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[鱼哥制谱]the sound of silence(ukulele指弹)

[鱼哥制谱]the sound of silence(ukulele指弹)
[鱼哥制谱]the sound of silence(ukulele指弹)

听歌曲The sound of silence填英文单词

The Sound of Silence 寂静之声:“茫茫人海里,人群跟著人群,我们无时无刻不感到孤寂。停下来让我们好好沟通吧,否则人类的关系将日形恶化,沦为新世纪科技的牺牲品。” Hello 1 , my old friend 你好黑暗我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你交谈 Because a vision softly 2. ___ 因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向我袭来 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子 And the vision that was planted in my3. ______ 这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽 Still remains 缠绕着我 Within the sound of silence 伴随着寂静的声音 In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦幻中我独自行走 4.________ streets of cobblestone 狭窄的鹅卵石街道 'Neath the halo of a street lamp 在路灯的光环照耀下 I turned my collar to the cold and5.______ 我竖起衣领抵御严寒和潮湿 When my eyes were stabbed by the 6_____________ of a neon light 一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入我的眼睛. That split the night 它划破夜空 And 7_______________ the sound of silence 触摸着寂静的声音 And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下 Ten thousand people, maybe more 我看见成千上万的人 People talking without speaking 人们说而不言

thesoundofsilence 赏析

歌曲赏析(别嫌长) Paul. Simon & Art.Garfunkel是掘起於60年代中期的二人组合唱团,当时流行乐坛正吹起一股电子合成乐风,但Simon & Garfunkel却坚持自然曲风,独树一格。El Condor Pasa(老鹰之歌)、Bridge Over Troubled Water(恶水大桥),以及这首电影“Graduates(毕业生)”的主题曲The Sound of Silence(寂静之声),均是耳熟能详的代表作。 六O年代对美国而言是个多事之秋的年代,历经了一连串的动荡与不安。对内,反种族歧视民权意识高涨;对外背负著『越战』沉重的包袱。内忧外患之际,美国人的精神领袖约翰·肯尼迪(John F.Kennedy)总统於1963年11月22日在德州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,举世震惊,全国悲恸。由黑人人权领袖马丁路德金博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)所领导的反暴力反种族歧视正如火如荼的展开,国内反越战的声音也甚嚣尘上。美国人民的梦在肯尼迪总统倒下的一刻,也跟著粉碎了! 就在这样的时空背景下,美国的民谣歌手保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon )创作了这首家喻户晓、发人深省的歌曲:寂静之声(The Sound Of Silence),献给了动荡的六O年代。只可惜这样一首针砭时弊的好歌,於1964年发行时,却得不到青睐,人们依旧是听而不闻(hearing without listening) 。若非一位DJ特别钟爱这首歌,增加这首歌在电台播放的频率,哥伦比亚唱片公司也不会考虑将这首歌重新编曲,以单曲发行。然而冥冥中似乎注定,才华洋溢如保罗赛门是不该被时代埋没的。於是史上最优美的二重唱西蒙与加丰科(Simon & Garfunkel)便在这首重新编曲的『寂静之声』中浴火重生。 六O年代对美国而言是个多事之秋的年代,历经了一连串的动荡与不安。对内,反种族歧视民权意识高涨;对外背负著『越战』沉重的包袱。内忧外患之际,美国人的精神领袖甘乃迪(John F.Kennedy)总统於1963年11月22日在德州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,举世震惊,全国悲恸。由黑人人权领袖马丁路德金恩博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)所领导的反暴力反种族歧视正如火如荼的展开,国内反越战的声音也甚嚣尘上。美国人民的梦在甘乃迪总统倒下的一刻,也跟著粉碎了! 就在这样的时空背景下,美国的民谣歌手保罗赛门(Paul Simon )创作了这首家喻户晓、发人深省的歌曲:沉默之音(The Sound Of Silence),献给了动荡的六O年代。只可惜这样一首针砭时弊的好歌,於1964年发行时,却得不到青睐,人们依旧是听而不闻(hearing without listening) 。若非一位DJ特别钟爱这首歌,增加这首歌在电台播放的频率,哥伦比亚唱片公司也不会考虑将这首歌重新编曲,以单曲发行。然而冥冥中似乎注定,才华洋溢如保罗赛门是不该被时代埋没的。於是史上最优美的二重唱赛门与葛方柯(Simon & Garfunkel)便在这首重新编曲的『沉默之音』中浴火重生。且让我们详细探讨这首发人省醒的『抗议歌曲(song of protest)』吧!在探讨这首歌时,你

怀旧老歌《毕业生》悠扬主题曲Scarborough Fair

怀旧老歌《毕业生》悠扬主题曲Scarborough Fair 《毕业生》是达斯汀?霍夫曼的成名之作,其颠覆性与破坏性的特质在影坛有着里程碑式的意义。而片中诸多金曲都是来自当红乐队“Simon And Garfunkel”主唱Paul Simon的力作,“The Sound Of Silence”、“Scarborough Fair”、“Mrs. Robinson”等歌都脍炙人口,尤其这首Scarborough Fair《斯卡保罗集市》脱胎于英国民谣,清新动人的旋律给人一种纯净忧伤的感觉。 Scarborough Fair by Simon Paul Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗, Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位青年问好 She once was a true love of mine 他曾经是我的爱人。 Tell to her make me a cambric shirt 叫他替我做件麻布衣衫 (Oh the side of a hill in tShe deep forest green), (绿林深处山冈旁) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 (Tracing of sparrow on tShe snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿) Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线 (Blankets and bedclothes tShe child of tShe mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单) Then she`ll be a ture love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。 (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤) (Sleeps unaware of tShe clarion call) Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫他替我找一块地

The Sound of Silence 合唱谱

Hello darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you a- gain Because a vision softly creep-------------ing, Left it’s seeds while I was sleep--------ing, And the vision that was planted in my brain Still re------mains Within the sound of sil---------ence. In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobble------stone And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp People talking with------------out speaking People hearing with----------out listening When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of A ne-------on light That split the night People writing songs that voices ne-------ver share And no one dear And touched the sound of si---------lence Fools said i,you do not Disturb the sound of si----------lence And the people bowed and The Sound Of Silence


歌曲赏析(别嫌长) Paul. Simon & Art.Garfunkel是掘起於60年代中期的二人组合唱团,当时流行乐坛正吹起一股电子合成乐风,但Simon & Garfunkel却坚持自然曲风.独树一格。EI Condor Pasa(老鹰之歌)、Bridge Over Troubled Wate「(恶水大桥),以及这首电影“Graduates(毕业生)"的主题曲The Sound of Silence{寂静之声),均是耳熟能详的代表作。 六0年代对美国而言是个多事之秋的年代,历经了一连串的动荡与不安。对内,反种族歧视民权意识高涨;对外背负著r越战』沉重的包袱。内忧外患之际,美国人的精神领袖约翰肯尼迪(John F.Kennedy)总统於1963年11月22日在德州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,举世震惊,全国悲恸。由黑人人权领袖马丁路德金博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)所领导的反暴力反种族歧视正如火如荼的展开,国内反越战的声音也甚嚣尘上。美国人民的梦在肯尼迪总统倒下的一刻,也跟善粉碎了! 就在这样的时空背景下,美国的民谣歌手保罗?西蒙(Paul Simon )创作了这首家喻户晓、发人深省的歌曲:寂静之声(The Sound Of Silence),献给了动荡的六O年代。只可惜这样一首针眨时弊的好歌,於1964年发行时,却得不到青睐,人们依旧是听而不闻(hearing without listening)。若非一E DJ特别钟爰这首歌,增加这首歌在电台播放的频率,哥伦比亚唱片公司也不会考虑将这首歌重新编曲,以单曲发行。然而冥冥中似乎注定,才华洋溢如保罗赛门是不该被时代埋没的。於是史上最优美的二重唱西蒙与加丰科(Simon & Garfunkel)便在这首重新编曲的『寂静之声』中浴火重生。 六0年代对美国而言是个多事之秋的年代,历经了一连串的动荡与不安。对内,反种族歧视民权意识高涨;对外背负著r越战』沉重的包袱。内忧外患之际,美国人的精神领袖甘乃迪(John F.Kemedy)总统於i963年11月22日在德州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,举世震惊,全国悲恸。由黑人人权领袖马丁路德金恩博士(Martin Luther King Jr.) 所领导的反暴力反种族歧视正如火如荼的展开,国内反越战的声音也甚嚣尘上。美国人民的梦在甘乃迪总统倒下的一刻,也跟著粉碎了! 就在这样的时空背景下,美国的民谣歌手保罗赛门(Paul Simon )创作了这首家喻户晓、发人深省的歌曲:沉默之音(The Sound Of Silence),献给了动荡的六0年代。只可惜这样一首针眨时弊的好歌,於1964年发行时,却得不到青睐,人们依旧是听而不闻(hearing without listening)。若非一E DJ特别钟爰这首歌,增加这首歌在电台播放的频率,哥伦比亚唱片公司也不会考虑将这首歌重新编曲,以单曲发行。然而冥冥中似乎注定,才华洋溢如保罗赛门是不该被时代埋没的。於是史上最优美的二重唱赛门与葛方柯(Simon & Garfunkel)便在这首重新编曲的『沉默之音』中浴火重生。且让我们详细探讨这首发人省醒的r抗议歌曲(song of protest)]吧!在探讨这首歌时,你也许会有个疑

the sound of silence歌词

歌词 英中对照: Hello darkness my old friend. 你好黑夜我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again.我又来和你聊天了 because a vision softly creeping 因为噩梦悄悄袭来 left its seeds while I was sleeping.在我熟睡时播下种子 and the vision that was planted in my brain 那噩梦就在我脑海中生根 still remains 难以忘怀 within the sound of silence 在寂静之声中留存 In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦中我独自走着 narrow streets of cobble stone 走在卵石铺就的窄道上 neath the halo of a street lamp, 路灯的光晕映着街道 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 寒冷潮湿令我竖起衣领 when my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 我的眼被强烈的霓虹灯光刺痛 that split the night 光划破夜空 and touched the sound of silence 并触动了寂静之声 And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下我看到 ten thousand people may be more 数以万计的人 people talking without speaking 人们交谈却不倾吐 people hearing without listening 人们耳闻却不倾听 people writing songs that voices never share 人们谱歌却无心声的共鸣 no one dare 没人敢 disturb the sound of silence 打搅这寂静之声 "Fool" said I "you do not know 我说:傻瓜,你不知道 silence like a cancer grows 寂静就像癌细胞般扩散 hear my words that I might teach you 听听我的话我也许能帮你take my arms that I might reach you 拉紧我的手臂我也许能救你but my words like silent raindrops fell 但我的话如同细雨般落下 And echoed in the wells of silence 回荡在寂静的水井里 And the people bowed and prayed 人们在鞠躬祈祷 to the neon god they made 向他们创造的霓虹灯神 and the sign flashed out its warning 霓虹灯中闪烁出警句 in the words that it was forming 那些字正在慢慢形成


电影《毕业生》主题曲赏析 上周的课上,耳边突然响起了熟悉的旋律,是电影《毕业生》的主题曲the sound of silence,随后老师又放了电影的另一首主题曲scarborough fair。说来真的是非常巧,上课的前一天晚上我刚看了电影《毕业生》,非常喜欢这两首主题曲。 第一次听到scarborough fair这首歌已经是很久以前的事情了,一直都很喜欢它的旋律,先前我听的版本是莎拉布莱曼的,看了电影《毕业生》之后,听了保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)和加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)的版本,虽然是同样的旋律,但是给我的感觉却很不一样。听莎拉布莱曼的版本的时候,我只觉得歌曲的旋律很优美,但是保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)和加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)的版本,给我的感觉不是优美而是凄美,两人的二重唱非常具有感染力。而the sound of silence这首歌出现在影片一开始的时候,影片最后本恩带着伊莱恩成功逃婚坐上公交车时也响起了the sound of silence。这两首歌旋律都比较舒缓,闲暇的时候,喝着咖啡或是看着小说,再伴随着歌曲的旋律,可谓是种享受。既然是电影的主题曲,我想结合电影内容来赏析一下这首歌。 电影《毕业生》主要讲述的是一名成绩优秀的大学毕业生本恩在刚毕业对前途一片茫然之际,遭到了父亲好友的妻子鲁宾逊太太的勾引,两人发生了肉体关系并且开始幽会,然而后来本恩爱上了鲁滨逊太太的女儿伊莱恩,两人坠入了爱河。但是在鲁宾逊太太的掺和下,伊莱恩知道了母亲与本恩的事情,伤心之下决定和别人结婚。本恩决定要挽回伊莱恩,于是在教堂上带着伊莱恩逃婚了。电影的故事情节在常人看来是很荒诞的,老师课上也用奇葩一词来形容。其实这些奇葩的情节(包括出轨、伦理、逃婚等等)都只是一个载体,为的是表现出本恩作为毕业生在那个阶段的彷徨与恐惧。 The sound of silence 的曲调低缓,仿佛透露出主人公迷茫、无助的心境,这也非常符合影片开始时本恩对于未来一片茫然的心境,周围人即使都在谈论他这个优秀的毕业生,他仍然觉得没人能够真的了解他的内心世界,the sound of silence中的两句歌词非常耐人寻味:“people talking without speaking,people hearing without listening”speaking是指认真地、比较正式地讲话,而talking只是随意的说说话;listening是指用心倾听,hearing只是听到了。所以这两句歌词可


Hello darkness my old friend. 你好黑夜我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again.我又来和你聊天了 because a vision softly creeping因为噩梦悄悄袭来 left its seeds while I was sleeping.在我熟睡时播下种子 and the vision that was planted in my brain那噩梦就在我脑海中生根 still remains 难以忘怀 within the sound of silence 在寂静之声中留存 In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦中我独自走着 narrow streets of cobble stone 走在卵石铺就的窄道上 neath the halo of a street lamp, 路灯的光晕映着街道 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 寒冷潮湿令我竖起衣领 when my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 我的眼被强烈的霓虹灯光刺痛 that split the night 光划破夜空 and touched the sound of silence 并触动了寂静之声 And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下我看到 ten thousand people may be more 数以万计的人 people talking without speaking 人们交谈却不倾吐 people hearing without listening 人们耳闻却不倾听 people writing songs that voices never share 人们谱歌却无心声的共鸣 no one dare 没人敢 disturb the sound of silence 打搅这寂静之声 "Fool" said I "you do not know 我说:傻瓜,你不知道 silence like a cancer grows 寂静就像癌细胞般扩散 hear my words that I might teach you 听听我的话我也许能帮你take my arms that I might reach you 拉紧我的手臂我也许能救你but my words like silent raindrops fell 但我的话如同细雨般落下 And echoed in the wells of silence 回荡在寂静的水井里 And the people bowed and prayed 人们在鞠躬祈祷 to the neon god they made 向他们创造的霓虹灯神 and the sign flashed out its warning 霓虹灯中闪烁出警句 in the words that it was forming 那些字正在慢慢形成 and the signs said "the words of the prophets are 霓虹灯写着“先知的话

英语歌曲寂静之声sound of silence歌词

The Sound of Silence 寂静之声 Hello darkness, my old friend 你好黑暗我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你把天聊 Because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向我袭来 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子 And the vision that was planted in my brain 这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽 Still remains 缠绕着我 Within the sound of silence 伴随着寂静的声音 In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦幻中我独自行走 Narrow streets of cobblestone 狭窄的鹅卵石街道 'Neath the halo of a street lamp 在路灯的光环照耀下 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 我竖起衣领抵御严寒和潮湿When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入我的眼睛 That split the night 它划破夜空 And touched the sound of silence 触摸着寂静的声音 And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下 Ten thousand people, maybe more 我看见成千上万的人 People talking without speaking 人们说而不言 People hearing without listening 听而不闻 People writing songs that voices never share 人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音"Fools" said I, "You do not know 我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道 Silence like a cancer grows”寂静如同顽疾滋长” Hear my words that I might teach you 听我对你说的有益的话 Take my arms that I might reach to you 拉住我伸给你的手 But my words like silent raindrops fell 但是我的话犹如雨滴飘落 And echoed in the wells of silence 在寂静的水井中回响 And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made. 人们向自己创造的霓虹之神 鞠躬祈祷And the sign flashed out its warning 神光中闪射出告诫的语句And the words that it was forming 在字里行间指明 And the sign said: 它告诉人们 "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 预言者的话都已写在地铁的墙上 and tenement halls 和房屋的大厅里 And whispered in the sound of silence." 在寂静的声音里低语

The Sound of Silence 沉默之声

The Sound of Silence 沉默之声 Hello darkness my old friend, 黑暗,我的老朋友, I've come to talk with you again. 我又来和你交谈。 Because a vision softly creeping 因为梦幻缓缓涌现,Left its seeds while I was sleeping. 在我熟睡时留下它的种子。 And the vision that was planted in my brain 在我脑海中生根, Still remains within the sound of silence. 在寂静之声中留存。 In restless dreams I walk alone, 在无休止的梦境中, Narrow streets of cobble stone. 我独自走在狭窄的石道上。 Beneath the hallo of a street lamp, 在街灯的光晕下, I turned my collar to the cold and damp 寒冷和湿气让我竖起衣领。 When my eyes were stabbled by 当霓虹灯光刺痛我双眼, the flash of a neon light That split the night 划破黑夜, And touched the sound of silence. 触动了沉默之声。 And in the naked night I 8)saw 在刺眼的灯光下, Ten thousand people may be more. 我看到上万人群。 People talking without speaking, 他们交谈无需言语, People hearing without listening, 他们领悟无需倾听, People writing songs that voices never share 人们写歌却是没有声音的歌,And no one dare disturb the sound of silence. 无人敢打破沉默之声。 "Fool" said I "you do not know, 我说:“傻瓜,你们不知道, Silence like a cancer grows. 沉默如同肿瘤一样滋长。 Hear my words that i might teach you. 听我的话我会教你们如何做。 Take my arms that i might reach you." 抓紧我的手我会拯救你们。” But my words like silent rain-drops fell 然而我的话如雨滴般落下,And echo-ed in the wells of silence. 在沉默中回响。 And the people 10)bow and prayed 人们对着自制的神像顶礼膜拜, To the neon god they made. And the sign flash out its warning 神光中闪耀出告诫的语句。 In the words that it was forming. And the signs said 字里行间指明: "The words of the prospers are “先知者的语言,写在地铁的墙上,Written the subway walls and tenement halls. "写在廉价公寓的大厅中。”And whispered in the sounds of silence. 这告诫声在沉默之声中低语。 沉默的声音英文歌曲背景知识

从the sound of silence看60年代美国

从歌曲The Sound of Silence看60年代美国 ——2014-2015学年第一学期英文经典歌曲赏析课论文 201324325 汽车学院13级汽车服务工程131班仲翔宇 The Sound of Silence这首歌是Paul Simon(保罗·西蒙)在1964年写的,他与 Art Garfunkel(阿特·加芬克尔)所合唱,1968年成为奥斯卡特级经典电影《毕业生》的插曲。《寂静之声》旋律飘缓低迷,歌词充满了一种幻觉般的意境。 歌曲背景 20世纪60年代对美国而言是个多事之秋的年代,历经了一连串的动荡与不安。对内,反种族歧视民权意识高涨;对外背负著越战沉重的包袱。内忧外患之际,美国人的精神领袖肯尼迪(John F.Kennedy)总统于1963年11月22日在德州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,举世震惊,全国悲恸。由黑人人权领袖马丁路德金恩博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)所领导的反暴力反种族歧视正如火如荼的展开,国内反越战的声音也甚嚣尘上。美国人民的梦在甘乃迪总统倒下的一刻,也跟着粉碎了! 就在这样的时空背景下,美国的民谣歌手保罗西蒙(Paul Simon )创作了这首家喻户晓、发人深省的歌曲:沉默之音(The Sound Of Silence),献给了动荡的60年代。只可惜这样一首针砭时弊的好歌,于1964年发行时,却得不到青睐,人们依旧是听而不闻(hearing without listening) 。若非一位DJ特别钟爱这首歌,增加这首歌在电台播放的频率,哥伦比亚唱片公司也不会考虑将这首歌重新编曲,以单曲发行。然而冥冥中似乎注定,才华洋溢如保罗赛门是不该被时代埋没的。于是史上最优美的二重唱赛门与加丰科(Simon &


经典电影《毕业生》插曲赏析 主题曲《The sound of silence》,这首歌在电影中一共出现了四次。却丝毫没有给观众听腻的感觉,因为它总是能在适当的时候想起。特别是片尾本带着伊莲逃婚的那一幕,他们坐在公车的最后一排。两人突然的沉默伴随着这首《the sound of silence》一起将剧情推向了高潮。The Sound of Silence 寂静之声 Hello darkness, my old friend 你好黑暗我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你交谈 Because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向我袭来 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子 And the vision that was planted in my brain 这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽 Still remains 缠绕着我 Within the sound of silence 伴随着寂静的声音 In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦幻中我独自行走 Narrow streets of cobblestone 狭窄的鹅卵石街道 'Neath the halo of a street lamp 在路灯的光环照耀下 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 我竖起衣领抵御严寒和潮湿 When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入我的眼睛That split the night 它划破夜空 And touched the sound of silence 触摸着寂静的声音 And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下 Ten thousand people, maybe more 我看见成千上万的人 People talking without speaking 人们说而不言 People hearing without listening 听而不闻 People writing songs that voices never share 人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来 And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音 "Fools" said I, "You do not know 我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道 Silence like a cancer grows” 寂静如同顽疾滋长” Hear my words that I might teach you 听我对你说的有益的话 Take my arms that I might reach to you 拉住我伸给你的手 But my words like silent as raindrops fell 但是我的话犹如雨滴飘落 And echoed in the wells of silence 在寂静的水井中回响 And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made. 人们向自己创造的霓虹之神 鞠躬祈祷 And the sign flashed out its warning 神光中闪射出告诫的语句 And the words that it was forming 在字里行间指明 And the sign said: 它告诉人们 The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 预言者的话都已写在地铁的墙上and tenement halls 和房屋的大厅里 And whispered in the sound of silence." 在寂静的声音里低语

The sound of silence歌曲歌词

The sound of silence-Simon & Garfunkel 寂静之声(保罗·西蒙&加芬克尔)[毕业生] Hello darkness, my old friend 你好黑暗我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你交谈 Because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向我袭来 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子 And the vision that was planted in my brain 这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽 Still remains 缠绕着我Within the sound of silence 伴随着寂静的声音 In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦幻中我独自行走 Narrow streets of cobblestone 狭窄的鹅卵石街道 'Neath the halo of a street lamp 在路灯的光环照耀下 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 我竖起衣领抵御严寒和潮湿 When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入我的眼睛 That split the night 它划破夜空And touched the sound of silence 触摸着寂静的声音 And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下 Ten thousand people, maybe more 我看见成千上万的人 People talking without speaking 人们说而不言 People hearing without listening 听而不闻 People writing songs that voices never share 人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来 And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音 "Fools" said I, "You do not know 我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道 Silence like a cancer grows” 寂静如同顽疾滋长” Hear my words that I might teach you听我对你说的有益的话 Take my arms that I might reach to you 拉住我伸给你的手 But my words like silent as raindrops fell 但是我的话犹如雨滴飘落 And echoed in the wells of silence 在寂静的水井中回响 And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made.人们向自己创造的霓虹之神鞠躬祈祷And the sign flashed out its warning 神光中闪射出告诫的语句 And the words that it was forming 在字里行间指明And the sign said: 它告诉人们 "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 预言者的话都已写在地铁的墙上 and tenement halls 和房屋的大厅里 And whispered in the sound of silence." 在寂静的声音里低语 So Was I --- Spensha Baker It's as simple as a whisper Quietly I know you're there Seems ridiculous to find myself Right back here again Today's as good as any Lord to mend a broken heart I said I'd never let it happen I'm too strong to fall apart I'm not proud of every choice I've made Or all that I have done But Lord you know in this one thing I'm innocent of wrong So was I Innocent of any crime Crucified for all mankind Oh Lord, all alone So was I Died for things I did not do Gave my very life for you Oh Lord, all alone As you're sitting there Remember, so was I Broken promises surround me So called friends just walk away Unjustifiably accuse me Repeating words of all hearsay 你Today's as good a day as any Lord to mend a broken heart I said I'd never let it happen I'm too strong to fall apart I'm not proud of every choice I've made Or all that I have done But Lord you know in this one thing I'm innocent of wrong So was I Innocent of any crime Crucified for all mankind Oh Lord, all alone So was I Died for things I did not do Gave my very life for you Oh Lord, all alone Alone All alone Alone All alone As you're sitting there Remember Think about me Remember So was I
