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21-30 50篇听写实战大演练(改)

21-30 50篇听写实战大演练(改)
21-30 50篇听写实战大演练(改)

21 The Bottled Water

1.The bottled water used can be sourced from public water sources,/ and the purity and safety depend largely on the regulation of quality adopted within a country./

2.The regulation conducted and recorded ensures that/ the bottled wa ter’s quality is safe./

3.The label on the bo tt led water container or bottle a ccu rately reflects bottle contents,/or at least it is expec t ed to./

4.In many dev e loping an d under-developed nations,/these standards are variable./

5.This makes the safety of the bottled water controversial./

6.There is no doubt about the convenience of bottled water relative to boiling./

7.However,bottled water may provide a possibility to unsafe drinking water/only for those who can afford it./

8.The sales of bottled water have surpassed the sales of all other drink s, except some soft drink s./9/And the bottled water companies make good money/even th o ugh the popularity of bottled water has been criticized by environmentalist, economists and care-takers and givers.

22 Online Education

1.Online education,or distance learning,has really taken on a life of its own in the past few tears./

2.With the availability of the Internet,/it is becoming easier and easier to join one of the approved online colleges/and to get your degree online,/

3.These colleges are spread out all over the world./

4.If you are truly getting your education online/then you don’t have to be in the same city/as if you were getting your degree locally./

5.You simply log into the classroom every day to get your assignments,/then you upload them in order to get your grade./

6.There isn’t even a need to meet the teachers or other students/and you can do it at any time of the day./

7.Therefore,it won’t interfere with your work schedule or your life i n general./

8.And the great news is that employers are recognizing more and more that/an online education is a great way to go.

23 Red Wolves

1.Red wolves present a characteristic red colored fur / which is more obvious

behind the ears and in the neck and legs. / 2. Other than these parts, / the fur color of red wolves is brown with black shading in the back and tail. / 3. Their big ears help them overcome hot and humid climatic conditions. / 4. The average size of red wolves is 4 feet in length, 20 inches tall and weight about 45 to 80 pounds. / 5.

Generally, red wolves attain sexual maturity at the age of 22 months; / however, there are some species that attain within 10 months. / 6. The breeding season of red wolves is during February and March / and their pregnancy period is about 2 months. / 7. Females give birth to about 1 to 10 children one time around March to April. / 8. The newly borns usually stay with their parents about two years, / after which, they spread around the wild. / 9. The lifespan of red wolves is around 7 or

8 years in the wild / and about 15 years in captivity. (160 words)

24 The Earth Day

1. Our Planet Earth has so much to give us. /

2. From the beautiful natural

how many individuals actually respect this planet? / 4. April 22nd is known the world over as Earth Day. / 5. It is celebrated to create more awareness about our planet / and situations that we need to take care of / to ensure our Planet Earth is well loved and cared for. / 6. As things are, we need to celebrate it on one day / to remind us of the responsibilities we need to handle in the coming years. / 7. The importance of Planet

ing the issue s / such as global warming, energy (159 words)

Passage 25

Car Alarm System

①Car alarm systems are basic ways to keep thieves away./②The first car alarm system was designed in 1896./③Nowadays every car is fitted with advanced electronic sound alarm system./④Though car alarm systems do not always stop the theft from happening but they do create troubles,/ which act as alarms for both the owner of the car and the thief./⑤There have been innumerable cases/ when in spite of the car alarm system being there,/ the vehicle has been stolen,/ because at times the car alarm system fails to understand what exactly is a car theft./⑥Experts are of the opinion that/ nowadays thefts occur in spite of the alarm system being there/ because nobody bothers much about it./⑦People do not pay attention because alarm systems sound/ even when there is a strong wind or a pet trying to interfere with the vehicle./⑧Moreover, thieves are designing newer ways to make new technologies that are being used failed.(160 words)

Passage 26

Domestic Violence and Abuse

①Domestic abuse occurs when one person in an intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person./②An abuser doesn’t play fair./③He or she uses fear, guilt, and shame to wear you down and gain complete power over you./④He or she may threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you./⑤Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called domestic violence./⑥Victims of domestic abuse or domestic violence may be men or women,/although women are more commonly victimized./⑦Except for the gender difference, domestic abuse doesn’t discriminate./⑧It happens within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and financial levels./⑨The abuse may occur during a relationship,/ while the couple is breaking up, or after the relationship has ended./⑩Despite what many people

believe,/ domestic violence is not due to the abuser’s loss of control over his behavior./⑾Actually, violence is a deliberate choice made by the abuser/ in order to take control over his wife or partner.(165words)

Passage 27

Differences between Chinese and Western Eating Habits

There are great differences between Chinese and Western eating habits./2.Unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food,/in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares./3.If you are being treated by a Chinese host,/be prepared for a ton of food ./4.Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine/and will do their best to show their hospitality./5.And sometimes the Chinese hosts use

you feel uncomfortable with this,/you a polite thank-you and leave the food there./9.And you should never tap on your bowl with your chopsticks,/which can be very insulting to the host.

Passage 28

Water Pollution

1.When toxic substances enter lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and other water bodies,/they get dissolved or lie suspended in water or get deposited on the bed./

2.This results in the pollution of water whereby the quality of the water deteriorates,/affecting aquatic ecosystems./

3.Pollutants can also go down and affect the groundwater deposits./

4.Water pollution has many sources./

5.The most polluting of them are the city sewage and industrial waste discharged into the rivers./

6.The facilities to treat waste water are not adequate in any city in India./

7.Presently,only about 10% of the waste water generated is treated;/the rest is discharged as it is into our water bodies. Due to this, pollutants enter ground water, rivers and other water bodies./9.Such water, which ultimately ends up in our households,/is often highly polluted and carries bacteria./10.Agricultural run-off, or the water

fertilizers and pesticides.

29 Listening Skills

Communication with others involves learning, listening skills. / It is a good feeling when someone listen to you / when you’re talking to them. / It makes you feel like they care about you and what you are saying. / The same respect should be given to people that are speaking to you. / Controlling the conversation or interrupting constantly with your views or suggestions / is not listening to the other person. / Listening closely and then responding at the appropriate time makes a

conversation. / Making comments at the correct time lets the speaker know

you’re interested / and can help you stay centered on the conversatio n. / Asking good questions about the subject will show you want to know more about it. / Try not to ask too many questions with the word why. / People might not know the answer and won’t be able to respond to the question. / Always, let the person finish what they’re saying / before you talk about something else.

30 Marketing

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, / pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, / and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. / It consists of advertising and promoting your product or service in order to sell it. / Your business produces goods and services. / Marketing is to let potential customers know what are valuable available for sale. / Sales, advertising, and public relations are essential component s of marketing / and each requires specialized skills and expertise. / While a small business may have only one person / performing all these functions under the marketing umbrella, / knowledge of each area is important to develop a focused effort. / A focus on what the customer wants and needs / is essential to successful marketing efforts. / This customer orientation should go hand-in-hand with the company’s objective of maintaining a profitable volume of sales. / Marketing is a creative process combining all of the activities needed to accomplish both of these objectives.


英语专业四级考试1993年——203年听写原文 1993 Package Holidays Package holidays, covering a two weeks' stay in an attractive place, are increasingly popular. Once you get to the airport, it is up to the tour operator to see that you get safely to your destination.Everything is laid on for you.There is, in fact, no reason for you to bother to arrange anything yourselves.You make friends and have a good time. But there is very little chance that you will really get to know the local people.This is even less likely on a coach tour, when you spend almost your entire time traveling.Of course, there are carefully planned stops for you to visit historic buildings and monuments. You may visit the beautiful, the historic, the ancient. But time is always short.There is also the added disadvantage of being obliged to spend you holiday with a group of people you have never met before. (1994) The American Family The American family unit is changing. There used to be mainly two types of families, the extended and the nuclear. The former included mother, father, children, and some other relatives such as grandparents, living in the same house or nearby. Then as the economy progressed from agricultural to industrial, people began moving to different parts of the country in order to search for job opportunities. These moves split up the extended family. The nuclear family consisting of only parents and children has therefore become far more wide spread. Today’s family, however, can be composed of diverse co mbinations. With the divorce rate nearly one in two, there's an increase in single-parent homes—a father or mother living with one or more children. Blended families occur when divorced men and women remarry and combine the children from former marriages into a new family. On the other hand, there is an increase in childless couples while one in rive Americans lives alone. (1995) Unidentified Flying Objects There are many explanations for why UFOs visit the Earth. / The most popular one is that they maybe visitors from other planets./ To fly such aircraft, their builders must develop different forms of aviation,/because they seem to fly much faster than normal aircraft./ The UFOs, it is believed, must contain scientists/ from other planets who are studying life on earth./ It is even believed that several such aircraft may have landed on earth/ and the space visitors may be living amongst us./ But there are also less fantastic explanations available./ Although some sightings of UFOs are difficult to explain, most can be explained quite easily./ In many cases the observers might have made a mistake./ They might have seen a weather balloon or an aircraft./ Or the light they saw in the sky might have been light from the ground,/ reflected on to the clouds./ However, the exact cause of many sightings still remained a mystery.


汉字听写大赛 时间:2018-05-11 10:17:28 | 作者:潘柯均 汉字,是传承中华文化的一大方式,但是在今天的中国,人们却在苦苦练习英语,把最最重要的语言——中文渐渐冷落了。而汉字听写大赛,正式帮助我们回忆起中文的好办法。 上个星期三,我们学校举办了五年级的汉字听写大赛。坐在台下的我们,一个个都摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。“相得益彰,”老师用标准的普通话报出了第一个词语。“香”、“得”、“溢?”“獐?”我心里不由得冒出了好几个问号。只见台上的选手们个个镇定自若,胸有成竹的样子,让我好生佩服。“感激涕零”,容不得我仔细思考,第二个词语接踵而至。还好,我会写“感激涕零”,我长舒了一口气。“锲而不舍”。啊?“契?”“?G,”?到底怎么写。坐在台下的我都急的抓耳挠腮了,我的心怦怦乱跳,还没等我缓过劲儿来,下一个词又已经接上来了。终于,答案出现在大屏幕上。正确答案是“相得益彰”、“锲而不舍”……“唉,看来我还得多多积累呀!”自以为是“小字典”的我摇摇头,自言自语道。不一会儿,孙老师通知我们回教室了,走在回去的路上,我还在回味着刚刚那场没有硝烟的“战争”,我不禁期待:“下次能有个四年级汉字听写大赛多好,让我也去体验一下这扣人心弦的比赛!” 星期五中午,孙老师竟带来一个令人激动的消息:“下个星期三,学校举行四年级汉字听写大赛,请同学们好好准备!”我竟然听到了这句我很想听却又不敢相信的话,我的心愿真的快要实现了。顿时,我全身的血液都沸腾了,我一定努力准备,争取入选去参赛!我暗暗给自己鼓劲,我要回家好好练习。 周末,我在妈妈的帮助下练习听写了很多生僻字和常用却容易写错的词。这期间,可闹了不少笑话呢!有时我把“斟酌”读成“kan酌”;我把“广阔无垠”读成“广阔无根”,还把“悖论”读成“bo论”……我每每读错,都鼓励自己不要放弃。“不要气馁,日渐精进”这句话一直鼓舞着我,让我不要放弃,从哪儿跌倒,就从哪儿爬起来,每得到一点进步,便受到一点鼓舞,我奋勇攀登,渐渐看到了更广阔的世界。每一次斗争都是一次胜利,再加一把劲儿,我就能达到璀璨的云端,蓝天的深处——我希望的顶峰。 我相信,我一定能够在汉字听写大赛中披荆斩棘,凯旋而归的!


小学生汉字听写大赛试题 二字词语: 1、坪坝píng bà:方言中指平坦的场地,多用于地名。 2、蝴蝶hú dié :昆虫中的一类。 3、妨碍fángài:干扰、阻碍,使事情不能顺利进 4、穿梭chuān suō:像织布的梭子来回活动,形容来往频繁。 5、奚落xī luò :用尖刻的话诉说别人的短处,使人难堪,讥讽,嘲笑。 6、鸟瞰niǎo kàn:从高处往下看。 7、粗糙cū cāo:(质料)不精细;不光滑。 8、霎时shà shí:极短时间。 9、糟糕zāo gāo:指事情、情况坏得很。 10、魁梧kuí wú:(身体)强壮高大。 11、奢侈shē chǐ:花费钱财过多,享受过分。 12、笼罩lǒng zhào :像笼子似的罩在上面。 13、饶恕ráo shù:不计较过错,宽容,宽恕。 14、馈赠(kuì zènɡ):赠送(礼品)。 15、玷污(diàn wū ):弄脏。 16、婀娜(ē nuó ):姿态轻柔美好。 17、矫健(jiǎo jiàn ):强壮有力。 18、和蔼( hé ǎi ):态度温和容易接近。 19、徜徉(chánɡ yánɡ):安闲自在地步行。 20、腼腆(miǎn tiǎn ):因害羞而神情不自然。 21、拖沓(tuo tà):做事拖拉。 22、脊梁(jǐ liánɡ ):人或动物背上中间的骨头。常被比喻为气节、骨气。 23、崭新(zhǎn xīn ):非常新。 24、钥匙(yào shi ):开锁的器具。 25、咀嚼(jǔ jué ):将食物放在嘴里慢慢地嚼。

26、柳絮(liǔ xù ):柳树种子上面像棉絮的白色绒毛,随风飞散。 27、祈祷(qí dǎo ):也作祷告,一种宗教仪式,信仰宗教的人向神默告自己的愿望。 28、温馨(wēn xīn ):温暖馨香。 29、苏轼(Sū shì ):号“东坡居士”,世称“苏东坡”。北宋诗人、词人,宋代文学家。 30、灿烂:càn làn 光彩鲜亮夺目。 31、胳膊:gē bo 肩以下手腕以上的部分。 32、棋盘qí pán 画有格子等标记,供下棋时摆棋子用的盘,多用木板或纸等制成。 32、旁白:páng bái戏剧角色背着台上其他剧中人对观众说的话。 33、绵亘mián gèn:接连不断(多指山脉)。 34、窈窕yǎo tiǎo:(女子)文静而美好。 35、亢奋kàng fèn :极度兴奋 36、踱步duó bù:慢步行走 37、和煦héxù : 温暖的阳光 38、酝酿yùn niàng :造酒的发酵过程,比喻做准备工作。 39、曙光shǔ guāng:清晨的日光。 40、慰藉wèi jiè:安慰。 41、斟酌zhēn zhuó:考虑事情、文字等是否可行或是否适当。 42、笨拙bèn zhuó:笨,不聪明,不灵巧。 43、崩溃bēng kuì:完全破坏、垮掉。 44、扁舟piān zhōu:小船。 45、深圳shēn zhèn:位于广东省中南沿海地区,珠江口之东,与香港新界一河之隔。 三字词语: 1、破天荒(pò tiān huānɡ):从来没有出现过的事。 2、诸葛亮(Zhū ɡě liànɡ ):三国时蜀汉政治家、军事家,足智多谋。 3、展览馆:zhǎn lǎn guǎn 作为展出临时陈列品之用的公共建筑。 4、纪念碑:jì niàn bēi为纪念已故人物或大事件而立的石碑。


Passage 1 Town and Country Life in England There is a big difference between town life and country life in England. In the country, everybody knows everybody else. They know what time you get up, what time you go to bed and what you have for dinner. If you want help, you will always get it and you will be glad to help others. In a large town like London, however, it can sometimes happen that you have never seen your next door neighbor and you do not know his name or anything about him. People in London are often very lonely. This is because people go to different places in the evenings and at weekends. If you walk through the streets in the centre of London on Sunday, it is like a town without people. One is sorry for old people living on their own .They could die in their homes and would not be discovered for weeks or even months. (154 words) Useful Words and Expressions: next door n. n.隔壁 the neighbors next他 door隔壁邻居 lonely adj .孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的,人迹罕至的 lonely life孤单的生活 a lonely old man一位孤独的老人 a lonely sand一个孤岛 the loneliest night最孤独的夜晚 on (one's) own独自;独立地;通过自己的努力 She lives on her own.她一个人过。 She go the job on her own.她自己找到了这份工作。 He Is now out of colleg6 and on his own.他现在离开了大学并且自己生活。 Passage 2 A Change in Women's Life The important change in women's life-pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity, and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women tend to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards return to full-time or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money, and running the home, according to the abilities and interests of each of them. (154 words) Useful Words and Expressions: life-pattern 生活方式 effect [i'fekt] n. 结果,效果,作用,影响 The old system is still in effect. 旧制度仍然有效。 He is, in effect, my rival. 实际上他是我的竞争对手。 The medicine quickly took effect. 药物很快见效了。 share vt. 分享;共享,参与 n. 一份,部分,份额 share responsibility 共同负责 share a room with sb. 与某人共居一室


第一届汉字听写大赛总决赛题库 【不偏不倚】bù piān bù yǐ不偏袒任何一方。 【蹿红】 cuān hóng 迅速走红。 【惨绝人寰】cǎn jué rén huán 人世间再没有那样凄惨的。极言惨痛之甚。【菽粟】 shū sù豆和小米。泛指粮食。 【百卉千葩】bǎi huì qiān pā形容百花盛开,丰富多彩。 【鳕鱼】 xuě yú是全世界年捕捞量最大的鱼类之一,是具有重要的食用和经济价值。 【毛遂自荐】máo suì zì jiàn 自告奋勇自我推荐。 《史记?平原君虞卿列传》载:毛遂,战国赵平原君门下食客。赵孝成王九年,秦兵攻赵,王命平原君赵胜赴楚求救,毛遂自荐随同前往。既至楚,平原君与楚王谈判,自日出迄日中不决。毛遂按剑上阶,直陈利害,终使楚王歃血定盟,决定楚赵联合抗秦。 【婴宁】yīng níng蒲松龄笔下笑得最美的女性,出自《聊斋志异》卷二。【墨守成规】mò shǒu chéng guī指固执旧法,一成不变。 战国时期,木匠出身的墨翟主张兼爱与非攻,到处推广他的学说。楚国要去攻打宋国,鲁班为楚军设计攻城的云梯。墨子急忙去劝阻这场战争,楚王让墨子与鲁班比试比试攻防演习,墨子善于防守,鲁班败北。楚王只好放弃攻打宋国。《蒿里行》 hāo lǐ xíng 是曹操的诗作。体现了曹操的独特文风。 【巧舌如簧】qiǎo shé rú huáng 花言巧语。 【羸弱】 léi ruò瘦弱,虚弱,衰弱,软弱,柔弱,薄弱,单薄。 【拍马溜须】pāi mǎ liū xū比喻谄媚奉承。 【豇豆】 jiāng dòu 蔬菜,俗称角豆。 【鸠占鹊巢】jiū zhàn què cháo 比喻强占他人的居处或措置不当等。《诗?召南?鹊巢》:“维鹊有巢,维鸠居之。”毛传:“鳲鸠不自为巢,居鹊之成巢。”【刘希夷】 liú xī yí唐诗人。有“年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同”名句相传。 【钗荆裙布】chāi jīng qún bù 比喻贫困。

【如何过英语专业四级】 英语专业四级听力50篇

【如何过英语专业四级】英语专业四级听力50篇 英语专业四级考试是英语专业生面临的第一个检验自己英语水平的大型考试,那么你知道如何过英语专业四级吗?下面是小编为你整理的过英语专业四级考试的方法,希望大家喜欢! 过英语专业四级考试的方法 一步是做一套英语专业四级的真题卷,检验自己的的英语究竟处于怎么样的水平,并了解自己的优势和劣势。 每天坚持听一套听力,尤其是dictation,更是重中之重。要静听而不是泛听,相信付出总有收获。 阅读控制好时间,4篇阅读最好控制在25-28分钟之间。应试时最好先看题目再答题,遇到生词不要过分纠结,跳过或根据上下文猜测词意。平时多记单词注意词汇的积累 每个星期坚持写一篇专四作文,写好后最好请教同学老师有哪些需要改进的地方。专四的作文是有模板可循的,多记些句型和标准句子。特别要注意的是论据一定要分点写并层次分明。 根据实际情况每天记一定的词汇,为自己的英语水平打好坚实的壁垒。 自2016年起,TEM-4考试的试卷结构和测试题型作了局部调整。考试题型共分6个部分:听写、听力理解、语言知识、完形填空、阅读理解、写作。考生应特别注意改革题型。 英语专业四级考试注意事项 ictation注意事项: dictation其实并不难加上大家平日里的做试卷基本都可以取得基本分,但是优秀者和成绩普通者的差距在于听完后的检查,要知道dictation扣分要求严格,一个标点,一个大小写,

冠词都可能导致扣分,因此dictataion做完后务必拿出部分时间检查。 另外写错了,有且只有划掉单词重写这样一种补救方式。 听力剩下部分: 其它的部分最好是能够在试卷发下来的时间里提前把题目看了,对于对话或者段落要知道并无太大难度,因为大量的内容给了你更多的上下文帮助你理解信息。 听力务必注意事项:在听力中应当学会放弃,没听到的题目应做到果断放弃,不管不想,不纠结,马上放下做下一题。毕竟一题不决定成败。 cloze: cloze应当注意平日里的练习积累,做题时注意上下文的联系,相信不难。 grammer: 这个平常大家总会有很多出错。不过细究起来,无非考词汇和语法两点,建议考前通过做大量的类似题目来提高准确率。当然也可以把这类题放到阅读后再做。 reading comprehension: 这个算是大头,一个分值较高,建议做时,先扫读四篇文章,看题目难易度,再更具此分配时间。阅读时应该以意群为单位,而非单词!此外日常的知识,经验可以作为参考,但一定不能作为选题的依据。 阅读误区:重读,用手指指着读,读出声音。 essay writing


Bv 汉字听写大赛题库 第一期 光绪间歇甲胄味同嚼蜡梧桐陡峭秋毫无犯荷尔蒙雾凇颠茄熨帖猢狲 图们江恃才傲物腭裂秃鹫癞蛤蟆惴惴不安髋关节繁文缛节咋舌裘皮 沟壑日臻完善恽代英矫揉造作镪水炉箅子分道扬镳黑曜石攥拳头黏稠 三聚氰胺暴殄天物拾掇束河瓮中捉鳖驽马曾国藩枭首示众谥号襁褓 核苷酸溘然长逝摩羯座陀螺桀纣馥郁斧钺貔貅汗水涔涔尥蹶子 万目睚眦嬷嬷神龛郫县豆瓣兄弟阋墙荦荦大端 【题目详解】 1.光绪(ɡuünɡ xù)清德宗(爱新觉罗载湉)年号(公元1875—1908)。 2.间歇(jiàn xiy)动作、变化等周期性的停顿:机器转动每分钟间歇两次。 3.甲胄(jiǎ zh?u)〈书〉盔甲。 4.味同嚼蜡(wai t?nɡ jiáo là)象吃蜡一样,没有一点儿味。形容语言或文章枯燥无味。 5.梧桐(wú t?nɡ)又名“青桐”。双子叶植物,梧桐科。落叶乔木。树皮绿色。叶大,掌状分裂。花淡黄绿色。产于中国和日本。木材轻软,是制乐器良材。树皮纤维可造纸编绳。种子炒熟后可食用。 6.陡峭(dǒu qiào)(山势等)坡度很大,直上直下的:这个~的山峰连山羊也上不去。 7.秋毫无犯(qiū háo wú fàn)秋毫:鸟兽秋天新换的绒毛,比喻极细微的东西;犯:侵犯。指军纪严明,丝毫不侵犯人民的利益。 8.荷尔蒙(h? tr m?nɡ)激素的旧称。[英hormone]

9.雾凇(wù sōnɡ)俗称树挂,是中国北方冬季可以经常见到的一种类似霜降的自然现象,是在特殊条件下产生的美妙异常的自然景观。 10.颠茄(diün qi? )多年生草本植物。叶子卵形,花暗紫色,结黑色浆果。根﹑叶均可入药。 11.熨帖(yù tiy)把衣服烫平;贴切,妥帖。 12.猢狲(hú sūn)泛指猴:树倒猢狲散。 13.图们江(tú m?n jiünɡ )中国和朝鲜界河(下游一小段为朝、俄界河)。源于长白山主峰白头山东麓,注入日本海。长520千米(中国境内490千米)。下游经疏浚后可通2000~3000吨海轮。 14.恃才傲物(shì cái ào wù)恃:依靠、凭借;物:人,公众。仗着自己有才能,看不起人。 15.腭裂(a lia)先天性畸形,常与唇裂同时出现。患者的腭部部分或全部裂开,饮食不方便,说话不清楚。 16.秃鹫(tū jiù)又称“坐山雕”。鸟纲,鹰科。大型猛禽。体长约1 2米。全身羽毛乌褐色,颈部光秃,为铅蓝色。两翅宽大有力。嘴像大铁钩,吃鸟兽等动物尸体。终年留居在中国西部和北部山地,已列为国家二级保护动物。 17.癞蛤蟆(lài há mɑ)蟾蜍的通称。 18.惴惴不安(zhuì zhuì bù ün)惴:忧愁、恐惧。形容因害怕或担心而不安。 19.髋关节(kuün ɡuün ji?)组成盆骨的大骨,左右各一,是由髂骨、坐骨、耻骨合成的。通称“胯骨”。 20.繁文缛节(fán w?n rù ji?)文:规定、仪式;缛:繁多;节:礼节。过分繁琐的仪式或礼节。也比喻其他繁琐多余的事项。


学校汉字听写大赛总结 篇一:汉字听写大赛总结 汉字听写比赛活动总结 为了弘扬祖国优秀传统文化,提高学生规范、准确、工整地书写汉字的能力,根据前营教育组通知,西泽北完小开展了汉字听写比赛活动。活动受到了各校师生的欢迎,得到了学校领导和语文教师的大力支持。现将比赛活动情况总结如下: 一、好的方面: 多数学校重视此次活动,并在学校开展汉字听写活动,选出参赛选手集中指导训练,因此,参赛同学的书写不仅行笔规范,正确率高,而且做到卷面整洁、字迹美观。从中体现了同学们对规范汉字书写的认识,对集体荣誉的重视,对民族文化的热爱。 二、存在的问题: 在活动中我们也发现了一些问题,如:丢笔画,合并笔画,笔画错误,使用别字,卷面勾画、涂抹等。这就要求我们要培养学生养成细心观察的好习惯,用多种方法帮助记忆汉字,多加练习,提高书写正确率。对学有余力的同学提倡多认字、多识记,对所学生字加强组词练习,加大扩词量,不要局限于课文,并且结合词语意思记忆,避免同音不同字。还有,抛开成绩,单看书写,一些学校书写整体都好,卷面让人赏心悦目,也有些学校书写整体较差,这是值得老师们思考的。希

望我们的老师更加重视日常的书写教学,改进方法,帮助学生养成规范书写的好习惯,更希望老师为学生们做好表率。 一次活动虽然是短暂的,但它带来的影响应是积极的、深远的。这样的活动也将在以后持续开展,相信在全体师生的努力下,小学生的规范书 写一定会迈上新的台阶,取得更大的进步。 篇二:汉字听写大赛活动总结文档 汉字听写大赛活动总结 为弘扬祖国优秀书法文化传统,检验学生的书写水平,培养学生良好的书写习惯,树立学生“规规矩矩写字,堂堂正正做人”的自觉性,全面营造浓烈的校园写字文化氛围,根据《规范汉字书写比赛实施方案》,学校成功举办了规范汉字书写比赛。此次活动受到了广大学生的热烈欢迎,同时也得到了学校领导和广大教师的大力支持。在书写比赛中,由于同学们充分准备、积极参加,取得了很好的成绩。为表彰先进、进一步推动全校学生书写规范汉字工作,现将此次活动总结如下: 一、高度重视制定方案 为使比赛有序进行,学校制订了《规范汉字书写比赛实施方案》,成立了比赛领导小组和评审小组。经研究决定由负责全校教学工作的副校长担任领导小组组长,聘请了学校部分资深书法教师担任指导老师和评委。广泛宣传、加强动员,学校领导非常重视此次活动,学校教师大会上要求各班主任向学生家长发出倡议,动员家长在家和学生一


1、深邃:shēn suì深的;幽深,深奥的。 2、相形见绌:xiāng xíng jiàn chù指和同类的事物相比较,显出不足。 3、白皑皑: bái ái ái形容非常洁白。如:皑皑白雪。 4、呕心沥血:ǒu xīn lì xuè呕:吐;沥:一滴一滴。比喻用尽心思。多形容为事业、工作、文艺创作等用心的艰苦。 5、人声鼎沸 rén shēng dǐng fèi :人群发出的声音像水在锅里沸腾一样,形容人声嘈杂喧闹。 6、南辕北辙nán yuán běi zhé:想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的正好相反 7、浩瀚 hào hàn:形容广大或繁多。 8、蜿蜒 wān yán :蛇类爬行的样子;(山脉、河流、道路等)弯弯曲曲地延伸的样子。 9、绵里藏针mián lǐ cánɡ zhēn :绵:丝棉。棉絮里面藏着针。形容柔中有刚。 10、无稽之谈wújīzhītán:稽,查考。没有根据,无从查考的话。

第一部分: 1、深邃:shēn suì深的;幽深,深奥的。 2、藐视:miǎo shì认为某种事物很卑贱、渺小、没有价值或令人厌恶,从而对它加以轻视,加以嘲笑。 3、驾驭:jià yù驱使车马。 4、璀璨:cuǐ càn形容光彩夺目,非常绚丽。 5、螳螂:táng láng 无脊椎动物,有俗语“螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后”。 6、食物链:shíwùliàn各种生物通过一系列吃与被吃的关系彼此联系起来的序列,在生态学上被称为食物链。 7、相形见绌:xiāng xíng jiàn chù指和同类的事物相比较,显出不足。 8、生死攸关:shēng sǐ yōu guān攸:所。生死所关,即有关生死。关系到生和死,徘徊在生和死的中间。指生死存亡的关键时刻。 9、混淆:hùnxiáo 思想混杂,使界限不分明 10、咫尺天涯:zhǐ chǐ tiān yá)咫:古代长度单位,周制八寸,合今市尺六寸二分二厘;咫尺:比喻距离很近。比喻距离虽近,但很难相见,像是远在天边一样。 11、白皑皑: bái ái ái形容非常洁白。 12、纵横捭阖:zòng héng bǎi hé合纵连横;捭阖:开合。原指战国时策士游说的一种方法。后意为以辞令测探、打动别人,在政治和外交上运用联合或分化的手段。 13、狭隘:xiá ài心胸、气量、见识等不宏大宽广。


音乐基础教学中的听写训练视唱练耳是每一位音乐专业学生的必修课,是每一位有志于音乐的学生走进音乐王国的必由之路。视唱练耳包括“视唱”与“练耳”两项内容。视唱就是“视谱即唱”,即拿到乐谱不做准备就能准确、流畅的演唱出来,练耳就是“训练听觉”,也就是通过听辨、听唱、听写等训练,全面提高对音乐的感知力、记忆力、表现力和鉴赏力。 在听唱练耳的教学中,视唱训练与听觉训练有着密切的关系,而这就像是水和船,“水涨船高”。作为视唱练耳教学中的重点和难点,听写无论在教学还是考试中,都起着举足轻重的作用,应予以足够的重视。近年来,全国大多数音乐艺术院校的视唱练耳考试都加入了听写的内容,下面就来谈谈听写训练。听写就是将听到或记忆到的音乐用乐谱记录下来。听写能力形成的基础是听辨、模唱、及构唱等,因此,在教学中应不间断的加强听辨、模唱及构唱的训练。此外,还应该加强听写训练与乐理知识之间的联系,调动理性思维,进行逻辑分析。有了这些良好的基础后,再进行听写练习就不会感到特别困难了。 一、单音听写训练 通常,教师要在钢琴上弹一个标准A1然后开始听写。为了加深对A音的记忆,可以弹奏记忆不同音区内的A音。每次听写训练开始前唱标准音,逐渐建立绝对音高感。另外,换可以通过背唱一些以A音为主音的旋律来加强对标准音的音

高感。单音训练是音高训练的基础,是基础中的基础,一定要做大量的强化训练。只有这样,才为以后的音程训练、和弦训练及旋律训练等提供依据、条件。 在训练中,要注意贯彻由浅入深、循序渐进的原则。首先在键盘中音区不带升降号的白键上听写,逐渐向两端音区扩展。当能够较熟练地听写出白键上的音之后,就可以按调的五度循环顺序逐渐加进#F、#C、#G、#D及bB、bE、bA、bD等音反复练习。 二、音程听写训练 音程包括旋律音程与和声音程,实际上,单音听写从莫种意义上就是一种旋律音程的听记。音程听写训练可以从旋律音程入手,逐步过渡成和声音程,为和弦听写训练打下坚实的基础。由于这一部分是非常重要但较难掌握的内容,往往很多初学者再此项听写中失误较多,因此掌握此项内容成为听写训练中的关键。只有对不同音程的性质和音响效果非常熟悉,才能听好和声音程。在平时训练中,要切实加强实际训练与听觉分析相结合。在听写和声音程时,可以要求学生在写出音程音位的同时,还要写出音程的性质,以加强感性和理性的认识。 音程听写训练要点: (一)熟悉音程的音调与音响特点 1、大小二度音程。旋律大小二度是常用的音程,是调 式自然音之间的级进连接,是平滑,自然而松弛的,


41.Apology Helps It is never easy to admit you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need to know the art of apologizing. Look back with honesty and think how often you have judged roughly, you said unkind things, and pushed yourself ahead at the expense of a friend. Then count the occasions when you indicated clearly and truly that you were so sorry. A bit frightening, isn’t it? It is frightening, isn’t it? It is frightening because some deep wisdom in us knows that when even a small wrong has been committed, some mysterious moral feeling is disturbed; and it stays out of balance until fault is acknowledged and regret expressed. A heartfelt apology can not only heal a damaged relationship but also make it stronger. If you can think of someone who deserves an apology from you, someone you have wronged, or judged too roughly, or just neglected, do something about it right now. 42. Sleep Why is it so difficult to fall asleep when you are overtired? There is no one answer that applies to every individual. It is possible to feel “tired” physically and still be unable to fall asleep, because while your body may be exhausted, you do not feel sleepy. It is not so easy to simply “turn off”. Lack of sleep complicates matters even more. Experts say adults need at


2019年汉字听写大会总题库 一、字词 雾凇wùsōng:天气现象。 猢狲húsūn:猴子的别称。 腭裂èliè:医学名词。 荸荠bíqi:为多年生浅水性草本植物。 迤逦yǐlǐ:曲折连绵。 鏖战áo zhàn:激烈地战斗;竭力苦战。 合卺héjǐn:旧时结婚男女同杯饮酒之礼,后泛指结婚。 旱魃hàn bá:传说中引起旱灾的怪物;比喻旱象。 醪糟láo zāo:江米酒。 尘寰chén huán: 人世间。 蜈蚣wúɡōnɡ:节肢动物。体扁长。头部金黄色﹐有鞭状触角。躯干部背面暗绿色﹐腹面黄褐色﹐由许多环节构成﹐每个环节有足一对。第一对足有毒腺﹐能分泌毒液。捕食小昆虫。中医入药。 破绽pòzhàn :比喻语言行动中露出的漏洞。 驿站yìzhàn:古代供传递公文的人或来往官员中途换马、歇宿的地方:设立驿站。 矫健jiǎojiàn :强壮有力。 焦炭jiāotàn :一种固体燃料,质硬,多孔,发热量高。用煤高温干馏而成。多用于炼铁。涉密shèmì:涉及秘密的信息。涉密信息也按照秘密、机密、绝密三级进行分级管理。根据“谁主管、谁负责”的保密管理原则,涉密信息使用单位应负责本单位涉密信息分级保护的具体实施工作。 耳熟能详ěrshúnénɡxiánɡ:指听得多了,能够说得很清楚、很详细。 隔膜ɡémó:情意不相通,彼此不了解;不通晓;外行。 造次zàocì:轻率;莽撞;仓促;匆忙。 青涩qīnɡsè:原指果实尚未成熟,现在多用来形容人不成熟。同时也形容人未经历世事,简单纯洁的样子。 方兴未艾fānɡxìnɡwèiài :事物正在发展,还没有停止。多形容新生事物正在蓬勃发展。诧异chàyì:感到惊奇,惊异,非常惊讶。 反刍fǎnchú:倒嚼,是指进食经过一段时间以后将半消化的食物返回嘴里再次咀嚼。 沉湎chénmiǎn :比喻潜心于某事物或处于某种境界或思维活动中,深深迷恋着,无法自拔。多形容陷入不良的生活习惯难以自拔,表达消极的感情色彩。 烙饼làobǐnɡ:以面粉、鸡蛋、葱花等为主要原料烙制而成并深受百姓喜爱的面食之一,可以配各种肉、蛋、蔬菜一起食用。 华尔兹huáěrzī:圆舞,一种自娱舞蹈形式。华尔兹舞曲,即圆舞曲也常被称为华尔兹。华尔兹是舞厅舞中最早的、也是生命力非常强的自娱舞形式,亦称圆舞。 捉襟见肘zhuōjīnjiàn zhǒu :拉一下衣襟就露出胳膊肘儿,形容衣服破烂。也比喻困难重重,应付不过来或顾此失彼穷于应付。 萧瑟xiāosè:形容风吹拂树木发出的声音;冷落;凄凉。 怄气òuqì:闹情绪,生气。 椭圆tuǒyuán:长圆形。 通牒tōnɡdié:一国就某一争端通知另一方并要求答覆的文书。


1.Town and Country Life in England There is a big difference between town life and country life in England. In the country, everybody knows everybody else. They know what time you get up, what time you go to bed and what you have for dinner. If you want help, you will always get it and you will be glad to help others. In a large town like London, however, it can sometimes happen that you have never seen your next door neighbor and you do not know his name or anything about him. People in London are often very lonely. This is because people go to different places in the evenings and at weekends. If you walk through the streets in the centre of London on Sunday, it is like a town without people. One is sorry for old people living on their own. They could die in their homes and would not be discovered for weeks or even months. 2. A Change in Women’s Life The important change in women’s life-pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity, and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women tend to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before


2020年汉字听写大赛总结 常安一中2020年汉字听写大赛总结 为进一步丰富校园文化生活,弘扬中华汉语言文化,促进规范用字、规范书写,激发广大师生对汉字书写的兴趣,提高学生学习语文知识的积极性。引导学生正确识记汉字,掌握汉字词的识记方法,提高规范使用汉字的意识和能力。参考县级比赛活动要求,举办了此次常安一中2020年汉字听写大赛。 本次比赛内容以语文基础字词为主,包括各年级教材中涉及的相关词汇,以语文课本中出现过的字、词为主,以及四大名著经典文学著作为辅。然后选取50道汉字听写题,按顺序由监考教师进行听写比赛,时限为45分钟。本次活动在学校领导大力支持和全体师生的积极参与下,圆满落下帷幕。现将比赛活动情况总结如下: 一、好的方面:师生积极准备,学生踊跃参与。各班根据学校要求进行了班级初选,并在赛前根据比赛项目对参赛选手做了相应的指导训练。参赛同学在比赛过程中态度端正,一丝不苟、认真作答,基本能做到书写行笔规范,卷面整洁,字迹工整。从中体现了同学们对规范汉字书写的认识,对集体荣誉的重视,对民族文化的热爱。 二、存在的问题:在活动中我们也发现了一些问题。 第一,表现在汉字书写方面:丢笔画,合并笔画,笔画错误,使用别字,卷面勾画、涂抹等情况都多少存在。

第二,词语积累方面:我们同学的词汇量太少,大多数同学积累的内容仅限于课本,遇到课外的词汇就写不出来。 第三,对于四大名著词汇量掌握程度不是很好。 第四,由于举办此次活动时间比较仓促,学生准备不是很充分。 三、几点建议 以上问题的出现突显了我们语文教学中的疏漏,同时也为我们今后的语文教学提供了契机。建议语文教师在今后的语文教学中,一要重视写字教学,引导学生细心观察汉字的结构、笔画等,掌握汉字的音形义,用多种方法帮助记忆汉字,正确书写,激发学生识字写字的兴趣,多加练习,提高书写正确率。 二要注重培养学生良好的书写习惯,严格要求,帮助学生养成规范书写、保持书面整洁的好习惯。 三要鼓励学生多进行课外阅读,课外阅读不仅能增加学生词汇量,还能提高学生的阅读理解能力,对语文学习来说是非常重要的。 四要对学有余力的同学提倡多认字、多识记,对所学生字加强组词练习,加大扩词量,不要局限于课文,并且结合词语意思记忆,避免同音不同字。 以上建议是给教师的建议,同时也是给学生的建议,希望同学们能通过本次活动,认识到自身存在的问题,今后更加重视汉字书写,多观察、多思考、多识记、多积累,不断提高语文素养。

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