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PEDRO: Where were you last night? 你昨晚上哪兒去?
MIGUEL: At the movies. 看電影.

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PEDRO: Oh yeah? Which one? 哦, 真的? 哪一家
MIGUEL: Uh, I forget. 唉, 我忘了
PEDRO: Oh, you forget, huh? Were you with someone? What was her name? 哦, 你忘了, 嗯?

跟誰去的? 她叫什麼名字
MIGUEL: As a matter of fact, I was with... 事實上, 我是跟..
PEDRO: Aha! I’m never wrong. Was it anyone I know? 哈! 我沒猜錯. 我認識她嗎
MIGUEL: Yes, Pedro, I... 是的, 佩德羅, 我..
PEDRO: No. No. Let me guess. Hmm. It’s someone I know. Was it... 不, 不, 讓我猜猜看. ... 嗯,

定是我認識的人, 她是..
MIGUEL: Pedro, this isn’t a game. 佩德羅, 這又不是游戲
PEDRO: Oh, Miguel. You’re always so serious. Relax! Now, who... 唷, 米蓋爾, 你就是這麼認真
輕鬆點! 嗯, 她是..
MIGUEL: Pedro... 佩德羅..
PEDRO: Was it the woman in the candy store? You know, the one with blond hair? 是糖果店的

位女孩子? 你認識的那位金發小姐
PEDRO: She’s always smiling at you. 她常對你微笑
MIGUEL: No, Pedro, it was... 不是, 佩德羅, 是..
PEDRO: Hmm, I’m usually good at these games. How about Danielle? 嗯, 我最會玩這種游戲了
MIGUEL: Shut up! 不要說了
PEDRO: OK. OK. I give up. 好, 好, 我不猜了
PEDRO: Who is the myste ry woman? 那神秘女郎是誰
MIGUEL: Marta. 瑪它
PEDRO: Marta! 瑪它
MIGUEL: Yes. 是的

PEDRO: Thanks for telling me. Women! What can you do? One minute she’s crazy about me, and
the next minute she’s
going out with you. 謝謝你告訴我. 女人! 你能怎麼辦? 一分鐘前她還為我而瘋狂, 一分鐘後

MIGUEL: I’m sorry, Pedro. 佩德羅, 很抱歉
PEDRO: It’s OK. 沒關係
PEDRO: It’s your turn. 現在輪到你了
MIGUEL: You’re wrong. 那你就錯了
MIGUEL: We really like each other. 我們真正的互相愛慕
PEDRO: Good luck. 祝你好運
MIGUEL: Pedro! 佩德羅
MIGUEL: Aren’t you ever serious? 你就不能正經點嗎
PEDRO: What’s happening, Tom? 湯姆, 發生了什麼事
TOM: Man, you know that chick in the bakery? 老兄, 你認識麵包店那女孩嗎
PEDRO: Yeah, Yolanda. 認識, 叫幼蘭達
TOM: No, man, not that one. Emma. 不, 老兄, 不是那個, 是愛瑪
PEDRO: Emma? 愛瑪

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TOM: Yeah. She’s there on weekends. You know her. She’s short. 是啊! 她每個周末都在這兒,你


PEDRO: What color is her hair? 她頭髮是什麼顏色?

TOM: It’s blond. 金黃色的.

PEDRO: What color are her eyes? 她眼睛是什麼顏色?

TOM: Dark brown. 深棕色.

PEDRO: Is she pretty? 她長得漂亮嗎?

TOM: Yeah, she’s pretty, and she’s after you. 是的,

她很漂亮, 她在追你.

PEDRO: Yeah? 是嗎?

“TOM: Yeah. She’s always asking me about you.” “How’s your friend?” “ And I say “” “Which

friend?” “You know, Tom. That tall, handsome guy with curly hair.” “是的, 她時常問我有關

你的事.”.. “你的朋友怎麼樣?”.. “我說”“那位朋友啊?”.. “你知道的, 那位高大而


“TOM: And I say, “” “Oh yeah, him.” “我說”“哦,是他啊!”..

PEDRO: Do you know her number? 你知道她的(電話) 號碼嗎?

TOM: Yeah, 263... 知道, 是263...

PEDRO: Wait a minute. OK. What is it? 請等一下, 好, 幾號?

TOM: 263-7954. 263-7954

PEDRO: Thanks, buddy. 謝謝了, 朋友

JIM: He doesn’t watch television! 他不看電視,

JIM: He doesn’t go to the movies! He goes to the store every day. 他不看電影, 他每天去商店,

JIM: He never takes a day off! 他未曾休假過!

PEARL: Jim, calm down. 吉姆, 靜下來.

JIM: He never laughs! He never gets angry! 他不曾笑過, 不曾生氣過!

FRANK: That’s the way he is, Jim. 他就是那樣, 吉姆.

JIM: Is he happy? Is he sad? Do you know, Dad? He’s your father. 他快樂嗎? 悲傷嗎? 爸, 你知

道嗎? 他是你的父親.

FRANK: He doesn’t think about happiness, Jim. 吉姆, 他不曾考慮過快樂,

FRANK: He thinks about his family and his obligations. 他只想到他的家庭與責任.

JIM: That’s no way to live. 那並非生活之道.

PEARL: Maybe not, but it’s his way. 也許不是, 但卻是他的生活方式.

JIM: All right. It’s his way. But... 好吧, 那是他的方式, 不過...

PEARL: But, what? 不過什麼?

JIM: Why doesn’t he like me? 他為什麼不喜歡我?

JIM: Why does he insult me in front of the customers? 為什麼他當著顧客的面侮辱我?

PEARL: He doesn’t, Jim! I don’t believe it. 他不會的, 吉姆, 我不相信.

“JIM: It’s true, Mom. He always says, ““All of the customers know the prices. Why don’t

you?”““ “確實是這樣子, 媽, 他

常常說”“所有的顧客都曉得價格, 為什麼你就不知道?”““

PEARL: Oh, Jim, that’s the way he is. 噢, 吉姆, 他就是那樣子.

JIM: OK. but does he have to be that way all the time? We work together every day, but we never

talk to each other. Either

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he changes or I quit. 好,但是他有必要整天都這樣子嗎?我們每天一起工作就從來沒說過話


FRANK: You know, Jim, 你知道的, 吉姆
FRANK: you are his favorite grandchild. 你是他最疼的孫子
JIM: How do you know? 你怎麼知道
FRANK: He doesn’t say it, but I know. 他沒說過, 但我明
JIM: I give up. 我不說了
CUSTOMER: Congratulations, Mr. Yamamoto. You’re famous! 恭喜你, 山本先生, 你出名了

Famous? 出名
CUSTOMER: Yes. That was a great article about you in the paper. 是啊? 報上有一大篇關于你

MR. YAMAMOTO: Ssh. Don’t tell the vegetables. They don’t know yet. 噓! 不要跟蔬菜說, 它

CUSTOMER: What does your family think about it? 你家人覺得怎樣
MR. YAMAMOTO: They’re very happy about it. It’s good for business. 他們很高興, 這有助于生意
CUSTOMER: Where’s Jim today? 吉姆今天到那裏去了
MR. YAMAMOTO: He’s at the Fair. He’s celebrating. 他在博覽會, 他慶賀去了
CUSTOMER: What’s he celebrating? 他慶賀什麼
MR. YAMAMOTO: My new fame and fortune. 我的新名譽和運氣
CUSTOMER: Maybe he’s right. Why aren’t you celebrating with him? 也許他是對的, 你為什麼

MR. YAMAMOTO: Celebrations are for young people.慶祝是屬于年輕人的

CUSTOMER: Well, maybe. But all of us need a day off, sometimes. Why don’t you go to the Fair,
Mr. Yamamoto? 嗯
也許是, 不過, 我們大家有時候也是需要休息的. 山本先生, 你何不到博覽會去呢
MR. YAMAMOTO: I don’t really like crowds. 我真不喜歡人群
CUSTOMER: I can understand that. But you can go on Wednesdays or Thursdays. It’s not so
crowded then. 我能瞭解
不過, 你可以在星期三或星期四去, 那時候就沒有那麼擁擠了
MR. YAMAMOTO: Yes? Well, maybe. 是嗎? 好吧, 也許
: It isn’t a large room, and the furniture in it isn’t expensive. 房間不大, 裏面的傢具也不昂貴
: At one end of the room, there is a small window. 在房間的末尾有個小窗戶
: Next to the window is a large bed. 窗戶旁邊是張大床
: In fact, the only large thing in the room is the bed. 事實上, 在這房間裏唯一的大東西就是床
: There are other things, too; a bookcase, a small night table, a desk and chair, a dresser, and clothes.
也有其他的東西:一個書櫃, 一張小床頭幾, 一張桌子和椅子, 化妝台, 被褥
: There are shoes and socks under the bed; shirts, pants, and sweaters on the chair; dirty underwear
and ties on the floor;
suits, jackets, and a coat in the small closet. 鞋子, 襪子放在床下;襯衣, 褲子、和毛衣搭在椅上
髒內衣和領帶擱在地板上;西裝、夾克和外衣, 挂在小衣櫥裏
: There are several cameras, five maybe six, and photographs of women, hundreds of them --large
ones and small ones

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--on the desk and on the walls. 有幾架照相機, 五架也許是六架, 有大大小小數以百計的女性

: The photographs are smiling, laughing, crying, standing, and sitting. 這些照片上的人有的微笑
有的大笑, 有的哭泣, 有的站著, 有的坐著
: One thing is very clear. Pedro likes women very, very much. 很明顯的一件事實, 佩德羅


: Pedro’s mother doesn’t lik e to go into his room. 佩德羅的母親不喜歡到他的房間

“: She does, of course, because she wants to clean, but she is not happy about it. ““The room is full of
women. He doesn’t
need me.”“ she says.” “當然, 她還是會去, 因為她必須加以清理, 但是, 她是不十分愉快的,

說”“房子裏滿是女人, 他根本就不需要我”“.

: How old is Grandfather? I don’t know. He never talks about his age. 爺爺多大了? 我不知道,

: He’s around seventy, maybe seventy -five. 他大概在七十歲上下, 或許是七十五歲
: Years ago he was a strong man. 多年前, 他還是個健壯的人
: He was a farmer, a soldier, and a wrestler. 他以前是個農夫、軍人與角力選手
: He was the pride of his village. 他常以他的鄉村為榮
: Now he’s getting old. He doesn’t see without his glasses, and he can’t lift heavy things. 現在, 他

漸老了, 不戴眼

便看不見東西, 他無法搬動笨重的東西
: His hair is thin and almost all white. 他的頭髮稀疏而且幾乎全白了
: But he has a strong face. 倒是他有個健康的臉色
: Grandfather loves his store. He needs the store. It’s his only joy. He has friends, but they are all old.


商店, 他需要這商店, 那是他唯一的享受. 他有朋友, 但他們都老了
: Oh, yes, he has us, the family, and I guess he loves us, but he doesn’t show it. 噢, 對了, 他有我

這些家人, 我猜他是愛我們的, 只是他從不表現出來
: He lives in the past. All of his friends are living in the past. At least the past can’t change. 他活

往事裏, 所有他的朋友都活在往事裏, 至少往事不能改變
: They can’t take it away from you. 你無法把過去拿走
: It’s always there, and you can close your eyes and see it. 它總是在那兒, 即使你閉上眼睛, 仍

: Grandma was a kind lovely lady, and Grandfather’s world is not the same without her. 奶奶是個

慈可愛的女人, 沒有她,爺爺的世界就不一樣了
: Pedro is attractive. There’s no doubt about it. Women are crazy about him. But he’s spoiled. 無可

疑的, 佩德羅是很迷人的,女孩們都為他痴狂, 但他被寵壞了
: I don’t like that. 我不贊成如此
: It’s not right to break a date. 失約是不對的
: But, it’s funny, I don’t feel bad about it. 但說來奇怪, 我卻不覺得那是壞事
: I’m sure he breaks dates with women all the time. That’s the way he is. 我確知他經常是對女孩

失約, 那是他的一貫作風
: Why did I want to go to the party with him? 為什麼我要跟他去參加宴會呢

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: Why not? 為什麼不去呢
: Why did I change my

mind? 我為什麼要改變主意呢
: A feeling. That’s not an answer, I know. 是一種直覺, 我知道, 那不算是個答案
: But my feeling was right. I didn’t really want to go out with him. He didn’t really care about me.

過, 我的直覺是對的,我並不真的要跟他出去, 他並不真的在乎我

: I was only a date for the evening. All right, it wasn’t nice, but he certainly didn’t die of a broken
heart. 我只是那

晚上一個約會的對象而已, 好吧, 算是不對, 但是他也沒有傷心而死
: Didn’t he go to the party anyway? 他最後不是去了嗎
: Yes, I think he did. I’m sure he did. 對! 我想他去了, 我相信他去了
: Miguel is different. He is serious and considerate. But he’s young, and he doesn’t know the ways of
the world. And he’s
going home soon. 米蓋爾便不同, 他正經而體貼, 只是年輕而不夠世故, 而且他沒事便回家
: Oh, well. 噢, 對了
: He isn’t very handsome, but he has a beautiful smile. 他不十分英俊, 但他有個很美的微笑
JOANA: Mama, the Crawfords are coming to dinner next Wednesday. 媽, 郭佛家人在下星期三

MRS. FARIAS: Mr. Crawford. 郭佛先生
MRS. FARIAS: Isn’t he one of Paulo’s business acquaintances? 他是不是保羅的生意上的朋友

JOANA: Yes. 是的
MRS. FARIAS: I see. When are they coming? 我明白了, 他們什麼時候來啊
JOANA: Next Wednesday, the nineteenth. 下星期三, 十九號
MRS. FARIAS: How many people are there going to be? 一共有多少人來呢
JOANA: Six in all. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Michael, Paulo, you and me. 共六位, 郭佛夫婦, 邁

爾, 保羅, 你和我
MRS. FARIAS: What are you going to serve? 你準備做什麼呢
JOANA: I’m not sure. 我不太確定
MRS. FARIAS: Do they like Brazilian food? 他們喜歡巴西菜嗎
JOANA: I don’t know. 我不知道
“MRS. FARIAS: We could make ““feijoada.”“ Everyone likes that.” “ 我們可以做”“feijoada”“ (

八寶飯), 每個人都喜歡這種菜的.

JOANA: I suppose so. What do you think? 我也這麼想, 您認為怎麼樣
JOANA: It isn’t very fancy. 那並不很新奇
MRS. FARIAS: Well, they’re your guests. You decide. 好吧! 他們是你的客人, 你決定
“JOANA: You’re right. ““Feijoada”“ it is.” “ 您是對的, 就做”“鹹八寶飯”“.

MRS. FARIAS: Tell me about Michael. 告訴我一些有關邁克爾的事
JOANA: Well, he’s very tall and handsome. He has big blue eyes and long blond hair. 好啊! 他

大而英俊, 有一雙大大的碧眼及長長的金黃頭
MRS. FARIAS: Oh? How long? 哦! 有多長啊
JOANA: Down to his shoulders. It’s beautiful. Like gold. 到他肩部, 很漂亮的, 就像黃金一樣
MRS. FARIAS: What does he do, dear? 他做些什麼事呢? 孩


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JOANA: He does many things. 他做許多事,

JOANA: He’s very creative. 他很有創造力,

JOANA: He’s a great painter, really. He also gives free English lessons to the people in his

neighborhood. 事實上他是

個畫家, 他還免費幫他的鄰居上英文課.

MRS. FARIAS: I see. 我懂了.

JOANA: You’re going to like him. Everybody does. 你將會喜歡他的, 每個人都喜歡他.

MRS. FARIAS: Where does he live? 他住在哪兒啊?

JOANA: He has a small apartment on 88th Street. 他有間小公寓, 在八十八街.

MRS. FARIAS: A small apartment. On 88th Street. 小公寓, 在八十八街.

JOANA: Don’t worry, Mama. 不要操心, 媽,

JOANA: I’m not going to marry him tomorrow. 我不會明天就嫁給他的.

: Michael. Hello. How nice of you to call! 邁克爾, 喂, 你打電話來太好了!

: This Friday night? What a good idea! 這個星期五晚上? 多好的主意!

: Yes. I’m sure Paulo can come. He doesn’t work Friday nights. 是的, 我確定保羅會去, 他星期五


: Can I help? I could bake a cake. 要我幫忙嗎? 我可以烘蛋糕.

: Don’t be silly. I like to bake, and I love parties. 不要傻了, 我喜歡烘蛋糕和參加宴會.

: Can I see some of your paintings? 我能參觀你的一些畫嗎?

: Yes, really. I paint, too. 是的, 真的嗎? 我也畫畫.

: I never talk about it. I’m not very good. In fact, my paintings are pretty bad. 我從不說它, 我畫得

不好, 事實上, 我畫得很差.

: No. I don’t have any with me. They’re all home in Brazil. 不, 那些畫並沒在我身邊, 它們全在巴


: Oh, really? Perhaps some afternoon I could go to art class with you. 噢, 真的嗎? 或許那天下午,


: Fine. See you Friday, then. 很好, 星期五見.

: Friday, at 8:30. Thank you. Good night. 星期五, 八點半, 謝謝你, 晚安.

NORA: Good morning, sir. May I help you? 早安, 先生, 我能效勞嗎?

CUSTOMER: It’s our anniversary today. I’m looking for the same flowers as the ones in her

wedding bouquet. 今天

是我們結婚年, 我要找(買) 一些和內人在婚禮上所拿的相同的花束.

NORA: What do they look like? 是什麼樣子的?

CUSTOMER: White. They’re white. 白色的, 白色的花束.

NORA: How tall are they? 有多高啊?

CUSTOMER: They’re short, I guess. About the same height as those short flowers over there. 我想,

它是矮矮的, 差不多跟那邊的花朵一樣高.

NORA: Do they look like roses? 它像玫瑰?

CUSTOMER: No. They look like little bells. 不像, 它們看起來像個小鍾形.

NORA: Oh --lilies of the valley. No, I’m sorry. 哦--鈴蘭, 很抱歉,

NORA: We’re out of them at the moment. 這個時候我們沒有鈴蘭.

CUSTOMER: Oh, that’s too bad. 哎呀, 那太糟了.

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NORA: What about roses? 買些玫瑰怎麼樣?


CUSTOMER: How many do you suggest? 你認為需要多少?

NORA: As many as you like, sir. They’re beautiful, aren’t they? 你需要多少就買多少, 先生. 它們

很漂亮, 不是嗎?

CUSTOMER: Yes, they are. 是的, 很漂亮.

NORA: Hi, Peggy. Hi, Suzy. 嗨, 蓓姬、蘇西,

NORA: What a nice surprise! 真是巧極了.

PEGGY: Hi, Mom. We’re on our way home from school. 嗨! 媽, 我們剛下課正要回家.

NORA: Excuse me a minute, girls. 等一下, 孩子們.

NORA: Jane, can you take care of this gentleman? Now, how was school today? 珍, 你能來招呼這

位男士嗎? 好了, 今天在學校怎麼樣?

SUZY: The same as always. 老樣子,

PEGGY: Oh. There was one thing. 哦, 有件新鮮事.

NORA: Oh? 哦?

SUZY: Jack was in a big fight. 杰克跟人家打架.

NORA: Is he all right? 他還好吧?

PEGGY: I think so. But he’s in the principal’s office. 我想是沒事, 不過他在校長室.

NORA: Oh, no! 噢, 真糟糕!

SUZY: Why are Billy and Jack so different from each other? 為什麼比利與杰克會有這麼大的不


NORA: I don’t know, dear. I really don’t. 我不知道, 孩子, 我真不知道.

SUZY: When are you coming home, Mom? 媽, 您何時回家?

NORA: It’s Friday. The store is open until 9:00 tonight. 星期五, 這家店營業到九點.

SUZY: Gee, you’re as bad as Dad. 唉! 你跟爸爸一樣糟糕.

NORA: What do you mean, dear? 孩子, 這話是什麼意思?

SUZY: You’re never home, either. 你也從不回家.

: Of course, sir. We send flowers anywhere in the country. 當然, 先生, 在這個地區裏任何地方我


: Well, tulips are very pretty. 嗯, 鬱金香是很漂亮的.

: They look like... uh... well... cups. 看起來像是... 嗯... 杯子.

: Oh, she likes roses. Then send her roses. 噢, 她喜歡玫瑰, 那就送玫瑰給她.

: No, in fact, tulips aren’t as expensive as roses this year. 不, 實際上, 今年的鬱金香不像玫瑰那麼


: Fine. How many tulips do you want to order? 好, 你要訂多少鬱金香?

: Certainly. For $10.00 I can send sixteen. 當然了, 十塊錢可以送十六朵.

: Yes. We usually include a short note with the flowers. 是的, 我們都在花中夾一便條的.

“: ““To Mom. Happy Birthday.”“ Yes, that’s fine. Your mother’s name and address, please?”


: Mrs. G. Crawford. 143-29 Park Avenue. Is that C-R-A-W-F-O-R-D? 郭佛太太, 公園大道一四三

之29 號, 是不是C-R-A-W-F-O-R-D ?

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: Thank you. And your name and address, please? 謝謝你, 請告訴我你的名字和地址.

: Michael Crawford. 342 88th Street

. Thank you very much. Have a nice day, sir. 邁克爾郭佛, 八十

八街三四二號, 謝謝您的惠顧, 祝您有個愉快的日子, 先生.

BILL: Hi, Ali. Where are your parents today? 嗨, 阿裏, 你爸媽今天到哪兒去了?

ALI: They’re eating in the Italian restaurant again. 他們又上意大利餐館去了.

ALI: I like hot dogs more than spaghetti. 我喜歡熱狗甚于意大利,

ALI: And ice cream is the most delicious thing in the world. 然而冰淇淋又是世界上最美味可口的


ALI: It’s not fair. 那是不公平的.

BILL: What isn’t fair, Ali? 什麼不公平, 阿裏?

ALI: They can eat as much spaghetti as they want. 他們高興吃多少條就能吃多少,

ALI: But I can’t eat as many hot dogs and ice cream sandwiches as I want. Do you have children? 但


BILL: I have two boys and two girls, 我有兩男兩女,

BILL: but they are all older than you. 不過他們都比你大.

ALI: How old are the boys? 男孩有多大?

BILL: Bill, Jr., the oldest, is seventeen. Jack is sixteen. 小比爾最大, 他十七歲, 杰克是十六歲.

ALI: Do they play baseball? 他們打棒球嗎?

BILL: They sure do. Do you play baseball? 當然了, 你也打棒球嗎?

ALI: Not yet. But I’m going to learn soon. I’m almost seven years old. 還沒. 不過, 我很快會去學

的, 我差不多七歲了.

MR. NIKZAD: Ali! I’m sorry, sir. Is my son bothering you again? 阿裏! 很抱歉, 先生, 我的孩子


BILL: Not at all. He’s a fine boy. 那裏, 他是個乖巧的孩子.

MRS. NIKZAD: Thank you, Mr... 謝謝你, 先生...

BILL: O’Neill. 奧尼爾.

ALI: Father, Mr. O’Neill’s sons play baseball. 爸, 奧尼爾先生的孩子都打棒球.

MR. NIKZAD: That’s nice, Ali. 阿裏, 那很好啊!

ALI: I want to learn, too. 我也要學,

ALI: But nobody wants to teach me. 但是沒人教我.

MR. NIKZAD: You’re too young, Ali. 阿裏, 你太小了.

ALI: You always say that. 你老是那麼說,

ALI: I’m pretty big for my age. 就年齡來說, 我已經很大了.

BILL: Excuse me, there’s a big crowd over there. Business before pleasure. 對不起先生, 那邊有一

大群人, 我先去做生意了.

MR. NIKZAD: Certainly. 那當然, 當然.

ALI: Good-bye, Mr. O’Neill. 再見, 奧尼爾先生.

BILL: Bye, Ali. See you soon. 再見, 阿裏, 待會見.

ALI: You know, Father, he isn’t really an ice cream man. He’s just pretending. He’s really a secret

agent. 爸, 你知道

嗎? 他不是真的冰淇淋小販, 他是
裝的, 其實他是個密探.

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MRS. NIKZAD: What an imagination you have, Ali! 阿裏, 你真會想像
MR. NIKZAD: More imagination than sense. 想像超過常識
MRS. NIKZAD: Don’t spoil it for him, dear. Childhood is the

happiest time of life. 不要責怪他,

愛的, 童年是一生中最快樂的時期
: Hello. 哈
: Hi, Bill. 嗨! 比爾
: Oh, no. But it’s Saturday night! 噢, 不, 今天是末晚上
: Yes, I know. But we never see each other these days. The children never see you, either. 是的,

知道, 但這幾天我們彼此都沒見面, 孩子也沒見過你
: And what about dinner? It’s almost ready. 那晚餐怎麼樣? 我都快弄好了
: I know. That’s the way it is. I’m just disappointed. 我知道, 就是這樣, 我只是很失望

: Around 9:00? Well, OK. Wait. Why don’t you let me type your report? Then you could come home
now. 九點左右
好罷, 等等, 何不將你的報告讓我來打字? 那麼你現在就可以回來了
: No. We don’t need any. We have lots of paper at home. 不, 我們不需要, 家裏還有很多紙
: OK. Good. See you around 8:15. Bye, dear. 好罷, 八點十五分再見, 拜拜, 親愛的
MR. CRAWFORD: Ms. Segura, step into my office, please. 瑟姑拉小姐
MR. CRAWFORD: Bring your steno pad. 請帶著速記簿到我的辦公室來
MR. CRAWFORD: To Mr. James C. Wilson, President, United Printing Corp. 給聯合印刷公司董

MR. CRAWFORD: You can look up the address in the files. 你可在檔案中找到他的地址
LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生
“MR. CRAWFORD: ” “Dear Sir: Please send this office 10,000 copies of the World’s Fair brochure.
Thank you. Sincerely, ” “ and sign my name.” “威爾遜先生,請寄一萬份世界博覽會手冊,

謝您。”“.. 然後簽我的名字。

LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生
MR. CRAWFORD: Send that out this morning, Ms. Segura. 今天早上要寄出, 瑟姑拉小姐
LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生
MR. CRAWFORD: It’s Mrs. Crawford’s birthday. 今天是郭佛太太的生日
MR. CRAWFORD: I want to buy her some flowers. 我要買些花給她
MR. CRAWFORD: Call up the florist and tell him to send my wife a dozen roses. 打個電話給花商
LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的. 先生
MR. CRAWFORD: Ms. Segura, 瑟姑拉小姐
MR. CRAWFORD: here is yesterday’s letter to Bissell Industries. 這是昨天給比塞爾實業公司的信
MR. CRAWFORD: There is an error in the second paragraph. Please be more careful, Ms. Segura.
在第二段中有個錯誤,請多加小心, 瑟姑拉小姐
LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生
MR. CRAWFORD: Any questions? 有什麼問題嗎
LAURA: Only one. 只有一個
MR. CRAWFORD: Yes? 什麼事
LAURA: When do you want to look for a new secretary? 您什麼時候要另外找一個秘書

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MR. CRAWFORD: I don’t understand, Ms. Segura. We don’t need another secretary. 我不明白

的意思, 瑟姑拉小姐,我們並不需要另外新的秘書啊
LAURA: I am giving

you two weeks’ notice, Mr. Crawford. 我給您兩個星期去物色, 郭佛先生
MR. CRAWFORD: Are you resigning from the firm, Ms. Segura? 瑟姑拉小姐, 你真的要辭職嗎
LAURA: Yes, Mr. Crawford. I’m sure you can find someone better than I. 是的, 郭佛先生, 我相

MR. CRAWFORD: Very well, Ms. Segura. Put an ad for a secretary in tomorrow’s paper. 好吧,

姑拉小姐, 在明天報上刊個徵求秘書的廣告
LAURA: Yes, Mr. Crawford. 是的, 郭佛先生
MR. CRAWFORD: This is very inconvenient. 真是麻煩
LAURA: I’m sure it is. 我相信是很麻煩
SALESMAN: Can I help you? 我能效勞嗎
MRS. NIKZAD: Yes. I want to paint my son’s bedroom. I think sky blue is pretty color. 是的, 我

粉刷我孩子的臥室, 我想天藍色的顏色很棒
SALESMAN: How big is the room? 房間有多大
MRS. NIKZAD: Not very big. 不很大
SALESMAN: How many gallons of paint do you want? 你要多少加侖的油漆呢
MRS. NIKZAD: I don’t know. 我也不曉得
SALESMAN: Look, why don’t you tell your painter to buy the paint? 嘿, 你為什麼不告訴你的

MRS. NIKZAD: I am the painter. 我就是油漆匠
SALESMAN: Well, then. Do you know the size of the room? 哦, 那麼, 你知道房間的尺寸嗎
MRS. NIKZAD: No. I’m sorry, I don’t. 不, 很抱歉, 我不知道
SALESMAN: Is it larger or smaller than this store? 它比這個商店大或小
MRS. NIKZAD: It’s about half the size of this store. 大約是這個店的一半大小
SALESMAN: You need two gallons. 你需要兩加侖
MRS. NIKZAD: Now what do I do? 現在我該怎麼辦
SALESMAN: Madam, why don’t you get a painter? 夫人, 你為什麼不找個油漆匠
MRS. NIKZAD: My son and I want to paint the room together. 我兒子要跟我一起粉刷房間
SALESMAN: All right. Here. Read these instructions. Do you want the paint now? 好, 這裏, 看

這些指導說明, 你現在就要油漆嗎
MRS. NIKZAD: Yes, please. 是的
SALESMAN: Two gallons of sky blue. That’s $21.39. 兩加侖天藍色的共是二十一元元角九分
MRS. NIKZAD: Thank you. What time do you close? 謝謝, 你什麼時候關店
SALESMAN: We’re open till 6:30 tonight. 我們今晚營業到六點卅分
: I think I’m falling in love with him. Oh, what am I going to do? 我想我正與他談戀愛了, 噢,

: Could I be his wife? 我能成為他的妻子嗎
: How long could I live in a little apartment on a poor street? 我能在這窮巷小屋住多久呢
: He’s an artist. He doesn’t think about money, but I do. 他是個藝術家, 他不在乎錢的問題. 但


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: I like life’s little luxuries. 我喜歡一點奢華的生活
: I like to buy pretty things --new dresses and jewelry. 我喜歡買一些漂

: I could live without them, I guess, but... do I want to? 沒有這些固然可以生活, 我想; 但是我

: I guess I could always find a job. I could work in an office or I could teach Portuguese. 我想我

時可以找到工作, 我可以在公司裏工作, 或教教葡萄牙文
: Or could I? 我能嗎
: Maybe Mama is right. Maybe I couldn’t live on 88th Street. 或許媽媽是對的, 說不定我無法在

: It’s a long way from home in Brazil. 從這裏到巴西太遠了
: Paulo wants to stay here, but Mama is going to go home soon. 保羅希望留在這裏, 只是媽就要

: She misses Papa and her life there. 她懷念爸爸和在那裏的生活
: And what about me? 而我呢
: We could live six months here and six months there. 我們可以在這裏住個半年, 在那邊住半年
: No. That’s ridiculous. 不行, 那太荒唐了
: What am I going to do? 我該怎麼辦呢
: I love his eyes. Who knows? 我喜歡他的見解, 誰知道
: We all grow and change. Anything could happen. 我們都會長大而改變的, 任何事情都可能發生
: It’s not easy to be the mother of four children, take care of a house, and go to work. 當個有四個

子, 又要照料家務,又要出去工作的母親是不簡單的
: I’m not complaining, though. Really I’m not. 可是我不抱怨. 真的, 我不會抱怨
: Bill has a good job, and he always works overtime to make as much as he can. But we can always
use some extra money. 比爾有好工作, 他時常盡可能的加班, 而我們也時常需要額外的錢
: Four children eat a lot of food. 四個孩子要吃的東西是很多的
: I didn’t go to college. What could I do? 我沒讀大學, 我能做什麼呢
: I was a mother at nineteen. 我在十九歲的時候當了媽媽
: I didn’t see much of the world then. 因此我對這世界看到的並不多
: The children are all in school now, and I want to do something new. 現在孩子們都上學去了,

: I’m not old yet. I want to live and learn and grow as much as I can. 我還不老, 我要盡我所能的

: This is my first job in eighteen years, and I love it. 這是我十八年以來的第一個工作. 我喜歡它
: I love to work with flowers. I want to learn about the business, too. 我喜歡跟花一起工作,我也要


: Someday, I’m going to own a shop like this one. 有一天, 我自己將會擁有一間像這樣的店
: You know my brother, Ali, but you don’t know me. 你知道我弟弟阿裏, 但不認識我
: I am Hussein M. Nikzad. I’m nine and a half. 我是胡辛M·尼克薩德, 我九歲半
: I am very strong for my age, and I’m very smart in school. 我很健壯, 在學校裏也相當

: All my teachers say so. 我所有的老師都這麼說

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: I do my homework, and I pay attention to my teachers. 我做我的功課, 也聽我的老師們的話
: I like books. I read all the time. 我喜歡書, 所有的時間都在看書
: I can add, subtract, multiply and divide. 我能加、減、乘、除
: I can read and write English and Farsi, 我能讀與寫英文和波斯語
: and I know all about the heroes of my country. 我曉得我的國家所有英雄的事
: I am going to be famous, too. 我也要成為著名的人物
: I am going to build cities and roads and bridges and everything. 我打算建造城市、道路、橋梁,

: Ali is a strange kid. 阿裏是個奇怪的孩子
: He thinks everyone is a Martian and ice cream vendors are secret agents. 他認為每一個人都是

星人, 以為販賣冰淇淋的人是密探
: Why does he eat ice cream all the time? 為什麼他老是吃冰淇淋
: Sometimes I think Father is right. Ali acts like a child all the time. 有時候我認為父親是對的,阿

: He never could sit still. 從來不曾安靜下來過
: He doesn’t listen to anyone. 他不聽任何人的話
: He’s forgetting Farsi, too. 他也逐漸忘了波斯語
: What is he going to do next year in Iran? 明年在伊朗他將做些什麼呢
: Ali hates me. It’s not my fault. 阿裏憎恨我, 那並非我的錯
: He hate s me because I’m bigger and smarter, and I’m Father’s favorite. 他恨我是因為我長得

較大也比較聰明, 而且我是爸爸所疼愛的
: Father doesn’t say that, of course, but I know it. 爸雖然不說, 但是我瞭解
: And Ali knows it, too. 當然, 阿裏他也知道
: But Ali’s okay, really. 不過阿裏真的也還好
: Sure, sometimes he does crazy things, 當然, 他有時候會做些瘋狂的事來
: but he’s not a bad kid. 但是他不是個壞孩子
