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In flames burning strongly熊熊燃烧

The whole house was in flames.

Shoot somebody or something down in flames to reject(vt.拒绝;排斥;抵制;丢弃)or refute(vt.反驳,驳斥)an idea or suggestion emphatically (adv.断然地;着重地;强调地)

Fan the flame to make a tense or difficult situation worse煽动情绪,煽起热情

Flame n.火焰

1.Hot glowing(adj.灼热的)body of burning gas:a hot glowing body of burning gas,often carrying fine incandescent(adj.炽热的)particles

2.Strong feeling:an intense feeling or emotion

3.Lover:a sweetheart or lover(informal)

An old flame

4.Reddish-orange color:a brilliant reddish-orange color

Flame adj.

Reddish-orange color:of a brilliant reddish-orange color

Flame n.

Angry e-mail message:a rude,abusive(adj.辱骂的),or threatening e-mail message or newsgroup posting

Lash v.捆绑,捆扎;猛击,鞭打,抽打

1.v.smash onto something:to have a strong or powerful,often continuous,impact on a surface

Heavy seas lashed the shore.

2.v.Criticize somebody:to criticize somebody or something severely She lashed into her critics.

3.vt.Whip(v.抽打)somebody:to hit somebody or something with a whip or an object like a whip,often repeatedly as a form of punishment prisoners were lashed severely.

4.v.flick to and fro(adv.向后):to flick something from side to side sharply so that It moves like a whip,or move in this way

the cat lashed it tail angrily.

5.vt.Incite people:to encourage strong emotion such as anger in others, especially in a crowd

The fans had lashed themselves into a fever of enthusiasm.

Slash n.鞭打,睫毛,突然(猛烈)地一甩

1.stroke with a whip:a stroke with a whip or some other long flexible object,often one of several given as a punishment

2.eyelash:an eyelash

3.movement like a whip:a movement like that of a whip being cracked The lion gave a lash of its tail.

4.End of a whip:the flexible end of a whip

5.Severe scolding:a severe reproof or v.al attack

He felt the full lash of his father’s tongue.

6.Impact of something:a strong or powerful,often continuous,impact of something,especially a natural element,against a surface

The lash of waves onto the beach

Lash out vi.猛击,猛烈抨击,大肆挥霍

1.Suddenly attack:to attack somebody or something verbally and suddenly

2.Suddenly attack physically:to start suddenly to attack somebody or something with uncontrolled movements.

Lash-up n.计划;应急的东西;一团糟,失败

Something put together hastily(adv.飞快地,仓促地):an object hastily made or put together,especially in order to meet emergency needs Lashings大量,很多

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,rge quantity:generous or plentiful amounts of something

Scoff vi.嘲笑,讥笑,嘲弄;狼吞虎咽地吃

1.Be derisive(adj.嘲弄的,讥讽的)or scornful:to express derision or scorn about somebody or something

She scoffed at all our suggestions.

2.Eat hungrily:to eat food quickly and hungrily or greedily(informal) Scoff n.

1.Expression of scorn:an expression of derision or scorn

2.Object of scorn:somebody or something that is derided or scorned Scornful adj.轻蔑的,鄙视的

Feeling or showing scorn

A scornful look

Scornful of

He was scornful of the women’s movement.

Scornfully adj.轻蔑地,藐视地

Drawstring n.拉绳,束带

Pulling cord:a cord threaded through a hem(n.褶边),piping(n.绲边),or eyelets(n.孔眼)around the opening in a bag or a garment so that it can be drawn tight and the opening closed

Drawstring bag

Shade n.背阴处,阴凉处;遮光物,罩;(能上下卷的)窗帘;百叶窗;太阳镜,墨镜

1.Area out of direct sunlight:an area of relative darkness where direct sunlight is blocked or obscured(adj.遮蔽的;湮没的)

2.Slightly different color:a color that is a variation on a basic color,for example,by being more or less bright or dark

A pretty shade of blue

3.Something that blocks light:something,for example,a lampshade(n.灯罩),used to block a direct light source

4.Window device:a flexible piece of material mounted on a window that can be rolled down to block light or up to admit light

5.Dark parts of painting:the darker areas of a painting,drawing,or photograph.Also called shadow

6.Small amount:a slight degree or amount

A shade too close

7.Variation:a slight variation on something similar

Different shades of opinion

8.Obscurity:relative obscurity

9.Ghost:a ghost or phantom(literary)also called shadow

10.Shadow:a shadow(archaic)

Shades n.墨镜


Shadow n.影子;阴影,昏暗处,阴暗处

The dark shape that someone or something makes on a surface when they are between that surface and the light:

The long dark shadow of an old oak tree

His shadow fell across the room.

The building cast its shadow(made a shadow)across the street.

In the shadow of something

It was hot,and we decided to walk in the shadow of the wall(=along the wall,where its shadow would fall)

Shade v.为…遮挡阳光,遮蔽(光线);给…加深颜色;画阴影于

1.vt.Protect from sunlight:to protect something or block it off from direct light,particularly form direct sunlight

the awning(n.遮蓬;遮阳篷;遮雨篷)shades the porch well.

2.vt.Darken part of picture:to darken part of a drawing or picture using pencil,ink,or some other dark medium

he shades in the trees in the background.

3.vi.Change slightly or gradually:to change imperceptibly into something slightly different

the cream(n.奶油,乳脂)gradually shades into gold.

4.vt.Darken:to make a place or area darker

5.vt.Reduce price:to reduce price slightly

put somebody or something in the shade

to make somebody or something seem unimportant by appearing much more special or attractive

shades of somebody or something

used to say that somebody or something is reminiscent(adj.使人想起某事物的;回忆的,怀旧的)of somebody or something else,especially a time in the

past or the work of a writer or other artist

you can take tea on the terrace–shades of E.M.Forster–or ride on an elephant

sway v.摇摆,摆动,摇晃;影响(某人);使…改变看法

1.swing:to swing back and forth,or cause something to do this

2.vi.Lean(v.倾斜)over repeatedly:to learn or bend to one side or in different directions in turn

3.v.waver between opinions:to go back and forth between two or more opinions,or make somebody do this

4.vt.Influence somebody:to persuade or influence somebody to believe or do something(usually passive)

don’t let yourself be swayed.

5.Vi.More gracefully:to move back and forth in a graceful way

6.Vt.Stagger(v.蹒跚,摇摇晃晃地走):to move from side to side in a clumsy and unsteady way

7.Vt.Hoist(v.吊起,升起,提起)something:to hoist a yard,mast,or other spar(technical)


1.Swing implies movement in an arc(n.弧)of something attached only at one side or at one end

Swinging her bag over her shoulder,she hurried on.

Sway implies a slow swinging motion,esp.in a flexible or unsteady object that yields to lack of support or to pressure from one side to another

The trees swayed gently in the breeze.

2.swing often implies regular oscillations(n.波动,摇摆,变化).

wave distinctively implies undulating()or fluttering motions without rhythmical regularity

shake commonly suggests a menacing or threatening or warning intent

illusion n.错误的观念,幻想;假象,错觉

1.Something with deceptive(adj.欺骗的;似是而非的)appearance:

something that deceives the senses or mind e.g.By appearing to exist when it does not or appearing to be one thing when it is in fact another

2.False idea:a false idea,conception,or belief about somebody or something

3.Deceptive power of appearances:the ability of appearances to deceive the mind and senses,or the capacity of the mind and senses to be deceived by appearances

4.Mistaken sensory perception(n.知觉,感觉;看法,洞察力):a misinterpretation(n.误解;误释)of an experience of sensory perception, especially a visual one,where the mistaken perception is due to physical rather than psychological

Illusory adj.虚假的,貌似真实的

Imaginary,illusive:produced by,based on,or consisting of an illusion First impressions can often prove illusory.

Illusorily adv.

Allusion n.暗示,提及;间接收到;典故

1.Indirect reference:an indirect reference to somebody or something The committee made no allusion to the former president in its report.

2.Act of alluding:the act of making an indirect reference to somebody or something

Disillusion vt.使醒悟,使不再抱有幻想

To make someone realize that something with they thought was true or good is not really true or good:

I hate to disillusion you,but I don’t think she’s coming back. Disillusionment n.幻灭;醒悟

Disillusioned adj.不抱幻想的,失望的,幻灭的,理想破灭的Disappointed because you have lost your belief that someone is good,or that an idea is right(=disenchanted adj.失望的,灰心的,不再抱有幻想的) Disillusioned by/with

As she grew older,Laura became increasingly disillusioned with politics. Allusion,delusion,illusion

Allusion and illusion are the closest in sound but the furthest apart in


an allusion is an indirect reference to a person,thing,or event:the story contained an allusion to her childhood in Africa.

An illusion is something that deceives the senses or mind:

the shimmering(adj.闪烁的,微微发亮的)effect on a hot road is an optical illusion.

By shutting himself in his room for hours he kept up an illusion of studying hard.

Illusion and delusion are similar in meaning,but

delusion denotes something falsely believed,often harmfully,rather than a wrong impression received:

visitors often suffer under the delusion that the weather is always hot here.

Devastating adj.毁灭性的,破坏力极强的;令人悲痛的;令人震惊的,骇人的;惊人的,强有力的

1.Damaging:causing severe or widespread damage

Policies that have a devastating effect on economic growth

2.Very upsetting:causing great shock or upset

The news was devastating.

3.Sharply critical:containing criticism that is very sharp and very effective or damaging,often as a result of its precise detail or caustic wit

4.Remarkable:startlingly impressive or attractive(informal)

The devastating speed of her forehead return.

Devastatingly adv.讥讽的;破坏性的

Devastate vt.令(某人)极度震惊,使(某人)伤心欲绝;严重破坏,彻底破坏,摧毁

1.Damage severely:to cause severe or widespread damage to something An area devastated by floods

2.Upset enormously:to shock or upset somebody greatly(often passive) Devastation n.毁坏,荒废

Devastative adj.破坏的

Devastator n.蹂躏着;破坏者

Rumble v.发出隆隆声(尤指来自远处),轰鸣着缓慢行进;肚子饿发出的咕噜声

1.vi.Make deep sound:to make a deep rolling sound

Thunder rumbling in the distance

2.vi.move noisily:to travel,e.g.along a road,with a deep rolling sound Trucks rumbled past.

3.vt.utter something with rumble:to say something in a deep continuous voice

4.vi.North American New Zealand fight:to be involved in a street fight, especially one between members of rival gangs(slang)

5.vt.U.K.find out about somebody or something:to discover the truth about somebody or something(informal)

We’ve been rumbled.

6.clean stones or metal:to polish stones or metal in a rotating drum tumbling barrel

Rumbling n.怨声;(情况恶化的)传闻,风声,隆隆的声音

1.rumblings[pl.]remarks that show that people are starting to become annoyed,or that a difficult situation is developing:

Rumblings of discontent(n.不满)

There have been rumblings about the need for better computers.

2.[usually singular]a series of long low sounds

We heard a rumbling behind us.

Rumbling adj.发出隆隆声的

Making deep sound:making a deep rolling sound

Rumbling stomach

Rumble n.隆隆声;怨声

1.[singular]a series of long low sounds

Rumble of

The low rumble of traffic in the distance

The distant rumble of gunfire

2.murmur of dissatisfaction:a feeling of dissatisfaction quietly

expressed by several people(informal)

3.North American New Zealand street fight:a street fight,especially one fought by members of rival gangs(slang)


Rumble seat n.senda老式车上的折叠座椅

Folding car seat:a folding passenger seat on the back of some early automobiles

Rumble strip n.减速带

Warning strip on road surface:a strip of textured road surface that alerts divers by vibration(n.振动)or tire noise of an approaching intersection(n.交叉),speed restrictive,or hazard

Careen v.(失控地)猛冲,疾驶。歪斜,倾斜

1.vi.Sway or swerve(转弯,突然转向)while moving:to move forward at high speed,swaying lurching(n.车辆横向振动,突倾),or swerving from one side to another

A motorcycle careening around sharp curves(n.弯曲).

2.Vi.Move rapidly:to rush or move carelessly

He seemed to careen from one job to the next.

3.V.Turn boat on side(为修船)使船倾斜:to turn a boat over on its side, especially for repairs or cleaning,or turn over onto the side

4.Vi.Heel(v.倾侧)in wind:to heel over to one side while sailing

Cast v.cast light on/onto sth使了解某事;阐明(论述)某事;cast doubt(s) on sth使怀疑某时,使不确信某事;投射(光或影)

1.vt.Throw somebody or something:to throw somebody or something especially somebody or something that is light in weight

Casting pebbles(pebble n.卵石)into a river

2.vt.Carry somebody or something ashore:to carry somebody or something to the seashore(refers to the sea)

Pieces of driftwood cast up by the incoming tide

3.Vt.Fling(v.掷,抛)something down or away:to throw something away from yourself,usually with force

We cast pieces of bread onto lake to attract fish.

4.Vt.Throw fishing line into water:to throw a line,baited hook,or fishing net into the water

5.Vt.Register vote:to register or deposit a vote

6.Vt.Cause something to appear somewhere:to make something such as light or shadow appear in a place.

The bulb cast an eerie(adj.可怕的,怪异的)green glow over everything. 7.vt.Have dispiriting(adj.令人沮丧的,使人气馁的)effect:to produce a dispiriting,sobering or saddening effect on somebody or something

Her mother’s absence cast a shadow over the wedding plans.

8.vt.Create mistrust(n.不信任,怀疑):to generate a sense of uncertainly distrust,or suspicion about somebody or something

An accident that has cast doubt over the project’s future.

9.vt.Direct look at somebody or something:to direct the eyes or a look toward somebody or something,often in a surreptitious(adj.秘密的,鬼鬼祟祟的,暗中的),disapproving,or anxious manner

Casting a discreet glance at his watch.

10.Vt.Dismiss something from mind:to remove or banish(v.放逐,驱逐)something from the mind deliberately(adj.故意地,谨慎地,慎重地), decisively,and often with difficulty(formal)

11.Vt.put somebody somewhere roughly:to put or throw somebody or something somewhere,especially in a rough or brutal way(formal)

Cast into the dungeon

Cast n.演员阵容,全体演员;石膏;模子,铸模;铸剑,铸造品

1.act of throwing:the flinging,hurling,or throwing of something,or an instance of this

2.Length of throw:the distance that something is thrown

A20-yard cast of a harpoon(n.鱼叉)(a weapon used for hunting whales) 3.performers:the actors or other performers in a drama,dance,or other production.

4.Molded object:an object that is made by pouring a molten substance, especially metal,into a mold and leaving it to solidify so that it takes on the shape of the mold.

5.Mold:a container of a particular shape into which a molten substance, especially metal,is poured and left to solidify.


CORE MEANING:to send something through the air

throw to propel(v.推进;驱使;激励)something through the air by swinging the arm and releasing the object from the hand

Fred applauded and threw his hat into the air.

Police sprayed tear gas when about500protesters threw rocks at a passenger train.

Chuck(informal)to throw something,especially in a careless or casual way:

He chucked the forms in the wastebasket.

Fling to throw something or somebody carelessly or forcefully; She flung herself face down on the bed

She flung aside his pitchfork and climbed down from the loft.

Hurl to throw something with great force

Rebels fired gunshots and hurled grenades(grenade n.手榴弹)at the police station.

The elephant seized the boy with its trunk and hurled him to the ground. Toss to throw something small or light in a casual or careless way One of the children tossed a ball high in the air.

David sat back in his armchair,tossing aside his magazine.

Cast to throw something to a particular place or into a particular thing,or to throw a fishing line or net

He was cast overboard like so much ballast(n.压舱物,压载物).

Purgatory n.折磨人的事,炼狱

1.place of suffering:in Roman Catholic doctrine(n.主义,学说,教条,信条),the place where souls remain until they have expiated(expiate v.赎罪,补偿)their sins and can go to heaven

2.Miserable situation:an extremely uncomfortable,painful,or unpleasant situation or experience

the purgatory of lost love

Purgatorial adj.(literary)炼狱的,涤罪的

1.Like purgatory:relating to or similar to purgatory

Sewing is relaxation for some,purgatory for others.

2.Purging somebody of sin:serving to rid somebody of sin


1.To force people to leave a place or organization because the people in power do not like them

Purge something of somebody/something

He sought to purge the Democrat party of conservatives.

Purge somebody/something from something

Plans to purge ethnic minorities from rebel-controlled areas

2.To remove something that is thought to be harmful or unacceptable Purge something of somebody/something

An initiative to purge the PC market of software pirates

Local languages were purged of Russian words.

Purge somebody/something from something

It’s hard to imagine now that Lawrence’s novels were purged from public libraries.

3.To destroy something that is no longer needed:

The system automatically purges unread emails after two weeks.

4.(literary)to remove bad feelings

Purge somebody/something of something

We have to begin by purging our minds of prejudice.

Any doubts about his leadership were purged by the courage of his performance.

5.To take a substance that makes your bowels empty:

Anorexics may overeat before purging themselves or vomiting(v.吐出,呕吐).

6.To force yourself to bring food up from your stomach and out of your month,especially because you have bulimia(n.暴食症)(anorexic n.患厌食症的人)


1.An action to remove your opponents or the people who disagree with you from an organization or place:

the Stalinist(adj.斯大林的;斯大林主义的)purges

purge of/on

a purge of military commanders

a purge on tax dodgers

2.A substance used to make you empty your bowels

Find your way(somewhere):

To reach a place by discovering the right way to get there:

Will you be able to find your way back?

Matters n.事项;事态;事件

Circumstances:the current situation or circumstances

Getting angry will make matters worse.

Matter vi.重要,要紧,有关系

1.Have importance:to be important

The only thing that matters is for you to get better.

2.Make difference:to make a difference

It doesn’t matter how you tell her,just make sure she knows.

A matter of opinion a subject about witch there are varying views

As a matter of course in accordance with normal procedure or expected events

For that matter as far as that is concerned

No matter

1.Regardless of

No matter how many we distribute,there are never enough.

2.It is not important

No matter what used to express determination in the face of uncertain circumstances or consequences

Geography n.地理,布局

1.Study of Earth’s physical features:the study,of all the physical features of the Earth’s surface,including its climate and the distribution of plant,animal,and human life

2.Physical features:the physical features of a place or region, e.g. mountains and rivers

3.Book on geography:a book on geography

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,yout of place:the arrangement of the different parts of a building, city,or other place

5.Arrangement:the way that something is arranged and the relationships between its different parts

The geography of the criminal mind

Geology n.地质学

1.Study of rocks and minerals:the study of the structure of the Earth or another planet,especially its rocks,soil,minerals,and its history and origins

2.Structure of area:the rocks,minerals,and physical structure of a specific area

3.Book on geology:a book on geology

Staircase n.(室内的)楼梯

Flight of stairs in building:a set of stairs in a building usually with banisters(n.栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏)or handrails


1.Single step:a stop in a series of steps leading from one floor or level to another

2.Series of steps:a flight of steps:a flight of steps leading from one floor to




Set of steps:a set or several sets of steps leading from one floor or level to another

Ultimate adj.最终的,首要的;最后的,终极的

1.Final:coming or attained at the end of a series of stages,and often constituting the culmination(n.顶点,高潮)of something

Our ultimate destination

Their ultimate aim is to introduce a new system of government.

2.Greatest:greatest,most nearly perfect,or highest in quality

The ultimate home entertainment system

3.Fundamental:existing as an underlying reality,when all other things are disagreed

4.Farthest way:outermost or most remote

Ultimate n.the ultimate in sth最好的…;…的极品;…的精品

the ultimate in something

the best or most modern example of something:

the plane was the ultimate in air technology in the60s

guy’s home is the ultimate in luxury

ultimately adv.最后,最终

1.eventually:in the end,as the culmination of a process or event

I ultimately decided not to take part.

2.In the final analysis:most importantly,when all things are considered She believes that human beings are ultimately good.

Dilemma n.

1.situation with unsatisfactory choices:a situation in which somebody must choose one of two or more unsatisfactory alternatives

a moral dilemma

in a dilemma

I’m in a dilemma about this job offer

This placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma.

Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between work and family commitments.

2.Argument leading to undesirable choice:

In logic,a form of reasoning that,though valid,leads to two undesirable alternatives

Be on the horns of a dilemma:

To be in a situation in which you have to choose between two equally un pleasant or difficult situations.

Rip v.撕,扯;被撕裂,被扯开;严厉批评某人;抨击某人的观点(言论、行为)等

1.V.tear or be torn:to roughly tear something apart or off,or become torn in this way

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,e force to remove something:to forcibly and carelessly remove something from a place where it has been firmly set.

Most of the original features of the house were ripped out.

3.Vt.Take something from somebody:to take something from somebody or remove somebody from a place in a way that seems unjust(adj.不公平的)

Families ripped from their communities

4.Vi.move with extreme speed:to move with dangerous or destructive speed

The tornado ripped through northern Nebraska

5.Vt.divide wood lengthwise:to split or saw a piece of along its grain

rip n.长的裂口,裂缝

1.roughly torn place:a rough tear or spilt


Let it or her rip:to proceed(proceed v.开始,继续进行,发生,行进)without hesitation or restraint

Let rip:to speak rapidly and without restraint(n.抑制,克制;约束),

especially with a series of curses(curse n.诅咒,咒骂)


CORE MEANING:to pull or come apart by force

Tear to pull something such as paper o cloth into pieces,or come apart

Tore the paper into little strips.

she was always climbing trees and tearing her clothes.

Rend to pull something apart violently,or be pulled apart violently. Something exploded with a sound of rending wood and metal and shattering glass.

Rip to roughly tear something apart or off,or become torn in this way;

She ripped open the envelope.

you can’t wear those flimsy clothes skateboarding-if you fall off,you’ll rip them to shreds.

split to divide something with a single movement,unusually by force and into two parts.

found him splitting wood to start a fire

split the cake in half horizontally and sandwich it together with frosting.

Soak v.浸,泡;使湿透,把浸湿,长时间泡浴

1.v.steep in liquid:to immerse something in liquid for a period of time,or be immersed in liquid

2.vt.make somebody or something wet:to make something or somebody completely wet(often passive)

We got soaked in the rain on the way home.

3.v.absorb:to draw something such as moisture(n.水分,湿度,潮湿,降雨量)in through the pores(pore n.气孔,小孔)or other small holes

Use a paper towel to soak up the spill.

4.v.permeate(v.渗透,透过,弥漫)something:to penetrate(v.渗透,穿透,洞察)something by saturating it and passing into pores or small holes The water quickly soaked through her shoes.

5.v.remove stain(n.污点)by soaking:to remove something,especially a mark or a stain from an item of clothing,by leaving it in liquid for a time

6.vt.overcharge somebody:to charge or tax somebody an excessive amount(slang)

7.v.get drunk:to drink too much alcohol,or make somebody drunk (informal)

soak n.泡浴,浸泡;酒鬼

1.act of soaking:an act or instance of immersing(immerse v.沉浸,使陷入)something in liquid

had a long,leisurely soak in the bathtub

2.soaking liquid:a solution or liquid in which to soak something same as drunkard(n.酒鬼,醉汉)(slang)

Head adj.

chief in rank:most important in rank the head gardener

I had a call from head office.

Trader n.商人,买卖人,经商者

1.somebody trading in goods:somebody who buys and sells retail(adj.零售的)goods

2.somebody trading in stocks:somebody who deals in stocks and securities,especially somebody who tries to profit by making frequent deals, each netting a small profit

3.merchant ship

Merchant n.商人;批发商

1.Wine/coal/timber etc.merchant someone whose job is to buy and sell wine,coal etc.Or a small company does this:

he had a job with an Edinburgh wine merchant.

2.批发商(old-fashioned)someone who buys and sells goods in large quantities:

the son of a wealthy merchant

3.con merchant/speed merchant etc.

British English,informal

Someone who is involve in a particular activity,such as tricking people or

driving very fast

Off and on also on and off

For short periods but not regularly,over a long period of time:

We’ve been going out together for five years,off and on.

Bolt v.奔,窜;狼吞虎咽

1.vt.lock something with bolt:to fasten a door or gate by sliding a bolt into a socket

2.vi.Rush away:to move suddenly and quickly,especially out of fright

3.vt.Devour food hurriedly:to swallow food hurriedly without chewing

4.vt.Expel(v.驱逐,开除)animal from hiding place:to flush(v.用水冲洗)out a wild animal that is hidden or concealed

5.vi.Prematurely produce seeds:to flower and produce seeds earlier than expected or wanted

6.vt.Roll fabric or paper into bolt:to roll fabric or wallpaper into a bolt

7.vt.Refuse to support somebody or something:to refuse to support a political party,candidate,or policy

bolt n.金属插销,闩;螺栓

1.a sliding bar that fits into a socket and secures a door or gate

2.short screw(n.螺丝):a short cylindrical metal bar with a screw thread, used with a nut(n.螺母)

3.lightning flash:a flash of lightning appearing briefly as a jagged line of light

4.roll of fabric:a rolled length of fabric or wallpaper

5.arrow for crossbow:a short arrow for use with a crossbow

6.part of gun:in a breech=loading fireman,a sliding rod,bar,or plate that ejects a used cartridge and closes the breech

7.refusal of support:a refusal to support a political party,candidate,or policy

8.metal pin:in climbing,a small metal spike used to provide an anchor in rock faces

Like a bolt from the blue:very suddenly and unexpectedly

Make a bolt for something:to make a sudden rush toward something Shoot your bolt:to use all your resources

Make it

1.to be successful(informal)

You’ll never make it as an actor.

2.To succeed in getting somewhere

We finally made it to the top of the hill.

3.To be able to attend

I can’t make it to the party tonight.

Transfer n.转移,调动;已调动的人;已转移的东西;转乘

1.change of place:the conveying of somebody or something from one place or position to another

2.Ticket allowing passenger to transfer:a ticket that allows a passenger to change from one vehicle to another on a journey,or the place where this is done

3.Somebody transferred:somebody who is transferred,e.g.A student

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,W conveyance:the passing of rights or property from one person to another,or a document that conveys right or property between people

5.Design applied to surface:an image on a piece of film or paper that is specially designed to be lifted off by heat or pressure and applied permanently to the surface of a material

6.Finance recording of sale:the recording of a change of ownership of shares or bonds in the books of the issuer

transfer v.转移(地方);调动(工作);搬运,迁移;使…转会

1.v.Move from one place to another:to move from one place to another, or cause somebody or something to do so

2.v.pass from one person to another:to pass from one person,group,or organization to another,or cause something to be passed from one person, group,or organization to another

新世纪大学英语第二版综合教程一英语单词主编秦秀白 蒋静仪

UNIT 1 Text A conduct 进行;实施 reveal 揭示,透露 according to 根据...所说(所示) make the most of最大限度利用 innate (素质)天生的,天赋的 attain〖正式〗(长期努力后)获得,达成 academic (大专院校)教学(上)的,学术性的 excellence 优秀,卓越 principle原则,原理 to begin with首先,第一点 priority优先考虑(或照顾)的事 compromise做出妥协,折衷解决 snack(正餐以外的)小吃,点心 in other words 换句话说 recreation 娱乐,消遣 addition 增加 in addition to 除此之外,另外 athlete(田径)运动员 memorise记住,记下 biology 生物学 work out (非正式)锻炼,健身 interview 对(某人)进行面谈(面试) thrive兴旺,茁壮成长 consistency一致性,连贯性 factor因素 perform履行,实行,完成 involve使卷入,牵涉 be/get involved in使某人(某事物)参与某活动动或陷入某情况band(尤指流行音乐的)乐队,乐团 track and field田径运动 rugby 橄榄球 association协会,社团. debate辩论,辩论会 disclose 公开,揭露 file 把(文件、信件)汇存起来,把…归档 colour-coded用颜色标记的 folder文件夹,硬纸夹 available可获得的,可用的,可看见的 technique(尤指艺术,音乐,文学等方面的)技巧,手法advocate 提倡,主张 effectively 有效地 retention 记忆(力),保持,保留


河北省石家庄市新世纪外国语学校2019-2020学年 八年级下学期期中英语试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. —Do you know who taught ________ Russian? —Nobody. He learned it by ________. A.his; himself B.him; him C.him; himself D.his; him 2. Scientists say that banana trees may disappear(消失) from the world ________banana cancer(癌症). A.because of B.because C.in control of D.together with 3. (2017年山东泰安)–It rained ______ and lasted for a long time yesterday. --Too bad! Even some streets were full of water. A.hardly B.strongly C.terrible D.heavily 4. If you ________ British football with American football, you’ll find many differences. A.regard B.compare C.deal D.work 5. Jim's mother was cooking while he______his homework. A.did B.does C.is doing D.was doing 6. — Jimmy, the books are everywhere in your study. —Sorry, Mom. I’ll____at once. A.put them on B.put them away C.put them out D.put them up 7. Bob has few friends here, so he often stays at home by himself and feels ________. A.alone B.happy C.excited D.lonely

《英语口语1》课程教学大纲 -

《英语口语1》课程教学大纲 课程编号:072401 课程名称:英语口语1 总学时数:24 实训学时:12 学分:2 后续课: 《英语口语2》 一、说明部分 1、课程性质 《英语口语1》是英语专业的基础必修课,帮助学生打下良好的口语基础。 2、教学目标和意义 《现代大学英语口语1》的教学目的是通过大量的国际音标训练、初级口语练习和实践,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力,同时帮助学生了解主要英语国家的文化背景和生活习俗,为其英语初级水平打下牢固的基础。 3、教学内容和要求 (1)教学内容及学时分配 (2)教学要求 《英语口语1》首先要求学生能够掌握准确的语音语调。其次,要求学生能够表达较复杂的观点。最后,要求学生注重思辨能力的发展。 通过本课程的教学,要求学生能够听懂一定难度的英语对话和篇章,并能运用简单的日常英语进行对话,能就所听、读的材料回答问题和复述,做到语音、语调、语法基本正确,能就一般日常生活话题进行简单的交谈;能就熟悉的话题经一定准备后作2-3分钟连贯性发言,学生能在发言中表达比较复杂的观点。《口语1》旨在为学生提高英语口语水平打下扎实的语言基础。 4、教学重点、难点: 教学重点;首先训练语音语调以使学生一开始就能掌握准确的发音。要求学生能够表达有一定难度的观点。最后,要求学生注重思辨能力的发展。 教学难点;少部分学生发音不够准,语法基础差,口语表达能力不尽理想。

5、教学方法和手段:本课程主要采取英语交际法和情境教学法教学,体现以学生为主体、教师为主导的教学理念。每一堂课以PPT形式的主题讲座开始,其中包括热身问题的讨论、课文主题词汇的补充和丰富以及主题内容补充读物以扩展学生的主题知识面,尤其加深对内容的理解。课文的教授主要发展学生的英语口语能力,但是也始终着重训练和提高他们的听力技能。通过个人叙/陈述、双人对话、小组讨论、角色扮演等多种口语实践形式,让学生理解单元课文内容和巩固语言点和知识点。通过要求学生课后讨论难度更深一层、与主题相关的问题,发展学生对主题内容进行深层次讨论的英语口语能力、创新和思辨能力。 本课程以实践教学为主,通过就所教主题进行口语训练、多媒体音频和视频等教学方式和手段,提高教学效果。 6、教材及主要参考书: 使用教材:《现代大学英语口语1》总主编:杨立民外语教学与研究出版社 2012年4月第11次印刷 教学参考书目: 1)《新标准大学英语视听说教程1》总主编:Simon Greenall 文秋芳外语教学 出版社2013年7月第3次印刷 2)《英语口译技能教程——听辨》卢朝信北京语言大学出版社2012年 3)《英语口译笔记法实战指导》吴钟明主编武汉大学出版社2005年 4)《口译教程》林郁如编审雷天放陈菁主编上海外语教育出版社2006年 5)Supplementary materials downloaded from the Internet 二、正文部分 Unit 1 First Day in College 一、教学要求 通过本单元学习,要求学生能够用英语作自我介绍、打招呼并讨论中学、大学生活。 二、教学内容 1. 训练部分国际音标,以帮助学生打好语音语调基础。 2. 第一单元“First Day in College”,讲解如何介绍、打招呼,如何过好大学生活。学生 学习介绍大学生活、比较中学大学生活等。 三、本单元学时数 4学时。 Unit 2 Hometown 一、教学要求 通过本单元学习,要求学生能够用英语介绍自己家乡、介绍自己曾经参观游览过的名胜古迹。 二、教学内容 1. 训练部分国际音标,以帮助学生打好语音语调基础。 2. 第二单元“Hometown”, 讲解名胜古迹,传授如何描写某地方和讨论气候等。学生 学习介绍家乡、介绍自己旅游过的地方。 三、本单元学时数 4学时。 Unit 4 Let’s Go Shopping 一、教学要求


Unit Two Optimism and Positive Thinking Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ■ Working with Words and Expressions 1. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ■ Answers: positive startled perspective harden shape address crises curse incredible 10) conversely 11) issue 12) response 13) prior 14) rare 15) accomplish 2. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ■ Answers: get the hang of have lived through makes a difference have no idea concerned with slipped over ran into in reverse mull over ■ I ncreasing Your Word Power 1. D ecide whether “do ”, “make ”or “take ”is needed to complete each of the following sentences. Change the verb form where necessary. ■ A nswers: does make take do make Take done taken making ))))))))) ))))))))) ))))))))) 10) took


U3L1知识点 1.summer holidays =summer vacation暑假 during winter holidays 提问: how long https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,st? winter holidays 寒假 during national holidays 国庆假期 on National Day be on holiday 在休假中 2.go on a study trip to London/New York. 3.leave(left)for… =set off/out for… =start for… leave A for B离开A地去B地when are you leaving for Beijing? (be going/coming/leaving/arriving表示将来。。。) 4.attend-atten tion-atten tive-atten tively —attendance n. 出席;到场;出席人数 attend an English class (attend a/an meeting/lecture/evening school) Pay (much/more/little/less) attention to listen to...attentively

she is attentive.=she is an attentive girl. 5.package Go on a package tour to… Pack –package go on a package tour to Beijing =go to Beijing on a package tour 6.tour-tour ist-tour ism tour guide 导游 tourist’s guide 导游图,导览图。 tour=trip=journey=travel book a tour to Beijing , book a tour for three. Book a ticket for F1 7. at weekends on weekdays 8. sight-sightseeing go sightseeing go sightseeing around Beijing go to spl. by sightseeing bus/tour bus. 9.sb. spend/spent …doing sth. Sb. spend/spent …on sth. It takes/took me/him…to do sth.


上海新世纪英语八年级 下期中考试 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Mid-term Examination Part 1 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar I. Choose the best answer. (20’) . ( ) ’s the pronunciation of the word “official” A. [ 'f( )l] B. [i'f( )l] C. [e'f( )l] D. [ 'f()l] ( ) 2. As we know, Chinese culture is quite different ______ western culture. A. of B. at C. for D. from ( ) 3. ______ of my parents drinks or smokes. A. All B. Both C. Neither D. None ( ) 4. —Is the lake there beautiful? —The photo will show you ______. A. how does it look like B. what does it look like C. how it looks like D. what it looks like ( ) 5. You’d better _____ the doctor at the school clinic. A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw ( ) 6. The young Canadian has decided______ the World Cup. A. coming and watch B. come to watch C. to come here to watch D. coming here to watch ( ) 7. There is _____ “h” in the word “honest”. A. an B. a C. the D./ ( ) 8. —May I drink _____ of your coke? —Sorry, I’ve got ______.


《大学英语(一)》课程介绍 目的:该课程旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。 主要内容:《新视界大学英语-视听说教程》和《新视界大学英语-综合教程》一、二、四、 五、七、八共六个单元,内容覆盖校园生活、各地美食、、真爱至上、购物、旅行和环保等方面。 方法:以学生为中心,教师进行引导。课堂形式多样:头脑风暴、小组互相提问、小组授课、 辩论、角色扮演、听写测试、趣味活动等。学生必须提前预习每个单元《综合教程》的课文Active Reading,并围绕课文查询背景知识、文体介绍等,并背诵相关单词短语。课堂上要积极参与提问和讨论,做好笔记。课后要及时复习,按时提交作业。小组4-5人一组,1名组长。 推荐课外阅读书目:一学期内读1-2本英文书籍,最好是西方正统文学,读经典。 Very short introduction;朗文经典--读名著学英语;牛津书虫系列;《伊索寓言》;《格林童话》;《欧亨利短篇小说集》;《希腊罗马神话》;《英语历史》;《英语发展史》等(不限于此)。 作业与考试:Outside view和Further reading的课后作业不提交不评讲(充分利用教辅材料自学自查),老师和TA抽查。


外语系李咏霞老师文件夹地址:ftp://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,/ --- 教师文件夹---李咏霞学生作业上传地址:ftp://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,/ - 学生作业上传- -李咏霞 作文、翻译批改网地址:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,/ 听说资源: ◆普特英语听力网站https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,/ ◆网易公开课https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,/ ◆慕课https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,/例如: ◆ 读写资源: ◆21st Century (周报) ◆英语沙龙阅读版(月刊) ◆英语文摘(月刊) ◆疯狂英语阅读版(月刊) ◆英语世界(月刊) ◆中国日报 ◆Reader’s Digest [美] 综合资源 ◆旺旺英语https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html, ◆沪江英语https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,/ 手机APP推荐 英语流利说(口语练习) 英语魔方秀(给电影电视剧配音。你就是主角!) 新概念英语(最经典教材,适合各种英语水平程度综合提高) 网易公开课 百词斩(背单词) TED (technology, entertainment, design技术、娱乐、设计) 21世纪英文报 纸质版词典推荐: ?①牛津英语大词典--OED(第二版) ?②牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第7版) ?③柯林斯高级英语学习词典 在线词典:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d55836818.html,/(爱词霸) 手机词典:有道


2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleare d up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II)Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d 2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3. 4.No Mistake especial→ especially

necessarily → necessary frequent → frequently No Mistake ea sily → easy No Mistake i ndividually → individual m uch → many h igh → highly a pparently → apparent r emarkably → remarkable p robable → probably No Mistake (III)Grammar Task 1: (1)would/should (2) should/would (3) might (4) would (5) must (6) can’t (7) should would (8) must Task 2: (1)We passed the afternoon very pleasantly, roller-skating in the sun and talking about our childhood under a tree. / The afternoon passed very pleasantly, while we roller-skated in the sun and talked about our childhood under a tree. (2)On entering the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. / When I entered the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. (3)When I was only a small boy, my father took me to Beijing and we had a lot of fun together. (4)To write well, a person must read good books. (IV)Cloze (1) doubt (2) efficient (3) where (4) advantage (5) afford (6) claim (7) fluently (8) qualified (9) extent (10) ridiculous (11) perfect (12) as (13) because (14) individual (V)Translation 1. Translate the sentences (1) The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk. (2) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie. (3) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. (4) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game.

新世纪大学英语综合教程1 第二版 翻译句子答案

1)法官要求记者不要公开受害人的姓名。[disclose] The judge asked the reporters not to disclose the name of the victim. 2)老师费尽苦心使我们全都理解他说的话。[take pains to do sth ] The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said. 3)最近学校在学业优秀的学生中进行了一项调查。[conduct,attain] Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who have attainedacademicexcellence. 4)他说他要接受这份工作,我们要求他写封信证实。[confirm] He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to confirm his acceptance bywriting us aletter. 5)乔治学习很努力,他要尽量利用学习的机会。[make the most of] George studies very hard. He wants to make the most of his chance to learn. 6)我们不能去。第一,天太冷,另外,我们正忙着。[to begin with] We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’re busy. 7)该是有人公开讲清楚这写基本事实的时候了。[speak up] It’s about time that someone spoke up for these basic truths/facts. 8)此时此刻你应该工作而不应该在床上躺着。[instead of] You should be working now, insteading of lying on bed. 9)他发言时,我要记些笔记。[jot down] While he speaks/makes a speech, I will jot down some notes. 10)我自己无法提起这个箱子,它太重了。[on one’s own] I can’t carry the suitcase on my own, it’s too heavy.


新世纪8年级上册4个单元英语知识点整理 Unit One Modern Technology Lesson One Computers 【词形变换】 mouse---mice(复数) main --- mainly electronic --- electrical --- electricity relax --- relaxed able --- enable invent(发明v.)---inventor(发明家)---invention(发明物)【重要短语】 type in输入,键入 ought(not)to = should(not)应该 get/be familiar with 熟悉 and so on 等等 What’s the use of…? ……的用途是什么? at the age of 在……岁时 learn from… 向……学习 be worried about = worry about 担心…… allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 Would you please + v.原形? stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事 pay attention to(介词)注意 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事spend…on sth. = spend…(in) doing sth. 花费……做某事keep in touch with 与……保持联系 millions of 数百万的 use…to do sth. 用…...做某事 all/different/many kinds of 各种各样的 in brief 简言之 neither…nor… 既不……, 也不…… be connected to 与……连接在一起 be able to 的用法:(可用于各种时态,而can不能) 现在:am/is/are (not) able to was/were (not) able to will (not) be able to Lesson Two Robots (形)---difference(名)---differently(副) (名)---pleased(形/人)---pleasant(形/物) 整理,收拾 铺床 给某人做手术 与……不同be the same as与…… 对……一无所知 高兴地,快乐地;乐意地 else常放在不定代词和疑问词的后面) 决定做某事 练习做某事 不但……而且…… 不再 一直不停地做某事 害怕某物/做某事 be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 在……的帮助下/ 没有……的帮助 something 常用于肯定句中,也可用于希望得到对方肯定 回答的疑问句中 anything 常用于否定句或疑问句中 nothing 常用于否定句中(what) everything 上述不定代词都指物,不能和of连用,都是单数。 someone = somebody 常用于肯定句中 anyone = anybody 常用于否定或疑问句中 no one = nobody 常用于否定句中(who) everyone = everybody 上述不定代词都指人,不能和of连用,也都是单数。 none既可指人也可指物,既可用作单数也可用作复数,常和of 连用。(how many) Lesson Three Household Appliances 【词形变换】 clean --- cleaner apply --- appliance 【重要短语】 move into/to 搬进/到 be made in 在……制造 be made of 由……制成(可看出原材料) be made from由……制成(看不出原材料) turn on/off 打开/ 关闭turn up/down 调高/ 调低 finish doing sth. 结束做某事 What’s that button for? 那个按钮是干什么的? a piece of cake 容易的事情 enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun 玩得愉快 by hand 手工;手动 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人……时间 in addition 此外;加之 enable sb. to do sth. 能使某人做某事 at the same time 同时 both…and… ……和……都 way of life 生活方式 语法: 感叹句 How + adj./adv. + 主语+ 谓语! e.g. How interesting the book is! What + 名词短语+ 主语+ 谓语! e.g. What an interesting book it is! What + a/an + adj. + n.(单数名词)+ 主语+ 谓语! 只供学习与交流


英语专业主要课程简介 1E10935, 1E10905综合英语(一)(二)学分:6.0,6.0 Integrated English I,II 1E10915, 1E10925 综合英语(三)(四)学分:6.0,6.0 Integrated English III, IV 预修课程: 无 内容简介:本课程是一门综合英语技能课, 通过传授系统的基础语言知识(语音、语法、词汇、篇章结构、语言功能等),对学生进行严格的基本语言技能(听、说、读、写、译)训练,培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力。通过不同文体的学习,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,扩大词汇量,同时指导学生学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对中西文化差异的敏感性。教师鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的语言交际能力,并达到新《大纲》所规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。 推荐教材:《综合教程》(1—4册),何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社 主要参考书:《综合教程》(1—4册,教师用书),何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社《英语语音语调教程》,王桂珍,高等教育出版社 《College English》,周珊风、张祥保,商务印书馆 《College English》,胡文仲等编著,商务印书馆 《新编英语语法教程》,章振邦,上海外语教育出版社 1E10854,1E10824 英语阅读(一)(二)学分:2.0,2.0 English Reading I,II 1E10834,1E10844 英语阅读(三)(四)学分:2.0,2.0

English Reading III,IV 预修课程:无 内容简介:本课程主要培养学生的阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯,扩大词汇量,拓宽文化视野,提高人文素质。主要内容包括通过上下文辨认理解难词和推测词义;理解句子的含义,包括句面意思,句子隐含的意思和句间关系;理解段落的意思,包括段落大意,重要信息,段落内部和段落间的关系;掌握全文的中心思想和大意,以及用以说明中心思想和大意的事实,例证和论点;了解作者的态度、观点、意图和感情等等,并对文章做出判断和推理。通过课堂训练和实践,使学生掌握和运用各种阅读技能,提高迅速、准确捕捉信息的能力、综合概括、分析推理、判断及解决问题的能力。 推荐教材:《新编英语泛读教程》,王守仁,上海外语教育出版社 主要参考书:《英语快速阅读》,汪士彬,南开大学出版社 1E10755,1E10725英语听力(一)(二)学分:2.0,2.0 English Listening I ,II 1E10735,1E10745 英语听力(三)(四)学分:2.0,2.0 English Listening III ,IV 预修课程:无 内容简介:英语听力课充分利用现代信息技术,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过各种内容的听力训练,帮助学生克服听力障碍,培养学生的听力技能(包括抓关键词与句,能推测内在含义,释意复述等);学习对所听材料进行推理和分析的方法,使学生听懂并理解英语国家人士在交际场合中的各种英语和非专用英语的讲话;听懂有关政治、经济、历史、文化、教育、语言、文学、科技等方面的一般讲话内容及其后的问答;听懂并理解VOA或BBC节目中有关政治、经济、文化、教育、科技等方面的记者现场报道。


The Answers to Unit 1 Enhance Your Language Awareness (I) Working with Words and Expressions 2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is...related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid... of (8) cleared up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It's no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II) Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d 2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3. Adverbs Adjectives efficiently efficient particularly particular fluently fluent quickly quick cheaply cheap continually continual probably probable adventurously adventurous finally final steadily steady slowly slow solemnly solemn really real apparently apparent tentatively tentative exactly exact 4. No Mistake especial→ especially necessarily → necessary frequent → frequently No Mistake easily → easy No Mistake individually → individual much → many high → highly apparently → apparent remarkably → remarkable probable → probably No Mistake (III) Grammar Task 1: (1) would/should (2) should/would (3) might (4) would (5) must (6) can't (7) should would (8) must Task 2: (1) We passed the afternoon very pleasantly, roller-skating in the sun and talking about our childhood under a tree. / The afternoon passed very pleasantly, while we roller-skated in the sun and talked about our childhood under a tree. (2) On entering the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. / When I entered the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. (3) When I was only a small boy, my father took me to Beijing and we had a lot of fun together. (4) To write well, a person must read good books. (IV) Cloze


1. eager (adj.) 热切的,渴望的 be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 I was eager to get back to work as soon as possible. 我迫不及待地想尽快回去工作。 be eager for 渴望得到 He is eager for success. 他渴望取得成功。 eagerly (adv.) (= in an eager way) 热切地,渴望地 eagerness (n.) [U] 渴望 People were pushing each other out of the way in their eagerness to get to the front. 人们争先恐后地互相推搡,都渴望到前方。 eager beaver (n.) [C] 过分热切之人;干活特别卖力的人 2. be willing to do乐意做某事 How much are they willing to pay? 他们愿意付多少钱? 3. expect (vt.) (1) 预料;预计,认为……会发生 I expect John home at six o’clock. 我预计约翰6点钟到家。 expect to do sth.预料某事 I expect to be back within a week. 我预料在一周内回来。 expect sb. / sth. to do sth. 预料某人做某事 I didn’t expect him to stay so long. 我没有料到他会待这么长时间。 expect (that) 预料某事 I expected that she’ll pass the exam. 我预料她会通过考试的。 as expected 正如所期待的/ 正如所预料的 As expected, the whole family was shocked by the news. 正如所预料中的,全家都被这消息震惊了。 (2) 指望,期盼 expect sth. from / of sb. 指望某人某事 The officer expects complete obedience from his troops.


学科英语教材及其版本新世纪初中英语八年级第一学期课题For or Against Keeping Pets本课为第一课时教学设计者张岚 教学设计设计说明 (一)教学目标 知识和能力目标 ●Try utilizing the approach to method ‘PPP’ (Presentation, Practice, Production) 尝试使用‘PPP’教学法,即(输入、 练习、输出),发展学生综合语言运 用能力。二期课改的新课程标准倡导以学生为主的自主型学习模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现教学目标,获得成就感。在教学中教师应该鼓励学生发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能,提高人文素养,培养创新精神。 过程和方法目标 ●Train students to grasp the basic structures and techniques of a debate. 掌握英语辩论的基本结构和基本技 巧。通过对课文的学习,使学生掌握英语辩论的基本结构。如怎样有层次地阐述自己的观点;怎样礼貌地反驳对方观点以及如何设问、反问等基本辩论技巧。 情感和价值观目标 ●Arouse students’ Cross-cultural awareness. 通过导入新课时动物的象征意义在中西

培养学生的跨文化意识。 ●Help students to cooperate with each other and build up team spirit. 培养学生的团队合作精神。 ●Help students have a sense of responsibility for pets and the society. 激发学生对动物乃至社会的责任 感。方文化中的差异性比较,培养学生的跨文化意识,使他们体验到中西方文化的不同魅力。 在Practice(练习)环节中,通过让学生分组讨论,分享彼此的意见,取长补短并在辩论的过程中彼此提供帮助,将极大地培养学生的团队合作精神。 在学生不断感知、体验、实践的过程中,使学生逐步意识到人类行为的重要性,激发学生对动物乃至社会的责任感。 (二)教学过程1.导入新课 ●Match the animals with their meanings in Chinese culture, and then compare their meanings in Western culture. 动物的象征意义在中西文化中的差 异性比较。在学习英语的过程中,学生势必会注意到中西方文化的差异性,这是一个很有趣的课题。动物的象征意义虽然只是这个课题中的“冰山一角”,却极其生动有趣。如“龙”在中国象征着天子,代表着神圣、权威和智慧;而“龙”在西方却代表着邪恶,因此有“As wicked as a dragon”, “As ugly as a dragon”,尤其用“龙”来形容凶恶丑陋的妇女。又如“狗”在中国多为贬义,如“狐朋

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