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1.在船上( ) A. aboard B. abroad C. broad D. board

2.缺席的( ) A. absent B. absorb C. abolish D. abstract

3.除...之外( ) A. accept B. except C. expect D. accent

4.接近, 通路( ) A. accident B. accuse C. access D. account

5.获得;习得( ) A. action B. acquire C. active D. actress

6.使适应( ) A. achieve B. address C. adapt D. adopt

7.承认( ) A. admit B. admire C. adult D. addict

8.优点( ) A. advantage B. advance C. adventure D. advertise

9.事件( ) A. affect B. effect C. affair D. afford

10.目标( ) A. aid B. aim C. ahead D. agency

11.改变( ) A. alter B. allow C. amateur D. alternative

12.使吃惊( ) A. aware B. amaze C. assume D. assure

13.祖先( ) A. amount B. ancient C. ancestor D. anger

14.分析( ) A. analyze B. announce C. anxious D. anxiety

15.外表( ) A. apology B. appearance C. appeal D. applause

16.申请,应用( ) A. apply B. approve C. appoint D. approach

17.约定( ) A. argument B. appointment

C. application

D. appreciation

18.欣赏,感激( ) A. arrange B. appreciate

C. appropriate

D. arrest

19.态度( ) A. altitude B. ambition C. ambulance D. attitude

20.分配( ) A. assist B. assign C. assume D. assure

21.使吃惊( ) A. astonish B. appoint C. assess D. access

22.宇航员( ) A. assignment B. assistant C. assurance D. astronaut

23.攻击( ) A. attack B. attach C. attend D. attract

24.试图( ) A. avoid B. attempt C. awake D. award

25.权威部门( ) A. authority B. attention C. audience D. average

26.可利用的( ) A. attractive B. available C. attributive

D. attentive

27.平衡( ) A. background B. badminton C. balance

D. bamboo

28.讨价还价( ) A. barely B. bargain C. beast

D. beaten

29. 击败( ) A. beard B. beach C. bean

D. beat

30.乞丐( ) A. behave B. beggar C. beginner

D. bench

31.利益,好处( ) A. beneath B. benefit C. beyond

D. beloved

32.苦的,愤恨的( ) A. bitter B. bite C. billion

D. blind

33.责备( ) A. bless B. blame C. bleed D. blood

34.洪水( ) A. block B. bloom C. flood D. flash

35.分支( ) A. branch B. bottom C. brain D. brand

36.胸部( ) A. breath B. breathe C. breed D. breast

37.变宽( ) A. broaden B. broadcast C. brought D. brighten

38.计算器( ) A. calendar B. calculator C. camera D. campus

39.侯选人,应试者( )A. candidate B. captain C. capture D. cancel

40.能力,容量( ) A. cancer B. capital C. capacity D. career

41.城堡( ) A. castle B. cartoon C. carrot D. cashier

42.庆祝( ) A. centigrade B. celebrate C. champion D. chapter

43.挑战( ) A. challenge B. character C. charity D. charge

44.特征, ( ) A. choice B. characteristic C. choose D. chocolate

45.公民( ) A. citizen B. circle C. circle D. claim

46.气候( ) A. closet B. climate C. clothes D. clothing

47.同事( ) A. coast B. colleague C. collar D. clinic

48.伙伴( ) A. command B. communicate C. committee D. companion

49.抱怨( ) A. compete B. complete C. compose D. complain

50.比较( ) A. complex B. compare C. repair D. prepare

51.集中在...在( ) A. concept B. concentrate C. conclude D. composition

52.有意识的( ) A. conscious B. connect C. constant D. consider

53.信心( ) A. conference B. confidence C. confused D. congratulation

54.建造( ) A. continent B. construction C. continue D. contract

55.勇气( ) A. courage B. county C. counter D. course

56.相反的( ) A. contrary B. convenient C. conversation D. contribution

57.消费( ) A. contact B. contribute C. contain D. consume

58.合作( ) A. cooperate B. convert C. correct D. costume

59.证实( ) A. confirm B. conduct C. conflict D. consist

60.满意的,满足的( ) A. context B. contest C. content D. consul t

61.罪行( ) A. court B. crazy C. crash D. crime

62.信用( ) A. credit B. create C. criticize D. crisis

63.拥挤的( ) A. crowded B. cruel C. cultural D. creative

64.好奇的( ) A. current B. curious C. curtain D. cushion

65.顾客( ) A. custom B. currency C. customer D. consumer

66.奶制品( ) A. damage B. danger C. dairy D. diary

67.十年( ) A. deadline B. decade C. death D. debate

68.宣告( ) A. declare B. decide C. decline D. decrease

69.防卫( ) A. decorate B. defeat C. defend D. define

70.延误( ) A. degree B. delight C. delegate D. delay

71. 投递( ) A. delicious B. demand C. deliver D. dentist

72.否认( ) A. deny B. depend C. depth D. desert (vt)

73.值得,应受( ) A. design B. deserve C. desire D. despair

74.细节( ) A. despite B. destroy C. detail D. determine

75.奉献( ) A. devote B. device C. detect D. detective

76.不同vi ( ) A. diet B. differ C. dial D. dine

77.方向, 指示( )A. direction B. directory C. disability D. discount

78.泄气的( ) A. disabled B. disappointed C. discouraged D. discipline

79.解雇, 开除( ) A. dismiss B. divide C. disease D. distant

80.离婚( ) A. diagnose B. distribute C. disturb D. divorce

81.宿舍( ) A. dormitory B. disaster C. disadvantage D. disappear

82.溺水( ) A. drown B. drawn C. dragon D. dramatic

83.渴望的,热切的( ) A. effort B. eager effective C.D. efficient

84.选举( ) A. election B. element C. elevator D. emigrate

85.情绪( ) A. emphasis B. emotion C. empire D. employ

86.雇用( ) A. encouragement B. enjoyment C. employment D. engagement

87.进入,入口( ) A. entrance B. envelop C. environment D.


88.平等( ) A. equipment B. equality C. eruption D. establish

89.必不可少的( ) A. estimate B. essential C. eventually D. especially

90.证据( ) A. excellent B. exchange C. evidence D. exclaim

91.展览( ) A. exercise B. exhibition C. expand D. expectation

92.花费( ) A. explanation B. experience C. expression D. expense

93.非凡的( ) A. extraordinary B. experience C. expression D. expense

94.设施( ) A. factor B. failure C. facility D. faint

95.信任. 信仰( ) A. faith B. false C. fame D. fairness

96.熟悉的( ) A. fancy B. familiar C. fantasy D. fashion

97.命运( ) A. fate B. fault C. favor D. fatal

98. 去取( ) A. feed B. feather C. fetch D. fearful

99.特色( ) A. feature B. festival C. fellow D. follow

100.猛烈的( ) A. fever B. fierce C. fiction D. female

101.数字,体型( ) A. filter B. figure C. finger D. finance

102.火焰( ) A. flag B. flame C. flat D. flavor

103.逃跑( ) A. flesh B. fresh C. flash D. flee

104.修理.固定( ) A. fix B. firm C. fit D. fist

105.飞行,航行( ) A. flour B. floor C. float D. flight

106.焦点( ) A. fold B. fog C. focus D. force

107.禁止( ) A. forbid B. form C. forecast D. forgive

108. 从前的( ) A. formal B. former C. forward D. format

109.频繁的( ) A. freedom B. freeze C. frequent D. fried

110.功能,起作用( ) A. furniture B. frame C. fulfill D. function 111.缺口,分歧( ) A. gather B. gain C. garage D. gap

112.一代人( ) A. general B. generation C. generous D. genius 113.产生( )A. generate B. genuine C. gentle D. gesture

114.一瞥( ) A. glance B. global C. glorious D. glare

115.手套( )A. globe B. glove C. glory D. glue

116.目标, 球门( )A. gold B. golf C. goat D. goal

117.毕业( ) A. graduate B. graceful C. grand D. gratitude

118.感激的( ) A. greet B. greedy C. grateful D. gravity

119.坟墓( ) A. grave B. grey C. grab D. grasp

120.引导( ) A. guitar B. guard C. guide D. guilty

121.保证( ) A. gymnastic B. guarantee C. grown - up D. growth 122.栖息地( ) A. habit B. habitat C. hammer D. hamburger 123.手柄,操纵( ) A. handsome B. hardly C. handle D. hardship 124.和谐( ) A. harmony B. harmful C. harbor D. harvest 125.治愈( ) A. heal B. heel C. heat D. health

126.高度( ) A. height B. heavily C. helpful D. healthy 127.暗示( ) A. hide B. hint C. hire D. herd

128.空的()A. hopeful B. horizon C. hollow D. honour 129.谦卑的()A. humour B. human C. hunger D. humble 130.身份()A. ignore B. identity C. illegal D. illiterate

131.形象,映像()A. image B. imagine C. imitate D. immediate 132.不道德的()A. impact B. immoral C. impatient D. imperfect 133.重要的() A. impolite B. importance C. impression D. improvement

134.小事()A. incident B. inactive C. include D. incoming 135.独立的()A. indicate B. incurable C. independent D. indifferent

136.个体的()A. industrial B. individual C. inefficient D. ineffective 137.不可避免的()A. inevitable B. income C. increase D. invade 138.传柒()A. infect B. indirect C. indeed D. infer

139.通货膨胀()A. inferior B. infection C. inflation D. influence 140.非正式的()A. inform B. informal C. information D. injury 141.鼓舞()A. inspect B. insist C. inspire D. install

142.实例()A. injustice B. instance C. instead D. instruct

143.保险()A. insurance B. intelligence C. intention D. interact 144.打断()A. interview B. introduce C. interrupt D. intend

145.投资()A. invest B. invent C. invite D. involve

146.激怒()A. irregular B. irritate C. irrigate D. isolate

147.调查()A. investigate B. invisible C. invert D. inventor

148.问题()A. island B. issue C. item D. itch

149.进口()A. input B. output C. export D. import

150.日记.杂志()A. journey B. journal C. jewellery D. jealous

151.判断()A. judge B. juice C. junior D. justice

152.关键()A. kid B. key C. keen D. kick

153.幼儿园()A. kindness B. kingdom C. kitchen D. kindergarten 154.编织()A. known B. knee C. knit D. knock

155. 劳动()A. labour B. lamb C. lame D. lane

156.地标()A. landlord B. landmark C. landscape D. lantern

157.持久的()A. lasting B. latest C. latitude D. laughter

158.领导身份()A. leader B. leadership C. lawyer D. laziness

159. 漏水()A. leak B. lean C. leaf D. leap

160.传说()A. legal B. leisure C. legend D. lecture

161.长度()A. length B. level C. liar D. lemon

162. 许可证,执照()A. library B. licence C. liberate D. light 163.很可能的()A. likely B. lovely C. local D. logical

164.限制()A. locate B. loose C. loan D. limit

165.忠诚的()A. lucky B. lunar C. loyal D. loudly

166.奢侈()A. luxury B. luggage C. lung D. lump

167.壮丽的()A. magical B. magazine C. magnificent D. machinery 168.维持()A. maintain B. mammal C. majority D. manage 169.主要的()A. male B. mar c h C. major D. marine

170.面具()A. mark B. mask C. marble D. market

171.成熟的()A. matter B. mayor C. mature D. marvel

172.材料()A. material B. master C. match D. mass

173.奖牌()A. medical B. medal C. model D. mode

174.精神的()A. mental B. metal C. melt D. mention

175.仅仅()A. merry B. merely C. mercy D. memory

176.温和的()A. media B. mild C. mine D. miner

177.次要的()A. mirror B. minor C. minus D. mineral

178.悲惨的()A. miracle B. mislead C. minister D. miserable 179. 使命()A. mission B. mistaken C. mixture D. missing

180.适度的()A. mobile B. moderate C. modest D. modern

181.监视(器) ()A. monster B. moral C. monetary D. monitor 182.蚊子()A. motive B. motion C. mosquito D. motorist

183.多山的()A. mountainous B. moustache C. moving D. movement

184.神秘的()A. mystery B. mysterious C. muscle D. musician 185.谋杀()A. multiply B. mummy C. mushroom D. murder

186.本族的()A. native B. national C. natural D. narrow

187.否定的()A. necessary B. neglect C. negative D. negotiate 188.紧张的, 神经的()A. nephew B. nearly C. network D. nervous 189.正常的()A. normal B. noble C. noisy D. notable

190.值得注意的()A. numerous B. nuclear C. noticeable D. novel 191.物体,反对()A. object B. obey C. oblige D. observe

192.获得()A. obvious B. obtain C. obstacle D. objective

193.占用()A. occupy B. occur C. occasion D. ocean

194.冒犯()A. offer B. offend C. offspring D. official

195.相反的()A. oppose B. option C. opposite D. optimistic 196. 顺序,命令()A. order B. organ C. ordinary D. organize 197.最初的,原始的()A. orphan B. original C. organism D. orchard 198.杰出的()A. outline B. outlook C. outstanding D. outing 199.俯视,忽略()A. overlook B. overcoat C. overall D. overcome 200.超过()A. overhead B. oversee C. overtake D. overseas

201.步速()A. pack B. pace C. pain D. paint

202.手掌()A. palm B. pale C. panic D. painful

203.宽恕, 原谅()A. parcel B. parade C. parent D. pardon 204.部分的()A. particle B. partner C. partial D. particular

205.乘客()A. passage B. paragraph C. passport D. passenger 206.热情()A. passion B. passive C. patent D. patient

207.耐心()A. pattern B. pavement C. payment D. patience 208.暂停()A. paste B. path C. pause D. pave

209.窥视()A. pear B. peer C. pepper D. peasant

210.顶峰()A. peace B. peach C. peanut D. peak

211.百分之..(). A. penguin B. penny C. pearl D. percent

212.实行,表演()A. perfect B. perform C. perfume D. perhaps 213.坚持()A. permit B. persist C. period D. persuade

214.悲观的()A. personal B. personnel C. permanent D. pessimistic

215.复印件()A. phrase B. physics C. physician D. photocopy 216.先驱()A. pioneer B. pillow C. picnic D. pigeon

217.快乐,乐趣()A. pleased B. plead C. pleasure D. pleasant 218.塑料()A. plan B. plant C. planet D. plastic

219.明了的,朴素的()A. plate B. plane C. plain D. player

220.潜力()A. possession B. pollution C. population D. potential 221.推迟()A. postpone B. poison C. positive D. position

222.政策()A. poster B. popular C. policy D. politics

223.压力()A. praise B. pressure C. prestige D. president

224.预测()A. prefer B. pretty C. predict D. prevent

225.抗议, 反对()A. preserve B. property C. propose D. protest 226.促进,提升()A. promise B. promote C. prove D. provide

227.证据()A. proof B. private C. prove D. provide

228.追求()A. pure B. purse C. pursue D. purpose

229.宝贵的()A. pretend B. precious C. prejudice D. precise

230.自豪的()A. price B. prize C. pride D. proud

231.购买()A. purchase B. puzzle C. pyramid D. psychology 232.禁止()A. profit B. produce C. product D. prohibit

233.特权()A. punish B. publish C. public D. privilege

234.过程,处理()A. project B. progress C. process D. program

235.原理,原则()A. prime B. primary C. principle D. principal

236.优先()A. priority B. print C. prince D. princess

237.资格,条件()A. quality B. quantity C. qualification D. equality 238.争吵()A. quarrel B. quarter C. queue D. queen

239.相当()A. quiet B. quite C. quit D. quilt

240.引用()A. quote B. quiz C. quicken D. quiver

241.种族()A. race B. raft C. rage D. rate

242.迅速的()A. range B. rapid C. rare D. raise

243.起反应()A. react B. rather C. ready D. raw

244.推理()A. reality B. reason C. realize D. recall

245.背诵()A. receive B. recent C. recite D. record

246.推荐()A. recognize B. recommend C. recover D. recycle 247.提及,指代()A. refer B. reduce C. reflect D. reform

248.使振作()A. refresh B. refuse C. regain D. regard

249.注册()A. region B. register C. regret D. rehearse

250.拒绝, 丢弃()A. relax B. relay C. release D. reject

251.有规律的()A. regular B. regulate C. relate D. relative

252.减轻,(痛苦) ()A. reliable B. relieve C. religion D. religious 253.勉强的()A. remark B. remarkable C. reluctant D. remind

254.遥远的()A. remove B. remote C. repeat D. repay

255.出租,租金()A. rely B. reply C. rent D. replace

256.代表()A. represent B. republic C. reputation D. reproduce 257.需要,要求()A. require B. request C. research D. reserve

258.辞职()A. rescue B. resign C. resist D. resolve

259.资源()A. source B. resource C. respect D. respond

260.有责任的()A. respectable B. respective C. response D. responsible

261.其余的人或物()A. rest B. result C. restore D. restrict

262.退休,退役()A. resume B. retire C. retell D. retail

263.透漏,显示()A. reveal B. reverse C. revise D. reward

264.冒险,()A. rise B. risk C. ring D. ripe

265. 抢劫()A. rob B. robot C. robe D. roast

266.火箭()A. rock B. rocket C. role D. roll

267.腐烂()A. roof B. proof C. root D. rot

268.粗鲁的, 粗略的()A. rough B. route C. routine D. round 269.毁灭()A. rule B. rude C. rug D. ruin

270.农村的()A. rural B. ruler C. rumor D. royal

271.冲,奔()A. rust B. rush C. rub D. rubbish

272.航行()A. safe B. sail C. sale D. sake

273.牺牲()A. safeguard B. satisfy C. sausage D. sacrifice

274.缺乏的()A. scarce B. scar C. scare D. scale

275.得分. 二十()A. scarf B. score C. schedule D. scene

276.责备()A. scholar B. scream C. screen D. scold

277.使..就座()A. seat B. seal C. search D. secret

278.秘书()A. secondary B. security C. secretary D. scenery

279.寻找,追求()A. seek B. seed C. seem D. seize

280.不经常()A. select B. seldom C. senior D. sense

281.敏感的()A. sensible B. sentiment C. sentence D. sensitive 282.使分开, 隔离的()A. separate B. sequence C. semester D. select 283.一系列()A. serious B. series C. serve D. service

284.定居, 解决()A. severe B. settle C. shade D. shake 285.浅的()A. shampoo B. shape C. shame D. shallow

286.锋利的()A. sharp B. share C. shark D. shave

287.躲避处()A. sheet B. shell C. shelter D. shelf

288.使震惊()A. shock B. stock C. shore D. store

289.射击, 拍摄()A. shout B. shoot C. shorten D. shortage

290.缺点()A. shortcoming B. shower C. shrug D. shoulder

291.叹气()A. sign B. sigh C. sight D. signal

292.沉默的()A./ silly B. silver C. silent D. simple

293.有含义的,重大的()A. significant B. single C. situation D. sincere

294.下沉()A. ski B. skin C. sink D. skill

295.苗条的()A. slim B. slip C. slight D. slide

296.滑的()A. slope B. slippery C. smart D. smell

297.光滑的,顺利的()A. smog B. snail C. smooth D. snatch 298.社会()A. sneeze B. snore C. soccer D. society

299.汤()A. soup B. soap C. soak D. soar

300.唯一的()A. soil B. sole C.D. soft solid

301.解决方法.()A. solve B. solution C. sorrow D. soul

302.来源()A. sour B. source C. sound D. sought

303.跨度,寿命()A. spa n B. Spain C. space D. spare

304.具体的()A. special B. species C. spear D. specific

305.演讲,说话的能力()A. speech B. speed C. spell D. spend

306.精神()A. spit B. spill C. spider D. spirit

307.溺爱,糟蹋()A. spoil B. sponsor C. spoon D. spot

308.泉水()A. spread B. spray C. spring D. spy

309.广场()A. squeeze B. square C. stadium D. stable 310.舞台,阶段()A. stage B. staff C. stammer D. stamp

311.忍受()A. stab B. stand C. stare D. state

312 标准()A. starve B. statistics C. standard D. statement 313.地位,情况()A. status B. statue C. stadium D. standpoint 314. 钢()A. steal B. steel C. steam D. steak

315.陡峭的()A. step B. steep C. stem D. steady

316.粘,坚持()A. stiff B. stick C. stuck D. stole

317. 一层()A. story B. storey C. stove D. straw

318.储藏()A. strain B. straight C. stranger D. storage

319.紧张,压力()A. stress B. stream C. strength D. stretch

320.击打,侵袭()A. strict B. strike C. stripe D. strive

321.固执的()A. struggle B. stubborn C. strategic D. strengthen 322.材料()A. style B. studio C. staff D. stuff

323.屈服()A. submit B. subject C. submarine D. substance 324.郊区()A. subway B. suburb C. suffer D. suffix

325.突然的()A. successful B. sudden C. substitute D. suicide 326.苦难()suffering succeed suggest sufficient

327.对。。适合,套服()A. sum B. suit C. summit D. summary 328.优等的()A. superior B. surround C. suitable D. supervise 329.超过()A. suppose B. supply C. support D. surpass 330.外科手术()A. surface B. surgeon C. surgery D. surname 331.调查()A. survey B. survive C. suspect D. suspend 332.出汗()A. swear B. sweat C. sweater D. sweet

333.电路开关,转变()A. switch B. swing C. sway D. sweep 334.象征()A. system B. symbol C. sympathy D. symptom 335.裁缝()A. tail B. tailor C. table D. tablet

336.天才,人才()A. tap B. tape C. target D. talent

337.眼泪,撕扯()A. tear B. team C. tend D. tender

338.引诱() A. temper B. temple C. tempt D. attempt

339.趋势()A. tent B. tense C. tension D. tendency

340.末端的,终点站()A. terminal B. terrible C. terrify D. terrific 341.领土() A. horror B. terror C. territory D. temporary

342 理论()A. theory B. theater C. thermos D. therefore 343.主题()A. thin B. thick C. theme D. thief

344.口渴的()A. thirty B. thirsty C. theft D. throat

345.彻底的()A. though B. thought C. through D. thorough 346.体贴的()A. thoughtful B. threat C. thread D. throughout 347.困难的()A. thumb B. tough C. touch D. thunder

348.整洁的()A. tick B. ticket C. tide D. tidy

349.标题,头衔()A. tire B. ticket C. tide D. tidy

350.容忍()A. tomb B. toast C. toilet D. tolerate

351.语言,舌头()A. ton B. tongue C. tool D. tone

352.火炬()A. topic B. tour C. torch D. total

353.旅游业()A. tourism B. tourist C. towel D. tower

354.悲剧()A. traffic B. trade C. tradition D. tragedy

355.训练()A. train B. trace C. track D. trail

356.移植()A. translate B. transfer C. transport D. transplant 357.珍宝()A. treat B. treasure C. trap D. tray

358.趋势()A. tremble B. trend C. trial D. trick

359.胜利()A. triumph B. troop C. trousers D. trumpet

360.真相()A. trouble B. truth C. tune D. tunnel

361.家庭教师()A. trust B. trunk C. turkey D. tutor

362.闪烁()A. twin B. twinkle C. type D. typist

363.最终()A. ultimate B. unexpected C. underline D. unknown 364.承担()A. ugly B. unfold C. uniform D. undertake

365.独一无二的()A. unit B. unite C. union D. unique

366.宇宙()A. universal B. university C. unity D. universe 367.卸货()A. unlock B. unload C. unpack D. unlike

368. 无私的()A. unselfish B. unusual C. unwilling D. unpleasant 369. 敦促()A. upper B. urge C. urgent D. urban

370.不安的()A. upstairs B. upset C. upright D. usage

371.空着的()A. vacant B. vacation C. vocation D. volcano 372.虚荣心()A. value B. valley C. vain D. vanity

373.各种各样的()A. various B. valuable C. vanish D. vehicle 374.变化()A. vast B. vase C. vary D. verb

375.胜利()A. variety B. victory C. vegetarian D. violence 376.受害者()A. view B. video C. victim D. vision

377.暴力的()A. virtue B. virus C. violent D. violin

378.看得见的()A. vital B. vivid C. visitor D. visible

379.志愿者()A. vote B. voice C. voyage D. volunteer

380.实际上的()A. volume B. virtual C. vitamin D. visual

381闲逛. ()A. wonder B. wander C. waist D. waste

382.工资()A. wages B. wallet C. warmth D. wagon

383. 警告()A. warm B. warn C. ware D. wave

384.财富()A. weak B. wear C. wealth D. weapon

385.哭泣()A. weed B. weep C. weave D. wedding

386.福利()A. weight B. welfare C. whale D. wheel

387.低语()A. whisper B. whistle C. whereas D. withdraw

388.野生的()A. win B. wind C. wide D. wild

389.智慧()A. wipe B. wise C. wisdom D. willing 390.金属丝()A. wit B. wine C. wire D. wing

391.目击者()A. witness B. withstand C. wool D. wood 392.冗长的()A. wordy B. works C. wolf D. wonderful 393.崇拜()A. worship B. worth C. worthy D. worthless 394.恶化()A. worse B. worsen C. worst D. worthwhile 395.残骸()A. wrist B. wound C. wrestle D. wreckage 396.地区()A. zone B. zebra C. zero D. zipper

397.生产,让步()A. yard B. yield C. yawn D. yell 398.打扰()A. brother B. brother

399.脏乱()A. mess B. mass

400.抑郁()A. expression B. impression C. depression

401.破坏()A. construction B. destruction C. instruction


高考英语写作必备词组547个句型汇总 1 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 above all 2 偶然,无意中 by accident 3对(于)…很积极 be active in 4合计为add up to 5承让错误admit one’s mistake 6接受某人的建议take / follow one’s advice 7就…提出建议 give advice on 8建议某人做某事 advice sb. to do sth. 9后天 the day after tomorrow 10毕竟;终究 after all 11违心against one’s will 12在…岁时 at the age of 13实现目标achieve one’s aim 14在空中;悬而未决 in the air 15在户外,在露天里 in the open air 16在机场 at the airport 17火警the fire alarm 18满腔怒火be filled with anger 19因某人之言行而生气 be angry at sth. 20生某人的气be angry with sb. 21通知make an announcement 22相继地,按顺序地 one after another 23相互,彼此(三者或三者以上之间) one another 24相互(指两者之间) each other 25没有回答give no answer 26为…而担心be anxious about 27急于做某事be anxious to do sth. 28分开住live apart 29除了apart from 30因某事向某人认错或道歉 make/offer an apology to sb for sth. 31与某人争论某事 argue with sb. about sth. 32放在一边 lay sth. aside 33请某人指点 / 帮助ask sb. for advice / help 34惊讶于… be astonished at sth. 35以前,曾经at one time 36注意pay attention to 37对…抱正确的态度take a correct attitude towards sth. 38引起(注意,兴趣等) attract one’s attention 39仰卧/仰泳lie / swim on one’s back 40重感冒 a bad cold 41两件行李 two pieces of baggage 42保持/失去平衡keep / lose one’s balance 43在舞会上 at the ball 44洗冷水澡 have / take a cold bath 45阵亡be killed in battle 46在海滩on the beach 47整理床铺 make the bed 48以…开始 begin with 49在…起始,开始at the beginning of 50自始自终from beginning to end


高考必背英语词汇辨析-B字头 1、base与basis 这两个词在作名词时可表示"基础;基地",但其意义是不同的。base用来指某物体的具体"基础"或底部的"支柱"。 例如: We camped at the base of the mountain.我们在山脚下扎营。 Our company's base is in New York , but we have extended many branches all around the world.我们公司的总部设在纽约,但是分公司遍及全世界。 而basis则用来表示抽象意义上的"基础",常用于比喻句。 What's the basis of your opinion?你的意见的根据是什么? We are willing to develop economic relations with all countries on the basis of mutual benefits.我们愿意在互利互惠的原则下同各国发展经济关系。 2、be about to 这个短语与"be to do","be going to do"两个短语都可用来表示"将要做某事,但含义和用法有所不同。be about to 从时间上来讲,等于be just going to do,意思是"即将,马上就要去做"。因此,在由这个短语构成的句子中,一般不可再加上表示时间的状语(如at once, next) 例如: I am about to leave for Shanghai.我将要去上海。 be to do主要表示安排或计划要在将来做的事情,它还可以表示命令等语气,相当于should, must 等。它可以同将来的时间状语连用。 例如: The US President Bill Clinton is to visit Japan next week.美国总统比尔?克林顿将于下周访日。The letter is to be handed to him in person.这封信必须面交他本人。 be going to do 一般可以和be to do 换用,它在通常情况下表示计划,安排或准备去做某事的意向,但并不一定马上去做。它一般都与时间状语连用;此外,它还可以用来表示某种推断或可能性。 例如:What are you going to do for your holiday?假期有什么打算吗? It's going to rain soon, look at those black clouds.看那些乌云,快要下雨了。


2020高考英语复习冲刺之易混易错词汇辨析过一遍 1. clothes, cloth, clothing clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数, cloth指布,为不可数名词 clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of 2. amount, numberamount后接不可数名词, number后接可数名词 a number of students 3. sound, voice, noisesound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside. 4. cause, reasoncause 指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因,后接of sth./doing sth,reason用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接for sth./doing sth. the reason for being late 5. exercise, exercises, practiceexercise运动,锻炼(不可数),exercises练习(可数),practice(反复做的)练习 Practice makes perfect. 6. officer, officialofficer部队的军官,official政府官员 an army officer 7. work, job二者均指工作。work不可数,job可数 a good job 8. cook, cookercook厨师,cooker厨具 He is a good cook. 9. problem, questionproblem常和困难连系,前面的动词常为think about, solve, raise,question常和疑问连系,多和ask, answer连用 10. a number of, the number ofa number of许多,谓语动词用复数。the number of…的数目,谓语动词用单数。The number of students is increasing. 11. chick, chicken二者均可指小鸡,chicken还可以当鸡肉 The chicken is delicious. 12. trip, journey, travel, voyagetravel是最常用的,trip指短期的旅途,journey 指稍长的旅途,voyage指海上航行 a three-day trip 13. in front of, in the front ofin front of范围外的前面,in the front of范围内的前面 In the front of the room sits a boy. 14. three of us, the three of usthree of us我们(不止三个)中的三个,the three of us我们三个(就三个人)The three of us---Tom, Jack and I went to the cinema. 15. by bus, on the busby bus表手段,方式,不用冠词,on the bus表范围 They went there by bus. 16. for a moment, for the momentfor a moment 片刻,一会儿,for the moment暂


题型突破19 词语辨析题——从“三方面”巧妙辨析 [对应学生用书第171页] 一、阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 中国经济的贡献,体现于作为全球经济增长的重要引擎,________世界经济可持续发展。改革开放至今,( )。国际金融危机________以来,中国经济增长对世界经济增长的贡献率年均在30%以上。2018年,中国经济实现了6.6%的较高增速,经济总量首次突破90万亿元大关。今年前4个月,中国经济保持了良好增长________,主要经济指标数据超出预期,提升了全球经济复苏的信心。国际社会公认,中国经济已成为世界经济发展的稳定之锚。在经济全球化进程遭遇挑战的形势下,中国秉持“和”“合”理念,倡导合作共赢、共同发展,为推动经济全球化注入________的动力和活力。中国把自己的事情办好了,作为一个拥有近14亿人口的发展中大国而言,就是对世界贡献巨大。 ★1.(词语辨析)依次填入文中横线上的词语,全都恰当的一项是 A.推动暴发态势滔滔不绝 B.推动爆发趋势源源不断 C.拉动爆发态势源源不断 D.拉动暴发趋势滔滔不绝 解析推动:使事物前进;使工作展开。拉动:采取措施使提高、增长或发展。暴发:突然发财或得势(多含贬义);突然发作。爆发:突然发作;(事变)突然发生。态势:状态和形势。趋势:事物发展的动向。源源不断:形容接连不断。滔滔不绝:像流水那样毫不间断。指话很多,说起来没个完。 答案 C 2.下列填入文中括号内的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是 A.中国经济多年保持快速稳定增长,创造了东方传奇,举世瞩目 B.中国经济多年保持快速稳定增长,创造了举世瞩目的东方传奇 C.中国经济创造了举世瞩目的东方传奇,多年保持快速稳定增长 D.中国经济创造了东方传奇,举世瞩目,多年保持快速稳定增长 解析根据逻辑关系,应先有“多年保持快速稳定增长”,然后才谈得上创造了“东方传奇”;从上下文语意的连贯性看,不宜将“举世瞩目”独立开来。 答案 B 3.文中画横线的句子有语病,下列修改最恰当的一项是 A.作为世界而言,中国这个拥有近14亿人口的发展中大国,自己把事情办好了,就是巨大的贡献。


高考必备短语 1.make sure确定; 2.find out弄清楚; 3.turn off关掉(灯、水龙头、煤气等); 4.turn on打开; 5.follow one’s instruction听某人的指点; https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce18029691.html,e about产生(近义词come into being; give birth to); 7.ask——for——向——要/请求; 8.change into变成; 9.explain sth to sb想某人解释; 10.have a good trip旅途愉快; 11.tie——to把——系到——上; 12.take off起飞;脱掉;(反义词land .v着陆); 13.be made from用——制成(看不出原材料);be made of(看得出原材料);be made into被制成; 14.get to 到达=reach=arrive in/at; 15.break the rule违反规定; 16.knock down撞倒,拆除; 17.carry away使入迷,冲走; 18.cover with用——覆盖; 19.begin/start with以——开始; 20.make fun of取笑某人; 21.write to给——写信; 22.pick up拾起,接收,接送; 23.give advice提出建议; 24.go with与——相配; 25.set free释放; 26.break away from摆脱; 27.join up联合; 28.be against反对; 29.be for支持; 30.be tired of sth/doing sth对——厌烦; 31.get along/on with进展得——; 32.tell lies说谎; 33.take exercise锻炼; 34.look out/be careful/take care当心; 35.break out爆发; 36.get burnt被烧伤; 37.escape from逃跑; 38.worry about为——而担忧; 39.lose one’s life牺牲; 40.collect money for为——捐钱; 41.belong to 属于; 42.look well看起来气色不错; 43.call on sb拜访某人; 44.try on试穿;45.pay back偿还; 46.lose one’s job失业; 47.sound like听起来像; 48.keep record保持纪录; https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce18029691.html,e across偶然碰见; 50.cut down减少; 51.make progress取得进步; 52.be forced/obliged/made to被迫; 53.go on to do sth接着做另一件不同的事情; 54.go on doing接着做同一件事情; 55.keep on doing sth继续作某事; 56.be sure of/about sth确信,肯定; 57.translate——into——把——译成; 58.colse with以——结束; 59.be puzzled感到迷惑不解; 60.be separated by被——所分离; 61.separate——from把——和——分隔开来; 62.die of死于(病、情感、饥寒、年老等身体内部原因);die from死于(受伤、事故、严寒等身体外部原因); 63.keep in touch with保持联系;lose touch with失去联系; 64.lead/live a …life过着——的生活; 65.play a part/role in起——的作用,扮演——的角色; 66.be fond of喜欢; 67.get together聚会、聚欢; 68.feel like doing想要做; 69.date from始于、起源于、追溯到; 70.be marked with被标上、标明有; 71.make every effort尽力; 72.be busy doing sth忙于; 73.research into研究、分析; 74.hang up挂断电话、悬挂; 75.knock——out of把——从——中敲出来、淘汰; 76.point out指出、说明; 77.turn over打翻; 78.go against违背、违反; 79.give a talk做报告; 80.send out分发; 81.ring up给——打电话; 82.get through拨电话、完成、通过; 83.hold on别挂断 1.be surprised at对——感到惊讶; 2.be lucky to 碰巧; 3.make up编造、弥补; 4.be an expert on/in在——方面是专家; 5.turn down把——调小,拒绝;


2012高考英语常用词汇辨析 ◆wash/wash away◇wash表示“洗(手、衣服等)”,既可作及物动词,又 可作不及物动词;◇wash away表示“冲走”、“冲垮”、“洗掉”,作及物动词短语用。 [EXERCISES] ①The flood some of the houses in the village.②He his face and hands,then went downstairs.③You must before dinner.(Keys: ①washed away ②washed ③wash) ◆wear;have on;put on;dress;(be)in+颜色(服装、眼镜等) ◇wear主要用于穿衣服、戴眼镜(手套、首饰、帽)等,以强调“穿(戴) 着”的状态。例如: Mr Wu always wears a blue coat in winter.吴老师冬天总是穿着一件蓝色大衣。 ◇have on作“穿(戴)着”解,同wear一样,也表状态,但不用于进行时态。例如: Xiao Wang has on a white shirt today.(=Xiao Wang is wearing a white shirt today.)小王今天穿着一件白衬衫。 ◇put on着重强调“穿(戴)上”的动作。例如: I like to put on my hat when I go out in winter.冬天,我喜欢外出时戴上帽子。 ◇dress既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词,所接宾语是人而不是衣、帽等 物。例如: 1)Her mother is dressing her.她母亲正在给她穿衣服。 2)The nurses are dressed in white.护士穿着白衣服。 ◇“(be)in+颜色或服装、眼镜等”也表示“穿着”的状态,在句中作 表语或定语。例如: He is in uniform today.他今天穿着制服。 ◆work on/work at ◇work on表示“从事”、“创作”、“进行”,后面接名词、


1. It rained continuously for a week, completely ___c____ our holiday. A. troubling B. bothering C. ruining D. damaging 2. When I ___a____ my shopping list, I found I’d forgotten to buy pork and eggs. A. checked B. examined C. tested D. measured 3. The president wanted to ___c____ him about filling the post of the sales department. A. accept B. cooperate C. approach D. demand 4. He lay in bed, listening to the rain __c_____ the window. A. hitting B. defeating C. beating D. striking 5.What a ____d___ that dress makes! She looks very pretty now. A. transplant B. transportation C. translation D. transformation 6. A(n) ____C___ will be paid to anyone who brings back the money Mr. Brown lost, according to the advertisement. A. award B. prize C. reward D. profit 7. The world has twice as much shipbuilding ___C____ as it needed in the 1980s. A. capacity B. potential C. ability D. possibility 8. The next morning Mr. Smithson spoke his mind to his wife in a very straightforward ____C___. A. route B. method C. manner D. pattern 9. —Why are you so frightened? —I saw two dark ___D____ enter the building. A. shades B. appearances C. shadows D. figures


2017年高考语文词语辨析题解题思路 语文网的小编为大家整理了2017年高考语文词语辨析题的解题思路,希望对大家有所帮助。如果有其他最新的资讯,小编会在第一时间通知大家,请大家持续关注语文网。 高考语文试题词语部分,往往虚词、实词、成语各设一道题,足见词语这个知识点在能力型试卷中所处的重要性。考查形式多是在动态的语境中考查词语(包括成语)的使用。从考试能力层级上讲,正确使用词语属于“表达运用”,要求较高。对虚词的考查集中在关联词(连词、部分副词及部分介词)的使用上;对实词的考查,则主要集中在辨析含有相同语素的同义近义词。 在备考高考语文中,重点要做到三个方面的落实:一是落实词义的认读,注重多角度的辨析;二是强化语境意识,坚持“词不离句”的原则;三是重视语言实践的积累,形成良好的语言感悟能力。 近义实词主要有两类:一是同音近义词,二是异音近义词,无论哪种类型,准确把握词语含义,辨析、判断用法迥异或微殊的词语都是不变的考查方向。实词的考查以同义近义词辨析为主。要掌握和运用好同义近义词,关键在于能辨析同义近义词的意义和用法。 1.从意义方面辨析 从意义方面来辨析如词义的轻重。“激动”比“感动”更强烈。“蔑视”比“轻视”词义重。词义的着重点不同。如“诡辩”与“狡辩”同是无理强辩,但“诡辩”着重在“诡”,即欺诈、怪异,“诡辩”就是用欺诈的手段、奇怪的言辞,似是而非的论证,来为自己的谬论辩护。“狡辩”则着重在“狡”,即不老实、耍花招,“狡辩”就是歪曲事实,狡猾地为自己的错误言行辩解。词义的范围大小不同。如“开垦”、“开拓”、“开辟”都有“开发”之意,但“开垦”指用力把荒芜的土地开发为可耕种的土地;“开拓”指在原来开发的基础上加以扩充,两者词义范围较小;而“开辟”着重指开发、新开创,词义范围较大。 (1)辨明范围 很多近义词适用范围的大小是不同的,有的大一些,有的小一些;有的概括的是事物的总的方面,有的概括的是其中的某一部分。只有准确把握词语的适用范围,才能正确地辨别。 (2)把握轻重 词义的轻重不同,它的用法也就不一样。一组词的意义基本相同,但是有的适用于重要的、较大的事物,有的适用于一般的事物;有的表示程度深、性质重,有的表示程度浅、性质轻。 (3)弄清侧重 名词近义词的侧重点区别往往在所指的事物现象的特点方面。动词近义词的侧重点区别往往在所指动作的方式、方法或动作的结果方面。形容词近义词的侧重点区别往往在所指状态和性质的方面。 (4)弄清具体与概括的不同 如:“船”和“船只”都指水上的主要运输工具。但“船”是具体的,“船只”是概括的。如他在湖面上划船。来往船只很多。 2.从用法方面辨析 从用法方面来辨析。A、搭配对象不同。如“爱戴”适用于对上,“爱护”适用于对下。 B、语法功能不同。如“公然”、“公开”都含有不加掩饰地采取行动之意,但“公然”是副词,在句中只能作状语,如“公然侵入”。“公开”是动词兼形容词,在句中多充当谓语,如“真相早已公开了”;也可充当状语,如“公开表明态度”;还可充当定语,如“这已经是公开的秘密”。


2008高考必背英语词汇辨析-A字头 1. above all 表示“最重要的是;尤其”的意思。 例如: The local government faces many tough problems, and above all, pollution problem.当地政府面临许多问题,但首当其冲的是污染问题。 A capable candidate should be outstanding in many ways, and above all, confidence.一个称职的竞选者应在许多方面表现突出,但最重要的是自信心。 2. according to according to是一个短语介词,意思是“按照或根据”。 例如: He will be punished according to the seriousness of his crime.他所受的惩罚要根据其犯罪的严重程度而定。 I will take the medicine according to the instruction.我会按说明来服药的。 我们又常常会碰到"according as"这一短语,那么这两者又有何联系呢?according as 是短语从属连词,后接从句。作“根据……而”或“视……而定”解。例如:You will be praised or blamed according as your work is well done or not.根据你的工作表现好坏,将给予奖励或惩罚。 3. account for 这个词的意思比较多,归纳起来,有以下用法: 1). 解释,说明。例如:She was unable to account for '5000.她无法解释那5000美元的去处。 2). 是……产生的原因,解释为什么有(某种情况)。例如:The police tried to account for the blood spot.警察试图解释这血迹是怎么来的。 3). 占。例如:Students account for 50% of our customers. 在我们的顾客中,学生占了一半。The tuition accounts for two thirds of his income. 学费占了他三分之一的收入。 4. act out 表示表演出来比划着(用手势及语言表演或表达)”的意思。 例如: The children were told to act out their favorite story.孩子们被要求表演他们最喜爱的故事。


雅思词汇:100组英语词汇辨析 1. clothes, cloth, clothing clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数,cloth指布,为不可数名词clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of 2. incident, accident incident指小事件, accident指不幸的事故He was killed in the accident. 3. amount, number amount后接不可数名词,number后接可数名词a number of students 4. family, house, home home 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员. My family is a happy one. 5. sound, voice, noise sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside. 6. photo, picture, drawing photo用照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画 Let’s go and see a good picture. 7. vocabulary, word vocabulary词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word具体的单词He has a large vocabulary. 8. population, people population人口,人数,people具体的人China has a large population. 9. weather, climate weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate长期的气候状况The climate here is not good for you. 10. road, street, path, way road具体的公路,马路,street街道,path小路,小径,way道路,途径 take this road; in the street, show me the way to the museum. 11. course, subject course课程(可包括多门科目),subject科目(具体的学科)a summer course 12. custom, habit custom传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接to do,habit生活习惯,习惯成自然,后接of doing. I’ve got the habit of drinking a lot. 13. cause, reason


2019届高考英语常用词汇辨析 高考英语常用词汇辨析500例a about around round 作副词时都含“四处”、“遍地”的意思。 about 系常用词, 如:look about 四处看。 around 具有 about 的基本意思, 因此 look about=look around, 但在下列短语里 around没有 about正式, 如:travel around 各处旅行 round 和 around在非正式用法中可以互换, 但一般用 round时 更简练。在正式用语中, 一般用 round指“旋转”, 而用 around指“处处”, “到处”, 如:she turned round at such a noise. 听到这样的吵声, 她回头看。i have been looking for it all around. 我到处都找过了。 另外, 英国人用 round的地方, 美国人倾向于用 around, 如:[英] winter comes round.[美] winter comes around. above all;after all;at all  above all意为“尤其是”、“首先”、“最重要的是”,常位于句首或句中,作插入语,起强调作用。如: but above all tell me quickly what i have to do.可首先快些告诉我该做什么。 a clock must above all keeps good time.时钟最重要的是必须走得准。  after all意为“毕竟”、“终究”、“终归”、“到底”,在句中位置较灵活。可位于句首、句中或句末。如:after all,your birthday is only two weeks away.毕竟,两周后就是你的生日。 he is,after all,a small child.他毕竟还是个小孩子。 he failed after all.他终于失败了。  at all用于否定句时,意为“丝毫; 根本”,用于疑问句时意为“究竟;到底”,用于条件句时,常译为“当真;实在”。用于肯定句中,表示说话人的某种情绪或情感(如怀疑或惊奇等),意为“竟然”等。如:he doesn’t like you at all.他根本不喜欢你。 are you going to do it at all?你究竟做不做这件事? if you do it at all,do it well.若你真要做这件事,就得做好。 i was surprised at his coming at all.他竟然来了,我很惊讶。 add; add to; add…to; add up to  add作“加,增加”解时,既可作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词;作“又说,补充说”解时,与直接或间接引语连用。如: if the tea is too strong, add some more hot water.如果茶太浓了,再加点开水。 after a short while, he

2020届高考英语二轮专题复习 精品之必备词汇辨析(十)

2020;2020届高考英语二轮专题复习精品之必备词汇辨析(十) 1、job, labour, work 这一组名词都表示“工作”。 job指具体的“工作,职业”,特别是指有报酬的工作。它是可数名词。如:He has a good job in a bank.他在银行有一份很好的工作。They were paid according to the number of jobs they completed.他们是按劳计酬的。 labour指艰苦的劳动,尤指繁重的体力劳动。当用来指脑力劳动时,强调绞尽脑汁的艰辛。它可作可数名词及不可数名词。如:physical labour(体力劳动), mental labour(脑力劳动),hard labour(苦役),the fruit of one's labours (劳动果实)。 work是含义极广的常用词,它可指任何一种工作,包括体力和脑力劳动。作“工作”解的work是不可数名词,没有复数形式。当作可数名词时,work指“(文学艺术)作品,著作”等;works则指“工厂”,单复数为同一种形式。 如:That is not easy work.那不是一件容易的工作。What a great work of art!多好的一件艺术作品呀。His complete works have been reprinted.他的著作全集已经被发表了。It takes a lot of work to build an iron works.要建造一家制铁厂需要花许多工夫。 2、join, join in, take part in 这一组词都有“参加”的意思。 join多指加入组织,团体,党派等,有作为其中的一个成员的含义。join后也可接人,表示和某人一起参加某活动。如:It's two years since he joined the club.他参加这个俱乐部已两年了。He joined the army in 1945 and joined the Communist Party next year. 他于一九四五年参军,并在第二年入党。Will you join us?跟我们一起来,好吗? join in指参加某项游戏,活动,讨论等,in为介词或副词。此短语常用于join sb. in...结构,in后可接名词或动名词,介词in短语有时可以省去。如:Do join


高考语文基础知识之词 语辨析题集锦含详解 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

词语 词义辨析 实词(按词头字音序排列) 1.保障/保证 【例句】 ①资本主义的两党制不过是维护资产阶级专政的一种方法,它绝不能保障.. 劳动人民的自由权利。 ②该校采取各种措施,保证.. 每一个教师有一定的时间进修业务,提高专业水平。 【辨析】“保障”强调保护(生命、财产、权力),使不受侵犯和破坏。“保证”指担保,确保既定的要求标准,不打折扣。 2.包含/饱含 【例句】 ①文章的这一段落包含.. 着好几层意思。 ②他的胸中饱含.. 着对祖国大好河山的热爱。 【辨析】 “包含”是事物本身所含有的意思。“饱含”是充满的意思。 3.必须/必需 【例句】 ①他们只用了一年多时间、四万多元资金,就添置了各种必需.. 的设备, 建起了一座小化工厂。 ②我们必须.. 把经济建设的任务提到首要地位。 【辨析】“必须”副词,表示事实上情理上必要;一定要。在句子中作状语。“必需”动词,一定要有,不可少。在句子中可作谓语中心语、定语。 4.暴发/爆发 【例句】 ①1919年爆发.. 了震惊中外的“五四”运动。 ②山洪暴发.. 给人民生命财产造成了很大的损失。 【辨析】“暴发”是突然发作,如山洪暴发,可引申为发财得势之意,多含贬义;“暴发”不能带宾语。“爆发”本指火山内部的岩浆突然冲破地壳,如火山爆发,可引申为力量、情绪忽然发作,事变突然发生;“爆发”可以带宾语。 5.摈弃/抛弃 【例句】 ①摒弃.. 旧观念,接受新思想。

②为了金钱,他抛弃了家庭,这种做法为人唾弃。 【辨析】“摈弃”有抛弃意,但多用于抽象。“抛弃”多用于具体。 6.波及/涉及 【例句】 ①对伊战争所耗费的大量军费开支必然波及.. 美国经济的发展,继而引起全球经济的震荡。 ②这起案件涉及.. 好几个人。 【辨析】“波及”强调影响到,“涉及”强调关联到。 7.不止/不只 【例句】 ①他恐怕不止.. 六十岁了。 ②水库不只.. 要修,而且一定要修好。 【辨析】“不止”是超出一定数量或范围,动词。“不只”是不但的意思,属连词,用在递进关系得复句中。 8.不齿/不耻 【例句】 ①此人坏事做绝,为大家所不齿.. 。 ②他虽是着名学者,但却不耻.. 于向别人讨教。 【辨析】“不齿”指不与同列(表示鄙视),如“人所不齿”。“不耻”指不以之为羞耻。如“不耻下问”。 9.不及/不如 【例句】 ①《梅花三弄》不及.. 《春江花月夜》幽雅动人。 ②与其花这么多时间打电话,不如.. 骑车去一趟。 【辨析】“不及”只用来比较不同的人或事物,因此只能前后都是名词。“不如”除用于比较人或事物外,还可以比较动作行为的利弊得失,因此除名词外,前后可以是动词或小句。 10.查看/察看 【例句】 ①审计人员仔细查看.. 了每一张销售单据,没有发现什么问题。 ②气象员一天两次察看.. 风向,及时向指挥所报告。 【辨析】“查看”检查、观察(事物的情况),如查看灾情。“察看”为了解情况而细看,如察看风向、察看动静。 11.出生/出身 【例句】 ① 1900年农历8月13日,方志敏就出生.. 在这个山村里。


高考英语必备短语大全 live on 继续存在,继续生存 by means of…用……办法,借助…… make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 keep up 坚持,维持,沿袭(风俗、传统等) back to back 背靠背 team up with 与……合作或一起工作 mark out 画线,标出……界线 take in 包括,吸收 a great/good many 许多,很多 apply for 申请,请示得到 pay off 得到好结果,取得成功,偿清 cast down 沮丧,不愉快 in favour of 赞成,支持 (be) bound to (do)…一定或注定(做)……strike…into one‘s heart 使……刻骨铭心 bring back to life 使复生,使复活 in vain 白费力气,枉费心机 in good/pool condition 状况很好(坏),情况很好(坏) ring up 给……打电话 now and then 偶尔,有时 set about 开始,着手 dive into 迅速把手伸入,一心投入 set out (to do) 开始(做) hang on 不挂断,稍等,紧紧握住 out of order 次序颠倒,发生故障 get through 设法联系上(由指打通电话),(设法)做完,通过 ring back 回复电话 ring off 挂断电话 make one’s acquaintance 结识,与……相见 generally speaking 一般来说 in terms of…就……来说,从……角度 show…in 带或领……进来 once more 再一次 in need of 需要…… regardless of 不管,不顾 at most 至多,最多 cut up 切碎 fed up with 受够了,饱受,厌烦 look ahead 向前看,为将来打算 date back 追溯到…..


高考常见词汇辨析(三) H habit, practice, custom, convention这组名词一般含义为“习惯”。 habit指个人的“习惯”,通常用于表示做事、思考问题或行为举止的不自觉的方式方法 That proved to be my undoing, for I soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen. 这证明是我的失败,因为我不久就回到在电视屏幕前打瞌睡的坏习惯去了。 practice 既可表示个人的也可表示社会的“习惯”,这种“习惯”从性质上看是一种反复不断的或是有选择性的行为或者方法 On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. 在另一方面,一想到用动物油煎马铃薯,你便会作呕。然而在许多北欧国家里,这是为大家接受的通常习惯。 She walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out. 她慢慢地走进厅堂,并且立刻发现所有的房门都是开着的。但是按照她自己的一般习惯,她在外出前总是把门全部关好的。 custom 具有habit 和practice 的一切含义,此外,custom 还包含这样一层意思:长期而广泛采用的行为或方法,即风俗习惯,按照某地区人们共同生活及其行为的准则或规范,它不仅有指导意义,而且具有必须遵循的意义 Don't be a slave to custom. 不要做风俗习惯的奴隶。 From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour. 一个人从诞生的那一时刻起,他降生后所处的风俗习惯便给他的阅历和行为定型。 convention 其实是其他3个词的近义词,它的含义为:固定的或公众一致承认的行事或表达思想的方法They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. 他们不顾社会习俗,并未意识到自己在做些与众不同的事。 hand down;hand in;hand over;hand out ;by hand ;hands up hand down作“把……传下来”解。例如: …knowledge,customs and memories were handed down by the elders of the race. ……他们的知识,生活习惯以及人们所怀念的事情,都是由他们的祖先传下来的。 The story was handed down from one generation to another.这个故事世代相传。 hand in为“把……交上来”、“交给”、“递交”之意。例如: Time is up.Hand in your examination papers.时间到了,请把试卷交上来。 hand over作“转交”或“移送”解。例如: Please hand over this money to XiaoZhou.请将这笔钱转交小周。 The thief was handed over to the police.小偷已被移送到公安机关了。 hand out为“散发”之意。例如: When I got to the classroom the teacher had already begun handing out the test papers. 我赶到教室时,老师已开始分发试卷了。 hands up表示“举起手来”; by hand表示“用手”、“手工”,是介词短语,作方式状语。 [EXERCISES] ①This toy was made . ②After class,you must your homework. ③If you have any questions to ask,please . (Keys:①by hand ②hand in ③hands up)

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