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【预测作文1】 More Attention on Gyms or Libraries?

1. 目前很多高校重视体育馆的建设

2. 有人表示赞同,但也有些人认为更应该重视图书馆的建设

3. 我的看法…… 范文与点评

More Attention on Gyms or Libraries?

①Nowadays, universities in growing numbers attach increasing importance to the construction of gyms on campus.②Whetherto invest equally in gyms as in librarieshas aroused a heated discussion.

③The significance of building a satisfactory gym lies in providing a good place where university students can not only do sufficient physical exercises but also participate in such group activities as playing football or volleyball.④ A strong body as well as sufficient spirit of co-operation proves to be of vital importance.⑤Others, however, firmly hold that top priority should be given to the construction of a decent library.⑥The library, in their opinion, is the place where university students can acquire a wide range of knowledge.⑦ Meanwhile,without a solid academic foundation, students would be unlikely to achieve success in the specialized field.

?As for me, important as a library is, the significance of a gym cannot be neglected.⑨ To strike abalance between studyand sports may be the only way for university students to enjoy a meaningful and enjoyable school life.

①陈述现象;attach increasing importance to‘‘越来越重视” 为髙分短if,可用attach substantial importance to, lay excessive emphasis on等 替换使用


③说明支持建设体育馆的观 其中使用where引导定

语从句和not only... but also...并列结构


⑤说明另一卞观点;其中top priority is given to sth.“优 先考虑某事”为亮点结构,用 语地道

⑥where引导的定语从句进一 步说明建设图书馆的重要性


⑧提出个人观点;其中第二个 as引导的是让步状语从句

⑨提出两者都要并重;strike a balance between... and... “保持……和……平衡”为高 分短语

【预测作文2】 On the Criteria to Judge One's Success

1. 人们对成功有着不同的评判标准

2. 我认为成功与否最重要的标准是……

3. 我们大学生应该怎样做


Oil the Criteria to Judge One's Success ①There has long been many disputes overthe

different criteria to judge whether one is successful or not.②Such aspects asa spacious house, a decent job or others' admiration,etc. are all standards to evaluate one's success.

③The most applicable criterion to judge one's success,as far as I am concerned, is whether one can always hold an optimistic attitude towards life


以来备受 争议的话题


③表明作者眼中成功的标准是 有积极的生活态度和不懈追 求梦想;consistently strive for为亮点表达

and consistently strive for his own dream.④Physical interests will not last for life and drawbacks always occur in our life.⑤Withoutanactive attitude, we would not belikely to overcome these difficulties,not to mention owning a physically and spiritually well- off life. ?As long as we always hold a dream and strive for it, we can have the aspiration as well as driving force, which can lead to a sense of fulfillment and a successful life.

?As a university undergraduate, we should be aware of the meaning ofthe saying that the outcome is appealing whereas the process is frustration.⑧ We willdo our utmost to have an objective view towards difficulties and draw happiness from the process,thus achieving success in its actual sense.


⑤Without引导的虚拟语气强 调心态的重要性;not to mention为髙分短语

⑥进一步解释追求梦想是成功 的标准的原因;As long as 引导条件状语从句和which 引导非限制性定语从句使句 式富于变化


⑧提出具体做法;do one's utmost为亮点短语;thus doing sth.引导结果状语

【预测作文3】 On Compromises and Sacrifices

1. 很多年轻人过分看重个人利益而不愿意“吃亏”

2. 但是有人认为吃亏是福,理由是……

3. 我的看法…… 范文与点评

On Compromises and Sacrifices ① Partly because of the prevailing trend of egoism, youngsters In growing numbers attach excessive importance to their personal interest and are unwilling to make any compromises or sacrifices.②Thisnewly-arisen trendhas led to a heated discussion*

③ A great many people hold the views that being ready to make compromises and sacrifices is indeed of great benefit.④To begin with, this can greatly enhance our awareness of being collaborative. If everyone centers on his own interest, he cannot expect sincere cooperation with others. ?Furthermore, to be generous and considerate of others' feeling canmakeus get on well with others.⑥We can prevent conflicts from arising and temporary sacrifices will create a harmonious living environment.

⑦Perscmally, I am fully convinced that, as a youngster,by nomeans are we supposed to focus only on our personal interest. ⑧ Making compromises and sacrifices will definitely prove to be rewarding in the long run.

①提出有些人不愿意“吃亏”的话 题,并简单分析原因?,in growing numbers attach excessive importance to为亮点 表达



④To begin with结构衔接短语引 出原因之一

⑤进一步说明“吃亏是福”的原 因;不定式作主语调节句子结

构;使用结构衔接短语,作文层 次分明

⑥两个并列句进一步说明原因; temporary和harmonious为亮 点词

⑦提出个人观点;by no means短 语中含否定词,句子要用倒装 结构,句式富于变化


【预测作文4] Landing a Job Related to the Msyor or Not

1. 很多大学生毕业后从事的工作与所学专业关系不大,原因是……

2. 有人认为应该找与专业相关的工作,也有人认为无关紧要

3. 我的看法…… 范文与点评

Landing a Job Related to the major or Not

①A good many university graduates are forced to find jobs distantly related to their majors,partly because of the fierce competition in the employment market.?As long as a job can be available, less attention is given to the relation between the scope of work and their majors.

③As is argued by many,this may indicate that the four years' study in the university is a complete waste of time and efforts.④In this case, what is the point of studying so industriously in the university? ⑤Others, however, believe that university is a place where one's integrated quality can be improved ⑥ Thus whatever field one is going to be engaged in, the comprehensive quality fostered in university is of great value.⑦ Besides, youngsters have to give priority to a chance of being employed for living, even if the work is somehow detached from what they have learned in university.

⑧As for me,in this society full of stress and competition, to find a job is of vital importance. If the precious chance of being employed is given,we should make good use of the experience in university and learn in practice.

①开门见山提出主题;partly because of解释部分原因

②表明大学生最关心的是工 作;As long as引导条件状 语从句


④进一步说明观点;反问句 what is the point of doing sth.起到加强语气的作用

⑤指出另一方观点:大学注重 培养学生们的综合素质

⑥进一步解释原因;过去分词 作后置定语,为高分结构

⑦ give priority to“优先考虑”

和detached from“与不


⑧提出个人观点:社会处处充 满竞争,找到工作最重要

【预测作文S】 Where to Go, Empty-Nesters?

1. 很多空巢老人遭受心理上的空虚和寂寞

2. 有些老人选择去福利院生活,原因是……

3. 我的看法…… 范文与点评

Where to Go, Empty-Nesters?

① Empty-nesters,elderly parents with all children growing into their own and moving away,are prone to feel lonely or sad,even depressed and anxious if not addressed. It seems that, for a better life, a number of them have to find ways of filling their emptiness.

①解释主题词汇“空巢老人”, 同时描述了他们

的现状;be prone to和addressed是亮 点表达;固定结构It seems that地道实用

② Many empty-nesters choose to live in a nursing home.③ Firstly, they find professional assistance and caring for 24 hours a day in a nursing considering a majority of them are suffering from some physical problems.④ Secondly* living with other senior citizens offers them more companions and new friends,or briefly, a sense of community. ?What's more, many considerate parents willingly tend to alleviate their children's burden in life so that their children can devote themselves to their work as long as they make sure that their parents are safe and well attended.

?As for me, it is a good but not the only or best choice.⑦But what if parents can not afford to live in a nursing home? What if parents prefer the freedom at home to the structured life in a nursing one?⑧ Therefore,it might be a better answer to find new meaning of their lives by fulfilling their new goals and a connplistDneiits. For instance, they can relearn or cultivate a hobby.⑨ Besktes’ local communities are obliged to organize more recreational activities and provide necessary help.


③分析选择入住福利院的理由 之一:专业的护理


⑤理由之三:体贴的父母想减 轻孩子的生活负担,让孩子 安心工作

⑥自己的观点:既非唯一更谈 不上最好的选择

⑦两个what if反问句形成平 行结构,增强气势

⑧提出建议:设立人生新的目 标,并举例说明

⑨指出社区也应该多组织活 动,丰富老年人生活;be obliged to是亮点短语
【预测作文6】 On Fabricating Academic Credentials

1. 现在学历造假现象非常狷獗

2. 分析这一现象的原因

3. 如何根除这一现象 范文与点评

On Fabricating Academic Credentials

① Fabricating academic credentials has been brought to public concern by a series of scandals concerning the education background and degrees of many celebrated elites who have made it to the top and therefore become the idol of millions of youngsters. The shocking news has ignited a nationwide debate.

② This reflects the social problem that in China, academic credentials have long been regarded as one of the most important factors in determining one's fate.
③ As is accepted, a glorious academic record may guarantees gainful employment.0 As a matter of fact,forgery in academic credentials is merely
④a tip of the iceberg of dishonesty. Fake commodities and business transactions, plagiarism, academic fraud filled our life.?5`In addition,it is reinforced by the excessive emphasis we place on academic qualifications, particularly foreign ones, over actual experience.

?6`To eradicate it, or at least decrease it, the unethical phenomenon, each social member should have a sense of credibility.⑦ Besides, a

zero- tolerance attitude towards the game~“fake it to make it” might be of help.⑧ Once a lie is disclosed, the society as a whole must make a stand against it on moral, ethical,and legal grounds so that we could survive as a viable civilization.
①开篇点题说明学历造假引起 了人们的关注;celebrated elites who have made it是高 分表达

②说明原因之一是学历是决定 一个人命运的重要因素之一

③进一步解释学历的重要性; glorious, guarantees是高分词

④a tip of the iceberg是髙分表 达
⑤原因之二是重学历甚于实际 经验

⑥提出解决办法是每个人都要 有诚信意识;unethical, credibility是高分词

⑦指出对待这一现象要采取零 容忍的态度;fake it to make it是高分表达

⑧进一步解释“零容忍”应该从 道德、伦理和法律等方面抵 制该现象;make a stand against...为高分表达

【预测作文7】 Skill Exchange Online

1. 时下很多年轻人和网友交换技能,互相帮助

2. 这一做法有利也有弊

3. 我的建议…… 范文与点评

Skill Exchange Online

① With the development of IT technology nowadays, a growing number of youngster exchange skills on the Internet.② About its advantages and disadvantages?people have different ideas.

③ The youngsters embrace the idea, for one thing, because they can save the money needed to learn another skill. For another,they are broadening their circles of social contacts.④ However,many others doubt the credibility of the claims and worry whether they may run any risk of being trapped.⑤ What's more, it takes heaps of time and energy to find the right match,which is not so easy as ABC.⑥ Additionally, not all skills can be traded equally such as language skill that requires constant practice while driving is relatively quick to master.
?As far as I'm concerned,safety is a top priority when it comes to online transactions. ⑧Therefore, all participants of skill exchange should be aware of the potential deception by verifying each other's identities.⑨Besides, never transfer money into a stranger's accountfor the sake of security.

①开篇描述背景,说明网上交 换技能的新现象


③指出其优点是可以省钱和扩 大交友圈;embrace和 broadening one's circles of social contacts是髙分表达

④弊端一:无法判别其真实性, 可能会掉人陷阱;credibility of the claims是亮点表达

⑤弊端二:找到合适的对等交 换者要花大量时间和精力

⑥弊端三:不是所有的技能都 可以平等交换

⑦提出自己的观点:安全第一; a top priority when it comes to为高分表达

⑧建议一:验证对方身份; potential deception为力口分词汇

⑨建议二:为安全起见,不要给 陌生账户汇钱

【预测作文8】 Soc

iety Calls for Heroes

1. 危急时刻常常没有英雄挺身而出

2. 现代社会中英雄的价值是……

3. 我的看法…… 范文与点评

Society Calls for Heroes ① Have you ever experienced the typical phenomenon that the weak are suffering from the humiliation and even insult imposed by the strong while some people stands by with folded arms? ?It is an issue that has sparked a heated discussion concerning the value of heroes.

③ The value of heroes in the modern society can be illustrated in two aspects.④First of all,their behavior will help the weak out of the predicament, which will not only be a great encouragement to those who are in difficulties butalso help to create a harmonious society of stability and solidarity.⑤ Besides,these heroes will set a good example for others and thus behaviors of this sort will be popularized.⑥In that case, nobody will stand by Indifferently when others are in difficulties.

?From my personal perspective, we are living in a society where the value of being a hero is being gradually recognized.⑧ Before looking to others for changes, I will do my bit to behave courageously instead of merely waiting for the emergence of a hero.
①疑问句常用结构引出现象 imposed by the strong过去 分词作后置定语解释说明 humiliation and even insult



④英雄价值之一是帮助弱者摆 脱困境,营造和谐社会环境; 高分词汇stability和solidarity 头韵力卩尾韵

⑤英雄价值之二是为他人树立 榜样;set a good example for sb.为亮点短语

⑥对上句进一步解释说明;髙 分词组stand by indifferently 意为“袖手旁观”


⑧表达决心;高分词组looking to others for changes意为 “指望别人改变”

【预测作文9】 Knowledge or Experience?

1. 知识和经验是大学生最重视的两个方面

2. 有人认为知识更重要,而有人认为经验更重要

3. 我的看法…… 范文与点评

Knowledge or Experience? ① With the unemployment rate getting increasingly high,each university undergraduate is keen on improving himself to adapt to society.② Consequently, attaching more importance to either knowledge or experience has sparked a heated discussion.

①独立主格结构引出话题背 景,即越来越严峻的就业形 势使大学生更重视提髙自己

②引出更重视知识还是更注重 经验;Has sparked a heated discussion“引起激烈讨论”

③Those who claim knowledge plays a greater role argue that but for a solid academic foundation, we would not be capable of achieving any thing in a particular field.④That knowledge is power is often cited by them to prove the value of knowledge.⑤ Others, however,hold that a certain amount of social experie

nce has become a must for being a qualified employee.⑥Who will employ one without a bit of social experience to get on well with others or deal with actual difficulties?

⑦Personally,though either side makes sense to a certain extent, only focusing on one aspect will prove to be inadequate to make one succeed.⑧ Only by laying equal emphasis on knowledge and experience can webe qualified university graduates.

③引出一方观点;but for... would not be capable of."虚 拟语气的运用体现了对句子 结构的把握力




⑦提出个人的观点;proveto be inadequate to是高分结构

⑧倒装结构指出知识和经验并 重才是合格的大学毕业生

【预测作文10】 New Approaches to Address the Energy Crisis



我的看法…… 范文与点评
New Approaches to Address the Energy Crisis ?
With the energy crisis getting intensified,many a country is developing new energies and sparing no effort to apply them to every possible aspect of life ?Such energies as solar energy,hydro-energyhave aroused the attention of the public.
③We name new energies as new inthat most of them are comparatively environmentally-friendly.④ Unlike the traditional fossil energies, if properly operated,new energies won'timpose a noticeably negative impact on the environment.⑤ Besides, these energies won't be as exhaustible as traditional ones like coal and oil, thuspossibly satisfying the evei^soaring demand for energies.
?However, before we actually apply such energies to our life, there is still a problem to be addressed. ⑦The negative impacts of traditional energies have been repeatedly assessed and validated,but what detrimental consequencespossibly brought about bynew energiesremain a puzzle.⑧However, I am fullyconvinced thatwith the further scientific advances, I am fully convinced that this problem will be solved and we are expecting the coming of the era of new energies.
①用独立主格结构引出了话题 背景,指出能源危机使新能 源的开发和利用成为必然
④对比传统能源,说明新能的 源优势一是对环境没有负面 影响;impose a noticeably nega-tive impact on是高分 表达
⑤新能源的优势二是取之不 尽,用之不竭i thus possibly satisfying作结果棚
⑥提出新能源尚存在问题;髙 分结构to be addressed不定 式的被动结构作后置定语
【预测作文11】 Approaches to Get Adapted to the Society

1. 很多同学感觉毕业后很难融入社会

2. 分析这一问题产生的原因

3. 我的看法……


Approaches to Get Adapted to the Society

① Many university graduates often feel it difficult to get integrated Into society and this phenomenon has brought them much anxiety and bitterness.②What are the reasons behind this phenomenon?

③ The failure to get adapted to the social life can be attributed to two aspects.?First of all,most of the university students focus the vast majority of their time on studying knowledge from the books, thus making them have no opportunity to get close contact with the actual life.⑤Besides,lack of the interpersonal skills is also a key element that makes the newly-graduates unable to get on well with others.

?To well address this issue,we are supposed to attend social activities of all sorts so as to well understand what is going on around us. ?Besides, initiatively and actively communicating with others is also a vital means to help us avoid being detached. ⑧ As kmg as we spare no efTort to improve our interpersonal skills and the understanding of the current society, we may finally get incorporated into this colorful and appealing world.

①开门见山提出话题;get integrated into为亮点短语


③段首提出中心句;高分词汇 be attributed to“归因于”

④原因之一:学习课本知识的 时间过多,接触社会的机会 少

⑤原因之二:缺乏交际能力,不 能很好地与他人沟通


⑦建议二:主动与人交流, initiatively, actively两个词压 尾韵,有气势

⑧总结全文,指出要提髙自身 交际能力,融人社会;As long as we spare no effort to 为亮点表达

【预测作文12】 The Significance of Non-automobile Day

1. 政府积极组织无车日活动

2. 无车日活动发起的原因和重要意义

3. 我的看法……


The SignlHcance of Non-automobile Day ① To promote the environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient traveling means,Non-automobile Day is one of many meaningful activities launched by the government.②Its valuehas been gradually recognized.

③ This activity has its particular significance against the background of deteriorating environment.

①开篇提出了无车日活动的 背景


③#明无车日活动的特殊意 义;against the background of为加分短语

④ With living standards raised tremendously* an increasing number ofpeople can afford a private car, which has resulted in a series of negative consequences.⑤ Traffic jams, accidents and emissions from the cars have ailposed a threat to the survival ⑥ The Non-automobile Day has aroased the interest of the public in taking green travel means and leading an environnientally-frieiidly Mfe.

⑦Tofundamentally addressthe problemsarising from the popularization of pri

vate cars,Non-automobile Day as a one-day activity is indeed not enough.⑧ I strongly propose that a chain of such activities should be launched to enhance the awareness of each citizen. What's more,green travel means such aspublic transportation vehicles should as well be improved to be more comfortable and convenient.

④独立主格结构进一步介绍 私家车的普及带来了一系 列负面影响

⑤具体指出私家车普及带来 的问题,说明无车日活动 的迫切性

⑥指出无车日的具体意义: 使大众认识到绿色出行和 环保生活的意义


⑧表明个人立场:支持无车 日活动,强烈建议绿色 出行

【预测作文13】 Mischievous Distortion

1. 现在“恶搞”在网上及社会上大行其道

2. 有人觉得“恶搞”值得欣赏

3. 我的看法…… 范文与点评

Mischievous Distortion

① In the current real and virtual world*mis-chievous distortion is on its way. Everything could be mischievously distorted. It seems that mischievous distortion hasbecome a signature of our era.

② Some people appreciate it very much because they think it is clever and funny. Modern people are under too much pressure and they need to find a way to release the burden. Therefore,it can open people's mind andadd flavor to our stressful life. By making serious issues funny, people can relieve stress and anxiety from work and life. And they find it is totally harmless.

?As far as I'm concerned* I can't accept it, let alone appreciate it. Firstly, the pleasure is based on making fun of or playing tricks on others.④Secondly, it distorts people's normal way of thinking. When this distorted thinking becomes popular instead of being just occasional, real problemsmay occur.?So I don't think it should be encouraged or followed.

①切人主题,介绍“恶搞”在 网上及社会上大行其道; become a signature of our era “变成了时代的印记” 新颖而富有表现力

②简述有些人觉得“恶搞”值 得欣赏的观点和理由;add flavor to our stressful life 为高分表达


④推理展望,说明这种扭曲 的思维方式一旦蓃延成习 惯后果堪忧

⑤总结全文,再次强调“恶 搞”不值得鼓励也不值得 模仿

【预测作文14】 Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?

1. 目前大学毕业生就业竞争非常激烈

2. 有人认为去找工作不如自己创业

3. 我的看法……

Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?

① With the job market getting more and more

competitive, college students feel less and less like the "the God's favored one”. ? when a diploma can not guarantee a job, the college graduates have to try all means to prove that they are more qualified than many other job-huntersand finallymay ge

t no more than a bread-earning job.

③ Somepeople arguethat this situation only demonstrates the necessity of starting one's own business. For one thing,they can not only avoid the fierce competition in the job market but also feel free to choose his own favorite field For another, being one's own boss gives the sense of freedom and authority.

④I admire the spirit of opening up a new way and being the destiny's master, but I think young students should consider the following aspects before they start hastily. First, can we get the starting fund? Second, are we ready to take the pressure of enduring all the stresses from different directions?⑤We are suggested thatlook before you leap.

①开头两处比较级的运用, 巨大失落感形成鲜明对照

①以辩证法意味的句式开头, 显出雄辩的气势,结尾巧妙 地用非限制性定语从句轻松 引出下一段

②先排除某些个别现象并为引 出主要矛盾作好铺垫,然后 描述这种两难的境地

③指出两种人的不同 existence comes first语言地 道,表达力强

④表达个人观点潇洒大度,观 点的冲突不意味着一定要把 对方驳得体无完肤

②勾勒现代大学生的求职困 境;try all means to, no more than均为加分词组

③承上启下,转人论证自己 创业的必要性:一是避免 激烈的社会竞争;二是自 由选择喜爱的行业;三是 自己当老板的自由感

④表达个人观点:钦佩这种 不走寻常路和作命运主人 的精神,但不能冒进,而要 考虑各种因素;admire the spirit of, be the destiny's master都值得模仿

⑤“三思而后行”,成语结尾 干脆有力

【预测作文15】 Money or Dream

1. 现在的大学生有更多的自由决定将来的从业方向

2. 在进行抉择时,有人现实,有人坚持理想

3. 我的看法…… 范文与点评

Money or Dream

①It is bad that college students now can not get a job distributed by the government like their big brothers and sisters got,while it is good that college students, after getting enrolled, can still have some freedom to decide on their future career,which requires much serious thinking.

②One should feel lucky if his dream career is also well-paid. Most likely,one has to decide painfully between money and dream.③Some people hold that existence comes first, so they always put their concern on the salary and promotionprospects of a career. However, others stick to their dreams in spite of the practical difficulties.
④As for me, I admire those people who can hold on to their dreams* but I can't be that romantic.⑤ When possible, I will try to combine my ideal with

the reality. But when they clash,without hesitation,⑤理想和现实相冲突时,选择

I will choose the job that can support me and my现实,但业余时间里为理想

future family, whereas in my free time, I will 留下一席之地,态度有进有

alwaysreserveaplace in my heart formy dream. 退务实而周到

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