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我有我的故事--新GRE verbal 165的背后花絮


复仇者联盟(是的我是geek)电影里面,Agent Coulson 临“死”前对说Loki,你要知道你还是会失败的,因为你的本性,Loki问,为什么,你们这些个英雄都分崩离析了,Coulson说,because u lack conviction.


什么是conviction?就是It has to be done! 这是没有compromise的ideology。你要有conviction。英雄的conviction是维护世界和平,我的conviction是成为(爱因斯坦+莎士比亚)/2(求别笑),你的呢?一个人如果没有conviction,就没有引导你走过风雨的支持和动力。







基本上顿悟了,接下来就是体力劳动了。而这种模式,例如填空的找逻辑词关键词,阅读主旨题,短阅读的which strength/weaken或者assumption based on which,作文的立论驳论,就是在培养你们要去美国进修研究生的所需要的严谨思维。



一、Verbal 语文


1 单词




的,巩固一些考得频率比较多的词汇,目的是保持basic的,也是为了开始做填空和阅读打下基础。一边过3000我还建议听陈琦10section串讲,这个质量真是没得说,课堂录音+txt的笔记等,自己一边听一边记。3000看闷了就看同义词大全,同义词大全看闷了就看回3000,同义词这个对于做填空也是很有用的。总之这两个月就不停巩固单词,无所不用其极。我个人来说,由于我本来就喜欢看书,我会通过看英文版小说来加强对词汇的立体感,顺便练习阅读速度,也可以减压,不然时间多着就乱想。我当时考托福就看完了盖茨比(这本推荐啊,不仅是名著而且慢慢的都是GRE单词很刺激的),第一次GRE看完了饥饿游戏3本,第二次考GRE看完了仲夏夜之梦,无事生非和奥赛罗。每天就一个chapter一个act 挺调节心情的,总比看韩剧好是吧额呵呵。


然后就可以开始看维C上校的高端词汇总结了!!!!好兴奋原谅我=-= 毫无卖广告心理,但是我觉得我考那么高很大一部分由于上校的高端词汇总结,基本上把之前背过的单词重点的,弱的,长得相似的全部来了个打包分类排排坐吃苹果,以至于我后期做题敏感度好很多。







2 填空



https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca18038636.html,/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-5925922224.9.QVr0Jx &id=35103337965

虽说填空考的是逻辑,但是我觉得敏感度和feel好重要。我听新东方的老师讲过,通常考完走出来在讨论题目的都是考得不好的,而那些考玩都不在做的了些什么的,才是牛逼。通俗来说,就是上升到哲学了,已经不懂自己懂什么了,就是看到题目就知道选哪个。当然这不是鼓励你们全靠直觉。我打个比方吧,我记得PP2 II有到填空题就是John is on slippery ground when he dose something 之类的,然后选项给了impassable,dubious,ingenious,rigorous,还有一个忘了,问你选哪个。我第一次看到想的就是,你妹啊,全句没有一个转折并列的逻辑词,然后淡定下来观察一下,嗯后面的空照理是对应前面的,那么slippery ground,就是很滑,那应该是贬义词吧,那就dubious好了,好像有点feel,dubious含糊不清模拟两可不就感觉很像在滑滑的地板上么?基本上真正考试就是这种feel。而这种feel是要靠大量题的基础上培养的,我一开始做填空正确率都没有一半,不断的积累训练,量变导致质变。当然这个基础上你词汇掌握的OK了。

3 阅读

刚接触阅读会压力比较大,因为考试你能分配给阅读的不会多于18mins,于是很考阅读速度。我建议是先试一下不掐时间做,做一两篇,看看准确率怎么样,如果有70% 或者80%,那还是算理想的,那证明你思维逻辑还是没什么太大问题的,那接下来就是开始掐时间做。如果不掐时间都准确率很低,那我接下来说一个比较极端的方法刷一下你三观,这是一个老师教的,其实我觉得是很高端的如果用得好的话,不过我比较习惯我自己的,但是我还是会偶尔看一下来抽离一下增强一下自己的objectivity。而且有时候考试时间要是不够或者太复杂,这也是可以拿来用用的。




综合题——全文(strengthen, weaken, support, infer)





1. 外延一:细节题——局部信息外信息

综合题——无关信息,例外:发展下;抽象词;举例(such as);取反(注意否定词)

2. 外延二:评断——adj例外:条件下;相对比较出来的(排除了外延一之后)


3. 形似:同词(尤其是抽象词具有可换性的)出现没有换

4. 神似:可能性;取反


的是oyster,突然冒出个other marine animals,直接杀掉、外延2,评断,就是武断,比如说某人的观点比其他的的观点更好、形似,通常跟原文长得太像都太low了GRE这么高端怎么可能选长得像的、最后剩下的就是形似,即表达的author的观点,又用到了不同的表达方式或者替换了某些词。就我个人来说,阅读看不懂太揪心了,而且这个方法好像有点违背了训练阅读速度的赶脚,到时去美国读书看的都是一篇一篇的专业文献,不可能不看懂啊。不过当然了,这只是一家之言,也会有同学觉得这个方法更适合他的,那就用。



https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca18038636.html,/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-3717544373.2.D2AfO u&id=20326397149&qq-pf-to=pcqq.group



科重点班,数学理综那都是很好的,所以我坚信GRE数学一直考不好是因为太简单了= - = 说真的,GRE数学很简单,拿高分说简单不简单,说难不难,我听一位大牛说过,数学都是哄小孩的!其实我也觉得是,每次做数学都觉得卧槽好简单,谁知道成绩一出来就很难看,错的地方大都是粗心。所以大家做数学的时候一定要心平气和,淡定,分析,找技巧。

数学可以考试前一个月再看,首先要过一遍专业词汇,看不懂专业词汇你是爱因斯坦都没用。然后就要回顾一下数学基础知识,可以看OG的,也可以看别的资料,我推荐:陈向东GRE 数学高分突破,里面不仅有容易忽略的基础知识,每个单元还附有易错难题。其实大家都是中国人,简单的题没有练的必要,要把重心放在易错题和难题上,猴哥的难题112就很好,尚友上还有很多有心人总结的机经题,大家搜搜下载来练就好了。数学通常正常来说,细心+重视就不会落得跟我下场一样






social values为主的理论

无对错,是分析 analytical


(meaning, ideal, fact, dilemma, illustration)

I. Human&Society II. Human Nature III. Human&Nature

I. Human&Society

A social values (核心)

Meaning:purposes of life, direction of efforts

Ideal: Push to development of a society, no chaos

Fact: Deception-inhuman

Dilemma: whose requirement? Elite/the masses/the needy balance? Illustration: UK Political system/NK

1.We are desperate to need social values because they provides us the purposes of live so that we don’t live aimlessly. Also, they are offer us the direction of efforts, with which we live and work with more dedicated and positive attitude.

2.Essentially, social values possess the ability to drive the development of the society into better. In addition, with everyone live n breath under the same social values, there is little chance that chaos will occur.

3.However, virtually, most people merely survive within their deception that at the end of a day, they comply to nothing but a hustle. Sometime, even, they get deceived in the most inhuman way.

4.This dilemma takes place because it is equivocal that social values meet whose requirements, and those of the elite and those of the masses often conflict with each other. Thus, in order to ameliorate the dilemma, a balance between those two must be achieved.


Social Values:


B. Government

Meaning: designer of SV, force of its realization——law, military Ideal: vitalize the progress of the SV/ mirror mistakes——change——harmony

Fact: change—costs/challenges(overthrow the sovereign ) conservatives(XX)-death

Dilemma: purpose of governing VS power

Illustration: Japan G/NK

1.We are desperate to need government because it serves the role of designer of social values, with which people in that society are able to live and work aimfully and orderly. Also, government serve the role of force of the realization of social values, through various approaches including law and military.

2.Essentially, government possesses the ability to vitalize the progress of the social values. In addition, an able and responsible government should mirror mistakes and be brave enough to confront changes, which is supposed to precipitate the development of the society.

3.However, virtually, some governments don’t make changes because they

consume abundant costs and challenges take place that may overthrow the whole sovereign. Sometimes, even, die-hards like conservatives are afraid of changes so much that it may lead to death a society.

4.This dilemma takes place because of the struggle of a government or the leaders between the realization of the purposes of a government and obsession to power.


C. Education

Meaning: ways of observation-acquire of knowledge-free mind/self-enlightment

Ideal: talents-freedom (out of SV)-mirror SV-problems-solution-possibility of progress

Facts: tools of spreading of SV- tackles of SV- problems XX- progress XX Dilemma: huge investment-restriction from certain parties Illustration: US/NK

1.We are desperate to need education because it serves the role of ways of observation and the acquire of knowledge, with which people can actively learn instead of passively accept them. Also, it serves the function that help people free mind and gain self-enlightment, with which people can constantly introspect and improve themselves, even others and the society.

2.Essentially, education possesses the ability to nurture talents free of SV, who are capable of mirror problems of SV. In addition, those talents fostered by ideal education can come up with solutions to the problems and precipitate the progress of the society.

3.However, virtually, education usually deprives into the tools of spreading of SV, and those who are supposed to be talents are in the tackle of SV. And they fail to insight the problems and no progress occurs.

4.This dilemma takes place as a result of the huge investment required. For the success of education, schools and universities often need funds from sponcers who often have uninterested angle, and education is inevitability harmed by them.


D Media

Meaning:windows out of our SV, diversity of SV of the world

Ideal: rights of freedom--origin of information, resource for comparison---SV’s benefits & backwardness

Fact: tailored, colored information---inappropriate guide---to have SV acceptable---deprive a society of the resources of comparison---X inspiration,X progress

Dilemma: survival--market value---the taste of masses/political guide

Illustration: BBC VS NK

E Culture and History

Meaning: the steps of SV on the same geo location/resource for comparison Ideal: through the information--comparison--essence/nonsense---reflection of certain SV---possibility of change

Fact: book/festival(forms)---rewrite--guidance--cut out or exaggerated Dilemma: attitude of Government

Illustration: Japan/NK

F ARTS (相对于局外物,可用于提供灵感和创新,使XX进步)

Meaning: out of the SV---go beyond the SV; consists---absolute sense---works---direction for better; works--release from the terrestrial--enlightment---invoke inspiration(Einstein)

Ideal: great art---out of the certain SV---new perspectives

Facts: entertainment--into the SV--stabilize the present SV Dilemma: great art---X financial support---hard to accept--survival (struggle for)--evaporated

Entertainment---financial support --- immediate popularity --- spreading --- X resources

Illustration: Van Gogh/popular programs



Company——Leaders——post-career training/tablet/culture/advices,inspiration——staff

Individual——self-disciplines——education/how to receive info/past/inspiration source——self

II. Human Nature


7 sins: greed/lust/gluttony/pride/envy/wrath/loath

Education: get rid of sins; self-enlightment; taste

Angel or devil?

III. Human&Nature


Nature: provider of resources

Humans: explorer of resources



Intelligence——solution to problems 不会发展

Morality——control our behaviors 不会发展

Tech——cause problems 极其不断发展

Facts: nature is being devastated, balance is off

Ideal: I/M——education——money consuming


Illustration:plastic items/nuclear weapon




目标——promote the progress

标准——positivity——progress;negativity——slow down/ cease the progress

理想——ideal, meaning




P1: 美好蓝图(稳定中发展)——落实点(对应题目中关键词和系统中价值体系的东东)XX has always been the favorite topic of conversation in the society, because it’s ...... (meaning)

In my perspective, a respected and long-lasting educational system is not the one which.....(坐吃等死) But the one which......(稳定中发展)

AA(类艺术) seems irrelevant in the process of XX, but it indeed...... Because......(progress)

When AA, we can positively anticipate .......(progress) since......(inspiration)

P2: 由于E/M/C——fact,现实常识做法,分析可能有事,不良后果——有害(重点;无发展)

However, to do 有利做法,is not the commonly accepted idea

On one hand, many resist 有利做法,because it assumes to ......内部考量(fact dilemma)


On the other hand, through the subtle influence of E/M/C, 另一当事方 may unconsciously formed the idea that......, since......


It is true that stable status of XX can be realized when.......不利做法,but the most essential element in promising its XX’s long-lasting development will be maliciously deprived.


In order to promise the XX’s long-lasting development(与上一段结尾对应),we should promote 有利做法

At least, we must, step by step, ......(做实验,试点,推广) for the simple

fact that.....(potentially beneficial)

Difficulties doing this can be foreseen, (art’s dilemma)(没有资助,不被人接受)

Hard as it may be, 有利做法proves to be the best or even the only way to reach .....发展), so, it must be done.

Of course, the fruit in doing this can also be forecast.


P4: 在做时,E/M/C常识做法如何配合,分析E/M/C可能代价dilemma,真正意义:ideal(重点)

For the enhancement of a better XX, we also need E/M/C come to show its unique power.

As...... E/M/C has been regraded as......(meaning)

However, not to .... but to....is not welcome for E/M/C in most cases, because...(dilemma)

While.....E/M/C must be acclaimed to take its responsibility and.....(ideal)



A vigorous/respected/powerful/long-lasting XX must be nourished not only by...but also by......

To protect and to inspire such......(ARTs) ,we must make collaboration among...,...,...,

(Also, G/L,support---financial/freedom, spare space)

All in all, a v/r/p/l-l XX can be the best reward for...,...,...,(各个当事方)and Government.

试写:(根据topic 95)

Education has always been the favorite topic of conversation in the society, because it’s the most significant approach we learn ways of observation and acquire of knowledge actively, through which we gain free mind and self-enlightment. In my perspective, a respected and long-lasting educational system is not the one which only focus on traditions and ignore innovations, but the one which confront challenges and reform traditions. Parents volunteering at school seems irrelevant in the process of education, but it indeed invokes inspiration for educators because they, as outsiders, are able to observe the educational system objectively and discern its benefits as well as backwardnesses. When parents interact with educators, we can positively anticipate that they offer valuable advices and commentary on the teachers’methods, which leads to the progress of the educational system, since they, unlikely the teachers, can censor the educational system from a different perspective.

However, to encourage parents to participate in education is not a commonly accepted idea. On one hand, people within educational systems, such as principals. Teachers, may resist having parents judging their work,

because it assumes that education is better running off alone. Consider a school at England at Victoria’s age. It once promoted to have one day every week open to parents to observe its teaching, which instantly was rejected unanimously, expressing the unwillingness and the awkwardness that may occur and may jeopardize the quality of education. On the other hand, through the subtle influence of social conventional assumption, students may unconsciously formed the idea that teachers’work should not be interfered by anyone including parents. It’s true that stable status of educational systems can be achieved when outside suggestions like parents’ are left out, but the most essential element in promising its educational systems’long-lasting development will be maliciously deprived.

In order to develop educational systems, we should encourage parents to devote their time being part of educating. At least, we must, step by step, experiment this approach at certain schools, for the simple fact that it is potentially beneficial to current educations. Difficulties in doing this can be foreseen, practice of suggestions approached by parents may not be supported by governments. Even, sometimes, the advices just are ignored, which results in the inspiration’s struggle for survival. Hard as it may be, considering cautiously parents’thoughts about existing educational system proves to be the best, or even the only way to reach progress of educational system, so it must be done. Of course, the fruit in doing this can also be forecast. Take a proposal I’ve mentioned before that required classes open to parents once a week under Victoria’s reign as an example. Thought it was rejected immediately, after forcing it into implementation, its educational system went leaps and bounds, from conventional, rigid and closed, to free-minded, creative and even influential to other regions.

For the enhancement of a better educational systems, we also need media come to show its unique power. As we are in an age media is developing faster than ever, media has been regraded as windows of information out of our known social values. However, not to provide inspiration but to only reinforce current value is not welcome for media in most cases., because it’s a major tool used to control people’s mind, while media must be acclaimed to take its responsibility and serves the role of rights of freedom as well as the origin of information. That’s why in this case, when media solidify the common assumption that professional educators, like principals, teachers, play consequential and replaceable role in educational system, it should also approach subtly and delicately that objective outsiders, like parents, is as well valuable asset for the progress of educational systems.

A respected and powerful educational system must be nourished not only by professional educators, like teachers and tutors, but also by outsiders, like parents. To protect and to inspire such progress of education, we

must make collaboration among support of government, willingness of teachers and parents. All in all, a respected and powerful educational system can be the best reward for education, reachers, children and the government.


看issue题库,不知道怎么写的就写,一看就知道怎么写的就不用理,临考前看当月机经。看题目首先要找到XX,然后commonsense 一方,取反或找到类艺术ART 一方。


这种方法的精神就是,每个题目都可以fit到society的category里面,education, government, media, culture&history, arts 或者technology,human nature,而你分析题目就不是单单题目上分析,而是看穿题目的本质,上升到以上的category其中之一。而由于issue是立论文,(argument是驳论文)所以每个题目都会有所谓的正方和反方,而你要做的不是take side,而是根据你审视的标准,in this case, progress (丘吉尔说过,to improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often), 来分析哪个side能够促进这个东东的进步,而这个side就是arts,类艺术,(艺术的意义就是能够为人们提供逃离现实的世界,一种脱俗超凡的境界,而当人们回到现实的时候,也会受到艺术影响从而更加有效的工作学习生活)因此应该promote这个东西,等等等。

至于例子,不需要背素材,只要抓住英国维多利亚时期或者日本明治维新的例子就可以了,据说这两个时期最能体现reformation and changes 的正能量。


建议考之前把题库里的题全部看一次,以防考试越到特奇葩的不知所措,我这次argument 就是这样,简直恶心死了。

2 argument 破题基本上和大众的方法差不多,仍然建议过题库,我之前只过了issue的题库,掉以轻心就没看argument的题库,于是好死不死遇到了不生活化的argue,遇到了一个考古的科研文,我真是petrified OMG~然后后来虽然勉强算是够时间写完,跟平时练起来还是差太远,而且由于题太羞涩,我也没把握我argue的点有没有抓对。

就这样,三部分说完了。最后说一下OG和PP2怎么用,基本上就这两个资源比较好,和真考比较贴切,其他的我不建议练。OG最有用的是梯度训练,easy medium hard让你知道你的程度到哪里,还有里面有两套模拟考。PP2看上去只有2个模拟考,实际上题目相对很多,因为ta第二个section的题目是根据你第一个section的正确率呈现的,很人性化,适合多练。OG的梯度练习可以在考前两个月拿来摸底,但是其余模考资源慎用,因为实在不算多,当然你认为是时候了该用了的时候也别省着,临考一个月每个星期都要至少一次模考。

考试那天早上吃多点,带点巧克力面包什么的中间10mins休息吃。还有考完之后有个report your scores 和cancel your scores的两个按钮,别按错不然就额呵呵了。按完之后很刺激的成绩就出来了,然后你会发愣大概半分钟,嗯,正常。





