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高中学业水平测试第一部分英语作文练习:话题19 世界和环境

话题19世界和环境(The world and the







5.南美洲South America

6.北美洲North America






12.印度洋Indian Ocean

13.北冰洋Artic Ocean




17.英国,不列颠Britain/Great Britain





22.新西兰New Zealand




26.全球in the globe


28.总面积 a total area of...

29.平方公里square kilometre


31.野生动物保护wildlife protection


33.世界著名的worldwide famous

34.世界上in the world/all over the world 35.是……的家园be home to...







42.导致result in/from

43.采取行动take action to do

44.采取措施take measures to do

45.制止干某事prevent/stop/keep...from doing 46.有区别have a difference between...


1.位于,坐落于be located/lie in/there stands

2.占地面积occupy/cover an area of...

3.有……人口has a population of.../with the population of

4.因……而出名be famous for/be known as/for

5.濒危野生动物endangered wildlife

6.环境恶化environmental degradation

7.水土流失water and soil erosion

8.保持生态平衡keep the ecology in balance/keep the balance of nature

9.可再生资源renewable resource

10.水土保持conservation of water and soil

11.关注be concerned about

12.自然现象natural phenomenon

13.环保产品environment-friendly products



Meizhou, located in the northeast of Guangdong Province, serves as the main distributing center and settlement of Hakkas.

2.梅州市全市面积近16 000平方公里,有人口500多万。

Meizhou covers a total area of about 16,000 square kilometers with a population of more than five million.


Meizhou is famous for respecting culture and education.


There is only one earth in the world; therefore, it's of great


关于环保的英语作文(精选多篇) 第一篇:环保英语作文man and his environment in modern society, we tend to become more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we is not clean as before. so many people now choose their house as to its environment but not its location and expenses to afford it. throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. with the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth. he has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways. however, man’s c hanges to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet. each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles. smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. the pollution of water is equally harmful. the whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.


词汇表 说明:1.本表共收2500个单词 2.本词汇表不列词组和短语。 3.本词汇表不列语法术语。 4.部分可根据构词推导出的副词、名词等不单列。 5.国家名称及相关信息单独列出。 6.数词(含基数词、序数词)、星期、月份等单词单 独列出。 A a (an) ability able aboard absent absorb academic accent accept accident account accurate accuse ache achieve achievement acid acre across act action active activity actor actress n actual AD ad (缩) = advertisement add address administration admire admit adult advance advantage adventure advertise advertisement advice advise affair afford afraid Africa African after afternoon afterward(s) again against age ago agree agreement ahead aid AIDS aim air aircraft airline airmail airplane airport airspace alcohol alike alive all allergic allow almost alone

along aloud alphabet already also although altogether always am a.m./am,A.M./AM amaze amazing ambassador (ambassadress) America ambulance among amount amusement analysis ancestor ancient and anger angle angry animal ankle announce annoy another answer ant Antarctic anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apartment apologize apology appear appearance apple application apply appointment appreciate approach approximately apron architect area argue argument arise (arose, arisen) arithmetic arm armchair army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrow art article artist as ash ashamed Asia Asian aside ask


有关环境保护的英语作文 (1) My suggesti on is we should ride bikes more ofte n in stead of driv ing cars.By ridi ng a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our en vir onment. Why not have a try, my dear frien ds? 与我们的生活水平的提高,越来越多的人都买得起汽车的。因此,道路往往没有堆满了汽车。然而,随着越来越多的废气排放是汽车、空气污染问题变得更加严重。所以现在我们提倡过低碳的生活。 我的建议是我们应该更经常骑自行车而不是开车骑一辆自行车,我们不仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。为什么不试试,我亲爱的朋友? (2) Now, our side of the car con sta nt more up, the en vir onment also in creas in gly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substa nces. Therefore, we want to Sue aro und things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our en vir onment. 现在,我们身边的汽车不断的多了起来,环境也越来越糟糕!以至于我们周围的空气有很多有害物质。所以,我们要苏身边的小事做起。比如,我们可以骑自行车上学或者步行,这样还可以锻炼身体。有时间的话可以少用电梯,多爬楼梯。我们不仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。 (3) (4) Rece ntly we have held a class meet ing to discuss what is con sidered to be hono rable behavior and what is shameful.最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱。)lt is really a pity to see all this in our school.很遗憾在学校看到这些现象)Some students don ' t respect their teachers or paren不尊敬老是和父母)Some don' t take their studies seriously and eat in exams.作业不认真,考试作弊)Some


高中学考英语作文基本模板 一、审题要点: 1.先定体裁,后定篇章的主体人称和主体时态,以及段落层次; 2.内容全面,卷面划线,防止漏点; 3、四大句式要套牢; 句式1:状态—主语+连系动词+表语 句式2:动作—主语+及物动词+宾语 主语+不及物动词+状语 句式3:命令、建议和要求:祈使句—Do’t+do/be+…. 句式4:某地存在有。。。-- There be+主语+地点状语 二、不同类型的作文题材写作模式 (一)书信:第一、二人称;现在时态为主。 分三段(写信的目的;书信的主体;要求和问候) 写信地址 写信时间 Dear xxx, How are you? I’m XXX. I’m very glad to receive/get your letter.(I’m sorry to hear that….)Therefore, I’m going to tell you something about … (自我介绍)….I was born…I graduated from X University. I’m very interested in… and I do well in ….I once won the first prize/took the first place in an English contest…. 或(给建议)As for…, first of all you should…Besides, you may…..Also, it’s a good way to do… (句尾)By the way ,you are welcome to call me u p or write to me. My telephone number is 88….. and I live at xxx Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Please remember me to your family.I’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. 或By the way, you’re welcome to pay a visit to Wenzhou and I’ll show you around …I’m sure you shall have a good time here. 或By the way, I don’t know how to deal with the problem(s). So I’m writing to ask you for your advice/help. Please write back to me as soon as possible. With my best wishes, Yours, XXX (二)日记:第一人称;过去时态为主; 分三段(活动或事件背景;活动或事件的过程;总结或体验)December28th,2003 Fine It is Sunday and sunny today.(事件)My friend Bob and I were walking along the street when we suddenly saw …. 或My classmates and I went to s.p…and… 或Early this morning, my classmates and I gathered at the school gate and then set off for…First, we cleaned …Then,we …After that we chatted with…At last we had to say good-bye to…and went away. 或XXX welcomed us warmly at the gate and showed us around the …Soon it was getting dark, so we had to say good-bye to XXX and went away home. (总结)In a word, we have benefited a lot from the visit. (总的来说,我们今天受益匪浅) 或In this way we did a good deed and learned a lot.(通过这样的方式我们做了好事,也学到很多) (三)议论文 第一段:议论的背景 第二段:不同观点的陈述或利弊谈 第三段:个人观点的陈述或总结 Recen tly we have had a discussion/debate/survey about….However, we couldn’t agree with each other on this point.(最近我们针对…进行了讨论/辩论/调查。然而,我们的意见有所不同) Our views are divided into two. (我们的意见分为两种)Some of think that…(有些人认为…) But/However,/ On the contrary, (然而)others believe that it is necessary for us to do sth for the following reasons. (其他人认为有必要…因为以下原因)First,….Second, …..Third,… (个人观点)I do(not) think so, because… 或In my opinion,/Personally speaking,/As far as I’m concerned,we/they should … (总结)In all,/In conclusion,… (总的来说) 议论文常用词汇和句型: It’s necessary/important/useful/helpful/harmful/bad /convienent for sb. to do…(对于某人来说做……是必要的/重要的/有用的/有帮助的/有害的/不好的/方便的) Doing…does harm/damage/ bad /good to;(做……对于……是有害的/好的) Doing…is harmful for/bad/good for sth; (做……对于……是有害的/好的) Sb. be kind/(im)polite/rude/ friendly /cruel to sb;(某人对……好/(不)礼貌/粗鲁/友好/残酷) it’s a waste of money/ time to do sth.; (做某事是浪费金钱/时间) sb. spend ….time/money in doing sth/on sth.(某人花费时间/金钱做某事) protect the environment/the earth/the world/wild life/;(保护环境、地球、世界、野生动物) keep the balance of nature;(保持自然界的平衡) fight against all linds of pollution(与一切污染做斗争) 名言:Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成.Time and tide wait for no man.。时间不等人


有关高中期末话题作文题目集锦 1、古代有位将军率部打仗,但他的人马只有敌人的十分之一,众将信心不足。将军 就到一座庙里求神问卜,他拿出一枚铜钱,对众将士说:“胜负在天,让神灵决定我们的 命运。如果抛落的铜钱正面朝上,神灵让我们战无不胜;正面向下,是要失败。”接着, 他连抛三次,铜钱均正面朝上。全军欢腾雀跃,出战大胜。凯旋后,将军拿出铜钱让大家看,原来这枚铜钱两面都是正面。 请以“信心”为话题,写一篇文章,不少于800字。 2、同是吃葡萄,A君每吃一粒,都是从一串葡萄中挑出最大最好的先吃;B君则不然,他总是挑最小最不好的先吃。两人怀着不同的心情吃完了葡萄。 请以“吃葡萄的启示”为话题,写一篇文章,文体不限,不少于800字。 3、鹰从云端飞来,落在一个草棚上,又飞到另一个草棚上。于是,一只老母鸡得意 地说:“鹰为什么受人尊敬?它的脚不比我们长,眼不比我们大。只要我愿意,照样从一 个草棚飞到另一个草棚。其实,鹰飞得比我们还低。”听了母鸡的议论,鹰说:“是的, 鹰有时飞得比鸡低;可是鸡却永远不能飞得像鹰那样高。” 请以“鹰与鸡的对话”为话题,自拟题目,写一篇800字以上的文章。 4、禁烟运动中的民族英雄林则徐,1838年升任两广总督后,亲笔在府衙内题了一副 堂联自勉:海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲则刚。这副对联历来为人传诵,赞不绝口。上联是说要像大海那样有肚量,能广泛听取各种不同的意见;下联呢,更是振聋发聩 的箴言。请以下联为话题,写一篇800字以上的文章,文体不限,自拟题目。 5、老师一手拿火柴盒,一手取一根火柴,将火柴擦亮,直至火柴燃烧完毕。然后启 发学生讨论:它使你想到什么?假如你是其中的一个学生,你会想到什么呢?请以“火柴的 燃烧”为话题,写一篇文章。或讲述亲身的经历,或联想相关的故事,抒写内心的感受, 发表自己的见解,题目自拟,文体不限,不少于800字。 6、自生命萌发之初,你在人世间就有了自己的位置;到生命终结之际,你在大地上仍 有自己的位置。如果你老是向前看,你的位置肯定在后面;如果你老是向下看,你的位置 必然在上面……在整个生命历程中,你一直同位置打着交道。或许,你有一段关于位置的 心情故事;或许,你有许多关于位置的独到见解;或许,位置曾引起你深入的思索;或许, 位置曾让你产生无限的`感慨……请以“位置”为中心话题,或讲述亲身的经历,或联想 相关的故事,抒写内心的感受,发表自己的见解,题目自拟,文体不限,不少于800字。 7、在寥阔宇宙数以亿计的星体中,有没有象地球这样富有生命力的行星?有没有比地 球人类更高明的动物?或许有,只是相距遥远互不了解罢了。美苏已有宇宙飞船飞出太阳


高一作文话题练习题目及范文 高一作文话题(一) 阅读下面的文字,写一篇不少于800字的议论文。 在一个平静的大海边,住着一个老渔人,他每天在海边打鱼,他从没有到过外面任何地方,但能生活得很快乐。他说:“这个地方挺美,.适合我生活。 有个亿万富翁,一生经历坎坷,在商界打拼几十年,到过世界上许多的地方。最后,他选择了这个海边,打算在此度过余生,他说这里有别处没有的宁静,安详和自由。 两个老人在海边相遇了。 有人说,亿万富翁追求一生,最终就是为了这个,那他还不如那个老渔入呢。也有人说,他一生毕竟经历过。 要求全面理解材料,但可以选择一个侧面、一个角度构思作文。自主确定立意,确定标题;不要脱离材料的含义作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。【优秀范文】 富翁在商界追求一生,幸福余生。老渔人在海边淡泊一生,快乐一生:其实,他们都已经实现了自己的夙愿。但我认为,在有限的生命里,我们更应当无悔地追求一生,无言地幸福一生。 因为追求,我们无怨无悔。扑火的飞蛾呀!你跳动着快乐的舞步,毅然地追求那明亮的火焰。你输,也只会输给追求:你嫁,也只会永远嫁给幸福。为了追求灿烂的光明,你不惜牺牲了自己的生命,但从那最后一刻的亮丽里,我读懂了你那一种无悔的心境。

因为追求,我们才会成功。在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦,沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望到达光辉的顶峰。为了寻找到合适的灯丝,爱迪生曾经在屡屡失败后,坚持做完千种实验,最终照亮了世界的每一个角落:为了提取一克的镭,居里夫人日夜不停地工作,用完了一车车吨重的矿石,最终如愿以偿。 因为追求,我们才会收获别样的幸福。木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流,因而有枝头春意闹的快乐,有河水潺潺的欢笑。生活在无声世界里的邰丽华追求艺术的巅峰,从而收获了家喻户晓的幸福:忙碌在千家万户的徐虎追求为人民服务的承诺,从而收获了众人称道的幸福。我懂了:追求是幸福之源,只有追求,才会有真正的幸福。 我们收获到的幸福应当是一种无言而安详的心境。经历了风风雨雨,渡过了千险万难,此时,心底的幸福会是一份坦然。“宠辱不惊,闲看庭前花开花落:去留无意,漫随天外云卷云舒”是一种得失无意的幸福:“倚南窗以寄傲,审容膝之易安”是一种复得返自然的幸福。他们此时面对生活,已不必再多说些什么,无言,即是此刻幸福的满足。 我们收获到的幸福,应当是一种高远的志向、旷达的胸襟。诸葛孔明云:“非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。”他因有鸿鹄之志的幸福,因而更加不悔地追求。于是我明白了:人生有两只翅膀,一是追求,一是幸福;只有两翅一起鼓振,才能飞得更加高远。 让我们像富翁那样无悔地去追求,让我们尽情去体味老渔人那宁静的幸福:让我们的人生在追求中幸福,在幸福中追求。 此刻,我已无悔,亦无言。


《保护环境的英语作文》 保护环境的英语作文(一): Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances。 Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do。 For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise。 If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs。 We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment。 此刻,我们身边的汽车不断的多了起来,环境也越来越糟糕!以至于我们周围的空气有很多有害物质。所以,我们要苏身边的小事做起。比如,我们能够骑自行车上学或者步行,这样还能够锻炼身体。有时光的话能够少用电梯,多爬楼梯。我们不仅仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。 保护环境的英语作文(二): There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years。 One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air,water and soil。 the polluted air does great harm to peoples health。 The polluted water causes diseases and death。 What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities。 To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot。 Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution,to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution。 Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today。 In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures。 First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education。 Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution。Finally,those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished。 We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves。 保护环境 目前环保还存在着许多问题。最严重的问题就是空气、水和土壤的严重污染。污染的空气对人类的健康十分有害。污染的水引起疼病,造成死亡。更有甚者,随着现代社会的迅速扩建,植被大大的减少。


写作 假如你是李华,你刚收到了你的朋友王梅的电子邮件,她在邮件里向你询问在高中如何学好英语。请你根据下列的内容给她写封回信。 1.上课认真听讲,做好笔记,课后及时复习; 2.词汇是基础,每天早上花半个小时的时间背诵单词,朗读课文; 3.课外多与同学用英语交流,提高听力和口语能力; 4.每天坚持写日记。 注意:1.词数120—150词左右,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总数; 2.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。 Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your e-mail. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua

Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your e-mail. Now I’m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school. First of all, you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go over your lessons as soon as you can/regularly after class. As is known to all=As we all know (众所周知),vocabulary is of great importance/ essential. You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud. What’s more, try to communicate with your classmates in English out of class. In this way you can improve your listening and spoken English quickly. Last but not least, you should develop the habit of keeping a diary, which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt.


高中以文化为话题的议论文 【篇一】 当烟花烂漫绽放时,恐怕只落得稍纵即逝。当清酒一饮而尽时,恐怕只落得淡雅恬静。当古典文化如烟花,又似清酒时,恐怕也渐行渐远,被人遗忘。 我们为现代的爱情悲剧所痛苦梨花带雨时,可曾念起那一曲葬花咏调的忧愁凄美,那与贾郎的永别,也深深地埋下了庭院那深深几许尘土中。 当这一曲秦殿的歌台暖响归于沉寂,那一轮汉宫秋月正清辉当空。当仕途的紫带红袍归于沉寂,那一丛东篱黄菊正清香欲发。当古典文化渐渐疏远,于水云深际寻那柳暗花明,祭奠那纷纷永恒。 文化是传承五千年的底蕴,当先祖的遗言在眼前之时,文化的传承更愈发重要。千古的文化便是发展的基石,以底蕴架起了不朽的丰碑。在那古典文化的熏陶中,我们更显稳重。 文化见证着历史的沧桑,渗透着不一样的经典。当鲁迅笔下的文字跃然于纸上,见证了新中国的艰难;当陶公的东篱遇见南山之时,见证了隐逸的淡泊与高雅;当曹雪芹的红楼大观竣工之时,见证了历史的沉淀与兴衰。古典的文化便是五千年的见证,当他悄然欲逝时,应留住这见证文字的精华。 灵魂的跳动彰显文化的含义。保尔的振臂一呼,唤醒了多少沉寂的灵魂;游子身上的线衣,感动了多少人的心;出师一表,震撼了一颗颗洒热血,挥细汗的忠赤之心。当古典的隽永透过那黄页叙述深情,

唤醒我们的灵魂之时,是否应该把这种震撼埋于黄土庭院,彻底忘却呢? …… 李太白:“飞流直下三千尺”的豪放和壮观;鲁迅“横眉冷对千夫指”的誓不低头;顾城的“黑夜给予的黑色眼睛”。经典是经过千锤万打的,文化是不会随时间和记忆而风化。 怀念经典,文化的脚印离我们现实生活越行越远。如今的流行,是否能打开李易安的心笺,是否能如冰心一般叩开我们的心扉?停船泊舟,载着文化的一叶轻舟在淡雾之下越发朦胧。当记忆已远去时,我们才来祭祀;当文化如烟火清酒消散时,方来感知心灵的悸动。 我们应撑一长篙,向浓雾更浓处漫朔,寻觅文化的足迹,体会那暗香盈袖,云淡风轻。文化的传承不应走远,我们应插上一双羽翼,在尘世之中,寻到那“太高人”,在现世中寻出一条文化之路。 烟火纵然绚美,也敌不过时光的流逝;清酒纵然甘醇,也需红颜知己相伴;文化之祭,纵然隽永,亦不会随风而化! 【篇二】 说起筷子,这是我们每天都在使用的餐具。筷子在中国源远流长,已经有3000多年的历史了,现在使用筷子的人越来越多。据医学专家的研究,使用筷子还能开发儿童的智力。 筷子的种类非常多,如:竹筷子、象牙筷子、银筷子、金筷子,筷子有粗有细,有方有圆,形状各异,竹筷子:上面方方的下面呈圆形,有时还有一点点的粗糙;你瞧这象牙筷子,雪白光滑,晶莹剔透;


如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! 有关环境保护的英语作文 (1) With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car. As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars. However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars, the problem of air pollution becomes even more serious. So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life. My suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars.By riding a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment. Why not have a try, my dear friends? 与我们的生活水平的提高,越来越多的人都买得起汽车的。因此,道路往往没有堆满了汽车。然而,随着越来越多的废气排放是汽车、空气污染问题变得更加严重。所以现在我们提倡过低碳的生活。 我的建议是我们应该更经常骑自行车而不是开车骑一辆自行车,我们不仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。为什么不试试,我亲爱的朋友? (2) Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical

高中学业水平测试第一部分英语作文练习:话题13 健康

话题13健康(Health) Ⅰ.话题相关词汇 1.健康的healthy 2.残疾的disabled 3.哑的dumb 4.身心健康physical and mental health/body and mind health 5.看医生go to see a doctor 6.得重感冒catch/have a bad cold 7.发高烧have a high fever 8.不治之症deadly disease/sickness/illness 9.感染become/be exposed to 10.头疼have a headache 11.流行性感冒have a flu 12.患癌症have a cancer 13.吸烟smoke cigarette/smoking 14.酗酒drink alcohol 15.吸毒take drugs 16.不准吸烟No smoking 17.服药take medicine/pills/tablets 18.肚子疼have a stomache 19.给某人动手术operate on sb. 20.照顾病人look after the patient 21.康复get well/recover 22.恢复过来be back one's feet

23.咳嗽have a cough 24.不舒服fall ill/be ill 25.恶心feel sick 26.严重的serious/severe 27.轻微的slight 28.养成良好的生活方式form a good habit of lifestyle 29.远离free of/from或get away from 30.强身健体build up our body 31.抵制疾病fight against disease 32.保持健康keep healthy 33.保持乐观keep optimistic 34.瞎的;视而不见的blind 35.癌cancer 36.聋的;听不进的deaf 37.医治treat 38.诊所;门诊部clinic 39.治疗;医好cure 40.牙科医生dentist Ⅱ.实用句型 1.外科医生给病人做了手术。 The surgeon has performed the operation on the patient. 2.医生对我说,我需要好好休息。 The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest. 3.我已试遍了医生建议的每一种疗法。 I have tried every treatment the doctor suggested. 4.她患流行性感冒还没有完全恢复。


十个高考话题作文题目 1、阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。 生活中充满了矛盾。我们一方面对自己说对人要有爱心,爱人如爱己;一方面在外头又怕跟陌生人说话。我们一边叹息人际关系逐渐冷漠,一边又不愿意伸手去帮助路旁车子抛了锚的人。我们的借口是:怕自己被坏人骗了,怕自己在路边与麻烦事或麻烦人惹人关系。我们的怕,大概已经快要把我们的爱吃掉。 要求:请以“生活中的矛盾”为话题,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇文章。文体自定,不少于800字。 2、阅读下面的一则材料,根据要求作文。(60分) 第一次登陆月球的太空人其实共有两位,除了大家所熟识的阿姆斯特朗外,还有一位是奥尔德林。当时阿姆斯特朗说过一句话:“我个人的一小步,是全人类的一大步。”这早已是全世界家喻户晓的名言。在庆祝登陆月球成功的记者会上,一个记者突然问了奥尔德林一个特别的问题:“阿姆斯特朗先下去,成为登陆月球的第一个人,你会不会觉得有点遗憾” 在全场点尴尬的注视下,奥尔德林很有风度地回答:“各位,千万别忘了,回到地球时,我可是最先出太空舱的。”他环顾四周笑着说,“所以我是由别的星球来到地球的第一个人。”大家在笑声中都给予他最热烈的掌声。 其实,成功不必在我,团队的成功就是我的成功。 请以“团队精神”为话题写一篇文章,可以写你的经历、体验、感受、看法,也可以编写故事、寓言,等等。所写内容必须在“团队精神”的范围之内。 注意:①立意自定。 ②文体自选。 ③题目自拟。 ④不少于800字。 3、阅读下面的一则故事,根据要求作文。(60分) 有一个生长在孤儿院的男孩,悲观地问院长:“像我这样没人要的孩子,活着究竟有什么意思呢”院长交给他一块石头,说:“明天,你拿这块石头去卖,但不是真卖,不论别人出多少钱,绝对不能卖。” 第二天,男孩蹲在市场的角落,真有好多人要买那块石头,而且价钱越出越高。晚上,院长要他明天

高中作文 话题作文专题训练三十三

高中作文话题作文专题训练三十三 语文2018.1 考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 1.阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 一名女工莫名其妙地被老板炒了鱿鱼,叫她下午去结算工资。中午,她坐在公园的长椅上黯然神伤。一个小孩站在旁边一直不走,她奇怪地问:“你站在这里干什么?”小孩回答:“这条长椅背刚刷过油漆,我想看看你站起来背上是什么样子。”女工忽然醒悟,如同这双眼睛想看她背上的油漆一样,她的那些同事也会想要窥视她的落魄和失意。她决不能在失去工作的同时,也失去自己的笑容和尊严。 请以“伤害和尊严”为话题写一篇文章。 注意:①所写内容必须在话题范围内。②立意自定。③文体自选(诗歌除外)。④题目自拟。⑤不少于800字。⑥不得抄袭。 【答案】略 【解析】一、这是一个关系型话题,立意着重从二者的关系入手,不可偏废。伤害面前,尊严受到打压,人性被侵犯,伤害造成人与人之间的隔阂甚至仇恨;伤害会触及尊严,而人的尊严又可以将伤害减到最小,人因尊严而战胜伤害,成就伟大。二、从伤害的角度看,既然伤害会打击尊严,那么,每个人都要注意自己的言行,尽量避免给他人造成伤害,照顾别人的尊严其实就是给自己以尊严;从尊严的角度看,有些伤害不可避免,那么,惟有以尊严挺拔人性,理性看待伤害,将其当做是压力与磨练,用崇高的尊严撑起心灵的蓝天;还可以从辩证关系的角度分析二者的现实存在,以冷静的态度分析人生的转折和成长…… 2.作文:(60+10=70分) 痕迹约翰●罗斯金 把第一个黎明看作生命的开始 把每一个黄昏看作生命的小结 让每一个这样短短的生命 都能为自己留下一点儿可爱的事业的脚印 和你心灵得到实质的痕迹 请以“痕迹”为话题写一篇议论文,所写内容必须在这个话题范围之内。


Protect the Environment As everyone knows, the earth is the home on which we live. To protect the environment is to protect our home. So, let us take up the responsibility to protect the environment. The following is my advice. In the first place, just like cultivating good habits, start small. For example, we mustn't throw rubbish everywhere and so on. Second, it is critical for us to raise awareness of protecting the environment. As the saying goes, where there is a will there is a way. We can spread view of protecting the environment. After all, if just a few characters do it, it is not enough. Last but important, the government improved relevant laws and regulations. In a word, as a contemporary youth of China, we should actively protect the environment. 众所周知,地球是我们赖以生存的家园。然而保护环境就是保护我们的家园。所以,让我们担负起保护环境的责任。以下是我的建议。 首先,就像培养良好习惯一样,从小事做起。例如,我们不要随地扔垃圾等等。第二,提高保护环境的意识是至关重要的。所话说,有志者,事竟成嘛。我们可以传播保护环境的思想。毕竟,只有少数人去做是远远不够的。最后,政府完善相关法律法规。 总之,作为中国当代青少年,我们应该积极保护环境。

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