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实验四 数据查询

1、 简单查询
use Stu_Cy
select Sname,year(getdate())-year(Sbirth) age
from Student
where Sdept='数学'

use Stu_Cy
select Ctype,count(Cno)
from Course
group by Ctype

use Stu_Cy
select DISTINCT Sno
from SC
where Grade between 80 and 100

use Stu_Cy
select *
from Course
where Cname like '数据库\_%' escape '\'

use Stu_Cy
select Sno,Sname,Sdept
from Student
where Sno in(95001,95002,96001)

use Stu_Cy
select top 3 Sname,Spre
from Student
order by Spre DESC

use Stu_Cy
select Sno,AVG(Grade) ave
from SC
group by Sno
having AVG(Grade)>70
order by ave DESC

use Stu_Cy
select st.Sname,st.Ssex,sc.Grade
from Student st,SC sc
where st.Sno=sc.Sno and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/db8755765.html,o=1 and st.Sdept='计算机'

use Stu_Cy
select st.Sno,st.Sname
from Student st,SC sc,Course c
where st.Sno=sc.Sno and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/db8755765.html,o=https://www.wendangku.net/doc/db8755765.html,o and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/db8755765.html,ame='操作系统'

use Stu_Cy
select https://www.wendangku.net/doc/db8755765.html,o,Cname,sc.Sno,Grade
from Course c
left outer join SC sc

use Stu_Cy
select st.Sclass,count(distinct st.Sclass),AVG(sc.Grade)
from Student st,SC sc
where st.Sno=sc.Sno
group by st.Sclass

use Stu_Cy
select Sname,Ssex
from Student
where Sno in (select Sno
from SC
where Cno='1')
and Sdept='计算机'

use Stu_Cy
select Sname,Ssex
from Student
where exists
(select *
from SC
where Sno=Student.Sno and Cno='1')
and Sdept='计算机'

use Stu_Cy
select Sno,Grade
from SC
where Cno='2' and Grade>(select AVG(Grade)
from SC
where Cno='2')

use Stu_Cy
select Sno,

from Student
where Spre>(select MAX(Spre)
from Student
where Sdept='计算机')
and Sdept<>'计算机'

use Stu_Cy
select Sno,Sname,Sbirth,Sdept
from Student
where Sdept=(select Sdept
from Student
where Sname='李勇')
and Sbirth<(select Sbirth
from Student
where Sname='李勇')
and Sname<>'李勇'

use Stu_Cy
select *
from Course
where not exists
(select *
from Student
where not exists
(select *
from SC
where Cno=https://www.wendangku.net/doc/db8755765.html,o and Sno=Student.Sno))

use Stu_Cy
select distinct Sno
from SC SCX
where not exists
(select *
from SC SCY
where SCY.Sno = '96001' and
not exists
(select *
from SC SCZ
where SCZ.Sno=SCX.Sno and

use Stu_Cy
select Cno
from SC
where Sno='95001'
select Cno
from SC
where Sno='95002'

use Stu_Cy
select Cno
from SC sc1
where Sno='95001' and not exists
(select *
from SC sc2
where Sno='95002' and Cno=https://www.wendangku.net/doc/db8755765.html,o)

use Stu_Cy
select Cno
from SC sc1
where Sno='95001' and exists
(select *
from SC sc2
where Sno='95002' and Cno=https://www.wendangku.net/doc/db8755765.html,o)
