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a perfect day 完整版

a perfect day 完整版
a perfect day 完整版

Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to voice my teaching plan of the text “A Perfect Day?”The content is taken from Senior High English Module 1 Unit1 lifestyles. I have been ready to begin this representation with six parts: teaching material, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures, blackboard design and teaching reflection.

Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material:

This is the first lesson in the first unit of Module one. This theme of this unit is lifestyles, and the main task of this lesson is to read a passage titled A Perfect Day. This passage introduces two entirely different lifestyles-----a coach potato and a workaholic. I hope that through learning this lesson, the students can be inspired to live a healthy lifestyle and know how to. This article occupies an important position

in this unit. Through the study of this article, students can improve their reading ability and master how to use English to express life habits. It is also essential for students to practice their abilities in speaking, reading, listening and writing about the theme of this unit.

Something about the students

They have just attend high school, but after three years of junior high school study, they already have a certain English language foundation and thinking, the vast majority of students are interested in learning English, their curiosity and learning motivation is relatively strong. As for English communication ability, however, due to the weak oral English foundation, and a lack of self-confidence, their oral communication abilities are relatively weak. So the teacher should encourage students to seize every chance to speak English, in order to achieve the purpose of practicing spoken language. In addition, high school students basically need some reading strategies such as skimming and scanning to finish required tasks, so teachers need to make full use of every opportunity to give them guidance and training.

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, I think the teaching aims are the followings: Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aims (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

(1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and phrases.

(2)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about different lifestyles and get their own idea about building a healthy lifestyle.

2.Ability aims (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing

(2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.

(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

(4) To train them to describe a kind of lifestyle and how to improve a lifestyle.

3.Emotion or moral aims (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野) Inspire students to know the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Know the ways of setting up a healthy lifestyle.

The Important and Difficult Points

Based on the requirement of the syllabus.

Teaching important points

a).To master some nouns and verbs related to lifestyles. Such as a couch potato, sports programs, TV series, films, a workaholic, office, meetings, switch on/ off /over, get

up lately, take up, fill with, bring back

b).To improve the skills of skimming and scanning.

Teaching difficult points

a).To describe a kind of lifestyle using the words and phrases learned in this lesson.

b).To think about how to improve lifestyle.

Part 2: My teaching methods and aids

Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following t heories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director;Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Teaching methods: 一是直观演示法:To help the students better understand the content of this lesson, I will use PPT to show some words, phrases and photos. Communicative teaching method: I will let students finish a task by making a dialogue and acting it out. I will set up a situation, in this way, the students can say in pairs or groups. They can say freely and needn’t worry about making mistakes.

Task-based teaching method: That’s to say, to help the students have a better understanding of the text, they are required to finish some reading exercises in a limited time.

Teaching aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. multimedia

3. the blackboard

Part 3 Learning methods: Individual work and group work.

Students are supposed to learn on their own under some guidance.

They are mainly taught to gather and analyze information independently, to solve problems using the knowledge they have learnt.

Part 4. Teaching procedures

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.

The entire steps are:

Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation, Fast reading(scanning), New words, Intensive reading, Listening, Discussion, Consolidation, Homework

Step1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step2. Revision

Step3. Pre-reading: Lead-in and preparation (5mins)

a). Ask them questions like “Do you like watch ing TV? What programs are they?”Show them some pictures and let them talk freely.

b).Use the pictures on the book to make a prediction.

(How much time do you spend watching TV? What kind of lifestyles do the men in the pictures have?)

Purpose: Arouse the stu dents’ interest of study.

Bring in the subject: Lifestyles

Step4. While-reading (30mins)

Fast reading: Read the passage as quickly as they can.

Underline the TV programs that Brain usually watches. And underline the kinds of work Bob does every day.

Method: Read the text individually, using task-based teaching method

Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability. Get the general idea of the text.

Step5. The recognition of new words(主要运用直观演示法)

I will write the new words on the bb. Students need to find them on their book and underline them. They are instructed to guess the meaning of the words according to the context given and think about their meanings in simple English. After that, we would check together and learn the new words.

Purpose: To foster their habits of guessing meanings through context, removing the bad behavior of referring to the dictionary for meaning. Meanwhile, this step is a preparation for further reading, in which new words can be obstacles.

Step5. Intensive reading (Task-based method)

Read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. (Exercise4)

1. Is Brain a lazy person? Can you find two examples of his laziness?


Purpose: Find out some details of the text to further understand the text.


Listen to the tape. They can choose either to read after in a low voice or just listen. Purpose: To check the pronunciation and intonation.

To allow the required information to sink in.

Post-reading (10mins)

Step7. Group discussion (Communicative teaching method)

Students will work in groups. I will let one of the group member acts

as a healthy expert, another as an interviewer. Thus, they will act out an interview. The interviewer would ask two questions

1). Do you think Brain and Bob’s lifestyles healthy? 2).What can they do to improve their lifestyles? Each member need to contribute and take an active part in the discussion.

Purpose: Improve their communicative ability and English thinking. Build up their sprits of cooperation. Make them aware of a healthy lifestyle.

Step8. Consolidation (5mins)

Do exercise7 on page9. Check their answers by having some of them read the whole sentences out.

(Purpose: The exercise is a good way to put out the language.)

Step9. Homework

Keep a diary about your weekend. Words about 100.

(Purpose: I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, put what they have learnt into practice, such as some new words and phrases.)

Part 5. Blackboard design

Unit1 Lesson 1

Brainstorming about TV programs key words and phrases

黑板的正上方是本课的标题,然后标题以下的地方首先是Brainstorming 部分的联想词汇,接下来本课的重难点词汇。

Part6. Teaching reflection


That is my entire teaching plan. Thank you!


第一讲传播与传播学 一、传播内容: 传播的内容就是信息(有信息存在才能产生传播) 信息是“两次不确定性之差” 换句话说,信息是能够减少或消除不确定的东西 客观世界的组成要素:物质、能量、信息 二、传播类型: 传播类型非人类传播 人类传播非社会传播自我传播 社会传播人际传播 组织传播 大众传播 三、传播学的诞生与发展 传播作为一门学科形成于20世纪中期,首先诞生在美国 1、政治——美国的诞生;两次世界大战 2、经济——广告的发展;大众传播业得发展 3、社会——正面影响(大量使用性信息的及时传播;各种娱乐性信息的提供充实人们的余暇);负面影响(色情、煽情性信息的大肆泛滥:普利策与赫斯特之间的所谓黄色新闻之争) 4、学术——社会学、心理学、新闻学、政治学、符号学、语言学等 三论:信息论、控制论、系统论 四、传播学的四大先驱: 1、政治学家:拉斯维尔(1902—1978) 宣传理论 五W模式 传播的三大社会功能 内容分析法 《世界大战的宣传技巧》 2、心理学家:卢因(1890——1947) “把关人” 场论,团体动力学 实验法 3、社会学家:拉扎斯菲尔德 两级传播论 哥伦比亚学派 调查研究法 4、社会心理学家:霍夫兰 态度说服理论 耶鲁学派 实验法 五、传播学的鼻祖和创建者——威尔伯·施拉姆 ▲对前人的传播研究加以系统化、正规化、完善化,创立了传播学 ▲一生写了30多部传播学论著,贡献了众多的理论成果:《传播学概论》、《报刊的四种理论

》等 ▲大力推进传播学的教育,创立了四个传播研究机构,形成了“施拉姆学派”。 第二讲信息、符号与讯息 一、信息 信息是“两次不确定性之差” 信息是传播的客体,传播的基本内容(相辅相成) 另一个重要的概念:熵(无序状态的量度),信息就是一种负熵 二、与信息有关的概念 1、噪音:传播过程中的干扰即噪音 2、冗余信息:即信息中包含的不影响信息的完整的、不容信息源自由选择的那一部分 3、反馈:控制论的概念,人类传播中指:“在人类传播中,指接收者对传播者发出的讯息的反应。传播者可以根据反馈检验传播的效果,并据此采取进一步的行动”。 4、前馈:“指的是在经济和社会发展中使用大众传媒时,事先通过调查研究等方式了解传播对象的需要,以改进传播节目的制作,增强传播的效果”。 二、符号 符号是信息的外在形式或物质载体 符号是用来指称呼或代表其他事物的象征物(人为或非人为) 讯息,信息经过符号化之后就构成了讯息 第三讲传播的基本类型 一、自我传播 又称内向传播,内在传播或自我传播,指的是个人接受外部信息并在人体内部进行信息处理的活动 二、人际传播 人际传播是在两者或两者以上之间进行的,面对面的或凭借简单媒介如电话、书信等大众传播媒介的信息交流活动 三、组织传播学 组织传播就是各种相互依赖关系造成的网络为了应付环境的不确定性而创造和交流信息的过程 四、大众传播 1、定义:大众传播是一个大规模的信息传送过程,在这个过程中,职业化和组织化的传播者出于各种目的,利用媒介系统广泛、迅速、持续不断的发出讯息,传递给人数众多、成分复杂的受众。


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d781837.html,/link?url=R51iV64IJ7TehYTZEpJ7TE_ cTYpliXL5dMUqwtDphLTeYU89hjgEvAztmioKWss5uCY2TYo64ql y6EusQEOGhnck21qcPZDuAx7kz8qWOzO 《大众传播学》 第一讲:传播与传播学 一、传播的定义:传播是人与人之间、人与社会之间,通过符号并借助一定的媒介,交 流信息,以期发生相应变化的运动。(传播信息共享) 二、人类传播有四种类型:(网络传播) 1.自身传播 2.人际传播 3.组织传播 4.大众传播的定义:指职业传播者和传播机构通过报纸、杂志、书籍、广播、电影、 电视等大众媒介向广大受众提供信息、知识、观念或娱乐的过程。 大众传播的特点:①传播者职业化、组织化; ②讯息复制化,讯息的传送是广泛、快速、连续、公开的; ③媒介机械化、电子化、网络化; ④受众大众化,人数众多,成分复杂,人员隐匿;④反馈间接迟缓,具有积聚性。 第二讲:传播学的诞生与发展 一、编码:编码是指传播者将信息转化成便于媒介传送和受众接受的符号或代码。 二、译码:译码指的是信息接收者将接收到的符号或代码还原为信息或意义。 三、编码和译码达到理想状态必须满足的条件: (1).“线路”通畅无噪音干扰; (2).符号系统为双方所熟悉; (3).符号形式与内容基本对应; (4).编码和译码须遵循社会公认的规则。 四、传播学的四大先驱 (一)政治学家哈罗德·拉斯韦尔(1902—1978):他是传播学的奠基者之一。 贡献:①提出了五W模式;②提出了社会传播的概念;③重视和倡导内容分析法。 拉斯韦尔的《世界大战中的宣传技巧》是传播学的重要文献。 他的《社会传播的结构和功能》(1948年)是构筑传播学大厦的蓝图,该文首先从内部 结构上分析了传播过程的五要素,提出了五W模式和五种相对应的传播研究。该文还概括 了传播活动的三大作用,即监视环境、联系社会、传递遗产。此后,莱特续而提出“提供舆 论”。 拉斯韦尔的五W模式:

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