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Why do we need it ?
? ? EJB 3.0 and JSF are great, but how do they work together ? Clustering technology has improved to the point where stateful architectures can be efficiently scaled
JBoss Seam
Gavin King & Thomas Heute JBoss
October 11th 2005
? JBoss Inc. 2005
How is it different ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Layered architecture Web tier calls EJB Stateless components XML Dependency injection UI validation Request-oriented Shared, second-level data cache State management in code ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Don’t repeat yourself Web tier is EJB Stateful components Annotations Bijection Model constraints Conversations Natural cache of conversational objects Contextual, declarative state management
Seam component model
? ? Seam unifies the component models of JSF and EJB 3.0 Component types
Allows you to use EJB components as JSF managed beans “One kind of stuff” Any JavaBean Stateful session beans Entity beans Stateless session beans
Component type limitations
Stateless session beans always belong to STATELESS pseudo-context Entity beans are not intercepted, so they can’t have bijection, context demarcation, etc.
Context model
? “Session” is not a meaningful construct in terms of the application
We need new, logical contexts
State management
? Component instances are associated with a context variable
Component name defined by the @Name annotation Component scope given by @Scope
Seam defines the following contexts
EVENT (request) CONVERSATION (logical sequence of requests) SESSION (servlet session) PROCESS (the long-running business process) APPLICATION (servlet context) STATELESS (all stateless components)
So, we can refer to the User instance by name
Seam might even instantiate it automatically @In(create=true) private User currentUser;
? ?
The state of the object is cleaned up when the context ends
Reduces memory leakage
Lifecycle methods
@Create when Seam instantiates the component @Destroy when the context ends

Example code – Java bean
@Entity @Name("user") @Scope(SESSION) public class User { private String private String private String implements Serializable username; password; name;
Example code - JSF

Real Name:
Verify Password:

public User() {} public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { https://www.wendangku.net/doc/df4501673.html, = name; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } @Id public String getUsername() { return username; } public void setUsername(String username) { https://www.wendangku.net/doc/df4501673.html,ername = username; } }
Conversation context
? A conversation is a logical scope, demarcated by the application
Bigger than a request, smaller than a login session Multiple concurrent conversations per user (multiple windows) Provides isolation of work done in different windows! For now, demarcation done by annotation of action listener methods: @Begin @End You should define the scope based upon functional requirements and performance considerations Eventually, we will provide client-side SFSB
Conversation context
? Server-side conversations
Conversation state held in HttpSession Destroyed when conversation ends Or by conversation timeout
Client-side conversations
Conversational state serialized to browser Use JavaBeans instead of SFSBs Eventually, we will provide client-side SFSB
Example code (1/2)
@Stateful @Name("hotelBooking") @Interceptor(SeamInterceptor.class) @Conversational(ifNotBegunOutcome="main") @LoggedIn public class HotelBookingAction implements HotelBooking, Serializable { private String searchPattern; public void setSearchPattern(String pat) { searchPattern=pat; } … @Begin public String find() { hotel = null; hotels = em.createQuery(“...”) .setParameter("search", searchPattern) .setMaxResults(50) .getResultList(); return "main"; } …
Seam booking demo
? JBoss Inc. 2005

Example code (2/2)
public String selectHotel() { if ( hotels==null ) return "main"; setHotel(); return "selected"; } … @End public String confirm() { if (booking==null || hotel==null) return "main"; em.persist(booking); https://www.wendangku.net/doc/df4501673.html,("booking confirmed"); return "confirmed"; } }
Conversational page flow
? JSF navigation rules define page flow
But navigation rules are totally ad hoc There is no “demarcation” of what user interaction a rule belongs to Conversation demarcation is in the annotations
Much better solution
Define page flow using jBPM Then, a jBPM process instance will naturally demarcate the conversation We could have nested conversations
Business process context
? jBPM process instance defines a scope
Spans multiple conversations with multiple users In the context of a business process, usually, a conversation is a jBPM task Process flow and demarcation in XML Provides the mechanism for persisting process state (ie. Seam components in the PROCESS context) User task list Transition events (these should have their own Seam contexts) Transparency Abstraction
? Dependency injection does not work for stateful components
Stateful instances are not interchangeable Components in wider scopes need to use components in narrower scopes Dynamic (invocation-time) Contextual Bidirectional (read + write)
jBPM engine provides:
Bijection is
Don’t think about dependency!
Seam provides:
Think in terms of aliasing context variables to attributes of the component:
@In @Out private User currentUser;
Especially useful for entities:
currentUser = em.merge(currentUser);
IoC addresses dependencies among stateless services; bijection addresses collaboration of stateful components in various contexts
Data model constraints
? ? ? Most “validation” is really just enforcing constraints that apply to the data model
Don’t repeat yourself applies here
Example code (1/3)
@Entity @Name("booking") public class Booking implements Serializable { private Long id; private User user; private Hotel hotel; private Date checkinDate; private Date checkoutDate; private String creditCard; public Booking() {} @Id(generate=GeneratorType.AUTO) public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } @NotNull @Basic(temporalType=TemporalType.DATE) public Date getCheckinDate() { return checkinDate; }
Hibernate Validator provides a set of annotations for expressing constraints directly on the entity
Or on any other object
These constraints will now apply at all level of the application
When receiving user input Before writing to database When generating DDL (Anywhere else you like!)
You can add “extra” validation only when you need it
In the JSF form In the action listener method

Example code (2/3)
public void setCheckinDate(Date datetime) { this.checkinDate = datetime; } @ManyToOne @NotNull public Hotel getHotel() { return hotel; } public void setHotel(Hotel hotel) { this.hotel = hotel; } @ManyToOne @NotNull public User getUser() { return user; } public void setUser(User user) { https://www.wendangku.net/doc/df4501673.html,er = user; }
Example code (3/3)
@Basic(temporalType=TemporalType.DATE) @NotNull public Date getCheckoutDate() { return checkoutDate; } public void setCheckoutDate(Date checkoutDate) { this.checkoutDate = checkoutDate; } @NotNull(message="Credit card number is required") @Length(min=16, max=16, message="Credit card number must 16 digits long") @Pattern(regex="\\d*", message="Credit card number must be numeric") public String getCreditCard() { return creditCard; } public void setCreditCard(String creditCard) { this.creditCard = creditCard; } }
State and clustering
? Traditional SFSB implementation:
Stickiness or cluster-wide replication (or write to database!) Replicate whole bean at end of transaction
Conversations and caching
? Traditional web architecture avoids stateful components
All state goes to database or client on each request Database is the least scalable tier Serializing state to the client is also expensive
JBoss 5 SFSB implementation:
Stickiness with replication to n-of-m nodes Replicate only the attributes which actually changed
To improve performance, people add a shared second-level cache
Can’t I just use the HttpSession?
Fine-grained passivation and passivation policies Automatic change detection (no need to call setAttribute() to force replication) Potentially, a stateful bean can outlast a login session (state associated with the long-running business process)
Instead, conversations give you a natural cache of data associated with the user
Consistency is well-defined (optimistic locking) without overhead or cluster-wide replication Eviction is efficient (when conversation ends) Some data is truly shared
Oops, we just became stateful Managing consistency of a shared cache with the database is a virtually intractable problem in full generality Keeping unshared data in a shared cache has inefficiencies (LRU algorithm is suboptimal)
In practice, a combination of the two strategies makes sense
Conversations and persistence
? EJB goes some way toward a solution
? ?
Conversations and persistence
? Hibernate users all complain about LazyInitializationException and NonUniqueException
No, you absolutely cannot just start fetching data from the database outside of a persistence context! You would totally break association integrity and expose your application to far more insidious problems with data aliasing Yes, you do have to end the persistence context somewhere, otherwise your object graph will gradually expand, as more and more associations are fetched, until you get OOME This is a basic limitation of all data access technologies in an online environment, not a bug in Hibernate! Do like JDBC: don’t have associations Do like EJB2/DTO: use an assembly phase (this is implicit in the DTO pattern) Use a conversation-scoped persistence context
Seam completely solves this problem
? ? ? ? ? ?
Transaction scoped persistence context (LIE still possible when rendering view, or in the “next” transaction) Extended persistence context for SFSB (LIE still possible when rendering view)
You can easily have a conversation scoped Seam-managed persistence context The Seam-managed context spans the entire request cycle, including render response Two transactions per request: one during update model values/invoke application, the next during render response This ensures that all write operations are successful before displaying page to the user Objects are never detaches, so no need to use merge() or saveOrUpdate() As long as you access your entities within the scope of the conversation, you will never get LazyInitializationException or his friend NonUniqueObjectException
Three solutions to this problem
1. 2. 3.

? EJB 3.0 has a nice way to define interceptors for session bean components
Annotate the session bean with @Interceptor(LoggedInInterceptor.class) But, on second thoughts, it’s a bit noisy
Seam outside Java EE 5
? Seam is conceived for use in a Java EE 5 environment, but:
you can use Seam with JBoss Embeddable EJB3, in any appserver Yes, even in Tomcat If you are scared of EJB, you can use Seam with JavaBeans components and Hibernate If you want to do this in Tomcat, you need to use the JBoss Microcontainer to provide JTA/JNDI/JCA
Instead, apply the @Interceptor annotation as a metaannotation
@Interceptor(LoggedInInterceptor.class) public @interface LoggedIn {}
Oh, and you can use this for plain JavaBeans, too
Testing Seam
? ? You can unit test Seam components in TestNG or JUnit
They are all just POJOs
? Seam 1.0 beta 2
Improved jBPM integration including task list JSF component Tomcat integration Support in Hibernate Tools
You can integration test Seam applications in TestNG or JUnit
Embeddable EJB3 and Microcontainer can run inside a unit test Seam includes a framework for integration testing Basically, you write a test script that reproduces the operations performed by JSF when the form is submitted (setting model values, invoking action listener method) and then makes a set of assertions This tests the entire application, with the exception of the view template Its actually really easy
Seam 1.0 final
jBPM conversation flow definition Portal integration More improvements to jBPM integration
Seam for web services Seam for rich clients
