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2016 词义猜测八法

2016 词义猜测八法
2016 词义猜测八法



(1) 旧词新义,考查词汇表中未出现的词义;

(2) 合成词、转化词与派生词如shoplifting,heartbroken,computer-literate,imperfect等;

(3) “灵活”的常用词增多,这些词必须根据具体的上下文语境才能正确理解:

(4) 超纲生词。如:《大纲》之外的和熟词新意的生词.



(1) The phrase “…” in the sentence could be replaced by ______

(2) The word “…” in the paragraph refers to ______

(3) What is the meaning of the underlined word in the paragraph?

(4) What does the unlined word mean?

(5) Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase “…” ?

(6) The word “…” most nearly means ______


即利用所出现生词的上下文与其意义上的联系或下文进一步的叙述, 猜测词义。

1.The female mosquito is a vampire and lives on blood.

如不知道vampire的词义, 从上文1ives on blood(*吸血而生存)则可得知其词义为吸血昆虫。

2.The old man put on his spectacles and began to read. 如不知道spectacles的词义, 从下文"戴上'spectacles'后开始阅读"可猜得其词义为"眼镜"。

3.I'm sorry I've been monopolizing you. Your other dinner companion should have the chance to talk to you, too. 根据第二个句子的意思, 可猜出monopolize之意为"独占"。

4.If I were a boy again, I would practise perseverance oftener, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient.

根据and never give up a thing ...可猜测perseverance之意为"坚韧不拔" .

5.Pigeons have a natural instinct to return home, even if they are far away and the trip is hard or dangerous.

根据后半句让步状语从句, 可猜测instinct为"本能"。

6.14,000 sanitation workers who carry off, yearly, three million tons of refuse and keep 7,500 miles of streets clean and free of snow.

从上下文可猜出sanitation workers为"环卫工人"。

7.Our earth is very old. It holds many secrets about life in the past. Archaeologists dig in the ground and bring out these secrets. 不难猜出Archaeologists 为“考古学家”。

8.The teacher did not hear the knocking at the door because he was completely engrossed in his reading.

以因果关系为线索, 可确定engrossed的意思为“被吸引”, “全神贯注”。

9.I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I won't give it up easily.

通过第二句, 可推出resolute的意思是"坚定的"。

二. 举例说明法

利用文中的举例猜测词义。常见的举例的提示词有:for example, such as , for instance 等。

1.Some artists plan their paintings around geometric forms like squares, circles and triangles.

如不知道"geometric forms"的意思, 可从文中所列举的三角形、正方形、圆形来猜得其意义为“几何图形”。

2.Today young couples who are just starting their households often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing-machines, refrigerators and color televisions.

如不知道appliances的意思, 从文中的举例washing-machines(洗衣机), refrigerators(冰箱), color televisions(电视机)可以猜出该词的意思为“家用电器”。

3.Some missing ships carried cargo such as coal, oil and military supplies, while others carried only passengers.其中cargo 为生词,根据句后面的列举部分: coal, oil and military supplies可以推测,cargo 指“煤,油等货物”。


利用文中说明词义的同位语或定语, 猜测词义。常伴有辅助词,如:that is; meaning; namely, such as; or

1.Tom was a roamer, a wanderer who could never stay in one place.

roamer是生词, 但wanderer是由我们所熟悉的wander变化而来的名词, 那可以推出的意思是“流浪汉”。

2.Nearby is the race course, where the town's most famous car race is held each year on May 30th.

以where引导的定语从句为依据, course应是汽车赛举行的地点, 所以排除“过程”, “课程”, “航向”, 而要定义为“跑道”。

3. The type of meter is called millimeter, which is used to measure electricity.

通过定语从句which is used to measure electricity(用来测量电的), 我们可以将millimeter的词义确定为“万用表”。

4.The nurse will be on the night shift ---- from midnight to 6 a.m. -.

由破折号之间的解释内容, 我们可以了解到night shift意思为“夜班”。

5.To train the students to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words through contextual clues, namely, through the words before or after the words they may not know.

namely后面的内容解释说明了contextual clues为“情景线索”。

6.In sports, especially athletics, success is often prevented by psychological obstacles, that is, barriers that exist in the mind only.

that is后面的内容解释说明了psychological obstacles为“心理障碍”

7.One of the predominant concerns today is the future of our natural resources. This issue is of greatest importance because it is becoming clear to many people that our present resources will not last forever.

文中predominant的词义可猜测为与of greatest importance的意思相近。

8.All the other members are of the same opinion. They are unanimous.

unanimous与of the same opinion同义, 可猜为“一致同意的”。

四. 前后对比法

利用文中的反义词猜测词义。能够体现对比关系的词汇常见的有表转折关系的but, while, on one hand... on the other, for one thing... for another, whereas, however, otherwise, after all等。

1.American businessmen expect employees to be punctual. They do not expect that the workers will come late.

文中be punctual.的意思, 可理解为not come late, 即"准时, 不迟到"。

2.Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends.

根据文中Unlike的意思, shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends.应该表达了"gregarious"相反的意思, 所以gregarious的意思为"好交际的"。

3.Most of them agreed; however, John dissented.

dissented通过however与agreed对比, "反对"。

4.Jane was talking with others while Bliza remained reticent all the time.

根据while的提示, 前后对照, reticent的含义是"沉默寡言"。

5.104 studies, involving 15,000 people is proving that optimism can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, by contrast, to hopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked to depression, loneliness and painful shyness.

optimism"乐观主义"与Pessimism意义相反, 可猜Pessimism之意为"悲观主义"。


1.In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. Taboo is a word from the language of the Fiji Islands, used to describe something forbidden.

根据句子内容, 可猜测Taboo为“禁忌”。

2.Instinctive behavior is a pattern of behavior that an animal is born with.

根据句子内容, 可猜测Instinctive behavior为“本性”。

3.An expedition is a long, organized trip or journey, which is made into an unfamiliar area for a particular purpose by a group of people.


4.A gorilla always makes me think of the word aloof-- not friendly, of distance from others. 破折号后的内容是aloof一词"不友好, 冷漠"的释意。

5. We all use onomatopoeic words --words that sound like the noise they are describing.

不难猜出onomatopoeic words意为"象声词"。

六. 基本构词法


1.They overestimate the interviewee's ability and asked him many difficult questions.

在overestimate词中是前缀, 意思是"过分---"。因此, overestimate的词义可猜测为"过高估计"。

2. We were told that ours was the most spacious room in the hotel. That was why we had to pay so much for it.

spacious是由词根space(空间)和ious(形容词后缀)构成。由此我们可以猜出其意思为"有空间的, 宽敞的"。

3. Globalization---one world one economy integration, is the buzz word of the 1990s.

破折号后one world one economy integration是Globalization一词"全球经济一体化"的释义。

4.If the pollution of air and land and water is allowed to go on, the earth will be uninhabitable.


以上几种猜测词义的方法不是互不联系的, 有时可以同时采用几种方法猜测词义。

1.Sociologists divide families into two general types: the nuclear family and the extended family, which may include three or more generations living together. 根据定语从句, 可猜测extended family意思是"大家庭", 与extended family意思相反, 可猜测nuclear family为"小家庭"。

2..A vegetarian does not want meat, but may rate the utility of banana very highly, while a meat-eater may prefer steak.

句中vegetarian通过while与meat-eater对比, 可猜为“吃素者”。

3.Doctors, scientists, and public health experts often travel to these regions to solve the mystery of a long healthy life; the experts hope to bring to the modern world the secrets of longevity.


总之, 在英语阅读中运用和掌握这些猜词方法, 就会在很大程度上减少生词的数量, 有助于提高阅读速度和培养阅读能力。


Reading the following selections and determine the meanings of the words in bold print.

1. The ruler had been so cruel and dishonest that after the revolution she was banished. A few members of the Senate opposed this decision, but the majority voted that the ruler should leave the country forever.

A) killed by stoning B) sent away

C) imprisoned D) punished by whipping

2. The prisoner seemed to relax but actually he was thinking hard, while his hand moved so slowly that the movement was imperceptible. It was only when the keys accidentally fell from the table that the guard suddenly realized that the prisoner's hand had almost reached them.

A) hardly noticeable B) heavy-handed

C) not capable of fast or immediate action D) a matter of habit

3. Mrs. Morgan's son was intelligent and charming, but his continual extravagance made her wonder if she could continue to support him. Each month she was going deeper into debt, attempting to pay for his expensive purchases.

A)superior manner

B)wastefulness or carelessness in spending money

C)showing too great concern for current fashions

D)insults to family or close friends

4. Although the hazards of the trip were many -- for example, the unbearable heat, the lack of water, the possibility of getting lost, the presence of wild animals and poisonous snakes ---- Collins nevertheless decided that she must go.

A) pleasures B) conveniences C) dangers D) equipment

KEY: B, A, B, C

1.I know what you’re thinking: pizza (比萨饼)? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last night’s leftovers in the

a.m. if you want to. (全国IIA)

I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers—it may sound crazy,but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself. “You can always eat it tomorrow,”I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night.

The word “leftovers”in Paragraph 1 means_

A. food remaining after a meal

B. things left undone

C. meals made of vegetables

D. pizza topped with fruit

2.(天津B) I am a writer. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language—the way it can evoke(唤起) an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth. Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them all—all the Englishes I grew up with.

41. By saying “Language is the tool of my trade”, the author means that ______.

A. she uses English in foreign trade

B. she is fascinated by languages

C. she works as a translator

D. she is a writer by profession

(福建C) Days 1-3 UK-Shanghai

Fly to the great city of Shanghai and in the evening sample traditional Shanghai food. Visit the beautiful YU Garden, Old Town. Shanghai Museum, cross the Great Nampa Bridge and tour the Pudong area. Also explore Xintiandi with its 1920’s style Smkomen buildings and end your stay in Shanghai with an amazing Huangpu river evening tour.

64. The underlined word “sample”in the passage probably means “_____ ”

A. buy

B. reserve

C. taste

D. Make

4. (09山东C) The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely.

68. The underlined word "deter”in Paragraph 3 most probably means .

A. discarding

B. remove

C. benefit

D. free

5.(安徽B) Of course, the good of oxen is not limited to plowing. In fact, they are seen as “boats on land”for their ability to carry loads.

60. The words "boats on land" underlined in Paragraph 2 refer to __

A. animals for taking goods

B. creatures for pulling plows

C. treasures of the folk culture

D. tools in the farming economy

6.(陕西C) Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don’t hold water, there is still a lot of truth in the old wives’tales, After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated (积累) from thousands of years of experience in family health care. We should respect this body of knowledge even as research for clear scientific support to prove it true or false

50. The phrase “hold water”in the last paragraph most probably means“”

A. to be believable

B. to be valuable

C. to be admirable

D. to be suitable

7.(湖北A) One day in 1918, my Uncle Milton received his draft notice. My grandparents were very upset. But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. Realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her friends, my uncle bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted.

52. The underlined phrase “draft notice”means “______”.

A. order for army service

B. train ticket for Europe

C. letter of rejection

D. note of warning

8.(江西E) New archaeological discovers suggest that trade between Europe and Asia along the Silk Road probably began in some form many countries earlier than once thought. The findings, coupled with a widening range of scientific and historical research could add a fascinating new page to the epic of the Silk Road.

72. The word “coupled”in the first paragraph could best be replaced by .

A. produced

B. contributed

C. doubled

D. combined





新广告法禁用极限词 9月1日起新广告法全面实施,按照新法规,广告中不得“使用国家级、最高级、最佳等用语”,部分手机厂商有可能在这一轮新法规推行过程中倒下。 因此,这项法规也被另类的解读为“将手机行业的撕逼扼杀在摇篮里”。 什么样的行为会被罚? 新广告法只是明确不能使用“国家级、最高级、最佳等用语”,但这其中的“等”并没有做明确的解释,换句话说,这个说明具有很大的解释范围空间。 我们查阅了一下相关的资料,1997年8月8日的《国家工商行政管理局关于“极品”两字在广告语中是否属于“最高级”、“最佳”等用语问题的答复》这份资料中,将极品依次归类为绝对化用语范畴,于是在坊间就传出了这样一份绝对化用语表单: “国家级、世界级、最高级、最佳、最大、唯一、首个、首选、最好、精确、顶级、最高、最低、最、最具、最便宜、最新、最先进、最新技术、最先进科学、国际级产品、填补国内空白、绝对、独家、首家、最先进、第一品牌、金牌、名牌、优秀、最先、顶级、独家、全网销量第一、全球首发、全网首发、世界领先、顶级工艺、最新科学、最新技术、最先进加工工艺、最时尚、极品、顶级、顶尖、终极、最受欢迎、王牌、销量冠军、第一(No.1、Top1)、极致、永久、王牌、

掌门人、领袖品牌、独一无二、独家、绝无仅有、前无古人、史无前例、万能”。 大致整理了一下,带有“最、一、级/极、首/家/国”等前缀或者后缀的词汇,都有可能被解释为绝对化用语,进而撞在新《广告法》的枪口上,注意是有可能,而不是一定。 (插播一条科普广告) 极限用语包括但不限于商品列表页、商品的标题,副标题,主图以及详情页,商品包装等,触犯新广告法底线,单独的罚款方面,20万起步,最高100万元(详见新广告法57条)。 (好了,广告完毕,下面开始进入正题) 哪家厂商会被罚? 你可能不关注处罚力度是什么,怎么样,但一定想知道谁有可能成为在新法规推行过程中首当其冲的手机厂商? (请注意了,导演说以下排名不分先后) 超级手机 新法规面前,乐视最有可能率先中枪,别人是在产品宣传内容出了绝对化用语,乐视这连产品名字都可能会进入被禁之列,而且与别家不同的是,乐视出现这种问题的还不止一款产品,超级手机、超级电视、超级遥控器集体中枪。 然而这并不是重点,重点是性价比之王虽然也没有出现在极限词汇的榜单里头,但仍然也是一个绝对化用语,性质大概和掌门人、王牌一类的词汇是一样的。


英文中介词和动词短语的辨析 Many students when learning English seem to get confused about exactly how to use prepositions correctly. The problem is that new English students either try to compare them, or to use them in the same way that they are used in their own language. This is something that does not always work. Although they CAN often be used in the same way, sometimes there are exceptions to the rule that just have to be excepted. For example: 1. I go home after work. And not (I go to home after work). 2. I am playing football at the weekend. And not (I am playing football in the weekend). They are all the little words that we use to join up phrases and sentences, so that they either sound right when we speak, or they look right when we write. There are over 150 of these joining words used in the English language. At, in, on, of, to, off, for, by, with, into, onto, after, about, after, before, behind, down, than, through, etc., are all such words. When trying to use these words correctly, it is best to learn them in a drip feed fashion. For example: One day could be spent learning how to use them with time, e.g. on Sunday, at night, at the weekend, at seven o' clock, etc. Another day could be spent learning how to use them with places, e.g. The pencil is on/in/next to/by/under the table, etc. Something else that also leads to confusion are phrasal verbs. With these verbs the list just seems to go on and on. But first let us take a quick look at the difference between a preposition, and an adverb. 1. The cat climbed up the curtain. (up is the preposition since it has an object, the curtain). 2. The cat ran off in the morning. (off is an adverb since it has no object, and talks about the verb ran).



说明: 根据高职考试要求制作了词汇表。词汇表共收单词2200个左右。其中未注标记的单词1700个左右(含初中学过的词汇),标“*”的词汇500个。 考生应掌握本表中的未标记的词汇和标“*”的词汇。 词汇表 A a(an)art. ability n. able a. *aboard prep. & ad. about ad. & prep. above prep. & a. abroad ad. *absent a. accept v. *access n. & v. accident n.account n. accountant n. ache v. & n. across prep. & ad. act n. & v. action n. active a. activity n. actor n. actress n. actually ad. ad(=advertisement) n.

add v. addition n. address n. *adjust v. *administration n. *admire v. adult n. *advanced a. advice n. advise v. *afford v. afraid a. Africa n. African n. & a. after prep. & conj. afternoon n. again ad. against prep. age n. agency n. agent n. ago ad. agreement n. ahead ad. aid n. & v.aim n. & v. air n. airline n. airport n. *aisle n. album n. *alcohol n. *alert a. alike a. & ad. alive a. all a.,ad.& pron. allow v. almost ad. alone a. along ad. & prep. aloud ad. already ad. alsoa d. although conj. always ad. am/a. m.,AM/A. M. n. *amazing a. America n.


新广告法禁用词汇 新修订的《中华人民共和国广告法》9月1日起正式施行。这是广告法实施20年来首次修订。此次广告法修改的幅度非常大,其中包括明确虚假广告的定义和典型形态、新增广告代言人的法律义务和责任、强化对大众传播媒介广告发布行为的监管力度等多个方面。 广大商家与企业注意:以下这些词以后不能乱用了!(以下有湖北华图教育(微信公众号huatu027)整理。 》》》新广告法禁用词汇 一、与“最”有关: 最、最佳、最具、最爱、最赚、最优、最优秀、最好、最大、最大程度、最高、最高级、最高档、最奢侈、最低、最低级、最低价、最底、最便宜、时尚最低价、最流行、最受欢迎、最时尚、最聚拢、最符合、最舒适、最先、最先进、最先进科学、最先进加工工艺、最先享受、最后、最后一波、最新、最新科技、最新科学。 二、与“一”有关: 第一、中国第一、全网第一、销量第一、排名第一、唯一、第一品牌、NO.1、TOP.1、独一无二、全国第一、一流、一天、仅此一次(一款)、最后一波、全国X大品牌之一。 三、与“级/极”有关: 国家级、国家级产品、全球级、宇宙级、世界级、顶级(顶尖/尖端)、顶级工艺、顶级享受、高级、极品、极佳(绝佳/绝对)、终极、极致。与“首/家/国”有关首个、首选、独家、独家配方、首发、全网首发、全国首发、XX网独家、首次、首款、全国销量冠军、国家级产品、国家 (国家免检)、国家领导人、填补国内空白、中国驰名(驰名商标)、国际品质。 四、与品牌有关: 大牌、金牌、名牌、王牌、领袖品牌、世界领先、(遥遥)领先、领导者、缔造者、创领品牌、领先上市、巨星、著名、掌门人、至尊、巅峰、奢侈、优秀、资深、领袖、之王、王者、冠军。 五、与虚假有关: 史无前例、前无古人、永久、万能、祖传、特效、无敌、纯天然、100%、高档、正品、真皮、超赚、精准。 六、与权威有关: 老字号、中国驰名商标、特供、专供、专家推荐、质量免检、无需国家质量检测、免抽检、国家XX领导人推荐、国家XX机关推荐、使用人民币图样(央行批准除外) 七、与欺诈有关: 涉嫌欺诈消费者/点击领奖、恭喜获奖、全民免单、点击有惊喜、点击获取、点击转身、点击试穿、点击翻转、领取奖品 八、涉嫌诱导消费者:


动词及其短语辨析 高考英语词汇辨析一般在于同义词、近义词的词义和用法辨析、反义词之间的意义差别、词组(短语)的用法异同点以及一些习惯用法和固定搭配等。常见的有形容词与副词辨析、名词及其用法辨析、动词及其短语辨析、代词及其用法辨析、介词和连词等用法辨析。 动词及其短语辨析 1) 动词及其短语辨析难点 其难点一般在于考查动词易混词辨析、同义词、近义词、系动词、及物动词与不及物动词的用法等。动词短语的辨析仍是重中之重, 主要考查动词与介词或副词的固定搭配, 如:与介词的搭配、与介词副词的搭配、特殊句型、习惯用法以及语境中的用法等。 ①动词和动词短语易混词辨析 动词易混词的辨析主要涉及形状相近的动词之间的辨义,意义相近的动词之间的辨义,动词与其它形状相近、意义相似的词的辨义,意义不同但容易混淆的动词的辨义,某些常用动词短语的辨义等。具体有:a.形状相同的动词之间的辨义,如:lie, lay; hanged, hung; rise, raise; sit, seat等;b.意义相近的动词之间的辨义,如:borrow, lend; speak, say, talk;hope, wish等;c.动词与其它词形相近、意义相似的词的辨义,如:advise, advice; cost, worth; pass, past 等;d.意义不同,但容易混淆的动词的辨义,如:explain, say; discover, invent, uncover等;e.某些常用动词的习惯用法的辨义, 如:ask, give, call, make, find, get, keep, want, see, hear, come, take, put, break, turn等; f.某些常用动词短语的辨义, 如:give in, give out, give away, give up; turn on, turn off, turn down, turn up等。 ②动词的一词多义和动词短语的新义 考查动词的一词多义时,常考查考生易混淆的动词的含义,如:cover“包含;采访;(钱)够用”;count“有价值”;lay“摆放”;observe“庆祝”;promise“使可能”;put“表达”;say“写着”;see“为(某事)发生之时”;shelter“保护”;treat“招待”;work“起作用”等。 高考对于动词短语的考查,除了考查动词短语基本含义辨析外, 更注重动词短语不易被 考生注意的新义, 如:agree with“与……一致”;break down“失败;垮了”;break up“放假;断交”;come up“被提出”;come to“涉及;苏醒;总共”; fit in“相处融洽”;get up“站起来”;keep back“扣下”;look into“浏览”;make out“理解”;pick up“学会”;put aside“留出”;take up“从事于”;turn out“出现”;wear out“磨损;筋疲力尽”等。 ③在语境中的动词及动词短语辨析 有些动词或动词短语放到具体痛的语境中,应该据情景有不同的理解。 考生在复习动词辨析时,对于考纲中一些意义较多的词语一定要引起重视,特别要注意它们那些不太常见的意思,防止高考考查“熟词生义”。对于动词短语的复习,考生需根据动词短语的不同特点,掌握其运用规律,并熟悉动词和不同介词或副词搭配、不同的动词和同一介词或同一副词搭配在意义上的区别。 2) 动词及其短语辨析考点 ①从语法搭配、习惯用法上进行辨析


(斜体字为原有词义) P1~10 1.Aband on vt.放弃,丢弃,离弃,遗弃,抛弃 2.Access n.接近的机会,享用权,通道,入口 Vt.接近,进入 3.Accommodate vt. 向......提供宿处,容纳 4.Act vi.行动,做事,表演,起作用,担当 Vt.扮演(角色) N.行为,行动,法令,法案,(戏)幕 5.active adj.积极地,活跃的,勤奋的 6.Addit vt.使沉溺,使入迷,使成瘾 n.入迷的人,有瘾的人 7.advocate vt.拥护,提倡,主张 n.拥护者,提倡者,辩护者 8.afterwards adv.后来 9.ape n.类人猿,模仿者 Vt.模仿 P11-20 1. apply vt. 应用;涂;敷;把……施用于;使(自己)致力于 vi. 申请;适用 2. appoint vt. 任命,委派;约定 3. architect n. 建筑师;设计师 4. architecture n. 建筑学;建筑式样;建筑工程 5. arctic adj. 【常作A-】北极的 n. 【唱作A-】北极;北极圈 6. argue v. 争辩,争论;(坚决)主张,认为 7. arm n. (一件)武器;【~s】【总称】武器,军火 vt. 以武器装备;配备 8. army n. 军队;陆军;大群 9. arrange v. 安排;整理 10. art n. 美术;艺术;(一门)人文科学;【~s】文科 11. association n. 联合,联盟;协会,社团 12. attention n. 注意;注意力;照料 13. attitud e n. 态度,看法 14. bachelor n. 单身男子;【亦作B-】学士,学士学位 15. back n. 背部;背面,反面 v. (使)后退;(使)倒退;(使)倒转 adj. 背后的;后面的;偏斜的


最新广告法禁用词 与“最”有关 最、最佳、最具、最爱、最赚、最优、最优秀、最好、最大、最大程度、最高、最高级、最高档、最奢侈、最低、最低级、最低价、最底、最便宜、时尚最低价、最流行、最受欢迎、最时尚、最聚拢、最符合、最舒适、最先、最先进、最先进科学、最先进加工工艺、最先享受、最后、最后一波、最新、最新科技、最新科学。 与“一”有关 第一、中国第一、全网第一、销量第一、排名第一、唯一、第一品牌、NO.1、TOP.1、独一无二、全国第一、一流、一天、仅此一次(一款)、最后一波、全国X大品牌之一。 与“级/极”有关 国家级(相关单位颁发的除外)、国家级产品、全球级、宇宙级、世界级、顶级(顶尖/尖端)、顶级工艺、顶级享受、极品、极佳(绝佳/绝对)、终极、极致。 与“首/家/国”有关 首个、首选、独家、独家配方、全国首发、首款、全国销量冠军、国家级产品、国家(国家免检)、国家领导人、填补国内空白、中国驰名(驰名商标)、国际品质。 与品牌有关 王牌、领袖品牌、世界领先、(遥遥)领先、领导者、缔造者、创领品牌、领先上市、巨星、著名、掌门人、至尊、巅峰、奢侈、优秀、资深、领袖、之王、王者、冠军。与虚假有关史无前例、前无古人、永久、万能、祖传、特效、无敌、纯天然、100%、高档、正品、真皮、超赚、精准。 与虚假有关

史无前例、前无古人、永久、万能、祖传、特效、无敌、纯天然、100%。 与欺诈有关涉嫌欺诈消费者 点击领奖、恭喜获奖、全民免单、点击有惊喜、点击获取、点击转身、点击试穿、点击翻转、领取奖品涉嫌诱导消费者秒杀、抢爆、再不抢就没了、不会更便宜了、错过就没机会了、万人疯抢、全民疯抢/抢购、卖/抢疯了 与时间有关 限时必须具体时间今日、今天、几天几夜、倒计时、趁现在、就、仅限、周末、周年庆、特惠趴、购物大趴、闪购、品牌团、精品团、单品团(必须有活动日期)严禁使用随时结束、随时涨价、马上降价。 与权威有关 老字号、中国驰名商标、特供、专供、专家推荐、质量免检、无需国家质量检测、免抽检、国家XX领导人推荐、国家XX机关推荐、使用人民币图样(央行批准除外) 这些新广告法禁用词在以后的网络营销推广上肯定用的上,而且现在国家也在打击一些违法事情。且懂且珍惜。 最新广告法 第一条为了规范广告活动,保护消费者的合法权益,促进广告业的健康发展,维护社会经济秩序,制定本法。 第二条在中华人民共和国境内,商品经营者或者服务提供者通过一定媒介和形式直接或者间接地介绍自己所推销的商品或者服务的商业广告活动,适用本法。 本法所称广告主,是指为推销商品或者服务,自行或者委托他人设计、制作、发布广告的自然人、法人或者其他组织。


动词短语和词义辨析 1.It’s ten years since the scientist______on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical. A.made for B.set out C.took off D.turned up 2.Before the war broke out, many people ______in safe places possessions they could not take with them. A.threw away B.put away C.gave away D.carried away 3.We wanted to get home before dark , but it didn’t quite______as planned. A.make out B.turn out C.go on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d06988657.html,e up 4.It was dark ;we decided to ______for the night at a farm house. A.put away B.put down C.put up D.put out 5.---_____for the glass!-----It’s OK.I’m wearing shoes. A.Look out B.Walk out C.Go out D.Set out 6.He accidentally ______he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks. A.let out B.took care C.made sure D.made out 7.It was not a serious illness,and she soon_____it. A.got over B.got on with C.got around D.got out of 8.I don’t ______roke “n” roll.It’s much too noisy for my taste. A.go after B.go away with C.go into D.go in for 9.You can take anything from the shelf and read , but please ____the books when you’ve finished with them. A.put on B.put down C.put back D.put off 10.I had to ______because someone else wanted to use the phone. A.give up B.put up C.hang up D.ring up 11.In some western countries, demand for graduates from MBA course has______. A.turned down B.turned over C.fallen down D.fallen over 12.Helen always helps her mother even though going to school _____most of her day. A.takes up B.makes up C.saves up D.puts up 13.The village people prevented their cattle from ______the wheat field. A.breaking in B.breaking out C.breaking into D.breaking away. 14.The final examination is coming up soon.It’s time for us to _____our studies. A.get down to B.get out C.get back for D.get over 15.In Britain today momen_____40% of the workface ,and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. A.build up B.stand for C.make up D.set up 16.The detective and his assistant have begun to _____the mysterious murder.


新广告法违禁词汇总 严禁使用极限用语 1、严禁使用国家级、世界级、最高级、第一、唯一、首个、首选、顶级、国家级产品、填补国内空白、、独家、首家、最新、最先进、第一品牌、金牌、名牌、优秀、顶级、独家、全网销量第一、全球首发、全国首家、全网首发、世界领先、顶级工艺、王牌、销量冠军、第一(NO1\Top1)、极致、永久、王牌、掌门人、领袖品牌、独一无二、绝无仅有、史无前例、万能等。 2、严禁使用最高、最低、最、最具、最便宜、最新、最先进、最大程度、最新技术、最先进科学、最佳、 最大、最好、最大、最新科学、最新技术、最先进加工工艺、最时尚、最受欢迎、最先、等含义相同或近似的绝对化用语。 3、严禁使用绝对值、绝对、大牌、精确、超赚、领导品牌、领先上市、巨星、著名、奢侈、世界全国X大品牌之一等无法考证的词语。 4、严禁使用100%、国际品质、高档、正品、国家级、世界级、最高级最佳等虚假或无法判断真伪的夸张性表述词语。 违禁时限用语 限时须有具体时限,所有团购须标明具体活动日期,严禁使用随时结束、仅此一次、随时涨价、马上降价、最后一波等无法确定时限的词语。 违禁权威性词语 1、严禁使用国家XXX领导人推荐、国家XX机关推荐、国家XX机关专供、特供等借国家、国家机关工作人员名称进行宣传的用语、 2、严禁使用质量免检、无需国家质量检测、免抽检等宣称质量无需检测的用语 3、严禁使用人民币图样(央行批准的除外) 4、严禁使用老字号、中国驰名商标、特供、专供等词语(唯品会专供除外)。 严禁使用点击XX词语 严禁使用疑似欺骗消费者的词语,例如“恭喜获奖”“全民免单”“点击有惊喜”“点击获取”“点击试穿”“领取奖品”“非转基因更安全”等文案元素。 严禁使用刺激消费词语 严禁使用激发消费者抢购心理词语,如“秒杀”“抢爆”“再不抢就没了”“不会再便宜了”“错过就没机会了”“万人疯抢”“抢疯了”等词语。 疑似医疗用语(普通商品,不含特殊用途化妆品、保健食品、医疗器械) 1、全面调整人体内分泌平衡;增强或提高免疫力;助眠;失眠;滋阴补阳;壮阳; 2、消炎;可促进新陈代谢;减少红血丝;产生优化细胞结构;修复受损肌肤;治愈(治愈系除外);抗炎;活血;解毒;抗敏;脱敏; 3、减肥;清热解毒;清热袪湿;治疗;除菌;杀菌;抗菌;灭菌;防菌;消毒;排毒 4、


2017年广告法禁用词及注意事项 1.与“最”有关 最、最佳、最具、最爱、最赚、最优、最优秀、最好、最大、最大程度、最高、最高级、最高档、最奢侈、最低、最低级、最低价、最底、最便宜、时尚最低价、最流行、最受欢迎、最时尚、最聚拢、最符合、最舒适、最先、最先进、最先进科学、最先进加工工艺、最先享受、最后、最后一波、最新、最新科技、最新科学。 2.与“一”有关 第一、中国第一、全网第一、销量第一、排名第一、唯一、第一品牌、NO.1、TOP.1、独一无二、全国第一、一流、一天、仅此一次(一款)、最后一波、全国X大品牌之一、销冠(需住建委证明方可使用) 3.与“级/极”有关 国家级(相关单位颁发的除外)、国家级产品、全球级、宇宙级、世界级、顶级(顶尖/尖端)、顶级工艺、顶级享受、极品、极佳(绝佳/绝对)、终极、极致、千万级、百万级、星级、5A、甲级、超甲级 4.与“首/家/国”有关 首个、首选、独家、独家配方、全国首发、首款、全国销量冠军、国家级产品、国家(国家免检)、国家领导人、填补国内空白。 5.极限词语 顶级(顶尖/尖端)、顶级享受、高级、极品、极佳(绝佳/绝对)、终极、极致、致极、极具、完美、绝佳(极佳)、至、至尊、至臻、臻品、臻致、臻席、压轴、问鼎、空前、绝后、绝版、无双、非此莫属、巅峰、前所未有、无人能及、顶级、

鼎级、鼎冠、定鼎、完美、翘楚之作、不可再生、不可复制、绝无仅有、寸土寸金、淋漓尽致、无与伦比、唯一、卓越、卓著 6.稀缺 前无古人后无来者、绝版、珍稀、臻稀、稀少、绝无仅有、绝不在有、稀世珍宝、千金难求、世所罕见、不可多得、空前绝后、寥寥无几、屈指可数 7.独家 独家、独创、独据、开发者、缔造者、创始者、发明者 8.与品牌有关 王牌、领袖品牌、世界领先、领导者、缔造者、创领品牌、领先上市、至尊、巅峰、领袖、之王、王者、冠军、大牌、金牌、名牌、王牌、巨星、著名、掌门人、至尊、皇家 9.与权威有关 老字号、中国驰名商标、特供、专供、专家推荐、质量免检、无需国家质量检测、免抽检、国家XX领导人推荐、国家XX机关推荐、使用人民币图样(央行批准除外)。 10.与虚假有关 史无前例、前无古人、永久、万能、祖传、特效、无敌、纯天然、100%。11.与欺诈有关 涉嫌欺诈消费者 点击领奖、恭喜获奖、全民免单、点击有惊喜、点击获取、点击转身、点击试穿、点击翻转、领取奖品、抽奖。注:礼品(需标明名称、价格、数量截止日期)


(英语)英语短语动词题20套(带答案)及解析 一、短语动词 1.The company wants to a school for the poor children. A. put off B. set up C. call in D. look after 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:这家公司想为贫困儿童建一所学校。put off推迟;延期;set up 建立;call in召集;打电话;look after照顾。故选B。 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。 2.I a stone in a dark street and hurt my knees. A. fell over B. fell off C. fell away 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我在黑暗中被一块石头……,弄伤了我的膝盖。A.被绊倒; B.从……落下; C.离开,消瘦。故选A。 【点评】考查动词短语词义辨析。 3.—I'm sorry that I forgot to turn off the light. —Don't worry. I'll have it __________. A. turn off B. turned off C. turned on 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:---抱歉我忘记关灯了。---别担心,我将把它关掉。turn off关掉; turn on打开。短语:have sth done,请人做某事,使某事被做。此处宾语light与动词turn off之间构成被动关系,用过去分词,故答案为B。 【点评】考查过去分词作补语,牢记固定搭配。 4.If you want to know more about space, please ___________ the book A Brief History of Time. A. look through B. look around C. look after D. look down upon 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你想多了解太空,请浏览《时间简史》这本书。look through 浏览;look around环顾四周;look after照顾;look down upon瞧不起。根据句意,故答案 为A。 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。熟记短语,理解句意,根据语境判断选项。


2019新广告法禁用词 新广告法只是明确不能使用“国家级、最高级、最佳等用语”,但这其中的“等”并没有做明确的解释,换句话说,这个说明具有很大的解释范围间。 极限用语包括但不限于商品列表页、商品的标题,副标题,主图以及详情页,商品包装等,触犯新广告法底线,单独的罚款方面,20万起步,最高100万元。 与“最”有关 最、最佳、最具、最爱、最赚、最优、最优秀、最好、最大、最大程度、最高、最高级、最高档、最奢侈、最低、最低级、最低价、最底、最便宜、时尚最低价、最流行、最受欢迎、最时尚、最聚拢、最符合、最舒适、最先、最先进、最先进科学、最先进加工工艺、最先享受、最后、最后一波、最新、最新科技、最新科学。 与“一”有关 第一、中国第一、全网第一、销量第一、排名第一、唯一、第一品牌、NO.1、TOP.1、独一无二、全国第一、一流、一天、仅此一次(一款)、最后一波、全国X大品牌之一。 与“级/极”有关 国家级(相关单位颁发的除外)、国家级产品、全球级、宇宙级、世界级、顶级(顶尖/尖端)、顶级工艺、顶级享受、极品、极佳(绝佳/绝对)、终极、极致。 与“首/家/国”有关 首个、首选、独家、独家配方、全国首发、首款、全国销量冠军、国家级产品、国家(国家免检)、国家领导人、填补国内空白。 与品牌有关 王牌、领袖品牌、世界领先、领导者、缔造者、创领品牌、领先上市、至尊、巅峰、领袖、之王、王者、冠军。 与虚假有关 史无前例、前无古人、永久、万能、祖传、特效、无敌、纯天然、100%。 与欺诈有关涉嫌欺诈消费者 点击领奖、恭喜获奖、全民免单、点击有惊喜、点击获取、点击转身、点击试穿、点击翻转、领取奖品涉嫌诱导消费者秒杀、抢爆、再不抢就没了、不会更便宜了、错过就没机会了、万人疯抢、全民疯抢/抢购、卖/抢疯了 与时间有关 限时必须具体时间今日、今天、几天几夜、倒计时、趁现在、就、仅限、周末、周年庆、特惠趴、购物大趴、闪购、品牌团、精品团、单品团(必须有活动日期)严禁使用随时结束、随时涨价、马上降价。

动词短语动词搭配词义辨析 汤维劼

动词短语动词搭配词义辨析超强三合一汤维劼 一、单项选择 1.My money ______.I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out of before I’ve none in land. A.has run out B.is running out C.has been run out of D.is being run out 2.The film deserves________a second time. Sorry,I can’t follow you clearly. I said that the film is worth_____again. A.seeing;seeing Bseeing;of being seen C.to be seen;being seen D.to be seen;to be seen 3.Scientists found that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to ______. A.rewards B.prizes C.awards D.results 4.She _____the cake and gave each of us a piece. A.cut off B.cut through C.cut up D.cut out 5.The Car Club couldn’t ______to meet the demands of all its members. A.ensure B.guarantee C.assume D.confirm 6.His health ______under the pressure of work and he had to stay in hospital for a month. A.broken up B.broke away C.broke out D.broke down 7.The band’s new album where their last one left off. A.makes up B.takes up C.breaks up D.sets up 8.Sometimes things don’t the way we think they’re going to. A.Turn on B.turn up C.turn down D.turn out 9.The soldiers were very strict training before they become SEALs. A.gone through B.got through C.cut through D. put through 10.-Tim says again he will reform himself,and it is ridiculous indeed. -Don’t laugh at him!This time he ! A.makes it B.means it C.gets it D.deserves it 11.Sam,in every way,has handled the challenge, his friends how he’s achieved success in spite of the difficulties. A.overcome; by B. overcoming; with C.impressed; by D.impressing; with 12.The documentary film “Under the Dome” released by the famous journalist Chai Jing reminds us that it’s high time the Chinese government air pollution in China. A.addresses B.addressed C.will address D.address 13.Some of the tourists were on a deserted island because of a heavy storm a month ago. A.cast away B.cast down C.thrown off D. thrown out 14. about the student,the teacher called his parents to find out why he was so often absent form class. A.Concerning B.Concern C.Concerned D.To concern 15.If you yourself to doing everything in the order given,you would miss an opportunity to be a unique individual. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d06988657.html,mitted https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d06988657.html,mit C.have committed D.had committed 16.Many consumers prefer to make their own choices rather than into buying what they don’t really want. A.persuading B.to persuade C.be persuaded D.being persuaded


2018年英语高考词汇新增汇总 above prep 多于大于高于优于超乎…之所及不受…之影响不屑于 affection n. 感情 against prep. 对着;以…为竞争对手;为…做准备、防备;紧靠着;以…为背景、衬托 approximately adv. 估计;近似 bed n. 就寝时间;(河)床;(湖、海的)底 bell n. 钟声;铃声;钟状物 belt n. 地带;地区 champion adj. 冠军的;优胜的;第一流的 n. 得第一名的人;出类拔萃的人;斗争者;捍卫者 collection n. 收集的东西 control n.控制装置(器);操纵装置(器) curve v.(使)弯曲;(使)成曲线 damp n.湿气adj.湿气重的 deliberate adj.蓄意的; 深思熟虑的 ecology n. 生态学,生态 editorial n. 社论 emit vt. 发出,射出,散发(光、热、电波、声音、液体、气味等)fade v.(使)褪色;凋谢 finance n.财务状况 financial a.财务的 gang n. 一伙 hop vi. (或齐足)跳跃 kindly adj. 友好的adv. 和蔼地;亲切地;友好地 leadership n. 领导地位 naked adj. 裸体的;裸露的;赤裸裸的 nothing pron.没有事情 optimistic adj. 乐观的;过于乐观的 packet n. 小包;小盒;小袋 physical adj. 有形的,实物的 post n. 球门柱;【计】帖子;公布的信息vt. (在网上)公布,发布 precise adj.准确的,精确的 president n. 大学校长 rude vi. 被毁灭;被毁坏? ruin vt. 使成为废墟n. 灭亡;[~s]废墟;遗迹


广告法禁用词汇 背景说明 新《中华人民共和国广告法》已于2015年9月1日起施行。淘宝网根据新《广告法》及《价格法》、《商标法》、《反不正当竞争法》等法律法规的规定,结合淘宝网卖家实际经营情况,请卖家仔细阅读以下内容,避免和防范行政执法及民事诉讼的法律风险。若卖家违反前述法律法规规定,将会被执法部门处以数额较大的罚款,并有可能被消费者起诉而承担民事责任。 审议内容 一、所有类目商品适用的相关要求: (一)不得在商品包装或宣传页面上使用绝对化的语言或表示用语。 1、《广告法》及监管部门明令禁止使用的:最高级、国家级、最佳、顶级、极品、第一品牌; 2、含有绝对化词义且无法通过客观证据证明,建议不要使用的:绝无仅有、顶尖、万能、第一、最低、销量+冠军、抄底、最具、最高、全国首家、极端、首选、空前绝后、绝对、最大、世界领先、唯一、巅峰、顶峰、最新发明、最先进等。 (二)不得在商品包装或宣传页面上使用“驰名商标”、“中国名牌”的字样、图案,如下图: (三)不得在商品包装或宣传页面上使用或者变相使用中华人民共和国国旗、国徽、国歌、军旗、军徽、军歌;不得使用或者变相使用国家机关和国家机关工作人员的名义。

(四)不得含有淫秽、色情、赌博、迷信、恐怖、暴力的内容;也不得含有民族、种族、宗教、性别歧视的内容。 (五)医疗、药品、医疗器械、保健食品广告不得利用广告代言人作推荐、证明;不能利用未满十周岁的未成年人作广告代言人。 (六)除医疗、药品、医疗器械广告外,禁止其他任何广告涉及疾病治疗功能,并不得使用医疗用语或者易使推销的商品与药品、医疗器械相混淆的用语。 (七)广告使用数据、统计资料、调查结果、文摘、引用语等引证内容的,应当真实、准确,并表明出处。引证内容有适用范围和有效期限的,应当明确表示。 (八)在促销活动中,请谨慎使用“原价”字样,“原价”是指经营者在本次促销活动前七 日内在本交易场所成交,有交易票据的最低交易价格;如果前七日内没有交易,以本次促销活动前最后一次交易价格作为原价。 (九)经营者采用与其他经营者或者其他销售业态进行价格比较的方式开展促销活动,应当准确标明被比较价格的含义,且能够证明标示的被比较价格真实有依据。否则构成价格欺诈行为。 二、食品类目商品除适用第一条的要求外,还需注意以下要求: (一)食品类商品不得在其商品包装或宣传页面上使用“国家免检产品”的字样、图案,如下图: (二)广告不得使用与药品相混淆的用语,不得直接或者间接地宣传食品具有治疗作用,也不得借助宣传某些成分的作用明示或者暗示该食品的治疗作用。 例:对…… 疾病有预防和治疗的作用;具有加强和调节心肌,扩张血管,增加冠脉血流量,改善心脏活力,降低血压胆固醇,软化血管等作用……、抗肿瘤……、让肿瘤患者走向康复……等。 (三)不得明示或暗示可替代母乳;不得使用医疗机构、医生的名义或者形象;食品广告中涉及特定功效的,不得利用专家、消费者的名义或者形象做证明。 (四)食品、新资源食品、特殊营养食品广告不得宣传保健功能,也不得借助宣传某些成分的作用明示或者暗示其保健作用。 以下为保健食品功能范围,未取得保健食品批号,不能使用下列词语及同义词: 1、增强免疫力;15、减肥;

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