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Technology: Mobile Phone

1. What does she mean by this?

A Small children have different biological cells.

B Radio waves don’t cause any negative effects on children, either.

C Small children are willing to call the mobile phones “safe”.

D Radio waves may be harmful to children.


2. What can be inferred about the purpose of the ongoing research that the professor mentions at the end of the lecture?

A The research will find that mobile phones are really harmful.

B The research will convince the public that mobile phones are not harmful.

C The research will help cure the illness caused by the mobile phones.

D The research will help create a mobile phone-free environment.



Health: Dementia

1. Why does the professor mention one movie scene aboutIris Murdoch

A To give an example how to prevent dementia.

B To tell students how the CA T scan works.

C To tell how dementia physically attacks the human brain.

D To tell the importance of diagnosing dementia.


2. Why does the professor say “It’s mind over matter ” at the end of the lecture?

A To tell students that mind is more important than money.

B To tell students that it is important to do mental workouts.

C To tell students that it is important to keep jogging and counting carbohydrates.

D To tell students that it needs a strong will to do diet.



Physics: Complex Theory

1. What can be inferred about the professor’s attitude toward theories?

A She thinks that sceientists oversimplify the world with their own theories.

B She thinks that theories can help us understand the complicated world.

C She thinks that we already have enough theories to explain the world.

D She thinks that theories can make the world more complicated.


2. How does the professor explain Complex Theory and Complexity Theory?

A She explains them by stating the advantages and disadvantages of each theory.

B She explains them by giving examples for each theory.

C She explains them by contrasting two different views upon the same example.

D She explains them by stating how one theory has been evolved from the other.



Sports Engineering: Tennis

1. What can be inferred about the professor?

A He thinks that the reaction of the students is quite unexpected.

B He is disappointed at the fact that only a few students believe in luck.

C He thinks that there are factors in sports besides skill that are important.

D He thinks that luck and science play a less important part in sports than skill.


2. Why does the professor mention the topspin?

A To emphasize the importance of players’ skill.

B To emphasize the importance of new technology.

C To play down the importance of players’ skill.

D To emphasize the importance of the Eastern grip.



Law: Freedom of Speech vs. Hate Speech

1. What can be inferred about the student?

A He is quite upset because the professor does not understand him.

B He is at a loss because he has said something stupid.

C He does not understand what the professor’s question is.

D He does not know how to answer the question.


2. What can be inferred about the professor’s opinion on hate speech?

A She strongly believes that hate speech should be censored.

B She does not believe that hate speech causes any problem.

C She thinks that hate speech should be regarded as one form of hate crime.

D She thinks that freedom of speech is more important than censoring hate speech.




Asking about the Final Exam

1.How much percentage will each type be worth in the final exam marks? Short essay ( )

Short paragraph writing ( )

Multiple choice questions ( )

Long essay ( )

A 0%

B 25%

C 30%

D 50%


2. Which of the following does the professor recommend the student to do in order to prepare for the final exam? (Click on 2 answers)

A Read the notes again.

B Check out the questions in the mid-term exam.

C Show up for class.

D Attend tutorials.



Archeological Dig

Complete the following table. (Click in the box)


Thing that each

person must bring

Thing that a group

must bring

Thing that is


A notebook and a

Pen Lunch and Snacks Extra Clothes

A Pick Axe


Thing that each

person must bring

Thing that a group

must bring

Thing that is


A notebook and a


Lunch and Snacks

Extra Clothes

A Pick Axe


New Library

Which of the following are mentioned about the new library? (Click on 2 Answers)

A It isn’t very near the university.

B It is hard to find a place to sit down and study.

C It has comfortable chairs.

D It allows students to rent a bicycle.



Taking a Course

Which of the following are true? (Clock on 2 answers)

A The student has not taken the required math and physics courses.

B The student has already challenged the exam.

C The student should get the permission from the head of the Medical Department.

D The student is not majoring in engineering.



The Placebo Effect

How effective is the placebo treatment for each disorder? (Click on the box)

V ery Effective Somewhat Effective Almost Ineffective Severe Depression

Mild Depression


V ery Effective Somewhat Effective Almost Ineffective Severe Depression

Mild Depression




Rearrange the following chronologically.

A An Italian game called “Lo Giuoco del Lotto D Italia”.

B A math game played by German children.

C The first introduction to Americans.

D Le Lotto in France.

E Someone renamed the game “bingo”.



EU’s Social Economy

What can be said about social economy? (Click on 2 answers)

A It is a system to help young people build basic job skills.

B It is a system to help young people work in a profitable company.

C It is part of the welfare system to help long-term unemployed people.

D It refers to the social assistance system to help farmers find a decent job.



Sleeping Stages

Choose the stage of sleep which the statement describes. (Click 2 if necessary)

Babies spend almost half of sleep in this stage. ( )

You can get easily awakened from sleep. ( )

The brain produces mostly delta waves. ( )

You are in deep sleep. ( )

A Stage 1.

B Stage 2.

C Stage 3.

D Stage 4.

E REM sleep.



Space War

1.Rearrange the following according to the timeline. Match A with what happened first and D

with what happened last.

The first automatically controlled spaceship reentered the atmosphere.

The United States launched Explorer I.

The Soviet Union launched its first artificial satellite.

Kennedy’s goal was finally achieved.


2.Which of the following were achieved by Gemini? (Click on 2 answers)

A The first manned linkup of two spacecraft.

B The first walk on the moon.

C The first eight-day mission in space.

D The first orbit around the Earth.




Complete the table by clicking on the box.

Economic Regulation Social Regulation

Price Control

Safe Workplace

Protecting Small Companies

Pollution Control

Economic Regulation Social Regulation

Price Control

Safe Workplace

Protecting Small Companies

Pollution Control


Classical Music

According to the lecture, which of the following are true? (Click on 2 answers)

A The word “classical” refers to Ancient Egypt.

B The Classical music is complicated in texture.

C Sonatas can be found both in the Baroque and the classical music.

D The Baroque music was influenced by Roman ideals.

E The Classical sonata emphasizes conflict and its resolution.



Compound Words

Choose the right form of each compound noun.

Closed Form Hyphenated Form Open Form ski + book

six + pack

history + book

text + book

Closed Form Hyphenated Form Open Form ski + book

six + pack

history + book

text + book


Changing Couses

1.According to the conversation, what are the answers of the advisor to each question of the


Questions Yes No Not sure Do I get a full refund for the textbook?

Should I pay for the music course separately?

Is Music Appreciation 310 full?

Can I get information on doing a minor in

music from you?

Questions Yes No Not sure Do I get a full refund for the textbook?

Should I pay for the music course separately?

Is Music Appreciation 310 full?

Can I get information on doing a minor in

music from you?

2.Which of the following can the student do to change the registered course? (Click on 2 answers)

A Download a form from the university website.

B Hand in the form to the secretary of the poetry professor.

C Get the signature of the professor for the music course.

D Submit all the necessary assignments to the poetry professor.


3. Which of the following is the student likely to do after the conversation? (Click on 2 answers)

A He will check the music building directory to look for the Registrar’s office.

B He will look for the instructor of Music Appreciation 301 if the music class is full.

C If there is an exam in the poetry class, he will finish the exam before changing the registration.

D If there is no room for him in the music class, he will ask for refund.

E He will contact the Music Department to find out if the music class is full.



Section 1 取分技巧 编码信息:牢记特定格式 首先, Section 1 既然在咨询,就会记录和询问个人基本信息。我们一定不能忽略其中的「编码信息」。编码信息包含什么呢?可以包含telephone number,也就是电话号码,以及passport number flight number postcode. postcode,就是邮编。flight number,意思是航班号。 首先是postcode. 它的基本格式有三种: 第一种格式,全部是数字,听录音时写数字就可以。 第二种,开头两个字母,中间两个数字,结尾两个字母。 第三种,开头两个字母,中间三个数字,结尾两个字母。 下面看flight number. 绝大多数的航班号,都是开头两个字母,后边三到四个数字。比如说,比较常见的CA006. 人名拼读:先听整体发音 时间信息:熟悉正序倒序表达法

Section 2&3取分技巧 个人独白主要会包含单选题、多选题、匹配题。地图题,会以每个月一到两次的频率出现。 个人独白场景: 第一类地点介绍。 其次还有各种活动的介绍。 一些留学类的生活信息。 最后一类相对来说比较难,介绍一个城市的发展类型。 Section 2 听题技巧:抓住因果、并列、转折连接词 表示因果的连接词:because,so,and so,since,as... 表示并列的连接词:and,also,and also,as well as... 表示转折的连接词呢:but,however,while,yet,whereas...

Section 3 取分技巧:注意特定词汇后的答案句 看音频文稿的图 1 图1


智课网IELTS备考资料 剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第81期:OG37 Recording 65(上)_雅思听力 Anna, I wanted to ask you about my marketing report. I'm not sure about it. 安娜,关于我的市场学报告,我有些问题想咨询一下你。我不太确定。 That's OK, Leo. So what do you have to do? 利奥,没问题,你需要做什么? Choose a product or service then compare two organisations that produce it. I'm doing instant coffee. 我要选定某种产品或服务,然后比较两家生产机构。我做的是速溶咖啡。 But haven't you got a weekend job in a clothing store? Why didn't you choose clothing? 但你不是周末在一家服装店打工吗?为何不选服装? That was my first thought, because I thought it'd give me some practical examples, but when I searched for men's clothing on the Internet, there were hardly any articles. 我最初的想法也是如此,因为我认为我能得到些实际应用的例子,但当我在网上搜索男装资料时,几乎没什么文章。 So then I looked for coffee and I found there were tons. 所以接着我搜索咖啡,发现了非常多的资料。 Yeah, there are so many brands on the market now. OK, so how much have you actually written? 对,市面上现在有很多品牌。好吧,那你实际上已经写了多少? I've done part one, on economic and technological factors. 我写完第一部分了,内容是经济和技术因素。 I found some good data on technological changes - how in Australia fewer people are buying instant coffee because of cheap coffee percolators that they can use to make real coffee at home.


Test 1 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-6 SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-12 Choose Two letters A-E. Which TWO facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved? A the gym B the tracks C the indoor pool D the outdoor pool E the sports training for children

Questions 13-20 Complete the notes blow.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Joining the leisure club Personal Assessment ?New members should describe any 13 __________. ?The 14 __________ will be explained to you before you use the equipment. ?You will be given a six-week 15 __________. Types of membership ?There is a compulsory £90 16__________ fee for members. ?Gold members are given 17 __________ to all the LP clubs. ?Premier members are given priority during 18 __________ hours. ?Premier members can bring some 19 __________ every month. ?Members should always take their 20 __________ with them. SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-25 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Global Design Competition 21Students entering the design competition have to A produce an energy-efficient design. B adapt an existing energy-saving appliance. C develop a new use for current technology. 22John chose a dishwasher because he wanted to make dishwashers A more appealing. B more common. C more economical. 23The stone in John’s ‘Rockpool’ design is used A for decoration. B to switch it on. C to stop water escaping. 24In the holding chamber, the carbon dioxide A changes back to a gas. B dries the dishes. C is allowed to cool. 25At the end of the cleaning process, the carbon dioxide A is released into the air. B is disposed of with the waste. C is collected ready to be re-used. Questions 26-30 Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. ?John needs help preparing for his 26 __________. ?The professor advises John to make a 27 __________ of his design. ?John’s main problem is getting good quality 28 __________. ?The professor suggests John apply for a 29 __________. ?The professor will check the 30 __________ information in John’s written report.


雅思听力讲义 第一讲雅思听力应注意的问题 1,学习英语的基本方法2,考试与技巧3,计划4,机经 1, 如何习得英语 ?学习英语的5个方面: ?听,说,读,写,译. ?其中读和听是基础,而读是最基础的,是习得的主要方法 2,四门考试之间的关系 听,读---被动 说,写---主动 听,读---平均分比 说,写---高半分 ?SOUNDS-SYLLABLES-WORDS-PHRASES-SENTENCES-PARAGRAPHS-PASSAGES ?语音-词汇-语法-记忆-走神 ?同时,听懂的过程正好是说的逆过程 3,问题及解决问题方法 1,语音: 1)48个基本音素 英语与汉语发音的不同/元音/辅音/易混音 2)吞音和连读 相邻辅音,前者有口型不送气/例外 一般连读/辅音连读/元音连读/例外 3)口音和语调 英音/美音/澳音/杂音 句子重音/单词重音/结构与节奏 1),2),3)问题的解决方案 纠音: 1,学过的配有磁带的3-5篇课文 2,录下自己的声音,与磁带反复对比,模仿

3,同性的声音 4)读音规则 一个字母组合发不同的音 不同的字母组合发同一个音 读音规则问题的解决方案 1, 找到读音规则 2, 多举不同的例子 2,词汇: 1)内涵和外延 不要只记一个意思,否则在其它地方遇到就不认识了2)用法 要记住单词的语境,否则即便记住了也不会用 3)同义词 听说读写都需要同义词 听力中有20-40%的题目需要听同义词 4)派生词 熟悉单词:词根/词缀 3,语法: 1)句子结构 只有抓住句子结构才能抓住完整的含义. 2)代词还原 这需要我们更强的短时记忆 3)动词形式的含义 熟悉动词的含义以及每一种形式的含义 词汇和语法问题解决方案 快速阅读: 1,每天1-2篇学过的课文(10+遍) 2,养成抓句子结构的习惯 3,180+WPM 4,记忆---听写 1)单句 2)边听边写和听完再写 3)两遍一句 5,走神: 1)边听边走---听着玩 每一部分犯的错误都不少 2)先走后不走---躺着听


Day1 租房维修741/431/831/541/921/维修:821 重要程度:★★★★★ 出现频率:★★★★☆ 出现位置:S1-S2 租房是雅思听力中的经典场景,往往考察学生住宿登记情况(accommodation form)。主要考点:姓名,日期,住址,电话,住宿类型,等等。难度不大但时有丢分。此部分出题多为填空,对单词的拼写要求较高。 住宅类型 accommodation n. 食宿,住宿dormitory, hall of residence 宿舍 apartment n/c (美)公寓flat n/c (英)公寓high-rise flat 高层公寓 house n/c 住宅town house 市内住宅;联排别墅,studio apartment 酒店式公寓 terrace n/c (英)联排别墅detached house 独栋别墅 roommate n/c室友homestay 寄宿家庭host family 寄宿家庭 mansion n/c 大房子,大厦cottage n/c 村舍,乡间小屋cabin n/c小木屋:a log cabin shanty n/c简陋的棚舍:Workers were living in tents and shanties. hut n/c 简陋的小木屋:a wooden hut 房间划分 hall n/c 大厅entrance hall 入口main hall 大厅 lobby n/c 大厅;大堂:a hotel lobby foyer n/c大厅;大堂: cinema/theatre/hotel foyer lounge n/c 休息室;候车候机室:a departure lounge corridor n/c 走廊porch n/c 走廊,过道aisle n/c 走廊,过道hallway n/c 走廊 room n/c 屋子living room/sitting room 客厅dining room 餐厅single/twin/triple room 单/双/三人间shared room 共享房间,laundry room 洗衣房 bedsit n/c 卧室兼起居室bedroom 卧室bathroom n/c 浴室schoolroom n/c 小教室study n/c书房sanctum n/c (教堂或者修道院)密室 boardroom n/c会议室storehouse/warehouse n/c仓库basement n/c地下室 balcony n/c 阳台garage n/c 车库fire exit 紧急出口 周边环境 locate v. 坐落于:The business is located right in the center of town. situate v. 坐落于:The house is situated near the college. surrounding n/c 环境environment n/c 环境 community n/c社区:The new arts centre will serve the whole community. neighborhood n/c 周边环境:She grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Boston. layout n/c 布局:the layout of the park urban a. 城市的downtown a. 市区的 rural a. 乡村的outskirt n. 市郊suburb n/c 市郊:a London suburb fence n/c 篱笆lawn n. 草地:I spent all morning mowing the lawn (=cutting the grass). sea view 海景 notice n/c 通知pets are not allowed 宠物禁止入内no privacy 无私人空间utility area 生活区


雅思听力section3常见场景词汇总结 场景一:作业 作业(assignment)是这部分考题中最常见的两种场景之一,出现 频率相当高。根据做作业的过程,可分为作业前的准备,作业中的讨 论以及作业后的总结三种类型。 分析发现,在考试中出现的作业种类以作调研写论文为主,简单 的就写essay,或者是report,复杂一些的会写形式内容要求比较高 的学术论文(paper、dissertation、thesis)。有时论文会以小组形式 完成,做一个groupwork或project。 作业的话题多种多样,考试中比较常见的是和商业相关的内容, 通常会提到市场营销(marketing)和广告(advertisement/commercial),这种话题和我们生活比较接近,相对好理解。也有其他复杂的话题如 环境保护(environmentalprotection)、动物学(zoology)、音乐对于 消费者进食的影响(music’seffectoncustomers)、飞机的发明(theinventionoftheplane)等。 作业前的准备 根据作业的不同要求,学生需要做一些准备工作(preparationwork)。学生能够去图书馆借阅资料来寻找灵感,或者根 据老师的书单(booklist)查阅资料,如期刊(journal)、文学回顾(literaturereview)、参考书(referencebooks)等。在这里能够把作 业场景和图书馆场景作一个结合。 当然,写论文有一手资料才有说服力,所以学生需要做调查研究(research/survey/study)来收集资料和数据 (data/materialcollection),收集数据的方法主要有问卷调查(questionnaire)、民意调查(poll)和采访(interview),采访又可细 分为面对面的采访(face‐to‐faceinterview)和电话采访(telephoneinterview)。收集了信息后需要实行分析(analysis),有


Text1: Section: 1 1-4 complete, no more than three words Notes on sports club Example Answer Name of club Kingswell Facilities available Golf 1 2 Classes available ·Kick-boxing ·3 Additional facility 4 (restaurant opening soon) 5-8 complete, no more than two numbers 9-10 write ONE WORD ONL Y for each answer 9 To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s

10 To book a trial session, speak to David (0458 95311) Section: 2 11-16 choose, What change has been made to each part of the theatre? RIVENDEN CITY THEATRE Part of the theatre 11 box office 12 shop 13 ordinary seats 14 seats for wheelchair users 15 lifts 16 dressing rooms 17-20 complete, no more than two words and/or a number Section: 3


雅思听力真题分类解析 雅思听力对于许多同学来说是比较难的一部分,相对来说题型也比较多。下面是小编给大家整理的雅思听力真题分类解析,大家可以作为了解。 雅思听力题型分类之选择题: 题量:10道题以上,容易出现在s2和s3部分;难度较高 题型特点: 1.审题压力大:有单选题和多选题,单词量多,阅读速度要求高 2.错误选项干扰大:对听句子的反应速度要求高 3.题目和正确选项会出现同义替换 题目可能已经给出句子的前半部分,考生需在选项中选择一个较好答案完成这个句子。题目也可能是一个完整的问题,考生需在选项中选择一个较好的答案作答。考生需要从三个可供选择的答案A、B、或C选择一个较好的答案或句子结尾。 选择题这种题型中考生都比较熟悉,所以可能对于考生来说算是相对比较容易备考及应的一种题型。但是要记住切忌大意,因为雅思考测的是学生的英语应用能力,所以考试内容的广度及深度都要远远高于内其他类英语考。在雅思听力中的选择题有区别于传统听力考的一些特征。雅思听力的选择题更加注重细节的考察,在section 3和section 4部分听力所涉及的场景内容更加专业。 雅思听力题型分类之填空题: 题量:20道题以上,容易出现在s1和s4部分,是听力中的要点题型,难度中等

出题特点: 1.单词拼写一般是低难度,比如:月份,星期、旅游景点,但是对于书写格式要求严格 2.题目会出现同义替换,需要积累一定同意替换词汇 3.所听即所得:答案会直接在听力中给出 4.先答案后题目:在个别填空题中会先出现答案,然后再出现题目中的信息 考生先阅读一组句子,这些句子对听力材料中部分或者全部内容进行了总结。考生需使用听力材料中的信息对每个句子的空格以简短的方式进行填空作答。题目的指示中会对字数要求进行限定,通常为不超过三个单词和/或一个数字。考生所用的单词应该是直接从听力材料中所听到的单词。如果考生填写了超过问题指示中所要求的字数,即使所填的内容中包含正确的答案,也会被扣分。缩写的单词不会被作为考的内容。带有连字符的单词按照一个单词计算。 雅思听力填空题有单句填空和摘要填空两种。这类题型因为给出一定的信息,所以对考生来说是相对来说比较简单的一类题。同内英语考相同,建议考生在听听力之前,留意句子关键词,并根据空格前后内容猜测并判断空格处要填入部分的词性或所担当的成分。切记不要超过三个单词和/或一个数字,要仔细阅读题目的指示再作答。 雅思听力题型分类之匹配题: 题量:4-8题左右;常出现在section2和section3中,难度较高 题型特点: 1.审题压力大:选项较多时对于阅读速度有要求 2.听题节奏快,干扰多,容易抓不到答案


雅思听力section3 常见场景词汇总结场景一:作业 作业(assignment) 是这部分考题中最常见的两种场景之一,出现频率相当高。根据做作业的过程,可分为作业前的准备,作业中的讨论以及作业后的总结三种类型。 分析发现,在考试中出现的作业种类以作调研写论文为主,简单的就写essay,或者是report,复杂一些的会写形式内容要求比较高的学术论文(paper 、dissertation 、thesis) 。有时论文会以小组形式完成,做一个groupwork 或project 。 作业的话题多种多样,考试中比较常见的是和商业相关的内容,通常会提到市场营销(marketing) 和广告(advertisement/commercial) 这种话题和我们生活比较接近,相对好理解。也有其他复杂的话题如环境保护(environmentalprotection) 、动物学(zoology) 、音乐对于消费者进食的影响(music 'seffectoncustomers) 、飞机的发明(theinventionoftheplane) 等。 作业前的准备 根据作业的不同要求,学生需要做一些准备工作(preparationwork) 。学生能够去图书馆借阅资料来寻找灵感,或者根据老师的书单(booklist) 查阅资料,如期刊(journal) 、文学回顾(literaturereview) 、参考书(referencebooks) 等。在这里能够把作业场景和图书馆场景作一个结合。 当然,写论文有一手资料才有说服力,所以学生需要做调查研究(research/survey/study) 来收集资料和数据(data/materialcollection) ,收集数据的方法主要有问卷调查(questionnaire) 、民意调查(poll) 和采访(interview) ,采访又可细分为面对面的采访(face - to - face in terview) 和电话采访 (telephoneinterview) 。收集了信息后需要实行分析(analysis) ,有时分析


9月20日雅思听力真题(新东方) 2014年9月20日雅思听力真题(新东方) Section 1 题目题型:选择+配对+填空 题目场景:一个音乐老师与家长通电话 机经版本号:V08146S1 (红色为答案,蓝色的为解析) 1-3 Multiple Choices 1. What the teacher praise student Emma for: A. Good performance in public show B. Set example to others C. Get start quickly Emma 在学校的表现好,是其他同学的role model 2. Why did the course need to change in time? A. Falling enrolment B. Size of the classroom C. Availability of music room 注册的人太多了,地方space room limited不够大了 3. When dies the new class begin? A. 3.15pm B. 4.15pm C. 4.45pm

原来顶的是3.15,女的说了a quarter to 5,男的说这个时间没空,女的说只有这个时间有空,男的说好吧 4-6 Matching: What is the reason that Emma cannot have the course? A. the course is full B. the course fee is too expensive C. she has another activity at that time D. she has another activity at that evening 4. dance class A I have to put you in the waiting list 5. singing class D Emma has drama class in Friday evenings, it is too late in the evening 6. vocal class B 老师说Emma’s voice很好,但是家长说太贵了 7-10 Completing 7. teach children to play instruments and to write music compose music, at last, performance music, having lot of fun 8. course fee: $85 包括多加的22 dollar


CD1-track2 Sunday’s Run 1.What is the main topic of the conversation? A Running and its danger. B Pregnancy and weight. C Marathon for charity. D How to collect money. (C) 2. What is the main reason for the woman to have gained a lot of weight? A She had a baby. B She was diagnosed with cancer. C She ate a lot without doing any exercise. D She could not go to a gym due to lack of money. (A) CD1-track3 Exam Schedule 1.What is the conversation mainly about? A How to use the faculty lounge. B How to avoid clashes with students. C How to exam the scheduling computer. D How to schedule the exam. (D) 2. In the conversation, what is Dean Acheson’s main job? A Taking care of the bulletin board. B Consulting students. C Scheduling the exams. D Singing the sheet in the faculty lounge. (C) CD1-track4 Registration What is the main topic of the conversation? A The traffic accident. B How to enter the university. C How to register in courses and pay tuition. D How to register and use a credit card. (C) CD1-track5 Stress between Work and Study 1.What is the man’s main problem? A He has a sleeping disorder. B He needs money but his part-time job does not pay enough.


雅思听力必备情景词汇 朗阁雅思考试研究中心 Listening situation: students survey, case study, placement (section 3) 在学校中接触的人从辅导员到督导再到讲师教授都会跟你的海外学习发生密切的关系,在上课和日常学习过程中要注意跟他们的交流。国外学习和国内学习最大的不同是学习方式和研究方法的不同。要想尽快跟上学习进度,除了语言以外,熟练掌握和应用各种学习方法也是非常有必要的。 ?Teachers: tutor, supervisor, lecturer, professor, coordinator, DOS ?Checklist: notebook, cassette recorder, outline, objectives, camera, video recorder, laptop, curriculum, ID, student card, passport, driver’s license, map, equipment, laptop, notebook Procedure: data collection, data analysis, report writing, presentation, hand in report to faculty office, department head, welfare department Listening situation: urban development 随着城市化的进程越来越快,现代人的生活发生了很多改变。生活的区域、人口的分布、各种行业的变迁、对动植物的影响、公共资源的分配以及带来的问题都成为人们茶余饭后热议的话题。 ?Areas: suburbs, outskirts, city center, rural areas, countryside ?Population: farmer, craftsmen, carpenter, fisherman, hunters, worker, merchants, money lenders ?Sectors: farming (agriculture), industry, forestry, fishing, husbandry, manufacturing, tourism, mining, ship building industry ?Animals: mammals, amphibian, birds, beast, predator


雅思听力Section1-4高分技巧总结雅思听力分为四个部分,难度也是逐步递增的。考生平日针对这四个section练习时,应当明确每个section的考察点和复习策略,这样才能做到知己知彼,取得理想的成绩。下面为大家总结了雅思听力Section1-4高分技巧,供大家参考。 一、Section 1应对策略 Section 1经常涉及的话题有租房,借书,咨询课程,询问保险,加入某个俱乐部,预订酒店和演唱会门票等等。形式为对话,有时会在电话中说。内容较简单,一般考察人名,地名,数字等容易抓住的题目。这一部分最重要,也最好拿分,因此无论考生基础好坏,都应当答对7个或7个以上来保证总分。具体来看: 常见人名要熟悉,如Susan, Ellen, George, Charles, Helen, Thomas等。人名有时会比较复杂,但一般会给出拼写。注意字母的辨音即可(如G与J, A与E)。 地名会考察常见的地点名称,或是以常见实词命名的街道名,比如Beach Road, King Street, Greenford Road等。注意地址是由小到大,一般以门牌号打头。 数字考察的范围较广,如电话号码,信用卡号等。尤其区别“-ty”与“-teen”的发音(靠重音)。当然还有数字与字母的混合,比如flight number, post code, student card number, passport number等,望考生引起注意。 Section 1最大的特点是“所听即所得”,往往着重考察考生对相关场景单词的熟悉程度,因此常见实词一定要背熟(读与写)。听音前,考生应仔细审题,划出关键词,并展开联想,作出合理的预测。在听音时,根据关键词定位答案。由于是对话的形式,双方经常会出现某些重复的信息,即答案所在。


雅思高频词汇完整版 copy 复印 clock 钟 letter 信,字母ticket 票transportation 交通goals 目标 energy 能量experience 经验January1月 Second第二America美国 Britain英国 London伦敦England英格兰Scotland苏格兰Queensland昆士兰Sydney悉尼Adelaide阿德莱德Melbourne墨尔本Perth珀斯组讨论 fire 火灾,解雇college 学院 teams 小组membership 会员资格difficulties 困难beach 海滩underground 地下spending 花费 site 位置 recreation 娱乐property 财产 learn 学习computers 电脑 plant 植物 table 桌子 support 支持 choice 选择 glass 玻璃 survey 调查passport 护照 range 范围service 服务 exams 考试 failure 失败 demonstration 示威 festival 节日 Belfast贝尔法斯特 Ireland 爱尔兰 Dublin都柏林 Australia澳大利亚 narrator 叙述者 costs 成本 background 背景 kindergarten Avenue 大街 senior 高级的,大四学生 deposit 押金 extra 额外的 tape 磁带 title 标题 culture dark 黑暗的 regular 规律的幼儿园 project 项目 December12月 November11月 beginning 开始 purpose 目的 interest 兴趣 decoration 装修,装饰 migration 迁徙,移民 party 晚会 relationship 关系 environmental 环境的 disease 疾病 Monday周一 Wednesday周三 century 世纪 equipment 设备 methods 方法 location 地理位置 transport 交通 campus 校园 ideas 观点 world 世界 coffee 咖啡 Third第三 Fourth第四 cause 起因 social 社会的 session 课程,时间 female 女性 station 车站 kitchen 厨房 club 俱乐部 American美国人 March3月 February2月 New Zealand新西兰文化 Cambridge 剑桥 media 媒体 Scottish苏格兰人 weekend 周末 traveling 旅游 park 公园 October10月 record 记录,唱片 professor 教授 team 队伍 seat 座位 May5月 August8月 child 儿童 September9月 Tuesday周二 Friday周五 Thursday周四 surname 姓 trousers 裤子 subjects 主题 drinking 饮水 mail 邮件 male男性 safety 安全


2019年雅思听力考试特别训练模拟试题及答案三 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Question 1-5 Compete the form below White only ONE WORD or NUMBER, or TICK (√ ) for each answer. Housing officer name John Family name Cartier Given name Susan Marie Nationality (1)_________________ Student number (2)_________________ Contact number (3)_________________ Mobile phone None

Shared Accommodation (4) Yes ( ) No ( ) Maximum rent (5)________ pounds per month 个人信息表格注意事项 1,信息修正(听写)标记:否定/转折/改 2,速度陷阱:速度练习/预测 Question 6-10 Complete the sentences with no more than THREE WORDS. 6. A bedsitter is a single room with __________ facilities. 7. Susan has to pay _________ , electricity and water by herself. 8. Most landlords want _________ in advance. 9. Susan must read the contract carefully, especially _______. 10. Susan is going to meet her friends _________. 答案: 1. Canadian 2. CA04628 3. 65349087 4. No

雅思听力考试Section 4填空题答题技巧


雅思听力考试Section 4填空题答题技巧 雅思听力考试的第四部分Section 4是整个听力考试最难的一部分,这一部分经常是以学术型讲座的类型出现,内容涉及专业性很强的词汇或信息,出题形式多以填空题的形式出现。在听力时,考生对专业不熟悉再加上听 到众多陌生的词,心理防线就全线崩溃了。 但事实上,就雅思听力考试的听力难度来说,多数成为考点的信息其实并不是太难,考生只要具备了高中的 英语词汇量,很多信息还是听得懂、填得对的。下面给考生们提供一些切实可行的考试技巧,帮助考生们提高section 4中填空题的准确率。 听力原文多以mini-lecture(小讲座)的形式出现,其中多对应填空题,经常以课堂笔记note的形式出题。实际 上题目就等于把原文中Lecturer所讲述的内容要点记录在纸上。如果考生进行一下逆向思维,在考生还没有听 到内容之前,光凭note上所记录的要点,就已经能够知道即将要听到的这个Lecture将会谈论的主要内容,考 生在听到原文之前预测考点词的词性就显得尤为重要。通过预测考点,考生就能在“茫茫词海”中有的放矢,再 辅以提示词,考生就能有目的、有选择性地抓取一些考察性的信息,而放过一些过渡的信息,这样就能减轻自 身的听力负担,并且增强做题的准确性。 除了判断考点词和提示词之外,提醒考生们还要注意Lecturer(说话人)在谈论到主要方面的时候,会具体的介 绍说明一些小的方面,说话人为了使听众更加清楚明白的抓住他/她讲话的主要信息,会采用一些比较连贯的逻辑词来串联几个小方面。考生可以利用这些词,用以判断说话人现在在谈论哪一条信息,借此减轻自己的听力 负担,并且即使有些基础薄弱的考生在基本不清楚讲座大致内容的情况下,还是有机会把题做出来。以雅思剑 桥4 Test 2的Section 4为例: 通过粗略地浏览第二个题型note已经提供给考生的信息,考生可以容易地判断出来这一部分的讲座包含了三个方面的内容,即:corporate crime被什么所ignore(被忽略的因素)、reason(其原因),effects(造成的影响)。 33-34. 被忽略的因素 ①预测考点词词性以及判断提示词 33,34要听到的应该是两个名词或者名词词组(根据本题的字数限制,不超过三个词来判断),其中33题的名词,讲座中说话人还提到了films作为例子来加以说明,所以考生可以判断出来以下的信息:


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d76273316.html,/(报名网址) 雅思听力四类听力题型突破法 在雅思听力考试中,考生拿到试卷后应首先浏览一下四个部分的题型及主题,对题目有大致的了解。无论是哪种题型,都要求考生利用读题时间尽可能的多做一些标记,以便掌握主题信息。在听的过程中,考生应注意材料中小的主题转换。雅思考试针对每一个主题点基本上都会有相应的题目,因此考生要留意一些语义转移的标志性单词,这些单词可帮助考生抓住听力材料的主要思路。 一般来说,雅思听力考试中的填充题、完成句子、简短回答等题目,绝大多数是细节题,需要着重注意听力材料中的关键词;而选择、判断、匹配等题目属于综合题目,需要考生根据上下文的逻辑思路进行判断。从难度上看,综合题要比细节题难一些。现就考试当中应注意的问题介绍给大家。 一、填充题的回答方法: 填充题是常考题型,最常考的考点是填一些非隐私的个人信息.。这些内容包括人名、姓、名、其他名字或曾用名;国籍;教育程度等。关于人名和地名在雅思考试中的拼写是经常出现的考点。其中的人名和地名一般都是逐个字母拼读出来,考生应一字不差将其听写出来,拼写的任何一个错误,哪怕是极小的错误,都会导致该题目不得分。特别注意原文中经常提到的国家名,要由考生自己将其转化成相应名词。 二、短问答练习方法: 有些考生会认为短问答比填充题更难。短问答通常出现在聆听考试的较后部份,因此须要听的会是较难的对话。想熟练掌握短问答,可录下电视或收音机里的交谈节目,试着聆听节目的要点,以最快速的方法记录下来,记录方式可采用、符号等等。当答题时,答案一定要完整,不要用缩写。在对答中,问题问出后,回答人的第一句说话千万不要是答案,答题人常常不会立刻正面回答问题。闆呮€濆彛璇棶棰樼簿鍗庝箣鍏ㄨ嫳鏂囩増PDF 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英

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