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I. 选词填空

access allege barrier indictment sophisticated

feature vulnerable devise legacy via

transformation outsmart patrol trip

1. Transformation in the color of sea water from blue to green seems to be caused by high and low concentration of salt.

2. Students must have access to good books.

3. Poor health and lack money may both be barriers to educational progress.

4. It was so kind of you to send that message via Jim.

5. It has been necessary to devise a system of universal schooling.

6. The report alleged that the motive was financial.

7. These characteristics of British industry are a legacy of pre-war unemployment.

8. These planes are among the most sophisticated aircraft now being manufactured.

9. It is a striking indictment of our educational system that so many children cannot read or write.

10. Lack of employment tends to make women vulnerable to depression.

II. 同义词

1. buy purchase 5. social environment atmosphere

2. accusation indictment 6. watch surveillance

3. complex complicated 7. change transformation

4. safe secure 8. barrier barricade


1. IF other means fail, we shall resort to force.

2. Ray went out, leaving the door on the latch.

3. Police are keeping the area under constant surveillance.

4. Cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science.

5. They’ve had technical problems at any rate that’s what they told me.

6. The web was only attached to the leaf by one thread.

7. Is the video hooked up to the TV?

8. “My name is Dean E. Beller.” “What does the E stand for?”

9. Will you take over the driving when we reach Madison.

10. The growling of dogs held the strangers at bay.


I. 汉译英(使用括号中给出的词或短语)

1. 如果你卷入别人的问题,你很可能会以陷入不愉快的境况而告终。(chances are that)

If you get involved in other people’s problems, the chances are that you will end up in an unpleasant situation.

2. 他认为保卫祖国抵御敌人是自己的职责。(defend against)

He thinks it a duty to defend his country against enemies.

3. 不要太重视他的话。(attach to)

Don’t attach too much importance to what he said.

4. 住宅逐渐消失,慢慢变成了办公室。(take over)

The home is vanishing and business office is taking over.

5. 他应该已经在工作,但是他却在忙别的事情。(otherwise)

He should have been working but he was otherwise engaged.

6. 他从来没有想过她也许是在撒谎。(occur to)

It never occurs to him that she might be telling lies.

7. 他还没想好将来要干什么。(figure out)

He was not yet figured out what he is going to do.

8. 他们以五个坐席的微弱优势获胜。(margin)

They won by the small margin of five seats.

9. 回想起我们在那里度过的一个月,我们心中充满了感激之情。(look back on)

As we look back on the month we spent here, our hearts are filled with gratitude.

10. 这辆汽车很旧,但不管怎样,花费的钱不多。(at any rate)

It’s a very old car, but at any rate, it was not expensive.

11. 他们不能使用煤气炉,因为还没安装好。(hook up)

They could not use the gas stove because it had not been hooked up.

12. 他忘记自己应该维持秩序了。(be supposed to)

He forgot he was supposed to be keeping order.

II. 英译汉

1. In this essay, Greene regrets that people can no longer trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security systems to protect themselves and their valuables.


2. Statistics show the crime rate is rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities.


3. The ad pointed out that, yes, it is the insurance companies that pay for stolen goods, but who is going to pay for what the new atmosphere of distrust and fear is doing to out way of life?



4. It simply didn’t occur to managers that the proper thing to do was to distrust people.


5. It was such a relief to solve this problem that we did not think much about what such a state of affairs says about the quality of our lives.



I. 汉译英(用定语从句)

1. 你去过九寨沟吗?那可是个好地方。

Have you ever been to Jiuzhaigou, which is a wonderful place.

2. 汤姆向老师解释了他迟到的原因。

Tom explained to his teacher the reason why he was late.

3. 这是小王最爱去的餐馆之一。

This is one of the restaurants where Xiao Wang likes to visit most.

4. 她就是昨天给我们做报告的教授。

She is the professor who gave us a lecture yesterday.

5. 北京是全国人民向往的首都。

Beijing is the capital city which all the people in China long for.

6. 我们班有33名同学,其中10人来自上海。

There are 33 students in our class, ten of whom come from Shanghai.

7. 图书馆是学生自习的好地方。

The library is a good place where students like to have self-study.

8. 这就是多年前毛主席用过的书桌。

This is the desk which Chairman Mao used many years ago.

9. 他向我们详细介绍了研究的过程,这对我们来说非常重要。

He gave us a detail introduction about the process of the research, which is very important to us.

10. 他们还没有决定他们去上海的时间。

They haven’t decided the time when they will go to Shanghai.

II. 选择适当的词语填空

1. He often visited the grain mill of Peter, who liked to experiment with new things.

A. that likes

B. whom liked

C. who liked

D. which liked

2. She found a place in the building which she used as her first laboratory.

A. which

B. where

C. in which

D. when

3. Do you know the exact time when the meeting will begin?

A. which

B. when

C. why

D. as

4. She wanted to join the group of men whose work was to explore the mysteries of the mountains.

A. their work

B. who work

C. who

D. whose work

5. This is the reason why an airplane can’t fly in space.

A. for that

B. which

C. why

D. where

6. More and more people are beginning to learn English, which is becoming popular here.

A. that

B. it

C. which

D. what

7. The factory in which I worked last year was equipped with the latest machinery.

A. which I worked

B. in which I worked

C. for which I worked in

D. where I worked in

8. This is the house about which I wrote to you last year when I was in this city.

A. about that I wrote to you C. about which I wrote to you

B. that I wrote to you D. which I wrote to you

9. He is the very man whom we have been looking for.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. that

10. It’s the best film that I’ve ever seen.

A. it

B. which

C. that

D. what

11. This is Peter whose sister you met last week.

A. his sister

B. whose sister

C. that sister

D. the sister whom

12. These were the graduate assistants whose responsibility it was to do the research work in the lab.

A. to whom it was their responsibility C. whose responsibility it was

B. whose responsibility there was D. of whom with the responsibility

13. He will never forget the days when he spent with his grandma.

A. that

B. when

C. where

D. on which

14. The tree, the branches of which are almost bare, is very old one.

A. whose

B. in which

C. of which

D. which

15. An old friend from abroad, whom I was expecting to stay with me, telephoned from the airport.

A. which

B. from which

C. whom

D. that



I. 选词填空

mark reserve review ashamed wrap

stifle stick withdraw assure hug

1. The shop assistant wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.

2. I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed of myself now.

3. Hugs have a long tradition here, just to show friendliness to each other.

4. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for The 50th Annual CSI Show & Convention in Las V egas, March 29 ~ April 1.

5. I am stifling in this close room.

6. We reserve all rights to allow or terminate a membership without any prior notification.

7. Nothing in history assures the success of out civilization.

8. The passengers withdrew against the wall as the car passed by.

9. The wheels of the car stuck in the mud and we could not go on.

10. If you wish to review a book that you already own or have access to for Social Thought and Research, feel free to submit it.

II. 词型转换

1. withdraw (adj.) withdrawn

2. hug (n.) hug

3. reserve (n.) reservation

4. assure (n.) assurance

5. clumsily (adj.) clumsy

6. realize (n.) realization

7. ashamed (n.) ashamedness

8. wed (n.) wedding

9. terminate (adv.) terminal

10. encourage (n.) encouragement

III. 用合适的介词或副词填空

1. As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth.

2. Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn’t play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.

3. However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise.

4. His mother’s death has been hard on him.

5. By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself.

6. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one quarter full of perfume.

7. Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long to say, “Mrs. Thompson today you smelled just like my Mom used to.”

8. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy.

9. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor’s degree, he decided to go a little further.

10. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit at the wedding in the place that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom.


I. 英译汉

1. As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth.


2. Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn’t play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.


3. Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle.


4. But she stifled the children’s laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.


5. Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he’d stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors.


II. 汉译英

1. 最近,我有一个朋友辞去了他公司里的那份工资高但要求也高的工作。(quit)

One of my friends has decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently.

2. 她以烹饪美食为乐。(take delight (in) doing sth.)

She takes delight in cooking lovely meals.

3. 她要查询是否给她预定了房间。(reserve for)

She wanted to check if there was a room reserved for her.

4. 当你打开立体图书,你肯定会大吃一惊。(be in for)

When you open the pop-up book, you’re in for a big surprise.

5. 他一生中的两大爱好是音乐和绘画。(interest)

His two great interests in life are music and painting.

6. 婚礼以后,我们就回到中国去,因为我们在那里工作,并且打算在那里生活。(wedding)

After the wedding we’ll be returning to China, where we work and plan to live.

7. 他们都饿了,因而感到饭菜喷香。(smell)

They were all hungry and the food smelt good.

8. 树越高,风越大。(the…the…)

The higher the tree, the stronger the wind.

9. 他的妻子开玩笑说跟他结婚的是他的工作。(marry)

His wife joked that he was married to his work.

10. 这本书还到图书馆时,缺了12页。(missing)

When the book was returned to the library, it had 12 pages missing.


I. 选择适当的词填空

1. He walked into the restaurant as if it had belonged to him.

A. like

B. as if

C. so that

D. if

2. Don’t eat that fruit unless it ripe.

A. unless

B. in case

C. if

D. so that

3. I don’t think it’ll rain, but I’ll take an umbrella in case it does.

A. before

B. in case

C. unless

D. as if

4. She felt very silly when everyone laughed at her question.

A. after

B. before

C. when

D. as soon as

5. He insured his car in case he had an accident.

A. unless

B. if

C. in case

D. since

6. Put your luggage in the van quickly now that the train will be off in a minute.

A. when

B. now that

C. so that

D. unless

7. That’s a good suggestion! Let’s finish our work now so that we can be free this evening.

A. after

B. because

C. than

D. so that

8. Even if we can make laws to protect certain animals, we are frequently incapable of controlling the environment.

A. Even if

B. Whatever

C. After

D. However

9. Rare animals are still hunted, even though we can now imitate their skins with other materials.

A. when

B. ever since

C. so that

D. even though

10. Unless you understand this rule, you’ll have difficulty.

A. While

B. Once

C. Though

D. Unless

11. The doctor urges that he should have an operation on his back so that his health will improve quickly.

A. though

B. before

C. so that

D. as soon as

12. They went wherever they could find a good job.

A. where

B. wherever

C. when

D. unless

13. No matter who inspected this radio, he should have put his identification number on the box.

A. That

B. No matter who

C. Whatever

D. Whomever

14. Although what happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.

A. what

B. which

C. how

D. it

15. What woke me up last night was a big noise.

A. How

B. What

C. That

D. Why

II. 汉译英

1. 由于我离开得太匆忙,忘记带课本了。(leave in a big hurry)

As I left in a big hurry, I forgot to bring the textbook with me.

2. 如果你能保持整洁的话,我们可以让你使用这个房间。(keep…clean and tidy)

If you can keep the room clean and tidy, we will let you use it.

3. 虽然不想参加宴会,她还是接受了邀请。

She accepted the invitation even though she didn’t really want to attend the party.

4. 只要我们不灰心,我们一定能够找到解决问题的办法。(lose heart)

So long as we don’t lose heart, we will be able to find the way to solve the problem.

5. 这项工程完成的比我们预计的要早。

This project was completed earlier than we expected.

6. 我不知道在会议上采取了什么决定,因为我们的代表还没有向我汇报。

I don’t know what decisions were made at the conference because our representative hasn’t report to me yet.

7. 今天早上他起床晚了,所以没有赶上汽车。

He got up late this morning, so he missed the bus.

8. 假如我们弄不到设备的话,我们将怎么办?

Supposing we can’t get the necessary equipment what should we do then?

9. 他感到失望,因为工作没有达到预期的水平。(come up to what was expected)

He felt disappointed, for his work didn’t come to what was expected.

10. 当他到家的时候,他发现房子已经起火了。

When he got home he found that the house had been on fire.



I. 选词填空

average dominate perspective effectively motivate

in a sense enlighten mount operate regardless of advance lead replicate participatory more likely than not

1. His wife left him when the children were small, so he effectively bought up the family himself.

2. More likely than not, she’ll end up in court over this problem.

3. We’re looking for someone who will be able to motivate the staff to work hard.

4. She is right, in a sense, because we did agree to wait, but only until June.

5. Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened.

6. He tends to view most issues from a philosophical perspective.

7. They work as a group—no one person is allowed to dominate.

8. The plan for a new office tower went ahead regardless of local opposition.

9. The average people are a lot better off than they were forty years ago.

10. Harlem has been advanced to a higher position.

11. As the organizer of the team, he took the lead in setting the pace of the project.

12. Scientists successfully found that some kinds of bacteria grow very fast because they can replicate by themselves.

13. Managers of this generation are more likely to exercise participatory management in their own companies.

14. Without strong background of education and skills, it is very hard for anyone to operate a business successfully.

15. Rapid mounting of daily expenses is a threat to social stability.

II. 用合适的介词或副词填空

1. The developing countries have to compete with the developed for world market.

2. It is always very difficult to have this group of people to be of the same mind.

3. At that time, the United States had a huge technological lead over all of the rest in the world.

4. Finally, at the graduate level, James recognized his own value.

5. It is not right to shift the blame to anyone else.

6. The girls bet the boys a big fancy cake on their winning the game.

7. Health is above wealth in that the latter cannot give so much happiness as the former.

8. Some sparrows are six inches long, but on average they are still smaller than magpies.

9. They’ve finally got over the situation.

10. Such things as silver and gold are incomparable with love.

III. 词义解释

1. participatory 参加的,参与的

2. competitiveness 有竞争性

3. superiority 优越性

4. statistical 统计学的,以数据表示的

5. globalization 全球一体化

6. telecommunication 电信

7. productive 有生产能力的,富有成效的 8. demography 人口学,人口统计学


I. 英译汉

1. The globalization of the world’s capital markets that has occurred in the past 10 years will be replicated right across the economy in the next decade.


2. Demography and changing social mores mean that white males will become a smaller fraction of the work force as women and minorities grow in importance.


3. In addition, the need to produce goods and services at quality levels previously thought impossible to obtain in mass production and the spreading use of participatory management techniques will require a work force with much higher levels of education and skills.


4. In a very real sense the world was not technologically competitive.


5. Today we live in a world where American firms no longer have automatic technological superiority.


II. 汉译英

1. 很可能她把这事全忘了。(more likely than not)

More likely than not, she’s forgotten all about it.

2. 这意味着我们实际上没有可能按时完成。(effectively)

This means that effectively we have no chance to meet the deadline.

3. 他的第一部小说不算太好也不算太糟,就是一般水平。(average)

His first novel was not particularly good or bad, just average.

4. 谈到现代爵士乐,没几个人比汤姆知道得更多。(when it comes to)

When it comes to modern jazz, very few people knew more than Tom.

5. 这项研究的重要性在于它证实了A与B之间存在联系。(in that)

The research is important in that it confirms the existence of a relationship between A & B. 6. 尽管以前我们失败过,但仍要坚持下去。(regardless of)

We will persevere regardless of past failures.

第9单元7. 考试不能促使学生去追求更多的知识。(motivate)

Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.

8. 成功的领导者是事先控制事件而不是事后才做出反应。(dominate)

Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.

9. 他必须将重担从一肩移至另一肩上。(shift)

He had to shift the vast burden from one shoulder to the other.

10. 科技力量上的优势帮助这家公司战胜所有对手。(superiority)

The superiority in science and technology helps this company defeat all its rivals.


I. 选择适当的词填空

1. Last week he promised that he would come today, but he hasn’t arrived yet.

A. that he would come C. which he come

B. what would he come D. that he would have come

2. He is trying all kinds of materials to learn which of them can be used.

A. what of them can be C. which of them can be

B. that they can be D. which of them be

3. His family had almost forgotten what his face was like.

A. how his face was C. what his face was

B. which was his face D. that his face was

4. It is obvious that we should spend the money on more important things.

A. which the money should we spend C. that the money should we spend

B. what the money should we spend D. that we should spend the money

5. We are greatly amused by what you told us.

A. that you told us C. what you told us

B. which you told us D. what did you tell us

6. That is what I’m doing now. I should like you to know I can finish it by myself.

A. that I’m doing

B. which I’m doing

C. what am I doing

D. what I’m doing

7. At about the same time, doctors began to understand that dirt and disease went together.

A. which went dirt and disease C. that dirt and disease went

B. what went dirt and disease D. that did dirt and disease go

8. The problem is which is the cheapest way.

A. why the cheapest way is

C. whichever is the cheapest way B. that is the cheapest way

D. which is the cheapest way

9. These exercises are different from what you expect.

A. that you expect

B. what do you expect

C. what you expect

D. which you expect

第9单元10. What really interested him was to return to school.

A. That really interested him C. Which really interested him

B. What really interested him D. That interested him really

11. Whether the flower is black will be known tomorrow.

A. If the flower will be black C. Whether the flower is black

B. When will the flower be D. Whether is the flower black

12. Not one of us has a clear idea about what the others want to do.

A. that the others want

C. which do the others want B. what the others want

D. what do the others want

13. I will let you know where the meeting will be held.

A. which

B. where

C. what

D. that

14. The question is whether it will be safe to land men there.

A. if safe it will

C. whether it will be safe B. if will be it safe

D. whether safe it will be

15. He was afraid of what would happen to his child.

A. which

B. when

C. why

D. what



I. 选择适当的词填空

1. Jane used to be slow in class, but now she is getting ahead.

A. getting along

B. getting ahead

C. getting by

D. getting above

2. Nobody is able to explain the origin of this commonly-used expression.

A. beginning

B. starting-point

C. foundation

D. origin

3. Paul reminds me very much of a schoolmate I used to know at university.

A. remembers

B. reminds

C. recalls

D. recollects

4. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

A. harvested

B. hatched

C. hurried

D. hastened

5. They hauled the boat up onto the shore.

A. hauled

B. handed

C. held

D. heightened

II. 选择与划线部分词义接近可以替换的词

1. He was wearing a decent suit in the party last week.

A. suitable

B. tight

C. loose

D. tidy

2. Several car manufactures will boot half of their workers because of the economic difficulty.

A. discount

B. dispose

C. dismiss

D. disclose

3. A(n) frugal buyer purchases fruit and vegetables in season.

A. careful

B. clever

C. ignorant

D. economical

4. They had ample funds to cover the cost of the trip.

A. luxious

B. sample

C. sufficient

D. superb

5. Eventually, the case proved to have nothing to do with him.

A. Remarkably

B. Naturally

C. Noticeably

D. Ultimately

6. All living things have certain attributes that are passed on from one generation to the next.

A. cells

B. viruses

C. traits

D. flaws

7. Traffic was moving at a crawl.

A. at a slow pace

C. within a certain distance B. at an instant moment

D. with a rapid speed

8. That story rings true.

A. tells

B. speaks

C. sounds

D. recounts

9. There has been a modest decrease in house prices this year.

A. little

B. humble

C. simple

D. quiet

10. The country made social and political gains under the now government.

A. rewards

B. progress

C. victories

D. increase

III. 近义词匹配

1. descent heir 5. frugal tightfisted

2. forefather ancestor 6. plentiful ample

3. drag haul 7. finally eventually

4. extend stretch


I. 英译汉

1. Taxes put a big dent in family fortunes, and unless the heirs are careful and invest wisely, they can lose their millions as fast as their ancestors made them.


2. Today’s Horatio Alger heroes often come from modest backgrounds and rise to the top on pluck, luck and a clear idea of what they want.


3. Bill Gates, the Microsoft whiz, left Harvard to tinker with software and developed the operating brain that is installed in nearly every personal computer.


4. They didn’t drop out to avoid work—they dropped out to start a company or devote themselves to an interest.

他们退学并不是逃避工作——实际上他们都是为了创办一家公司,或是从事他们自己感兴趣的事业 5. Eventually, you may reach the point where you can afford to spend the rest of your life at the side of a swimming pool with a drink in your hand, but you probably won’t.

当你终于有朝一日可以有资格手里端着饮料在游泳池边打发余生的时候,很可能你又不会这么做了。 II. 短句翻译

1. 排行榜前10名

the top 10 of the list

2. 一辆破旧的卡车

a beat-up old truck

3. 追溯到19世纪

stretch back to the 19th century

4. 转移注意力

turn one’s attention to

5. 保持节俭的习惯

to keep one’s frugal habit

第10单元6. 小本经营

to do business on shoestring budget

III. 汉译英(使用括号中给出的词或短语)

1. 文化交往有助于相互理解。(make for)

Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding.

2. 当三家公司都决定要她的时候,她知道自己已经成功了。(make it)

When three companies wanted to hire her, she knew that she had made it.

3. 这个男孩抓住那矮树,直到有人爬下悬崖去救他。(hold on to)

The boy held on to the bush until someone climbed down the cliff to rescue him.

4. 经济学家认为没有进步的原因是合作不好。(attribute to)

Economists attributed the lack of progress to poor cooperation.

5. 在那时,没有受过大学教育就能找到一个体面的工作还是可能的。(decent)

At that time, it was still possible to land a decent job without a college education.

6. 前院布满了保安人员。(crawl with)

The forecourt was crawling with security men.

7. 我已经听说了你们两个正在策划的那个大阴谋。(hatch)

I’ve heard about the grand plot that you two are hatching.

8. 他的回答听起来总是很正确。(ring)

His answers often ring true.

9. 令人吃惊的是他炒股发了财。(pick stock)

It is surprising that he made a fortune by picking stocks.

10. 这些人仍然在做着使他们成功的各种事情。(lead to)

These people are still doing whatever it was that led to their success.


I. 选择适当的词填空

1. Was it he who broke the glass yesterday?

A. who

B. and

C. but

D. has

2. It is for this reason that he refused to take the job.

A. why

B. when

C. that

D. so

3. Do be careful in making such experiments.

A. Do

B. Does

C. Did

D. Will

4. It was not until 11 last night that the meeting came to an end.

A. when

B. and

C. before

D. that

5. It was in 1990 that the economy started to be revived.

A. That

B. Which

C. It

D. What

6. Who was it that spoke first at yesterday’s meeting?

A. was it

B. was

C. it was

D. did

7. No force on earth can hold back the wheel of history.

A. on the world

B. on earth

C. does

D. did

8. George did tell me yesterday that he put the dictionary on the table before he left.

A. does

B. will

C. would

D. did

9. It wasn’t for personal interests that they did all this.

A. because

B. only

C. just

D. for

10. Where in the world did you go yesterday afternoon?

A. was it

B. devil

C. until

D. in the world

II. 英译汉

1. It was not until long afterwards that she wondered if she had made a mistake.


2. It was only by an exercise of self-control that he allowed himself to raise his eyes as they came in.


3. It is what the committee has decided that should be given priority to.


4. Her uncle told her that it was by a retired old professor that she was brought up after her mother’s death.


5. It is because he is modest and thoughtful that he is respected by his colleagues.


6. It is earth’s heat that scientists have developed a sensitive instrument to measure.


7. It is on April 15 every year that income taxes are due, which all people who receive an income must pay.


8. It was Einstein who wrote and published his famous theory of relativity in 1916.


9. It was only last year that I made her acquaintance.


10. Who was it that called this morning?




I. 选词填空

exploit stuff envelop endgame composite

nifty guzzle uninhibited skepticism hold one’s breath

1. The endgame is quite difficult to deal with.

2. Her uninhibited laughter surprised everybody.

3. The country exploits its natural resources in coal and timber.

4. The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.

5. The citizens had some skepticism about the government’s policy.

6. Fog enveloped the airport that morning.

7. Behavior is a composite of individual and group influences.

8. They’ve been guzzling beer all evening.

9. There is some old, smelly stuff in the back of the refrigerator.

10. He has got a nifty little gadget for squeezing oranges.

II. 词型转换

1. exploit (n.) exploitation

2. access (adj.) accessible

3. volatilize (adj.) volatile

4. contribution (v.) contribute

5. depend (adj.) dependent

6. innovate (n.) innovation

7. insightful (n.) insight

8. guzzle (n.) guzzler

9. acute (adv.) acutely

10. skeptical (n.) skepticism

III. 用合适的介词或副词填空

1. In terms of customer satisfaction, the policy cannot be criticized.

2. We dreamed of buying our own house.

3. V arious factors contributed to his downfall.

4. How much you get paid is dependent on how much you produce.

5. They dispense with the formalities.

6. At this rate we won’t even be able to afford a holiday.

7. The rise in unemployment is of great concern to the government.

8. Don’t let yourself get bogged down in minor details.

9. I’m skeptical of the team’s chances of winning.

10. It seemed extremely difficult to find a solution to that problem.


I. 英译汉

1. Future-supplies of oil will be costly not simply in terms of dollars and cents but also in their effect on the environment.


2. If we had continued to increase energy efficiency at the same rate, the stability of Iraq and Saudi Arabia would by now be of minor concern to the U.S policymakers.


3. When powered by hybrid technologies that combine electricity with the internal-combustion engine, such light vehicles will produce enormous oil saving.


4. If the U.S automobile industry waits for years to see if lightweight fuel-efficient cars are more than a niche business, Lovins argues, it will one day discover that it has lost another market to overseas firms.


5. All reports that promise an easy solution to a complex problem need to be taken with a degree of skepticism, and Winning the Oil Endgame is no exception.

对所有承诺轻松解决复杂问题的报告都需要抱有一定程度的怀疑,对《赢得石油残局》也不例外。 II. 汉译英

1. 我被这个问题卡住了,算不出结果。(stuck)

I am stuck on this problem: I can’t figure it out.

2. 我的毛衣洗过之后缩水了。(shrink)

My wool sweater shrank after I washed it.

3. 乘坐公共汽车、坐地铁或驾车都可以到达歌剧院。(accessible)

The opera house is accessible by bus, subway or car.

4. 局势很不稳定,暴乱者有可能试图推翻政府。(volatile)

The situation is very volatile; rioters may try to overthrow the government.

5. 汽车电话是20世纪80年代的创新,但是现在它们已经很普遍了。(innovation)

Car telephones were an innovation in the l980s, but now they are very common.

6. 与会者免去通常的礼节,立即开始谈判。(dispense with)

The participants in the meeting dispensed with the usual formalities and started negotiating immediately.

7. 乌云促使我们在下雨之前更快地工作。(spur)

The dark clouds spurred us to work faster before the rain started.

8. 到华盛顿后,那个参议员对政治运作的真正规律有了深刻的了解。(insight)

By moving to Washington D. C. the senator gained an insight into how politics really work.

9. 院长深知需要更多医生和护士的急迫性。(acutely)

The president is acutely conscious of the need for more doctors and nurses.

10. 在伊文斯先生念成绩报告单时,我们都屏住了呼吸。(hold one’s breath)

We held our breath while Mr. Evens read the exam results.



I. 选择适当的词语填空

1. So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

A. light travels

B. travels the light

C. do light travels

D. does light travel

2. Hardly had the plane landed when the people ran toward it.

A. had the plane landed when C. the plane landed before

B. had the plane landed than D. the plane was landing that

3. There existed a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work.

A. It existed

B. There existed

C. Here had

D. There had

4. So severe was the storm that the pilot couldn’t fly through it.

A. The storm so severe was C. So the storm was severe

B. So severe was the storm D. Such was the storm severe

5. Seldom did I make any mistakes during my past five years of service here.

A. would I made

B. should I make

C. I would make

D. did I make

6. No sooner had the words been spoken than he realized that he should have remained silent.

A. had the words been spoken C. the words had been spoken

B. the words had spoken D. had the words spoken

7. Only when you have obtained sufficient data can you come to a sound conclusion.

A. can you

B. would you

C. you will

D. you can

8. Scarcely had he gone out when it started to snow.

A. that it started to snow C. when it started to snow

B. than it started to snow D. and it started to snow

9. Many a time have we tried that test.

A. we have tried

B. did we have tried

C. did we tried

D. have we tried

10. Wood does not conduct electricity, nor does rubber.

A. so doesn’t rubber

B. also doesn’t rubber

C. nor does rubber

D. nor rubber does

11. Not until Mr. Smith come to China did he know what kind of a country it is.


A. did he know

B. he knew

C. didn’t he know

D. he could know

12. Nancy works in a huge shop which opened not long ago, and so does Alan.

A. so does Alan

B. so Alan too does

C. that does Alan too

D. that Alan too does

13. She is not found of cooking , shopping and cleaning, nor am I.

A. so am

B. nor am

C. neither

D. nor do

14. Rarely have I heard of such l silly thing.

A. have I heard of

B. did I heard of

C. have I been heard of

D. I have heard of

15. Here comes the girl you want to see.

A. comes the girl

B. come does the girl

C. the girl comes

D. coming the girl is

II. 汉译英

1. 只有这样,我们才能不辜负人们的期望。

Only in this way can we meet the expectations of people.

2. 他一到火车站,火车就开了。

Hardly had he arrived at the railway station when the train left.

3. 汤姆上学迟到了,约翰也迟到了。

Tom was late for class, so was John.

4. 我虽然很小,可是我知道我家里的一些秘密。

Young as I am, I know some of the family secrets.

5. 要是我当时在现场,我就帮你了。

Had I been on the spot, I would have helped you.


I. 选择适当的词语填空

1. He scarcely (seldom, rarely, hardly) comes here, does he?

A. did

B. didn’t

C. does

D. doesn’t

2. You’d rather not do it, would you?

A. shouldn’t you

B. wouldn’t you

C. would you

D. ought you

3. Let’s talk about the book, shall we?

A. shall we

B. can we

C. will we

D. ought we

4. Come here a moment, will you?

A. will you

B. shall you

C. do you

D. don’t you

5. No one is interested in that, are they?

A. is she

B. isn’t he

C. aren’t they

D. are they

6. Everything seems all right, doesn’t it?

A. doesn’t it

B. didn’t they

C. won’t it

D. hasn’t it

7. We never dared to ask him a question, did we?


2015年10月现代汉语真题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小 题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。) 1.汉语不靠词的形态变化来表示词与词的语法关系,而靠语序和虚词来表达语法关系,是()。 A.综合语 B.黏着语 C.孤立语 D.屈折语 【答案】C 【解析】汉语属于孤立语,没有丰富的形态变化,语序和虚词是表达语法关系的主要手段,不像印欧语系中的屈折语那样,词与词的语法关系主要靠词本身的形态变化来表示。 【考点】绪论——现代汉语的特点 2.现代汉民族共同语的语音标准是()。 A.天津语音 B.北京语音 C.上海语音 D.长沙语音 【答案】B 【解析】现代汉民族共同语以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范。 【考点】绪论——汉语的规范化和汉语课程的学习 3.属于单元音韵母的是()。 A.本 B.白 C.不 D.别 【答案】C 【解析】A项的韵母是由元音带辅音构成的,B、D两项的韵母是复元音韵母。 【考点】语音——韵母 4.下列音节中,调值为214的是()。 A.定 B.梨 C.开 D.猛 【答案】D 【解析】A项的调值是51,B项的调值是35,C项的调值是55。 【考点】语音——声调

5.说话时“啊”会变读为“呀”的是()。 A.快说啊 B.真酷啊 C.真好听啊 D.天啊 【答案】A 【解析】前一音节的韵腹或韵尾是a、o(ao、iao除外)、e、i、v时,“啊”读成ya,文字可写作“呀”。 【考点】语音——音变 6.从总体来看,汉字字体演变的主流是()。 A.简化 B.泛化 C.字母化 D.拼音化 【答案】A 【解析】从汉字字体演变的历史来看,总的趋势是由繁难变为简易,当然又是为了区别字义或注明字音,也有添加组字成分而使汉字繁复化的现象。不过,从总体上看,简化是汉字主体演变的主流。 【考点】文字——汉字的形体 7.“六书”中,属于汉字挺用方式的是()。 A.指事 B.假借 C.会意 D.象形 【答案】B 【解析】六书”中,象形、指事、会意、形声指的是汉字的形体结构,转注、假借指的是使用方式,故答案选B。 【考点】文字——汉字的构成 8.下列汉字书写正确的是()。 A.针贬 B.仓库 C.题纲 D.婉惜 【答案】B 【解析】A项“针贬”应为“针砭”,C项“题纲”应为“提纲”,D项“婉惜”应为“惋惜”。【考点】文字——汉字的简化、规范化和标准化 9.属于成词语素的是()。 A.羽 B.走


一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.认为社会学研究的特殊对象是社会事实,“是存在于人们自身以外的行为方式、思想方式和感觉方式,同时通过一种强制力,施之于每个个人”的学者是()P9 A.斯宾塞 B.涂尔干 C.韦伯 D.孔德 2.认为社会的发展经历了军事阶段、过渡阶段和工业阶段的学者是()P4 A.斯宾塞 B.涂尔干 C.韦伯 D.孔德 3.社会学成为一独立学科后,始终是以社会调查研究所取得的经验知识作为学科发展基础的。这是社会学的()P35 A.整体性特征 B.综合性特征 C.实证性特征 D.应用性特征 4.亚国家组织或秘密团体对非战斗目标发起的有预谋的、有政治目的的、通常故意影响视听的暴力行为,称之为() A.暴乱 B.暴动 C.骚乱 D.恐怖主义 5.对影响社会事实发生、变化的主客观因素,从其因果联系上加以说明的过程,称为社会学的()P36 A.描述性功能 B.解释性功能 C.预测性功能 D.规范性功能 6.费孝通说:“我认为社会学最根本的任务是要解决一个生活在社会里的人,怎样学会做人的问题。”这是指社会学的()P37 A.研究功能 B.教育功能 C.社会管理功能 D.社会批评功能 7.对社会现象的数量特征、数量关系与数量变化进行分析的研究方法称为()P45 A.定性方法 B.定量方法 C.观察法 D.实验法 8.交换理论认为人类的相互交往和社会联合是一种相互的交换过程。其创立者是美国社会学家布劳和()P49 A.马克思 B.雷克斯 C.霍曼斯 D.帕森斯 9.以问题表格形式向被调查者收集相关资料的一种定量研究方法,称为()P41 A.问卷调查 B.实地研究 C.社会实验方法 D.非介入性研究方法 10.“水不是文化,自来水才是文化”,指的是文化的()P82 A.创造性 B.习得性 C.共享性 D.累积性 11.“文化不是先天遗传的本能,而是后天通过学习和模仿获得的知识、经验、技能和习惯等”指的是文化的()P82 A.创造性 B.习得性 C.共享性 D.累积性 12.日本的茶道是一个著名的()P85


2018年教师招聘考试真题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共15个小题,每小题2分,共30分) 1、在下列认知风格中,容易给学习带来不利影响的认知风格是()。 A、场独立型 B、场依存型 C、冲动型 D、沉思型 〔解析〕C、冲动型认知方式倾向于很快地检验假设,且常常出错。 2、下列哪项属于真正的创造()。 A、鲁班发明锯子 B、高斯少年时做数字1~100的连加 C、找到远古时期的化石 D、陶渊明发现桃花源 〔解析〕A、真正的创造是指产生了具有人类历史首创性成品的活动。 3、我国近代教育史上,被毛泽东称颂为”学界泰斗,人世楷模”的教育家是()。 A、陶行知 B、杨贤江 C、徐特立 D、蔡元培 〔解析〕D略。 4、在古希腊,最早提出发现法的大教育家是()。 A、德谟克利特 B、亚里士多德 C、柏拉图

D、苏格拉底 〔解析〕D苏格拉底在教学法中强调使学生自己进行思考得出结论,从这个意义上说,苏格拉底最早提出了发现法。[page] 5、学生操行评定的主要负责人是()。 A、科任教师 B、班主任 C、级任导师 D、班委会 〔解析〕B班主任是学生操行评定的主要负责人。 6、对个别学生的教育()。 A、就是要靠班主任 B、就是要靠集体活动来教育 C、是同集体教育相辅相成的 D、主要是对较差学生的教育工作 〔解析〕C、对个别学生的教育也包括了对先进生和后进生的教育,需要和集体教育结合起来。 7、根据学习的定义,下列属于学习的现象是()。 A、吃了酸的食物流唾液 B、望梅止渴 C、蜘蛛织网 D、儿童模仿电影中人物的行为

〔解析〕D学习指人和动物在生活过程中,凭借经验而产生的行为或行为潜能的相对持久的变化。[page] 8、小学生因上课专心听讲受到老师表扬而逐步养成上课专心听讲的习惯属于()。 A、经典条件反射 B、操作条件反射 C、联结反应 D、习惯成自然 〔解析〕B操作性行为主要受强化规律的制约。儿童做对了某件事后得到成人的物质奖励或表扬属于正强化。 9、激发、维持和指引个体学习活动的心理动因或内部动力称为()。 A、学习需要 B、学习期待 C、学习动机 D、学习态度 〔解析〕C、本题考查学习动机的定义。 10、最重要和最良性的学习动力是()。 A、学习兴趣和教师的期待 B、学习兴趣和远大的理想 C、教师的期待和远大的理想 D、教师的期待和家长的期待 〔解析〕B为教师的期待而学习的动机是低级的动机。[page]


2006年全国硕士研究生入学考试数学(二) 一、填空题 (1)曲线4sin 52cos x x y x x += -的水平渐近线方程为 . (2)设函数23 1sin ,0, (), x t dt x f x x a x ?≠? =??=? ? 在0x =处连续,则a = . (3)广义积分 22 (1)xdx x +∞=+? . (4)微分方程(1) y x y x -'= 的通解是 . (5)设函数()y y x =由方程1y y xe =-确定,则 A dy dx == . (6)设矩阵2112A ?? = ?-?? ,E 为2阶单位矩阵,矩阵B 满足2B A B E =+,则B = . 二、选择题 (7)设函数()y f x =具有二阶导数,且()0,()0f x f x '''>>,x ?为自变量x 在0x 处的增量,y ?与dy 分别为()f x 在点0x 处对应的增量与微分,若0x ?>,则 (A )0.dy y <


2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 计算机科学与技术学科联考 计算机学科专业基础综合试题 一、单项选择题:第1~40小题,每小题2分,共80分。下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项最符合试题要求。 1. 若元素a 、b 、c 、d 、e 、f 依次进栈,允许进栈、退栈操作交替进行,但不允许连续三次进行退栈操作,则不. 可能得到的出栈序列是______。 A .d c e b f a B .c b d a e f C .b c a e f d D .a f e d c b 2. 某队列允许在其两端进行入队操作,但仅允许在一端进行出队操作。若元素a 、b 、c 、d 、e 依次入此队列后再进行出队操作,则不.可能得到的出队序列是______。 A .b a c d e B .d b a c e C .d b c a e D .e c b a d 3.下列线索二叉树中(用虚线表示线索),符合后序线索树定义的是______。 A . B . C . D . 4.在右图所示的平衡二叉树中,插入关键字48后得到一棵新平衡二叉树。在新平衡二叉树中,关键字37所在结点的左、右子结点中保存的关键字分别是______。 A .13,48B .24,48 C .24,53 D 、24,90 5.在一棵度为4的树T 中,若有20个度为4的结点,10个度为3的结点,1个度为2的结点,10个度为1的结点,则树T 的叶结点个数是______。A .41 B .82 C .113 D .122 6. 对n (n ≥2)个权值均不相同的字符构造成哈夫曼树。下列关于该哈夫曼树的叙述中,错误..的是______。 A .该树一定是一棵完全二叉树。B .树中一定没有度为1的结点。 C .树中两个权值最小的结点一定是兄弟结点。 D .树中任一非叶结点的权值一定不小于下一层任一结点的权值。 7.若无向图G=(V , E )中含有7个顶点,要保证图G 在任何情况下都是连通的,则需要的边数最少是_____。 A .6 B .15 C .16 D .21 8.对右图进行拓扑排序,可以得到不同的拓扑序列的个数是_____。A .4 B . 3 C .2 D .1 9. 已知一个长度为16的顺序表L ,其元素按关键字有序排列。若采用折半查找法查找一个L 中不存在的元素,则关键字的比较次数最多的是_____。A .4 B .5 C .6 D .7 10.采用递归方式对顺序表进行快速排序。下列关于递归次数的叙述中,正确的是______。 A .递归次数与初始数据的排列次序无关。 24 13 53 37 90


2006年7月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 劳动法试卷 (课程代码0167) 本试卷共9页,满分100分;考试时间150分钟。 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.我国劳动法的调整对象是【】 A.劳动关系 B.劳动关系和社会保障关系 C.劳动关系和社会保险关系 D.劳动关系以及与劳动关系有密切联系的其他关系 2.我国最早的劳动立法是北洋政府1923年公布的【】 A.《劳动立法原则》B.《暂行工厂规则》 C.《劳动法案大纲》D.《劳动法典》 3.世界上最早的国际劳工公约是【】 A.《关于禁止工厂女工夜间工作的公约》和《伯尔尼公约》 B.《关于女工童工工作时间公约》 C.《关于禁止童工从事夜问工作公约》 D.《国际劳动宪章》 4.用人单位可以解除劳动合同的情况是【】 A.劳动者在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件的 B.劳动者患病或负伤,在规定的医疗期内 C.女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期的 D.劳动者患职业病并被确认丧失劳动能力的 5.安排劳动者延长工作时间的,用人单位应当支付不低于工资的——的工资报酬。【】A.100%B.150% C.200%D.300% 6.不定时工作时间不适用于【】 A.企业中的高级管理人员B.需机动作业人员 C.出租车司机D.矿山井下采掘工人 7.《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定,延长工作时间每月最长的时限是【】 A.12小时B.24小时 C.36小时D.48小时 8.依照我国伤亡事故报告制度,发生______事故,应由主管部门会同劳动部门、公安部门、工会组成调查组。【】 A.轻伤B.重伤 C.死亡D.停产 9.用人单位因违反劳动合同,造成劳动者工资收入损失的,按劳动者本人应得工资收入 支付给劳动者,并加付的赔偿费用是应得工资收入的【】


2019年教师招聘考试真题及答案(教综卷) 一、判断题(10题,每题0.8分,共8分。) 你认为正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B” 1. 教育的特殊矛盾表现为社会要求与受教育者个体之间的矛盾。( ) 2. 班级成员在服从班集体正确决策和承担责任的前提下,参与班级管理,充分发挥其主体作用的一种管理方式是班级平行管理。( ) 3. 人们在认知活动中,评价认识事物的时候所产生的情绪体验称为道德感。( ) 4. 印象形成过程中,最初获得的信息比后来获得的信息影响更大的现象叫做首因效应。( ) 5. 人的心理活动能够在一段时间保持比较紧的状态,这属于注意的维持功能。( ) 6. 要培养学习者观察的精准性,最关键的是教育者要引导学习者明确观察的目的和任务,培养学习者的观察兴趣。( ) 7. 在新课程改革中,从教师和学生的关系看,教师的角色是学生学习的促进者。( ) 8. 在态度与品德学习的过程中,认知过程中的各种价值冲突和矛盾的解决是在化阶段完成的。( ) 9. 中学生思维的发展,是从初中开始的形式逻辑思维向辩证逻辑思维发展,到高中阶段形成抽象逻辑思维。( ) 10. 教师对学校教育教学、管理工作和教育行政部门的工作提出意见和建议,通过学校党组织参与学校的管理。( ) 二、不定项选择题(20题,每题2分,共40分。) 每题的备选答案中至少有一个选项是正确的,全部选对得满分,少选且每选对一个正确答案得0.5分,多选、错选、不选均不得分。 11. 主教育的根本目的在于使受教育者掌握社会知识和规的是:( )。 A. 个人本位论 B. 社会本位论 C. 文化本位论 D. 生活本位论 12. 古代有个叫方仲永的,少年时聪明伶俐,5岁时就能作诗。他成名后,其父经常带他游走于当地的名门大户之家,以赚钱取财,不让他继续学习,到20岁左右时“泯然众人矣”。方仲永的悲剧启发我们:( )。 A. 遗传是成功的决定性要素 B. 接受教育是成功的重要因素 C. 环境对成功有重要影响 D. 个体主观能动性的发挥决定是否能成功 某小学四年级一班在一次期末考试后把学生成绩贴到教室后面的小黑板上,班主任把最后一名成绩的学生叫到了办公室,进行了严厉的训斥:“你这次考这么少,拖了班里的后腿,影响咱们班的进步,真是没有救了,从现在开始每节上课站在教室后面听讲。”第二天数学老师上课发现该同学站在后面听课,问明原因后,让他回到座位上。数学老师说:“这位同学这次没考好可能是基础不牢,没有发挥好,大家都要帮助他,课堂上有疑问课下可以单独找我问,相信经过努力下次一定会有很大进步的”。根据材料回答第13—17题。 13. 案例中期末考试的评价方式属于:( )。 A. 准备性评价 B. 形成性评价 C. 总结性评价


2009年上海公务员考试申论真题及解析 满分:100分时限:150分钟 一、注意事项 1、监考老师发给你的测试材料分为两部分:试题本和答题纸。 2、测试开始前,请在试题本和答题纸上指定位置先填写好自己的姓名、准考证号等内容,然后再开始答题。 3、申论考试与传统的作文考试不同,是分析驾驭材料能力与表达能力并重的考试。作答参考时限:阅读资料40分钟,作答110分钟。 4、仔细阅读给定的资料,按照后面提出的“答题要求”依次作答在答题纸指定位置上。 5、监考老师宣布考试结束时,应立即停止答题,将试题本和答题纸留在桌上,然后离开考场。不得将试题本带出考场。 6、特别提醒: a.答题时请认准题号,避免答错位置影响考试成绩。 b.所有试题一律使用现代汉语作答。必须使用钢笔或圆珠笔,在答题纸有效区域内作答.超出答题区域的作答无效。严禁折叠答题纸! 二、给定资料 1.2008年夏天,上海一篇满分的高考作文《他们》引起了广泛的热议,专家称这是上海近年来高考中难得一见的佳作。 在城市的尽头,没有繁华的街市,闪亮的霓虹:在城市的尽头,只有破旧的棚户区,有饱经生活风霜的生命;在城市的尽头,有他们这样一群人。 让我怎样称呼他们?外来务工人员子女,农民子弟?亦或是农民工二代?不,我不想用这些冰冷的名字称呼他们,我多想叫着他们带着泥土气的乳名,拉着他们的小手,走近他们的生活…… 他们从小生长在故青山绿水中,纯洁的灵魂在田野里抽穗拔节。在山野的风中,他们奔跑着、憧憬着。风从田野中吹过,吹进了城市,为了生计,为了未来,他们跟从父母来到了城市,在城市的尽头扎下了根。于是习惯了青山绿水的双眸第一次触碰到了高楼大厦、车水马龙。他们不知道怎么穿过六车道的马路。小小的手指


2015年10月高等教育自学考试 工作分析试题卷 (课程代码06092) 本试题卷分为两部分,共6页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 第一部分第1页至第4页。应考者必须在答题卷上按要求填涂,不能答在试题卷上。第二部分第5页至第6页。应考者必须在答题卷上按要求答题,不能答在试题卷上。 第一部分(共40分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出并在答题卷上将相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1. 在职位说明书中,如“处理客户的电话咨询与投诉”,属于任职者的 A.任务 B.职责 C.职务 D.职责细分 2. 界定工作对任职者的教育程度、工作经验、知识、技能、心理特征等方面要求的是 A.工作描述 B.工作规范 C.职位评价 D?工作分类 3. 最早提出“四民分业定居论”,将职业分工划为士、农、工、商四类并按职业属性聚居的人是 A.管仲 B.孟子 C.荀子 D.孔子 4. 把工作分析列为科学管理原理五大原则的第一原则的人是 A.丹尼斯?狄德罗 B?芒斯特伯格 C.泰勒 D.吉尔布雷斯 5. 科学管理运动的创始人之一,被公认为是“动作研究之父”的人是 A.泰勒 B.斯科特

C.巴鲁什 D.弗兰克?吉尔布雷斯 6. 被认为是斯科特对工作分析的首要贡献事件是 A.面谈考核科学方法的形成 B.制订了军衔资格标准 C.入伍新兵分类 D.编写了人事配置表 工作分析试题卷第1页(共6页) 7.由心理学家弗莱内根开发的,为工作分析提供了最真实、客观与定性资料,广泛应用于非结构化工作分析的方法是 A.工作要素法 B.关键事件法 C.功能性工作分析法 D.任务清单法 8.侧重于调查工时利用、确定定额时间、总结先进工作方法的工作日写实法是 A.个人工作日写实法 B.访谈法 C.工组工作日写实法 D.观察法 9.对某工人压实工序进行测时记录为:1.1s、l_3s、1.7s、1.8s、1.6s,按算术平均法计算,该工人在这道工序的标准时间是 A. 1.4s B. 1.5s C. 1.6s D. 1.7s 10.对不同组织内管理层以上的职位进行分析,最适合的方法是 A.关键事件分析法 B.问卷法 C.观察法 D.管理职位分析问卷法 11.在工作分析信息收集中,以下属于外部组织或人员渠道的是 A.职业数据 B.职业信息网 C.组织的上游供应商 D.职位的任职者 12.选择业绩标准的提取方法时,对职责目标十分清晰且易于衡量的职责,一般是以什么为导向 A.时间 B.结果 C.关键点 D.差错率 13.在能力要素的等级界定中,具有较强的客观性,能引导任职者的行为改进的方法是 A.人群百分位法 B?等级行为描述法 C.利克特量表法 D.比较法 14.更适用中高层管理人员、技术人员和专业人员的任职资格构建的模型是 A.胜任特征模型 B. GATB模型 C. HAY的冰山模型 D. SWOT模型 15.将职位与特定的级别标准进行比较,且对职位要素进行量化评价的职位评价方法是 A.职位排序法 B?因素比较法 C.职位分类法 D.要素计点法 16.在海氏职位评价方法系统中,技能、解决问题能力与职位责任两级因素权重分配为(70%+30%)的形态被称为 A.上山型 B.中间型 C.下山型 D.平路型


第一部分:公共基础部分(共计100分) 一、填空题(每空1分,共计15分) 1.Solaris系统中查找系统中带有字符串Emf的所有进程的信息的命令为(ps –ef |grep Emf)。 2.Solaris系统中,如果要想使本工作站无法telnet到任何主机上,需要修改文件(/etc/services)。 3.L2TP报文头使VPN协议报文头,其内封装的是(HELLO)报文。 4.通常,MPLS包头中有(20)Bit用作标签(Label)。 5.MPLS VPN网络中,私网路由和(标签)是M-BGP分配或者传递的。 6.RTP协议是H.323IP电话系统使用的语音视频打包协议,其使用的传输层协议是(UDP)。7.OSPF用(IP)报文来封装自己的协议报文,协议号是89。 8.传统以太网的最大传输帧长是(1518)字节。 9.BGP把TCP当做它的传送协议,使用端口号为(179)。 10.IP报文的报文头最多有(20)个字节。 11.PPPOE协议分为两个阶段,分别为PPPOE(Discovery)阶段和PPPOE会话阶段。前阶段的目的是为了获取PPPOE服务器/访问集器的MAC地址,以便建立点对点的通信。12.范围在(3000-3999)的访问控制列表是高级的访问控制列表。 13.Radius协议包是采用(UDP)协议作为其传输模式。 14.让一台IP地址是10.0.0.1的主机访问Internet的必要技术是(NAT)。 15.ISIS的level 2区域,相当与OSPF的(Backbone)区域。 二、判断题 1.在sybase的isql环境中,updat sysdatebases命令需要在master数据库中执行(×)2.在SUN BLADE系列机型上安装Solaris操作系统时,如果出现的是字符安装界面,且安装完成后也无法出现图形登陆界面,最可能的原因是操作系统语言选择不正确(√)。3.在IP协议数据报文中,标志字段的最低位如果为1表示后面还有分片的数据报,该标志字段的最低位是DF(√)。 4.在TCP/IP的OSI七层协议中,应用层与断点续传有关。(√) 5.在FTP PORT(主动)工作模式下,作为数据传送通道的端口是21。(×) 6.L2TP隧道建立过程的第一次握手报文,是由LAC发起隧道建立请求ICRQ。(√)


2018上半年四川教师招聘《教育公共基础》 真题及答案 一、判断题(共24小题,每小题1分,共24分。下列各题中,你认为正确的请选“√"错误的选“×” ,全部选“√”,全部选“×”均记为0分。 1.教育可以“简化”文化,吸取基本内容;教育可以“净化”文化,消除其不良因素。这体现了教育对文化的发展功能。 ( ) 2.教育目的的个人本位论认为,要根据个体的本能需要、兴趣和爱好来确定教育目的。( ) 3.生产力的发展促进教学内容、教学方法和教学组织形式的变化。( ) 4.亚里士多德在历史上首次提出了“教育遵循自然”的原则。( ) 5.课程有多重类型,综合课程就是活动课程。( ) 6.教学的发展性原则要求教学内容、方法和进度,既要适合学生已有的发展水平又要有一定难度。( ) 7.课堂教学的首要环节是教学过程设计。( ) 8.组建班级干部队伍是班主任的核心工作。( ) 9.非正式群体在学校人际关系中起主导作用。( ) 10.教育活动中,如果没有受教育者发挥主导作用就不会呈现好效果。( ) 11.教师专业发展的实践一反思取向强调教学文化,及教师文化以及教师所处教研组、年级组对教师专业发展的作用。( )

12.二年级三班学生王鹏在一次上课中出现了打人行为,为此他的父母规定他在一个月内不能买它喜欢的玩具,这种做法属于负强化。( ) 13.老师正在讲图片故事,一个幼儿冲上来对图片上的大灰狼又打又踢,这说明该幼儿已经具有了道德情感。 ( ) 14.发现有危险物体朝自己飞来时,个体往往会眨眼或是躲闪,这属于动作技能。( ) 15.心理健康教育就是学生开设心理健康课。( ) 16.我们再接触新朋友时,经常会出现刚打过招呼转头就忘记对方姓名的现象,这是瞬间记忆容量小的特点决定的。( ) 17.一般认为,青少年的形式运算思维先再自然科学领域出现,而在社会科学领域发展较晚。根据《义务教育法》,目前我国的学前教育不属于义务教育阶段。( ) 18.根据《义务教育法》,目前我国的学前教育不属于义务教育阶段。( ) 19、刑罚只能由人民法院依法判处,其他国家机关均不得适用。( ) 20、在我国体育教育法律体系中,其他各项教育法律、法规必须以《教育法》为依据,不得与《教育法》确定的原则和规范相违背。( ) 21、某教师因教育方式不当对学生进行人格侮辱后,学生因不堪忍受而自杀,该教师的行为有过失的因素,要承担相应的法律责任。( ) 22、师德对教师的行为起着规范和评价的作用。( ) 23、保护学生安全不属于《中小学教师职业道德规范》的要求。( ) 24.教师职业道德修养是社会对教师职业道德的要求。( )


官方网址 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d85393105.html, 北大、人大、中财、北外教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班、少干、强军 育明教育 【温馨提示】 现在很多小机构虚假宣传,育明教育咨询部建议考生一定要实地考察,并一定要查看其营业执照,或者登录工商局网站查看企业信息。 目前,众多小机构经常会非常不负责任的给考生推荐北大、清华、北外等名校,希望广大考生在选择院校和专业的时候,一定要慎重、最好是咨询有丰富经验的考研咨询师! 2006年北京大学经济学院考研真题及答案解析 微观经济学部分 一、某寡头市场上只有两个厂商,它们之间进行古诺产量博弈。如果市场需求为P=130-Q 这里Q 代表市场需求量,且Q=q1+q2,q1和q2分别是两寡头市场的产量。现在假设厂商1的边际成本为10,厂商2的边际成本为30,两厂商皆没有固定成本,又假设贴现因子δ=0.9假设该市场有长期稳定性,这两个厂商为保持这种长期稳定性,想达成一个默契的协 议,该协议规定厂商1和厂商2按照(3/4,1/4)的比例来分配有合作形成的垄断产量,请问 1、达成该协议后,两厂商是否会老实的执行该协议?或者说它们会不会偏离该协议所规定的市场份额来组织生产?为什么? 2、如果协议能够长期维持,其条件是什么?(19分) 二、某企业的生产边际成本为mc=3q ,其中q 是该企业的产量。但该企业的生产所产生的污 染给社会带来的边际成本为2q ,市场对该企业的产品的需求曲线为p=420-q 。 1.如果该企业是个垄断者,那么企业的均衡产量是多少?价格是多少? 2.考虑到污染成本,社会的最优的产量应该是多少? 3.现在,政府决定对每单位产品征收污染税,那么税率应该是多少才能够使企业的 产量与社会的最优产量相一致?(19分) 宏观经济学部分 一、已知下列资料,国内生产总值6000亿元,总投资800亿元,净投资300亿元,消费400亿元,政府购


第十一套模拟试题参考答案及解析 1. 算法的设计可以避开具体的计算机程序设计语言,但算法的实现必须借助程序设计语言中提供的数据类型及其算法。数据结构和算法是计算机科学的两个重要支柱。它们是一个不可分割的整体。算法在运行过程中需辅助存储空间的大小称为算法的空间复杂度。算法的有穷性是指一个算法必须在执行有限的步骤以后结束。 本题答案为C。 2. 所谓完全二叉树是指除最后一层外,每一层上的结点数均达到最大值;在最后一层上只缺少右边的若干结点。 具有n个结点的完全二叉树,其父结点数为int(n/2),而叶子结点数等于总结点数减去父结点数。本题n=699,故父结点数等于int(699/2)=349,叶子结点数等于699-349=350。 本题答案是B。 3. 要形成良好的程序设计风格,主要应注重和考虑下述一些因素:符号名的命名应具有一定的实际含义,以便于对程序功能的理解;正确的注释能够帮助读者理解程序;程序编写应优先考虑清晰性,除非对效率有特殊要求,程序编写要做到清晰第一,效率第二。 本题答案为A。 4. 关系数据库管理系统能实现的专门关系运算,包括选择运算、投影运算、连接运算。 本题答案为B。 5. 确认测试的任务是验证软件的功能和性能及其他特性是否满足了需求规格说明中的确定的各种需求,以及软件配置是否完全、正确。 本题答案为A。 6. 数据库概念设计的过程中,视图设计一般有三种设计次序,它们是: 1、自顶向下。这种方法是先从抽象级别高且普遍性强的对象开始逐步细化、具体化与特殊化。 2、由底向上。这种设计方法是先从具体的对象开始,逐步抽象,普遍化与一般化,最后形成一个完整的视图设计。 3、由内向外。这种设计方法是先从最基本与最明显的对象着手逐步扩充至非基本、不明显的其它对象。 本题答案为D。 7. 数据流相当于一条管道,并有一级数据(信息)流经它。在数据流图中,用标有名字的箭头表示数据流。数据流可以从加工流向加工,也可以从加工流向文件或从文件流向加工,并且可以从外部实体流向系统或从系统流向外部实体。 本题答案为C。 8. 软件设计包括软件结构设计、数据设计、接口设计和过程设计。其中结构设计是定义软件系统各主要部件之间的关系;数据设计是将分析时创建的模型转化为数据结构的定义;接口设计是描述软件内部、软件和操作系统之间及软件与人之间如何通信;过程设计则是把系统结构部件转换成软件的过程性描述。 本题答案为B。 9. 当数据表A中每个元素距其最终位置不远,说明数据表A按关键字值基本有序,在待排序序列基本有序的情况下,采用插入排序所用时间最少。 本题答案为B。 10. 在文件系统中,相互独立的记录其内部结构的最简单形式是等长同格式记录的集合,


全国2006年7月高等教育自学考试 公司法律制度研究试题 课程代码:00943 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。 错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.根据我国公司法的规定,我国公司设立的立法,采( D ) A.自由主义 B.准则主义 C.特许主义 D.准则主义与核准主义相结合 2.公司法确认的资本三原则不包括 ...( D ) A.资本确定原则 B.资本维持原则 C.资本不变原则D.资本流动原则 3.根据我国《公司法》,有限责任公司章程的修改须经代表( C ) A.1/4以上表决权的股东通过 B.1/3以上表决权的股东通过 C.2/3以上表决权的股东通过 D.1/2以上表决权的股东通过 4.公司法规定的法律责任形式,不包括 ...( D ) A.民事责任 B.刑事责任 C.行政责任 D.救济责任 5.下列对公司债务的表述,正确的是:公司以其( C ) A.注册资本对公司债务承担责任 B.实收资本对公司债务承担责任 C.全部财产对公司债务承担责任 D.净资产对公司债务承担责任 6.公司发行可转换为股票的公司债券,对于是否转换为股票,由______决定。(D ) A.公司 B.股东会 C.董事会 D.债券持有人 7.根据我国担保法的规定,抵押合同的形式( A ) A.应当用书面形式 B.既可以用书面形式也可以用口头形式 C.可以用口头形式 D.可以用口头形式,但法律另有规定的除外 8.资产负债表的三大要素中,不包括 ...( D ) A.资产 B.负债 C.所有者权益 D.现金流量 9.我国对企业所得税税率实行( A ) A.比例税率 B.定额税率 C.累进税率 D.差别税率 10.春晖有限公司因不能清偿到期债务而申请破产。下列情形中,属于破产债权的是( C ) A.甲公司要求收回其租赁给春晖公司的房屋 B.乙公司因派员参与破产程序花去的差旅费2万元 C.丙银行贷给春晖公司的50万元贷款,但尚未到还款期 D.丁银行贷给春晖公司30万元贷款,春晖公司以机器设备抵押,还款期已届满 11.下列情形中,属于效力待定合同的是( A ) A.无权代理人与相对人订立的合同 B.重大误解的合同 C.损害社会公共利益的合同 D.欺诈合同 12.下列关于合同形式的表述,正确的是( C ) A.合同只能采用书面形式 B.合同不能采用口头形式


一、判断题(10题,每题分,共8分。) 你认为正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B” 1. 教育的特殊矛盾表现为社会要求与受教育者个体之间的矛盾。( ) 2. 班级成员在服从班集体正确决策和承担责任的前提下,参与班级管理,充分发挥其主体作用的一种管理方式是班级平行管理。( ) 3. 人们在认知活动中,评价认识事物的时候所产生的情绪体验称为道德感。( ) 4. 印象形成过程中,最初获得的信息比后来获得的信息影响更大的现象叫做首因效应。( ) 5. 人的心理活动能够在一段时间内保持比较紧张的状态,这属于注意的维持功能。( ) 6. 要培养学习者观察的精准性,最关键的是教育者要引导学习者明确观察的目的和任务,培养学习者的观察兴趣。( ) 7. 在新课程改革中,从教师和学生的关系看,教师的角色是学生学习的促进者。( ) 8. 在态度与品德学习的过程中,认知过程中的各种价值冲突和矛盾的解决是在内化阶段完成的。( ) 9. 中学生思维的发展,是从初中开始的形式逻辑思维向辩证逻辑思维发展,到高中阶段形成抽象逻辑思维。( ) 10. 教师对学校教育教学、管理工作和教育行政部门的工作提出意见和建议,通过学校党组织参与学校的民主管理。( ) 二、不定项选择题(20题,每题2分,共40分。) 每题的备选答案中至少有一个选项是正确的,全部选对得满分,少选且每选对一个正确答案得分,多选、错选、不选均不得分。 11. 主张教育的根本目的在于使受教育者掌握社会知识和规范的是:( )。 A. 个人本位论 B. 社会本位论 C. 文化本位论 D. 生活本位论 12. 古代有个叫方仲永的,少年时聪明伶俐,5岁时就能作诗。他成名后,其父经常带他游


2006年全国硕士研究生入学考试数学一真题 一、填空题 (1) lim Xln(1 x) X 01 COSX ----------------- (2 )微分方程y y(1 x)的通解是__________________ . X (3)设是锥面z x2—y2( 0 z 1)的下侧,贝U xdydz 2ydzdx 3(z 1)dxdy (4)点(2,1, 0)到平面3x 4y 5z 0的距离z = (5 )设矩阵A E为2阶单位矩阵,矩阵B满足BA B 2E ,贝U B (6)设随机变量X与Y相互独立,且均服从区间[0, 3]上的均匀分布,则P max{X,Y} 1 = ______________ 、选择题 (7)设函数y f(x)具有二阶导数,且f (x) 0, f (x) 0 ,x为自变量x在x0处的增量, y与dy (A) 0 dx y. (B) 0 y dy (C)y dy 0. (D)dy y 0 1 04d 0f(rcos,rsin )rdr等于 (A) 02dx x f (X, y)dy. (B) 0勺x°1x2f(x,y)dy. (C) 0「y1y2f(x,y)dx. (C) ^dy J 7 f(x, y)dx. 【】 (9)若级数a n收敛,则级数 n 1 (A) a n收敛. n 1 (C) a n a n 1收敛. (B) ( 1)n a n收敛. n 1 (D) 3n 3n 1收敛. 【 】 分别为f(x)在点X。处对应的增量与微分,若x 0,则(8)设f(x, y)为连续函数,则

(10)设f (x, y)与(x, y)均为可微函数,且y (x, y) 0 ?已知(x 0, y 0)是f (x, y)在约束条件 (x, y) 0 下的一个极值点,下列选项正确的是 0,则 f y (x 0, y 0) 0 0,则 f y (x 0, y 0) 0 0,则 f y (x 0, y 0) 0 0,则 f y (x 0, y 0) 0 (A) 若a !, a 2,L , a,线性相关,则 (B) 若a !, a ?丄,a,线性相关,则 (C) 若印,玄2丄,a,线性无关,则 (A ) P(A B) P(A). (B ) P(A B) P(B). (C ) P(A B) P(A). (D ) P(A B) P(B). 【 】 14 )设随机变量 X 服从正态分布 N( 1, 2 12 ) , Y 服从正态分布 N( 2, 2 ),且 P{| X 1 | 1} P{| Y 2 | 1}, (A ) 1 2. (B ) 1 2. ( C ) 1 2. (D ) 1 2. 【 】 (12 )设A 为 3 阶矩阵,将 A 的第 2 行加到第 1 行得 B ,再将B 的第 1 列的 -1 倍加到第 2 列得 C ,记 1 10 P 0 1 0 ,则 0 01 (A ) C P 1 AP. (B ) C PAP 1 . (C ) C P T AP . ( D ) C PAP T . 【】 13)设 A, B 为随机事件,且 p(B) 0, p(A|B) 1 , 则必有 (D) 若a !, a ?丄,a,线性无关,则 】 (A) 若 f x (x 。,y 。) (B) 若 f x (x 。,y o ) (C) 若 f x (X o , y o ) , (11)设a i , a ?丄,a,均为n 维列向量, A 是m n 矩阵,下列选项正确的是 Aa 1, Aa 2,L , Aa, 线性相关 ? Aa 1, Aa ?,L , Aa, 线性无关 ? Aa 1, Aa ?,L , Aa, 线性相关 ? Aa 1, Aa ?,L , Aa, 线性无关 ?


全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(一)试题 课程代码:00794 Ⅰ.用适当语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1.This dress cost me()the one I am wearing. A. twice as much as B. as twice much as C. as much twice as D. much as twice as 2.John suggested that we()have the evening party this Sunday. A. didn’t B. not C. wouldn’t D. not to 3.Our team()three matches so far this year, and we still have some more games to play. A. was winning B. has won C. wins D. had won 4.John’s never been to London.(). A. And hasn’t Tom B. Nor Tom hasn’t C. Neither has Tom D. Tom hasn’t neither 5.I’m interested in()you told me that day. A. all that B. which C. all what D. that 6.My sister has always regretted()the opportunity to go to college. A. not to take B. not take C. having not taken D. not having taken 7.I()to attend a social gathering, but something came up. A. have wanted B. had wanted C. want D. have been wanting 8.Cynthia said that she was not feeling well,() A. didn’t she B. did she C. wasn’t she D. was she 9.()is reported in today’s newspaper, a medical team will be sent to the western area of the country. A. It B. Which C. That D. As 10.()cold and windy, most children in the community stayed indoors. A. Being B. It being C. It was D. To be 11.Looking out of the window, ()outside. A. it was a young man B. there was a young man C. a young man was D. I saw a young man 1

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