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Life is an onion and one cries while peeling it.


In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.


All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.


Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. 如何判断一天过得好不好,不要看你收获了多少,而要看你种下去了多少种子。The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. 实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

总是做你自己,表达自己,相信自己,而不是去寻找一种成功的性格和复制它。If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done.


All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.



Unit 4 1.Never before had anything so tragic happened in their sport. 滑冰界以前从来没有发生过类似的惨剧 2.The plane appeared to be making a normal approach to land when it suddenly reared up into the sky. 飞机好像准备正常着陆,突然又攀升到天空 3.It was 10:05 A.M. when the Sabena jet hit the ground and exploded in a ball of flames. 10点05分,飞机撞到地面爆炸了,燃成了一团火球。 4.All 72 people on board were killed, including 49 Americans and 11 members of the crew. 机上72人全部遇难,其中包括49名美国人和11名机组人员。 5.All that remained as rescuers combed through the wreckage were three pairs of melted skate dangling from one of the wings. 救援人员仔细搜寻了遇难现场,只找到三双已经烧焦的冰鞋,在残留的机翼上摇曳。 Unit 5 1. 我们怎样才能把孩子引向成功之路? 2. 不错,为创建微软,我未完成大学学业,不过辍学之前我已经在哈佛待了三年,而且我真心希望有一天能重返校园。 3. 读高中时,我有一段时间醉心于软件编写,但大部分时间里,我的学习兴趣相当广泛。 5. 深入掌握自己感兴趣领域的专业知识,能够引导你走向成功,除非这个专业没有发展前途,或者你并不很擅长这个


英语歇后语 1.爱屋及乌 Love me,love my dog. 2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. 3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some,better off than many; to fall short of the best,but be better than the worst. 4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start. 5.不眠之夜 white night 6.不以物喜不以己悲not pleased by external gains,not saddened by personnal losses 7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best 8.不打不成交 No discord,no concord. 9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new 11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 12.大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener 13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace 14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little 15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits. 16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore,one prays no more 17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate,while bad news


九年级全册单词表 Unit1 Howcanwebeegoodlearners textbook speed conversation partner aloud born pronunciation bebornwith sentence ability patient create expression brain discover active secret attention lookup payattentionto grammar connect repeat connect…with note overnight pal review physics knowledge chemistry lifelong memorize wisely pattern fallinlovewith pronounce Annie increase AlexanderGrahamBell Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! mooncake dead lantern business stranger punish relative warn puton endup pound present folk warmth goddess spread

whoever fool steal bookstore lay nobody layout Macao dessert ChiangMai garden WaterFestival tradition Mid-AutumnFestival admire Mother’sDay tie Father’sDay haunted Halloween ghost AChristmasCarol trick Easter treat StValentine’sDay spider Clara Christmas SantaClaus lie CharlesDickens novel Scrooge eve JacobMarley Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? restroom mall stamp clerk bookstore corner beside politely postcard request pardon direction washroom correct bathroom polite normally direct rush speaker suggest whom passby impolite


1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴。(become interested in) After entering the university, he became interested in computer(s). 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) Collecting stamps occupies almost all of his spare time. 3.只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) So long as / If you concentrate on your studies, you’ll succeed in passing the examinations. 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) More and more people are aware that it is important to obey the traffic rules. 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) In spite of many difficulties, we will do our best to carry out our plan. 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) Nobel Prizes are awarded to the scientists who/ that (have)made great achievements in a certain field. 1.让我们利用这次长假去香港旅游。(take advantage of) Let’s take advantage of the long vacation and make a trip to Hong Kong. 2.考核点: 1)take advantage of the long vacation 2)make a trip to 2. 这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind) This photo reminds me of the days (that )we spent in the summer camp. 考核点1)remind …of 2)the days we spent 3.假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) If you want to take up this job, you should first be trained for three months. 考核点: 1)take up the job 2)be trained 4. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) Once you form/get into a bad habit, it’s very difficult to get rid of /get out of it. 考核点: 1)once 2)get rid of /get out of 5. 同其他学生相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听、说能力。(compare) Compared with other students, the girl has better listening and speaking abilities in English. 考核点: 1)compared with 2)better 3)listening and speaking abilities 6. 众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without) As we all know, success comes /results from hard work; without efforts nothing can be done/achieved. 考核点: 1)as we all know 2)come/result form 3)without 1.早睡早起有益于健康(do good to) Going to bed early and getting up early does good to your health.


歇后语名称的翻译 目前,对“歇后语”一词的翻译难以统一。有人翻译为Chinese enigmatic folk similes,这一译法的缺点是歇后语中不全是比喻,也有谐音或双关式歇后语。有人翻译为 quiz-cracks(隐语或谜语),同样也不全面。于是有人提议直接翻译为xiehouyu in Chinese,这倒是有一定的可借鉴性。因为歇后语是中华民族的独特文化,正如二胡(erhu)、中国功夫(Chinese gongfu)等。但是,追根溯源,歇后语最早是文人之间的一种文字游戏,最早叫做“俏皮话”,因此,有人据此大胆翻译为Chinese folk wisecracks。 比喻性歇后语的翻译方法 直译法:对大多数喻义歇后语,由于比喻部分生动形象,喻义部分逻辑推理合乎情理,不包含一词两义的双关或谐音,通常采用直译法,既传达源语的内容,又维持源语的形象,便于读者阅读和欣赏。例如: 瞎子点灯--白费蜡。It is as useless as a blind man lighting a candle. 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年--不怀好意。 A weasel wishing Happy New Year to a chicken-harboring no good intention. 肉包子打狗--有去无回。Chasing a dog by throwing meat dumplings at it-gone, never to return. 竹篮打水--一场空。Like ladling water with a wicker basket-all is empty (nothing). 八仙过海--各显其能。(Like) the Eight Immortals crossing the sea-each showing his or her special prowess. ( Each of them shows their true worth.) 隔着门缝看人--把人瞧扁了。If you peer at a person through a crack-he looks flat. 兔子尾巴长不了。The tail of a rabbit-cannot be long; won't last long. 谐音或双关式歇后语的翻译方法 解释法:解释法是一种行之有效的翻译方法,也是揭示源语文化内涵的重要途径,它是指在译文里保留原来的文化色彩,并加上简要的解释说明以突出其形象性。解释法可以细分为解释性替代和解释性增补两种类型。 解释性替代 解释性替代是指当词语在源语和译语中的内涵意义相同,但联想意义不同时,不能按照字面翻译,而应该用解释性替代的方法翻译原文。汉语中的成语即谚语翻译一般用解释性替代的方法来进行翻译,例如: 挥金如土spend money like water 解释性增补 解释性增补是指当源语中词语的内涵意义在译语中出现词汇空缺,其联想意义也出现 空白时,译者必须保留源语的词语形象,而将其深层含义以解释的形式翻译出来,揭示出


八年级英语上册单词Unit 1 1.how often 2.exercise 3.skateboard. 4.hardly. 5.ever. 6.once 7.twice.. 8.time. 9.surf. 10.Internet. 11.program 12.high school 13.result 14.active. 15.for. 16.as for 17.about. 18.junk. 19.junk food https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dc5395841.html,k 21.coffee. 22.chip 23.cola. 24.chocolate. 25.drink 26.health. 27.how many 28.interviewer. 29.habit. 30.try 31.of course 32.look 33.lifestyle 34.grade. 35.better. 36.same 37.as. 38.different. 39.difference. 40.unhealthy. 41.yuck. 42.maybe 43.although (=though) 44.for 45.grandpa 46.a lot of 47.keep 48.must 49.less Unit 2 1. matter. 2. have. 3.cold. 4.have a cold 5.stomachache 6.sore. 7.back. 8.arm 9.ear. 10.eye 11.foot 12.hand. 13.head. l4.leg 15.mouth. 16.neck. 17.nose. 18.stomach. 19.tooth 20.throat. 21.toothache 22.fever. 23.rest. 24.honey 25.dentist. 26.should. 27.headache 28.shouldn't=should not 29.ago 30.so 31.illness 32.advice 33.thirsty 34.stress 35.be stressed out 36.early. 37.problem 38.way 39.traditional 40.believe. 41.balance. 42.yin 43.yang 41.weak 45.Dangshen 46.Huangqi 47.herb. 48.angry 49.tofu 50.medicine 51.western. 52.everybody. 53.get 54.few. 55.a few 56.stay 57.important 58.balanced. 59.diet. 60.moment 61.at the moment 62.until (=till) 63.dear 64.host family 65.hear Unit 3 1. babysit. 2.camp 3.plan 4.Tibet 5.hike 6.Hong Kong 7.yeah 8.how long 9.away 10.get back 11.send 12.postcard 13.San Francisco 14.Hawaii


霍克斯的翻译成就(下) 泛瑞翻译 二战的爆发使英语国家开始更多地关注亚洲事务,催生了一大批相关的教育研究机构。在这一背景下,从事汉学研究的人员数量开始急剧增加,希望能从学术研究的角度去解读《红楼梦》,他们无法满足于节译本和改写本所提供的信息,希望有忠实于原作的全译本。同时,普通读者对中国古典小说的兴趣已从王际真和麦克休姐妹的译本中得到满足,不再需要类似的节译本。在上述双重因素的推动下,英语世界迫切需要《红楼梦》全译本的产生。 然而,霍克斯与《红楼梦》的结缘却经历了小小的波折。尚在牛津大学读书时,同学裘克安曾借给他一套《红楼梦》,但当时他并不熟悉中国白话文,所以只是勉强读完第一回第一页便放弃了。后辗转北京求学时,发现身边的同学都爱谈论《红楼梦》,便决心读懂这部难读的小说。燕卜荪(William Empson,1906–1984)帮 他聘请了一位完全不懂英语的中国老先生做家教,几乎每天跟他一起阅读《红楼梦》,这种讨论式阅读和学习为其后来的《红楼梦》英译奠定了基础。 随后,牛津大学汉学系教授及主任的身份,以及《楚辞》和杜甫诗歌译本的倍受推崇,使霍克斯成为企鹅出版社邀约翻译《红楼梦》的最佳人选。在库珀(Arthur Cooper,1902–2000)的引荐下,霍克斯与企鹅书局责任主编雷迪斯(Betty Radice,1912–1985)相识。同时,他的学生闵福德也向老师建议翻译《红楼梦》。出于多方面考虑,霍克斯携闵福德一起与企鹅出版社签约,共同翻译作为“企鹅古典丛书”之一的《红楼梦》。 1973年,《红楼梦》(The Story of the Stone)英译本第一卷(前26回)《金色年华》(The Golden Days)面世。该版本采用平装本,封面设计古朴考究,富含 中国文化意象,后于1976 年和1978 年两度再版。1979 年,印第安纳大学出版社在布卢姆顿和伦敦同时出版了此卷的布面精装本。1995年,此卷作为企鹅出版社为庆祝建社60 周年出版系列文学经典(Penguin 60s classics)之一,仅以The Dream of the Red Chamber 为书名出版简写本。


英语(1)离线作业英译中 篇一:英语(1)离线作业英译中 请从以下50句英语句子中,任选30句将其翻译成汉语,请标清楚相应的题号。 1.Asisknowntoall,chinaisthelargestdevelopingcountryintheworldtoday.众所周知,中国是当今世界上最大的发展中国家 2.Thefriendsaweverythingbutdidnotsayasingleword. 朋友看到了一切,但没有说一个字 3.TheythoughtthattheremustbesomethingwrongwiththeirTVset. 他们认为一定是他们的电视机出了毛病。 4.Youandyourteamcandiscovertheanswerstoproblemstogether. 你和你的团队可以一起找到问题的答案。 5.Lifeismeaninglesswithoutapurpose. 没有目标的生活是毫无意义 6.hedidn’tneedtoattendthemeeting. 他不需要参加会议 7.hepreferscoffeetotea. 他喜欢咖啡茶。 8.Areyoufondofmusic? 你喜欢音乐吗?

9.You’dbetterdothatagain. 你最好再做一次。 10.whatkindoflifedomostpeopleenjoy? 大多数人喜欢什么样的生活?? 11.Thisboxcanholdmorebooksthanthatone. 这个盒子比那个盒子能装更多的书。12.botheAnnandmaryaresuitableforthejob. 安妮和玛丽都适合的工作。 13.Isleptsoundlyallnight. 我整夜睡的很熟 14.haveyouseenTomrecently? 你最近见过汤姆吗? 这些日子你怎么样? 16.whattimedoyougoswimmingeveryday? 你每天都去游泳吗? 17.wouldyoumindclosingthewindowforme? 能帮我关一下窗户吗? 18.couldyoutellmewherethepostofficeis? 您能告诉我邮电局怎么走吗? 19.I’mthinkingaboutavisittoparis. 我在考虑去巴黎旅游.

七年级上英语单词 英译汉汇总

同学;班级 我的 名称,名字;姓名 小姐,女士;对未婚女子的称呼 好的 早晨;上午 早上好 午后,下午 下午好 再见 我是(动词的第一人称单数形式)我是 先生 什么 你的,你们的 请(礼貌用语) 对不起,抱歉(表示委婉的拒绝等)能可以 你;你们 拼,拼写 它谢谢 如何怎样 很好的;不错的 谢谢 太太;夫人 也;还 这;这个(指较近的人或事物)她(主格) 教师;导师 朋友;助手 她的 他的 令人愉快的;美好的 结识;遇见 时间;时代;次数 走;去 现在;目前 再见 看;看见 明天;未来 2 坐 向下地;向下;坐下 打开 书; 听,倾听画;绘画 放;置 向上地;朝上;向上手,手艺 站立;位于 起立

关闭;合上新的 学生;学者在这里;这里在…里面 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 美)电话 号码多大,几岁十一; 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 男孩 女孩 桌子 椅子 包;书包 3 使用(某种语言) 英语 用英语 一(个,件…) 写 在……之上 黑板 好;行(用于表示同意,赞成或理解)钢笔;钢笔 不,不是;没有(用于表示否定的问答)铅笔 鸟 猫;猫科动物狗 花 帮助 我(宾格)…的 当然 教室

知道;懂得 讲;说 那;那个(指较远的人或事物)又;再一次 受欢迎的; 不用谢,别客气 黑色的 白色的;白色蓝色的;蓝色 绿色的;绿色 黄色的黄色 红色的;红色 棕色的;褐色,棕色 橙色的;橘色的;橙色;桔子颜色 和,与; 4 今天;现今 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期天 生日,诞辰 最喜爱的 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 温暖的;暖和的热的 凉快的 冷的 天气像;如同 伦敦 篮球;篮球运动 足球,橄榄球 游泳 兵乓球 运动 让 (宾格)我们 让我们 参加(体育运动或球赛);玩耍在……之后 学校 想法;主意


霍克斯的翻译成就(上) 泛瑞翻译 霍克斯是英国汉学家中的杰出代表,一生致力于研究、翻译和教授中国古典文学文化。他学贯中西,将汉学研究与翻译实践紧密结合,是典型的学者型翻译家。 缘于韦利《西游记》(Monkey, 1942)译本的魅力,尚在二战战场上的霍克斯就被中国文学深深吸引,由此结下了六十多年的不解之缘。其六十余年的汉学研究及译介实践以研究和翻译屈原《离骚》为起点,以元杂剧《柳毅传书》英译为终点,涉足作品体裁多样,成就斐然,特别是其《红楼梦》全译本更是享誉世界。 译事之始——《楚辞》英译 霍克斯就读牛津大学汉学系时,师从前伦敦传教士休斯,学习内容以《尚书》《易经》以及《论语》等中国先秦典籍的翻译和背诵为主,唐代之后的文学作品都未有涉及。然而,“彼时的霍克斯并不满足于《四书五经》的课程教学,选择《离骚》作为研究方向,并以此获得牛津大学汉学学士学位”【1】。 从牛津毕业后来到中国求学,当时北京大学教授《楚辞》的仅有游国恩一人,但“霍克斯对这位老师却不甚满意”【2】。不过,出于自己的兴趣,他并未放弃研究《楚辞》,开始了不停地翻译。再回牛津继续攻读博士学位时,他把研究对象从《离骚》扩展至整部《楚辞》。1955 年,他所提交的博士论文含上下两卷,包括《楚辞》全部诗篇的英译、对《楚辞》各篇创作日期及作者的考证,以及“对诗歌的词汇、押韵、结构特征等使用情况的统计学式研究”【3】。 1959 年,《楚辞:南方之歌——古代中国文学选集》(Ch'u Tz'u: The Songs of the South: An Ancient Chinese Anthology)由牛津克拉仑顿出版社出版,是英语世界第一部《楚辞》全译本。该译本由前言、导言、译文主体及专有名词汇编四个部分组成。霍克斯著“前言”介绍其翻译《楚辞》时的基本原则;作“导言”介绍了《楚辞》的基本知识,帮助西方读者理解;以“译文”表现《楚辞》全貌;借“汇编”保障译文质量。


翻译——英译汉 英译汉部分要求翻译单句, 而不是段落或篇章。考生首先要读懂句子,了解句子的语法结构、使用的固定词组、习惯用法及词与词之间的语义关系, 然后, 再正确分析原文的语言现象和逻辑关系,进行透彻的理解, 最后, 力图用简洁明了的汉语表达出原文的意思。因此, 考生有必要掌握一些基本的翻译技巧。 一、翻译技巧一 一般的英译汉考题不会只是简单句。我们在做题时, 首先要从语法入手, 找寻和确定句子大的框架结构, 通过分析把句中的从句和插入部分先排除掉, 明确句子结构有助于我们正确理解整句话的意思。 (一)重点分析句子结构 其实, 就英语的句子结构而言, 是有规律可循的。除去省略句、倒装句、感叹句和 一些特殊句子外, 英语句子的结构可归纳为三类: 1. to be句型: 主语 + be + 表语 Miss Jones is a manager. 琼斯小姐是位经理。 2. to do句型: 主语 + do + (宾语) + (状语) He teaches English in this school. 他在这所学校教英语。 3. there be句型: There be + 主语 + 状语 There are beautiful wildflowers in the hills. 山中有美丽的野花。 (二)确定语法现象和惯用结构 英译汉考题中常见的重点语法有: 时态、语态、主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、 同位语从句、定语从句、状语从句、动词不定式、动名词、分词、虚拟语气、倒装句、强调句等。考生要非常熟悉这些语法现象, 才不至于对句子产生误解。例如: ?Anyone who is interested in it can go with us. 对这事感兴趣的人可以跟我们去。(who引导定语从句修饰主语anyone) ?The problem discussed at yesterday’s meeting is very important. 昨天会上讨论过的那个问题非常重要。(过去分词短语作后置定语修饰主语the problem) ?You could have done better if you had been more careful. 要是细心一点的话,你就会做得更好。(if 引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句) ?Hardly had I said that when she entered the room. 我刚说完,她就进来了。(倒装句, 否定词hardly位于句首, 助动词had 放在主语I之前 ) ?It was not until last night that I noticed this matter. 直到昨晚我才注意到这件事。(强调句: It was not until+强调成分+that句子其 余成分)


请从以下50句英语句子中,任选30句将其翻译成汉语,请标清楚相应的题号。 1.As is known to all, China is the largest developing country in the world today. 1.众所周知,中国是当今世界上最大的发展中国家 2.The friend saw everything but did not say a single word. 2.朋友看到了一切,但没有说一个字。 3.They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set. 3.他们想他们的电视一定出现了问题。 4.You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. 4.你和你的团队可以一起研究解决出这个问题的答案。 5.Life is meaningless without a purpose. 5.没有目标的生命是没有意义的。 6.He didn’t need to attend the meeting. 6.他不需要参加会议。 7.He prefers coffee to tea. 7.比起茶他更喜欢咖啡。 8.Are you fond of music? 8.你喜欢音乐吗? 9.You’d better do that again. 9.你最好再做一次。 10.What kind of life do most people enjoy? 10.大多数人喜欢怎么样的生活? 11.This box can hold more books than that one. 11.这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书 12.Bothe Ann and Mary are suitable for the job. 12.安妮和玛丽都适合这份工作。 13.I slept soundly all night. 13.我整晚都睡得很好。 14.Have you seen Tom recently? 14.你最近有见到汤姆吗? 15.How are you doing these days? 15.这些天你都在做什么? 16.What time do you go swimming every day? 16.你每天的什么时间去游泳? 17.Would you mind closing the window for me? 17.你介不介意帮我关下这个窗户吗? 18.Could you tell me where the post office is? 18.你能告诉我警察局在哪里吗? 19.I’m thinking about a visit to Paris. 19.我正考虑去巴黎旅游。


1.见机行事。Act according to circumstances. 2.兵不厌诈All is fair in war. 3.兵不厌诈留得青山在,不怕没柴烧As long as the green hills last, there'll always be wood to burn. 4.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As you sow, so shall you reap. 2 5.不问就听不到假话。Ask no questions and be told no lies. 6.情人眼里出西施。Beauty lies in lover's eye. 7.血浓于水。Blood is thicker than water. 8.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 9.简洁是智慧的灵魂。Brevity is the soul of wit. 10.公事公办。Business is business. 11.车到山前必有路。The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there. 12.巧妇难为无米之炊。he cleverest housewife cannot cook a meal without rice. 13.笨鸟先飞。Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 14.精诚所至,金石为开。Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone. 15.置之死地而后生。Confront a person with the danger of death and he will fight to live. 16.滴水穿石。Constant dripping wears away the stone.


1.意大利著名旅行家马可。波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己社在天堂。”在中国,也流传着这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可购上几样名特土产。 The famous Italian traveler Marco Pole was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the mist fascinating city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise.” In China, there has been a century-old popular saying praising the city: In Heaven there is Paradise; on Earth there are Suzhou and Hangz hou.” Hangzhou’s fame lies mainly in its picturesque West Lake. As it is beautiful all the year round, the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty “who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup.” In Hangzhou, you will not only find the lake a perfect delight to the eye but also find it a joy to stroll along the busy streets, taste famous Hangzhou dishes and buy some special local products. 2.在设备制造期间,雇主的代表有权对根据合同提供的全部工程设备的材料和工艺进行检查、研究和检验,同时检查其制造进度。这一切应在工作时间内于承包商的工厂里进行。如果工程设备正在其它第三方工厂制造,承包商应为卖方代表获得他能在该工厂进行此类检查、研究和检验的许可。此类检查、研究或检验不应解除承包商在合同中的任何义务。 The Employer’s representative shall be entitled during manufacture to inspect, examine and test the materials and workmanship and check the progress of manufacture of all Plants to be supplied under the Contract. This shall take place on the Contractor’s promises during working hours. If the plant is being manufactured on other premises, the Contractor shall obtain permission for the Employer’s representative to carry out such inspection, examination and testing on those premises. 3. 雇主或项目经理提交给承包商的雇主的图纸,技术规格以及其它资料仍应为雇主的财产。除非是为了合同的需要,未经雇主同意,承包商不得使用、复制这些材料或将之传递给第三方。 承包商应对承包商的图纸中的任何错误或遗漏负责,除非他们可归因与雇主或项目经理提供的不正确的雇主图纸或其它书面资料。项目经理对承包商的图纸的批准不应解除本款规定的承包商的任何责任。 The Employe r’s drawings, specification and other information submitted by the Employer or the Project Manager to the Contractor shall remain the property of the Employer. They shall not, without the consent of the Employer, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Contractor unless necessary for the purposes of the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for any errors or omissions in the Contractor’s Drawings unless they are due to incorrect Employer’s Drawings or other written information supplied by the Employer or the Project Manager. Approval by the Project Manager of the Contractor’s drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility under this Sub-Clause. 4.工程监护:在工程开始后,但在完工移交前,已完工的工程及留在工地的材料、


歇后语英译 歇后语英译 咱们俩的事, 一条绳拴着两蚂蚱,谁也跑不了! 哑吧吃黄连, 有苦说不出. 我说二三百两银子,你就说二三十两!“戴着斗笠亲嘴,差着一帽子!” When I say two or three hundred taels, you say twenty or thirty! It’s like “kissing in straw helmets--- the lips are far apart”. 日本曹长心里像有十五个吊桶打水, 七上八下地不安宁. 等他们赶来增援时, 已是“正月十五贴门神----晚了半月啦”. 可是谭招弟心中却想: 骑着毛驴看书---- 走着瞧吧, 看究竟是啥原因. 对新药业, 老实讲, 我是擀面杖吹火---- 一窍不通. 我在店里呢, 是灯草拐杖, 做不得柱(主)的. 咱们是孔夫子搬家, 净是书(输). 汉译中标点符号的转换 1.由于合句而引起标点符号的转换 (1)句号转换成逗号 妈妈笑了。我也跟着笑了。 Mother smiled, and I smiled too. (2)句号转换成连词 太阳刚刚下了地平线。软风一阵一阵地吹上人面。 The sun had just sunk below the horizon, and a gentle breeze caressed one’s face. (3)句号转换成逗号加连词 2.由于分句而引起标点符号的转换 (1)逗号转换成句号 黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。 Pitch dark. I don’t know whether it is day or night. (2)分号转换成句号 秋风是一天凉比一天,看看将近初冬;我整天靠着火,也穿上棉袄了。 After the Mid-autumn Festival the wind gets colder every day and the winter


2015 八年级下册英语英译汉 Unit1 What’t the matter 1.matter____________ 2.What’s the matter?_______ 3.sore __________ 4.have a cold ____________ 5.stomachache___________ 6.have a stomachache__________ 7.foot _______________ 8.neck _____________ 9.stomach________________ 10.throat________________ 11.fever_______________ 12.lie_______________ 13.lie down______________ 14.rest__________

15.cough________________ 16. X-ray___________ 17.toothache______________ 18.take one’s temperature______ 19.headache_______________ 20.have a fever____________ 21.break________________ 22.take breaks_______________ 23.hurt___________ 24.passenger______________ 25.off_______ 26.get off_____________ 27.to one’s surprise____ 28.onto ________ 29.trouble___________ 30.hit_______ 31.right away__________
