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当前位置:文档库 › 2018-2019年临安市青山湖科技城育才小学三年级上册英语模拟期末测试无答案





1. --- Good evening, Mike. --- ____________.

A. Good evening.

B. Goodbye.

C. Good morning.

2. It ________ a blue bird.

A. 's

B. is

C. it's

3. --- Who’s this?

--- _______________

A. That’s Tommy.

B. This is Tommy.

C. He is a teacher.

4. Look at those ducks ______there.

A. on

B. in

C. over

5. 当你介绍你的父亲给你的朋友时,你可以说:

A. This is my brother.

B. This is my mother.

C. This is my father.

6. ________ old is your girl?

A .How

B .What

C .When

7. I have a _ .

A .pencil

B .ruler

C .eraser

8. 向家人介绍自己的朋友,你可以说:( )

A .This is my family.

B .This is my friend.

9. Good morning, Sam. _______

A. 上午好,萨姆。

B. 下午好,萨姆。

10. name’s Mike.

A . You

B .My

C .I

11.I am ill. I fell .( ) A. happy B.sad https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dc5756840.html,te 12.上课了,老师让同学们打开课本,应说:________ A. Open the books. B. Close the books. 13.— Happy New Year ! — ! A .Happy New Year B .Thank you 14.--Good morning, _______(斯马特老师) A .Sam B .Ms Smart C .Amy


A. Thank you.

B. Good morning!

C. How are you?


班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数_______________



1. glass ________

2. coat ________

3. skirt ________

4. sock ________

5. dress ________

6. cap ________







18.________ winter. It's ________. We ________ ________. We go skating. We ________ winter.

19.---Class: Goodbye, Miss Li.

---Miss Li: ______________.

20.This ________ a ________.


duck________ bird________ panda________

pen________ cake________

22.I have an________.


1.Who that?


2.He’s friend


3.She’s my cousin.



(1)— Who's that?

— That's my________. (father; mother)

(2)—What's that?

— That's my ________. (sister; me)

(3)—Who's that?

— That's ________. (me ; I )





⑴a book A.一个包

⑵an apple B.一只猫

⑶a box C.一本书

⑷a bag D.一个球

⑸a cat E.一个盒子

⑹a ball F.一个苹果


(1)A.I want some chicken, an egg and rice for lunch.

(2)B.I want a sandwich, eggs and juice for breakfast. (3)C.I want milk, potatoes, beef and rice for breakfast. (4)D.I want an apple, eggs, a hot dog and Coke for lunch.


(1)二 A five

(2)五 B six

(3)六 C two

(4)七 D nine

(5)九 E seven


①black ear ②green nose ③red mouth ④yellow face ⑤blue eye


⑴ A.Touch your nose.

⑵ B.Shake your body.

⑶ C.Open your mouth.

⑷ D.Let's go to school!

⑸ E.Good morning.



1.Hello, ____ (我是)Ann.

2.Good ______ (下午好).

3.Goodbye, _____(先生)Booky!

4.Hello, I’m uncle Booky. What’s your ____(名字).
















(1)They_________(使用)a knife and _________(叉)in England. (2)It’s ___________(容易的)for English people.

(3)People __________(划)on this ___________.(湖)

(4)Don’t ___________.(担心)

(5)There is a ___________.(马)

(6)We are __________(制作)a __________.(蛋糕)

(7)She’s got a pet ____________.(老鼠)


1. 他____________

2. 她____________

3. 姐妹____________

4. 兄弟____________

5. 女王____________

6. 兔子____________





(1)A、red B、pen C、black

(2)A、stand B、sit C、pen

(3)A、pen B、cake C、book

(4)A、dog B、cat C、one

(5)A、sister B、mother C、teacher


()1. It's warm today.

()2. It's cold today.

()3. It's snowy and cold today.

()4. It's sunny and warm today.

()5. The weather is nice today.


Daming: What are you eating?

Amy: I’m eating hamburgers and chips. It’s English fast food.

Daming: I like noodles. It’s Chinese fast food.

Oh, you are not using a knife and fork.

Amy: No, I’m using my hands(手).


(1)Daming is eating hamburgers and chips.()

(2)Hamburgers and chips are English fast food.()

(3)Daming likes noodles.()

(4)Noodles are Chinese fast food.()

(5)Amy is using a knife and fork.()



Hello! My name is D.T. I'm a monster. I'm a boy. I have a big head and a small body. I have one eye, two mouth, three nose and four ears. My face is green.My eyes are blue. I have two arms and three legs. I have three hands and nine fingers. My hands are yellow. I feel very cool.

(1)D.T. is a monster. ()

(2)He has ten fingers. ()

(3)His eyes are blue and his face is green. ()

(4)He has two legs and three arms.()

(5)He feels very happy.()


Hello. I'm Amy. Today (今天)is my birthday. I'm eleven. This is my present from Daming. It's a monster kite. It's blue. Now, it's in the green bag. I like(喜欢)it.

()1. Today is Daming's birthday.

()2. Amy is 11.

()3. The present is a kite.

()4. The kite is yellow.

()5. The present is in the green bag now.


一,准备说课稿 我面试的是英语老师,所以准备的是全英说课稿,但我觉得各学科应该有相通的地方。正式准备前,看面试说明,有没有指定教材。比如我们小学英语是以本县所用小学五年级教材为面试材料。最好先找个当地的老师请教下,面试时可以怎么准备或者他会给你些建议或者注意事项。准备面试时,可以去网上搜索几篇相关科目的说课稿,英语全英的比较少,但还是找到几篇我认为可以有借鉴的。(不一定必须是和教材课文对应的,主要是参考它的语言和形式)。建议不要用现成的稿子,一定要有自己的思考在里面。我当时的腹稿就是研究了几篇打印稿后自己综合写出来的。还有一点,建议不要每篇课文都准备说课稿。以我们这次面试为例,五年级上下册,每册10个单元,每单元两课,如果每篇都准备,得背40篇说课稿,这在几天的面试准备时间下是不可行的。实际上,每单元的第一课都是新课,教学目标和教学方法之类的差不多大同小异。包括说课稿必说的几大部分里,也是有一样的地方。我的做法是,准备一到两篇说课稿,把相似部分的语言组织好,背过。这样,无论到时候抽到那一课,这些原样抄上就可以了(其实面试那天,几乎每个人手里拿着的都是一份稿子,而不是几十份,说课前有备课时间,可以利用那段时间根据抽到的课完善腹稿)。背的滚瓜烂熟后,对着镜子练手势和表情(我觉得这点很重要,开始看着镜子练时,一走神就容易忘词,后来就习惯看着人说了),纠正细节。觉得差不多了后,可以设置模拟课堂,找几个家人当评委,该怎么说怎么说,让他们纠错。我觉得实战演练也很重要,当时我自己准备的腹稿已经背的差不多了,但是第一次自己试着站在讲台上说时,尽管下边没人,一走上那个讲台,心还是禁不住乱跳起来,说了没两句,就开始忘词重复了。还有一点,不知道是不是因人而异,坐着背稿和站着说稿的感觉很不一样,站着时更容易感受紧张。如果同学们也有类似感觉,建议站着练稿。 二,注意事项 1、英语老师的面试,都说全英的说课稿比汉语说课稿加分。但我们这次面试我知道的得91点多的那位面试第三名用的是汉语。无论什么说课稿,一定要注意语调,要有变化;语速,一定不要全快或者全慢。 2,、面试着装很重要,女孩子可以使那种白黑搭配的连衣裙(建议),要穿个比较正式的高跟鞋。男孩子可以穿西装。我这次选择了件比较素的裙子,但面试那天,还是有好多考生穿的很正式的职业装,给人形象很好。 3、面试时要抽签决定面试顺序。可能会有人给你说前几名和最后几名不沾光。但你一定要记住,其实沾光和不沾光不是顺序决定的。像我们面试那天一个工作人员老师给我们说的,



公开课教案 Unit5At school第一课时 一. 教学内容: 二. 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、初步认读Chinese,Maths,English,Music,PE和Art六个课程类单词,发音正确。 2、初步会说歌谣 Let`s learn 。 三、教学重点 能听懂、会说、初步认读Chinese,Maths,English,Music,PE 四、教学难点 六个课程类单词,发音正确。 五. 课前准备 l教具准备及辅助活动:录音机、词语卡片、挂图 六.教学过程 A. Free talk: 1、sing a song《My lovely doll》 学生在演唱歌曲时配上生动的表情和动作。 2、对话交流(教师给学生一些装有物品的袋子。) T: Look, I have a box here, guess, what’s in it ? S: (学生猜测) T: (教师出示物品)Look, I have a ….What do you have? S: I have a ….

3、与多个学生交流后引入 T: Boys and girls, I have something in my hand . What do I have ? Guess, please,. S: … T: Look, I have a timetable of our calss. Please look here. B、Look and learn T: what lessons do we have? Let’s look. 1、出示语文书本,教学单词。 1)Chinese 在学习时,要帮助学生纠正发音,做到准确。 2)加强读的练习:个别读,同桌读,齐读。 同上教学Maths,English,Music,PE和Art。 2、read after the tape( partB) 3、单词操练 1)结合C部分歌谣的诵读,提高学生的单词的记忆。 Maths,Maths, one, two, three. English, English, A,B,C. Music,Music, do, re, mi. Art, Art, draw you and me. 2) “快速反应“ 看一看,说一说:展示给学生看科目的书,说出相应的单词; 3)小组学习 可以指导学生用自己喜欢的方式进行单词的记忆。 如“做一做,说一说“,或者是“听一听,说一说。”


Test 2 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. —Who’s that speaking? —This is Tom ____________ A. speaks B. spoken C. speaking D. saying 2. —I’m sorry. I lost the key. —____________ A. Well, it’s OK. B. No, it’s all right. C. You are welcome. D. You are wrong. 3. —It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? —____________ A. Yes, please. B. No, go ahead. C. Sure, please. D. I don’t like it. 4. —____________ —He teaches physics in a school. A. What does your father want to do? B. Who is your father? C. What is your father? D. Where is your father now? 5. —Excuse me, how much is the jacket? —It’s 499 Yuan. ____________. A. Oh, no. That’s OK! B. How do you like it? C. Which do you prefer? D. Would you like to try it on? 6. —____________ —Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A. When did your parents arrive at Paris? B. How long have your parents been in Paris? C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday? D. When will your parents go to Paris? 7. —How often do you go dancing? —____________ A. I will go dancing tomorrow. B. Yesterday. C. Every other day. D. I’ve been dancing for a year. 8. —You know, I have three kids now. —____________ A. Well, I’ve grown a mustache. B. That’s terrific! C. Say, you’ve really changed your hair. D. Well, I gave up drinking. 9. —How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight? —____________ A. Forget it. B. Sorry, I like Mexican food. C. That’s great! D. Glad you like it. 10. —Madam, do all the buses go downtown? —____________ A. Wow, you got the idea. B. No, never mind. C. Pretty well, I guess. D. Sorry, I’m new here. 第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) Passage----P126 Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo. She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States. She spoke English very well. Though she was very happy she could go abroad, she was feeling sad at leaving her family and fiends. As she was thinking all about this, she


小学英语试讲示范 Step 1. 歌曲导入 Good morning my class. How is your Monday morning? Sleepy? Oh, really? Then let’s sing a song together to wake you up. Ok? Ok, then let’s sing a “Ten Indians” together. 1, 2, 3 go! One little, two little, three little Indians. Four little, five little, six little Indians Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians Ten little Indian boys Wow, your voices are so beautiful. Wake up now? Very good. Step 2. 新授句型 Remember our friend Wu Yifan and Amy? Their class went to have a picnic last weekend.

And they took a video. Let’s see what they are doing. Ok? Ok. What can you see? You see Wu yifan and Amy? Anything else? Kites? Yes, we can see many beautiful kites. Then what did Wu Yifan ask Amy? He asked “How many kites do you see?” (边板书边读)What does this sentence mean? Yes, if you want others to tell you the number of something, you can ask by “How many…can you see?” For example, if you want to know the number of books, you can ask by “How many books can you see?” clear? Good. The n how did Amy answer Wu Yifan. Yes, she can see twelve kites. Ten and two, that’s twelve. (板书) Pay attention to the pronunciation. Twelve. Ok, very good. Now, let’s watch this video again and read after it. Nicely done. Step 3. 练习活动 活动1 Dear class, I have a magic box here. Let me open it. See?There’s nothing in it. But if I shake it, it will change. let’s see what’s in it now? Yes, they are flowers. But how many flowers can you see? Jack please. You see 2? Is he right? Yes, very good. Sit down please. And now let’s shake it again! Peter,what’s in it now? Card?. Oh, beautiful cards. And how many cards can you see? You see 9? Count it again. Oh it’s actually ten. You correct yourself. That’s very clever. You did a very good job.


Unit 1 Food and drinks Have some fish, Jenny? Yes, please. I like orange juice! Lesson 1 I like eggs. Let’s have breakfast. Ok. I like eggs. I don’t like eggs. I like bread. I like orange juice. I don’t like orange juice. I like milk. Have some milk, mum? Yes, please. Lesson 2 Do you like fish? Do you like fish? Yes, I do. Do you like vegetables? No, I don’t. I like vegetables. What’s for lunch, mum? Rice, fish and vegetables. And chicken, too. Lesson 3 I’d like some apple juice. I’m hungry, mum Let’s have dinner. Would you like a drink? Yes. Coffee, please. Would you like a drink? Yes. I’d like some apple juice. I’d like some orange juice.

Unit 2 clothes Whose coat is this? Is this your coat, Wang Hong? NO. My coat is blue. It’s jenny’s. Lesson 1 I have a new sweater. Mum, my sweater is too small. Yes, it is. Li Ming, this is for you. I have a new sweater. It’s cool. Do you like it? Yes, I do. Thank you, mum. You have a new sweater. It’s lovely! Thank you! I love it. Lesson 2 Is this your cap? Is this your cap, Li Ming? No, it isn’t. Is this your cap, Guo Yang? No. my cap is black. Danny’s cap is blue. Is this your cap, Danny? Yes, it is. Thank you, Miss Zhang. Lesson 3 Whose coat is this? Is this your coat, Guo Yang? Yes, it is. Whose coat is this? It’s my coat. Thank you. Whose shirt is that? It’s Peter’s.


小学英语教学经验交流 教学开始,我就遇到了种种问题。从学生的角度看,小学阶段英语只不过副科,根本不能和语文数学相比,虽然我们的领导老师非常重视,但是从学生的潜意识里,根本没有每当一回事儿,从家庭上看,我们学生的家庭绝大部分属于农民家庭,家长别说说英语,就是听得懂英语的都是少之又少,更别讨论辅导孩子了,所以根本也就谈不上重视了。从环境上看,学生除了在课堂短短的40分钟外,基本就没有应用英语的地方,等等诸多原因,使我的英语教学展开起来非常不顺畅。 我想尽各种方法解决这些问题。我觉得要解决这些问题,必须从学习兴趣,学习习惯、学习方法和英语学习的延续上去入手解决。 首先是如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣。在课堂上,我总是用自己的丰富的面部表情、多变的语音语调和恰当的肢体语言感染和带动着学生,我在练习时经常恰当的使用游戏,既激发了学生学习英语的兴趣又对所学知识实行了巩固,只靠机械的游戏来激发兴趣是不能长久的,我还经常利用多媒体课件、动画、歌曲、顺口溜等方式辅助教学,让多种元素充实英语的课堂教学。在作业的布置上,也是以激发兴趣为主要目的的,比如,看一些英语动画片,一个英语小故事等等。 在激发学生学习兴趣的同时,培养学生的学习习惯也非常重要。要培养学生的学习习惯,首先老师要有良好的教学习惯。备课是教学不可或缺的一部分,在备课时我首先就是找准本课的教学重点,在围绕重点实行教学设计。当然对教材的理解和掌握是对每名教师最起码的要求。在备课时,我重点是备学生,几年级,多少名学生,能够说我对每个班级、每名同学了如指掌,谁基础差,谁不注意听讲,谁接受水平慢,都在我心里。只有这样,才能即时解决课堂出现的突发问题。课堂教学是学习的重要过程,我在课堂教学中采用了“聊天式”教学方法,用聊天的语气,与同学们在一种人文、和谐的氛围中学习,当然课堂教学中少不了刚才提到的对同学兴趣激发的一些教学手段。在自己养成了良好的教学习惯之后,我更注重了对学生学习习惯的培养。不可否认,我们农村小学的英语教学资源非常有限,教材、活动用书、听力磁带、泛听泛读练习。我通过各种途径来培养学生课上的良好听课习惯,课后我着重培养学生多听、多读、多练的习惯,每天回家后至少20分钟的英语学习时间,5分钟读、5分钟磁带跟读、5分钟单词记忆、5分钟泛听泛读的指示拓展练习。在作业上面让家长签字,让学生听我还培养学生之间的互助学习习惯,分小组学习,小组成员结成“一帮一”的互助对子,充分发挥学生的作用,这样好学生既巩固了自己的指示,又协助同学共同进步,能够说是一举两得。 用简洁、明快、风趣的言语创造轻松愉快的课堂。课堂上,教师精力充沛,情绪饱满,讲课时面带微笑,对学生热情而有耐心。学生答对时,老师记得常说“Good. Yes.Ok.Well-done.Thank you.You are great.Wonderful”如果学生说错了,老师要说“Try again.Don't worry.”学生觉得很难表达而想放弃时,教师会鼓励说“Try your best.”所以学生回答问题时就无后顾之忧,课堂发言会积极踊跃。 多鼓励学生。成年人在工作和生活中需要领导的鼓励,上司的欣赏,更何况是未成年的小学生,教师对学生的表扬能提升学生学习的积极性,在学生的心里发展过程中将会逐步转化为学习的动力,产生意想不到的学习效果。鼓励和表扬的方式有很多,对单个回答问题好的学生,我会说“very good”,“It is


《新编大学英语-3下》期末考试模拟卷(2) I.选择填空(30%) 1. When a territorial animal or bird intrudes on the territory of another creature of the same species, the later will only perform some hostile gestures to warn_______ the intruder. A) out B) back C) off D) away 2. The university is trying to make more accommodations __________ for students. A) similar B) possible C) likely D) available 3. Jack left the job ____.after 10 years because he was beginning to feel________. A) trapped B) appealed C) valued D) structured 4. I declared that by the next class meeting I was going to ______ my job and end my engagement. A) quit B) give up C) abandon D) go away with 5. _________, old people appreciate being independent. A) Judging from B) In my opinion C) Now that D) regardless of 6. Arthur has some strange ideas, but on this occasion I’m ________ to agree with him. A)incline B) inclining C) inclined D) to incline 7. A good manager should _________ the health and happiness of his employees. A) concern in B) concern for C) be concerned with D) be concerning about 8._______many women of her age, she struggled to find a balance between her career and her children. A)Like B) Alike C) Similar D) Same 9. No characteristic is caused ________ by either environment or genes, A) approximately B) exclusively C) separately D) actually 10. Entering the room, I found my father _______ at the desk and _______ something A. seat …write B. seated …wrote C. seated …writing D. seating … writing II.阅读理解(30%) (I) We're supposed to start work at nine,but I often come in later because I have to take my children to school first, but then I stay a bit later.Of course,if I've got an early meeting or if I've got to be in count first thing in the morning,my wife has to take the kids to school.We're supposed to work a 40-hour week,but I think most people actually work more than that.We're supposed to dress smartly,particularly if we have contact with clients,so I always wear a suit and tie to work.Female lawyers aren't allowed to wear trousers or ever dark tights.They have to wear knee-length skirts-no minis.The secretaries can wear tailored trousers,but no jeans.A weekly dress-down day was introduced last month--it's an idea from America,where everybody comes into work in casual dress on a Friday.Personally,I have no desire to come into work wearing jeans and a T-shirt.I like to make a difference between work and home,and I can wear casual clothes at home.I think people should dress smartly for work-it gives a good impression.Smoking,eating and drinking are strictly forbidden in the office.There's a non-smoking cafeteria downstairs,and smokers have t go outside.Personally,I thing smoking ought to be banned in all public place. 11. Why is the man often late for work? A)Because he has trouble getting to sleep at night. B)Because he has to drive a long way to get to work. C)Because he has to take his children to school first. D)Becauseit’s the rush hour and the traffic is very heavy. 12. When can office workers come to work in casual dress?


人教版英语五年级下册unit3 My Birthday 听说课试讲稿 Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Yes, I am great. Thank you! I hope all of you can be happy in our English class. Before we start our new lesson, let’s sing the apple song we have learned last week. Okay, ready. Go. Apple round, apple red, apple juicy, apple sweet, apple I love you, apple sweet I love to eat. Oh, Wonderful, you did a great job. (lead-in) Now let’s have a short review. Last week, we learned a new topic, do you still remember? Right, we talked about birthday last week. And we also have learned some months. January, February, and May etc. Everybody, do you like to celebrate your birthday? Yes, of course, everyone likes it. Why? Who can tell me the reason? Okay, the tall boy in black coat. What’s your answer? You can get presents. Well done! Please have your seat. But we must tell others when is our birthday. So they can celebrate it for me. Do you think so? (presentation) Now boys and girls, Close your book. We will listen to the tape together. While you are listening, try to answer the question on


三年级上三年级下unit3 unit1 u nit3 unit5 unit7 unit1 g o unit5 hello look our how many breakfast zoo school I family classroom one egg yeah office I'm father new two bread tiger lab hi mother desk three orange these playground good sister chair four juice panda third morning brother that five milk they floor how grandpa this six some they're art are grandma schoolba g seven please those room you a book eight fish elephant second fine farmer pencil nine vegteable so music thank teacher pen ten lunch big first and docter it for rice bear sing goodbye ruler how old chicken rabbit here bye pencil-cas e guess hungry monkey draw afternoon an you're dinner see library Miss eraser happy would like can nice mum birthday drink eleven meet apple twelve unit2 u nit4 unit6 coffe t hirteen too head colour unit2 fourteen unit6 Mr arm red sweater fifteen get up this leg green too sixteen o'clock is foot yellow small seventeen time what yes the cool eighteen now what's no blue lovely nineteen ready your have white love twenty day


ⅰ.warm-up 1.class begins!good morning,boys and girls!sit down,please! 2.boys and girl,are you happy today?i'm happy,too.let's sing an english song together,ok?"what's your favourite season?"clap your hands,please.wow!wonderful! ⅱ.presentation let's learn 1.now boys and girls,please look at this picture.what season is it now?yes,it's summer.why?because i can swim.read after me.this line,please read this word one by one.great! 2.look at this picture!what season is it?why?because i can make a snowman.read after me.this line,read it.very good! 3.in summer,i can swim.in winter,i can make a snowman.and in winter,i can skate,too.follow me,please. 4.i don't like summer,it's too hot.i don't like winter,it's too cold.i like spring,it's sunny and warm.in spring,i can fly kites.i can plant trees,too.please read after


2008年4月统考模拟试题二 第一部分:交际英语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 1. --Can you turn down the radio, please? -- _________. A. Oh, I know B. I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that loud C. I'll keep it down next time D. Please forgive me 2. -- Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please. -- _________. A. Yes, I'm Mark B. This is Mark speaking C. It's me here D. This is me 3. --Can I give you a hand. It seems pretty heavy. -- _________. A. It's none of your business B. Sorry, I don't know you C. Thanks, I can manage that D. No, it's not heavy 4. --I'd like to make a reservation for two days. My name is Wang Ming-Ming. -- _________. A. Single room or double room B. You're too late for the room C. We don't have any room D. Our hotel is very expensive 5. -- Would you fill in this registration form? _________? -- I don't know how to do that. A. What should I write B. It's too difficult. C. Where is the form D. Would you please help me 6. --Look, would you like to go out tomorrow evening? --________. My parents are coming to see me. A. I'm afraid I can't tomorrow evening B. I don't like to go out with you C. I have no time tomorrow evening D. I won't go out with you 7. --Do you mind turning off the TV? I'm studying for the exam.


篇一:小学英语教师面试技巧 小学英语教师面试技巧是什么呢?以下提出几点,希望能给大家提供帮助。 做好充足的准备,把要讲的内容的相关背景等知识了解到位,并把课的内容和这些背景结合起来,主要是注意如何让背景知识在吸引人的同时把人引导到课本的内容上来。出发前的准备很重要,一定要着装合体,不要穿着台前卫,毕竟教师这个职位还是要讲究矜持的。在谈到面试,其实说起来,小学英语并不需要多高英语水平,更多的需要你的亲和力,所以不需要掌握太多英语面试技巧。你如果能做好孩子王,相信你就一定能胜任这一职务。如果你有幼教的基础,中标的可能性就会大大增加。如果没有,可以提前看一些少儿心理学的文章。做好充足的准备,把要讲的内容的相关背景等知识了解到位,并把课的内容和这些背景结合起来,主要是注意如何让背景知识在吸引人的同时把人引导到课本的内容上来。 出发前的准备很重要,一定要着装合体,不要穿着台前卫,毕竟教师这个职位还是要讲究矜持的。 在见到面试官时要表现的大方,不要太拘禁,也不要太嚣张,给人留下稳重的印象。试讲时要首先把自己的试讲材料分发给各位考官。 讲课时的音量特别重要,而且要有板书,然后就是注意设计的跟学生互动的环节。麻雀虽小但五脏俱全,所以板书就是你的教课大纲,是有始有终的,最后别忘了布置作业。 试讲完成以后还会有提问基本上都是涉及到如何安排你所教的课程的,教学侧重点应该在哪里,如果学生出现了这样或那样的问题你该如何等等。 资料来源:中国教育在线 / 篇二:小学英语面试技巧 外语学校面试四大题型备考支招 自我介绍:“特色,简短”四字诀 自我介绍是几乎所有外国语学校面试的首选题型和必答题目,它可以让面试官了解孩子的基本情况,也能通过自我介绍看出孩子的英语功底以及沟通表达能力。广州某外国语学校有一年的面试题目是“自我介绍,简要说明一下自己对‘英语角’等英语课外活动的看法。你可能用上的词汇有:english corner,helpful,useful,interesting。” 怎样做好自我介绍呢?新东方梁老师认为,比如结合上面这个题目,重点是介绍英语类的课外活动,考生如何将个人特色融入这个老生常谈的话题中去?应该思考自己一些不同寻常的经历,或是这些活动给自己带来的深刻、特殊的体会,切记结合自己的性格特点,这样才能给考官留下深刻印象。其次,尽量使用短句,如果句子太长,也可以拆分成短句控制在5句话左右,或者准备十句话,分成两部分。如果老师给的时间长,就十句话都说了,给的时间短,就只说重要的5句。记住四个字:特色,简短。 回答问题:七个主题有备无患


小学英语模拟讲课稿 篇一:小学英语说课稿全英文整理版 Good afternoon, ladies. I am number_______. I’m glad to share my lesson with you. My teaching content today is of Unit of PEP Primary English, Book This unit is mainly about Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects. 1. 教学内容 (Contents) Firstly, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content. The lesson is a new one of Unit .This unit introduces and develops the theme of “___________”, Ss are expected to master the new words___________________ and to use the sentence patterns___________________ in proper situation. The teaching material mainly describes ___________________ , and it shows all of the new knowledge points.

Therefore, it is in the important position of this unit. If Ss can master it well, it will be benefit for them to learn the rest of the unit. 2. 教学目标 (Teaching aims) Secondly, it is about the teaching aims. According to the new curriculum standard and the syllabus, and after studying the teaching material and the facts of the Ss, I set the teaching aims as follows: 1, Knowledge objects 1) Ss can understand the content correctly. They can read and play the dialogue; 2) Ss can listen, read, speak and write the core words_______________; 3) Ss can use the sentence patterns ____________- properly. 2, Ability objects 1) To train Ss’abilities of listening and speaking; 2) To train Ss’ ability of working in groups. 3, Moral objects

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