. 倒数;倒计时

Module 3 Journey to space

1. 地球 n.

2. 月亮;月球n.

3. 新闻;消息n.

4. 到达;抵达v.

5. 行星 n.

6. 还,尚(表示某事尚未发生,但未来也许可能发生)adv.

7. 刚才;刚刚adv.

8. 模型 n.

9. 航天器;宇宙飞船n.

10. 计划;工程;项目n.

11. 没问题(表示乐于做某事)词组

12. 最近的;最新的adj.

13. 在(播放)中;关于…prep.

14. 发现;找到 v.

15. 宇航员n.

16. 航天旅行词组

17. 没有一个人 pron.

18. 环境n.

19. 那;那个pron.

20. 太阳的;与太阳有关的n.

21. 系统;体系 n.

22. 星系;(尤指)太阳系词组

23. 群;组n. 24. 星系n.

25. 宇宙n.

26. 光;光线;光亮n.

27. (事情)办不到的,不可能的adj.

28. 在远方adv.

29. 联系;交流 v.

Module 4 Seeing the doctor

1. 咳嗽(n.);咳嗽(v.)n.& v.

2. 发烧;发热n.

3. 头痛 n.

4. 腹部;肚子n.

5. 痛;疼痛n.

6. 牙痛

7. 不健康的;有病的adj.

8. 这,这个pron.

9. 自…以来;从…以来 prep.&conj.

10. 感冒;伤风 n.

11. 感冒

12. (用机器)测定,量取;有规律的吃、喝(过去式,过去分词)v.

13. 量某人的体温

14. 快餐食品

15. 健康(状况)n.

16. 健康的adj.

17. 心脏n.

18. 积极的;活跃的adj.

19. 宠物;宠畜 n.

20. 成员;会员 n.

22. 状况;身体状况n.

23. 健康状况很好

24. 想睡的;困的adj.

25. 当时;那时 adv.

26. 每天的;天天的adj.

27. 弱弱的;虚弱的adj. 28. 病;疾病n.

29. 运动;锻炼 v.

30. 极讨厌的;极坏的adj.

31. 感到不舒服词组

32. 浑身;到处词组

33. 可能;也许 adv.


Module 1 Unit 1 1 Listen and number the pictures. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. Tony: Don’t drink it. 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. Lingling: Try a harder bed. 4 Lingling: T om looks very strong! Daming: Yes. He does a lot of exercise. 2Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 21听录音,把图画标上序号。 1 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗?2 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 托尼:别喝了。 3 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4 玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮! 大明:是的。他做很多运动。 2再听一遍录音并完成句子。 1 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗?2 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 托尼:别喝了。 3 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4 玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮! 大明:是的。他做很多运动。 3听一听,读一读。 托尼:呣……好香的味道啊!你的比萨饼看起来很好。 贝蒂:谢谢!你想尝一尝吗? 托尼:好的。它看起来令人愉快,闻起来很香,呣,它尝起来很 好吃。 大明:顶上的是什么? 贝蒂: 噢,那是奶酪。你想尝一块吗?大明:呃!不,谢谢。恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。它闻起来不新鲜。它气 味太强烈并且尝起来有点儿酸。贝蒂:嗯,我的巧克力甜饼现在做好


43. He was very excited when he (read) the letter from his mother. 44.I think playing basketball is (excited). Ⅵ.书面表达。(15分) 根据所给图画和提示词,写出至少五句意思连贯、符合逻辑的句子。所给提示词必须都用上。 yesterday, talk, in the classroom, when, Betty and Lucy, want to, go home, start raining, but, Betty, have no umbrella, Lucy, say, use my umbrella, together, heavily, happy Keys: 1-5 CDBCD 6-10 AADBC 11-15BCABB 16-20CDCBD 21-25DDDCD 26-30BACCB 31. weekend 32. because 33. well 34. reading 35. exciting 36. good / great 37. making 38. upset / unhappy 39. bought 40. food 41. writing 42. sank 43. read 44. exciting 45. playing One possible version It was five o'clock yesterday afternoon. Some students were talking in the classroom. After a while, when Betty and Lucy wanted


2014外研版初中八年级英语下册课文 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious. Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please. It looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Daming: What’s that on top? Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece? Daming: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It sme lls too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Daming: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie. Daming: Apple pie sounds nice. I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar? Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt. Daming: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Daming: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Questions: 1. Does Tony’s pizza taste good? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why doesn’t Daming like the cheese? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What’s Betty doing? _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Who has a sweet tooth? _______________________________________________________________________________


Module 1 How to learn English 1、pair [pε ? ] n.(相关的)两个人,一。 2、 correct [k ? 'rekt] vt.改正;正。adj.正确的;的; 3、 spelling ['speli? ] n.拼写;拼字 4、 word [w ? :d] n.; 字 ; 5、 practise ['pr ? ktis] vi. , 6、 match [m ? t ? ] vt. 找到与? .. 相配之物,使成; 使相配 7、 meaning ['mi:ni ? ] n. 意 ; 意思 8、 complete [k ? m'pli:t] v. 把? . 填完整 ; 使完全。 9、 sentence ['sent ? ns] n. 句子 10、 dictionary ['dik ? ? n? ri] n.字典;典 11、 grammar ['ɡr? m? ] n.法 12、 letter ['let? ] n.信;字母 13、 look up,找 14、 mistake [mi'steik] n.; 15、 make a mistake犯 16、 understand [, ? nd? 'st ? nd] v.(understood [,? nd? 'stud])理解;明白 17、 advice [ ? d'vais] n.建;意 18、 should [ ? ud] v. aux. 19、 possible ['p ? s? bl] adj. 可能的 20、 write down 写下 ; 下 21、 notebook ['n ? utbuk] n. 笔本 22、 forget [f ? 'get] v. (forgot [f ? ' ɡ? t]) 忘,忘 23、 pronounce [pr ? u'nauns] v. ?? .. 的音 24、 aloud [ ? 'laud] adv. 大声地 ; 出声地 25、 radio ['reidi ? u] n. 台,广播 26、 pronunciation [pr? u,n ? nsi'ei ? ? n] n.音


外研版八年级上册英语知识点Module 1 1.study plan学习计划 2.a number of +可数名词复数+V(复数):许多、大量 the number of+可数名词复数+V(单数):。。的数量 3.advice不可数名词 a piece of advice一条建议 give sb. some advice给某人一些建议advise sb. to do sth.建议某人去做某事 4.write it/them down把它写下来 5. what else?还有什么其他的? 6. It is adj. for sb. to do sth. 7. It is a good idea to do sth. 8.meet sb.接某人 9.this term这学期 last term上学期 next term下学期 10. help sb. do sth. help sb. with sth. 11.ask for advice征求意见 12.basic questions基本问题 13.spend on sth. spend (in) doing sth.花费时间做某事 物 cost It takes sb. some time to do sth. pay for 14.the meaning of….的意思 15.speak to sb.与某人谈话 16.take a deep breath深呼吸 17.start a conversation开始一段谈话 18.talk about sth. with sb.跟某人谈论某事 19.表示建议的句子 ①What about doing=How about doing…? ②Why not do=Why don’t you do..? ③Try (not) to do sth. ④should do


八下 M1 1.n.收集 2.v.收集 3.收拾 4.收拾 5.娃娃 6.扇子 7.邮票 8.不整洁的 9.最少的 10.占用 11.一直 12.对。。。感兴趣13.采访 14.噢 15.如同 16.山地自行车运动 17.排球 18.驾驶帆船 19.有创造力的 20.懒惰的 21.有用的 22.发展 23.技巧 24.营地 25.并且 26.活动 27.比如 28.讨论会 29.职业的 30.想想 31高中 32.十几岁的 33.十几岁的青少年 34.出版 35.结果 36.结果 37.快乐 38.成功,胜利 39.应该 40.创造 41.成功M2 1.友谊 2.拿 3.等一下 4.现在 5.是否 6.是否 7.是否 8.个人的 9.同班同学 10.事实上 11.公共的 12.几个 13.亲戚 14.近的 15.外国人 16.觉得 17.顺便说 18.礼物 19.初中 20.遥远的 21.孤独的 22.害怕的 23.害怕做。。。 24.和。。。交朋友 25.任何人 26.大笑 27.担心 28.担心 29.通常的 30.在那时 31.通过 32.触摸 33.明亮的 34.一天天的 35.有关系,事件 36.认为 37.开始 38.心脏 M3 1.小心 2.赢

3.新闻播报员 4.报道 5.新闻记者 6.得分 7.每个人 8.提及 9.不客气。 10.准备 11.得分(进球) 12.憎恨 13.嘘 14.向下看 15.解释 16.声音 17.看起来 18.要。。。 19.听众 20.周刊 21.停止播音 22.文章 23.麦克风 24.玻璃 25.声音 26.检查 27.播音员 28.亲自 M4 1.按 2.按钮 3.介绍 4.录像 5.录像机 6.复制 7.内存 8.打开 9.爱尔兰的 10.借出 11.录音机 12.秒 13.录音重放 14.赶快 15.女士 16.先生17.咬 18.挽救某人的生命 19.盘子,一道菜 20.出现 21.隐藏 22.冷静的 23.胸膛 24.刺痛 25.失常的 26.药物 27.建议 28.关上赏 29.文本 30.手机电子贺卡 31.痛 M5 1.机会 2.能够 3.能 4.打败 5.羞耻 6.憾事 7.拒绝 8.警告 9.一起 10.独奏 11.在。。。结束时 12.宁可 13.最后的 14.练习 15.惩罚 16.如此 17.考试 18.事实 19.证明 20.诚实的 21.到。。。之上 22.拿走 23.极坏的 24.至少 25.零用钱 26.毕竟 27.帮助某人做某事


Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please, it looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Darning: What’s that on top? Betty: O h, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece? Darning: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Darning: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie and a cake. Darning: Apple pie sounds nice, I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar? Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt! Darning: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Darning: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to meet you. I hope you will know me from my photo whe n I arrive at the airport. I’m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I’ll also carry my warm coat. I’ve got your photo —you look very pretty. So I’m sure we’ll find each other! Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. You sound just like me! I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music — I love dancing! I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team —I’m very proud of him! He’s good at everything, but I’m not. Sometimes I get bad marks at school, and I feel sad. I should work harder. You asked me, “How do you feel about coming to China?” Well, I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I’m quite shy when I’m with strangers. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese, but I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m always sorry when I don’t know how to do things in the right way, so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, I’m afraid of flying too. But I can't tell you how excited I am about going to China! See you next week! Love, Sally


八年级英语短语句型复习 Moudle 1 1、系动词+形容词/名词 2、have a try 尝一尝;试试看 3、have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食 4、a lot of pretty of 大量的 5、be proud of 为….而感到骄傲 6、take part in 参加;加入 7、Would you like to try some?= Do you want to try a piece? (你想要尝一点吗?) 8、a bit sour 有点儿酸 9、in the middle 在…中部 10、Shal l I…. …好吗? 11、(not)be sure (不)确信 12、what’s the matter with you?= what’s wrong with you?= what’s the trouble with you? (你怎么了?) 13、be worry about 担心 be worry of sb/sth 害怕某人或某物 14、hear from sb 收到某人的来信 15、be great to do sth 高兴做某事 16、arrive at/in=reach=got to 到达 17、each other 互相 18、thanks for doing sth 感谢做某事 19、sound like 听起来像 20、sb spent st doing sth (某人花费一些时间做某事) 21、as well 也(用于句末) 22、be good at + 名词/动名词 擅长于… 23、for a few days持续今天时间 in a few days在几天后24、How/What about doing 25、at first 起初 26、in the right way 正确的途径 27、sb can’t wait to do sth 某人等不及做某事 28、wait for sb 等待某人 29、be like 人怎么样(问品格) look like = do(es)like 长的怎么样 30、talk with sb 和某人谈话 31、can/should do sth 32、one of + 名词复数…其中之一 33、get good marks 取得好成绩 Moudle2 34、first prize 一等奖 35、win a prize 赢奖 36、write about 写作 make up 创作 37、invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 38、move A to B 从A搬到B 39、count down 倒数 40、have/has(not)+动词的过去分词 41、be doing 正在做某事 42、what kind of 什么种类 43、go on a dream holiday 去梦想的假期 44、good luck 祝你好运 45、enter competition 参加比赛 46、stop doing 停止正在做的事情 stop to do 停下来去做某事 47、That’s a pity!那真是一个遗憾! 48、a write competition 写作竞赛


外研版八年级下册英语课 文电子版新 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious 3 listen and read. Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some Tony: Yes, please, it looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Darning: What’s that on top Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece Darning: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Darning: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie and a cake. Darning: Apple pie sounds nice, I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar Taste it first. It might be salt! Darning: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Darning: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. 2 Read Sally’s email and find out which is her picture. FROM: Sally TO: Lingling SUBJECT: Re: Welcome to China. Hi Lingling, Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to meet you. 1 hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. I’m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I’ll also carry my warm coat. I’ve got your photo — you look very pretty. So I’m sure we’ll find each o ther! Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. You sound just like me! I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music — I love dancing! I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team — I’m very proud of him! He’s good at everything, but I’m not. Sometimes I get bad marks at school, and I feel sad. I should work harder. You asked me, “How do you feel about coming to China” Well, I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I’m quite shy when I’m with strangers. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese, but I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m always sorry when I don’t know how to do things in the r ight way, so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, I’m afraid of flying too. But I can't tell you how excited I am about going to China! See you next week! Love, Sally Module 2


外研版八年级上册英语复习资料 Module1 复习资料 1 .give you some advice给你一些建议(advice 不可数名词) 2 .讲…语(speak +语言) 3.tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 4.talk to sb.对某人谈话 5.read+文字类物;look与at 连用, have a look 3. how (what) about doing sth 做什么怎么样 4. ask (sb.) for sth. 请求某人获得…… 6.have a message(短信,信息) for sb. 有某人的信息 / give sb. a message给某人一条信息/ take a message for sb. 捎某人一个口信 leave a message for sb. 给某人留个口信 7. help sb with sth=help sb. to do sth.在某方面帮某人 8.translate sth. into sth.把……翻译成…… 9.send sth to sb=send sb. sth. 把某物寄(送)给某人 10.match sth. with sth. 把某物与某物搭配 11.不定代词,疑问副词(something, nothing, anything, everything,what)接else表其他某物 12. enjoy (doing) sth 享受(做)某事 13.take a long time 花很长一段时间 11. the meaning ofsth. 某物的意思 12 enjoy oneself =have a good time 过得开心 13 lots of sth. =a lot of sth. 许多 14 start a conversation 开始谈话 15 take a deep breath 深呼吸一下 16 a piece of paper一张纸 18 best wishes给予最好的祝愿 19 the number of sth. 某物的数量(后接动词单数) 20. a number of sth.许多某物(后接动词复数) 21. show / take sb around 带某人参观 22.write down sth. 写下 23.make mistakes 犯错 24.do some concerts开音乐会 25.on the Internet 在网上 26. a good idea 一个好主意 27. a pen friend 一个笔友 28. school orchestra 学校管弦乐队 29. in groups 分组 30. each other 各自 31. first of all= at first 首先 32. what else 还有其他什么 33. a piece of advice 一条建议 34. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人借入某物lend sth. to sb.借某物给某人 35.basic questions 基本的问题


Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious 3 listen and read.
Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice.b5E2RGbCAP Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please, it looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good.p1EanqFDPw Darning: What’s that on top?
Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece?DXDiTa9E3d
Darning: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour.RTCrpUDGiT Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try!5PCzVD7HxA Darning: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle.jLBHrnAILg Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy!xHAQX74J0X Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie and a cake.LDAYtRyKfE Darning: Apple pie sounds nice, I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar?Zzz6ZB2Ltk Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt!dvzfvkwMI1
Darning: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar.
Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Darning: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day!rqyn14ZNXI
Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. 2 Read Sally’s email and find out which is her picture.EmxvxOtOco FROM: Sally TO: Lingling SUBJECT: Re: Welcome to China. Hi Lingling, Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to meet you.SixE2yXPq5 1 hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. I’m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I’ll also carry my warm coat. I’ve got your photo — you look very pretty. So I’m sure we’ll find each other!6ewMyirQFL Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. You sound just like me! I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music — I love dancing! I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team — I’m very proud of him! He’s good at everything, but I’m not. Sometimes I get bad marks at school, and I feel sad. I should work harder.kavU42VRUs You asked me, “How do you feel about coming to China?” Well, I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I’m quite shy when I’m with strangers. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese, but I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m always sorry when I don’t know how to do things in the right way, so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, I’m afraid of flying too. But I can't tell you how excited I am about going to China!y6v3ALoS89 See you next week! Love,
1 / 17


最新八年级外研版英语下册课文与翻译 Module1 unit1 Tony: Mnn…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please. It looks lovely, it smells delicious and mm, it tastes good. Daming: What’s that on top? Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece? Daming: Ugh! No, thanks.I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Daming: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie and a cake. Daming: Apple pie sounds nice. I have a sweet tooth, you know.Shall I get the sugar? Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt! Daming: No, it’s OK.It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Daming: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Tony: 恩......多香的味道啊!你的比萨饼看起来如此的好。 Betty: 谢谢!你想尝一些吗? Tony: 好的,谢谢。它看起来很好看,闻起来很香,嗯,尝起来很好吃。Daming: 上面是什么 Betty: 哦,那是奶酪。你想尝一块吗? Daming: 咳!不,谢谢。恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。它闻起来不新鲜。味道太重而且尝起来有点酸。 Betty: 嗯,我的巧克力饼干现在做好了。尝尝吧! Daming: 谢谢!它们尝起来真的很甜并且中间感觉很软。 Tony: 你在做不同的东西吗?你看起来很忙! Betty: 是的,我是!有一些比萨饼和一些小甜饼,现在我在做苹果派和一个蛋糕。Daming: 苹果派听上去不错。你知道,我喜欢甜食。我可以拿糖吗? Betty: 是的,谢谢。哦,你确定那是糖吗?先尝尝。可能是盐! Daming: 不,没事。尝起来是甜的。它是糖。 Tony: 这是什么?尝起来也是甜的。 Betty: 那是做蛋糕用的草莓酱。


八年级上册英语单词: Module 1 1. 翻译_______________________________ 2. 翻译_______________________________ 3. 改正_______________________________ 4. 将…配对___________________________ 5. 数字_______________________________ 6. 重复_______________________________ 7. 语法_______________________________ 8. 语音_______________________________ 9. 写作_______________________________ 10. 标点符号___________________________ 11. 拼写_______________________________ 12. 学期 13. 建议_______________________________ 14. 写下_______________________________ 15. 错误_______________________________ 16. 笔记本_____________________________ 17. 其他_______________________________ 18. 收音机_____________________________ 19. 报纸_______________________________ 20. 信息_______________________________ 21. 笔友_______________________________ 22. 各个_______________________________ 23. 不同的人___________________________ 24. 互相_______________________________ 25. 卓越的_____________________________ 26. 管弦乐队___________________________ 27. 发送— 28. 语言_______________________________ 29. 提高_______________________________ 30. 主要的_____________________________ 31. 看_________________________________ 32. 猜_________________________________ 33. 请_________________________________ 34. 你自己_____________________________ 35. 过得快乐___________________________ 36. 害羞的_____________________________ 37. 谈话_______________________________ 38. 深的_______________________________ 39. 呼吸_______________________________ 40. 微笑_______________________________ 41. 记住_______________________________ 42. 忘记_______________________________ 43. ■张 _____________________________ 44. 放置_______________________________ 45. 数_________________________________ 46. 总是_______________________________ 47. 口音_______________________________ 48. 祝愿_______________________________ 49. 借_________________________________ 50. 组_________________________________ 51. 分数 52. 俱乐部_____________________________ 53. 创办_______________________________ 54. _起________________________________ 55. 听见_______________________________ Module 2 1. 经验_______________________________ 2. 曾经_______________________________ 3. 竞争_______________________________ 4. 机场_______________________________ 5. 客舱_______________________________ 6. 乘务员_____________________________ 7. 机长------------------------------- 8. 国家_______________________________ 9. 起飞_______________________________

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