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( ) 1. A. I’m much better, thank you. B. I hurt my left leg yesterday.

C. I went to see the doctor yesterday.

D. I’m fine, thank you. And you?

( ) 2. A. I like it very much. B. No. The football is under the bed.

C. It’s a good game.

D. That’s a good idea.

( ) 3. A. It’s not far. You may walk there. B. It’s about ten minutes’ walk.

C. It’s on the third floor.

D. The teacher isn’t i n the office.

( ) 4. A. They need a map of China. B. They can’t find the way to the station.

C. They want to buy a map.

D. They found it on the way to the station.

( ) 5. A. Buy a new bike. B. Look carefully first.

C. Go and ask a policeman.

D. Find your way first.


( ) 6. A. Raining heavily. B. Raining, but not heavily.

C. Snowing heavily.

D. Snowing, but not heavily.

( ) 7. A. 11:15 B. 11:05 C. 10:11 D. 10:05

( ) 8. A. Because there was no time. B. Because they bought too many things.

C. Because they didn’t like to visit there.

D. Because they didn’t know the way.

( ) 9. A. He wants to be a doctor. B. He wants to be a soldier.

C. He wants to be a teacher.

D. He has no idea.

( ) 10. A. At the school. B. In the library. C. In the shop. D. In the factory.


( ) 11. Mrs Turner went ______________ one day.

A. to her office

B. to work

C. to ask the doctor some questions.

D. to see the doctor ( ) 12. The doctor didn’t know Mrs Turner____________.

A. because he didn’t like Mr s Turner

B. because he was young

C. because he came here not long ago

D. because Mrs Turner was new

( ) 13. The doctor’s last question was about__________.

A. Mrs Turner’s age

B. Mrs Turner’s birthday

C. Mrs Turner’s husband

D. Mrs Turner’s family

( ) 14. Mr Turner was __________.

A. fifty

B. fifty-two

C. fifty-eight

D. sixty

( ) 15. Mrs Turner was_________.

A. fifty

B. fifty-two

C. fifty-eight

D. sixty


Bob was a gardener and he had no work for a few 1 . One day, he went out to look for a job. While he was 2 in the street, he saw a poster at the gate of the 3 . It said that they needed to hire(雇)

a man who could 4 flowers and trees well. Bo

b was so 5 that he went straight to answer it.

There Bob was 6 to go back home and bring his old work clothes with him. And so Bob did.

The boss 7 at his work clothes carefully and then decided to let Bob have the job. Bob asked the boss whether his work clothes were so 8 . The boss answered with a 9 , “Oh, your work clothes are all with patches(补丁) on the knees. I have hired two men recently(最近). They had work clothes with patches on the buttocks(臀部). They were too 10 .”


一. 单词辨音。(5%)

1. A. sandwich B. chips C. rich D. change

2. A. because B. autumn C. daughter D. taught

3. A. fall B. already C. salt D. also

4. A. form B. morning C. forest D. north

5. A. station B. question C. operation D. relation

6. A. reached B. wanted C. laughed D. worked

7. A. during B. further C. nurse D. return

8. A. worry B. sorry C. orange D. borrow

9. A. write B. answer C. wife D. wrong

10.A. enough B. high C. through D. eight

二. 单项选择。(10%)

11. _____ a warm spring morning, they arrived in London.

A. On

B. In

C. At

D. By

12. If you like beef, please have _____ you can.

A. so much as

B. much as

C. as many as

D. as much as

13. She didn’t think she had _____ more pears _____ Rose.

A. too, as

B. so, as

C. many, than

D. much , than

14. Read the story and ______ the answer ______ the question.

A. find, of

B. find, to

C. find out, of

D. find out, to

15. She began to play the piano last year.


A. So I did.

B. I did so.

C. So was I.

D. So did I.

16. Please ______ the light. It’s too dark.

A. turn off

B. open

C. don’t turn on

D. turn on

17. I came quite early, so I was at the ______ of the queue.

A. back

B. middle

C. head

D. line

18. Whose parent is ill ______ ?

A. in the hospital

B. in hospital

C. at hospital

D. at the hospital

19. The old woman looks worried. She is ______ something.

A. looking at

B. finding

C. waiting for

D. looking for

20. ______ weather we have today!

A. What a fine

B. What fine

C. How fine

D. How fine a

21. What ______ you do this Sunday if it ______?

A. do…will rain

B. will…rain

C. do…rains

D. will…rains

22. Don’t ______ his mistake, you’d b etter help him.

A. laugh

B. laugh to

C. laugh at

D. laugh with

23. I met a friend of mine _____ I was walking in the park.

A. before

B. after

C. when

D. if

24. Do you often help your mother ______?

A. with clean the house

B. cleaning the house

C. to cleaning the house

D. clean the house

25. You ______ eat ______ food if you want to be thinner.

A. must to…less

B. have to…less

C. must to…a little

D. had to…little

26. The doctor looked ______ the old man ______.

A. at…care

B. over…careful

C. over…carefully

D. up…carefully

27. I won’t go to the cinema. Please ask Mary to go _____.

A. instead of

B. instead

C. also

D. for

28. Li Lei is a good student. He always finishes his homework _____.

A. by him

B. himself

C. yourself

D. itself

29. There are more than ______ in our school.

A.two hundreds teachers

B.two hundred teachers

C.two hundreds teacher

D.two hundred of teachers

30. In those days, few people liked taking a bus, _____?

A. didn’t they

B. did they

C. don’t they

D. were they


I was riding my motorbike along a country road near Chilton on the evening of February 15. I 31 it

was about 9:30. It was 32 and I couldn’t see things clearly. So I was driving very 33 , but the road was bad and suddenly my bike 34 a stone, and before I could stop my bike, I was already 35 on the ground. My whole 36 hurt, especially(特别)my left arm. I knew I was bleeding(流血), and I 37 get up. Luckily I was 38 by a policeman. He made a telephone call and I was taken to the 39 . There

I was examined. I had a broken arm and lots of cuts. My arm was put in a cast(石膏绷带)and my cuts were

40 and bandaged(包扎).

31. A. told B. said C. guess D. thought

32. A. dark B. far C. long D. later

33. A. fast B. well C. carefully D. carelessly

34. A. kicked B. hit C. beat D. touched

35. A. standing B. sleeping C. waiting D. lying(躺)

36. A. mind B. body C. head D. arm

37. A. couldn’t B. didn’t C. wouldn’t D. might not

38. A. caught B. held C. led D. found

39. A. police station B. village C. doctor D. hospital

40.A. stopped B. repaired C. served D. cleaned



A young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were about two inches too long.

He went downstairs to the kitchen. His mother and two sisters were washing up the tea-things there. “The new trousers ar e too long,” he said. “They need shortening by about two inches. Could one of you do it for me, please?” His mother and sister were busy and none of them said anything.

But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quietly upstairs to her son’s bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. She came downstairs without saying anything to her daughters.

Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother’s trousers. She was a kind-hearted girl, so she went quietly upstairs without saying anything to anyone, and shortened the trousers by two inches.

The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came home she, too, remembered her brother’s trousers. So she ran upstairs and did as her mother and sister had done.

You can imagine the look on the young man’s face when he put the trousers on the next morning.

41.The young man’s trousers were ______ for him at first.

A. a bit too long

B. very good

C. not too long

D. too short

42.The young man’s mother and sisters didn’t answer becaus e they were busy ______ in the kitchen.


B.making tea

C.washing clothes

D. washing cups, glasses and so on

43.His elder sister shortened the trousers ______.

A.in the evening

B.after lunch

C.as soon as she had finished the washing

D. after she came back from the cinema

44.The next morning the young man found that the trousers were ______ inches too short for him.

A. two

B. four

C. six

D. eight

45.We can imagine that when the young man put the trousers on the next morning, he would feel

A. happy

B. surprising

C. surprised

D. thankful


When tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in the 18th century, people had different ideas about their use. Some said that tea and coffee were harmful to humans and they could cause people to die.

In Sweden(瑞典), King Gustaf Ⅲdecided to find out whether or not this was true. It happened that there were two brothers in prison at that time. They were twins and were almost exactly alike in every way. They had both been sentenced to death(判处死刑). The King decided to let them live if one of the men agreed to drink several cups of tea each day and the other several cups of coffee.

Both brothers lived many years without problems of any kind. At last, the brother who had drunk tea every day died at the age of 83, the other died a few years later.

Because of the experiment, tea and coffee got accepted(接受)and became popular as drink in Sweden, and it is one of the many countries of the world where much tea and coffee is drunk today.

46.Tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in ______.

A. the eighteenth century

B. the eighteen century

C. eighteenth centuries

D. eighteen centuries

47.King Gustaf Ⅲdecided to find out ______.

A.if(是否)tea and coffee were harmful to people

B.if the twin brothers should be sentenced to death

C.if tea and coffee did harm to people’s health and caused them to die

D.whether tea and coffee were useful or not

48.The King decided to let the brothers live ______.

A.if they wanted to obey his rules

B.if they agreed to drink tea and coffee every day

C.if one of them drink several cups of tea each day while the other had several cups of coffee

D.if they agreed to have several cups of tea every day

49.The brother who had drunk tea every day lived ______.

A.until he was over 83

B.until he was 83

C.until the other had been dead for several years

D.until he had drunk tea for a few years

50.Today the Swedish drink ______.

A.much more coffee than tea

B.much tea and coffee

C.little tea and coffee

D.much tea but little coffee


Soon it would be the holidays. But before that, there were the end of year exams. All the students had been working hard for some time. If they didn’t pass, they would have to retake the exams in September. There were usually a few who failed, but Kate decided not to be one of them. She had worked hard all day, but just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister was worried about her. She was staying up too late. The night before the first exam, Barbala insisted(坚持)that she should have an early night and take a sleeping pill. She promised (许诺)to wake her in the morning.

As she was falling asleep, Kate was worried in case(万一)she over-slept. Her mind kept jumping from subject to subject. At last, with the help of the pill, she fell asleep. In no time at all, she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the paper. She couldn’t answer any of the questions. Everyone round her was writing pages and pages. However hard she thought, she couldn’t find anything to write about. She kept looking at her watch. Time was running out. There was only one hour left. She started one question, wrote two sentences, gave up and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started crying. Her whole body shook(摇晃,震颤). It shook so much that it woke her up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible dream. A minute later, Barbala called her name.

51. Which of the following is true?

A. All the students were usually successful in their exams.

B.Most of the students usually passed the year exams.

C.Only some of the students could pass the end of year exams.

D.None of the students would take the exams again in September.

52.When you prepare for an exam,________

A.you go over your lessons.

B.You read new books.

C.You take the exam again and again.

D.You look through the exam.

53.Kate worked very hard before the exams for ______

A.she was very poor at her lessons.

B.she decided to be the best one in her class.

C.she didn’t work hard all year.

D.she didn’t want to fail in them.

54.Why did Barbala insist that Kate should take a sleeping pill?

A.Because she thought Kate should oversleep before the first exam.

B.Because Kate was so worried about her exams that she couldn’t go to sleep at all.

C.Because Barbala hoped her sister would have a good sleep before the first exam.

D.Because she had promised to wake her up the next morning.

55.Kate dreamed a terrible dream simply because ______

A.she had taken a sleeping pill.

B.she was too worried about her exams.

C.her sister had forgotten to wake her up.

D.she did not pass the exams.


56. q ______ n. a line of people, cars waiting to move to get on a vehicle, or go into a building

57. u ______ v. to know or get the meaning of (something)

58. c ______ adj. funny; causing people to laugh

59. i ______ n. a piece of land surrounded by water

60. F ______ n. the second month of the year

61. f ______ n. popular way of dressing or behaving at a certain time

62. j ______ n. trousers made of strong cotton cloth (denim)

63. s ______ adj. covered with small round marks

64. s ______ adj. unhappy

65. p ______ n. meat from pigs

六. 介、副词填空。(5%)

66. There may be many snakes _______ the island.

67. Don’t tell Jim about it. It’s only _______ you and me.

68. Kate fell _______ the tree and hurt herself.

69. Mr. Smith often goes _______ a ride before breakfast.

70. There is something new _______ today’s newspaper.

71. Mum, will you please look _______ my homework?

72. They went there by bus instead _______ on foot.

73. Japanese is quite different _______ English.

74. Would you tell Bruce to ring me ______ if you see him?

75. He will wait for me _______ the bus stop.

七. 完成句子。(10%)

1. 这机器太重了,我们得每十分钟休息一次。

The 76 is too heavy. We 77 78 79 80 81 minutes.

2. 五年前我不会说英语。

I 82 83 English two years ago.

3. 我们必须每天都运动,这对我们的健康有好处。

We 84 take more 85 every day. It’s go od for our 86 .

4. 汤姆不会再犯这样的错误了。

Tom will 87 88 make such a mistake.

5. 我会为我所说的话向他道歉。

I will 89 90 91 for what I 92 .

6. 那个和刘老师谈话的圆脸女孩是我们的班长。

The 93 girl 94 95 Miss Liu is our monitor.


1. “ Help 96 (you) to some fish, please.” her friend said to her.

2. That black sweater is 97 (beautiful) of all.

3. A few American 98 (visit) will come to Beijing next Saturday afternoon.

4. Mr. Wang 99 (teach) maths in the school a few years ago.

5. Keep quiet, please. The scientist 100 (give) a talk to the students of Grade Three in

the meeting-room now.

6. The maths problems are very difficult. We can’t work them out all by 101 (we).

7. I 102 (write) to my uncle the day before yesterday.

I 103 (write) another one next month.

8. Mrs. Black stopped 104 (buy) some vegetables on his way home.

9. I am looking forward to 105 (hear) from my pen pal--- Maggie.


A busy mother asked his young son to take 106. ______

his baby sister out into the gardon 107. ______

and look for her for half an hour. 108. ______

The boy takes the baby out, and they were playing 109. ______ quite happy. Suddenly(突然地) the mother heard the baby 110. ______

began to cry, so she shouted to her son, “Billy, 111. ______

what’s the wrong with Susan? Why is she crying?”112. ______

“Because she wants my marbles(弹子),” answered Bill y.

“Well, let her play with a little of them if it 113. ______ can stop her cry,” said the mother.114. ______

“But she wants to keep them!” answered Billy.

“No, she doesn’t!” the mother said. “She is only

a baby. She’s so young to know anything like that.” 115. ______

“But I know she wants to keep them,” answered Billy.

“She has already swallowed two of them!”



1. A

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. B


6. D

7. A

8. A

9. C 10. B


11. D 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. B


1. months

2. walking

3. restaurant

4. grow

5. pleased

6. told

7. looked

8. dirty

9. smile 10. lazy


1. A

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. C 10. A


11. A 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. D 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B

21. D 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. B


31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. D


41. A 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. A 47. C 48. C 49. B 50. B

51. B 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. B


56. queue 57. understand 58. comic 59. island 60. February

61. fashion 62. jeans 63. spotted 64. sad 65. pork


66. on 67. between 68. off / from 69. for 70. in

71. over 72. of 73. from 74. up 75. at


76. machine 77. have 78. to 79. rest 80. every

81. ten 82. couldn't 83. speak 84. must 85. exercise

86. health 87. no 88. longer 89. apologise 90. to

91. him 92. said 93. round-faced 94. talking 95. with


96. yourself 97. the most beautiful 98. visitors 99. taught 100. is giving 101. ourselves 102. wrote 103. will write 104. to buy 105. hearing 106. his --- her 107. gardon -- garden 108. for --- after 109. takes --- took 110. happy --- happily

111. began --- begin 112. wrong --- matter 113. little --- few 114. cry --- crying 115. so --- too


2018---2010学年度第一学期期末考试 八年级英语试题 (考试时间 120分钟 满分 150 分) 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两个部分。 2. 所有选择题的答案均写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。考生只需交答题卡 和第Ⅱ卷。 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共 85 分) 一、听力 (共 25小题; 每小题 l 分,计 25分) 第一部分 听对话,回答问 题。 本部分共有 10 道小题 , 每小题你将听到一段对话 , 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前 你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后 , 你还有 5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. What animal are they talking about? 2. Which sport does the boy like best? A. B. C. 3. How does the boy ' s father go to work? A. B. C.

A. C. 4. Where does Kate like to go A. B. B.

leave?A. 9:15. B. 9:50. C. 10:50. 6 . What is the woman going to do this evening? A. Have dinner. B. Visit her sister. C. Drive to the airport 7 . Where are they talking? A. At a train station. B. At an airport. C. A t a bus stop. 8 . How many books did the woman sell? A. Forty-five. B. Twenty. C. Forty. 9 . Who is the youngest among the three? A. Mary. B. Peter. C. J ohn. 10 . When should the man return the book? A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. O n Friday. 第二部分听对话或短回答问题。 本部分你将听到三段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 听第一段对话,回答第11-12 小题。 11.What is Amy doing with the paper? A.She is making paper lucky stars. B.She is making paper roses. C.She is making paper birds. 12.Which of the following is TRUE? A.It will be Tom 's mother's birthday next week. B.Amy needs paper and a knife to make the birthday present. C.Tom doesn't think it is fun to do a DIY job. 听第二段对话,回答第13-14 小题。 13.What are they talking about? A. The beautiful view in a picture. B. A girl in a photo. C. Art lessons. 14. What is Sandy good at? A. Sports. B. Taking photos. C. Dancing. 听第三段对话,回答第15-17 小题。 15. What caused the fire? A. A car accident. B. Stoves. C. Lightning. 16. When did the house catch fire? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening 17. What was burnt in the fire? [] A. A radio. B. A mobile phone. C. A computer. 听第一篇短文,回答第18-20 小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息


初二英语下学期期末试卷归纳(单选) 一、贵溪市实验中学 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ( )21. --Will there be less pollution in the future? --____________. A. Yes, there will. B. Yes, they will. C. No, there aren’t. D. No, they won’t. ( )22. She says she will go to Shanghai _________ a month. A. at B. in C. for D. after ( )23. People will live __________ 200 years old in the future I think. A. / B. be C. to be D. in ( )24. ---What was she doing at eight yesterday morning ? ---She ________________. A. was listening to music B. was listening music C. listened to music D. listens to music . ( )25.Lily called me_________ Friday morning and told me she was having a birthday party________ me the next day.. A. at, for B. on, with C. at, with D on, for ( )26.If Lucy ________ hard every day, she _________ pass the English exam.A.studies, will B.will study, will be C.will study, is D.studies, is ( )27. Guixi is called Cuprum City(铜城). Many visitors fall _______ it. A. love with B. in love to C. in love with D. love in ( ) 28. Lana told us she wasn’t mad _________ Marcia anymore. A in B. with C on D. at ( )29.---Excuse me.Can you __________ your Mp3 to me? ---Sure.Here you are. A.keep B.buy C.borrow D.lend ( )30. Some scientists think that it may take _________ years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us. A. two hundreds of B. hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of ( )31. My friend has the same haircut __________ I do. A. as B. like C. seem D. looks like ( )32. I’m going to ________ time with my grandparents this vacation. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend ( )33. My brother plays his CDs too loud. You ________ tell him to turn it down.


2012学年初二期末英语试卷及答案 本卷共五大题,满分100分。 一、单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. ---Which ball game do you like better, basketball or baseball? --- _______. I love table tennis. A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Each ( ) 2. —I am allowed to hang out with friends on weekends. —_____. A. So should I B. So can I C. So am I D. So do I ( ) 3. --- Could you tell me you’ll be away ? --- Only one week. A. how much B. how soon C. how often D. how long ( ) 4. Do you know ? A.how old is Jack B. Where does he live C. when was Jack born D. Who cleaned the room ( ) 5. ______nice weather we have today ! ----Let’s go hiking . A. How a B. What a C. How D . What ( ) 6. Tom never smiles , dose he ? ----- _______. He is always serious . A. Yes , he does B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he doesn’t D. No , he does ( ) 7. —I think we teenagers _____ to make every decision by ourselves. —I disagree, we are still young and need our parents’ and teachers’ help. A. should allow B. must allow C. should be allowed D. may be allowed ( ) 8. The old man______since two years ago. A. died B. had died C. has been dead D. had been died ( ) 9. My grandpa often feels _____ at noon, so he will have a rest at that time every day. A. asleep B. sleepy C. awake D. energetic ( ) 10 ---It seems that my friends don’t understand me. --- Don’t worry. I’m sure you will _____ them if you are friendly to them. A. get along well with B. catch up with C. agree with D. end up with 二、完型填空。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分。) 阅读下面短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. “I know how ___ (11) you have all worked to prepare for this test,” he said. “And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to offer a B to anyone who would ___ (12) not to take the test.

人教版新课标 八年级英语上期末考试试卷含答案

八年级英语上期末考试试卷 (满分:120分) I.选出划线部分的英文注释(5%) ( ) 1. ------When did your mother return? ---------Last night. A. leave B. come back C. give back D. turn ( ) 2. Are you good at your schoolwork? A. Are you good for B. Do you like C. Did you do well in D. Are you good with ( ) 3. He flew to Shanghai yesterday.? A. went to Shanghai by plane B. moved to Shanghai C. lived in Shanghai D. went to Shanghai ( ) 4. Would you like to take part in our club? A. join with B. join C. come to D. work for ( ) 5. I have to stay at home and baby-sit my sister. A. have a baby B. take care C. look after D. watch II.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10%) 1. You should eat________(many) vegetables and eat less junk food. 2. How many _________(sandwich) would you like? 3. He was ________(bear)in 1983. 4. He is ________(practice) his guitar. 5. Are you ________(interest) in reading books? 6. Do you get _________(he) autograph? 7. When did you finish _________(surf) the internet last night? 8. We had a lot of fun ________(dance) on the beach yesterday. 9. John is a ________(talent) player. 10.This shirt is _________(difference) from that one. III.单项选择。(10%) ( )1.I have two good friends. One is Jack, _______ is Mike. A. the other B. another C. others ( )2.----Do you think he can come to my party? ---- _____________. A. I think he don’t come. B. I don’t think he can come. C. I think he can’t come. ( )3. _______was your brother _______ he started going to school? A. What time, when B. When, how old C. How old, when ( )4.Would you like something _______ to drink?


广州牛津英语 八年级第二学期英语期末测试卷 班别______________ 姓名__________________ 学号___________________ 一、听力测试(20% 二、语言知识与运用(20% 第一节:单项选择(10% 1. If you use an English word more often, of course you ________ it better. A. remember B. rememberi ng C. will remember D. remembered 2. ____ he retired from work, ______ he was concerned about his company. A. Though, but B. Although, / C. /, though D. /, / 3. I ' m searching for the clues for the accident. Please tell me what ________ at this time last ni ght. A. were you doing B. you did C. you were doing D. you have done 4. Dr. Wang called me to ask when the plane would ______ . A. turn off B. take off C. set off D. fly off 5. Mar Twain was a famous American writer in __________ . A. the 183 Os' B. 1830s C. the 183 0's D. the 1830s 6. There are many places of ___ in China, many foreign visitors enjoy doing ____ sightsee ing here. A. in terests, many B. in terest, much C. in terests, much D. in terest, many 7. Tomas Edis on _____ a lab for himself whe n he was young. A. set out B. set free C. set up D. set in 8. While my mother was busy _____ , I _______ T V. A. cook ing, watched B. cook ing, watch ing C. to cook, was watch ing D. cook ing, was watch ing 9. Mr. Black went to see a doctor this morning since it was difficult for him ______ asleep at ni ght. A. to fall B. falli ng C. fell D. to falli ng 10. My mother is strict ___ me, but I am still grateful _____ her. A. with, with B. to, to C. with, to D. to, with

八年级下英语期末测试卷 人教版附答案

八年级英语下册期末测试及答案 二、单项选择(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 21 . Mr Black broke his leg and he got _________ X-ray just now. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )22.—I should know what to do next. —Yeah,It’s time to make a _________. A. decision B. risk C. mistake D. difference ( )23.—Do you have lots of good friends, Mary? —No,I only have______.But all of them are kind to me. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )24.—What did mother say just now? —Sorry. I ______ to the weather report on TV. A. listen B. listened C. was listening D. have listened ( )25.—I’d like a latest English Weekly,please! —There is only one left.Would you like to have________? A. one B. this C. that D. it ( ) 26. This is ______ music I’ve ever heard. I enjoy it very much. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. the least beautiful ( ) 27. The Greens have ______ here for three years. A. came B. got C. lived D. left ( )28.—________ have you had the habit of watching English movies every week? —Since I was 12. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How old ( ) 29. It rained _____ heavily yesterday that I had to stay at home. A. too B. very C. quite D. so ( )30The school bus safety has become a hot topic. It receives________ Internet hits (点击)a day. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand


初二上学期期末模拟考试题2 姓名:________班级:________得分:________ 一、据意写词。(15分) (A)根据英语释义,完成下列单词。 1. t______ ring sb. Up 2. p______ picture 3. s______ the first season of the year 4. M______ the third month of the year 5. s______ two pieces of bread with meat (B)根据句意,并用词的适当形式填空。 1. Everything ______ to grow in spring. (begin) 2. I ___ his phone number down on this piece of paper yesterday. (write) 3. In China summer ______ from May to July. (last) 4. Which season do you like ______, summer or winter? (well) 5. Summer is good for ______ sports. (do) (C)根据句意,填入一个恰当的词,使句子完整、准确。 1. We will wait ______ you outside the gate. 2. You had better wear ______ clothes in summer. 3. ______ is the second month of the year. 4. It is hot today, but it is going to get ______ later on. 5. The sandwiches were ______ the plate. 二、单项选择(从A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案)。(15分) ( ) 1.The farmers are all busy ______ ready for the next year. A. get B. to get C. getting D. gets ( )2.Children really enjoyed ______ apples. A. pick B. picks C. to pick D. picking ( ) 3.I love summer, because it is good ______ sports. A. for B. at C. in D. with ( ) 4.What did Joy write about ______ her letter? A. on B. in C. to D. with ( ) 5.Bruce came to China ______ a bad time of year. A. in B. with C. at D. for ( ) 6.It is best ______ warm clothes in winter. A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wears ( ) 7.By the way, this morning there ______ a phone call ______you. A. is, for B. is, to C. was, for D. was, to ( ) 8.Kate took a message ______ his brother, Jim.


n .选择填空(20分) ( )16. Every one ____ h ere. No one is away. A. is B. are C. be D. am ( )17. Please ____ call me Dann y. I'm Mary. A. not B. don ' C. n ot to D. does n't ( )18. --- Would you like to go boating ? A. Yes, please B. No, I like C. Yes, I 'like to D. No, I dlike ( )19. If you don 't know the way, you can ___ the policema n for help. A . speak B. tell C. ask D. say ( )20. They are too heavy. Do you n eed ____ help ? A .any B. a C. many D. some ( )21. If it doesn 'train, we ____ a football match. A .are havi ng B. will have C. have D. are have ( )22. _____ you ____ f ree next Saturday ? A .Will, are B. Will be C. Do, be D. Have, bee n ( )23. We ____ waste water. A .must B. shouldn't C. need n't D. can ' ( )24. When school was over yesterday, it ______ . A .was snowing B. is snowing C. sno wed D. has sno wed ( )25. I would like _____ a teacher. A. be B. to C. to be D. not be ( )26. ---What did Tom say ? ---Tom said ______ well in speak ing. A .he think he did B. he thinks he did C. he thought he did D. he thought he does ( )27. I dlike to ______ t he message to Jim for you. A .put on B. tur n on C. pass on D. work on ( )28. If you want to get good grades, you must be ____ all the time. A」azy B. busy C. hard-work ing D. stressed out


玄武区2014~2015学年度第一学期期末调研试卷 八年级英语 第Ⅰ卷选择题(50分) 一、听力部分(15分) I.听对话选择图片(每小题1分, 共5分) 本部分共有5道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。( ) 1. What kind of animal are they talking about? A. B. C. ( A. B. C. ( ) 3. Where will the man go the coming holiday? A. C. ( ) 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What are the children doing? A. B. C. —1 —

II. 听对话或短文回答问题(每小题1分, 共10分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答6-7小题。 ( )6. Where are the speakers? A. By the lake. B. On the road. C. In the lake. ( )7.What will the man do in the end? A. Jump into the lake. B. Call the nearest hospital. C. Find someone for help. ( )11. Who did Betty go to the farm with? A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her cousin. ( )12. What fruit did betty like picking? A. Strawberries. B. Apples. C. Pears. ( )13. What was the weather like? A. Cold. B. Warm. C. Hot. ( )14. When did betty get home? A. At about 9:00 a.m. B. At about 11:00 a.m. C. At about 1:00 p.m. ( )15. Why didn’t Betty feel hungry? A. Because she was very tired in the afternoon. B. Because she ate a lot and had some cold drinks on the farm. C. Because she was happy to tell her father about their work. 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )16. ---What a heavy rain it was last night! ---Yes, but I love ______ air after the rain. It smells so fresh. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )17. Every year, _________ visitors go to the wetland park to watch the birds. A. thousand of B. thousands of C. two thousands D. two thousands of ( )18. It’s foggy now. You should drive the car as_________ as possible. A. careful B. more careful C. carefully D. more carefully ( )19. You had better ask the children ________ with water in the garden. —2 —


一、听力(本题有15小题,共计15分) 第一小节:听对话,选析图片。 ( )1、Wha t’s Mary going to do tomorrow? ( ) 2、What are they talking about? ( ) 3、Which is Jim’s favourite animal? ( ) 4、What does Bob often have for supper? ( ) 5、Where was Mr Green last week? 第二节:听对话,回答问题。 ()6、What will the weather be like? A. Windy B. Rainy C. Cold ( ) 7、Where are they going? A.To the park B. To the farm C. To the zoo ( )8、How did the boy go to school? A.By bus B. By bike C. By car ( )9、Who went shopping last Sunday? A. Kate B. Kate’ mother C. Nobody ( )10.What’s the date tomorrow? A . October 15th B. October 16th C. October 17th 第三节:听长对话,回答问题。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第11—12两个小题。 ()11.Who bought the MP3 for Tim? A. His parents B. His aunt C. His brother ( )12.What did Linda think of the MP3 A. Cheap B. Nice C. Not good 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第13—15三个小题 ()13.Why does Robert come to kate’s home? A. He comes to say goodbye B. He gives something back to her C. He wants some help ( )14.How will he leave? A. By plane B. By train C. By bus ( )15.Who does robert want to see before he leaves? A.Doctor liu B.Mr.Li C.Miss Niu 二、单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) ()16.--What’s going on these days?


、根据所听的内容,选择正确答案,每段对话听两遍。 6. How many girls are there in the boy’s class? A. 32 B. 28 C. 60 7. Can the man park his car here? A. Yes B. No C. I don’t know. 8. What does Simon mean? A. He is full now, he can’t eat anythi ng. B. He will eat more things. C. He will have something to eat later. 9. How much is a sweater if I buy two? A. 45 B. 90 C. 50 10. Why does the man want to change his shirt? A. Because it is too small. B. Because it is out of style. C. Because he doesn’t like its colour. C、听短文,选择正确答案,听两遍。 11. My family lived in _______ before I was 12 years old. A. the city B. town C. the mountains 12. I spent ______ walking to school every morning. A. half an hour B. one hour C. one and a half hours 13. I could meet _______ on the way to school. A. my friends B. my parents C. nobody 14. There were ______ students in my class.


初二英语期末考试试题 班级_________ 姓名________ 考号_________ 卷I选择题(65分) 第一部分:听力(20分) I听句子,选出与你所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) II.听句子,选择最佳应答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分) 6. A.She’s funny. B. She’s studying C.She’s at school. 7.A. In America. B. Yes, it does. C. No, it is hot. 8.A. It’s terrible. B.No, hardly ever C. Yes, I like eating fruit. 9.A. He has a fever. B. He hates tofu. C. He has brown hair. 10. A.Good idea. B. Thank you. C. Don’t say so. III.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 听第一遍对话,回答第11-12小题。 11.What does Tom’s mother look like? A. She is tall. B. She is medium build. C. She has brown hair. 12.Where is Tom’s mother now? A. At home B. In a restaurant. C. In the mall. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。 13. What does the boy usually do on weekends? A. He goes shopping B. He goes to the movies. C. He goes to the beach 14. How often does he do sports?


C. How was the weather like? D. How was the weather?( )8. Hawk is talki ng ____ a frie nd. They are talki ng ___ En glish. A. with; with B. with; in C. i n; in D. about; about ( )9. His brother likes to ____ j okes. We all like him. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk ( )10 — What does your mother think of the n ews? — ___________ . She says it oo borsig. A. She does n ' t mi nd it. B. She wants it. C. She likes it very much. D. She can ' t stand it. ()11 — _________ d id you go last Su nday? —I went to the mountains. A. How B. Where C. When D. Why ( )12 _____ t alki ng! Keep quiet in the library. A. Don ' tB. No C. Not D. Can ' t ( )13. it ' s a fine day. What abo ______ ? A. to go out for a walk B. going out for a walk C. going out for a walk ing D. to go out for walk ing ( )14 — It ' s awful today! 人教版初二英语期末测试 满分100分,考试时间100分钟 姓名: _____________ 成绩: __________________ 单项选择。(15分) ( )1.1 have some books _____ chin ese study. A. on B. of C. for ( )2. — How do you go to work? —I usually go to work ____ . D. in A. by a car B. i n a car ( )3. — Must I finish my homework now? —No, you ___ . C. on a car D. by cars B. mustn ' A. may not ()4. Elepha nts like A. banan as;meat B.meat;grass ( )5. My gra ndma likes the big house A. with B. have C. can't D.needn ' but lions like ____ . C. bamboo;fish _ a beautiful garde n. C. has D. flowers;worms D. for ( )6. Help ing others can make us A. to feel B. feeli ng ? very happy. C. felt D. feel ()7 - ______________ —It was very humid. A. How is the weather? B. What is the weather like?

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