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The Political System Of The United States

The Political System Of The United States
The Political System Of The United States

The Political System Of The United States

110143537 严馨云 11014刘嘉昱Our presentation is concerned with the political system of the United States. Firstly ,there is a summary and then it concludes four parts;they are as follows:

The first part: The State System and the Constitution

The second part: The Federal Government

The third part: Political Parties and Elections

The fourth part: The State and Local Government

The general idea of the United States

USA is frequently called a democratic government(民主政体).But properly speaking ,it is a constitutional federal republic (宪政联邦共和制 ).

Capital: Washington, D.C.

Largest city: New York City

National language : English

Area - Total : 9,826,630 km2

Population: -2009 estimate306,407,000

GDP: 2008 estimate - Total$14.264 trillion

Per capita: $46,859

Currency: United States dollar

Present cabinet of Barack Obama

Vice President: Joe Biden

Secretary of state(国务卿): Hilary Clinton

Minister of Finance: Timothy F Geithner(蒂莫西·F·盖特纳)

Minister of Justice: Eric Holder(埃里克·霍尔德)

Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain declared :July 4,1776 The United States of America is a state of dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The political system of the United States is established on the basis of three main principles — federalism ,the separation of powers and respect for the constitution and the rule of law .

The United States is a federal union of 50 states.

The center of the national government is the District of Columbia.

The State System and the Constitution


The Federal Constitution of the United States was adopted in 1787 and came into effect in 1789.The 1787 Constitution consisted of 7 articles and later 26 amendments were added.

The value of the constitution: America boasts that it is “the first of its kind in the world” .It advocates democracy and liberty, but it still has defects. Fiendish sadism , thousands of persecutions of Negroes are existent. Unemployment is threatening millions of workers.

The Federal Government

The Constitution determines he government and divides the powers of the government into three branches – the Executive, headed by the president ;the Legislative both houses of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representatives);and the judicial ,headed by the Supreme Court. This balance is always kept among the three branches and this is called the “System of Checks and Balances”.

The first branch: The Executive Branch and the President

The second branch: The Legislative Branch and the Congress

The third branch: The Judiciary and Legal System

Political Parties and Elections

1、The Two-Party System :In early years there were two parties - the Federalists headed by Alexander Hamilton and the Republicans (later called Democratic Republicans ) headed by Thomas Jefferson.

In 1847 , American artist Thomas Nest drew a picture in which he represented the Democratic Party as a monkey while Republican Party a donkey.

Apart from two major parties above ,there are also several minor parties , such as the Socialist Party , Socialist Labor Party , Communist Party ,and Revolutionary Communist Party ,etc..

The formation of the Democratic Party: After 1787(when the constitution was made ) Anti-Federalists → 1791 Democratic-Republicans(by Thomas Jefferson)→ 1828 Democratic Party founded → 1829–1837 Democrat (by Andrew Jackson )

The Democratic Party represented the interests of the slave owners. The formation of the Republican Party:Around 1854 meetings that opposed slavery were held → 1854the Republican Party came into being → By the end of 1855 the party organizations were set up → In February 1856 the National Congress of the Republican Party was held

The two parties take office in turns.

The opinion of America’s two-party system: It serves the big capitalists most admirably .The Civil War ended at the cost of about one million human lives . Then , U.S. capitalism became ripened into total imperialism(帝国主义).

2、The Election Process:
