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Explain each of the four strategies for growth and downsizing in the Product/Market Expansion Grid. Give a detailed example of how the Apple brand could use each of the four strategies to achieve profitable growth for the company.

Market Penetration-A strategy for company growth by increasing sales of current products to current market segments without changing the product.

Product development-A strategy for company growth by offering modified or new products to current market segments.

Market development-A strategy for company growth by identifying and developing new market segments for current company products. Diversification -A strategy for company growth through starting up or acquiring businesses outside the company's current products and markets

Define Strategic Management and explain each of the three stages of strategic management. Give a detailed example of three stages of a Strategic Management plan you would implement if you owned a retail store that sells tennis shoes and athletic apparel.

Strategic planning:

The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. It involves defining a clear company mission, setting supporting objectives, designing a sound business portfolio, and coordinating functional strategies.

First step: Define the company mission

Mission statement: a statement of the organization’s purpose—what it wants to accomplish in the large environment.

We owe a retail store that sells tennis shoes and athletic apparel .Our mission to “Beat you into liberation”

Second step: Setting company objectives and goals

Our company’s overall objective is to establish system of tennis supplies. We’ll help more and more people to release themselves by using our products.

Third Step: Design the Business Portfolio

Business portfolio: the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.

Explain each of the four levels of market targeting from targeting broadly to targeting narrowly. For each level, provide an example of a specific company that uses that level of market targeting. Differentiat Undifferen Concentrated Micromarketing ed (segmented)marketing tiated (mass) marketing (niche) marketing (Local or individual)

Targeting broadly targeting narrowly

Undifferentiated marketing is a market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment differences and go after the whole market with one offer. This strategy focuses on what is common in the needs of consumers rather on what is different.

Differentiated (segment) marketing

1) Definition:

Using a differentiated marketing (or segment marketing) strategy, a firm decides to target several segments and designs separate offers for each. Concentrated marketing is especially appealing when company resources are limited. Instead of going after a small share of a large market, the firm goes after a large share of one or a few segments or niches.

Micromarketing is the practice of tailoring product and marketing programs to the needs and wants of specific individuals and local customer groups------includes local marketing and individual marketing.

Describe the two types of Marketing Environments. Give a detailed example of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect the ability of Dell Computers to maintain successful relationships with their target customers here in China.

The actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers---the company suppliers marketing inter-medianies customer markets competitor and public

The larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment: demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces.

Explain each of the Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior. Provide a detailed example of how each of these factors influences the marketing strategy for Metro stores here in China.

Cultural factors: Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behaviors. The market needs to understand the role played by the buyer’s culture,subculture,and social class.

Social factors include groups family ,roles and status influence Consumer Behaviour.

Personal factors:A buyer’s decisions also are influenced by personal characteristics such as the buyer’s age and life-cycle stage, occupation,economic situation,lifestyle,and personality and self-concept. Psychological Factors:A person’s buying choices are further influenced by four major psychological factors:Motivation, Perception, Learning, Beliefs and Attitudes

Buyer: The buyer decision process consists of five stages, Need Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of Alternatives, the consumer ranks brands and forms purchase , Purchase Decision, Postpurchase Behaviour.


我这个半瓶水的市场人也来晃荡晃荡大家轻拍? 此贴可能是个大坑,想要骂人的请绕道? 此贴是marketing菜鸟写的,所有很多东西还是很表面的给人理解,如果有专业人士莅临,请轻拍? 此贴lz因为在外企习惯了外企的作风难免中文夹杂英文,如果看不惯的请绕道? LZ 非市场专业毕业英文很烂工作5年不到点跳槽3次(错误示范,后悔莫及,请勿效仿,后果自负)? 从事市场3年半路出家所以依然是菜鸟一枚希望和大家共勉给后人得以借鉴? 职业生涯经历过2家IT公司和1家制造业公司? 1:何谓市场? 最简单最白话的解释就是分析市场需求,提供销售潜在客户群,把公司产品经过一系列的外在内在的包装,帮助销售卖出产品,提高公司营业额? 2:人们对市场部的误区:市场=销售? 其实大型公司市场部和销售部是分开的,更细致的公司还会这么分:市场部,品牌广告部,通路行销部,销售部,客户服务部还有公关部? PS:通路行销Trade Marketing:该部门往往存在于快消消费品和耐用消费品行业。它起到连接销售和市场部的作用。因为第一线销售人员数据很多,所以需要一个部门把这些信息分析量化后交给市场部宏观执行,而市场部也不可能全部知道销售的一线情况,最好的方法就是通过中间部门把市场部的战略性部署转换成更适合销售接受的东西传递给一线销售。这就是trade mkt的作用? 哪种人适合做市场? 1.耐心和细心 marketing是很注重细节的工作,也是个很繁琐的工作,有时候整天就对这个PPT做报告,有时候整天要干的就是确认产品目录上的中文字英文字的大小清晰度等,不细心的话数据报表差一个数字就失之千里啦,没耐心的话如果一整天让你打电话给客户做调研或者和比对产品目录,你会不会发火啊,呵呵? 2.真正感兴趣这个很好解释吧,不喜欢的工作很难干的长久,很多工作其实做熟练了每天都基本干一样的事情,marketing就好在这里每个品牌的推广活动,每次的展览,每次的广告策略都能给你不同的idea,可能也是很多人喜欢这职位的原因吧,当然大体的事情还是很多雷同的,因为公司策略总归是保持一个方向发展的? 3.吃苦市场部的事情非常多,所以在一些行业来说加班加点必不可少,频繁的出差也是很有可能的,没有加班费是常有的事情。所以要吃得起苦,性格上公司选择的人希望他更加aggressive一点,激进。因为有时候出现问题很多部门第一个怪的就是市场部,你要有足够的能力去应付这些? FMCG等消费品公司市场主导销售在公司里市场部的人员往往更加得势一些?


Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分) Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁 Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理Sales Manager 销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理Merchandising Manager 采购经理 Sales Assistant 销售助理 Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员 Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员 Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师Marketing Consultant 市场顾问 Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员Manufacturer's Representative 厂家代表Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监Sales Representative 销售代表 Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理Marketing Intern 市场实习 Marketing Director 市场总监 Insurance Agent 保险代理人 Customer Manager 客户经理Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁 Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理Sales Administrator 销售主管 Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监Advertising Manager 广告经理 Travel Agent 旅行代办员 Salesperson 销售员 Telemarketer 电话销售员 Sales Executive 销售执行者 Marketing Assistant 市场助理 Retail Buyer 零售采购员 Real Estate Manager 房地产经理 Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人Purchasing Agent 采购代理 Product Developer 产品开发 Marketing Manager 市场经理 Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员Advertising Assistant 广告助理 Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail) 广告文撰写人Customer Representative 客户代表Computers and Mathematics(计算机部分) Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理 MIS Manager 电脑部经理 Project Manager 项目经理 Technical Engineer 技术工程师Developmental Engineer 开发工程师Systems Programmer 系统程序员Administrator 局域网管理员 Operations Analyst 操作分析 Computer Operator 电脑操作员Product Support Manager 产品支持经理 Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管Director of InFORMation Services 信息服务主管 Systems Engineer 系统工程师 Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师 Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员InFORMation Analyst 信息分析 LAN Systems Analyst 系统分析 Statistician 统计员 Human Resources(人力资源部分) Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理Compensation Manager 薪酬经理accountant: 会计 actor: 男演员 actress: 女演员 airline representative: 地勤人员 anchor: 新闻主播 announcer: 广播员 apprentice: 学徒工 archaeologist: 考古学家 architect: 建筑师 artisan: 工匠,技工 artist: 艺术家 associate professor: 副教授 astronaut: 孙航员 athlete: 运动员 attendant: 服务员 attorney: 律师 auditor: 审计员 auto mechanic : 汽车技工 baby-sitter: 保姆 baker: 烘培师,面包师 barber: 理发师(男) baseball player: 棒球选手 bell boy: 门童 bellhop: 旅馆的行李员 binman: 清洁工,垃圾工 biologist: 生物学家 blacksmith: 铁匠 bookseller: 书商 botanist: 植物学家 boxer: 拳击手 broker (agent) : 经纪人 budgeteer: 预算编制者 bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机 butcher: 屠夫,肉商 buyer: 采购员 carpenter:木匠 cartoonist: 漫画家 cashier: 出纳员 chef: 厨师 chemist : 化学师,药剂师


*****大学2015-2016学年第一学期本科(C卷) 一、名词解释(每题5分,共30分) 1.Market Research 2.Customer Loyalty 3.Niche Marketing 4.Big Data 5.Integrated Marketing Communication 6.Bullwhip Effect 二、简答题(每题10分,共40分) 1.基于福特公司营销理念的变革过程,阐述对全面营销理念(Holistic Marketing)的理解。 2.牛仔裤一直都被认为是一种“没有架子”的服装,但服装市场中,不同牛仔裤之间价格 却天差地别,奢侈品牌的牛仔裤价格往往能够达到几万元,而在批发市场也有几十块钱的选择,这两者之间的区别在哪里?举例分析定价原理。 3.联想一次购物经历,列举哪些因素可能会影响消费者的最终决策。 4.下图是从一份问卷中截取的片段,请分析这一部分内容采用了哪些设计方法?简单阐述 背后的原理。如果让你来改进该部分的设计,你有什么建议?三、论述题(每题15分,共30分) 阅读两部分文字材料,针对以下两个问题,进行论述。 1.材料一中的“经济危机和危机后缓慢的恢复”,材料二中的“信息技术和碎片化”,这些 因素对市场营销重要么?同时提到的“价值观”呢?阐明观点。 2.材料一中的“千禧一代”,材料二中的“公司人”或“中产阶级”,都体现了哪些与营销 相关的知识?在创业者、营销经理、营销学者中选择其中一个身份,或者评价材料中的针对这些人群的营销策略,或者尝试自己设计针对这些人的创意、策略或研究。 材料一:共享经济,一个时代来临 早在2000年,杰里米·里金夫就在《使用权时代》里写道:“摒弃市场和产权交易,从观念上推动人际关系以实现结构性转变,这就是从产权观念向共享观念的转变。”做出预言的15年后,使用权的地位已经显现。在美国,最先接受这种财产观念的是生于1982年到2002年的“千禧一代”。他们是美国最新的一代,也是最“穷”的一代,当他们即将工作的时候,遭遇了经济危机和危机之后缓慢的恢复。根据美国的一项调查数据,2012年的失业人口中45%是18岁到34岁的美国人,而年轻人的就业率是过去40年中最低的。



态度attitude 品牌兴趣brand interest 品牌忠诚brand loyalty 企业市场business markets 影响中心centers of influence 有意劝服路径central route to persuation 认知cognition 消费行为consumer behavior 消费者决策过程consumer decision making process 消费者市场consumer markets 文化culture 现有顾客current customers 详尽可能性模型Elaboration Likelihood Model 环境因素environment 选择评估evaluation of alternatives 评估标准evaluative criteria 参考组evoked set 交换exchange 政府市场government markets 习惯habit 需要层次hierachy of needs 工业市场industrial markets 信息性动机informational motives

人际影响interpersonal influences 认知learning 市场market 卖主marketers 营销marketing 大脑档案mental files 动机motivation 需要needs 被动生成动机negatively originated motives 非人员影响nonpersonal influences 舆论领袖opinion leader 集团买主organizational buyers 感知perception 感知过滤perceptual screens 无意劝服路径periphial route to persuasion 个人过程personal processes 劝服persuasion 生理过滤physiological screens 主动生成动机positively originated motives 购后失调学说postpurchase dissonance 购后评估postpurchase evaluation 潜在顾客prospective customers 心理过滤psychological screens


Assessment item 2 Report 2 Task Having completed your first report you are now to complete a second marketing report for Bathurst Carbon Cutters (BCC). The firm has taken your view that marketing can be beneficial to society and their firm. The second report is on market segmentation, targeting and positioning. You are to segment the market, select target segment(s) and identify a position for the firm’s product. BBC provide push bikes for hire with the aim of reducing carbon emissions. They think people who use their products are largely business people and university academics/students. But they are unsure. Part 1: Profile three segments using the relevant theory. The three are (1) university students (2) university academics and (3) business people from Bathurst. Part 2: Target one or all of the segments and justify why you would target one or both segments. Part 3: Give an outline of how the products should be positioned for the segment(s) and give a brief description of the marketing strategy you would use to attain this positioning. Your report should cover the following areas of theory and apply the theory for BCC! Part 1: Market segmentation 1.Define the target marketing concept, discuss it’s use for BCC 2.Define mass, one-to-one and target ma rketing and it’s relevant to BCC 3.Outline market segmentation bases(geographic, demographic, psychographic & behavioural segmentation) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/da4216993.html,e the segmentation bases to profile market segments(students, academics and business people) for BCC Part 2: Market Targeting


●Marketing mix-市场营销组合:是现代营销中最重要的概念之一,它指公司为使目标市场产生预期反应而整合使用的一系列可控的、策略性的营销工具。4P,产品、价格、渠道、促销。P49 ●Value delivery network-价值递送网络:由公司、供应商、分销商、最终顾客组成,彼此相互合作,共同提高整个系统的绩效。P46 ●Wholesaling-批发:涉及将产品和服务出售给以转售或商业用途为目的的购买者的全部活动。P365 ●Positioning-定位:是相对于竞争者的产品而言,设法使自己的产品在目标顾客的心目中占据一个清晰、独特而理想的位置。P48 ●SBU-Strategic Business Unit-战略单位业务:一个战略业务单位可以是公司的一个部门、一个部门中的一条产品线、或者一个产品或品牌。 ●Marketing-商场营销:企业为从顾客处获得利益回报而为顾客创造价值并与之建立稳固关系的过程。P6 ●4P and 4C-市场营销组合的4P:产品、价格、渠道、促销。4C:顾客解决之道、顾客成本、便利、沟通。P49-50 ●Market segmentation-市场细分:将市场划分为独特的购买者群体(各个群体之间在需要、特征或行为上存在明显差异,需要不同的产品或市场营销计划。)P47 ●Retailing-零售:包括直接向最终消费者销售产品或服务以满足个人或非商业用途的所有活动。 ●Strategic planning-战略规划:在组织的目标和能力与不断变化的市场机会之间建立和维持战略适配的过程。P37 ●Price:价格:是顾客为获得产品必须支付的货币数量。P49 ●IMC:整合营销沟通(integrated marketing communications)公司仔细地整合各种沟通渠道,传播关于组织及其品牌的清晰、一致和有说服力的信息。P380 ●Marketing environment营销环境:由影响市场营销管理者与其目标顾客建立和维持稳固关系的能力的所有外部行为者和力量构成。P63


Marketing Management营销管理 New Products Development新产品开发Service Industry Marketing服务业营销Advertising广告 Business Negotiation商业谈判International Marketing国际市场营销Sales Channels销售渠道 Public Relationship公共关系 Consumer Behavior消费者行为 Systems of Management Information管理信息系统 Marketing Research营销调研accessibility 可进入性 accessory equipment markets 附属设备市场account management policies 客户管理策略positioning定位 additions to existing product lines 现有产品线的增加 administered vertical marketing systems 管理式垂直营销系统 market segmentation市场细分 sales promotion销售促进 advertising feedback 广告反馈 advertising frequency 广告频率advertising media 广告媒体 advertising reach 广告接受人数advertising message 广告信息 advertising source 广告信息来源 agent middleman 代理商 allowance 折让 alteration 退换 American Marketing Association 美国营销协会 annual marketing plan 年度营销计划assurance 保证 attitudes of consumers 消费者态度availability 可获得性/供货能力awareness (产品)知晓度/知名度 baby boomers 婴儿潮出生的一代人backward channels for recycling 回收的后向渠道 backward integration 后向垂直一体化banner advertisements 横幅标语广告 bar codes 条形码barter 实物交易 basic physical needs 基本生理需要 BCG Grow-Share Matrix 波士顿增长-份额矩阵 before tests 事前测试 Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc. 行为扫描信息源公司 behavioral analysis 行为分析 behavioral hierarchies 行为层级benchmarking 基准 benefit clusters 利益群体 benefits 利益 Benz 奔驰 billing 帐单 birth rate 出生率 blanket purchase order 一揽子采购合同blind-paired comparison testing 双盲比较测试 blue collars 蓝领 bottom line 底线/盈亏一览结算线 brand awareness 品牌意识/认知 brand extensions 品牌扩展 brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 brand mark 品牌标志 brand name 品牌名称 brand positioning 品牌定位 brand recognition 品牌识别 brand strategies 品牌战略 brand 品牌 branding strategy 品牌化战略 branding 品牌化 brand's equity 品牌的价值 break-even analysis 盈亏平衡分析 break-even volume 盈亏平衡产量 breath of product assortment 产品线的宽度breath or diversity of product lines 产品线的宽度或多样性 bribery 贿赂 British Airways 英国航空公司 brokers 经纪人 budgeting 预算 bundle 捆绑 Bureau of Census 人口统计局 business strength rating 商业能力评分

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications 习题及答案详解

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications 习题及答案详解

Chapter 17: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications GENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONS Multiple Choice 1. Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and making it accessible. Companies must also ________ with present and potential stakeholders, and the general public. a. attract b. reach c. relate to d. advertise to e. communicate Answer: e Page: 535 Level of difficulty: Easy 2. Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to ________, persuade, and remind consumers about the product and brands that they sell. a. inform b. reach c. attract d. interest e. none of the above Answer: a Page: 536 Level of difficulty: Easy 3. Marketing communications can contribute to brand equity by establishing the brand in memory and ________ a brand image. a. create interest b. communicate c. create demand d. crafting e. introducing Answer: d Page: 536 Level of difficulty: Medium 475


市场营销专业 百科名片 本专业培养具备管理、经济、法律、市场营销等方面的知识和能力,能在企、事业单位及政府部门从事市场营销与管理以及教学、科研方面工作的工商管理学科高级专门人才。 目录 市场营销专业(本科) 业务培养要求 本专业学生主要学习市场营销及工商管理方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到营销方法与技巧方面的基本训练,具有分析和解决营销问题的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力 1.掌握管理学、经济学和现代的基本理论、基本知识; 2.掌握市场营销的定性、定量分析方法; 3.具有较强的语言与文字表达、人际沟通以及分析和解决营销实际问题的基本能力; 4.熟悉我国有关市场营销的方针、政策与法规及了解的惯例和规则; 5.了解本学科的理论前沿及发展动态; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。 主干学科 经济学、工商管理 主要课程 管理学、微观经济学、宏观经济学、管理信息系统、统计学、会计学、财务管理、市场营销、经济法、、国际市场营销、市场调查、基础会计、金融概论、企业销售策划、商业银行实务、人力资源管理学、、、银行营销、、营销创新、、财政与税收。 主要实践性教学环节

包括课程实习和毕业实习,一般安排10--12周。 修业年限 四年 授予学位 管理学学士 就业去向 市场营销毕业生可以从事市场调研、营销策划、广告策划、市场开发、营销管理、推销服务和教学科 研等工作。市场营销人员是各个企业、特别是大型企业不可缺少的人才。根据我国有关资料统计,从20世纪80年代中期至今,我国企业界自办或协办的人才交流会约两千多场次,而每一次的人才交流会上,市场营销人员都是最受欢迎、最供不应求的人才, 随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,这种势头在未来将越来越猛烈。相近专业 工商管理、、财务管理、、旅游管理、、、电子商务、物流管理、等。 发展前景 市场营销学是经济管理类专业中比较实用的类型,在市场经济逐步完善的今天,对于作为独立经济实体的企业、公司,如果没有专业的市场营销人才,以科学、现代化的营销手段来“做生意”,肯定无法在竞争激烈的市场中生存。市场营销人员是各个企业、特别是大型企业不可缺少的人才,但由于培养数量一直跟不上,所以毕业生供不应求。 1、就业方向 市场营销是主要属于理论性的学科. 市场营销专业毕业后的主要择业方向是销售类的和市场类的工作。 销售类前期可能会辛苦一点从一个普通的业务员开始,慢慢积累经验建立自己的客户群,业绩突出的话可以提升到主管或销售经理,然后再向总监或者分公司负责人去发展。 市场类一般开始也会要求先熟悉业务,前期会有一段时间的销售过程,然后再转作市场,市场类主要以市场策划为主,负责公司市场调研、分析、针对市场制定适合的销售策略及公司发展规划。这类工作在销售中也会有涉及。销售跟市场工作的区别,销售工作前期比市场工作会辛苦困难些,但是成长起来后后期的发展和“钱”途要更大;市场工作相对销售工作的区别在于要比较稳定些,底薪会比较高一些,但是一般没有提成,只有奖金。一个成熟的销售人员跟市场人员比较起来,销售人员的收入和成长会更大。 2、选择企业: 营销人才需求很大,比较好找工作,对学历要求不很高.但是刚踏入社会选择私企的销售工作会比较好找些,毕竟国企和外企对销售人员的聘用要求会很高,也会比较严格些,竞争也更激烈。一般国企外企虽然待遇和福利会好些,但是招人都只会招有经验的销售人员,目前你的情况比较难进。 3、行业的选择及积累人脉


营销策略 Marketing Strategy PART ONE Questions 1—8 · Look at the statements below and the five extracts about advertising and promotion from an article. · Which extract (A, B, C, D orE. does each statement (1—8) refer to? · For each statement (1—8), make one letter (A, B, C, D orE. on your Answer Sheet. · You will need to use some of these letters more than once. A. SMS marketing is marketing using a mobile phone. SMS stands for short message server, otherwise known as text messaging. In short SMS marketing is done using a mobile device to transfer marketing communication to interested consumers. It's an area that is gaining a great deal of interest by businesses both small and large. B. In a perfect world, every brand would contain a variety of meanings, the better to speak to a variety of consumers. The trouble with stuffing the brand this way is that the meaning that works for one consumer can bewilder or antagonize the next. Building a brand with many meanings can sometimes fail spectacularly. Everyone creating popular culture is trying to solve this question. C. Marketing managers work with advertising and promotion managers to promote the firm's or organization's products and services. With the help of lower level managers, including product development managers and market research managers, marketing managers estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors and identify potential markets for the firm's products. D. Marketers should also be aware of the competition that they will face when pursuing a position at a media company. Typically, marketers must have a plethora of solid experience and a vast understanding of the media industry and the specific changes impacting the industry they are looking to work in. E. Convergence has significantly blurred the lines between print, internet, television and radio. Messaging that used to be tailored for one outlet will now have to be adjusted for a wider audience. Further, the accessibility of the internet has created a very diverse and global customer base. 1、 Marketers should already be familiar with how to communicate their messages across a variety of mediums. 2、 Marketing managers also develop pricing strategies to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firms' customers are satisfied. 3、 In collaboration with sales, product development, and other managers, they monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services and they oversee product development. 4、 In the United States alone 9 out of 10 people carry a mobile device according to research done by MobiThinking. 5、 So marketers should build their awareness of different cultures and respective sensitivities. 6、 Specifically we have something to learn from Hollywood, which I believe


市场营销专业词汇中英文对照表Marketing Management营销管理 New Products Development新产品开发 Service Industry Marketing服务业营销Advertising广告 Business Negotiation商业谈判 International Marketing国际市场营销 Sales Channels销售渠道 Public Relationship公共关系 Consumer Behavior消费者行为 Systems of Management Information管理信息系统Marketing Research营销调研 accessibility 可进入性 accessory equipment markets 附属设备市场account management policies 客户管理策略positioning定位 market segmentation市场细分 sales promotion销售促进 advertising feedback 广告反馈 advertising frequency 广告频率 advertising media 广告媒体 advertising reach 广告接受人数 advertising message 广告信息advertising source 广告信息来源 agent middleman 代理商 allowance 折让 alteration 退换 American Marketing Association 美国营销协会annual marketing plan 年度营销计划assurance 保证 attitudes of consumers 消费者态度availability 可获得性/供货能力 awareness (产品)知晓度/知名度 baby boomers 婴儿潮出生的一代人 backward channels for recycling 回收的后向渠道backward integration 后向垂直一体化 banner advertisements 横幅标语广告 bar codes 条形码 barter 实物交易 basic physical needs 基本生理需要 BCG Grow-Share Matrix 波士顿增长-份额矩阵before tests 事前测试 Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc. 行为扫描信息源公司 behavioural analysis 行为分析 behavioural hierarchies 行为层级

global marketing 习题和答案

Chapter 12 Global Placement and Distribution Channels Multiple Choice Questions 1.Lorenzo is assessing the internal factors that impact his channel development in the Middle East. Among other issues, he is considering _________________________________________. A. m arket penetration objectives and the financial strength of his firm B. l ocal regulations C. c onsumer shopping habits and market size D. t he stage of the product’s life cycle

2.Adeena is finalizing her distribution strategy in Indonesia, and is developing statistics regarding local regulations, the competitive climate, and consumer shopping habits there. Adeena is assessing ________________________. A. b oth internal and external factors B. t he stage of the product life cycle C. e xternal factors D. i nternal factors True / False Questions 3.Choosing indirect export as an international market entry mode will provide complete control of the foreign marketing strategy. True False 4.Strategic alliances and franchising agreements allow constant monitoring of sales activities abroad. True False


市场营销专业英语词汇表 需要:need 欲望want 需求:demand 产品:product 关系营销:relationship marketing 营销网:marketing network 生产观念:the production concept 产品观念:the product concept 相关群体:reference group 购买者角色:buying role 购买行为:buying behavior 认知需求:problem recognition 搜集信息:information search 组织者市场:orqanization market 派生需求:derived demand 缺乏弹性:inelastic demand 品牌策略:brand strategy 制造商品牌:manufactures brand 定价策略:pricing strategie 现金折扣:cash discount 数量折扣:quantity discount 功能折扣:functional discount 季节折扣:seasonal discount 新产品定价:new product pricing 产品组合定价:product-mix pricing 分销渠道:distribution channel 密集分销渠道:intensive distribution 选择性分销:selective distribution 独家分销:exclusive distribution 中间商品牌:intermediaries brand 批发商:whoksaler 零售商:retailer 百货公司:department store 超市:supermarket 便利店:convenience store 折扣店:discount store 促销组合:promotion mix 交流信息:communicating information 人员销售:personalo selling 广告策略advertising strateqie 公共关系public relation 营销调研:marketing research 产品策略:product strategie 产品组合:product mix 营销观念:the marketing concept 消费者市场consumer market 顾客满意:customer satisfaction 顾客总价值:total customer value 顾客总成本:total customer value 营销环境:marketing environment 营销信息系统:marketing information syste 市场细分策略:market segmentation startegie 目标市场策略:market tageting strategie 市场定位策略market positioning strategie 产品市场寿命周期;the product life cycle 销售观念:the selling/sales concept 社会营销观念:the societal marketing concept 宏观营销环境:macro-marketing environment 消费者行为模式:model of consumer behavior 价值,成本和满意:value,cost,andsatisfaction 交换和交易exchange and transaction 营销者和预期顾客:marketers and prospect 市场营销观念:marketing management philosophy

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