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环境分析 environmental analysis
营销调研 marketing research
消费者分析 consumer analysis
销售策划 distribution planning
促销策划 promotion planning
满足需求 satisfy wants
报废政策 disposal policies
交换过程 exchange process
宏观营销 macro-marketing
微观营销 micro-marketing
中间人 middleman
潜在客户 potential consumer
营销活动 marketing activity
营销学 marketing
营销观念 marketing conception
分销计划 distribution planning
交换 exchange
流动销售员 traveling salespeople
营销渠道 marketing channel
非盈利机构 nonprofit organization
密集竞争 intense competition
需求结构 demand structure
公共需求 public's demand
批量生产 mass production
自给自足 self-sufficiency
激励 stimulation
提供便利 facilitation
销售力量 sales force
客户分析 customer analysis
供过于求 supply over demand
预测需求 anticipate demand
公司决策 company decision
满足需求 satisfy demand
交换过程 exchange process
激烈竞争 intense competition
非赢利团体 nonprofit organization
销售公司时代 marketing company era
品牌忠诚 brand loyalty
日常问题解决 routine problem solving
常规购买 regular shopping
冲动购买 impulse purchasing
外在刺激 external stimuli
重复购买 repeat purchase
目标市场 target market
终端消费者final consumer
现有客户 ready customer
潜在客户 potential customer
竞争趋势 competition trend
体育用品 physical supplies
促销计划 promotion plan
竞争环境 competition environment
技术进步 technological progress
营销努力 marketing efforts
决策过程 decision-marketing process
消费群体 consumer base
赔钱甩卖 money-off sales
促销物资 promotional material
宗教信仰 religious belief
驱动力 driving force
防御机制 defense mechanism
社会文化影响 sociocultural influence
劳工阶级 working class
文化因素 cultural factor
文化多元性 cultural diversity
儿童消费力 pester power
需求层次 hierarchy of needs
商业道德 commercial ethic
雇用惯例 employment practice
市场调查 market research
销售组合 sales mix
消费习惯 consumption habit
社会地位 social status
社交活动 social activity
授权人 licensor
持续创新 continuous innovation
商标 trade mark
保守方式 reactive approach
获权方 licensee
汽车仪表盘 cockpit fascia
进攻方式 proactive approach
专利权 patent right
以客户为本 customer-orientation
筛选 screening
管理效率 management efficiency
高尔夫球专用车 golf buggy
营销预算 marketing budget
现金流动分析 cash flow analysis
共同努力 coordinating efforts
转筒式干燥机 tumble dryer
降低风险 lower cost
资源有效配置 effective resource allocation
外包型研发 outsourcing R&D
试销 testing marketing
既定目标 set objectives
监控 monitoring
财务分析 financial

原型 prototyping
负面市场反应 negative market response
协作 collaboration
组织策略 organization strategy
固定成本 fixed cost
紧密协作 collaborative coordination
品牌经理人 brand manager
日常作业 routine business
特许经销权 franchise
现有产品 existing product
商业试验室 commercial lab
有毒废物 toxic waste
保本分析法 break-even analysis
有形产品 tangible products
引申产品 augmented product
标准产品 generic product
耐用品 durable goods
非耐用品 nondurable goods
租赁商品服务 rented-goods services
自由产品服务 owned-goods services
消费品 consumer products
便利品 convenience product
冲动购买品 impulse product
应急品 emergency product
以价格为准的的选购品(同质产品)price-based shopping products
工业品 industrial products
工业用品 industrial supplies
附带设备 accessory equipment
设备保养 equipment maintenance
易于定货 easing of ordering
急需物品 items of urgent need
华贵形象 image of luxury
产品周期 product life cycle
系统决策 systematic decision making
组装零件 fabricated parts
结构合理 well-structured
重新估价 reappraise
咨询服务 advisory service
组织结构 organizational structure
品牌熟悉 brand familiarity
习惯法 common law
品牌坚持 brand insistence
付款过程 checkout process
品牌偏好 brand preference
一次性包装 disposable package
广告媒体 advertising medium
城市垃圾站 a city dump
打印小票 printed receipt
全保 a full warranty
卫生小包装 sanitary little package
易懂词语 easy-to-understand terms
可降解包装 biodegradable package
保留存货 carry inventory
可回收包装 recycled package
商品流通 commodity turnover
电子扫描器 electronic scanner
加速标价 speed price marking
服务型公司 service-oriented firm
防止褪色 prevent discoloration
农场合作社 farmer's cooperative
分销策划 distribution planning
快餐专营 fast-food franchise
渠道领袖 channel captain
网架销售 rack jobber
理想市场覆盖 ideal market exposure
整理过程 sorting process
积累 accumulation
现金即付 net cash
契约安排 contractual arrangement
进出口代理 export/import agent
信用等级 credit rating
商品批发商 merchant wholesaler
拍卖公司 auction company
制造商代理manufacturer's agent
批发活动 Wholesaling
佣金代理商 commission agent
竞争领域 competition field
密集式分销 intensive distribution
供需状况 demand and supply
自营 family-owned business
利润空间 profit margin
连锁超市 chain supermarket
特色店 specialty store
零售专营 retail franchising
店铺布局 store layout
金融交易 financial transaction
贸然推销 cold canvass
补缺商品 fill-in merchandise
自动售卖机 vending machine
确立的声誉 established reputation
客户忠诚 customer loyalty

闹市区 high-traffic location
食品店 food-oriented store
商品种类 merchandise assortment
地理区域 geographic area
核实价格 check price
缩短时间 shorten time
取消需要 cancel demand
计算折扣 calculate discount
发放货物 dispatch goods
获取优势 acquire advantage
减少破损 reduce breakage
降低成本 lower cost
展示商品 display merchandise
减少竞争 reduce competition
降低风险 lower risk
形成网络 form network

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