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I . Choose the best one of the four choices.

1. Her heart was slightly damaged her long illness.

A. because

B. result from

C. as a result

D. as a result of

2. You must pay attention this problem before everything.

A. to

B. for

C. at

D. on

3. color is concerned, this T-shirt is fine.

A. So far

B. As far as

C. As from

D. In terms of

4. I walked in my room, reading aloud my favorite poems.

A. up and down

B. in and out

C. back and forth

D. back and front

5. Table manners troubled her the presence of all the guests.

A. on

B. from

C. to

D. in

6. Sometimes courtesy calls creatively changing the truth.

A. over

B. at

C. for

D. out

7. I often used to hang in supermarkets.

A. on

B. out

C. over

D. up

8. She after 20 kilometers with stomach trouble.

A. dropped in

B. took out

C. took in

D. dropped out

9. They hope to the system in September.

A. make out

B. do out

C. try out

D. examine out

10. I may for her, but it isn’t love.

A. have a passion

B. give a feeling

C. take a like

D. contain a heart

11. The president will have to work hard to his credibility.

A. create

B. make

C. reform

D. restore

12. It is a silly idea and he has it.

A. botched

B. botch

C. botching

D. botches

13. Rivers are a for an agricultural country.

A. press

B. blest

C. blessing

D. blasting

14. Arthritis is crippling disease which people all over the world.

A. affects

B. effect

C. affection

D. effective

15. She has more than 100 children.

A. foster

B. fostered

C. bring

D. brought

II. Cloze. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage from the three choices. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .

Every year an average of 78,000 foreign high school students 1 to study in the United States. Their reasons for studying overseas include 2 their English, finishing

high school, and learning 3 possible about a different culture. Among the definite difficulties they face are finding a host family to live 4 and covering all personal items like clothing and long distance calls and some medical bills. These teenagers suddenly have to learn to adapt 5 , but parents always help as their children are not whatsoever accustomed 6 traveling by themselves. Leaving behind their families when getting aboard the plane departing for America is their most challenging experience; next is awaiting their domestic flights to their temporary destinations throughout America. After they have settled, students complain 7 unusual foods, painful longings for home or regulations 8 how early to be home on weekend nights or risk 9 . Students with little command of English must take private language lessons and, 10 , increase their total study expenses.

1. A.are B.go C.goes

2. A.to improve B.to improve on C.improving

3. A.as much as B.as well as C.as good as

4. A.on B.by C.with

5. A.with themselves B.by themselves C.to themselves

6. A.for B.with C.to

7. A.for B.on C.about

8. A.such as B.established C.drawn up

9. A.to be punished B.punished C.being punished

10. A.in turn B.although C.however

III. Reading Comprehension. Choose the best answer from the four choices.

Passage One

After having lived for over twenty years in the same district, Albert Hall was forced to move to a new neighborhood. He surprised his landlord by telling him that he was leaving because he could not afford to buy any more chocolate. It all began a year ago when Albert Hall returned home one evening and found a large dog in front of his gate. He was very fond of animals and as he happened to have a small piece of chocolate in his pocket, he gave it to the dog. The next day, the dog was there again. It held up its paws (爪子) and received another piece of chocolate as a reward. Albert called his new friend “Bingo”. He never found out the dog’s real name, nor who his owner was. However, Bingo appeared regularly every afternoon and it was quite clear that he liked chocolate more than bones. He soon grew dissatisfied with small pieces of chocolate and demanded a large bar a day. If at any time Albert couldn't give it, Bingo got very angry and refused to let him open the gate. Albert was now at Bingo’s mercy and had to “buy him” to get into his own house! He spent such a large part of his week's wage to keep Bingo supplied with chocolate that in the end he had to move somewhere else.

1. Albert had been living in the same district for _____________.

A. many weeks

B. under twenty years

C. all his life

D. more than twenty years

2. Albert decided to move because _________.

A. he didn't get along well with his landlord

B. he was afraid of animals, especially dogs

C. he couldn't get into his own house

D. he was not satisfied with that district

3. Bingo waited for Albert every afternoon at the gate because _________.

A. he wanted some bones

B. he wanted the chocolate

C. he liked Albert

D. he had no other place to go

4. We can tell from the story that _________.

A. Albert could afford to buy a large bar of chocolate for Bingo every day

B. Albert didn't like animals any more from then on

C. all dogs are excessive

D. it took Albert too much money to buy chocolate for Bingo

5. Albert had to "buy him" means _________.

A. Albert had to embrace him

B. Albert had to drive him away

C. Albert had to give him chocolate

D. Albert had to hit him.

Passage 2

Is your job doing harm to your health? If you are like a lot of American workers today, you experience a significant amount of stress in work. Stress doesn't just make you unhappy at work. It can affect your health. Doctors say people under stress have higher blood pressure, even when they are away from work. And they are at a higher risk for death from any cause than those who are more relaxed.

How do you know if your job could be a risk to your health? Some danger signs include difficulty getting to sleep or difficulty waking up in the morning, forgetfulness, aches(疼痛) and pains for no apparent(明显的) reason, a desire to eat less or tendency to eat poorly, loss of interest in activities, etc. Everyone has bad days in which they feel many of these symptoms(症状), but if you have noticed several of them, and you have experienced them for months, you may need to do something.

If you notice these signs in yourself or your loved one, check with your doctor to eliminate(排除) other possibilities. If the cause does appear to be stress, experts say you should try to make time for yourself away from work. Try relaxing in a warm bubble bath, listening to music and shutting out the world for a while.

6. According to the passage, ____________.

A. many American workers are under stress these days

B. almost all people know how to get rid of stress

C. most people go to doctors for help whenever they feel themselves under stress

D. it is sure that our work is doing harm to our health

7. How does stress at work affect your life?

A. It makes you unhappy at work.

B. It affects your health.

C. It makes you worry about everything all the time.

D. Both A) and B).

8. Which of the following is not mentioned as a sign showing that your job is doing harm to your health?

A. Aches or pains for reasons unknown.

B. Lack of interest in activities.

C. Failing memory.

D. Eating too much.

9. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Stressed-out people are more likely to die of any cause than those who are more relaxed.

B. Stressed-out people have higher blood pressure only when they are at work.

C. There are several ways in which stressed-out people can relax themselves.

D. There are many signs of stress, including difficulty falling asleep.

10. What can you do if you have noticed some of the signs of stress mentioned in the passage?

A. See a doctor and try to relax more.

B. Change to another job.

C. Assume fewer responsibilities.

D. Let it be.

IV. Translation.

Please translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.

1. 第四类是既不聪明也不勤奋的学生。

2. 所有学生组成了整个校园。

3. 我们生活在什么都可以公开的社会。

4. 她终归会后悔不该中途辍学。

5. 我有件事要坦白。

Please translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.

6. They have many different kinds of characters and personalities.

7. His work is worthy of recognition and praise.

8. Despite all the difficulties, they pushed on with their plan.

9. We have elevated the personal confession to an art form

10. Let me stress that I am talking about white lies.

V. Writing. For this part, you are required to write a letter to a friend who will come to your city to see you. You should write at least 100 words according to the outline given in Chinese:





1~5 DABCD 6~10 CBDCA 11~15 DACAB

II. Cloze

1~5 BCACB 6~10 CCACA

III. Reading.

1~5 DCBDC 6~10 ADDBA

IV. Translation.

1. The fourth type are the neither smart nor diligent students.

2. All of the students constitute the whole campus.

3. We live in a tell-all culture.

4. In the long haul, she will regret having been a school dropout.

5. I have a confession to make.

6. 他们有着各种不同的个性和性格。

7. 他的工作应该得到承认和称赞。

8. 尽管困难重重,他们继续执行计划。

9. 我们已经把个人表白上升至一种艺术。

10. 我强调一下,我说的是善意的谎言。

V. Writing. (参考范文)

January 5th, 2014

Dear Zhang Wei,

I am glad to know that you are coming to my city during the summer vacation.

However, I am afraid there is some bad news. I am planning to take part in an international conference to be held in another city during the time of your visit. All the top scientists in my field will show up at the conference. More importantly, I am lucky enough to have been selected to give a speech on behalf of my research team at the conference. I really can’t miss it.

I understand that it will be your first time to this city and I am

your only friend here. I have asked my roommate to meet you at the airport, and you can stay in my room. He is a very nice person and he will show you around the city. Hope you two will get on well and have a nice holiday!

Yours Sincerely Li Ming

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