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Dell_Chengdu_-Handover report Final

Dell_Chengdu_-Handover report Final
Dell_Chengdu_-Handover report Final

Dell Chengdu New Factory project/戴尔成都新建厂房项目

《Hand Over List Report /移交清单报告》

Sep 2013 / 2013年9月

Author/编制人: Charles.Cheng

Date/日期:Sep 2013/2013-9

Ⅰ 工程项目概况Summary of project (3)

Ⅱ 问题和关注点\ Issues and Concerns (3)

Ⅲ 移交内容/ Details of handover (6)

Ⅳ 项目评定/Comments of project (6)

Ⅰ 工程项目概况Summary of project /

1.1 总体概况:项目位于四川省成都市高新西区天勤路800号,总占地面积约70000㎡。


成。建筑面积29759. ㎡,其中行政办公区域6795.65 ㎡,厂房区域21603.52 ㎡, 配

套设施1360.39 ㎡,其总造价达3亿元人民币。

Overview: The project is located in No 800. Tianqin Road, Chengdu Hi-Tech West, Sichuan

province covering an area about 70000 ㎡. The construction contents include: the

production plant ,main office building, water pump room, three guard room, parking lot.

Construction area 29759 ㎡include administrative office area 6795.65 ㎡, workshop

area 21603.52 ㎡, supporting facilities 1360.39 ㎡with the total cost of 300 million yuan.


工,并与2013年8月10日正式移交并投入使用。/The Construction of the Project is on 25,

2012 lasting eight months. The Completing is on June 6, 2013 and on August 10, 2013 it is

formally handed over and put into use.

1.2 项目单位架构:/ Project Unit:

业主单位:戴尔成都/ Owner: Dell Chengdu

管理公司:高力国际/ PM: Colliers international

建设单位: 成都高投建设/ Construction Unit: HTC

勘测单位:四川省省勘院/ Survey Unit: Survey institute of Si Chuan province

设计单位:电子十一院/ Design Unit: EDRI

监理单位:成都衡泰/ Supervision Unit: Chengdu Heng Tai

过控单位:鑫海过控/ Process Control Unit: Xin Hai process control

施工单位:成都建工/ Main constructor: CDJG

Ⅱ 问题和关注点\ Issues and Concerns

2.1 FM global消防验收缺陷:/Fire inspection defects:

按照FM global的标准,消防喷淋管网需进行1.4PMa压力测试并2小时无明显的压力下降为合格。现场办公楼及生产车间的喷淋管网自检验收合格,但室外喷淋管网漏

水,不能满足消防打压的要求。/According to the standards of FM global, It is qualified

when fire sprinkler system need a 1.4 PMa pressure test and no obvious pressure drop in

2 hours. The spray pipe in Site office building and workshop is qualified, but there is

leaking point in outdoor spray pipeline which cannot meet the requirements of fire



施工时厂区Bay1\Bay2\Bay4以及办公楼部分卡箍为非FM认证的产品。/According to the contract between Dell an HTC, all fire pipelines should be FM certification products, but parts of clamps are not FM certification products in the Bay1 \ Bay2 \ Bay4 and office


2.2 柴油供油系统无法运行。室外油罐无法与日用油箱联动./Diesel fuel supply systems can't run.

Outdoor oil tank cannot be linked with daily use tank.

2.3 楼宇自控系统,油泵、VRV空调、AHU加湿、锅炉自控系统没有完成。/BMS systems, oil

pump, VRV aircon, AHU humidifying, boiler automatic control system are not completed.

2.4 生产车间Bay 3、Bay 5、Bay 6、Bay 7的配电柜未安装。由于戴尔车间的要求,该部分

的配电柜不要求施工单位安装。该部分的配电柜总包已经移交给戴尔,但是该部分配电柜的配电线缆及配电所需的配件需要总包移交给戴尔。/The distribution ark is not installed in the production workshop Bay 3 5, 6 and 7. Dell requires no installation is done by the

construction in these areas. The construction part has been handed over to Dell, and the contractor should hand over the power cables and accessories required for the power

distribution to Dell.

2.5 中水回收系统未完成。由于高投采购的4台进口水泵供货时间长,需要3个月的采购工期,


/Water recycling system is not completed. Due to long delivery time of 4 imported water pumps by HTC and 3 months of purchasing period, we used two domestic water pumps which meet the functions to temporarily replace and the 4 sets of imported water pumps will take place of the domestic ones finally.

2.6 103#的海关路面通道没有完成,需要敦促高投建设尽快完善。/103 # Custom pavement is

not completed. We should urge HTC to completed as soon as possible.

2.7 由于地面沉降导致的缺陷(见

3.13附件):/Defects caused by ground subsidence (See

attachment 3.13):

●导致路面、路岩石、海关围栏等出现裂缝和开口。/Lead to cracks and openings of road

surface, road rock and customs fence.

●导致中水区围墙开口裂缝。/Lead to cracks and openings of fence in the central water area.

●导致南北两个码头以及部分路面在下雨时积水严重。/Lead to accumulation of water

seriously of the north and south terminals and parts of the road surface when it rains.

●导致草坪沉降、地平内部管网断裂、以及有可能导致手孔井圈垮塌。/Lead to the

sedimentation of the lawn, internal pipeline rupture and possibly to a hand hole walling crib


2.8 项目竣工图纸的移交没有完成。根据戴尔与高投的合同30日的交接内容,该部分工作滞

后。/Transfer of project as-built drawings is not completed. According to the contract, this

work part lag.

2.9 厨房天然气声光报警没有完成。/The gas acousto-optic alarm in the kitchen is not completed.

2.10 Bay5至Bay7有部分强电线槽没有完成,总包计划10月7号完成该部分工作。/Parts

of strong wire slot in Bay5 and 7 is not completed. The contractor plans to finish this work on

October 7.

2.11 成都建工应支付施工用电RMB:120330.85元给戴尔(用电时间:201




元。/CDJG should pay RMB: 120330.85yuan to Dell as construction of the power

consumption (time line: 2013.5.29 to 2013.7.23), Dell should pay RMB: 86,000.00yuan

to CGJG as equipment testing of power consumption (time line: 2013.2.28 to 2013.5.28),

it says CDJG should pay RMB: 34,330.85yuan to Dell as construction of power


2.12 成都建工在施工过程中使用的水费没有与戴尔结算./ CDJG no pay construction of

water to dell.

2.13 UPS 系统测试已经完成。根据设计要求,当市电停电时,UPS 系统在满负荷时支撑


/UPS testing completed, according design standard, UPS system support running 15

min and loading full when normal power outage, but the testing running time is 6 min, so

we need HTC to increase the battery capacity according to the design standard


Ⅲ 移交内容/ Contents of handover

3.01 缺陷整改清单。/Defects rectification list (Attachment 1)

3.02 弱电配管工程量计算清单。/Quantities of weak current piping calculation list

3.03 戴尔供应商通讯录。Dell supplier contact list

3.04 深港装饰的项目清单工程量的审核。/Verification of quantities of Shen Gang decoration

project list

3.05 建设项目竣工资料的移交。/Construction project completion data transfer.

3.06 项目设计图。/Project design drawings

3.07 戴尔新增项目BOQ清单。/The BOQ List of Dell added items

3.08 自行车棚BOQ清单/The BOQ List of Bicycle shed

3.09 会议纪要/Meeting minutes

3.10 日进度报告/daily report

3.11 周进度报告/Weekly report

3.12 过程缺陷检查记录/ Check list of process

3.13 地面沉降引起的缺陷的示意图./Sketch map of ground floor settlement

Ⅳ 项目评定/Comments of project:

本工程已按设计文件以及约定内容基本完成全部内容,经相关部门检查其施工质量符合我国有关法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准。/This project has basically completed according to design documents and all contracts. Examined by relevant departments, its construction quality meets the relevant laws, regulations and mandatory standards for construction.
