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14電訊管理局 二零零五至零六年營運基金報告書
















在2005年6月,電訊局長公布VoIP 服務的規管架構,引進兩級制發牌制度。在該制度下,「第一類服務」須符合適用於根據固定電訊網絡服務(固網服務)或固定傳送者牌照提供傳統電話服務的固網營辦商的相關發牌條件。為免窒礙科技的發展,「第二類服務」則只須符合起碼的發牌條件。現時的固網服務或固定傳送者牌照持牌人獲准以其現有的牌照提供IP 電話服務,為發展多元化的嶄新電訊服務作好準備。另一方面,我們於2006年1月起發出服務營辦商牌照,以便業界推出IP 電話服務。

寬頻技術急速發展,加上電訊與廣播愈趨融合,造就電訊服務營辦商提供IP 電視服務的機會。事實上,多家固網服務營辦商在今年開始提供包括電話、寬頻接達及電視的「三合一」服務。在2005年年底,香港已有逾50萬IP 電視登記用戶,以總登記人數而言,我們大大超


下一代網絡將會融滙固網電話、流動及數據三個網絡為一套高智能、以網際 規約(IP )技術為中樞的統一網絡基建。這套網絡基建將提供全方位接達,亦會提供各種嶄新技術、應用及服務的發展空間。

Next Generation Networks will integrate fixed telephone, mobile and

data networks into an intelligent and unified IP-based backbone network

infrastructure, which will deliver universal access and a host of new

technologies, applications and service opportunities.

15 Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund Report 2005/06


Paving the Way for Next Generation Communications

Next Generation Networks

Currently telecommunications services are enabled by separate networks, including the conventional fixed telephone, mobile and data networks. Next Generation Networks (NGNs) will integrate all these networks into an intelligent and unified IP-based backbone network infrastructure, which will deliver universal access and a host of new technologies, applications and service opportunities.

The realisation of NGNs will hinge on the migration

to new networks and services. More and more operators, including local network operators,

are formulating plans to introduce new network technology for the provision of new services to their customers. Further work will however be necessary to ensure that both the regulator and the industry will better understand the new technologies, learn how they will interrelate and how the new networks

will interconnect.

With NGNs, services, currently provided by networks under distinctly different regulatory frameworks,

will share the same service platform. The possible shift of competition from the present lower layers

of transport and networks to the higher layers of services and applications will lead to intensified competition between independent service providers and NGN operators. As such, broader regulatory issues will need to be addressed. OFTA will continue to monitor market developments closely to ensure that a level playing field for service providers and network operators will be maintained in the NGN era and that a proportionate regulatory regime for NGNs will be developed in a timely manner to meet the new challenges ahead.Multimedia Services over

Internet Protocol

In June 2005, the TA promulgated the regulatory framework for IP Telephony services. Under the

two-class licensing regime, Class 1 services are required to meet relevant licensing conditions applicable to fixed network operators providing conventional telephone services under Fixed Telecommunications Networks Services (FTNS) or Fixed Carrier Licences, while Class 2 services are required to meet only minimal licensing conditions

to ensure that innovative development will not

be inhibited. While existing FTNS or fixed carrier licensees are allowed to provide IP Telephony services under their existing licences to pave the way for a wider choice of innovative telecommunications services under the IP environment, a Services-Based Operator (SBO) Licence was introduced in January 2006 for the provision of IP Telephony services. Rapid advances in the broadband technologies

and the increasing convergence between telecommunications and broadcasting have created opportunities for telecommunications operators to offer IP television (IPTV) services. In fact, a number of fixed operators began offering “triple-play” products – telephony, broadband access and TV – during the year. By the end of 2005, there were more than 500,000 IPTV subscribers in Hong Kong, placing us well ahead of all developed economies around the world, in terms of the total number of subscribers.

16電訊管理局 二零零五至零六年營運基金報告書


下一代網絡及IP 技術的發展,令固定網絡與流動網絡服務的分界














本地固網服務市場全面開放,加上強制性第二類互連安排即將撤銷,令各營辦商加快運用 先進技術建設更具競爭力的固定網絡。電訊局一直積極支持各營辦商拓展網絡,協助他們進入樓宇鋪網、協調掘路工程,以及協助網絡商將網絡接連樓宇內置電纜系統,消費者因此有更多服務可選擇,而在高速及高容量電訊網絡的支援下,市場湧現了各式各樣的創新電訊及多媒體服務。截至2005年9月,71%的香港住戶已可接連至少兩個自建客戶接達網絡。




流動服務滙流論壇」上,就滙流所引發的規管問題,跟與會者 分享電訊局的觀點。

Mr M H Au, Director-General,

sharing OFTA‘s views on

regulatory issues initiated

by convergence at the

Fixed-Mobile Convergence

Forum on 22 September 2005


Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund Report 2005/06


Paving the Way for Next Generation Communications

Fixed-Mobile Convergence

With the advent of NGNs and IP technologies, the

demarcation between fixed and mobile services is

becoming less and less distinct. With convergence,

service providers will be able to provide services on

a fixed network, a mobile network or a combination

of the two to the same customer. At the same time,

end-users will be able to enjoy access to mobile and

fixed services without the need to switch between

service providers.

In Hong Kong, under the existing regulatory framework, different regulatory systems apply to the fixed and mobile networks. As such, the question

of whether the existing regulatory framework will

be sustainable in this era of convergence arises. To ensure that we will keep ourselves fully abreast of this new development, we initiated the necessary review of the situation during the year. A consultation paper was issued in September 2005 on the creation of a unified carrier licence for network operators offering fixed, mobile and converged services in the convergent environment. A consultancy study was also commissioned to identify the changes necessary to the existing regulatory framework and the ensuing costs and benefits to stakeholders. Taking the recommendations of the consultant and the views

of the industry into account, we launched a further round of consultation in July 2006 with regard to

the new regulatory regime and the implementation arrangements required for the necessary changes.

Broadband Wireless Access

To facilitate the introduction of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technologies in Hong Kong, we conducted two rounds of public consultation, the first in December 2004 and the second in August 2005, on the regulatory framework, spectrum assignment and licensing arrangements for BWA. Based on the results of these two consultations, the TA will decide on the way forward in 2006/07.

The Local Fixed Telecommunications Network Services Market

In Hong Kong, the local FTNS market has been fully liberalised and there is no pre-set limit on the number of licences to be issued. At the end of March 2006, there were 11 local FTNS operators in the market, offering various telecommunications services on a competitive basis.

Full liberalisation of the local FTNS market and the policy to withdraw mandatory Type II interconnection have hastened the rollout of competitive fixed networks using advanced technologies. In this regard, we have taken an active role in facilitating this network rollout for operators, helping them to gain access to buildings, coordinating road-openings and facilitating access to in-building wiring systems. This has resulted in an increase in the choice of services for consumers as well as the emergence

of a variety of innovative telecommunications and multimedia services supported by high-speed and high-capacity telecommunications networks. As at September 2005, 71% of Hong Kong’s households were connected to at least two self-built customer

access networks.































19 Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund Report 2005/06


Paving the Way for Next Generation Communications

Market liberalisation and free competition have

also brought about significant growth in the local broadband service market. At the end of March 2006, there were over 1.66 million broadband customers in Hong Kong, representing a growth of 9.3%

year-on-year, while the household penetration rate rose to 66.1%.

The Mobile Market

With all four 3G operators having launched their service, the mobile telecommunications market entered a new era. Consumers can now enjoy brand new, high-speed multimedia services such as video calls and video streaming.

Competition in the mobile market continues to

be intense, with five operators operating ten 2G networks and four 3G networks. The number of mobile customers reached a record high of 8.69 million at the end of March 2006, out of which around 840,000 were 3G customers. The penetration rate was 124.7%, one of the highest in the world.

The licences for 2G operators expire between

July 2005 and September 2006. After two rounds

of public consultation, in November 2004, OFTA finalised the licensing framework for mobile services upon the expiry of their existing 2G licences. Holders of the nine incumbent GSM and PCS licences providing 2G mobile services have been offered the right of first refusal, entitling them to new mobile carrier licences for a further period of 15 years

and allowing them to continue providing mobile telecommunications services. No new licences were granted to licensees operating CDMA and TDMA networks as the assigned spectrum has not been used efficiently. The radio spectrum is a scarce and valuable public resource and the TA is responsible for ensuring its efficient utilisation. The TDMA licensee subsequently returned its full spectrum to the Government upon expiry of its licence in July 2005. However, the CDMA licensee will continue to operate services until November 2008, using a third of the originally assigned spectrum to facilitate smooth customer migration.

In view of technology’s continuing advances, the Government initiated a spectrum policy review in 2005. The review aims to formulate a responsive, transparent and market-led spectrum policy, enabling the community to reap maximum benefit from this scarce public resource. Meanwhile, consideration was given to the spectrum vacated by the TDMA licence with some thought going towards expanding the capacity of existing mobile operators. However, in late 2005, having considered the wider public interest, the TA decided to deploy the vacated spectrum to improve mobile coverage in country parks and other remote areas without charging the concerned network operators any spectrum utilisation fee. The issue of whether this spectrum will be assigned for commercial purposes in the urban area will be reviewed at a later stage, but priority will continue to be given to the improvement of coverage in the country parks and other remote areas where commercial operations would otherwise not be economically viable.
