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当前位置:文档库 › BBC新闻讲解2011-08-01第757期





BBC News with Sue Montgomery

Taliban militants have carried out a major attack in southern Afghanistan,using multiple suicide bombs,rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns.More than20people have been killed. During the assault in Tarin Kowt,the capital of Uruzgan province,a reporter for the BBC's Pashto service,Ahmed Omed Khpulwak,was shot dead.From Kabul,Bilal Sarwary.

In the chaos that followed,Afghan security forces fought with heavily armed insurgents. Eyewitnesses say Nato helicopter gunships were firing from the air.The gun battle spread to the local market,where some shopkeepers were forced to barricade themselves into their shops. Doctors in Tarin Kowt say more than20people were killed during the fighting,including10 children.Amongst the dead was a BBC reporter who had been working nearby.Ahmed Omed Khpulwak had been working for the BBC in Uruzgan since2008.

Egypt's official news agency has announced that the trial of the deposed President Hosni Mubarak on corruption charges and ordering the killing of protesters will start next week in Cairo.Here's Jon Leyne.

This decision will delight protesters and relatives of those killed in the revolution earlier this year, but they will remain sceptical until they see Hosni Mubarak in the dock in a court in Cairo.The health minister has said that the former president is now fit enough to travel from his hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh to Cairo,and this is where the trial is scheduled to start next Wednesday.A large conference centre is already being prepared.Egyptian state television will be allowed access,most probably for live broadcasting,though that has not yet been confirmed.

Hours before a key vote in Congress on the American debt crisis,leaders of the country's biggest banks have called on President Obama and lawmakers to reach a deal.They say the consequences of failure could be grave.The House of Representatives is due to vote on a Republican Party plan to raise the government's borrowing limit and cut spending.The White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said most Americans understand what's at stake.

"If Congress does not compromise and does not act,that allowing the United States to default for the first time in its history would have severe economic consequences and would-everyone, every family that owns a home and has a mortgage would be affected.Every American who has a car and a car payment would be affected,a student loan,a credit card.And that's just the beginning,and Congress has a way of waiting until the last minute to do the right thing.We remain confident that it will."

A United States army serviceman has been arrested near Fort Hood military base in Texas after being found with bomb-making materials.Thirteen people were killed by an army psychiatrist at the base two years ago.Officials say the arrested man,Jason Abdo Naser,has admitted planning

an attack.He was taken into custody after behaving suspiciously in a gun shop.Police say he'd been absent from another army base since early July.

BBC News

The new President of Peru,Ollanta Humala,has been sworn in,promising the poor a greater share of the benefits of economic growth.During the ceremony,he said he would govern as a moderate, promising to keep existing free market policies.He also pledged to tackle inequality and corruption.

"The extraordinary profits of the mining companies must contribute to the national effort to reduce poverty.Contracts will be respected and business will continue,but have no doubt,this significant contribution will benefit the whole country."

The hotel maid who's accused the former chief of the International Monetary Fund,Dominique Strauss-Kahn,of sexually assaulting her says she's been left traumatised.At a news conference convened by her supporters in New York,Nafissatou Diallo said she'd been called many bad names.

"These past two months,like I say I'm going through a lot.I was crying.My daughter told me people call you bad names.People tell bad things about you because they don't know you.You have to remember this guy,he's a powerful man.Everybody knows that.But for you,only the people that you work with or our neighbours know(s)you for those people say good things about you."

The New York authorities are considering dropping the case against Mr Strauss-Kahn because of concerns over Ms Diallo's credibility.He denies the charges.

Fresh allegations have emerged of phone hacking at the British newspaper,the News of the World. It now appears that the mother of a murdered schoolgirl,Sara Payne,may have had her mobile phone hacked by an investigator who worked for the paper.Following the abduction and murder 11years ago,the News of the World campaigned vigorously on her behalf for paedophiles' addresses to be made public.

BBC News



塔利班好战分子使用多重自杀式炸弹,火箭推进榴弹和机枪对阿富汗南部发动了重大袭击,造成20多人死亡。在鲁斯加省首府塔林科特的袭击中,BBC普什图语服务记者Ahmed Omed Khpulwak遇难。喀布尔,Bilal Sarwary报道。

在随后的混乱中,阿富汗安全力量与全副武装的反叛分子发生了战斗。目击者表示,北约武装直升机在空中开火。这起枪战扩散到了当地的市场,一些店主被迫躲藏到店铺中。塔林科特的医生表示,在冲突中共有20多人死亡,包括10名儿童。死者中包括在附近工作的一名BBC记者。Ahmed Omed Khpulwak自2008年以来一直在BBC普什图语服务部门工作。

埃及官方新闻机构宣布,针对被推翻的总统穆巴拉克腐败和下令杀害抗议者的指控的审判将于下周在开罗开始。Jon Leyne报道。


美国国会针对债务危机进行关键的投票之前几小时,美国最大的银行的领袖呼吁奥巴马总统和立法者达成协议。他们说,如果双方未达成协议,产生的后果将是非常严重的。众议院将针对共和党提出的提高政府债务限额和削减支出的计划进行投票。白宫发言人卡尼(Jay Carney)表示,大部分美国人都能理解目前形势的危急。


美国陆军一名军人在得克萨斯胡德堡陆军基地附近被捕,因为他身上携带有制作炸弹的材料。两年前,该基地13人被军队一名精神科医生枪杀。官员表示,被捕男子Jason Abdo Naser 已经承认计划发动袭击。他在一家枪械商店行为可疑,随后被拘留。警方表示,他来自另外一个军事基地,自6月初以来一直缺勤。


秘鲁新任总统奥利安塔·乌马拉(Ollanta Humala)宣誓就职,承诺穷人能够在经济增长中享有更多利益。在就职仪式中,他表示,他将以温和的方式执政,承诺保持现有的自由市场政策。他还承诺解决不平等和腐败的问题。


指控前IMF总裁卡恩性侵犯的酒店女服务员称她受到了精神创伤。在她的支持者在纽约召开的新闻发布会上,Nafissatou Diallo说她得到了许多坏名声。



关于英国《世界新闻报》电话窃听事件出现了新的指控。被谋杀的女孩Sara Payne的母亲的电话可能也被该报纸的调查人员窃听过。11年前,世界新闻报对这起绑架和谋杀案进行了追踪报道,代表Sara Payne大肆宣扬,要求将恋童癖者的讲话公诸于众。



1.multiple adj.多重的,多种多样的

例句:He excels in multiple-choice questions.


2.barricade vt.设路障于;以障碍物阻塞

例句:The police barricaded the entrance.


3.sceptical adj.不肯相信的;常怀疑的

例句:I am rather sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.


4.grave adj.(指情况)严重的

例句:This heavy rain could have grave consequences.










https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca18257657.html,promise vi.折中解决

例句:They compromised by going to the cinema.



例句:I am prepared to make some concession on minor details,but I cannot compromise on fundamentals.


6.suspiciously adv.猜疑地;疑心很深地

例句:The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.


7.moderate adj.中等的,适度的,不很大的

例句:He has a room of moderate size.



例句:He is a moderate smoker.


8.inequality n.不平等,不均等,不等量

例句:economic inequality among the nations of the world


9.extraordinary adj.意想不到的;令人惊奇的;奇怪的

例句:It's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party.



1.The White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said most Americans understand what's at stake. at stake在危急关头,危若累卵

例句:Your health is at stake.


2.The extraordinary profits of the mining companies must contribute to the national effort to reduce poverty.

contribute to为…作出贡献

例句:To contribute to a joint or common purpose.


3.These past two months,like I say I'm going through a lot.

go through遭受,经受,经历

例句:When he was a child,he went through one hardship after another.



1.It now appears that the mother of a murdered schoolgirl,Sara Payne,may have had her mobile phone hacked by an investigator who worked for the paper.

may have had表示猜测

情态动词+动词完成式即“情态动词+have+done分词”,表示对过去行为或动作进行推测、评论或判断。must have done表示对过去某事的肯定猜测。其否定或疑问形式都用can(could)来表示.当然对现在发生或将来发生的事情,要用must do表示猜测,否定为can’t do;.may/

might have done表示推测过去某事“也许”发生了.may比might表示的可能性在说话人看来稍大些;could have done在肯定句型中,往往用作委婉的批评.本应该做什么,而没做;有时也用作猜测.ought to/should have done和ought not to/shouldn’t have done用于对已发生的情况表示“责备”、“不满”,分别表示“本应该…”和“本不应该…”;needn’t have done表示过去做了某事,但没有做的必要,意为“本没必要…”。注:表示推测过去某动作发生的可能性时,就表示的可能性程度而言,must最大,could其次,may更次之,might最小。


BBC新闻10篇 BBC News Item1政治:吉尔吉斯斯坦总统逃亡国外 The President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev has left the country and flown to neighboring Kazakhstan almost a week after his political opponents seized power.The authorities in Kazakhstan said his departure had been organized with the help of Russia and the United States. Rayhan Demytrie reports. A plane carrying the ousted Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev took off from Jalalabad Airport on Thursday evening.Within an hour,the foreign ministry of Kazakhstan issued a statement,saying Mr Bakiyev landed in the Kazakh city of Taraz.His departure,the statement said,was a result of negotiations between the US,Russia,Kazakhstan and a number of other international diplomats.And it was done for the prevention of civil war and further unrest in the country. BBC News Item2灾难:哀悼遇难波兰总统 The pavement in front of President Kaczynski’s palace in central Warsaw has nearly disappeared from sight,covered now with thousands of small glass pots containing candles laid as a mark of respect.The president’s body has been brought back from Russia and is due to lie in state later today.More details of the funeral arrangements are expected over the next day or so. Poland’s health minister has said that only14of the96victims of Saturday’s air crash in Russia are identifiable.Crash investigators say data from the flight recorders appear to show there was no technical fault on the plane,suggesting pilot error may have been a factor in the crash. BBC News Item3灾难:莫斯科地铁连环爆炸案 The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have vowed to track down those behind the suicide bombings on the Moscow underground.The attacks by two female suicide bombers killed at least37people.President Medvedev spoke to reporters outside the Lubyanka underground station where one of the bombs exploded. “These were simply beasts and regardless of their motives,what they did is a crime under any law and in accordance with any morals.You know I have no doubt that we will find them and destroy them all.” Russia officials believed the bombs were the work of Muslim groups from the Northern Caucasus where rebels in a number of regions including Chechnya and Ingushetia have been waging violent campaigns for independence from Moscow. BBC News Item4健康:亚马逊土著部落受HINI袭击 An outbreak of swine flu among the relatively isolated tribes of the Amazon is of particular concern to the authorities because of the potential speed with which it could spread among the indigenous population. Now the London-based international organisation,Survival,says that is already happening among the Yanomami Indians in the border region between Venezuela and Brazil. The NGO claims that seven members of the Yanomami in Venezuela have died from the




调查性报道记者素质浅议-新闻学 调查性报道记者素质浅议 梁军 今年3月18日,有媒体爆出自2010年以来,山东省济南市庞某卫母女涉嫌非法经营疫苗,非法购入25种儿童、成人用二类疫苗,未经严格的冷,链存储运输销往全国18个省市,涉案金额达5.7亿元。这一新闻迅速成为关注焦点。“问题疫苗可能导致死亡”、“不敢再让孩子注射疫苗”等说法一瞬间甚嚣尘上,引起不少家长担忧与恐慌。但随着记者们调查的深入,这些误解与恐慌逐渐虽然消弭。对问题疫苗的调查报道,让普通民众增强了安全意识,让相关部门加强了监管。在当今的社会环境下,调查性报道与调查记者在新闻报道领域不可或缺,占据着重要地位。 调查性报道起源于20世纪初的美国,后于60年代在英美等西方国家中逐渐发展成熟。在其发展进步的过程中,出现了一批优秀的调查性报道作品,例如水门事件报道、越南美莱村屠杀报道、日本田中角荣丑闻报道等等。这些报道都因内容精彩、事实详实、调查逻辑清晰等原因,在当时社会引起较为强烈的反响,并为调查性报道的普及以及其在新闻报道中的重要地位奠定基础。那么,作为调查性报道的主要采访者,他们应该有着怎样的基本素质呢? 我国调查性报道的现状 调查性报道自起源开始就对世界各地的新闻报道产生了不小影响,并逐渐形成一种深度报道的重要模式,然而在不同的国家和地区,调查性报道的意义并不完全相同。 在美国,调查性报道记者编辑协会(IRE)把调查性报道概括为:一种通过


美其名,得万金 XX 项目万元有奖征名活动方案 一、活动思路:为了更好的凸显楼盘特征及增加项目美誉度,我公司现面向社会开展楼盘案名征集活动。本次活动主要通过有奖征名的方式,充分展现公司的实力,进而展示xx 项目的信息。让更多人了解本项目,为项目销售启动做好准备。 二、活动目的 巧妙的把XX项目及项目信息传达出去,引起市场关注;制造区域内项目的 第一轮宣传高潮吸引潜在客户的注意,以较低的成本,取得最大的效果; 同时在媒体上发布征名公告,为项目蓄势铺路。 三、活动主题 “美其名,得万金” 四、活动细则 (一)、案名要求 1、清新简练,响亮上口,主题突出,个性鲜明,富有文化品位和现代气息; 2、准确反映项目的规划特色,依托区域优势,扩大项目知名度; 3、每个案名与必须要求有详细的注解和释义,并以简体文字进行表达; 4、应征案名必须是原创作品,同时必须符合相关法律法规; 5、所有来稿者需用真实姓名,每位来稿者最多限提供 2 个案名方案。 (二)、评选办法 1、评选原则:公开、公平、公正 2、评选方式:根据案名要求和项目的实际情况对应征项目案名进行评选,选出多条应 征项目案名,并确定入围项目案名,在此基础上,再进一步筛选优化,确定最终案名。获奖稿件和名

单将于活动结束后公布于现场售楼部和相关媒体。 3、评选人:各级领导,外聘专家。 (三)、奖励办法 1、一等奖:1名,奖金人民币5000 元,同时享开盘额外10000元购房款优惠; 2、二等奖:2名,奖金人民币1000元/名,同时享开盘额外8000 元购房款优惠; 3、三等奖:5 名,奖金人民币500 元/名,同时享开盘额外6000 元购房款优惠; 4、优秀奖:10名,奖金人民币100元/名,同时享开盘额外3000 元购房款优惠; 5 、参与奖:凡参与人员均可获精美礼品一件,同时享开盘额外2000 元购房款优惠;总奖金:10500 元 本活动总奖励价值逾30 万元 (七)、案名投递渠道 1、E-mail 方式,请在主题栏写明“XX项目万元征名” ,电子邮箱: 2、QQ方式:请直接加QQ群(XX项目万元征名)留言,填写案名、注解和释义; 4、现场参与:前往营销中心索取有奖征名表,填写案名、注解和释义。 (八)、公告发布方式 1、内部资源: 1)短信形式通知区域内潜在客户; 2)“行政通知”形式传达到各项目部; 3)在老旧社区内张帖活动海报 4)发活动海报到各拆迁指挥部; 5)开发公司官方网站首页发布“ xx 项目有奖征名”公告。 2、大众媒体: 1)项目现场户外 2)QQ 群间传播


Item 1. T rue or False. 1.( ) Military strikes on the Islamic State extremists began a campaign against the Islamic State jihadists. 2.( ) Last night, four nations including the United States attacked on IS positions in Syria. 3.( ) The airstrikes in Syria was very successful in targeting militant training centers, commander control facilities and storage hubs. 4.( )The people that were killed last night were militants from Islamic State and an al-Qaeda affiliate. 5.( )This campaign would end very soon. Item 2. Blank-filling. The United Nations Refugee Agency says it's preparing for 6. several hundred thousands Syrian refugees in Turkey as the Islamic State militants are 7. the border town of Kubani.Imogen Foulkes has more. Dozens of villages across Syria's Kurdish north are already 8. . Now Islamic State has approaching the major border town of Kabani, population 400,000. The UN is preparing for all of those people to flee into Turkey. Amid widespread reports of serious 9. including the deliberate killing of women and children, no one wants to risk waiting for Islamic States to arrive. Syria's refugees already number a 10. , now that could rise by another half a million. Item 3. T rue or False 11.( )Enough efforts have been made to curb the change of the climate. 12.( ) the United States will take more responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. Item 4. Questions. 13.Why have the former papal ambassador been arrested inside the V atican City? 14.Whom was the senior V atican diplomat charged by? 15When will Josef Wesolowski be tried by a V atican tribunal? 16.What did the conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy wanted heavy restrictions on? 17.In Mariano Rajoy’s opinion,in what case women are allowed have the rights to abortion ? Item 5. Multiple choices 18. ( ) Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said concluding with Western powers would expand the possibility of cooperation in different areas. A. a nuclear deal B.a clear deal C. a dear deal D.a deal 19.( ) Teheran and Western powers have until Nov to seal a long term agreement that would end sanctions on . A. 6 25th Iraq B. 5 24th Iran C. 6 24th Iran D. 5 25th Iraq 20( ) The army in has said the country's borders with and have been sealed off in a bid to control the spread of Ebola. A. Sierra Leone Guinea Liberia B. Liberia Guinea Sierra Leone C. Guinea Liberia Sierra Leone D. Sierra Leone Liberia Guinea


宣传活动通讯稿范文 篇一:银行户外宣传活动通讯稿 寒风里,那一团火热 ——记XX银行XX支行3月24日户外宣传活动 3月24日,XX银行XX支行的伙伴们,在行长XXX的带领下,在呼啸的寒风里,进行了一场户外宣传活动,取得了令人满意的效果。3月24日上午10点,XX支行的4名伙伴,在行长和理财经理的带领下,来到了人民东路与XX街的交汇口,进行本次的户外宣传活动。春日的XX,虽然见到了阳光,但前一天的降温,却带来了呼啸的寒风。然而,寒风虽冷,吹不散XX团队心中的火热;寒风虽劲,吹不灭XX团队心中的激情!寒风中,大家在行长和理财经理的带领下,分工合作:有人去周边商铺进行派单宣传,有人固守摊位等候客户,还有人主动出击,寻求宣传的目标! 分工不同,目标却是一致;方式不同,效果一样明显。经过长达

两个多小时的宣传,相当数量的客户都对我行最新的理财产品和打折购卡的活动,表示了相当大的兴趣,并主动留下电话号码,希望可以有最新的消息通知他们。 本次户外宣传取得令人满意的效果,不是偶然的,而是全体XX 团队共同努力地效果。宣传前,行长和理财经理亲自前往宣传场地查看,测算不同时间段该路段的人流量和人群分层;宣传中,XX团队分工合作,针对不同的目标客户,采用了不同的宣传方法。正式这种科学规划,理性设计,才保证了我们的宣传,能以最小的投入,取得最优异的成果!而我们XX团队,也会凭着我们的努力,让XX支行越走越好! 篇二:志愿者活动通讯稿模板 我校开展XX年“XX”青年志愿活动 Xx年的xx月xx日,是第xx个xx。为了使“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿精神得到传递与展现,并将“助人为乐、服务他人、奉献社会”的崇高美德带进校园,同时全面推动我校的精神文明建设,


英语新闻报道写作的主要技巧 新闻报道的结构一般分为四个部分:(一)标题、(二)导语、(三)主体、(四)结语。 标题是新闻的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。在今天繁忙的现代社会中,报纸的读者大多是标题浏览者。导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步开展和阐释。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。 一般来说,标题、导语和主体是构成新闻报道的必不可少的三部分。可根据新闻报道的内容而确定是否要结语或其它内容(如事件和历史背景等),有时,还可将它们暗含在主体中。 在写新闻报道时,首先要注意新闻的标题具有语言幽默风趣的特点,有较强的吸引力。同时,写作依据的材料要充分,要用事实来说话,语言力求简洁。最后,报道中要有亮点,能引人深思或能让人产生强烈的兴趣。 请阅读下面一则关于刘翔获得奥运金牌的体育报道,并试着找出这则新闻报道的标题、导语和主体:

Liu Xiang:Dark Horse in the Athens Olympics Liu Xiang , born on July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China, is a Chinese hurdling athlete. In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF (国际业余田径联合会) Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles. He has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics. Two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 13.2014 seconds. Still young, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2014 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles event. In the final, he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of Wales. This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent (后裔) has dipped under 13 seconds for the 110 meter hurdles.


Paris attacks: France calls on EU to 'wake up' to threat 2015-11-20 French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has said European countries must "wake up" to terror threats, following the attacks in Paris that left 129 people dead. He spoke after it emerged that the suspected Belgian ringleader of the attacks had entered France undetected. Belgian PM Charles Michel has defended Belgium's security services amid claims the attacks were organised there. It comes as EU interior ministers are due to hold emergency talks. The meeting in Brussels is expected to tighten checks at the external borders of the EU's passport-free Schengen area. Key questions remain after attacks On Thursday, French prosecutors confirmed that Islamic State (IS) militant AbdelhamidAbaaoud was among those killed in a police raid the previous day. His bullet-riddled body was found in the wreckage of a flat in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis. Investigators had identified him as the most likely organiser of last Friday's attacks, but it was initially thought he was in Syria. At a news conference, Mr Cazeneuve said "no information" had been received from other European countries about his arrival on the continent. But he said he had received intelligence that Abaaoud had passed through Greece on his return from Syria. "It is urgent that Europe wakes up, organises itself and defends itself against the terrorist threat," Mr Cazeneuve told reporters. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said some of those involved in the attacks had taken advantage of the migration crisis in Europe - which has seen thousands of asylum seekers arrive on the continent - to "slip into" France unnoticed.


1. China?has?announced?the?end?of?its?decades?long?policy?ofrestricting?most?families?to ?have?only?one?child.?The?officialXinhua?News?Agency?says?that?all?couples?would?be ?allowed?tohave?two?children?citing?a?statement?from?the?rulingcommunist?party.?Joh n?Sudworth?reports?from?eastern?China. “China?is?obsession?with?birth?control?began?with?Chairman?Mao?and?became?nationa l?law?afterhis?death.?Few?policies?anywhere?can?have?affected?so?many?lives?so?prof oundly.?This?mothertells?me?she?had?no?choice?but?to?have?abortion.?You?either?go? willingly?or?the?governmentcomes?for?you,?she?says.?In?recent?years,?the?one?child?p olicy?had?already?been?relaxed?with?anincreasing?number?of?exceptions?and?exemptio ns.?Now?it’s?finally?going,?but?its?replacement?by?atwo-child?policy?is?a?sign?that?the? communist?Party?is?not?yet?ready?to?fully?relinquish?controlover?female?fertility.”birth?control?计划生育 abortion?堕胎,流产 中国宣布取消已实施数十年的独生子女政策。官方新闻机构新华社称,中国执政党共产党发表声明,允许夫妇生育两个子女。约翰?萨德沃思从中国东部城市报道。“从毛主席时代开始,中国便实行计划生育政策。他过世后,计划生育成为了国家法令。鲜有政策可以如此深入的影响到多代人的生活。这位妈妈告诉我,怀上二胎后除了流产她没有其它办法。她说,要么自愿流产,要么等政府办事人员找上门。近年,随着越来越多生育政策上的例外与豁免,独生子女政策有所放松。现在终于有正式消息了,不过取代独生子女政策的二胎政策,意味着 中国并没有全面放开对妇女生育的管控。 2. A?corruption?watch?dog?says?nearly?all?countries?in?the?MiddleEast?and?North?Africa? have?opaque?defense?budgets?withalmost?no?parliamentary?accountability.?In?a?new?r eport,?theLondon?based?Transparency?International?says?secrecy?acrossdefense?and?s ecurity?establishments?remains?the?norm?in?theregion.?And?the?ensuing?corruption?wa s?having?a?big?impact?on?the?rise?of?terrorism.?He?said?onlyJordan?and?Tunisia?publi shed?their?defense?budgets.?BBC?news. 一所贪污监察机构表示,中东及非洲北部地区国家的国防预算几乎都处于不受国会问责的非透明状态。据总部在伦敦的“国际透明组织”最新报告显示,上述地区在国防和安全设施中讳莫如深是常态。确凿的贪污现象对日渐突出的恐怖主义活动负有重大责任。报告还称,只有 约旦和突尼斯公布其国防预算。BBC新闻。 3. Hello,?I’m?Julie?Candler?with?the?BBC?news.?Poland’sConservative?Law?and?Justice?Pa rty?has?won?a?decisive?victoryin?parliamentary?elections?following?a?campaign?in?whic


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 中国调查性报道现状 篇一:回顾中国当代调查性报道发展的轨迹及其取得的成果 回顾中国当代调查性报道发展的轨迹及其取得的成果,我们有理由为之欢欣 舞,同时我们也看到在调查性报道在中国的发展与成熟并不是一墩而就的,只 正视成果与不足,认真对待遇到的阻碍与困难, 才能使中国未来的调查性报道 挥其应有的作用。 第一,当代中国调查性报道无论是在揭露的广度,还是在揭露的深度方面都 到了一定高度,而且在党领导的新闻事业体制下,寻找到了自己生存与发展的 间,达到了和公众舆论的良性互动—不仅揭露出种种不公现象背后的新闻,时由于舆论影响,引起社会管理者的重视,达到某些制度改革的目的。 第二,中国当代调查性报道中夹杂了许多非揭露性的题

材。首先是因为概念 淆,许多新闻工作者将深度报道等同于调查性报道,并不理解调查性报道的核 与内涵,导致一些媒体动辄将节目命名为调查性报道,这种做法不利于调查性 道的发展。第二个原因就是,调查性报道在中国的道路并不平坦,面对种种限 与压力,无奈许多调查性报道的栏目或节目中夹杂了许多非揭露性的题材,但 并不是说他们就认定此为调查性报道,我们姑且称之为“曲线救国”。我们从 新闻调查》各个时期提出的口号即可看出,从最初的“新闻背后的新闻”,到 000年提出“探寻事实真相”,再到20xx年提出“做真正的调查性报道”,什么 “真正的调查性报道”,恐怕连制片人也承认只有真正做到了揭露性题材的深 调查报道的新闻才称得上调查性报道。 第三,我国记者开展的调查性报道多是在新闻事件被有关部门处理和肯定之 才开展的。“很多有新闻价值的事件往往是待其盖棺定论之后再采访,而不是

20年璀璨 携手更辉煌(春晖20年征集评选活动新闻稿)

20年璀璨携手更辉煌 ——春晖二十年商标、司歌、广告语评选活动巡礼“同行二十年,感恩无止境”。2014年11月16日下午至晚上,赤峰春晖文化传媒有限责任公司隆重举行20年商标、司歌、广告语征集评选活动。 20年的历程对一个企业来讲标志着正走向“年富力强”。春晖公司经过20年的发展,目前已经形成集户外广告、网络中心、礼品商城、鲜花礼仪、婚礼庆典为一体的文化传媒公司。值此春晖20年之际,春晖公司决定再次扬帆起航,向社会广泛征集商标、司歌、广告语,以社会各界优秀的作品,助力春晖以崭新的面貌开始新的征程。 此次评选活动特别邀请了我市著名作家、词作家、作曲家、剧作家、美术家等专家担任评审工作。 顶级评审团甄选优秀作品 此次征集活动在社会上引起了强烈的反响和关注,全国各地的众多文艺工作者以及热心人士踊跃参与,纷纷通过电子邮件、电话、信函等形式投稿、咨询。值得一提的是,春晖邀请到的评审专家都是在市内具有较高威望、德艺双馨的文化艺术工作者,是赤峰地区最专业的评审团队,他们以敏锐、严谨的眼光和思维对待每一个作品。 在评选现场,每位评审专家都秉承着认真的态度,坚持“公平、公正、公开”的原则,仔细分析每一个作品与春晖公司的契合度。据评审专家们介绍,本次征集的作品内容十分丰富,每一个作品都有亮点,艺术含量颇高。 经过几个小时的讨论、争辩、对比,最终经过评委会决定,确定了入选广告语和司歌,遗憾的是,投稿商标经过评审专家从线条、元素、色彩、内涵上反复的甄选及分析,依然没有挑选出与春晖契合度较高的作品,最终决定继续公开征集商标,期待更好的作品出现。 二十年风雨兼程迸发璀璨一路向前 春晖公司成立,仿佛还是昨天的事情。1994——2014年,如白驹过隙,春晖经历了两人独拼到团队共进,经历了业务范围的不断拓展,像一支小小的幼苗不断吸收养分,经历了多少场风雨的洗礼,终于枝繁叶茂,成为参天大树。春晖人在20年里不断变强,不仅得到了社会各界的广泛认可、使业务范围不断扩大,而且更加明确了春晖公司的核心价值观,铸造了春晖公司新的辉煌!

BBC news 新闻稿

BBC news 2014-05-07--------- Police in the Philippines have arrested 58 people involved in an Internet extortion network. They are accused of posting fake profiles to social network sites, luring mostly elderly men into exposing themselves in video chats which then filmed and used to blackmail them for money. Basically what's been going on here is that criminals have now taken advantage of technology and in particularly, social networking site where they are creating multiple fake profiles to befriend as many people as possible. And the aim was of this is to encourage the person that befriended into having sex over the Internet in front of the webcam and unknown to the person this is filmed and recorded it. And then she used a blackmail further on. Many of these firms are so well-organized like a traditional business with the staff that they have got. So they really are very well-organized. And it enables them to commit crime all over the world rather than traditionally where they may have been confined to their own country. And these are mostly men, it seems, to think they are striking up kind of interval relationship over the Internet with a woman. It turns out that they are not. What kind of money is extorted from them? It varies anything from a few hundred pounds through to few thousand dollars. And it's whatever they think that they can afford. It's very similar and very specialized to some of the other form we've seen in particular countries, some countries where teams have got together and they are specialized in skimming cards. Others have specialized in other types of fraud. I guess it's possibly also the fact that Philippines does well in tourist from westernized countries to the Philippines. The US Secretary of States John Kerry says the South Sudan President Salva Kiir has agreed to peace talks aimed at ending the conflict there. Mr. Kerry was speaking after the talks with the president in the capital Juba. I've told President Kiir that the choices that both he and the opposition face are stark and clear and that the unspeakable human costs that we have seen over the course of last month and which could even grow if they fail to sit down are unacceptable to the global community.


调查性报道开始于19 世纪末20 世纪初的美国。20 世纪60 年代,它勃兴于整个 西方国家。目前,它和解释性报道、客观报道一同构成了西方国家新闻报道的主流。 一、中西调查性报道概念比较 (一)西方概念中的调查性报道。 西方对调查性报道的研究已近百年,定义和认识较为系统化。尽管不同的学者对调查性报道的认识角度不尽相同,但总的来说,西方学者对调查性报道的定义和认识集中在三个方面:第一,报道对象为揭露被人为有意隐藏的事件;第二报道内容具有分析性,细节更为详尽;第三,报道制作者—记者,必须独立调查,新闻文本应保证原创性。通俗地讲,在西方,调查性报道是一种具有英雄主义性质的活动—记者孤身犯险,自主调查挖退进仃J甲国化明解瑛,x7新闻头践中调查性报道的开展更具指导性。 (三)中西调查性报道的概念差异。 纵观中西对于调查性报道的定义和认识,我们可以发现:西方国家对于调查性报道的理解是遵循着“揭露丑闻”这一核心的,而在中国,调查性报道的定义则在一定层次上发生了变构。可以说,中国更多的学者和从业人士认为,调查性报道主要并非仅仅揭露丑闻,而是承担着更多社会教化的重任。 (二)中国调查性报道的发展历程。 《申报》在1882年刊登的中国第一条电讯稿就是披露一位官员读职的消息,可以称为调查性报道的雏形。在晚清、民国以及建国后至70年代末,中国的调查性报道一直由于权力系统的干预阻挠而难以真正形成。直到80年代,中国的调查性报道才浮出水面。1980年《工人日报》发表了“渤海二号”钻井船在拖航中翻船的调查报道,以及《人民日报》的《白衣下的污垢》、《蒋爱珍为什么杀人》,《中国青年报》的《命运备忘录》等等,都属于调查性报道。20世纪90年代后,随着电视在中国的兴起,电视调查性报道异军突起。比如《逃不掉的罪责》、《难圆绿色梦》、《“粮食满仓”的真相》、《探秘传销大本营》等,在社会上引起了强烈反响的同时充朴分握了组论游髻的作用,在某种程度上成功影响了政府的政策措施,为中国媒体做了守望社会的模范作用。2003年《南方都市报》的孙志刚事件”成为中国调查性报道的巅峰。“孙志刚事件”从《南方都市报》的首次披露,到新浪网的转载成为全国关注的新闻,最终引起《中国青年报》、新华网、CCTV,《人民日报》等主流媒体的关注。媒体的调查性报道成功地将社会中潜藏的毒瘤公之于众。 (二)调查性报道的中国定位。 与西方媒体的调查性报道相比,当前中国媒体的调查性报道既有相似的一面,也有迥异的一面。一些著名的调查性报道,不仅仅揭露了令人发指的黑幕,还成功地促使政府进行作为和改变,促进了社会民主的发展。中国媒体通过调查性报道的方式进行舆论监督取得了巨大的成就,然而,中国媒体进行调查性报道


【个人简历范文】 环保作品创意大赛新闻稿 为了让同学们养成废物利用与节约资源的良好习惯,改变同学们头脑中传统的“资源→产品→垃圾”的思维模式,树立“资源-产品-垃圾-再资源化”的新理念,11月24日,轻化学院环保协会特举办了本次环保作品创意大赛。本次活动旨在提高同学们的环保与创新意识,面向全校同学进行作品征集。共征集作品36件,有废弃的宣传单做成的一物两用的相框笔筒,有废弃的纸箱做成的航空母舰“保-钓号”,有不用的废纸盒做成的机器人“波比”构思巧妙的作品令人目不暇接,参赛作者分别上台依次对各自的作品进行评论解说,但他们的共同点就是变废为宝,更好的节约资源,保护环境。 本次活动让同学们有机会通过自己的双手把废弃物变为实用美观的物品,从而提高他们废物利用、变废为宝的意识,也提高了同学们的动手能力,丰富了大家的课余生活,更重要的是传达了同学们对“变废为宝”理念的支持和对生活的热爱,从而形成节约资源、物尽其用的良好校园风尚。 环保协会杨贝贝 环保作品创意大赛新闻稿 [篇2] 我校第一届“变废为宝”环保节能创意设计大赛颁奖仪式隆重举行 5月26日,由校团委、后勤总公司主办,校学生会承办的我校第一届“变废为宝”环保节能创意设计大赛颁奖仪式在阳光厅门口隆重举行。校团委书记草珺、副书记谢智星及各二级学院相关负责人出席仪式并给获奖选手颁奖。 本届环保创意大赛历时一个月,面向全校征集环保创意作品,同学们积极响应“倡导环保节能理念,争做校园绿色卫士”的大赛主题,,围绕“变废为宝”环保节能的理念,用生活中的废弃物或闲置物品,通过自己简单手工加工制作成了一件件制作出具有创新性、实用性和艺术性的手工艺品,用烟盒做成的中国馆模型、寓意一帆风顺的大纸船、简单实用的小笔筒、饮料瓶盖贴成的卡-通人物所有的作品都体现出了同学们丰富的想象力和创造力,凝聚着同学们智慧的闪光。本届大赛共收到来自全校的71件环保创意作品,经过前期的初赛、复赛共有47件进入了决赛,最终经过评审组的细致评选来自公安分院的董富修凭借作品《龟螺戏青花》,张博文、郝文玉《诺亚方舟》 本次环保节能创意设计大赛为同学们搭建一个把环保意识付诸于行动的桥梁,增强了同学们的环保节能意识,提高了同学们动手实践的能力,有利于推动环保节能型校园的建设。
